I periodically publish Valley Org OTC Minutes that are sent my way.
Haven’t had many of late, but then this one came in.
The OTC is all aflutter as they apparently completed their fundraising target (for the time being at least) thanks to the “OT Warrior Princess” stepping in at the end to put everyone out of their misery. Of course, they are still “collecting” the actual money, even though they have celebrated their accomplishment. And while they are collecting they are apparently still offering half-humanitarianships. They have raised all the money yet are still offering discounts to rake in more?
What now?
They all work on CF and trying to recruit some staff.
Of course, they are preparing themselves to start clearing the Valley when they have an ideal org, so in the interim they will go into a dark period of little or no activity. Sometime next year when they are getting close to their building being completed they will start raising funds for a special edition leatherbound DMSMH to fund a “special” promotional campaign to get them out of Non-Existence (even though the SuMP is just down the 101 supposedly saturating the communication lines of planet earth with the good news about scientology).
Frankly, this is all sadly pathetic. These people for the most part mean well. They are sacrificing THEIR money because they have been led to believe this is the salvation for planet earth. But all they have to do is pop over to Pasadena or LA Org or god forbid Inglewood and they would see the reality of what all these millions are buying them. An empty building with nice custom rugs and furniture. Their dream of clearing the planet with these buildings is just that – a dream.
October 4, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Dean Glosup, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Carol Loweree, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Colleen Bigler, Hagit Ron, Irad Ron, Diane Temps, Heelah Cohen, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Ben Ghiora, Mary Lee Krackow, Scott Bradberry, Lorie Bradberry, Avner Golan, Vered Ziv, Maryann O’Donnell, Arlene Alstadt, Scott Alstadt, Sue Kattoo, Lauren Perreau, Bob Welch, Bob Brooks, Chris Scully (LA Org), Nola Aronsen, Steve Lettau, Marty Kassowitz, Nancy Parodi, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rosencrantz, Ralph Temps, Jeanette Douglass, Charlene Thorburn, Nava Zalait, Ann Hazen
Kathy Welch – opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow – Recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – 52
Division 2 –
Gross Income – $100,000
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours 237
# of Events & Briefings Held – 1
# of Service Starts – 3
Division 6 –
Meeting Attendance – 39 on Oct 4th
The fundraising pledges for completing the Valley Ideal Org are DONE!
The video of the finale event was shown and our OT Warrior Princess made the final donation pledge and it was DONE!!!!
Quinn Taufer
- Announced the completion!
- And now its time to get the collections all in!
- He presented the Gift Basket for the OTC!
Kristen McIntyre, Project I/C
- Briefed us on the Valley’s Fantastic Stats.
- 3 Largest Fundraising events ever
- $13 milion in 21 weeks!
- Biggest Org
- Biggest Donor List
- More #1 spots in weekly stats in the world
The match game is still on during collection phase til Thursday 2:00 pm
OTC members went into production.
August 16, 2016
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Dean Glosup, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Colleen Bigler, Hagit Ron, Diane Temps, Sherry Hermann, Heelah Cohen, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Mark Greisen, Donna Greisen, Ben Ghiora, Scott Bradberry, Lorie Bradberry, Avner Golan, Vered Ziv, Arlene Alstadt, Susan Jacobs, Belva Lores, Sue Kattoo, Lauren Perreau, Rochelle Goodrich, Bob Brooks, Tracey Andruscavage, Jenna Capozzi, Patrick Renna (Los Feliz), Carol Espinoza (CC), R.F. Daley (CC), Mark Schwartz (Pasadena), Chris Scully (LA Org), Linda Massey
Kathy Welch – opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow – Recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 25 to 29
Division 2 –
Gross Income – $132,000
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours 149.5
# of Events & Briefings Held – 1
# of Service Starts – 12
Division 6 –
Meeting Attendance – 22 on Aug 4th
Quinn Taufer
- Announced our best-in-the-world stats for last 12 weeks, WUS Also
- $6.5 million raised
- $523,000/week average
- 300 up statuses
- Now we have 5000+ donors
- Dinner as Morrill’s Saturday 8/20 at 6:30
- Honor Dinner at CC 8/27 coordinated also by Los Feliz; Honor all recent up-statuses
- CF being worked – will bring people back
- Introduced CO/CLO
Vickie Shantz – C/O CLO
- Briefed us on Timeline to finish!
- Fundraising – September
- CF – “G” in September; “N” in October; “S” in November; Done in December
- Org Files in December
- Staffing: HCO/Execs in October to LAO for training – all back in January
- Auditors: 20 for each Org (Day/Fdn) in Training September; back in February
- Staff: 50 per month; 250 by December
- Construction: February DONE
Come in and help in any way you can: CF/Call-in, etc!
OTC members went into production.
I really despise these CF projects. They go to great efforts to update contact information and clean up their files, but ignore repeated letters and communication to cease all contact. After many years of receiving absolutely no mail from any Scientology organization, I am now receiving 4-5 pieces per week. I have made every polite effort to get them to stop and remove me from their mailing lists and to burn my CF file. I received a phone call on my cell phone last week. My number is not published anywhere that I know of. I’ve never given it out to any Scientology organization. I hung up and blocked the number, but I now know that these people have my number. With each slick promotional piece, each letter, each magazine, my anger grows. They provide no way to unsubscribe to their mailing lists.
Sorry, they threatened to have Sea Org members bang on my door at all hours of the night if I didn’t give it to them. Hope you understand.
Hello RK, The last piece of mail I returned I wrote “hail xenu” on it. I haven’t received any since. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if they begin sending me more in the future.
Try ‘Miscavige blows’ if you’re bothered again.
No good. they’ll write back, “Ron Miscaviage? Come in and do Purif! Global Expansion. Very exciting!”
Good point. Try this: “You and your fellow staff members are all PTS to David Miscavige. I wouldn’t come into your Org if you paid me serious cash and awarded me your fake bridge to freedumb. Now leave me the fuck alone.”
Even better, tell them, “Great I’ll will come in. I am a reporter for the (major regional newspaper) what day and time would you like me to be there?”
Yes! Also, can I bring along Marty Rathbun to show me around the place?
Hi RK,
Just print out a copy of this blog and mail it back to them. I’m sure future mailings will stop or subside at least.
They are pressed to find reasons to ignore your request and _not_ remove you from the mailings. By leaving you in so you get mail, you count for their statistics. If they honored your request to be removed from the mailing list, their stats would be that much less.
How did Quinn the Eskimo get out of there alive? “Congratulations on conning people out of tens of millions of dollars for this white elephant! Here’s your gift basket!” For over a decade of effort and countless lives wrecked financially, I’d have expected something more than a freaking gift basket to be shared by a few dozen people. A free week-long seminar on the SS Mesothelioma, maybe. A share of his FSM check, perhaps. But, no, he’s giving them a freaking gift basket. I’d have been pissed to have been there.
And what’s he going to give Albuquerque when…sorry, if they make their fundraising target? A baby saguro cactus to put in the atrium, maybe? At least it’ll grow without anyone to be there to help it out, which will definitely be the case.
Scientology: Sacrifice your life, your friendships, and your sanity, and get a gift basket.
Just as one is taught to never look a gift horse in the mouth, in Scientology one learns to never complain about the size or contents of gift baskets.
4th Oct 2016: Division 1 Active members: 52, 16th Oct 2016: Division 1 Active members: up from 25 to 29. Clearly something happened between the 4th and 16th that we have not been made aware of. ??
Hi grathuln. Just FYI, one is dated October and the other August . They are not consecutive weeks. 🙂
Valley Org had 20 auditors in training in 1994; 22 years ago. Now they have the exact same target? That sounds to me like zero expansion in the last two decades. Doesn’t sound at all like 63x expansion in the last 5 years. If 20 auditors was the correct estimation of effort 22 years ago, how could it possibly still be the same estimation of effort today?
The truth is that the Valley Org couldn’t keep FIVE full-time auditors busy at this point.
Here’s an idea for the Valley Org’s 13 million dollars.
(1) Provide scholarships to train 100 new auditors on pre-GAT actual standard tech through Grad 5 and co-audit to Clear. (2) Put these Clear Grad 5 auditors on salary to audit everyone they know for free. (3) Provide scholarships to any of their pc’s who then want to become Grad 5 auditors and co-audit to Clear. (4) Have them audit people they know for free. (5)Keep repeating until the 13 million dollars is all used up. (6) Do all this in shitty buildings with almost no admin staff. (7) Sit back and watch new public flood in. (8) Export this program to all orgs.
Of course to do this they’d also have to implement Step (0) — Get rid of COB and Sea Org management.
I think its pretty well established now, with all of the chronically failing orgs, that Hubbard’s “advanced” management technology is a joke. Doing away with the Sea Org management would be a blessing, no org would object.
Hubbard’s business model relies on large volumes of people consuming services. When that volume is nonviable the whole thing starts to fall apart. When this happens, Hubbard’s brilliant idea is to shift the burden onto org staff and their creditors.
Your suggestion shows the kind of innovation Scn desperately needs, yet are NOT permitted to do. Hubbard’s ego is far too large to allow advancement by another.
If the church TRULY believed in the power of their technology, they should be able to deliver a block of auditing and receive a non-fixed donation afterwards, commensurate to the individual’s gain. That way the org “pays” for shitty auditing, not the public.
Org staff are paid proportionately to their collective production. This is not optional. So, why shouldn’t churches operate under the same principle? Churches should be compensated based on the positive results they produce. No or poor results = little or no compensation.
Just an illustration of what is truly important to Hubbard: The church is the most important, and must get its money in advance. Staff may or may not be compensated for their work, therefore, no liability to the church. The public may or may not get the expected result – too bad; see your registrar to purchase more services. Again, no liability to the church.
This game is rigged. Just as casinos are designed to come out on top, so is the church.
Perhaps the CoS should stand for the Casino of Scientology.
The casino where everyone loses!
That’s why they call it I Deal Orgs.
The idiocy of Tubbolard’s admin tech was demonstrator DECADES ago.
Every time I see this I crack up: “The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.”
I also love the last line: “OTC members went into production.” Where were they before?
I noticed that in previous minutes, it used to say what the OTC members went into production DOING — usually this was getting on phones to call people and make big league sales. Now the minutes don’t specify the production activity.
They were busy on the assembly line producing clears. No time to talk about it. I see them standing there a la Lucy and Ethel or Laverne and Shirley at the production line, only sadder, much sadder.
A better goal than Clear for them would be Transparency.
I want the state of Transparency! The state of Clear did nothing for me.
Don’t mean to evaluate, but I think you’re already there. Wanna attest? Mike, please prepare a cert for OSD.
I declare to the world that I, Old Surfer Dude, am now, fully transparent!!!
Where were they before? That’s an easy one! Drinking in the basement trying to forget why they joined this cult in the first place!
The OTC must be happy as a clam. They got the pledges, now they want the money. Who besides the Duchess of Douches (actually, douches are useful thing) gets the adulation of the clampire?
No tribute to COB who will take a cut of the fundraising, no tribute to Lron. Someone is going to the Hole for this slip up. I have to wonder what the default rate on these pledges is?
Perhaps his Hole-i-ness will grace the sheepish sycophants with his presence at the circle jerk, er, ribbon yanking.
The circle jerk would much funnier!
I believe that’s only available at Building 50 for Dave’s personal staff.
You’ve been jerked out of the circle.
I wonder what they think every time their minutes get posted on Mike’s site. Or what OSA thinks…
I still have 3 or 4 friends on FB that are in. One phoned me last week to let me know he was moving back to LA to do his AOLA bridge he called it. And this is someone that knows what I and my family have been through. Well it’s truly to each his own I suppose. I have other fish to fry 🙂
Doesn’t he know you’re declared and will be subject to questioning in ethics?
Cece, if you bring the fish, I’ll bring the wine & beer.
Those words, “do his AOLA Bridge.” Sends a cold shiver through the conscience doesn’t it?
The Bridge sure doesn’t mean what they think it means. I’ve been to more well intentioned minefields than what Scientology calls the Bridge.
How many years was this project in the making? At least 10, off the top of my head. And how many ‘match games’ were there with whales promising to match donations? How much was contributed by Cartwright alone? I understand it’s their money so it’s their prerogative. I get it. But all this just serves to underscore how small the public number really is compared to the monstrous size of the project. Take out the few mega donors and this thing would never get done. And once regular business opens people will be shocked at how empty it is in the “highest concentration of Scientologists on Earth”.
A civilization without sanity, without critics and without fact checking, where the COB can prosper and honest beings have no rights, and where Man is free to rise to greater hype, are the aims of Scientology.
Well said.
And on the day that scientologists can fully trust each other, there will be peace within the church of scientology. Until then, it will remain a fascistic snitching culture.
Remember that video the church put out on Trust?
What? Nothing about the RPF being voluntary? I mean, the RPF is like a vacation, right?
Yes, it is voluntary. You have the choice to do it or be expelled.
Well that choice would be a no-brainer!
You’d think, right?
I choose the RPF! Why? Because it’s voluntary! That means I can take days off! Right? Right? Anyone?
Sadly no OSD. I’ll tell you one thing though – lack of sleep and constant pressure is bad for your psyche. This is not conjecture but backed up by science.
So……(big sigh), no RPF for me? That’s ok. I’ll just go back to being a Jedi Knight…
“$13 million in 21 weeks!”
You’ve got to kidding me… that’s a fortune in anyone’s perception of time and money! And apart from a brief moment of adulation there nothing to show except some empty piece of real estate in someone else’s name. Plus that someone doesn’t even drop by to say hi or buy you a drink, nothing. He won’t even allow them to speak to him. As you stated Mike, basically these people are well intentioned and actually believe they are helping mankind. Miscavige who’s been making people do this for years is a monster of the highest order.
Down in the valley the valley so low
Hang your head over, it’s time to blow
It’s time to blow, dear, it’s time to blow. Just hang your head over……Hey! Where’d everyone go?
There was a regional beer brand in New England for many years, called Narragansett. For almost as many years it ran radio ads with the tag line: “Hey, neighbor! Have a ‘Gansett!”
When the company went out of business about ten years ago after not keeping up with a shifting market and tastes, one ad man quipped: “They suddenly looked around, and all the neighbors had died!” So it seems to be in the CoS.
Yes there is a sadness about it and also a mystery of, how come most of the remainder, money depleted members don’t see it?
It is illogical and we only hope they come to see the truth before they get really broke.
Thank you for the post Mike, always revealing.
They are only about collecting money, not helping improve any person, place, creature… it’s all about MONEY.
What a joke. Not a funny one either
I agree – fundraising, gross income, passing the hat for donations and honouring “up-statuses”. And then there is the hope that getting CF sorted will “get people back”. Getting people back seems to be a big issue – probably because they keep losing them.
In Russia(been there a lot)they still havemeetingswhere 70 year old tractor drivers who are nowbuckling from theweightoftheirmedals talk about5year plansdesignedbythecomission.Welcme tothe valleycomittee.A
I recognize about 18 of these names from well over 30 years ago. Probably the balance are a few I never met or are 2nd or 3rd gen. I cannot fathom how they could stay ignorant for THAT long. (and yes most are really nice people) Especially after they have experienced the falsity of the upper levels for so long. Got to hand it to Hubbard, he was pretty good at creating hypnotized subjects.
Just think… a woman who gets paid a shit ton of money to be a snarky little boy cartoon character parents have nightmares about …
Clearing her bank account for eternity
So David Miscavige, Dictator for an evil religious cult, can live a lavish lifestyle $elling Hope to a bunch of sheep who can’t think for themselves
Sorry OSA – I am a buzz kill in the am
The farce is strong with these ones.
Out of money they are, mmmm…
Truly, Mephisto, may The Farce be with them. Forever…
If Farsec is the planet the psychs come from, then Farcesec is where the Scientologists gravitate to.
Finally, the address of Target 2!
Got me thetan bag packed, when do we leave?
When Shelly completes her billion year contract or the Pope converts to Islam, whichever comes first.
Hey! I wanna go too!
Alas, it will be a while. See my earlier post. Sorry to disappoint.
What a bummer! OK… how about Target 1.5 then? The bus is idling on the corner and it doesn’t wait all that long. We’ll catch up with those Frasecians when one of those goals is fulfilled. That bus is called the Farsecian Express, just like Scientology intended, it’s timing is a lie.
Sounds like a good handling. VWD!
We’re doomed…
Wait! You can join us all on the new CF (Central Farce) project and we’ll get ‘er done dude! Like totally, fur sure!
The Central Farce! Gosh, I thought it was just a myth! But, it’s true!
Yes. We use a special alphabet based on cuneiform characters. Come join us at the Akkadian Temple for Higher Learning in Echo Park.