Because these things are sent to me and accumulate for a while and every now and then I like to make them publicly available.
They contain a lot of insight into what is really going on inside these orgs. Remember this is THE most important soon to be ideal org on earth, right in the middle of the “largest concentration of scientologists on the planet.”
Just think if this is what it’s like in the Valley, what must be going on in Edmonton, or St Etienne or Canberra?
It boggles the mind.
I have highlighted some of the lowlights in red.
September 22, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Mary Lee Krackow , Diane Temps, Ralph Temps, Nancy Parodi, Bob Welch, Rochelle Goodrich, Marty Kassowitz, Bobbi Kassowitz, Ben Ghiora, Shannon Burke, Kathy DiGalbo
Kathy Welch opened meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Even at 26
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Up from $5,958 to $6,153
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 130 to 152.5
# of Events & Briefings Held – Up from 0 to 1
# of Service Starts – Up from 4 to 9
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Up from 17 to 22
Bobbi and Marty Kassowitz completed Cause Resurgence Rundown at Flag!
They each shared astounding wins about present time and Cause.
Eric Krackow
- 10/3 Turning Point Win from 1993 – Celebrate LRH Way – 7PM
- VM Program is in progress
- If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week
- Friends and Family program needs your help with getting new Div 6 public – send friends and family into Org
- Our second Dianetics Seminar went well, with more seminars soon.
Kathy Welch
- Briefed us on building final budget prep.
- She announced our planned December Party Event, with a validation of ALL donors!
- On October 24th, Rafferty Pendry will speak on business expansion and very helpful subjects! For getting up the Bridge fast.
- Let’s build up our group!
- Initial construction prep and Hazardous material removal is in progress at our new building!
Diane Temps
- Fundraising to pay for our Web site server that sends out all our OTC emails
OTC members went into production – CF!!
LRH was acknowledged. The meeting was ended.
September 15, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Mark Anderson, Karen Brown, Ralph Temps, Diane Temps, Heelah Cohen, Linda Massey, Mary Lee Krackow , Ben Ghiora, Lauren Perreau, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Phillippa Gerson, Jennifer Charm-Jacobson, Hagit Ron, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Charlene Thorburn, Kathy DiGalbo
Mary Elizabeth Glosup opened meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 38 to 29
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Up from $3,169 to $5,958
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 110 to 130
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – Down from 18 to 4
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Up from 17 to 22
Eric Krackow
- Wednesday: Dissem Workshop – 7:30 Org
- Eric Krackow, Joe Hochman, Geoff Pick – veteran disseminators
- Saturday Evening event – Details are coming later tonight
- 10/3 Turning Point Win from 1993 – Celebrate LRH Way – 7PM
- VM Program is in progress
- If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week
- Friends and Family program needs your help with getting new Div 6 public – send friends and family into Org
Mary Elizabeth Glosup
- Kathy Welch is meeting with CFD Austin Nichols and Patrick Renna of Los Feliz Mission to plan Final Fundraiser Event
- Visitor and new OTC Member: Phillippa Gerson, originally from South Africa, married to Magician Stan Gerson, OT8 2 weeks ago! She’s here to help w/ CF or anything else Org needs!
Diane Temps
- Fundraising to pay for our Web site server that sends out all our OTC emails
Alexandra Potter, Ship Office
- Saturday night at Valley: Seminar on how to use your business to get you up the Bridge
- Free dinner 6, Starts at 6:30
- Sold every room on Ship 2 months in a row
- Get business into a place where it operates smoothly when you’re away
Susan Jacobs
- Gave status of Ideal Org Building Seismic and asbestos evals done
- Hired pre-construction services contractor to evaluate value-engineering alternatives
- Validated all who helped move – commends are coming
OTC members went into production – CF!!
LRH was acknowledged. The meeting was ended.
August 25, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Diane Temps, Darren Hines, Linda Massey, Mary Lee Krackow , Ben Ghiora, Lauren Perreau, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Chuck Jacobs, Bob Brooks, Mark Anderson, Hagit Ron
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 33 to 30
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Up from $872 to $200,500
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 138 to 105.25
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – Down from 6 to 3
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Up from 15 to 20
Kathy Welch introduced special guest doing initial toxic inspection work at the new building:
Ed Woods
- Responsible for inspecting for asbestos, mercury, lead and mold.
- worked on ours and other Church Ideal Org buildings
- Brought LOTS of donuts!!
- entertaining speaker
Susan Jacobs
- ACK’ed all who helped clean out building this past weekend cleanup in Ideal Org – DONE!
- Filled a 25-foot dumpster FULL
- Construction has begun!
- She also met the Project Manager, Jeff Hill, from San Diego, who is running the Renos; liaison between Church and Gensler- so far no surprises
- Next another company will arrive to do “dirt” survey.
Kathy Welch
- Please report any backlogged hours.
- Saturday 8/29 – 5-10 PM CF setup – dinner/party
- May do this every Saturday night – we have huge CF!
- Abi is in Hawaii to help with Kelly Preston’s big 3-day event next weekend – target is $8M to purchase the building; Kelly was born and raised in Hawaii!
Bob Brooks announced his son James and his wife Loan held their first fundraiser in Houston for their Ideal Mission and raised $200,500!
Mary Elizabeth Glosup
- Went to PAC to promote C-Note Sunday 9/6 from 12-6 PM- Not only will they help promote, THEY’LL BE AT VALLEY TO HELP
- C-Note Sunday 9/6 from 12-6 PM-
- Forward promo and get commitments before then – pre-reg.
- Get the C-Note AT the pre-reg, don’t wait!
Bonita Wilson
- Invited teens interested in doing a dance routine before the Auditor’s Day event
- She’ll host rehearsals and arrange
Call other OTC members to get involved in all our planned events!
All OTC members went into production.
LRH was acknowledged. The meeting was ended
August 4, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Karen Brown, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, Hagit Ron, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Tony Lonstein, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Linda Massey, John Massey, Dali Bahat, Ofra Bahat, Mark Anderson, Vered Ziv, Avner Golan, Heelah Cohen, Lauren Perreau, Ralph Temps, Ben Ghiora, Rochelle Goodrich
Kathy Welch opened meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 40 to 36
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $312,135 to $27,435
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 136 to 151.5
# of Events & Briefings Held – Up from 0 to 1
# of Service Starts – Down from 13 to 7
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Even at 22
Eric Krackow
- Announced 1st Dianetics Seminar was successful.
- Per OT Ambassador Program, Eric stresses Dissemination!
- Come to the Wednesday night seminar.
Kathy Welch met with Ciera McClintock, Int Landlord, discussed completion event with Patrick Renna planning to “produce” the final event.
- Construction documents are going out to bid.
- $1.5MM left to go
- Initial construction (demo and prep starts in about 2 weeks!
- Full construction cycle takes about 10 months.
- Our next event is being planned for mid to late September (possibly a ground –breaking event!)
- John Massey reminded us we are in a “Sprint to the Finish Line.”
Diane Temps passed out Fernando Hat
Kathy Welch
- Announced the Humanitarian Brunch Sunday 16 August at 11:00am (probably at the Morrills).
- Announced actions to get the CF project moving faster, with same successful actions for getting recruits as CF Volunteers.
- Still have Up Status 25% discount
Susan Jacobs recruited volunteers to empty the new building in preparation for initial construction. Also volunteers to help dekluge this space including several rooms and the kitchen.
All OTC members went into production.
LRH was acknowledged. The meeting was ended.
How long do I have to barf? I just want all our kids back Mike. Then I will leave them alone. And you will too – you have a family that will welcome you back to their arms. Hugs Mike Many many hugs. 🙂
Time is even weird in the Church. There is a total memory swipe every Thursday at 2:00 P.M.. Everything you did up to that point production wise is OVER and counts for nothing. But everything you did ethics wise hangs over your head FOREVER. There was a time when a person did conditions and that was that. Miscavige has authored all kinds of squirrel ethics programs and policies, like, “the hole”, “musical chairs”, face slapping and gut punching”.
There is “selective memory” now. You are worth NOTHING on Thursday at 2:00 p.m. and must start to prove yourself all over again. But they hang on to your P.C. folders, confessions and ethics folders FOREVER and it counts into your eternity! As if these notes are the only insurance policy they own! Your ethics issues never ends Thursday at 2:00 along with your value.
And they take us apart from kids and friends. Every time I see you I love you more 🙂
I’m dying to see RB do his magic on this particular topic.
Many years ago I attended meetings like that. In the back of my head I could never quite shake this annoying little voice whispering, “what the F am I doing here?”
One day I finally allowed myself to hear the obvious answer, “I’m allowing myself to be a sucker!)
And that was the end of that.
“$1.5MM left to go”
Does that mean 1.5 million millions?
As in, 1.5 trillion dollars?
How very LRH of them.
A date locate drill will handle that…
Ah… the wonders of scientology. See how well it works in the Valley.
Imagine what it could do in your neighbourhood?
Stop it! You’re scaring me.
COB gets acknowledged a lot for “keeping the tech pure”. Pretty funny. That’s like the salmon, seals and sea otters of Prince William Sound thanking Exxon Valdez for keeping their water clean.
Mike, this comment was in response to Gimpy’s comment which was in turn one of the responses to Leslie Bates’ question about acknowledging LRH.
Hello, I’m a newbie been lurking here for a few months now. I fist started researching scientology this past spring, I never paid any attention to it but was always curious about it… and since that sing day I have been hooked, like a herion addict… (i know all.about addiction, so please don’t slam me for using that reference) I needed a break from reading up on the Elisa Lam and Kendrick Johnson cases that are totally morbid and would keep up at night… i thought Scientology would be different… boy was I wrong!!! I was disgusted and shocked at how people were treated. I think the first think I watched about scientology was the first John Sweeney show where that little rat Tommy Davis made he debut in to my life and not knowing anything about him you could tell by his demeanor he was just a sleazy good for nothing person, I attempted to punch him through my computer several times. After that it was on to discovering all the goodies that youtube and the interwebs had to offer on anything scientology. I now have a favorites folder just dedicated to my fave Scientology sites, like this one. I personally want to say to all the people who left the cult that you’re all brave and wonderful people and I really admire your courage to leave even though that meant losing loved ones, and having to start over again. Not to many people these have enough courage to start over in anything, much less leave their comfort zone. But seeing all the people who have left scientology and are doing good makes me so happy. It provide hope to those who are still stuck in this cult that they too can leave and have people “on the other side” help them transition into a new life…and world… thank you ALL that speak out against this evil organization and are brave to speak the truth. You have really opened my eyes and now I’m determined to open the eyes of others who were like me this past spring….
Welcome, MzzMary420 (for ja). There’s a lot of great posters here. I hope you have a great time.
Looks like their main activities are raising money, filing, and event/party planning to raise money and file. How incredibly meaningless and monotonous. The whole game of clearing the planet boils down to a real snooze fest. Deep inside these OTC members surely are bored out of their minds.
OTC members must long to have alluring higher OT levels before them beckoning seductively with promises of even greater promises.
Last time I was there, from what I observed in the New York City subway system, I’d say that if Diane Temps ever wants to visit that city she’ll be capable of getting all her travel expenses reimbursed while she’s still there.
With all the “hat passing” she’s been doing (“drill, drill, drill”) she could set herself up on a busy subway platform with a large hat and a sign that says, “CREDIT CARDS MAXED. HELP ME PAY HOTEL BILL AND AIR FARE. MUST RETURN TO CALIFORNIA. GOD BLESS.”
Oh, and Diane – if you’re reading this, here’s a tip: from what I observed, beggars with dogs did better than those with just hats and signs. The dog is the “theta” that pulls people in and make interested in the beggar. You might look into that.
Hey! maybe you should get a dog when you pass the hat around at the OTC meetings!
That just might be the successful action that creates the subproduct that contributes in a major way to Valley going Ideal!
Good luck with that!
You’re hilarious. Yes the dog-while-passing-the-hat is what things have come to. After that it’s employing the lugubrious talents of Sally Struthers who I think hires out cheaply for private beggings.
Roger, thanks. We have to laugh. Its so beyond the beyond – what sane, normal person would believe this except those of us who know that its all too true?
My first thought was what a bunch of idiots; but here is my second thought. They bought this building several years ago and began holding events there. I personally attended several. At the time of purchase; they must have known that there was an asbestos problem. But naturally they put money above the health of their own membership. What a sorry bunch.
What health problem? Seriously!
Here’s Lawrence Woodcraft’s declaration about asbestos and the Fleecewinds. This is where Magical Thinking leads its victims 🙁
” Steve Kisacky stated that L. Ron Hubbard doesn’t state in policy that asbestos is dangerous; he only states that fiberglass is dangerous and therefore we are only removing the fiberglass. In fact, the dock next to the Freewinds was piled high with fiberglass that had been removed by Sea Org members. It was explained to me that the ship was being remodeled only according to the written policies and “advices” of L. Ron Hubbard. Since Hubbard had been in the US Navy and had then founded the Sea Org and had run a fleet of ships, he knew everything about ships. If asbestos was dangerous, he would have written this somewhere. Also Hubbard knew everything about cancer. He had written that cancer was caused by the mind and specifically second dynamic aberration (problems with relationships). I was told that people only get sick if they go into “agreement” with being sick”
Misery loves company. These guys are playing the only game they have left in Scientology.God what a waste of time.
So on 9/15 OT minutes they state: Active Members – Down from 38 to 29
Then on 9/22 OT minutes they state: Active Members Even at 26
Ha! Even Smeeven. Looks to me like they lost 3 more active members in 7 days.
Steph – you must clear your words girl!
“Active member” today is defined in Scientology as “a person who does not talk about anything negative regarding Scientology, L Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige.” So – imagine the real numbers…
That’s funny, Idle!
That’s what I’m thinking too, Idle. “So – imagine the REAL numbers…” (caps mine). I bet even the ones who have been in for decades and decades are slowly moving away. And…it can only get worse.
Looks like standard CoS “arithmetic tech” to me.
Ha! Arithmetic tech! Good one!
Can be shortened to arithmitech… 🙂
A new instant classic! Arithmitech! Gosh, Mike, I must be getting slow in my old age!
“Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.”
The fact that these ‘stats’ are leaked every month to Mike must make someones head explode. Does the count for ‘number of services’ include sec checks? How many sec checks can a check check?
The First Fail. Then the OTC (over the counter?) committee passes the hat? Whose hat? Isn’t that clam speak for someones job? What type of job was passed around? One of those that SCOHB?
With ‘only’ 1.5 million to go to fund the construction, why doesn’t the Grand Duchess (or is that Doucheness?) just kick it in and become a Tin Plated Patron Maximus Bartness?
Apparently, Ze, the hat belongs to Fernando, whoever he may be. Again, unless it has something to do with ABBA, I’m not interested. If it’s Fernando Lamas’ hat, though, it might just pique me.
And NANCY CARTWRIGHT BART SIMPSON can’t be the Grand Doucheness. That title is strictly reserved only for those whose last name is “Cardone”.
So the August 25 minutes say they brought in $200,500. BUT IT WAS FOR HOUSTON NOT THE VALLEY!!! (Sorry I yelled there, couldn’t help it.) “Bob Brooks announced his son James and his wife Loan held their first fundraiser in Houston for their Ideal Mission and raised $200,500!”
And they need $1.5 MM for the Valley and they generally bring in $5,000-$10,000 a week? Unless I am missing something, this will take years…
They bought the building many years ago and held many events in it and only now do they discover asbestos and start removal. What a colossal bunch of idiots.
But LRH never said anything about asbestos, so it’s perfectly harmless. They’re only doing it because wog law requires it, and Scientology hasn’t taken over the area sufficiently to make sure that the org makes the laws.
This is the same shit logic that held aboard the SS Mesothelioma. There are a whole lot of OTVII and OTVIII Exes who are wondering when that little lung time bomb is going to go off.
With a room full of OT’s imagine the powers that could be harnessed to conquer worlds and slay the mighty Jabberwocky. Although two of them did complete the Running Around In Circles Rundown and had astounding wins (is there any other kind?) the whole affair sounds a little bit too much like the Ladies’ Auxiliary in Mayberry with Aunt Bea in charge of the refreshments division. Still, I’d pay a dollar to know what’s in that hat after it’s been passed all the way around.
LInt. And then more lint.
Damn, Roger, you’re good! Just reading about the Jabberwocky, I FN’d with 4 swings! I’ve never, ever had so much case gain! I’d like to thank RogerHornaday for bringing me to the Jabberwocky! I never could have done on my own. And I’d also like to thank the Ladies Auxiliary In Mayberry and especially Aint Bea. Wow, Roger, I’m going to drink so really good red wine and ponder my new found greatness! Whew! I’m tired! But, a really good tired!
Among the many reasons this little group of die-hards is not expanding, I noticed that Debbie Suplee, in charge of Div 6, did not attend any of the meetings.
That’s not a problem. They’ve substituted her with a Fully Automated Robot TV (FART) and bumped the active member stat up by one.
Interesting. One member (in all these reports) seems to be missing. Dean Glosip. His wife, Mary Elizibeth, was the KSW nazi of the family. Dean would MUCH rather be playing Magic or some other pastime, than be attending any scn event. Maybe he escaped?
Speaking of absent husbands, I noticed the Missing Male phenomenon with a different couple, Nancy and Pat Parodi. Then again, Nancy only showed up for the latest meeting, and Pat could be out on a speaking tour somewhere trying to rah-rah some org into bankrupting their way into Ideal.
Even the Valley loons would attack him if they were forced to spend more than 10 minutes in a room with P.P. He’s that obnoxious.
Does anyone in upper management read these weekly status reports? I’m kind of surprised there has not been a ban on them as they keep leaking out and they are direct evidence of ‘downward and horizontal’.
I’ve seen bookclubs with better attendance. Then again, the cost of bookclub is a bottle of wine…..oh, and the book, if one bothers to read the book.
I’m more surprised that DM doesn’t send down some drone to rewrite the OTC meetings to be more in line with CO$ PR! You know remove all the easy to verify figures and replace them with things like “unprecedented”, “Orders of Magnitude”, “consequent to that fact”, etc. Or just out right lie about the figures. And if anyone questions them just say “You have to mock-up the expansion you want. Also, how fast can you get to your local MAA?”
Valley Org. Why do I think of a very Bad “B” movie
or Porn ( San Fernando Valley is the Porn capitol)
True that, Jose. But, what I don’t get and maybe you can help me with is, what’s this thing of passing ‘the hat’ around for OTC donations? Is this something new? Why does the OTC need donations in the first place?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Coffee and Dog Nuts need to be purchased to entice the come one come all CFers.
Oh yes, lest I forget, large vats of Kool Aide also need to be purchased from Hemet and maintained in the full upright and locked position!
I have done every money course in scientology. Even pilot
money courses yet to be released as “All LRH for the masses”
( it was very good but never released)
The deal is that as in “all roads lead to Rome”, everything to do
with money is directing money to David Miscavige on a one way flow.
The lectures and special Freewinds courses where you think you will personally
get rich and then share the wealth with the church is a huge LIE.
Sorry if this rocks any stable kool – aid datum’s but the church is a big if not gigantic
money devouring machine that all flows money to David Miscavige.
If by accident you did get rich by mistake , the machinery would be fixed so it never happened again by anyone.
You are better off blowing all your paychecks in Las Vegas Casinos because the odds are better
IIn Scientology it’s 100 percent you lose no matter how many status level trophies you get.
( ( they all end up on EBay eventually)
Thanks, Jose!
I have the same question about the passing of the hat… What does that mean??!!
I hope they did the right thing and gave the leftover donuts to the Sea Borg stationed in Cartwrightland. Or are donuts for
closersOTs only?It was bad enough when the celebutards started opening vanity missions. Now Kelly Preston is trying to open a vanity Idle Morgue? In Hawai’i? Didn’t the bitch learn anything when her Ocala mission failed? And what the hell has she ever done for Valley Morgue that they’d help her? If she did anything on the Left Coast vis-a-vis Scientology, it was at Celebrity Centre. Or did someone fork out for a plane ticket from LA to Honolulu just to get Kelly Preston’s name in the OTC minutes? It wouldn’t surprise me. The urge to suck up is strong among the clams.
Anyway, it’s up to OSD to solve this problem. The islands are his turf.
You know, for a bunch of OTs, they sure haven’t learned anything useful. For instance, their CF problem. Two words: “convenient arson”.
I’m not interested in what Fernando Hat is unless it has something to do with ABBA.
They need to pass the hat to meet meeting expenses and pay for their webserver? Why don’t they just stand at an exit of the 405 with a sign saying “Body Thetans to eliminate! Ron bless you!”? Actually, I’d do that just for the lulz.
Normally, I reserve rapid-fire responses for Thursday Funnies, but Mike delivered, just like Anonymous, two days early with the best collection of comedy around, the Valley OTC minutes. May there be more.
It’s their “web Site server” that sends out those precious e-mails, or, more likely, they need to replace a server that has finally given up the hardware ghost. Next thing you’ll know, they’ll be reduced to a host and web Site through GoDaddy(dot)com.
“Didn’t the bitch learn anything when her Ocala Mission failed?” 🙂
Espi, I’ll do my best! But I do have something I’d like to say: If you can’t surf, you’re not OT. Sorry…had to be said.
Someone should let OSHA know they are removing hazardous materials from the Valley site. May be a good time for a surprise inspection. They are not exempt from OSHA regulations, are they?
YNH, the reference to asbestos in the meeting notes indicates that they are complying with regulations.
Uh huh. Yeah. Sure. Okay. You betcha. I’m sure they have only the most qualified working on this project, with state of the art safety gear and proper tools, equipment and training.
And hiring Volkswagen software engineers to file the paperwork and do the testing.
Hahaha, ‘we are now employing Volkswagen tech at all orgs’.
Staff: We’re now employing VW Tech!
Student: What’s VW Tech? I’ve never heard of it before.
Staff: It’s Very Wonderful Tech, hence, VW Tech.
Student: Wow! Am I the first to use it!
Staff: Yes, yes you are.
Student: That is just so bitchin’.
Clearing the planet…
through LOTS of donuts!
Idiots…it is cupcakes that will make the world more sane.
They don’t have a fucking clue! Seriously, they don’t!!!! For crying out loud, donuts are the red headed stepchildren of the pastry industry! EVERYONE KNOWS IT’S CUPCAKES! When my wife and I went to San Diego on a 3 day jaunt, there was a store selling Marvelous Cupcakes! One of our friends is named Marvelous Marvin (well, I started calling him marvelous since we met in Kenya). And he LOVED the Marvelous Cupcakes to no end! Donuts??? Are you MAD??? I mean, it’s stupid enough to be in a fucked up cult, but, to not know about cupcakes, that’s stupidity beyond my comprehension.
I’m done………..
I’m with you OSD, insulting cupcakes by employing donuts is just too much. We take cupcakes very seriously here in San Diego. Obviously they are insane.
Overwhelming insane, OSD2!
With calmag flavoured frosting – yum, my favourite!
Calmag: I can’t get enough of that funky stuff!
So from August the 4th to date al they have managed is to get some bums in to clean out the crap left in the building?
The only hazardous stuff these imbiciles come into contact with is SOB’s insane dictates and delusions he has at events.
Imagine what its really like to sit down at one of these meetings and have the hat passed to you for a donation?
The mind boggles.
But then the OTC (Otherwise Thinking Cretins) is composed entirely of idiots who have never read an LRH book let alone completed a training course.
If they had they would not fall for this Idle Morgue program SOB has put on them.
Still, I care not, they don’t get a red cent out of me!
My favorite statement in these is always: “Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.”
Only about 20 people attend the meetings. ONE THEM IS A SPY FOR MIKE RINDER!
I wonder why OSA doesn’t show up with a couple of those new really accurate Whorehouse Ate meters and git er done with a friendly Sec Check before the CF Doughnut Party.
Yo Dave,
Can you do it good buddy? Maybe a couple rounds of musical chairs would add to the atmosphere.
But please COP, a request: no more Bohemian Rhapsody. Mix it up a little – but do stay with Queen.
May I recommend:
-I want to break free
-Who wants to live forever
-Don’t stop me now
-Spread your wings
-Friends will be friends
or, ya know, for fun:
Fat Bottom Girls
Just a suggestion for ya, mister-foureleventy-pompadouressness.
Wow. When I was in, I imagined OT meetings as a supernatural demonstration of awesomeness: a sort of tornado of success and power. Now i feel sorry for these people. They are pathetic, but in a funny way – and that is their power.
And they have no idea how ridiculous they look (and “sound”) from the outside. David Miscavige is so easy to make fun of and I read that he hates that. I guess he wants those still in to suffer the same plight he does. Trickle down ridicule.
tee hee hee
“Trickle down ridicule.” Instant classic, Mary! Now that’s some funny shit!
Sad, just sad. Even that does not seem to cover it.
Debbie Suplee? Is that the actor, Jason Suplee’s mother?
They are a regular “All in the Family” over there at them ideal orgs. This is so and so’s Mom, and this so and so’s Mom’s kid’s and this is so and so’s Mom’s kid’s friends. 🙂 They are a real group of ARC people it seems. Then what the hell in the world are they doing in a place like that for goodness sakes?! 🙂 The German people got it right when they put the kiosk up in Berlin that said “STOP SCIENTOLOGY”. It is almost too good to be true. You have to love Germany for what it is, a free country. The church of course complained about their freedom being infringed upon. Hey Scientology go f*** yourself OK? 🙂
Yes, you have to love the Germans now, still smarting from their tour of mind-numbing indoctrination in which they practically destroyed Western civilization. Understandably they aren’t playing patty-cake with the little brother of it.
Ethan. Ethan Suplee.
“Get the C-Note AT the pre-reg, don’t wait!”
Grubbing for hundies, Valley OTC.
How uptone.
From August 4 to September 22 they lost 14 active members. That alone is bad but it is worse for them when you realize that when they only started out with 40 members, it means their group lost 35% of its membership in 6 weeks.
When the big event in the six weeks minutes is LOTS of donuts, I would say it’s time to look for a new hobby.
Regarding the membership: most of the OT’s who go to this don’t do it because they want to. They attend because Flag makes it a mandatory thing to do before you obtain Eligibility for OT VII. Once you are on OT VII you have to attend in order to stay on the level. My ex husband is now attending regularly and he would laugh in my face when I was drinking the KA and suggested he go with me to the OTC. But now he wants to get Eligibility to get back onto OT VII (this would be a repeat of the level for him), and so he is showing up at the meetings as a PR move to get elig. If they didn’t rule by threats, no one would show up for those meetings. Except maybe Mary Elizabeth Glossup and Debbie Supplee, the KSW Nazi’s. Ron promotes the Bridge as building up your self determinism. But as you move higher and higher on the bridge you quickly become “other determined” as you robotically follow orders and swill the Kook Aid.
Interesting, Cindy. So all the Valley OTC’s gung/ho/ rah-rah “enthusiasm”, “spirit of play”, etc., are just phony guises due to being threatened with, (effectively) the loss of their eternity. Amazing. Well, here’s something else to file under CMTSU (Can’t Make This Shit Up).
A dozen donuts should run about 9 bucks or so, a little higher if you’re going to throw in a few filled pastries and cinnamon rolls. If you put on a good spread, people will come. Probably the no-shows were the ones bringing them before, at least,that’s what my intuition tells me.
My hubby picks up donuts – including the filled ones – for sale at $3.00/dozen at the grocery store at night on the way home from work then takes them to his guys the next day. They work 4 12 hour days a week. For $12.00 every set (4 days on 4 days off), his guys love him. The OTC probably got LOTS of donuts maybe 3 dozen for less than $10.00. Sad that that’s a treat.
LOL “Fundraising to pay for our Web site server that sends out all our OTC emails”, it doesn’t take much time to get an account with its own domain… Except if that server is going to be located in the Co$ to control what is going out. Go to Office 365 and get a domain + email accounts 🙂
Sending emails to get $$$ to buy their server… what a joke. They are disconnected from reality.
“[So and so] recited the purpose of the OTCC.”
Since the recitation is not included in the minutes, perhaps we can come up with out own best guess of the purpose of the OTCC. I’ll start:
The purpose of the OTCC is to obtain maintenance conditioning of our captured intellects, so that our precious time and feeble resources will continue to be committed to spinning our wheels in the muddy rut that is Scientology’s dying gasp. Amen.
I believe the current purpose of the OTCs of the day are to raise money and file. And to plan events and parties to raise money and file. Real simple goals.
“LRH was acknowledged.”
Being an outsider I have to ask, what is this?
It’s when, during every meeting or testimonial on the “wins” you’ve received from Scientology, everyone turns to face a bust or big picture of L Ron Hubbard, and they clap and cheer at it.
Sometimes the clapping and the cheering can last for minutes, and a leader in the group shouts “Hip! Hip!” and the crowd answers “HOO-RAY!!”
“Hip! Hip!”
“Hip! Hip!”
It’s the opposite of “2 Minutes of Hate”
And by the way, “2 Minutes of Hate” is performed with a bust or big picture of Mike Rinder now as the latest Emmanuel Goldstein of Scientology.
Sounds to me like a goofball version of sieg heil and the Hitler salute.
I wonder if they will get to the stage of having two bronze busts to salute? Individuals are already ‘encouraged’ to make sure they acknowledge the second great leader in success stories and such like.
I believe the inevitable bronze bust of DM will someday be unveiled and that will be the last straw for a few members hopefully.
He was already awarded the special bronze samurai warrior statue by Flag or Flag OTC or something. Next there will be little versions of it available in the Flag Bookstore….
Miscavige a Samurai Warrior – Mike, I’m dying! 🙂
Haha did it look like that horrible, creepy bust of LRH? If so we should all start selling it, talk about making people think twice…
It really is creepy, isn’t it!
I seem to remember something about that. It was one of the gaudiest representations of a Samurai I’ve ever seen. It had the dimensions all wrong – perhaps they were trying to miniaturise it in miscavige’s likeness.
Oh my! Just had one of those horrible dark thoughts. Try to image how you’d feel if you went into someone’s place and saw a framed picture of miscavige on the wall… OMG!
And it was signed!
Wait a minute, Yawn – Miscavige’s picture would make a great dart board. I’m sure it would sell like hotcakes to the correct publics.
I’d also like to see puzzles of Int Base as it was shown in Blown For Good, and a puzzle of DM and TC together on the Ducatis would be awesome.
I was afraid of that.
I used to hang out with the U of M Objectivist Club and no one would even dream of that level of worship for Ayn Rand.
But Ayn Rand never saved all of humankind.