For posterity’s sake.
Sept 23, 2014
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Kathie Heard, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, Karen Brown, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Avi Lonstein, Dean Glosup, Mark Anderson, Ralph Temps, Bob Brooks, Vered Ziv, Heelah Cohen, Linda Massey, Vera Seidler, Lauren Perreau, Chuck Jacobs, Kathy DiGalbo, Bobbi Kassowitz, Marty Kassowitz, Bob Welch, Ben Ghiora, Sue Kattoo, Jill Kirsch, Ray Loomis, Solomon Melnick
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 64 to 61
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $515,605 to $253,258
Division 4 – Kathy Welch for Tamara Dahill
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 218.25 to 331.75
# of Events & Briefings Held – Up from 0 to 7
# of Service Starts – Up from 4 to 11
Division 6 – Charlene Thorburn
Meeting Attendance – Down from 41 to 28
Kathy Welch introduced Avi Lonstein who returned recently from Flag. He gave his wins on the SRD and Superpower particularly the Perception Rundown.
Then Kathy briefed us on the successes at Saturday’s event, the speeches by the Boyers from Orange County, and the many donations of $161,000 from our fabulous field and OTC.
Next week’s OTC will be here at Valley but will be attended by other OTCs from LA area orgs.
Vered Ziv announced the dinner on Friday at the Ron’s home on Wells Drive. She raised funds for the feast.
Jennifer Charm Jacobson announced the Halloween Party and Event here at Valley on Friday 31 October at 6:00pm.
Kathy Morrill, DSA Valley presented copies of the latest Freedom Magazine showing Carol and Mark Loweree and their good works!
Kathy Morrill also announced the date of this year’s Kids Christmas Party: Saturday 20 December.
Quinn Taufer, Valley Ideal Org project I/C presented the mathematical details of our fundraising progress since May of this year. The target is to have the fundraising complete by end of November and all funds invoiced by 11 December.
It is time to crank up all actions, products and sub-stats with more OTC members at call-in to get it done. Let’s get the group ethics level in, get the pledges paid and keep the personal contact going with emails, letters and call-in.
We also need to sell all 500 tickets to the November gala.
Quinn read LRH data re: The True Group. We have had over 300 status increases since June! When we are decided, momentum occurs!
Cleve Carlson briefed us on our project to increase the number of OTC members by 100%. His product is a Large Active OTC.
Kathy Welch had the OTC complete their Event Attendance surveys.
OTC members went into production confirming attendees for the October Festival Event on Oct 5th.
The meeting was ended.
Sept 16, 2014
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Kathie Heard, Mary Lee Krackow, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Diane Temps, Karen Brown, Debbie Suplee, David Wilson, Dean Glosup, Tracy Andruscavage, Mark Anderson, Ralph Temps, Bob Brooks, Vered Ziv, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Heelah Cohen, Linda Massey, Lauren Perreau, Vera Seidler, Chuck Jacobs, Shannon Burke, Bobbi Kassowitz, Marty Kassowitz, Bob Welch, Ben Ghiora, Joan Roeschke, Betty Sutphin
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 78 to 64
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Up from $27,250 to $515,605
Division 4 – Kathy Welch for Tamara Dahill
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 581.75 to 218.25
# of Events & Briefings Held – Down from 5 to 0
# of Service Starts – Down from 6 to 4
Division 6 – Charlene Thorburn
Meeting Attendance – Up from 29 to 41
Debbie Suplee asked all members to bring someone in to next week’s meeting to get more involvement towards our completion.
Kathy Welch
- read a commendation from Megan Mitchell for all those individuals who helped to pull off our fabulously successful event.
Quinn Taufer, Valley Ideal Org project I/C announced:
- we have 6 weeks to make our target
- for our Saturday Encore event on 9/20, our goal is 150, and tonight let’s get to 100.
Kathy Welch passed out volunteer sign-up sheets for this week
Cleve Carlson – Volunteer Liaison encouraged all to come to the Org as much as possible and help to activate more OTC members
Kathy Welch also added the following:
- encouraged all to help get 25 more names tonight for Encore event
- in answer to question about how to promote the event, it’s especially aimed at people who missed the last fundraiser; both speeches from Mr. Brandi Harrison and Irwin Miller, the speaker from Gensler will be replayed
- Even people who already attended will find it highly entertaining and valuable to see again.
Kathie Heard announced that in order to open before MV 2015, we need to be in construction by the end of this November!
OTC members went into production.
The meeting was ended.
I have to say that I resent the implications of the photo of the knitting club. Knitting Clubs are GOOD and I belonged to one in Oklahoma City. These are a fine bunch of women and they are producing something useful.
Fair comment. My apologies.
Does this mean that one or more of the OTC members are on our side?
Hi Chuck,
I agree with the sentiments that you expressed, but then you said, “Getting the whole movement to act more decently has to come down from the top…” .
I do not think that is true at all.
We ARE the movement and we can simply act more decently ourselves and apply the Tech purely ourselves. No one can stop us from practicing our religion. Sure, it would be wonderful if a couple of orgs would secede from the CO$ or a bunch of SO execs would grow a pair and frog-march the suppressive twerp out of the organization, repercussions be damned.
Having a large central organization can be helpful in creating an impact on the world. But smaller groups and organizations can do so also. More and more people are seeing that what is being created by the CO$ is is off purpose and out tech. More and more people are noticing that this organization’s current leadership is destroying Scientology’s reputation by pretending to practice the subject while putting out an adulterated product, and being blatantly money motivated. Hopefully, all of these people will not become so disillusioned that they abandon the spiritual purposes they discovered in the subject of Scientology. One can help others by delivering Scientology to other people in our world with or without the approval of the CO$. More and more Scientologists are doing so every day and maintaining their standardness despite the CO$ squirrelling, as well as their priceless integrity.
If the current OTC members were actually knitting -yes, I mean, sorry, men and women- they would at least be warm when they can’t pay their heating bills anymore.
Mike.. I love your picture of the women knitting.. I enlarged it and it is now my new Desktop picture..thank you. It is hilarious ..
These Sheeple are convinced that RTC and DM are totally right and are taking complete responsibility for their future and clearing the planet. All they have to do is give them the money and never question anything that they do. The sheeple know RTC and DM are bigger and better beings and will take care of them. Wake the fuck up!!! Sheeple.
“Debbie Suplee asked all members to bring someone in to next week’s meeting to get more involvement towards our completion.” Means we’re starting to get more than a little desperate here to get our figures up. Downhill all the way with Co$.
Ray Loomis is ex-OSA org staff (LA org).
Lets not put down the knitting club, they were probably knitting socks for soldiers or babies, a higher purpose , beats marble floors.LOL
Good one Marie. Yes if they knitted socks for soldiers or baby sweaters or shawls for battered women, that would do more good than marble floors that no one will walk on.
And DM must be beside himself wit the leaks coming from the OTC. Or maybe it is someone in the SO who has access to the OTC Minutes who is leaking…
Very good point. Dinky Dotty Dave can no longer trust ANYONE. Loyal member one day, reaches the breaking point the next, internal spy issuing leaks aplenty. Bless them!
“Quinn Taufer, Valley Ideal Org project I/C presented the mathematical details of our fundraising progress since May of this year.”
LOL! It’s not the Manhattan pjt. for Christ sakes. From the roster this is the geriatric knotting circle. About 50% would croak if they do the running program.
I’m in such absolute bewildered awe at such devotion to… ah…
…what is it these people do again?
It’s actually symbolized in the photo, but instead of darning socks for soldiers, these dedicated souls knit their collective brows at any thought contrary to the fulminations of Dear Leader.
“It is time to crank up all actions, products and sub-stats with more OTC members at call-in to get it done. Let’s get the group ethics level in, get the pledges paid and keep the personal contact going with emails, letters and call-in”
Wow….I think it should be changed to the Sea Org OT Committee.
These people have no priorities at all. It appears they have no idea that Sept.
and Oct. are the two most active sports months of the year???? College Football,
NFL, MLB playoffs and World Series, Pre-season games for the NBA and NHL.
The only “ethics level” I can see is if one has enough electronic devices to watch
multiple games at the same time. Don’t give your $ to them….crank up all actions to buy the needed tablets,
laptops, cell phones and HD TV’s so as to utilize the top tier cable/satellite packages one can buy.
I would bet there are a few husbands of the ladies at these OTC events that wish they could do that. They see a couple grand out the window for a stupid building, that could be used for more important things like viewing the World Series or something non survival like that.
Come on guys….put your foot down… more money for a non existent building…..Sports Rule!
Sigh… as an OTC member (Well, I DID just get a copy of these minutes, didn’t I?!), I guess I’ll have to edit this email myself. Like COB-un, do I have to do EVERYTHING myself?!!! [Slams down knitting needles on the table]
The sentence, “It is time to crank up all actions, products and sub-stats with more OTC members at call-in to get it done” should read, “It is time to up all crank actions, crank products, and crank sub-stats with more OTC members for crank call-ins to get it done.”
Come GWDKs (Guys Who Don’t Knit) and gals, you CICS** OTC members, put down those needles and pick up your phones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Don’t forget to activate your ID Blocking feature before every call.
**CICS = Criminally Intentioned Call-in Specialist
This. Is. Epic.
Hey Cars.. xox baby
Their purpose is to raise money for themselves so that they will have a bigger, nicer place to gather and raise more money for themselves so that they can raise more money for other Orgs to get bigger, nicer places so that they can …..Wow, what a stupid game.
Oh my God did this ever bring back memories! I’m all nostalgic and teary-eyed. In 2010-11 I was in the OC OTC and in fact I was in charge of writing up the minutes. During our fundraising for the Ideal Org Quinn Taufer inflicted himself on us too and I do mean inflicted because I never liked the guy. He insisted on bringing his far right political opinions into the OTC meeting where they certainly did not belong. (I wonder if he ever got corrected on that.) And the Boyers, mentioned above, were and I am sure still are absolute pillars and mainstays of the OTC. Cindi Boyer often got teary-eyed herself when speaking at events about how much the Ideal Org meant to her. There were some fine people in that OTC and I hope it won’t be long before they cognate (my spell checker turned cognite to cognate and it just seemed right so I left it) that “that old grey mare” the C of S “just ain’t what she used to be.”
I wonder – how long before the entire PAC base collapses? And since LA is a big feeder for Flag, the collapse of Flag itself may be possible, though DM may pull from reserves to keep these places open, even if consistently empty. But when SO members are blamed for the lack of public in LA, many of them will leave and there will come a time when DM runs out of SO slaves/lackeys to blame.
As Tory Magoo says in her videos, “Tick tock, tick tock: time is on our side”. DM’s day of reckoning is approaching at accelerated speed.
MisSavage will have to do more than just fund the place – so he will, as he has to, come up with new and stranger stunts to keep up the pretense … and by doing so, he will help the people spot a difference between what they are told and what they see.
If you put yourself into the shoes of a KoolAid-drunk member you see how much it will take for them to look – they have to conceive the inconceivable – their “ecclesiastical leader” doing them in real good for so long … it will take quite something but when the facade will come down as fast as the Berlin Wall.
He built himself a perfect catch 22.
Other than Galas, Parties, Celebrations the next phrase says it all: “Let’s get the group ethics level in, get the pledges paid” – no money in = out ethics. Interesting.
Additionally on Sep. 16 the attendance was already down and, to make the matters worse, it went down again on Sep. 23 – down to 61. For the largest, never in history expansion? Someone’s mathematics are worst than mine.
Here’s Quinn’s “mathematical” formula:
RCS appetite for money + savage Ethics > rational thought + maxed out credit card
“It is time to crank up all actions, products and sub-stats with more OTC members at call-in to get it done. Let’s get the group ethics level in, get the pledges paid and keep the personal contact going with emails, letters and call-in.”
Oh God, if they thought they were under pressure to pay up before, now they are really in for it…gotta get the group ethics level in…which means you need to give more money, cuz after all, giving money is the determining factor in whether someone has their ethics in or not!
OTC Minutes = Opining Trivial Caca Minutiae.
Thanks for the good laugh re “Yes, I shit you not”, undeniably MJ style…
Irving Shitz informed us that the committee was no longer needed and showed us a letter from international management thanking us for previous contributions. Quinn Taufer told us the strategy has changed as Valley is merging with LA Org and we all have to increase our IAS status before leaving the building. Everyone applauded as donations were highest ever!!!!!!!
Very good MJ – nothing like a good laugh! I wonder if Irving Shitz raised donations for TP for all local Orgs?
Yes, I shit you not.
Omigawd, Mike, that picture is absolutely PERFECT! Wonderful laugh here!
Barely a comment on people doing services. All about the mighty $
Even for the hard-core, Kool-Aid soaked believers, all that constant, incessant focus on fundraising and abandonment of providing services has got to be eating-away at the back of their minds….the realization that it is all about the money keeps getting reinforced with every gathering…Kool-Aid inebriation can only last for so long.
EX SO AOLA: What is this thing you speak about? Services? Are you talking about when someone might possibly, if they’re half brain dead, go into an Idle Morgue to look around and they SERVE that person something to drink? Is that the “service” you speak of? I guess it’s ok to serve that individual something to drink as long as they donate money.
Sorry, but your photo is completely wrong. A knitting club is what we used to call our OTC long time ago here in Joburg until they assumed the hat of fundraising. Now it’s a collection of mafia families divvying up the field as their personal protection rackets. Much more sinister.
Not that far fetched.
The umbrella cover businesses of Olive oil,auto body and fender repair,
sandwich deli, muffler shops.
Classic Tijuana “Marriages, Divorces,and seat covers”
( a real business operated by Drug Cartel)
I was going to say, “Couldn’t you have them doing something useless?” Knitting is not useless. I’m knitting a while I’m reading Mike’s site. I was about to say that you could have a picture of people sorting buttons, but I’ve sorted buttons for art projects before, so no. I honestly can’t think of anything as useless as attending an OT Committee meeting, and I’ve never been to one.
No discussion about the collapse of PAC Base.
Nothing about making auditors.
Try handing out free ROLEX watches,see if anyone cares ?
I realize a down stat is a down stat …. BUT ….. 250 thousand bucks is still 250 thousand bucks …. say what you will, the sheeple are still bleeding moolah … as my late pa used to say “what a racket!” …
Thanks for relaying this info for researchers of Scientology.
Scientology has an immense paper trail, the paper trail is required for the members, and much of the private paper trail, some of it highly embarrassing, but it shows their character and motives.
I appreciate the raw written feelings and current mindset of Scientologists.
I’m still a sucker that they will change. Their human energy could so easily be focused into directions normal religious groups focus their attention, and their ability to gather money from their own is pretty staggering.
If only this group were to do something ethical with their money they self-gather and send instead to entities like the IAS which does little social good with their self gathered money.
Scientology could so easily change and get recognition for acting decently, were they to put their money back to society.
It’s a hoarder megalomaniac mentality “new religion.”
Thanks so much for this raw traffic from their highest OT Committee members who ought be the ones on the cutting edge of helping society back, but who sadly aren’t the deciders to act overall more religiously in helping their communities.
Getting the whole movement to act more decently has to come down from the top, and history is still against Scientology for acting so out of step and non religious overall.
If Scientology collapses, I will still hope to the bitter end that they at least go out with a bang of decency, and donate their wealth back to society as one would expect a religion to be giving back that wealth!
I believe the wealth is in the hands of DM, and I do not expect he will be giving back.
Chuck, I understand what you are saying, but…
Scientology has never been about doing good for society. Where was it ever written or said that it had helping society as a goal or objective? Even the nonsequitor ‘clearing the planet’ was about one adherent at a time, assuming they could pay for the priviledge.
It started out as a self-help fad (dianetics) until forced to “try the religion angle”, but throughout, it was all about making money for hubbard and now for the organization. That has been, and continues to be, the primary objective. Look at their own stats. Sure, at first it made money by selling “services”, later by squeezing straight donations, but never in its history has it given anything back to anybody. Isn’t it unreasonable to think that it should ever change?
It is not a religion, nor is it a charitable organization. How can it act like one?
The only hope is that the individuals still involved can wake up and start to act like thinking, caring members of the human race and redirect their generosity to legitimate ends rather than to a near-criminal enterprise. I wouldn’t count on corporate scientology changing its spots any time soon.
Anyway, where is “acting decently” in KSW?
Sensible words, Bystander, sensible words…
The good that Scientology does is through the members who did good despite the Scientology setup.
People sneaked through and did any good Scientology gets credit for.
In fact it is the sincere genuine innate good in the Scientologists who interact with officials around the orgs and in life that is the good that comes out of Scientology.
You’re right, but the good they do is their own, and Scientology gets the credit.
I think Chuck is just saying that this is what he hopes for, not expects.
Not agreeing with the current state of Scn under the Dwarf but why the hell should society as is loosely called be entitled to any money from Scn.
people wrongly regged, tricked into debt or sold bad Tech of course but the general society should get nothing.
Socialism never worked and never will, seems a lot of ex Scn,s are reading Marxist pap instead of getting on with their solo courses.
Hiatus57 I too have noticed that. They escape one totalitarian regime (snc) and want to jump into a similar paradigm (socialism, Marxism, et al). Not completely surprising as most are Boomers who help such unarguably, completely failed ideologies in high regard as young adults.
“Scientology could so easily change and get recognition for acting decently, were they to put their money back to society.
It’s a hoarder megalomaniac mentality “new religion.” ” Well said Chuck Beatty
“Scientology could so easily change and get recognition for acting decently, were they to put their money back to society.”
Hey Chuck I always enjoy your posts. I differ in that I don’t see how Scientology could EASILY change mainly because (in my humble opinion) I think it would have be a major re-write of policy, cancellations and major major restitution and “making up of damage”. And I don’t see how anyone still on the Kool-Aid would ever admit to all the indecencies perpetrated upon former members. And if by some miracle, DM had a heart attack and the money was still within reach, THAT cash should go to pay all repayments/refunds and other victims. No apology from the cult would ever do….it would have to submit to the fullest measure of justice and then be disbanded and destroyed utterly. Let the Indies make lemonade with the rest and make the best the whats left.
Can’t see How that would be decent. The only decent action would be to return it to those plundered spiritually and financially. Society has been mostly untouched.
They only attend because they couldn’t find an “acceptable excuse”.
Was there anything else but announcements? … oh yes, … they then went into production …. LOL
They live in a parallel world and perceive the Scientology “universe” only – probably the EP of the Perception Rundown
The entire time I was married to my ex (23 years), he never attended an OTC meeting and ran from them. I notice he is regularly attending now. I think it is because now he wants to get onto OT VII and needs to show “participation” and that he is “on an OTC.” That is the reason most are there. Also I noticed the only things talked about are money, moving up in IAS status, selling tickets, bringing in more people to OTC and money. It isn’t “let’s disseminate and bring in more people for their Bridge.” It isn’t, “let’s help people who are stalled on their Bridge” and it isn’t “let’s train more auditors”. It is only the money now.
These people must be bored out of their socks if this is what they look forward to every week.