Because I feel lazy this morning, I am just dumping some Valley OTC minutes without comment so there is a record of them.
Remember, this is THE MOST IMPORTANT ideal org in the world….
Have a nice Sunday everyone. Rejoice in the fact that you are no longer stuck in the scientology rat race. And today is football heaven — NFL and EPL both.
January 11, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Karen Brown, Mary Lee Krackow, David Wilson, Hagit Ron, Mark Anderson, Bob Welch, Nancy Parodi, Rochelle Goodrich, Vered Ziv, Ben Ghiora, Heelah Cowen, Kathy DiGalbo
Kathy Welch opened meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Even at 15
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $850 to $273
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps / assistant passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 32.75 to 30.5
# of Events & Briefings Held – Even at 0
# of Service Starts – Up from 8 to 13
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Down from 13 to 10
Kathy Welch announced the FLAG WORLD TOUR event 30 Jan 2016 at the Pasadena Convention Center.
David Wilson completed Cause Resurgence Rundown! David shared his “super keyed out” wins while at Flag.
Kathy Welch announced the Building the First Ideal Continent Fundraising Summit on Jan 30 and 31 at LA Org PAC Base. All the successful and persistent fundraisers from West US will be speaking. Let’s all attend this one!
Eric Krackow
- · Collected VM Program stats.o If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week
- · On Wednesdays at 7:30 there is a Dissemination workshop. Eric gave his successes and wins from this.
- · Come to a re-showing of the New Years Event here at Valley Org at 1:00pm and 6:00pm this Saturday
Jeremy Events I/C and Gerhardt shared data on the Flag World Tour. Snr C/S FSO will be there!!!! There is a 1 hour spectacular audio / visual presentation on the entire BRIDGE and Flag’s Best Year Ever.
Reminder: On Jan 17th from 10:00am to 6:00pm, David Howson and Steve Drabin are giving a seminar on selling, getting interest and willing participation. Then in the afternoon there is a Book One Seminar at Bonita Wilson’s home.
For OTC members and friends, Bonita Wilson is hostess for a Holiday “Pot Luck Dinner Party” on 19 Jan at her home. So bring your pot luck dish & a gift (value $15 or less).
Kathy Welch read the LRH quote.
OTC members went into production calling prospects for Purif and SRD at Valley Org.
The meeting was ended.
December 8, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Karen Brown, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, Bonita Wilson, Hagit Ron, Ralph Temps, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Mark Anderson, Carol Loweree, Bob Welch, Kathy DiGalbo, Rochelle Goodrich, Vered Ziv, Charlene Thorburn
Kathy Welch opened meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 27 to 32
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Up from $573 to $875
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 74.5 to 133.5
# of Events & Briefings Held – Up from 0 to 1
# of Service Starts – Even at 7
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Up from 14 to 16
Kathy Welch announced the Big Party was “over the top” great food and holiday entertainment! A big success in all aspects. Thank you NC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kathy met with the Landlord’s office. They are working diligently to get our actual budget figure. And the permit process is marching forward. More to news to follow weekly…
Carol Loweree announced her update on the 6th Annual Migrant Workers Children’s Christmas party Dec12th 10:00am to 2:00pm here at the Org. Donations can be toys or cash. Carol is recruiting volunteers. Gifts need to be in by the 8th. Gift wrapping is on the 9th. There will be 206 children attending plus teachers and assistants. Friday is party set-up. Saturday is the party with volunteers needed for food and table prep.
Eric Krackow
- · Read the great feedback from the holiday event (party).
- · Collected VM Program stats.o If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week
- · He read the commendations for all the OTC volunteers.
- · Friends and Family program needs your help with getting new Div 6 public – please send your friends and family into Org!
- · We have help here at the Org. Who do you know that we can help?
Kathy Welch read the commendation for Valley OTC from Pat Frey – our party decorations and preps I/C.
On Dec 17th from 10:00am to 5:00pm, David Howson is giving a seminar on his FSM Hat and successful actions.
For OTC members, Bonita Wilson is hostess for a Holiday “Pot Luck Dinner Party” on 19 Dec at her home. Kathy Welch is cooking some items, so bring your pot luck dish & a gift (value $15 or less).
New Year’s Event is 27 Dec live: it is inspiring, uplifting and wonderful!
Kathy Welch read the LRH quote. The meeting was ended.
November 17, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, Karen Brown, Bonita Wilson, Mark Anderson, Ralph Temps, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Bob Welch, Ben Ghiora, Linda Massey, Heelah Cohen, Judy Hill, Darren H., Carlos Diaz
Kathy Welch opened meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 26 to 25
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $2150 to $30
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Ralph Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 47.75 to 72
# of Events & Briefings Held – Even at 0
# of Service Starts – Down from 11 to 7
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Down from 25 to 15
Kathy Welch announced need for party prep volunteers for the party on Dec 6th. The invitations were mailed today. The confirmers for the party have been busy: Kathy acknowledged Jennifer, Mary Elizabeth, Nancy Parodi and Diane Temps.
Carol Loweree announced her update on the 6th Annual Migrant Workers Children’s Christmas party Dec12th 10:00am to 2:00pm here at the Org. Donations can be toys or cash. Carol is recruiting volunteers. Bonita Wilson is arranging the dancers’ presentation with TWTH Themes!
Christie Rose and Alex Potter from the Freewinds office announced the PR Training Seminar with LRH PPRO Freewinds and the Colonel from Colombia at LA Org Chapel Saturday 21 Nov at 7:00pm.
Eric Krackow
- Collected VM Program stats.
- If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week
- Friends and Family program needs your help with getting new Div 6 public – please send your friends and family into Org!
- Dissem Workshop Wednesdays 7:30pm – Get tools to help your contact with the Public.
New Year’s Event is 27 Dec live.
Kathy read the LRH quote. The meeting was ended.
Great job, MIke. This blog is a great source of endless mirth. I can envision the COB reading this blog everyday and cackling to himself. Must really brighten his day.
January 11th minutes mentions a presentation that claims that Flag had the best year ever. I wonder how they define that? Perhaps number of SP’ s who have left the Church?
Hi Mike, Love those smiley faces! Thank you. One, last time, Walter & I have a bet going. If Denver wins I get a glass of zin and a shrimp Po-boy with all the trimmings.If he wins he has to buy the King Cake,one just for two and it has to be chocolate! Love, Ann PS With that baby too!
Hi Mike, This IPad!! My last sentence should read if he wins I have to buy the chocolate King Cake & baby.Thanks Ann.
“Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Down from 13 to 10”
Including Debbie’s own absence.
How can someone reporting attendance be absent?
“If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week”
That sounds like an easy checkbox. I’m sure that stat is booming.
“Carol Loweree announced her update on the 6th Annual Migrant Workers Children’s Christmas party Dec12th 10:00am to 2:00pm here at the Org. Donations can be toys or cash. Carol is recruiting volunteers. Bonita Wilson is arranging the dancers’ presentation with TWTH Themes!”
I thought for a hot second that they were actually planning something nice, and arguably helpful to the community. ..migrant worker’s children’s Christmas party is actually a good idea. But they ruined it with WTH themed dancers. Though I would be interested in seeing the interpretive dance moves for not killing people and brushing your teeth.
When the valley place(org) announces completions, who is completing what ? Are therecourse rooms and sups? What is really happening there except asking for money and bobbing for apples?
Really the gross income tells you everything. No other stats needed.
Above photo worth a thousand words.
God Mike, football??? Next thing you’ll be bowling. Horse racing. Lolol. I kill me.
What is meant by they read “the LRH” quote? Is there only one? I guess LRH didn’t write as much as they claim….;)
They choose a suitable quote and that is an interesting moment to pick out to take notice of as taking that moment out is about as close to a ritual of respect to Hubbard that you will find. There probably is some sort of sociological label or category to give that moment when the quote is read.
Mike! Your headline photo reminded me of oh so many courses in my way too many years on the inside. Thanks for it. Finally something correctly indicated! 🙂
I LOL’d at the mention of (the always unnamed) “Colonel from Colombia.”
I’m kind of surprised they didn’t go with the ‘Colonel from Kentucky’……(Sanders….KFC….get it?)
‘If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week’
Is this what they report to the IRS to ‘prove’ they are a religious organization that provides aid and assistance to others?
I’m not sure what that tech entails, but if (for example) I make a clay figure or tell an ash to stand up……does that count as a VM stat?
Finger Lickin Good Org. ?
I love how they say “David Howson and Steve Drabin are giving a seminar on selling, getting interest and WILLING participation.” I have a feeling that someone’s participation in anything scientology related at this point is about as “willing” as their decision to disconnect from loved ones is a “choice.”
That Picture! LOL! Where in the world did you get that?
Since it’s a no topic day, here is some good news for everyone disappointed about Going Clear not making it to the top 5 at the Oscars. A while back I watched a clip where Lawrence Wright said that the FIRST cut for Going Clear was Four Hours. Who knows how much more they had to trim to get the movie. So they have plenty of footage for a sequel which I think is a certainty unless HBO and Alex Gibney suddenly lose interest in fame and money.
Enjoy your pizza and beer today, Mike.
Gibney has taken lots of opportunities to speak out publicly and tweet about Scientology tax exemption. I would like to see him focus on it and run it down in lots of detail in a follow up movie. When it comes to a documentary having a measurable impact, this may be a ripe opportunity.
So what’s the deal with the golden bathroom at Int Base?
I assume it was one “reserved” for Dear Leader or TC. There is no gold bathroom
$30 would have been a good paper route in 1975.
“For OTC members and friends, Bonita Wilson is hostess for a Holiday ‘Pot Luck Dinner Party’ on 19 Jan at her home. so bring your pot luck dish & a gift (value $15 or less)
WTF? She’s a freaking scientology whale. ( )
Why would she need people to bring food and gifts?
Don’t forget, out-exchange is criminal; and she wouldn’t want to be an accessory to that now, would she?
It could also be the reason why she IS a whale.
Because the stable datum off of which she operates is: “Better in my pocket than in yours”.
Some of the cheapest people I have EVER met were/are heavy IAS donors. I don’t mean “frugal”, I mean CHEAP – embarrassingly so.
Income $273, $875, $30. Just for reference, what’s a paper route pay for the week? More than $30, I’d wager.
Oh heck yes! They’re not paperboys anymore. They’re now mobile information specialist. And, yes! They do make more than $30. I mean, mobile information specialist!!! How great is that!!!
Hey OSD – Back to body surfing at the “wedge” for a minute. I did a head over heels 360 and luckily landed on my butt. Waves were only 8-10 feet that day but it still hurt! The waves must be going nuts with all the storms.
It depends on which way the swell is hitting the jetty. If it’s coming from the northwest. It might be massive! The kind of day I don’t go out in…
Routes here in Pittsburgh run 1 G a month
Mike or others in the know,
This one always gets me, and I’d like to make sure I understand it, and not passing judgment incorrectly.
“Collected VM Program stats.o If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week”
So does this mean if someone postulates that (let’s say people enduring human rights violations outside of alleged CoS ones) Asian women are no longer trafficked…it counts as a “volunteer stat” even though they may not have actually done any tangible thing to prevent trafficking? Because isn’t using your OT postulates part of the tech?
Please enlighten if you can as I want to ensure I’m interpreting this correctly.
If so, wow!
Or, to clarify, what would be considered the tech applied? And/or can the tech be applied without physically conducting what most people attribute as volunteer services whether clerical or on-site physical assistance?
And I, personally, don’t count donating money as a volunteer service. I consider that funding or supporting a cause or personnel who perform volunteer functions.
Thank you in advance for any assistance on clarification on this subject for a never-in.
Mike, I must comment on your remarkable choice of images you use to highlight your text. Week after week you marry images to the story in a most interesting and entertaining way. You have mastered and co-ordinated a sense of humour with stating the obvious. Plus, I think you have a touch of the wicked in your sense of humour.
Would also like to remark on your tenacity and time you put in with exposing and commenting on the state of scientology with such regularity. Your sense of justice shines through but geezers, it must eat into time,thank you.
I just learnt today a person I’ve known about for 25 years or more,(has always been a card carrying scio), works 7 days a week, struggles with money to the point of almost going hungry, mortgaged to the ying yang and flows to CCHR regularly insists on doing WISE programs and paying dearly for the privilege. It’s been over 10 years WISE have been involved with his company and it has barely broken even in that time despite the enormous effort employed. One would think it’s time to assess the management issues of that company but NO… he will not despite the pain and misery he inflicts on his employees and family. He insists admin tech works, he just needs to find the right formula for his market apparently… WOW! Such a knuckleheaded numbskull but it highlights the exact opposite effect of what scientology alleges it does. It hypnotises its followers to accepting all solutions to all problems are contained in the “tech”. If this idiot would just “be himself, look and act” I’m sure he’d pull himself out of the crap he’s now in. Scientologists simply have to have authority above them dictating what they have to do, otherwise they’d feel exposed or lonely or something… self-determinism indeed!
Yawn, that friend you mention IS the prime idiot that keeps the CoS in gear and running. Miscavige and company could not stay in business without loyal customers like him. He is complicit in all of the CoS’s crimes. The ONLY remedy that MIGHT save him? COMPLETE bankruptcy and TOTAL financial disaster (or being expelled of course). Otherwise he’s an alcoholic spending his weekly paycheck slumped over a seedy bar stool somewhere. My verdict on his current condition, to quote me late mum: “TS” (tough situation)
you have said it correctly….the dull-mind that always”follows orders” is the end of intelligence or humanity
Just out of curiosity — did you find out this person was a CoSer while talking about, or mentioning, the ills of CoS?
If so, are you about to not have a friend anymore?
I’m sorry if my questions are rude; I’m just wondering how the topic came up and if you said anything CoS would consider verboten?
You need not reply if I’m being too nosy.
That’s OK. The info came from his niece. Haven’t spoken to her for years and it was a casual catch up type of phone conversation about people we knew in common etc. She wanted to get a hold of my wife and I answered the phone. She hasn’t been on scio lines for over 15 + years (no money or interest anymore) but works for him. It just left me staggered that the full on corporate scios never look at the misery they cause to others. I had to keep my questions and comments on a social level but she’s torn between her family loyalty and a struggling construction company. She said she’s looking for another job – that I validated without lag let me tell you.
It did interest me though that the PR scientology has with her is one of boredom. She’s just so bored with it all and wished he did something else they could all enjoy together. The scientology angle for everything alienates all the employees from getting involved with curing the problems they all faced with the future looking pretty grim financially. The morale in the business really sucked she told me. Scientologists are pretty insane to be involved she said in a round about kind of way – too true! She’s a good kid.
The attendees at the meetings are the same middle aged people. Lots of over the top expansion in the LA Metro area with the biggest concentration of Scientologists!
What…all 253 of them?
Do celeb OTs ever attend these meetings? Do they belong to a different org? I always wonder where Krustie, Juliette, the Nancey, etc. are.
Most of the LA-based celebs are CCInt public, I think (although Fudgie the Whale might be Flag public by now since she’s become OTVII). NANCY CARTWRIGHT BART SIMPSON is Valley public, and she has shown up at at least one OTC meeting. From what I remember, according to the minutes, she was treated as the Valley Goddess she’s been promoted to be. It was apparently a very special occasion to have her in the room, so it’s definitely not normal. Whatever happened to the requirement that all OTVIIs and above have to be part of their local OTC? Oh, wait, there’s one law for celebrities and one law for the Unwashed Degraded Being Public.
All OTs are not created equal. Which, if you think about it, is an indictment of Standard Tech.
Well, I dunno about the “great day” for the NFL and EPL. I lost interest in the Bears’ season pretty quickly and Lovie’s out of a job. And right now as of this writing, my EPL team, Arsenal, is being stymied by Jack Butland, Stoke’s world-class goalkeeper. Instead, it’s below zero Fahrenheit here in Civilization Central, and I have to drive a couple of hundred miles tomorrow to go to an audit, but not before I pick up my PSYCH DRUGS!!!! Booga booga, OSA lurkers and Kool-Aid Drinking Indies.
Hey, it’s Valley OTC Minutes. The most interesting thing in there is David Wilson getting through the Running Program without suffering a coronary.
Well, I am a Broncos fan since my time in Denver. Unfortunately, I have been a Chelsea fan since I lived in the UK in 1969 — suffered through some hard years, then glory then back to shit… But MU/Liverpool is always worth watching…
Mike, I noticed someone named Mary Lee Krackow. Would she be related to the beast they call the Cracken? Just wondering.
More like Mary Lee Krackhead.
Krackhead is a different monster, Espi.
The OT’s at Denver Ideal Org will make sure the ball bounces right for the Broncos to best Pittsburgh.
Well that’s a good thought. There is no ideal morgue in Pittsburgh. In fact no org at all. Do the big beings in Denver should guarantee a victory.
Hmmmm … don’t the MOST OTs live in the LA area? Gee, think the Dodgers could’ve used a little help the last three years of playoff defeats? (probably my counter intention from half way around the world caused those losses) And those freakin’ TAMPA teams!!!! Flag OTC and all! Probably Tom Brady is a natural OT.
If Pittsburgh wins the game over Denver, it will prove, once and for all that Scientology is a complete fraud!
OMG!!! Denver is leading! Do you realize that if Denver wins this game, it proves that Scientology is real & OTs actually have super powers??? The orgs will be flooded. Their arrogance will increase exponentially!
Yeah, well, that’s some good scientology logic.
Wow Mike, thanks! Heeeeeeyyy…..wait a minute………
Denver is going to win. This is incontrovertible proof that everything L. Ron Hubbard ever wrote is completely factual and totally without error. All you doubters need to report to ethics first thing in the morning.
I’m just riffing on Joe Pendelton’s post! He scared me talking about thoes powerful OTs! But, it looks like the Brocos will, in fact, win. Hey Joe! Looks like the OTs did it again! Man, you’ve got one hellava org there!
OSD – I’ve only been to Denver twice (and would you believe it, once was at the org in 1996 for the GAT event!) I myself started rooting for the 49ers in 1967.
Well Denver ended up winning so no cigar on proving Scientology a fraud that way. Next week New England at Denver, both with orgs but Denver is an ideal Org, Boston not. So if New England wins, we could at least prove that Ideal Orgs are no better than “regular” orgs.
Well, I think we are going to have to wait for the SuperBowl for the final call. This weekend saw:
Ideal Org Phoenix beat Not Org Green Bay (only just)
Ideal Org Denver beat Not Org Pittsburgh. Couple of big wins for the OT postulates there.
But then again, Not Org Charlotte beat Ideal Org Seattle (and thrown in Ideal Org Portland too — they don’t have an NFL team and that is Seahawks terriroty) – bummer for the OT’s there…
Not Ideal Org Boston beat Not Ideal Org Kansas City. A tie of low level beings.
I doubt it will be Ideal Org Phoenix vs Ideal Org Denver in the Super Bowl… But it is going to be interesting to follow.
PS: Not Ideal Org Manchester beat Not Org Liverpool. Seems even the low-level beings are better than the “homo saps” (as Theo would call them)….
Mike I hate it when you apply critical thinking and logic to cast doubt on standard tech (just kidding of course).
Hi Mike, Congratulations! Denver & Phoenix sound very good to me. In that case I’ll take Denver.I told Walter that the Patriots are a low level being Team and my gosh he told me to eat beans cold and old beef dogs for a week! Pretty good for a never- in! Laughter, Love, Ann.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I have no dog in this fight anymore since my Bengals sucked end game. Fuck it I gave up. May not even watch football next year.
I’m an Arsenal/Steelers fan. So hoping tonight’s game has a better outcome than this afternoon’s! Stunned to see Mike is a Chelski fan – that’s all your brownie points wiped out, Mr Rinder! 🙂 Those minutes made, er, interesting reading…
Became a Chelsea fan back in the days of Peter Osgood. Long before any oligarch had any interest. At least Chelsea only collapse every few years ?
You’re a Chelsea Clinton fan too, Mike! I never knew that! In fact, I’m kind of surprised you even know who she is. Good for you! However, I never knew that she calapses 4 times a year! I wonder how Bill & Hilary are dealing with it…
I’m a Charger fan and a South African Springbok fan (rugby). Not sure what sport you guys are all talking about – Chelsea, Arsenal, MU????
YEah, I started a whole new trend here with a single mention of football. EPL is English Premier League (soccer), the grandaddy of all football leagues….
Hi Mike, Talking sports EPL and all soccer is on hubby’s TV plus he is a huge Patriots fan.I watch the soccer too, but like to turn off the sound and turn up the CDs.I like all soccer teams but have to be a Saints and LSU football fan. You know this is great to be-able to post what we want and not have to worry that we are out-source for watching sports on TV or watching any TV got that matter. Love, Ann.
Hi Mike, I meant for that matter… Thanks,Ann.
Arsenal? Isn’t that where you store weapons? That must be some football club! All tough guys l’m sure…
Hi Espiando, Quite a road trip you will be on. Love the group you’ll be picking up! Stay safe. Ann.
More than you think, Ann. I head back from Wisconsin Wednesday afternoon, then early Thursday morning head two hours in the other direction, then back on Friday afternoon. The life of an auditor can sometimes be arduous.
Hi Espiando, Wild lots of rubber hitting the road. You know you are a very good auditor and you try to help people.So I look forward to your posts in future.GPS Love, Ann.
W/E nov 17: thirty bucks collected from fourteen OTs! That is quite an accomplishment! Our COB is preparing the Religious Procurement Foreclosure (rpf) for this oopstat committee
It seems OT VIII, Diane Temps’, only job is to beg with cap in hand for donations at each meeting to pay for the cookies they put out for the OTC members.
Soon they’ll be asking their members to swing by the 99 Cents Only store to get the cookies.
Just think, Cindy, of the confront that she has, to do that. I mean, all it took was years of auditing and hundreds of thousands of dollars so that now she can finally do what any beggar on a Manhattan subway car can do.
This is great news. Deader than ever – the Pasadena Idle Morgue!
Well, I guess it’s time for me to leave the beach and head up to the Model Idle Morgue in Pasadena and throw flyers off of the 5 story parking garage again. It’s just so much fun to see the staff scramble to get them all before wogs pick them up. Hey, an Old Surfer Dude needs to have some fun too, ya know!
That does sound like fun OSD.
It does, actually.
That and a Metrocard will get you on the subway.