For the record.
These have been accumulating for a while. The Special Correspondent who so diligently forwards these to me noted that it is interesting to look at these over time as you can see the false promises and pitches roll out and the things that are said in March that will happen in April go by without comment and then you start seeing new targets on the same thing in June. It is truly the donkey with the carrot on a stick — the only difference being the donkey is being ridden by vampires that inexorably suck the blood out of it, til it falls to the wayside and they jump on a new donkey.
Remember, THIS is the most important ideal org in this universe. It is the pride and joy of the scientology world. Located in the largest concentration of scientologists on earth. They have every other org and Mission in SoCal and even the ILO (international management) staff working to achieve their idealiness. And 12 years into that program, it’s still not close to being done (they are shooting for an opening in 2017).
Read from this perspective, it shows you the real influence scientology has on society. Zilch. The only impact it has is on the lives of those involved or formerly involved. Bankrupt people. Broken families. Lives lived always hoping that things will be better tomorrow and nothing ever actually coming to fruition other than empty buildings being “opened.”
I have highlighted a few noteworthy things in red. You will note, the ONLY thing this “OT Committee” does it work to reg money. And after raising $30 million they STILL NEED $6.4 million! You can debate whether this is the most important, or the biggest ideal org. There is no doubt it is the most expensive.
July 26, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, David Wilson, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Diane Temps, Ralph Temps, Hillah Cohen, Mary Lee Krackow, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Lauren Perreau, Ben Ghiora, Scott Bradberry, Dali Bahat, Ofra Bahat, Charlene Thorburn, Carol Loweree, Vered Ziv, Nancy Parodi, Rochell Goodrich, Susan Jacobs, Marty Kassowitz, Bobbi Kassowitz, Linda Massey
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow Recited the Purpose of the OTCC. (They do this every single week — I wonder if they ever give a second thought to what this means? Because what they do has nothing to do with the purpose of the OTC)
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 24 to 26 (You will see, there is never more than 35…)
Division 2 –
Gross Income – $535,000 (wonder how they count this? Doesn’t have anything to do with OT Committee obviously, it is the total amount regged for building, but wonder if it is actually money received or if this is “pledged”)
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours 113.5
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – 12
Division 6 –
Meeting Attendance – 19
Jennifer Shearer (SO Fundraising Support Team)
- Seminar Events at Org this past weekend
- 7/22-7/24: Michael Chan – entire weekend of seminars at Valley were very successful
- Nearly every attendee donated to Valley (this is the measure of “success” — not how many attended or how many got onto service or god forbid, how many were “helped”)
- Gave out commendation to Mary Elizabeth Glosup for her stellar work working with all PAC Base Orgs to fundraise for Valley and organize the seminars we’ve been having. She was acknowledged with a rousing ovation!
Carol Loweree
- Gave great wins on her Good Choices classes with kids – recently 18 youth graduates and 33 scheduled for 8/11
- LAPD head for South LA wants her help to teach his team everything she can so they can disseminate her information in his area.
Kathy Welch
- Introduced Vered Ziv as our OTC Exec ESTO officer
- She’ll be getting the OTC Org Board manned and hatted
- Every member will be interviewed for posting and scheduling
Austin Nichols – CFD
- Briefed us on our $2 Million Dollar Week!
- Doug Dohring is VERY STRONG ALLY
- Reg’ed big donors to help us
- Arranged MV4 match game
- Doug Dohring is VERY STRONG ALLY
- We’ve raised $5.5 Million in 2.5 months – AWESOME
- $6.4 Million to finish – others working to bring in all but $2.4 of that
- LOTS of brand new people on board
- Plan to finish: Humanitarians – 84 now, add 16 to reach 100! Get 1-on-1 w/ COB at opening – unique opportunity
- Increase Alumni’s – generate $350K
- Get status increases between Alumni and Benefactor
- Outflow to all 3 sectors
- Target Made date is 9/24 huge event – want to beat 12/07/08 (850 attendees)
Ryan Rodriguez (SO Fundraising Support Team)
- Olympic-themed event 7/31 at Angeles National Golf Club
- Featuring Valley Dream Team!
Mary Elizabeth Glosup
- Upcoming Seminar Events at Org:
- Working on Grant Cardone for 8/6 seminar
Come in and help in any way you can: CF/Call-in, etc!
July 19, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, David Wilson, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Diane Temps, Ralph Temps, Hillah Cohen, Mary Lee Krackow, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Lauren Perreau, Ben Ghiora, Scott Bradberry, Dali Bahat, Ofrah Bahat, Hagit Ron, Arlene Alstadt, Nancy Parodi, Rochelle Goodrich, Ann Hazen, Linda Massey
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow Recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 22 to 24
Division 2 –
Gross Income – $967,456
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours 109.25
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – 15
Division 6 –
Meeting Attendance – 15
Diane Temps
- we are instituting $10/month dues from OTC members to replace Fernando dono hat
- This will cover website, list printing, etc.
- Email will go out to all OTC members
- We’ll have a box at Org for people who aren’t at OTC meetings to please give when they’re at Org
Jennifer Shearer (SO Fundraising Support Team)
- Gave out beautiful commendations to people who helped pull off our recent multi-million fundraising since MV#1
- Did Org-board posting for needed hats:
- Events
- PR/Marketing/Letters Out
- Call-in
- CF
- Recovery
Mary Elizabeth Glosup
- Upcoming Seminar Events at Org:
- 7/22: Michael Chan – entire weekend at Valley– Friday night:7:30, Sat: 1P, Sun: 1 & 4
- Sun: 5:30: Pizza Party & Fundraiser
- 7/23: SMP event video will be shown at Pac Base graduation at 7:30 Saturday
Ryan Rodriguez
- Olympic-themed event 7/30 at Angeles National Golf Club
- Featuring Valley Dream Team!
Austin Nickles – CFD
- We have a $Million match game in progress!
- Anonymous donor will match $1 million if we raise it this week
- We’ve raised $550K so far
- Call! Email! Text! Anyone who can give towards this match
- Forward emails about the match to your contacts
Come in and help in any way you can: CF/Call-in, etc!
OTC members went into production.
July 5, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, David Wilson, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Diane Temps, Ralph Temps, Hillah Cohen, Mary Lee Krackow, Susan Jacobs, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Lauren Perreau, Ben Ghiora, Nola Aronson, Steve Lettau, Greg Saunders, Linda Massey
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow Recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 27 to 26
Division 2 –
Gross Income – $685,365
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours 127.25
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – 8
Division 6 –
Meeting Attendance – 23 on the 2nd of June
Kathy Welch
- · So far we’ve raised $921K this week; let’s beat highest ever $1.207; keep flowing
- · MV1 production FABULOUS
- o 47 Up Statuses
- o 748 individual donos
- · Newest Humanitarians were announced and introduced with rousing ovation: Nola Aronson and Steve Lettau
Mary Elizabeth Glosup
- · Upcoming Seminar Events at Org:
- o 7/7: Sequence of Expansion – Bill Johannssen – Mary Elizabeth: Doubled my stats after doing this.
- o 7/11: Kevin Wilson – Financial help
- o 7/22: Michael Chan – entire weekend – Friday night, Sat/Sun
- · 7/8 – CC Int Dinner – Sharing our momentum of past 2 weeks
- · 7/15 – Nancy’s Italian Dinner featuring Gabriel Manro – opera singer, and Sara Shields
- · 7/16 – MV4 at Castaway’s for Valley fundraiser – Aknu singing group is coming
Come in and help in any way you can: CF/Call-in, etc!
OTC members went into production.
May 24, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Nancy Cartwright, David Wilson, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Ralph Temps, Hagit Ron, Vered Ziv, Dali Bahat, Ofrah Bahat, Mary Lee Krackow, Susan Jacobs, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Lorie Bradberry, Scott Bradberry, Nancy Parodi, Rochelle Goodrich, Lauren Perreau, Heelah Cohen, Ben Ghiora , Marty Kassowitz, Bobbi Kassowitz, Ralph Kotke, Anne Hazen, Linda Massey, Charles Kwang (guest)
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow Recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 30 to 27
Division 2 –
Gross Income – $122,000
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Ralph Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Vered Ziv
# of Volunteer Hours 136
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – 11
Division 6 –
Meeting Attendance – 20 on the 19th of May
Kathy Welch
- · We’re using donation squares to FINISH – Buy a square!
- · Pac Base is going to help make it go viral
- · Showed our Org Board with Hats assigned from last week’s Block Party – still some openings
Nancy Cartwright
- · Amount is final – RTC is backing it up.
- · She’s made a music video about Valley History to be shown at May 27 event –Use as carrot to promote event and get attendance – I’ll close at call-in tonight if needed!
Quinn Taufer
- · Next Sunday Block Party event 2-6
- o CO/CLO WUS will be here every Sunday
- o Get CF going – come in any time
- o We are the Core!
- o Burned out ceiling lights will be replaced
- o Invite all we can to come
- · SMP OPENING Saturday 5/28!
- o Meet at LA Org 11AM to register and get shuttles to site
- o Need ID and tickets – get them at any SO Org
- o Parking at various sites in area
- o Tip – USE Metro leaving from N Hollywood station (down Lankershim from new chapel) – metro stop at Sunset/Vermont across the street from Complex
- · Flag World Tour event 6/4
OTC members went into production.
May 10, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Diane Temps, Ralph Temps, Hagit Ron, Irad Ron, Vered Ziv, Dali Bahat, Ofra Bahat, Mary Lee Krackow, Susan Jacobs, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Lorie Bradberry, Scott Bradberry, Charlene Thorburn, Daniel Sadeh, Mirit Sadeh, Nancy Parodi, Rochell Goodrich, Hillah Cohen, Ben Ghiora, Linda Massey
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow Recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members –Up from 28 to 29
Division 2 –
Gross Income – $290
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Vered Ziv
# of Volunteer Hours 134.75
# of Events & Briefings Held – 1
# of Service Starts – 11
Division 6 –
Meeting Attendance – 20 on the 5th of May
Kathy Welch introduced SO Guest with SMP info
- · Saturday’s event raised over $400K
- · Dep Sr C/S is giving briefing for all OT3-OT5s plus anyone that needs SRD/Purif at AOLA Atrium Sat/Sun at 6:30
- · Flag World Tour event 6/4
Quinn Taufer
- · Permits in place! LA City asked for huge changes – Green issues;
- · “Buy a square” game will complete funding!
- · Construction: 1 June completes all pre-construction – asbestos/molding
- · Building news: Pre-construction activities have started
- · Sept 1 – all funding must finish so Valley can be DONE AND OPENED for 2017 birthday event video.
- · MV date is 6/7; SMP and Budapest will both be before – final date SMP imminent.
OTC members went into production.
April 12, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, Ralph Temps, Vered Ziv, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Hagit Ron, Irad Ron, Ben Ghiora, Avner Golan, Hillah Cohen, Susan Jacobs, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Linda Massey, John Massey, Kathy DiGalbo, Fabrice Terrade, Irit Lax, Lauren Perreau, Ann Hazen, Darren Hines, Dali Bahat, Ofra Bahat, Arlene Alstadt, Ray Loomis, Mirit Sadeh, Daniel Sadeh, Freddie Berger, Bob Brooks, Lisa Malm, Pete Sokoloff, Annie Sokoloff, Debbie Cregan, Lorin Burton, Mark Anderson, Karen Brown, Tamara Dahill, Rochelle Goodrich, John McQuilling, Mark Schwartz, Claire Taylor, Alan Gilbertson, Dean Glosup, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Scott Bradbery, Laurie Bradbery, Terry Morrill, Alison Lorch, Tom Schian, Lisa Benest, Rich Murken, Steve Lettau, Nola Aronson, Marshall Schwerman
Kathy Welch opened the meeting
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members –Up from 27 to 33
Division 2 –
Gross Income – $4,871
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Vered Ziv
# of Volunteer Hours 186.5
# of Events & Briefings Held – 1
# of Service Starts – 13
Division 6 –
Meeting Attendance –Up from 20 to 24
Quinn Taufer introduced Pete and Annie Sokoloff, who are heading up the fundraising for the Santa Barbara org; Mark Schwartz from the Pasadena Org who is the liaison with Valley; Lisa Malm—president of the Women’s Auxiliary; Claire Taylor—OTC chair for West US; and the DSA and ED of the Santa Barbara org—Debbie Cregan and Lorin Burton.
Vicki Schantz—CO/CLO—gave us the latest Ideal Org news. There are 25 Orgs in the West US—15 are done; 10 to go. The next orgs to go Ideal are Budapest in May, Harlem in June and San Diego in September. In the West US, the orgs will be Valley, Mountain View, Salt Lake City and Austin. The Atlanta org was averaging $5-10K a week; after going Ideal, they had a gross income of $105K with 70 walk-ins. (This must be where they get their 10X stat from — you can bet it is now back down to 5-10k a week)
She spoke about what it is going to take to get the Valley done—a shoulder to the wheel effort—a true group is what will get it done and we are creating a true group. The Valley is going to have both a day and foundation org with 33 auditing rooms—that means 66 auditors recruited; another recruitment target is 30 supervisors. The goal is to have staff be as LRH intended—a career. Another project is the files—including CF, Treasury, Student files etc.–the target date is to get all of the files done by August 12th—it will take 50 man hours a day and 100 man hours on weekends.
The next speaker was the Senior HAS West US– who briefed us on the establishment and correct posting that an ideal org must do. This is going to be done concurrently with the fundraising and construction. This is a tremendous project and target.
Austin Nichols—Finance Officer-briefed us on the Expansion formula and the strategy for getting the fundraising done. We are going to have lots of OTC Events—every week—culminating in a huge mega event on June 4th—which will be organized by Patrick Renna. Our target is 1500 people at that event. We are going to get everyone that has ever contributed to the Valley Org—back and involved. We want them to participate in this final wrap up of the Valley.
Quinn Taufer briefed us on the upcoming schedule:
April 16th—True Group Event—target of 150 people
April 19th—OTC next Tuesday will be at the AO Atrium at 7:00 pm
April 23rd—Victorious Event—
April 24th—Kevin Wilson will be giving a Prosperity Seminar
April 26th—OTC Meeting
April 29th—Mega Dinner fundraiser
Construction is slated to begin on April 25th. In order to get ready for this, everything needs to be cleaned out of the building—we need about 20 people to help this weekend to do this.
Quinn then announced the following hats:
Humanitarian I/C—Hagit Ron
Fundraising I/C—David Wilson
Events I/C—Jennifer Charm
Dinners I/C—Vered Ziv
Volunteers I/C—Susan Jacobs
Promo I/C—Chuck Jacobs, Scott Kreisberg
Targets: 97 more alumni, 1627 more individual donations.
Our latest Humanitarians are Mirit and Daniel Sadeh.
Quinn ended the meeting and we broke into production.
April 5, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, Ralph Temps, Vered Ziv, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Hagit Ron, Irad Ron, Ben Ghiora, Avner Golan, Hillah Cohen, Susan Jacobs, David Wilson, Linda Massey, Kathy DiGalbo, Fabrice Terrade, Irit Lax, Lauren Perreau, Ann Hazen, Darren Hines, Dali Bahat, Ofra Bahat, Arlene Alstadt, Ray Loomis
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members –down from 34 to 27
Division 2 –
Gross Income – down from $40,799 to $14,547
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Vered Ziv
# of Volunteer Hours 94.25
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – 10
Division 6 –
Meeting Attendance –down from 23 to 20
Kathy Welch announced that Hagit and Irad Ron, David Wilson, George and Ann Dinkel and Kathy Welch along with Quinn Taufer attended the Atlanta Org’s Grand Opening.
The Valley’s ED—Ann Dinkel—first spoke about her experience at the Grand Opening. She said that it was a gorgeous day in Atlanta—the environment was friendly—and the event was uplifting—very spiritual. It was primarily attended by the Sea Org, Donors and staff. The biggest impact on Ann was that she realized we have got to move faster on getting Valley done—if we do that we can really have upstats on our lines and connect with community leaders etc. From a strictly third and fourth dynamic view—we have got to get it done. If each OTC member really owns this project—and decides that they will make it happen—it will get done—no one else is going to do it—we have to do it.
While in Atlanta, they attended a briefing on Scientology Media Productions—and this is further reason to get Valley done. The dissemination is going to be so widespread—and people will be looking for us—so we’ve got to be open to handle them. There is an urgency. We don’t want to lose this opportunity.
On Sunday, they attended a panel of USA orgs—and Ann’s take-away from that was that in all the ideal orgs, a small core of people get it done, they all suffer from the highs and lows—much like the Valley—but once the members decide to own and get the project done—it gets done—they push through those final barriers.
Ann concluded her talk by reading from the OT Ambassador Program—that building ideal orgs is the first purpose of OT Ambassadors.
George Dinkel then followed up Ann’s talk by stressing again how there is an urgency to this project and that everyone has to own it—be at the top of the chart of attitudes—we need people to go up in status and to completely populate our upcoming events—and a constant flow of donations. If we do this, we will attract pro survival attention units.
Kathy Welch said that the event was a phenomenal experience and told us about Atlanta’s “all-in” club—with each member deciding to be all-in on the project.
Quinn Taufer then gave his wins from attending the event—and talked about really applying LRH to this project and duplicating COB’s intention to get Valley done. Quinn talked about how Atlanta had to overcome numerous barriers and suppression to get the project done—and what an accomplishment it was.
In our upcoming phone calls and texts, we need to instill in others the importance of everyone owning this project. Atlanta’s grand opening has just made clearing this planet one step closer. He also gave us the news that Orlando had purchased its building.
The meeting ended and we then went into production with the goal of getting 150 people at our event this Saturday—April 9th.
March 29, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, David Wilson, Ralph Temps, Hagit Ron, Vered Ziv, Omer Azmon, Dali Bahat, Ofra Bahat, Heelah Cohen, Lauren Perreau, Marshall Schwerman, Charlene Thorburn, Mark Anderson, Karen Brown, Susan Jacobs, Ben Ghiora, Linda Massey
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 32 to 34
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – $40,799
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 261.75 to 142
# of Events & Briefings Held – 1
# of Service Starts – Up from 5 to 11
Division 6 – Kathy Welch
Meeting Attendance – Even at 23
Kathy Welch
- · Omer Azmon is our newest Benefactor!
- · April 8 Dinner – Vered taking donations
- · April 9 Fundraiser Event – At Hayvenhurst, – Valley Simply the Best! – tell everyone to come!
Quinn Taufer
- · LRH Birthday – YOU KICKED ASS!
- o Valley OTC took charge – Awesome work from all who helped, with special thanks to Darren Hynes (video setup) and Vered Ziv (food)
- · We need LOTS OF OUTFLOW –
- o Successful action that promotes giving of lots of smaller donos from 90% that impels the 10% to give its large donations!
- o Get people talking about Valley everywhere
- o 10’s of 1000’s of emails sent out!
- o We need all donors to just give 25% of their current amount given and we’ll be done!
- o Need 97 new people to get to Alumni target
- · Atlanta is opening next weekend – send lots of people from Valley as loads of large donors will be there; David Wilson is going to be on panel of donors. Shooting for Match game!
- · Building news:
- o Permits pulling – dates were shortened by 2 weeks!
- o Pre-construction activities have started
- · We’ll need 263 staff to open, plus huge CF (LA Org took 81000 man hours to finish!)
- · Need other OTC members to come – call those not here tonight to get involved
- · Don’t miss videos of Kathy Welch and George Dinkel that went out – why I donate to Valley!
OTC members went into production.
The meeting was ended.
March 15, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Lee Krackow, Karen Brown, Diane Temps, Vered Ziv, David Wilson, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Hagit Ron, Irad Ron, Mark Anderson, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Ben Ghiora, Heelah Cohen, Lauren Perreau, Charlene Thorburn, Rochelle Goodrich, Darren Hynes, Linda Massey, Kathy DiGalbo, Ann Hazen, Scott Bradberry, Lorie Bradberry
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 26 to 28
Division 2 –
Gross Income – down from $16,750 to $3,671
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Vered Ziv
# of Volunteer Hours – down from 108 to 97.75 hours
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – Down from 17 to 2
Division 6
Meeting Attendance – Up from 16 to 22
Kathy Welch briefed us on the LRH birthday Event —this Saturday—March 19th—we now have 401 confirms—and we want to get that up to 500. We still need help from volunteers for after the event. Also, Darren will be installing the lighting and cables for the event on Thursday during the day—if you can help out—please let the org know.
We also have the March 18th dinner which will catapult us into the fundraising on March 19th.
Quinn Taufer next gave us an amazing briefing on our fundraising status. We have, to date, raised $29,481,620.00; we have 430 alumni and above. Our viewpoint and goal for this upcoming event is TO GET VALLEY DONE. The Scientology Media Center is due to open on April 30th—and Quinn said he would like to present COB with a surprise gift at the grand opening—a done Valley. All of Los Angeles is operating on one vector—getting Valley done—so we can do it.
We now have an approved bid—a construction budget—that will not change—that number will be revealed at the LRH birthday event. The targets for the upcoming event are as follows:
2016 donations:
500 Alumni and above—that is 69 more Alumni made
2 New Civilization Builders
Fundraising complete
How to do this—we need people in the org every day for the next 5 days—please make sure you figure out a way to be in the org—to help. We also need everyone to figure out a way to move up in status—that is what is going to make this happen.
Quinn ended the meeting with a quote from LRH.
OTC members went into production getting event confirms.
The meeting was ended.
March 8, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Lee Krackow, Karen Brown, Diane Temps, Ralph Temps, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, David Wilson, Mark Anderson, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Ben Ghiora, Avner Golan, Heelah Cohen, Lauren Perreau, Nancy Parodi, Charlene Thorburn, Kathy DiGalbo, Ann Hazen, Carlos Diaz, Marty Kassowitz, Bobby Kassowitz, Fabrice Terrade
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 28 to 26
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – $16,750
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 141 to 108
# of Service Starts—Up from 6 to 17
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Up from 14 to 16
Kathy Welch announced the confirms for the LRH Birthday event at Valley—we are at 300—and our outflow is generating a buzz and lots of interest in the field—so we need to keep it up. Our target is 500 people—30 confirms a day. Mary Elizabeth Glosup and Tashania went to PAC and spoke to LA Org—and got 25 confirms. Our outflow is paying off—so everyone needs to come in and do their share of call-in.
The March 18th dinner (the night before the LRH birthday event) will be at David and Bonita Wilson’s. Our final budget figure will be announced at that dinner.
Kathy then read an LRH quote and everyone went into production–getting confirms.
The meeting was ended.
March 1, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Lee Krackow, Karen Brown, Diane Temps, Vered Ziv, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Mark Anderson, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Ben Ghiora, Lauren Perreau, David Wilson, Sue Kattoo, Fabrice Terrade, Marshall Schwerman, Kathy DiGalbo
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 25 to 28
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – $1,211
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Vered Ziv
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 95 to 141
# of Service Starts—Down from 8 to 6
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Down from 23 to 14
Kathy Welch read and passed out Commendations to all those who helped on last Saturday’s event—in particular Lauren Perreau for her wonderfully creative performance and Jennifer Charm Jacobsen for the food, decorations and overall event planning
Quinn Taufer then briefed us on our targets and events for the next few months. He announced that by March 19th, we will have and will announce the Valley’s Construction budget—it will be approved by then—this will be the final figure! Our goal is to have 500 people at our LRH birthday event—to be held on March 19th in our chapel! To do this, we need to confirm 30 people a day—so it means we all need to get into the org and help with call-in and confirms! Also, we are going to make half of our needed fundraising amount by then—which will be matched. ILO will be sending staff to our event to help with the final push.
On March 18th—the night before the LRH birthday event—there will be a dinner of all the Humanitarians and above!
Our Final TM to have all the fundraising done is May 7th! We are going to have a big final celebration on May 7th—and it will be created and put on by the Los Feliz Mission. This will be a ticketed event.
We plan to have the org in construction in the next 6 weeks!
Quinn ended the meeting by reading a reference from LRH regarding exchange in abundance.
OTC members went into production getting confirms for the LRH birthday event.
“Dep Sr C/S is giving briefing for all OT3-OT5s plus anyone that needs SRD/Purif at AOLA Atrium Sat/Sun at 6:30.”
Lessee… OT3-OT5s… I’ll bet they know what that “briefing” really is! It’ll be a bunch of SO working to extract from them every dollar they have and every dollar they can beg, borrow, or steal so they can get through OT8! And advance pay for OT9 and 10!
Man, it’s gonna be a bloodbath in the AOLA Atrium… if anyone is dumb enough to show up.
I wonder if anyone puts any money into the hat other than loose change.
“Quinn ended the meeting by reading a reference from LRH regarding exchange in abundance.”
Just lost my breakfast.
· We’ll need 263 staff to open, plus huge CF (LA Org took 81000 man hours to finish!)
Omg… Hope there are lots of desperate ppl looking for a greencard..
An incredibly comprehensive story written on the evils of Scientology.
Not sure Mike if I’m allowed to link like this, but if you haven’t given it a read, it’s a doozy.
Harvey — not only are you allowed to do so, I just read the article.
One of the better pieces I have ever seen.
Concise. Accurate. Intelligent.
Well worth reading.
I just read it, too , and it brings out some very valid points.
Wow. Don’t know Jon Anderson but he certainly nailed what the church of scientology. I hope his final prediction is right.
Loved the last line of the article. If pronouncements like that are coming from outside journalists, it’s good to see the mainstream predicting the demise.
Harvey, that was a really good article on Scientology. I second what Mike Rinder said, that is one of the best articles I’ve ever read, a very good summary. Thanks for posting the link. – T.J.
Where in FSM’s name are they going to get 263 staff for this éléphant blanc? They don’t have 263 public and never have. They’re utterly insane.
That’s just one of the mammoth outpoints from this collection of drivel. Unfortunately, I have a plane that’s about to board, so I can’t dissect these like they deserve to be. Guess I’ll have to wait to do my usual to Thursday Funnies tomorrow.
Looking forward to it. Have a safe trip. 🙂
Have–Can’t Do— never Be.
They are stalled at having badly.
Did I really just read the phrase “use as a carrot”? LOL!!! There is no longer any shame, it’s just open money-grubbing now. Thanks for continuing to post these Mike, they’re very revealing.
It all seems to be solely about money, every activity, every meeting, every event. One day they will just drop the whole “clearing the planet bs” and just do what they’re good at…regging.
I’m a never-in and even I remember a time when there some subtlety to it. That has just vanished. Money for this, money for that, money from this person, money in a fucking hat. It’s disgusting.
Maybe Cartwright needs to donate another $10million.
My goodness….
30 million dollars isn’t enough to buy and renovate a “church” building.
So sad.
gtsix, here’s a church built for 5,000 people that only cost $4.2 million. In addition it is FEMA rated as near absolute protection against any form of natural disaster.
Oh wow, that’s a really pretty church and such a nice interior also. They service 5000 people? Why can’t the church of Scientology build a church similar to that one, with the funds that have already been donated? Where did the $30 million dollars go? Why don’t the members ask where the $30 million went? and hey, didn’t L.Ron Hubbard say not to do ‘fundraisers’ and ‘yard sales’ and that type of thing? Why are they doing something LRH specifically instructed not to do? Why? LRH wouldn’t approve. 🙁
There sure won’t be any accounting of the money… Miscavige will probably spend half or less of the money extracted from the suckers on that place. The rest will go into His pocket.
Diane Temps on the OTC has the easiest job of all. Every week all she does is pass the hat around for donations. Her contribution and job done in 5 minutes. I guess this is how she shows that she is “an active OTC member” without actually doing much
I am always amazed that it’s been about 16 or more years and the largest concentration of Scns still hasn’t brought off the big win of putting an Ideal Org in the San Fernando Valley of CA.
Hey, Cindy- I’ll bet she bypasses her husband when passing that hat around 🙂
That’s funny, Aqua! Or maybe she and her husband don’t put any money in the hat because they donated their time instead of their money by passing the hat around!
James Byron Dean! Denn Sie Wissen nicht was Sie tun!
It would seem cheaper to have a uniform (or modular, to allow for expansion) “Ideal Org” building that is designed to CO$’s specifications. I note this only because it is often more expensive to renovate a old building for new purposes than to build something new of equal square footage that is designed for that purpose.
Using an existing building does offer a couple of advantages: it is probably zoned for business and utilities have already been connected to the property, but unless they wanted to have a really remote location where the cost of connecting utilities would be very expensive, these are small advantages that are dwarfed by the advantages of custom design.
I’d hate to be the project manager for a design-build Ideal Org, though it would be quite profitable for the construction company due to all the change orders that would arise. In design-build, only about 30% of the design is complete when construction begins. The balance of the design is completed as the building is built. Design-build works best with standardized construction, like an office building, where what is necessary can be specified ahead of time. .
But why build another Ideal Org when the current ones are not being used? Why have giant buildings with so few members? Why not try to generate more interest in Scientology itself, rather than make bigger buildings for fewer and fewer people? I just don’t understand.
I’ll explain it TJ.
1) the building scam keeps money flowing into the coffers.
2) buildings purchased keeps the CoS in IRS compliance.
3) The scam of scamology is known by all in the USA and as it ALSO cannot produce an exchangeable product there is no reason to try and “generate interest” in it.
Ok, thanks. Seems simple enough. So then, next question: why do these people not see what a scam it is?
T.J. are you’re asking why people who read the Oat Tea 3 materials and the like don’t fall on the floor laughing their ass off ALSO fail to see the current scam?
Or, why people fail to see the entire scamology list of scams?
Ja ja, das ist Scientology wie es leibt und lebt…
“Get 1 on 1 w/COB at Opening”
Umm, I’d rather step in shit..repeatedly. But thanks anyway.
What on earth are these people going to do over the long haul? Will they survive?
My guess is that one by one these idyllic buildings will be partitioned off leaving 25% of the space for the few staff who cling to the dream. The remainder will be rented for enough money to keep the lights on in cherch portion of the building.
In the long long run, when Miscavige is no longer there to smash any opposition and his ideal lawyers are old and retired, a new bevy of lawyers will look at all that property and smell the potential green available via legit fraud cases against the Co$. At some point the IRS and the courts are going to have to realize that the vast amount of fraud committed by the cherch are NOT protected by the First Amendment.
Lawyers keep it alive. Lawyers will end it.
I concur, lawyers are a double edge weapon. Greedy little AOs they are but they can be relied upon to follow their pattern of greed without a single thought of any conscience getting in their way. Their game is just as bloodthirsty as any street fight, except they wear suits, eat fine food and don’t need to carry weapons.
“don’t need to carry weapons”. Hmmm… the pen is mightier than the sword. I have never met a lawyer without a pen. Just sayin…
“Lawyers keep it alive. Lawyers will end it.”
Sounds like my second marriage.
I’ve just learned from a highly placed reliable source that the Ideal Org program is actually the beta test of a confidential auditing action called The Insanity Rundown. It’s a repetitive process in which one does the same thing over and over, while mocking up visions of different results. The EP occurs when one notices that the different results aren’t happening, but then self-determinatedly decides to keep repeating the same ineffective actions anyway. At that moment the pc becomes possessed by Baal and gets a gigantic golden certificate that says he has attained the State of Personal Non-Existence, which is of course Enlightenment. The target is to get 2.5% of the world’s population through this rundown, at which point World Peace will become a reality.
M2C.The insanity rundown.That was funny.
EP of rundown M2C: A free bed for life at a psychiatric hospital.
M2C preclear: oogity boogity boogity boogity!
Auditor: Your needle is floating. Thank you. Let’s now end the session. Look around this room and tell me………….
I thought that the insanity R/D was Grade 1. Where you realize that you really cannot make the source of all your problems vanish at will. And no body else can either 😉
In 2013, the average overall income not adjusted by economic class in Simi Valley, CA was $84,673.
If you break this down, over the last 12 years, they have already raised the average annual income of over 357 people in the valley, so the average income of almost 30 people per year and yet they still need the average annual income of 77 more people in order to open the doors to a building that will be used by a small handful of people in the Valley.
By comparison, in 2014, the American Cancer Society received $804,931,290 nationwide. With this money, they served over 60 million people in 5,000+ communities.
What’s wrong with this picture?
” Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.” *snort*
“Carol Loweree – LAPD head for South LA wants her help to teach his team everything she can so they can disseminate her information in his area.”
This one is a comedy gem. As IF the LAPD actually WANTED what she’s offering! Here’s what really happened: an office supervisor politely gave her permission to leave some materials.
It’s the little things…
“Burned out ceiling lights will be replaced”.
Since when does such an insignificant and routine maintenance task make it into the minutes of any organization? Truly pathetic. Next we will be hearing that the bathrooms are now fully stocked with toilet paper.
Not only that, the big light bulb announcement came from Grand Poobah Quinn The Eskimo. Not even from the local ED. Let alone the Valley Org Estates Manager. Let alone the Maintenance I/C…
How many OTC members does it take to change a light bulb?
Obviously more than 26, down from 28.
Yo Quinn,
Have Cee Oh Bee change the fucking thing for you. He is probably the only one that can figure out which end to screw in. And he is the only one of you left that has two nickels he can rub together to buy a new lamp.
OK, so you are having some difficulty figuring out this damn leak. Here is the deal. There are somewhere between 25 and 30 members showing up. The email list probably has a couple thousand on it due to your CFs being so out of date.
Send your list out only to those who are attending and see if anything leaks. If yes, then bring in Bill Batchelor, Sandy Dodwell, Mike Sutter and Marion Pouw and run a Clive Raby style sec check on the lot of them next OTC meeting. Handle what you find. Threaten all with disconnection and fair game to make sure you have everyones attention. Also, remind them that their eternity is fricken toast unless they can find and take a leak.
That should result in an attendance the following week of Zero, down from 26. But, your stats could be on an uptrend if there is no more leeky pooh. Just sayin, you guys would have a hard time finding a mouse if you stepped on it.
Probably couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were on the sole…
So true Ms. B Haven. This morning, I came into the office. There was a portion of leftover sandwich in the garbage can in another office and it smelled strange. I took out the garbage, changed a lightbulb (our main office ceiling has 12, its the first thing I check every morning), turned on the coffee maker, AND got a new roll of paper towels and put it on the holder.
I honestly believe I accomplished more in the first 10 minutes of my day than the entire OT committee did in the last 5 months of minutes. AND I didn’t have to plan for or report it to anyone. It’s a morning routine.
FLUNK!!!!! Have you ever stopped to consider how many Scientologists it actually takes to change a light bulb???? Someone has to write up a battle plan and get it properly routed and approved. Someone has to write up a CSW and get it properly routed and approved. You can’t just go and replace a lightbulb by yourself without placing the entire Estates department in the Condition of Danger. Did you request funding from treasury or did you just by-pass that department too???
You and Mike and Ms. B. Haven can J&D this all you want but you do it only because you are unwilling to confront what an epically monumental task changing a lightbulb can be, if done correctly.
That’s what I’m talking about. Some standard tech for enlightening the bulb.
It is indeed startling from both an old timer perspective from the 70s and from an outsider perspective looking in at these minutes, to see how the WHOLE GAME of these folks’ mission is to raise money for these buildings, WITHOUT ever taking on seminars to get people to become AUDITORS (which presumably would be needed to “clear the planet.”). Obviously, the building fundraising IS the OTC’s job. They have become completely convinced that once this whole Ideal Org thing is done, Scientology will simply “boom” and planetary clearing will be a reality. This ideal orgs being completed may not happen for another 10 – 15 years, so it will probably take most of the rest of Hagit Ron and company’s lifetime, but … it will be interesting to see what replaces it. If Miscavige’s successor (s) is as brilliant as he is in the money making scheme biz, I bet SOMETHING will be devised to keep the kiddies occupied (and paying of course, always paying) for the next 20 years (probably something like “the second stage of planetary clearing program” – to get a mission into EVERY single country in the world including Africa, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, etc. Yeah … that should keep everyone busy and paying for a while.)
And so I am not misunderstood: I don’t mean a mission established that would actually effectively disseminate to other human beings. I mean, fund raise to buy a building, restore it, get a sign up, furniture, video thingees, …: and then move on to the next building to fundraise to buy, restore …..
Absolutely a key point! Elron very clearly laid out the two primary measures of progress toward the ultimate goal of clearing the planet (i.e., number of well done auditing hours and fully trained auditors), which are based on the simplest possible causal logic (no increase in the number of trained auditors = no increase in the number of well done auditing hours = no cleared planet).
For DM + evil minions to have sold folks on the hypothetical relationship between increased square footage of ideal org space and progress toward clearing the planet is pretty amazing to begin with. But now that we’re over a decade into their attempt to prove that hypothesis, it’s very clearly time to take a look at the actual stats that LRH himself designated as the determining measures of success toward that ultimate goal.
Has the huge amount of money spent on creating Ideal orgs resulted in an exponential expansion of $cn, leading to a massive increase in the number of fully trained auditors and the number of well done auditing hours? Exactly how many new fully trained auditors have been created in each of the Ideal orgs, on a year-by-year basis, since they were opened? And how many new auditors have been trained in each of the advancing categories of certified technical expertise on a world-wide basis? And how many well done auditing hours have been documented at these Ideal orgs since they opened?
These very simple and completely on-Source data analysis questions just doesn’t seem to be being asked by anyone at any level within the cherch! And what should be even more troubling to those who’ve shelled out millions based on this hypothesis is that, despite Elron’s explicit policy regarding how $cn’s progress toward clearing the planet should be measured, these two fundamentally important stats seem not to have been kept track of at all, or purposefully kept secret from those who have every right to know how their huge contributions of money, time and effort have been utilized.
By my reckoning, we can already count it a tragedy that there have been so many, ” Lives lived always hoping that things will be better tomorrow and nothing ever actually coming to fruition other than empty buildings being “opened.”
Unless parishioners are willing to discount Elron’s very clear policy on the issue, an obvious and key question must be asked: Have the huge increases in IAS donations and Ideal org square footage resulted in the hypothesized exponential increase in well done auditing hours and fully trained auditors that measure progress toward the ultimate goal of clearing the planet?
If this fundamental question can’t even be asked of current cherch leaders without your loyalty to the cherch being questioned and you being sent to be sec checked for your impertinence, then is this even Scientology any more?
Asking questions like that would be similar to “where’s Shelly”. Ask Leah Remini how that turned out. Most people don’t have the funds or stamina to withstand the onslaught of “I am not auditing you” that would would occur if they were brave enough to ask a question like that.
Even if those stats were being reported, the picture is further muddied by previously trained auditors going through GAG I and GAG II not to mention all the massive WDAHs coming from every believer, no matter their position on the bridge, doing SRD for hours on end…
Imagine the real number of NEW auditors being trained. O_o
“Pac Base is going to help make it go viral” Do they have any idea what “viral” means? And the sheer impossibility of achieving such a goal?
Ok I’m going to beat OSD to the punch. I went viral once. There is medicine for that these days.
You rock Valerie!
Spot on agin Mike and thank you to the one that collected this ‘private’ messages.
As you already make clear the concentration on ripping off money, I deiced to paybattention a bit more closely at the Volunteer Hours.
Lets be generous and give an average of 28 attendance – and then more generous in giving them 130 hours of Volunteering (per week of course). That gives us a total of about 4.6 hours a week of volunteering per each OT Committee Member.
Wow…impressive Ideal Delusion and Ideal criminality amongst the followers of a sociopath leader.
And how much of that time is spent in the meeting itself (let alone “working hours”)?
If they count the meeting time and also the time spent on the john thinking about how to avoid being scrutinized or written up by their fellow OTCers, that should account for most of it.
To keep stats on an uptrend one only need to slightly increase the time in the john each week ……….which is why no one wants to provide any toilet paper. One would not be able to say they were spending time looking for it if there was an ample supply.
This would be known as ideal toilet paper tech to be distinguished from ideal light bulb tech. Both of these require See Ogre know how as the blind are truly leading the blind (without light) and no one else can wipe a smile off an OTCers face as fast as a squeeze from Charmaigne.
I know ….bad joke 🙂
The mindset is mind boggling.
Cognitive Dissonance at its best.
Oh, I don’t know. I think they still have “their best” in front of them. I have been disabused (guess where I got that word from?) about a Scientologist to become anymore stupid or God forbid, more gullible than they already are. Anyone who has viewed the growth of the mind numbing idiocy for decades now almost has to have a cold shower to make sense of how it can possibly continue. How can people be so mind altering thick as a brick stupid is beyond comprehension. All the evidence in right in front of them, in fact they are the evidence, and their bank accounts are emptied on a constant basis for a cause that gives them absolutely nothing in return. Geezers… stupid is what stupid does and then they go and get creative with it. There’s more cognitive dissonance to come I reckon. However, it will probably be on a level we simply won’t be able to believe.
I heard a rumor from one of my reliable sources that the reason Dave has been so successful with the Ideal Org program along with all his other “wins” is that he has achieved Homo Idealiness after having unearthed the Homo Idealiness Rundown among some long lost LRH documents and even though it involved great personal risk he underwent the program having barely survived, but coming out the other end as a being not before seen on this planet or for that matter the guh-laxy itself.
You are truly a great inspiration to us all Dave.
Hiel Dave!
How can they have problems with fundraising? Can’t they simply postulate more money?
YEah, perhaps they should attend one of their own seminars on postulates and making money….
And then put a big mirror behind the speaker on the stage.
Yeah, that’s you listening to this!
(A peek into a future OTC gathering)
“The Valley OTC is the most OT Commitee on the planet!
Most of you are OT 8, Super Power, L’s, and Cause Resurgence Complettions!
Very Well Done!
You are building an OT Civilization like none other in the history of this, or any, universe.”
(sustained applause)
“You have made it go right by maxing your credit and mortgaging your homes to the hilt!
You are among the elite of planet earth.
So we only just need 10 million more in order to say “Done, Sir!”
“So here’s how we’ll do it.
This is the OT plan to accomplish it.
It’s so simple!”
Do you see those shovels?
You only just need to remember where you buried those diamonds and gold in previous lifetimes, and then go dig it up!
“Pick up your shovel on the way out.”
“What’s that?
Not one of you can remember?
And you call yourselves an OT Committee??
Except for Nancy, you’re all a bunch of CICS!”
“Your certs are cancelled!
You’re all declared!
And don’t forget to salute the dog on your way out.”
“Postulate, postulate, postulate…”
“The dissemination is going to be so widespread—and people will be looking for us”
Yes, now that SUMP is open and BTTV is broadcasting on the Theta frequency (no FCC license required!!!), there are roving packs of BTs SEARCHING for the Valley Org!