Apparently hushmail didnt solve the problem, so now they have a new message right at the top of the OTC minutes:
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
Apparently there are all sorts of measures being taken to try to stem the flow of information outside the bubble. One might ask why that is of such concern. Of course it is merely information they WANT to impart to the “OTC members” — if it is true, how could it be so damaging? But that is like asking why if you are opening a building that you hope to get new people to come into, don’t you allow them to the opening?
Anyway, some people inside the bubble are commenting that suddenly they stopped receiving the usual torrent of mail and other comm from orgs – quite arbitrarily, without having being deadfiled or even doing anything to warrant it. It appears the local OSA personnel have been told to take anyone even suspected of being disaffected – or just no longer active for a long time – off non-promotional mailing lists. The OTC I/Cs have been ordered to scrub all inactive members from their lists as a priority.
As for the OTCs, their structures are becoming increasingly regimented, with the “OT Ambassadors” and even normal OTC members taking on duties that have always been done by staff (like Claire Taylor – the regional OTA I/C for the LA area – doing event call-in; or Sally Jensen, who is the “Continental OTA I/C Americas”). Some have speculated that this is to offset dwindling staff numbers.
But, despite the fingers in the dikes, the flow of OTC emails has not abated.
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014
From: Valley Org <[email protected]>
Subject: Valley Org OTC Minutes, April 8, 2014MINUTES
April 8, 2014Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES Kathy Welch, Kathie Heard, Mary Lee Krackow, Karen Brown, Charlene Thorburn, David Wilson, Scott Kreisberg, Mark Anderson, Kathy Di Galbo, Ralph Temps, Bob Brooks, Linda Massey, Bob Welch, Vered Ziv, Avner Golan, Bo Ellison, Marty Kassowitz, Bobbi Kassowitz, Lauren Perreau
Kathie Heard and Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the purpose of the OT Central Committee.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 47 to 58
Division 2 – Kathy Welch for Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $3046 to $191
Division 4 – Kathy Welch for Tamara Dahill
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 236.25 to 237
# of all GAT2 starts – Down from 10 to 4
# of Events & Briefings Held – Down from 1 to 0
# of Books Sold – Down from 2 to 3
# of Pre-OTs onto their next step – Even at 0
# of Clears onto their next step – Up from 1 to 2Division 5 – Kathy Welch for Mary Ann O’Donnell
# of Route to Knowledge starts – Even at 5
Division 6 – Charlene Thorburn
Meeting Attendance – Up from 21 to 35
Kathy Welch mentioned the successful action two weeks prior of having the OTC members who were present at the meeting call and / or text others to increase the OTC meeting attendance.
The Int’l Landlord’s Office prepared and sent over two surveys. All the OTC members took the survey data with each other and handed in the results. This action begins a project to get several hundred surveys done prior to the marketing design step in our new campaign. Friday at PAC Base there is a combined graduation for all LA area orgs. This will be a good time to get many surveys complete. Everyone in Los Angeles should be getting Valley done!
Jennifer Jacobson announced the Dianetics Anniversary International Bookathon starting April 10th through April 17th.
Reminder: Carol Loweree announced new events coming up on April 10th “Truth about Gangs” with a Mission Statement. And a Happy House WTH event on the 12th.
Carol and Kathy Morrill are helping with organizing and production with community groups in the Valley.
On the 12th of April, “Salute the Kids” Event will present the Drug Free Marshalls from 10am to 2:00pm at Reseda Park at Victory.
Reminder: On May 17th the 9th Annual Poker Party at “Bart Simpson’s house” is being produced by our own Honorary Mayor of the Valley. Please tell your neighbors they are welcome. 1:30 pm to 8:00pm
Valley Week at the Freewinds was announced for May 1st – 8th. Package price includes flight, accomos and a week of special events. Ports of call include Barbados, St. Kitts, Dominica, St. Lucia and Antigua.
Reminder: Dean Glosup dressed up to support Our new theme is “Ride to the Finish!” Target is move up to 6,000 donors.
Reminder: Carroll Loweree announced the “Love It Forward” program: promoting random acts of kindness! She briefed us on the program and recent activities.
OTC members went into production completing surveys on all OTC members. The meeting was ended.
Income $191? All GAT2 starts 4? Books sold 3? Pre-OTs on their next step “even” at 0? Hardly straight up and vertical right there in the Valley, so close to the Ideal PAC and Ideal Pasadena and not far from the Ideal Orange County and Ideal Inglewood, all BOOMING and creating a huge and expanding field. And poor old Valley isnt seeing any of it….
And that Kathy Welch sure seems to be busy…. (Or everyone else is just slacking off)
If they had ANY sort of stats that were worth a shit they wouldn’t care WHO got their emails. They’d be proud.
Miscadaverage knows that lots of people reading these pathetic emails are old veterans who know how to do it right and get real production, and he can’t stand that they did better than him in the real world, not just on lined stat graph paper. That’s why he declared them and threw them out.
Geeze Dave, how have you managed to create so much animosity towards yourself? Fucking people over?
It is a high crime to permit an arc broken field. And just LOOK at you this week!
Scientology doesn’t have a heaven:
Active Members – Up from 47 to 58
Meeting Attendance – Up from 21 to 35
47 – 21 = 26
58 – 35 = 23
Question: What/Who is an Active Member?
Think about above calculation!
23 is less than 26
think cleaning the lists up from all those that are not active will be a very interacting activity.
So they are going to reduce their sphere of influence and their promotion of their cause. They will also have to look at the real cold hard truth: in each area the only really active ones who are left to communicate with are so few in number that there is little more they can do but drive each other batty by stat-pushing themselves.
If they pull in and reduce their communication with the outside world, which DM is doing more and more, they will expedite the coming collapse.
As many have said before: Nobody really needs to do anything to expedite the coming collapse. The church, lead by its selfproclaimed Pope, is doing such a fine job of it all by itself!
Right! You’re cracking me up, MJ 🙂
One would think that the OT8’s would be profoundly capable of creating a technology that far surpasses that of the wog www environment, hence producing the state of the art in secure communications. They’d even make the NSA bow down, and rapidly achieve their goal of world domination. I’d sign up for their services at that point.
Well, the results are in. David Miscavige is no longer just, “out of favor with Gods”. The Gods are out to get him.
I bet you there is or is going to be sec checks to find these leaks from all these OTCs. There will be the formal kind, at Flag, and there will also be some of those swinishly suspicious less formal ones, done in the early hours of the morning by poorly trained, tired out, baited and badgered missionaires in the basement offices of the Valley OTC. There’s only a small percentage of these people actually passing these on to the fringes of the internet, but, in true current SO esprit, they’ll all be suspected of being guilty even when they’re not.
But, I promise you – even the most seemingly dedicated of these people are piled up with doubts and reservations by now, and there are dirty needles aplenty, all indicators of the missed missed withhold. What’s the missed withhold? Every one of these people KNEW these orders were off policy when they began them, but their love of Scientology and their love of management told them to give them the benefit of the doubt, anyway. International Management of Scientology has almost always been bonkers but it’s always been part of our code to not criticize and back them up anyway. That’s why everyone stays in long after they felt it was wrong.
Now there are too many of them who have gone to sleep at night thinking, “I doubted myself for a long time, but now I am certain of it, our Emperor is not wearing any clothes! I wonder if the others have noticed! Also I notice his decrees are not expanding the Empire!” And there will be missionaires hearing that when they pull the W/H and they’ll be thinking, “You know, I have noticed the same thing!!!” And they’ll blow together, run over to Karen’s house for tea and crumpets, admire the paintings, laugh with Jeff and get a whole new video series going.
“Nobody can be half in and half out of Scientology”? Sorry, Ron; you got that one wrong. Maybe that’s been so at times in the past, but it hasn’t been that way in the orgs for a long time. Most everybody in the orgs are at least half out. AT LEAST. I talk with LOTS of people who are still in through facebook and Skype. You’d have to be crazy to not see how off-policy it’s become. And these people are not crazy; they’re hypnotized and programmed, but they are not crazy.
I think that everyone in the orgs these days are shuffling around like extras in the movie, “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”. I did that too, for some time, and I think many here have. But even when you are in the deep hypnotic sleep of being a staff member or parishioner these days, the inherent Bull Shit detector ( a cousin of the File Clerk ) remains active in us all. And, there comes a point in everyones life where that detector flips a switch and tells you to walk away from it – quickly, and without asking for anyone’s approval.
No shit Dan!
Excellent comment. One waits around, hanging on often because one does not know where to get answers from. Of course, the Internet is virtually the only safe place, and it beckons. And once one has overcome the programming against entheta, miraculously you find answers and liberation 🙂
GAG II is the doomsday machine for Scientology.
It’s the climax where you choke in the kool-aid.
On the kool-aid.
“…why if you are opening a building that you hope to get new people to come into, don’t you allow them to the opening?”
Wow, just wow. So obvious, hidden in plain sight, but so important to stress.
Boy, would that look good on some signs at a demonstration.
Or to ask anyone in the bubble. What could possibly be the response?
Response is simple: It’s command intention.
Marketing design step of our new campaign?? Translation: We need to find your buttons so we can push them, so you’ll fork over the cash. There’s only hundreds of millions stashed away but we need MORE. It’s hard to believe with Scn falling apart, all they care about is the damn buildings. Unbelievable.
Totally correct, Hallie Jane. It’s not about delivery at all. The CoS is in the grip of – god help us – administrators.
Come to think of it, I’ve received very little junk mail from the RCS lately. “A good thing”, as Martha Stewart
would say. I used to just throw it unopened into a box I kept expressly for this purpose in my closet. When it became full I would bring it down to my storage unit, empty it out and cart it back up for the next onslaught
And this went on for many years, when I was in good standing..
What I like most about the junk mail are the personalized success stories from the likes of R.G., P.K. and B.L. Oh, and don’t forget G.S.
You know what’s kind of funny? The org seems to have given up on me. No more fun phone calls or unannounced visits. Gee guys, are you ARC broken with me?
Mike you are really doing the people still in quite a service by helping to reduce the flow of crazy emails they get. What a fringe benefit they are getting and don’t even know that they should be thanking you. 🙂
Ponzi schemes do collapse.
This one is very near.
Being on any OT committee is really difficult.
They can’t get anything done.
Look at their stats – pitiful for the “fastest growing religion” in the World.
Sold 1 book in a City of millions?
I think the stats of someone actually coming in to do a service from reading a book is like 1 in 10,000 books sold. It may even be worse with the internet and media blasting the truth about Scientology daily!
Good luck Valley Org with that ole policy – “Book Sales Boom Orgs”.
Welcome to PT – with the truth about Scientology at anyone’s fingertips (the net) – it is never going to happen – EVER! Scientology is so dead!
Thanks again Mike for keeping it real.
Consider this: One day the entire active membership will come down to just Dave, Lou, Kirstie and John Allender. And still Mike will be posting their secret communications. They’ll circle each other warily, knives drawn, trying to root out the mole. Through trillions and zillions of years.
Guess they’ll have to renew their contracts.
It’ll be Davey and Lou, and there will still be leaks.
Ooh ooh the mole is John Allender! I knew it! No wait, it’s Lou.
Obi Wan lied to you. Dave is your mole. Search your feelings; you know it to be true.
:oD excellent!!!
Mike, Better check the roof on your house and make sure Dave is not mounting a video camera up there to catch the stork delivering mail down your chimney.
Okay, you’ve forced a confession – it’s me.
Well that explains the sudden lack of junk scientology promo in my mail box.
Just wanted to say this about the OTCs:
Being part of those groups is miserable; the things you are asked to do, and the involvement of your life hours on futile endeavors is just mind numbingly discouraging. I went to ONE meeting of one of the Flag OT committees and I’ve never seen such a sorry-assed bunch of unhappy people trying to mock up a good time and that they were somehow doing what they were supposed to and were going to get some greater reward doled out for their dedication, like being allowed to continue to pay 30K a year to Flag to be “on the Level”, on top of the incessant demands for money for everything.
These are people that have so trained themselves away from being able to experience the joys that life has to offer, that they can only “give give give for the greatest number of dynamics”.
I actually have some sympathy for them.
Know what you mean John Doe. Reminds me of this. Your suffering will be legendary, even in Hell.:
I can think of a really low tech way for the OTC to figure out who is providing this information but these guys have had their thinking so stultified that such an easy solution is beyond them My guess is that they are probably being subjected to emeter checks and out of ideas after that.
Please don’t tell them how to fine the mole or moles. We love the entertainment and don’t want it to stop!
Oh, don’t worry Cindy. The thought of helping that madness that is the RCS is actually abhorrent to me. They’ve taken enough blood and treasure from me.
They’ve cleaned up their mailing lists so that uninterested people are no longer receiving the daily onslaught of unwanted junk mail? Thank God!
To get myself off of all of the Scientology related mailing lists, I had to borrow letterhead from a lawyer friend and write repeated letters threatening legal action if they didn’t remove my address from their lists. Not having a home address, they were all mailing it to the address where I worked! You should have seen the looks I was receiving from our receptionist when she delivered a pile of junk mail to my desk every other day. After three such threatening letters over 3 months, the mail finally stopped. I still get a one-line letter from some poor staff member writing letters to CF once in a while.
Uh, that picture with the hammer on the thumb hurts just looking at it! 🙂
All of these actions taken to try to stem the tide are more than bunker mentality, now huddled in a corner.
More like a few people in a wind tunnel holding on for dear life onto the last shreds of rightness.
“More like a few people in a wind tunnel holding on for dear life onto the last shreds of rightness.” You got that right!
As I wrote earlier.
I never had much respect for what I call the Lunatic Fringe or the False Three Social Club even when I was in but I must say whoever is leaking this raw intel deserves a medal.
My prediction is that the OT Committees will rip themselves apart in the next while trying to find Mike’s Moles.
“Reminder: On May 17th the 9th Annual Poker Party at “Bart Simpson’s house” is being produced ”
Sophisticated code there for whose house it is! LOL
“Reminder: Dean Glosup dressed up to support Our new theme is “Ride to the Finish!” Target is move up to 6,000 donors.”
I’m surprised (but glad) to hear that Dean is still around and kicking.
“# of Books Sold – Down from 2 to 3”
Now that’s tricky! So I guess they can say that all the figures that went from 3 to 0 have gone up!
The Scn bubble is now turning into a Snowglobe. At least that is what I like to call it. This little Snowglobe of wackos/zealots. Wish I knew how to shoop that.
Golden Age of Death.
GAD is here to stay, MJ. My the flood of refugees start soon…
Perfectly aligns with idle morgue strategy.
while laughing I spat my coffee everywhere…your fault!
Laurie I’ll buy you another. 😉
Some of these people will be having a “what have I done ” moment similar to this:
Errol, great film! Even greater thinking this is what is happening to the cult! And, you’re right! In just a short time, there will be many people say, “My God! What have I done!” Well done!
Errol, you may be right. I hope so.
Wow, Clears made stat is up from 1 to 2? Gee, that’s swell.
Ongoing thanks to you and your SCs Mike, for all the revealing intel
“Mike’es Moles, burrowed into an Org near you”.
Will make a mountain into a molehill.
How “clear” can one become applying altered and perverted tech?
Clears made up from 1 to 2. Maybe it is so low because Flag stole all the lower orgs’ public for Clear cycles because Flag has the “streamlined grades” that no other org has (that’s what they’ve been touting anyway), and also because at Flag most get their Clear status taken away and told they are not Clear. So at Flag they have all the Grades pcs coming up the line to make into Clears plus all the un-Clears to re-audit and re-Clear, so of course that means Flag’s Clear stats will be way higher than the lowly lower orgs’ Clear stats.
I remember a line from LRH that applies to the COB – My contempt.
I don’t understand why they don’t just make up bogus stats like miscavige does.
Since they are all super-powerful OTs they could report:
# of theta postulates put out by OTC members.
# of cool ideas dreamed up which will become reality because we are postulating someone will do them
# of SPs zaped out of existence by taking them off the mailing list
# of steely-eyed glares of disapproval given to members who aren’t contributing.
# of KRs sent to OSA ratting out disaffected members who didn’t go into propitiation when given the steely eyed glare.
# of yessirs expressed to COB, either in writing or in the “theta” universe.
# of sycophantic acknowledgments to David Miscavige and RTC for I mean preserving the Tech.
Amen and R. I. P.
That’s a great idea, but it’ll take forever to get new stats approved and the church doesn’t have that much time left!
# of people declared. In screaming affluence.
Number of certs cancelled in screaming affluence too. It’s south for David. The momentum is just too great. This thing isn’t ever going to turn around no matter how many P.I.’s are stalking, lawyers are bawling, OSA staff are suppressing.
“Down from 2 to 3” – must be some new Scientology math. Wonder if they use it when preparing their taxes.
Actually they’re math is correct if they’re target is empty spaces.
poker party at “bart simpson’s house” ?! i’m assuming ‘the mayor’ is nancy cartwright?
Is Ted gonna be there?
Yup- and she is just one of the many scieno-whales that drift in huge schools through the valley. Most of them are pretty harpoon-shy these days tho.
In fear of that big SP Captain Ahab.
Because you don’t see orgs and missions closing and sea org members leaving in packs, it is easy to think that the bubble is still intact, that the whole thing is still rolling along somehow. Then you see an email like this which is sort of like being flashed by some old geezer walking down the road. The Valley has huge numbers of Scientlogists around it, and huge numbers of OTs. This email paints a dismal picture of not imminent collapse, but actual collapse. We already figured out that stats in the Class V orgs are pretty bad. Emails like this sort of shout out -“its a lot damned worse than you think!”. It feels like it’s circling the drain. That’s what happens when you get on a wrong why and just keep hammering it for year after year. Things just go down, and down, and then down some more and then some more.
And the EP will be Dave at the bottom of the drain.
“That’s what happens when you get on a wrong why and just keep hammering it for year after year”.
Exactly, Exesso. That’s what I told the staff of my own org for a few years before I quietly faded away and withdrew my support. Good people, they were, with some of them long time staff and very trained. And yet they could not, would not see what was so very obvious to me. Go figure.
Mike, It seems that you’ve provided a valuable service. By publishing all these not-so-secret messages, you have caused COS to mercifully trim thousands of no-longer-interested parties from their email harassment distribution lists. Too bad for them that some of those SPs are lurking in their midst, ready to put the world’s fasted growing church at effect of your humble little blog.
The mathematics of failure.
58 of the most highly advanced scientologists in the Valley area were active this week, each one of these most-ethical-in-the-world stellar beings managed to put in a big 4.08 hours of contribution to the furtherment of the scientology religion! Yes folks, these top-of-the-bridge make-it-go-right kamakazi’s are leading the way in showing the rest of the field how to keep a sub-zero profile and not get into ethics trouble for it!
There was some bad news- number of books sold was “Down from 2 to 3” this week. Yup, eradication of books sold is a top priority and despite the disappointment of having one more book sold this week than last week, the team is coming together and there are going to get the number of books sold stat “Up from 3 to 0”! It’s a tough job but someone’s gotta do it.
Another top priority project for the OT Committee is keeping those pesky pre-OTs from clogging up the org- thus another big win was keeping the “# of Pre-OTs onto their next step” at a steady zero! This stat is noted as “level”. Thank goodness it is not in non-existance!
But the really big news is … night!!! We can expect a huge surge in “active members” and “volunteer hours” for that one.
Another winning week from these fine examples of what scientologists are doing to duck and cover in these stressful times.
I doubt anyone is going to top this comment today….
top-of-the-bridge make-it-go-right kamakazi’s is LOL
Otviiiisgreat thought it was good too.
Golf and now poker night. Maybe some will learn what fun is, and what they are missing out on.
I approve.
It’s strip poker whereby the IAS take it all. A variant of Texas Holdem called We Gotem.
Roy that was priceless. Still chuckling.
I guess these dismal stats wouldn’t matter a hoot from a management point of view – IF – there was a steady stream of new public going into the Orgs. But clearly there isn’t. It’s the same old faces week in week out who show up to their obligatory few hours on “the basics” or whatever. I heard from one London Org staff member recently that they were in complete apathy about getting new public in. London Org in the 70s and 80s had no such problems – lack of space actually WAS a problem then. The Div 6 courseroom was PACKED, as was the Div 4 courseroom. Maybe the OT VIIIs who are cause over – amongst other things – time, can relocate the Ideal Org from present time into the late 70s when it would have been appreciated. (Minus the FART displays of course).
Supervisors have apparently been trained to invalidate and browbeat students and treat them as “enemies” by suppressive drills on GAT 1 if not GAT 2. Sort of fits in with the antagonistic mentality of course. As well as the out-tech Ser Faccy Supervisors, also of course there is the crush regging for the last 25+ years or so, so that the students don’t want to be on lines now as they get regged non-stop for Book Packages, IAS and Idle Org donations. i.e. “interfering with students”. Quite a little concoction to utterly destroy training and thus Scientology, not forgetting of course “3 swing F/Ns” and all the other stuff. So much false data has been stuffed down their “Supervisor” throats. The Crashing Misunderstood that “Supervisors” now have is the word “tough” – they think it means you have to behave like a US Marine Drill Sergeant and get your students through the inevitable assault course (that the Org causes) of being invalidated and constantly mishandled and interrupted as students and then on top of that crush regged, chitted, mishandled in Ethics and even physically assaulted! You couldn’t make it up! No one on staff in the 70s would believe you that this has what has occurred 30-40 years later!
There used to be a post called Keeper of The Tech (KOT). It’s now been replaced, held by DM and called Reverser of The Tech or ROT for short. And you gotta give him credit cuz he’s in POWER!!!
Foolproof: “You couldn’t make it up! No one on staff in the 70s would believe you that this has what has occurred 30-40 years later!”
I agree Mike.
The biggest scam Dave has going is making these customers work as staff! First they have to buy the building. Then they have to fill it and sell the books? The burden of delivery moved further and further off the Sea Org and onto the customers. The very few customers they have left!
The number of volunteer hours (236.25 vs 237) suggests that it’s the same few people doing the same thing each month, and getting nowhere. That has GOT to wear someone down over time and eventually lead to some real truth-searching.
Proportionally so many hours to so few stats. What, indeed, were each one spending their time on, pray?
“What, indeed, were each one spending their time on, pray?” Ever been at one of these OTC gatherings? It’s a koffee klatch, where at least half the time is spent puffing up the egos of themselves and the other members for what good little Scientologists they are. The other half of the time is whispering about the degraded out-ethics non-participants.
It’s easy to get hours if you do that!
Maybe, looking for toilet paper?
Imagine being stuck in a room full of retards and morons and ya pretty much get an idea of what an OTC meeting is like.
Let’s just some it up:
Intelligence is not one of their strong points.
I went to one of their meetings for a short time (luckily someone had given me a red tagged folder or something like that so I had an excuse to get the f_ck outa Dodge) and I can honestly say that I’d rather go through an R6 Implant than attend another OT committee meeting.
You mean that’s not what it is?
“some it up”
That’s so funny 🙂
I notice my intellect goes down just writing about those maroons.
ohhhh geeee that was funny… R6 implant….ah ah ah ah
I attended only one of these OT committees, the OT 8 speaker was so full of himself! He got annoyed with me because I uttered something funny at some point and he accused me in front of everyone “to steal his thunder”
I left a bit confused about the greatness of the state of Being of an OT8. Never attended another committee ever.
You stole his “thunder ” Laurie? Sounds more like you exposed his petulance.
Shouldn’t he have unlimited access to “thunder” as an OT 8? I would be embarrassed to be at the top of the Bridge and an utter such a statement in front of an audience. It seems like grace, humility and a sense of humor would be just some of the hallmarks of a real OT.
OT redefined as “To be just like Dave.”
that is precisely it KF. When I joined I understood we would become all “nice” people…well on the contrary I noticed that the higher people went the harder and harsher they became with MegaEgos and able to lie for petty reasons. How shocking really.
I still believe in the Tech of Ron though and will definitely try the “other” route.
If you really look at it, with the stopping of e mails and ‘ensure OTC data” does not get out either, what is actually occurring is CUTTING COMM. You will have the consequent effects of becoming less Real to others, less Affinity with the rest of the group and so on.
As far as the OTC doing staff duties I think goes more along the line of controlling them tightly all with the intent to ‘blame’ them if things go wrong, nullify them, invalidate them and end destroying the last straws within the structure of the church of madness.
Yes, OSA can demand to cut the lines and control OTC but, by doing so, they are causing a rapid disappearance; so, please carry on, you are getting there, soon you will start attacking each other and that will be the end of it all. Good luck.
The comm was cut years (decades?) ago by only allowing approved party line comm and labelling everything else as ethics bait entheta. This inability to reflect and communicate has given us the blessings of blogs. Thank goodness, so much freer out than in.
Borgs hate blogs.
OSA – Office of Suppressive Anti-social Personalities, to be renamed OSAP, and they should be disbanded ASAP.
Very Apt. Or perhaps Office of Suppressives and Antisocials = OSA.
That works too Roy. Also – Office of Antedeluvian Stasi.
I guess that would be OAS. Office of Suborned Accomplices would also work. Let’s send it up for Issue Authority.
And all along I thought it was the Office of Supressive Assholes. I think I’m going to stick with that until further notice.
Yo Dave, would you pahleeeze get your grody leaky shorts over to the room with the suppressive assholes and get those damn leaks slowed down. This is getting ridiculous and I think you may be the only remaining ass hole in the universe that still has leaks needing to be plugged. Get on it will ya!!
It’s funny but I keep trying to solve the church’s problem, so you can ignore this comment if you wish. If I were doing it, I would disband the OTC as duplicative of the org functions. Get those who are gung-ho on the OTC on staff contracts. That would certainly separate the men from the boys, the wheat from the chaff. Even a part time contract in the org would be better than setting up duplicative functions to the org. It does occur to me there may no longer be part time contacts offered.
The real solution is to get rid of Dave.
Widow Denk – they try that tactic with OTC members. Once my friend on the OTC told me they were extremely pissed – the staff hoodwinked them into signing some form of staff contract – they said it was just playing and postulating…until that person tried to get on the OT levels – then it was a very serious out ethical offense that they did not honor this contract! Lots of money was requested to make up the damage and the person walked out and never went back in!
I vote for Dave to stay to the bitter end so he can enjoy the full power of the worldwide suppressive radar operators who will bring a slow agonizing death to He who is the Only One who has any chance to finally bring the ship of fools right.
Howz that sound Dan?
Idle Morgue — probably a stat push (contract signed) rather than have the OTC member contribute to the org as a staff member. Back in 1986, 1987, 1988 when I worked at Bridge Publications with Writers of the Future, attempts were made to get me to sign a week-to-week contract. The contract was not needed so I said no. No recruitment stats were generated.
It depends. If the org staff is falling appart, duplicating the function is a good thing. Not that I think an OT-manned org would be a good idea as such.
“Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.”
Well that certainly worked well didn’t it? 😉
I really hope it’s the committee leaders forwarding this stuff. How awesome would it be if their top muppets had seen the light and were taking the cult down from within.
Sorry, due to economic reasons the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off….
How about forwarding them for no reason? 🙂
That works for me. Gavino?
Seriously, Sci411, I’m sitting here just laughing my ass off! As a former stand-up comic, again I say: Now that’s some funny shit!
Much obliged 🙂
Why does ‘# of Books Sold’ say “Down from 1 to 2”? Are they auto-entering the DOWN part because it’s quicker, and forgot to change it? 🙂
Sorry, “2 to 3”
This is so funny. The current scene in Scientology is wonderfully dripping with outpoints.
Are there any DSEC graduates left in Scientology?
I remember it used to be a requirement for B1 Staff and FCB had an Evaluators Section at one time which according to rumor was pretty much wiped out along with Incom which had some DSEC grads as well.
They used to have a course called the Elementary Data Series Course written by Mary Sue which was pretty good. It pretty much covered all the DS PLs but was not as intense as her hubby’s course.
(On Ron’s course I think you actually had to several evals that actually improved the situation before you could graduate.)
No doubt both these courses have been tossed down some memory hole. Particularly the latter since it was compiled by one of those evil editors who has since been erased from Scientology’s history as an “unperson”.
I figure sooner or later they’ll get around to erasing the Ol’man too which they’ve pretty much done internally since most Orgs operate on what are aptly called SPDs for Scientology Policy Directives which have nothing to do with the refs they cite in the beginning.
Call ’em cognitive dissonance in Black and White which is their color flash.
Then of course there is all their “tech” (if you are being generous) which is not based on the HCOBs but on the “drills” which are allegedly based on the HCOBs but is actually derivative technology. In other words squirrel.
But I digress.
Back to evals.
I mean who needs to do an eval if you already know what the situation and the why is?
Which is pretty much how the Org operates these days.
That reminds me.
I forgot to include in my list of top ten org follies Miscavige’s so called “eval” preceding the Golden Age of Tech which in my opinion was a joke masquerading as an “eval”.
Though I did mention the punch line which of course was the Golden Age of Tech.
Anyway Vinaire.
My summary of the scene.
Whatever anyone thinks of eval tech. The fact is it was an effort at self examination and finding the cause of the situation based on one’s own actions instead of assuming that the “Why is God” or a bunch of “bitter defrocked apostates” or the “evil psyches” or “big pharma” or whatever are responsible for the Orgs decline.
And to answer your question.
I don’t think there is anyone in the Org these days who knows what an evaluation actually is according to the Data Series.
I mean they don’t know what eval is in the sense of the Auditors Code since they are telling everybody that they have to redo the Grade Chart.
Not that there aren’t such things as “Bypassed Cases” but only a few fit into that category.
Just like only a few according to the policies are actual “SPs”.
Yet it seems that like the country under who was chosen to be their Constantine that if you are not for them then you are against them which is now the new definition of “SP”.
KSW has become keep selling whales.
Yep that’s pretty much it.
Personally I think the Church has moved into its suicidal phase by getting these status hungry “OT VIIIs” to go back and do the purif and objectives.
They think the fall out was bad from all us auditors getting our certs illegal canceled.
I mean auditors themselves were never a great source of revenue ’cause most of us were cheap stingy bastards. Many of us making more money by auditing than we spent on services.
Probably why we were no longer considered that valuable by the Junta despite what Ron said about us all in “Open Channel”.
(From what I heard from a representative from the Magic Kingdom Dave was practically slumming it by doing an Auditors Day event but I digress…)
But these wales have been lining their pockets for years.
(Not just Dave but the whole Donno Machine making big commishs from all that blubber.)
I mean this guys probably drop about a fraction of one percent of their income on donations and even less for actual services and are pretty much treated by the groveling serfs like say the Romanoffs.
So I’m sure its a “severe reality adjustment” to find themselves at the bottom of the bridge again.
If there is anyone backing the lil’ moron up which I’ve always suspected there was. They’ve probably already developed an exit strategy since they don’t need a weather man to tell them which way the wind is gonna blow on this.
Thus if those of you thought the original GAT was a humongous flap.
In my opinion you ain’t seen nothing yet.
There’s now a new status for the biggest Patronus Erectus – Harpooned with Honors. They get to dine with TC and DM and are guaranteed one whale of a time.
You mean Cap’n Ahab and Starbuck?
And it’s a wale of a time for all the Moby Dick heads 😉
I took the Hubbard Elementary Data Series Evaluators Course after GAT I was released because it was untainted by GAT I. I loved it.
I agree Rachel,
It was a great little course (well little compared to the full HDSEC). Much better than that squirrelly evaluators course in the Squirrel Handbook (like most glossy books, thick and crammed with disiformation like say the later edition of WTFIS) in my opinion.
“KSW has become keep selling whales.” LOL! That’s a new one. Haha!
# of books sold. Down from 2 to 3.
They are so used to down stats when they get an up stat they don’t recognize it.
LOL I noticed that too…
No one never learned them no arithmetic no how, know what I mean?
I was thinking the same thing, RLR! They’re so overwhelmed by bottomed out stats, that, when they get an increase, they just don’t see it! What was that ship? Oh yeah! The Titanic!
I noticed that too. I like your interpretation of it!
I bet I could sell more books and stuff in an hour at the local flea market.
There are Ebay sellers that do more stats and the books are a couple of bucks. I can get the entire basics for $25 now.
Corrected semicolons and all?
I am one of those persons who has been dropped from the OTC minutes emails. I must admit, I DO miss the entertainment.
Can’t say I do. 😉
Oh, c’mon MJ! Be a sport! It’s fun and entertaining to to read the OTC announcements! It just cracks me up to read,” Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason!” And it shows up on Mike’s Blog! This is a hoot if you ask me! C’mon, MJ, get into the party mood! Imagine how pissed off the dwarfenfuror is right now! No matter what he says about keeping everything secure, they still get posted in critic’s sites! I’m laughing myself silly right now…
Sorry, but I disagree Old Surfer Dude. When I want a really good laugh I always watch the video of Tommy Davis denying there is such a thing as disconnection. Now that’s some funny shit!
*turns on interrogation light*
That’s what you’d say if you wanted us to believe you’re not the leaker! 😉
Well, I’m not in the loop on those either. It’s a Greek tragedy-comedy in every sense.
I feel for all of us humans. Our minds are so malleable. We can believe the strangest things with the uttermost conviction.
Not quite fully evolved from apes, we dream of being human and reaching beyond. Our longing can be so great that we fall easy prey to the latest leader promising the path.
All the time, all the answers are within us, if we can be silent long enough to hear. We are all much more, much wiser, and much closer to the truth than Scientology permitted us to believe.
I find I have the deepest empathy for those who are still in. And I have the deepest empathy for my earlier self when I was in. A true Greek tragedy-comedy in every sense.
“Kathy Welch mentioned the successful action two weeks prior of having the OTC members who were present at the meeting call and / or text others to increase the OTC meeting attendance.”
ummm…duh! I guess informing others that there is a meeting would be a “successful action” if one wants anyone to show up.
Yes, and an upstat. How about quantifying number of potential OTC members discussed in meetings as a new stat? Up from 0 to 1,000.
Kathy Welch’s successful action of calling and texting people about the meeting??? The poor souls – the stats are just pitiful! But continue – please – knock yourself out!
and the church while you’re at it.
Makes me just wanna jump in and contribute. How about you guys?
Well, we could certainly expect OSA to try to put the clamp down on all the leaks, but their draconian methods are going to be for naught. They have NO IDEA how many disaffected people are flying under the radar right now. And the more they try to plug the holes in the dam, the worse the pressure on the holes they don’t know about and the bigger the cracks are going to become. Don’t these guys know anything about history and human nature? They are fighting the same losing battle every dictatorial regime has ever fought and they lose every single time. The Church of Scientology is no exception.
As to the OTC Minutes, I got a few survey answers for them 🙂 Why don’t they ask themselves why they think they need such a monstrosity of a building given their pathetic statistics? Why don’t they find out what the people in their neighborhood ACTUALLY think of Scientology and start doing something about their unbelievably bad PR image? Why don’t they ask a few Scientologists what they REALLY think about giving even more money to a lost cause, especially when it’s now all over the media that the Church has salted away billions in reserves and could buy 1,000 Valley Org buildings and renovate them all without even blinking? (no hyperbole there – they really could by 1,000 of them)
I can only watch in open-mouthed amazement at the blindness of those still in and the unmitigated stupidity of OSA in their attempts to squelch free thought and free communication, all in direct violation of the very Creed of the Church of Scientology.
” They have NO IDEA how many disaffected people are flying under the radar right now.!
This is soooo TRUE Chris
I think it may be even have become acceptable to fly under the radar and still be connected to church activities. People have accepted that they need to do a balancing act to keep all aspects of their lives in order (family, job, friends, etc., including their desire for the truth about their religion, which they cannot get from inside the bubble), and I will bet that agreement is building up that this kind of behavior is okay. Soon it will even stop reading on sec check questions! Note to DM: you have lost.
Dan, if everybody else loses and Dave comes out on top, hasn’t he won?
I agree Chris….it is totally beyond me
that those folks can sit in that meeting,
hear those stats and not comment on these
red flags and idiotic solutions.
I too can only watch in open-mouth amazement
at their blindness and stupidity.
I can see the day coming where they are sitting in
their home wondering….what do I do now?
Having so recently come from that world, Chris, is it really that hard now to figure out the mindset? Many exes seem to take far far longer to free themselves of the blindness. You’ve definitely gone for the big waterslide into the lake of truth, rather than starting off paddling about in the kiddie pool.
Given that so many are under the radar, I thinking the idea that those still “in” are blind is now more myth than fact. They are playing catch with live grenades in a minefield.
The only game where everyone wins? Broad generality. Who is “everyone”? Mustravage?
The only game where nobody wins including MisCarnage or should I say MrCarnage.
Good point DollarMorgue. There are definitely those still in who are actually all the way out but are just playing along. I don’t happen to think those are the people who are writing the OT Committee minutes, though. They’ve still got plenty who are swimming in the cognitive dissonance. But that number appears to be decreasing with each passing day.
OSAs next move will be to saunter in on the next Valley Morgue OTC meeting and stick a knife in the table……. “WE ARE HEAR TO FIX THE FUCKING LEAK!”
Then they can spell out their ‘Terms of Endearment’.
Yo Dave the Dingleberry…………..I think you are going to have to get more involved with the OSA Bots if you expect them to do their job. They are obviously out gunned and out manned when it comes to controlling a few simple comm lines. If you bring your mouth along with you I think you could get the attention of those CSMFAHOHB and perhaps stop some of the drivel leaking out of the OTC stat holes. Good luck with that.
Poor Dave – works so hard and this is the thanks he gets. Since sympathy is low toned, I’ll be strong and not cry.
“I thinking the idea that those still “in” are blind is now more myth than fact”–I don’t think this is the case. My observation is there are many people that support GATII, love super power and think the church is doing great and they truly believe. They don’t read the internet or anything negative so they will never know. Just what I witness daily.
Pete2, some people are model scientologists right up until they aren’t.
DollarMorgue, so what is the “tipping point” you have seen because I would sure like to witness it in my situation?
Yes, but you are using something like common sense and logic. 🙂
To question fundraising and Ideal Orgs would mean to question His Dictatorness himself – who “HAS to be right”, no matter how insane things get and at what cost; and everybody inside the bubble has to make him right too … or else! To apply logic or some sane thoughts would “make COB wrong” entailing serious consequences. Even pointing to policy does not protect you from repercussions and some sort of punishment.
In every suppressive regime the dictator “has to be right” to the bitter end. The insanity inside the cult is causing the inevitable downfall.
YOU CAN BE RIGHT does not apply as it is not Command Intention. Dave, my distaste and disgust for your rule grows daily.
Blindness and stupidity.
That describes their scene.
They did surveys about Ideal Orgs a few years ago. They have a column on the side of the survey used for STAFF only. If the answer is below 2.0 – it is discarded and not counted.
Now – who in their right mind can do these survey’s and not think it is wrong to take out all negative feedback? Well, a person with cognitive dissonance, that is who. A died-in-the-wool Scientology where A=A=A on the subject of anything, ANYTHING said about Scientology that is not waxing enthusiasm. A clear sign of insanity!
They accidentally sent me a survey with this information on.
When I asked them about it – they said “oops, you were not suppose to see that”.
“Oops TOO LATE!”
Oh my God, that’s both sad and hilarious. I’m surprised they don’t go the extra mile and offer to fill them out for parishioners in order to ensure the “right” answers.