We havent heard from the Valley OTC since last December.
Of course, they have opened their most important, largest ideal org on earth since then. Now they have resurfaced with some interesting minutes.
Full disclosure, I happen to be close to the new org and drive by it once a week at least just out of curiosity. There has been NO SIGN OF LIFE whatsoever any of the times I have driven past. It is certainly a LARGE building. On a busy street. Though not a lot of body traffic (few locations in LA have many people walking anywhere). The picture above from the scientology website illustrates it perfectly. The lights are on but nobody is home. Lots of cars drive by but nobody slows down or comes in. I will try and catch a shot of their empty parking lot the next time I drive by…
But here is the news, right from the horse’s mouth about what is (not) going on inside….
May 16, 2017
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, David Wilson, Kevin Wilson, Diane Temps, Jennifer Jacobson, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Bob Welch, Nancy Parodi, Heelah Cohen, Mary Lee Krackow, George Goodrich, Patty Riemer, Lisa Benest, Lynda Hubbard, Charlie Maselli, Margie Maselli, Fabrice Terrade, Charlene Thorburn, Paula Carroll
Kathy Welch – opened the meeting.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – 32
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps collected OTC member dues during the week.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours 107
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – 8
Division 6 –
Meeting Attendance – 22
Kathy Welch announced Commendations for OTC members helping with event prep: Patty Riemer, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Sue Kattoo, Kathy Welch, Paula Carroll, and Jill Meekcombs.
Events Calendar:
18 May Thursday 7:00pm Seminar “How to write and deliver a speech” in 1 hour
20 May Annual APA PSYCHBUST!
Outside the American Psych Convention on Saturday, May 20th in San Diego.
20 May 6:30pm “GOALS & DREAMS and how to achieve them” with Drew Johnston
21 May 11:00am Sunday Service Sermon by Drew Johnston
21 May 2:00pm FSM Seminar by Drew Johnston
21 May Sunday School and activities for the children
Dir Clearing Valley, Frantz updated us on activities and name out at FSM rally tonight. One young man, was body routed in, started service, joined staff. Then his mother came in and started services, too!
Kevin Wilson updated us on the course start name out for the Green & Blue Teams. Green is in the lead! OTC members added 5 new names.
Team Leader Margie Masselli reported her body routing successes and starts body routing for Valley Org Wednesday night.
Kathy Welch read the LRH Quote “Powerful Group.”
OTC members went into production, call-in for event confirms.
Not going to bore you with the earlier minutes, but as a note, on 27 December 2016 they reported 23 attendees and 12 Service Starts. This is BEFORE they became “ideal” with a ribbon yanking and suddenly began “clearing their zone” and seeing immediate “10X expansion.” Now they have 8 service starts (this is not NEW people, it’s just 8 “starts” on anything, could even be an extension course).
On December 6 they reported 21 attendees and 11 service starts.
November 22 they had 39 attendees.
Here is the bottom line: $40 million invested in this “ideal org” was a complete and utter waste of money (as it has been with every single one of these idiotic palaces). They have less active members in their OT Committee. They have less service starts. They apparently only have one person doing anything in their Div 6 — an FSM who is doing it for his 10% commissions. Drew Johnson does a briefing, then Sunday Service and then an FSM Seminar. Apparently they do not have any staff in Div 6 to do anything at all.
$40 plus million for NOTHING. Except an increase in the total assets (Sea Org Reserves) which is Dave’s stat, some “evidence of expansion” for the next event and their website, and some evidence to the IRS that they are not merely accumulating cash but are using their money to provide “public benefit” because hey, look how many more people are benefiting because this building is so much bigger and better…
Sooner or later someone in the IRS is going to catch on.
Yo Dave,
Secretfornow says it is high time for You to get on with GAG III. I agree Dave, it definitely is time and you are Da-Man to do it.
It is obvious Dave that none of your GAG II trained auditors can even find a simple leaker of the Oh Tea See meeting minutes. You had better figure out how to get Your Sec Check Auditors to slam the fear of God or Dave into those loser parishioners and get some needle action going Dave.
You know you really screwed the pooch when You went off on that Three Swing F/N bullshit analysis of what a floating needle is Dave. And You somehow backed off of that requirement without ever saying so Dave. What’s up with Your cowardly approach. The needle is either floating Dave or it isn’t! And speaking of needles Dave, howz Yours doin today?
So back to GAG III. Whatsitgonnabe this time Dave? You could institute a new button on the meter so the auditor could produce a slight electric shock back through the cans if a wrong answer to a Sec Check question came up. You know Dave, like “Have you ever had an evil thought about Mister Sea Ohhh Bea?”
and if the loser pc said “No, never!” (with an F/N – three swings or not Dave) then the GAG III auditor could hit the button and get his read!
Then Your GAG III trained auditor could say “Well you better take a fuckin look because your needle is doing a major dance over here!”
Take control Dave, find your leak, slam in ethics and expand Your cherch like never before in all the broad history of Your universe Dave. Kick some ass and take some names and for christs sake, grow up!
And stop whining and sniveling about RB and his merry band of Ess Pees.
Never in asking questions: can engrams inside someone talk to each other? Can they gang up – creating like engrams clusters that are “gangs”? Do they work together to ruin their host body? What is their end game? Complete ruin to their host? If these engrams were picked up trillions of years ago – are there new engrams with each passing year or lifetime? What do the little boogers look like?
Be careful Barbet, you are circling the rabbit hole and it sounds like you may be close to the vortex.
But in answer to your question:
“What do the little boogers look like?”
and having reached the top of the bridge I can say with certainty……….
A lot like Cee Oh Bee!
‘History of Man’ is Hubbard’s book addressing his “first” in-depth version of his opinions to answer your questions. Careful where you tread Barbet, you’ll get something smelly on your shoes.
If I read History of Man will something happen besides answering my questions?
You will physically laugh your ass off at the scientific inaccuracies. So if you decide you can live without your posterior, go for it.
The body-clinging entities undoubtedly look EXACTLY like the poorly animated little engram Mary in Jenna Elfman’s new failure of a show called “Imaginary Mary”. The only similarity between scientology and Elfman’s latest flop is in the title of her show… “imaginary”.
I looked up the little critter & it’s cute (apparently the show sucks so bad the network cut the remaining episodes)…now, I want to be audited so I can meet them! No sec check, just nice friendly audit.
So, with everything BLARING in the media for the last decade about how scamology is a lie and a cult, what type of person is still walking up to the reg’es and forking over cash to Davie? Or even to cult members outside of the official “church”.
You cannot outlaw stupidity.
p.s. I knew 90% of those listed in this report, 30 years ago. One of them had an ex-wife (and still good friend) killed by a scamologist medical quack and intervened to stop her adult children from suing to stop him from killing others. F’ing amazingly stupid and evil.
People just don’t want to pay ridiculous amounts of cash for a hokey sci-fi regression therapy, delivered in an abusive, authoritarian environment by religious extremists. End of.
I went by the rear parking lot last week two vehicles am assuming staff, front parking lot empty all lights on inside and out but nobody around, the alley is really dark and creepy they hired a security guard now for graffiti more than anything else. The body router stand at the corner but nobody stops . The red line station is one block away but now the orange line people go underground for the next train, and the people that come out run to their vehicles on the giant parking lot so the church is skipped completely, I see people stare from their cars at the building just out of curiosity but in their faces you can see distrust.
Lots of orgs struggle to pay their bills, and consequently lack adequete heating in the winter or run out of toilet paper every few weeks.
Some orgs have found creative ways to bring in revenue other than selling Scientology books and services. Examples include offering hourly parking to visitors of neighboring hospitals and baseball stadiums, or letting Verizon install a cell phone tower on the roof.
I’m sorry, but I don’t see what the I.R.S can find untowards about the idle mOrgues…
Looks more to me like the opposite, a seemingly “churchlike” use of collected donations. The increase in value of the property portfolio doesn’t seem super un-charitable, either (OK, a systematic buy-low-sell-high earner would be a different story, but the idle mOrgue story so far is more of the opposite, or so it seems to me.)
So, I’m not a US tax lawyer, and admittedly ignorant about US tax laws and practise of them, but the lavish spending on idle mOrgues strike me more as a “look here, not over there!” smokescreen, engineered exactly to generate a healthy loss and to discourage any detailed analysis of how much money is taken in and where it’s going.
Now the donations to the I.A.S. are a different matter…
But more informed views interest me enormously 🙂
correct Mick. but DM can sell the illusion to the people. LOL
These are supposed OTs. Can’t they detect crap?
This is one of the reasons I’ve haven’t wanted to be “OT” – per the tek.
When I “routed out ” of the Sea Org in 1998 ( a term for legal termination sort of). I then went through the phasing out period which most ex-SO members do who are freeloaders but not declared SP’s.
I was residing in Orange County as I still do, and decided to attend some meetings like with CCHR and the OT Committee (though because I was a Freeloader I was disallowed).
Point being it was the same old meeting minutes back then. I read this article and it’s no doubt worse.Far worse.
If one carefully looks at the promo picture of the org, the illusion is speed, but yet only a few cars are driving by, it’s a very time delay photo shot, long streak of a one or two cars lights.
Scientology, the science of illusions.
Mike’s description of the Valley ORG … “The lights are on but nobody is home.”
That pretty much describes all the zombie scientologists: the SeaOrg staff, the ridiculous scientology celebrities, the “whales” accepting their worthless plaques and gaudy gold trophies after cutting checks, etc, etc.
Scientologists are such an embarrassment to themselves these days.
KEEP building those Ideal Orgs, Davey!
Each and every Empty One them stands as a Monument and Testament to the failure of the Off-Policy-Ideal Org-Strat, and to the failure and LIE of The Hubbsters Glorious Tek.
I LOVE this. I just LOVE the ideal org program. It is hastening the otherwise inevitable wastage away. (decline and oblivion, might I chortle?)
Ideal orgs bleed the field dry, beat it to death, and exhaust all joie de vi·vre. It “gives the public overts” (a made up word) – making them feel guilty for every dime they withhold or spend elsewhere, for ducking out or avoiding events, and for every moment not spent contributing. For those who DO give all, it bleeds them dry, makes them push/pummel/force/guilt others into penury, it makes them Jokesters and Jesters capering across ad hoc stages robed in triteness. (Pirates! Rock Stars! Vikings!)
As each new “ideal” org is built, many are lost along the way. The extreme regging sends large chunks of the flock into hiding, turns some, and loses some to Eye Opening Awakeness. The focus away from individual personal wins and freedom and onto money-money-money-mest-mest-mest blasts away the blinders of star-flung dreams of glory…. and again, leads to awakenings.
The wasted and disenchanted then get declared, their tens of thousands of donation dollars kept and hoarded whilst the givers are shunned and labelled ‘evil’. The family and friends of those thus damned (to the beginning of an actual life) are then given the Hobson’s Choice to “handle or disconnect”. …so a few more are lost to adherence to the Newly Christened SPs, and a few more choose the hope of the bridge over family and friends, a little more of shell of a person than before, walking the desperate road a bit more alone.
KEEP building those Ideal Orgs, Davy.
KEEP building! Each and every one emptying out as the days slip past the ribbon ripping. The bussed in crowds gone, the hoards of SO Bullying Missionaires – – tyranting the org into being – gone. The shiny new buildings with dozens of freshly minted green staff, confused and slinking away in failure, one by one.
Oh! The Disheartenment! OH! The loss!
Those Damned SPs!
You know, you’re right, secretfornow. Its sad, and an entire waste of time, money and effort; its a crime, a betrayal of trust and faith, and all in all an enormous travesty of justice, but – you’re right.
I don’t know how to get others to wake up and leave. Good Glassy-eyed-win-clutching Scios don’t read the “entheta” internet, won’t watch the shows or read the books, and will cut off and report anyone saying anything against scn, hubbard, or management. It’s a vicious steel trap.
I can hope that there are those who may sneak watch Leah and Mike and then delve further and start to research, but I don’t hold out a lot of hope for a lemming tide awakening…
From my perch in and out and around … since I began looking – it appears that the biggest cause of exodus and awakening has been GAT I, GAT II, and now the Ideal Org Pgm.
Good Scios never get to know that other ideal orgs about the world sputter and empty after the big push and party are over.
But you can’t hide it locally. Years of shabby fund raising events, white boards and crush regging, promises promises promises of how the city will flock in and the boom will happen all by itself, if only we get and finish our building!! – so many are driven away to escape the madness and pressure of their local org trying to Go Ideal – and then what? It’s a big empty shell soon after.
THIS has to stick in some craws. What do they do with all the promises and insistence that this is how we’ll take the planet? When Davy is shown to be……. wrong?
It has to help. From the horror stories online, the path to Ideal Org has lost the cult many local whales and whale family/friends.
The empty buildings, small struggling little orgs now housed in big shiny utilities-guzzling behemoths – surely surely the empty walls echos help my poor old friends hit rock bottom, so they can actually begin to conceive that maybe….juuuuusssst maybe……. scientology…. may be …a crock?
Keep Building, Davy!
and how about GAT III?
Let’s get that baby goin too.
Its true. The Scientology public, the non staff non SO public, won’t look at or listen to anything about Scn that doesn’t come from “Source”, so the only way to get them to leave or have some kind of cognition is by being bled financially. And I’m sure Miscavige has figured this out a loooong time ago. As for staff and SO, the only way they’ll leave is to witness sufficient abuse to shock them into leaving or to themselves experience it. These people are zombies, robots.
Found it …. yes Davy, keep building.
It would be intriguing to know what their return on investment is. $40 million for the property, plus renovations, maintenance, staff support (what little they provide), utilities, etc. vs how much they actually bring in each year. It would be interesting to see what the wealthy donors would think about their P&L statement.
Either way, the money has to go somewhere I suppose. And if they get really desperate for cash (hopefully sooner rather than later), they can always sell the property, but they can’t sell the people (at least, not legally).
This is quite a sizable building. I am so not up on how much it costs to maintain a building of this size, but surely there is electricity, water, sewer and garbage to pay? They are exempt from property taxes, I assume, but please correct me if I am wrong. Who will pay these monthly bills? Just these few members? My apologies if there is already an article on this. Thank you, in advance, for educating and helping me wrap my head around these vacant wastes of money. Mike, thank you for this post…so interesting.
Yo Dave,
Here’s the deal dudeamundo; You’ve got 22 active OTC members out of 32 total members. You can’t seem to figure out how to stop the OTC Minutes leaks even though someone continues to plead with the recipients not to share the goddamned meeting minutes. I mean how much clearer (no pun intended Dave) can you be than to state the following:
“Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.”
I see no reason for You to not slam in ethics hard Dave. Ask Tom, He will agree with you.
The minutes are for the SOLE USE of thirty two frickin people Dave ………. unless you have 32 active members and some more inactive ones which would make the total what ….. Dave. Is it 32, 52 or 52 million? Ok, so I’m going to help you out here good buddy. Want to stop the leak? Try sending the goddamned minutes to only the active members who did not attend the damn meeting. Yes, someones stats are going to be down but so what? Threaten em with something Dave.
Then you sec check the shit out of those active members who did not attend.
Now, if you still get leaks then guess what Dave, you know it’s one or more of the 22 active OTCrs. Now You can call each one in and sec check the livin shit out of them too Dave. That will surely stop the leaks …. use Your big guns on em like Marion Pouw.
When it’s over Dave the leaks will stop. Your active membership will also likely approach zero but remember Dave, the ends justify the means. Pull out the stops and show them the power of source; Mister See Oh Bee! And don’t forget to make em pay for the sec checking too. Show them what their ‘dues’ buys Dave.
Cracking up. Sherlock Holmes in a former life?
Your yellow Volunteer Minister van still sits empty in your COMPLETELY EMPTY parking lot across from your Valley Mortuary as a monument to your epic failure.
Are the cars in the other lot just props? Or, has your Mortuary already resorted to renting out parking spaces?
Also, good to see that there is a security guard at the corner of Burbank and Lankershim to protect the public from your over aggressive body snatchers.
“See Oh Bee”. You always crack me up with these. “Oat Tee”. ?
Newcomer, good points.
It occurs to me now, maybe one of the reasons for the decline in OT committee membership, was a witch hunt looking for the leaker. (But do the OTC minutes go just to the committee members, or do they get wider distribution, like to all OTs?)
So I’m wondering now if the leaks involves someone who has figured out how to beat the meter, and appear to pass sec-checks.
And if Scientology can’t even figure out who’s leaking OTC minutes, or rely on their OTs, then I guess that explains why they are resisting coming up with the names of 500 scientologists in good standing to give the judge in the Garcia case – they really can’t trust anyone. If they have high-level members who still appear involved, but who are actually disaffected UTR, presumable keeping up appearances for family reasons, that’s huge.
p.s. It’s definitely possible to beat the meter, and from time to time there are anecodotal descriptions by people who learned to relax and produce a “floating needle” when necessary, usually just to – lie detector testimony isn’t allowed in court, specifically because even the best new polygraphs that measure several different physiological indicators still don’t produce truly reliable information. I’m surprised more hasn’t been published about how to beat the e-meter, because it could be useful to still-ins like UTRs who haven’t figured it out yet, but I’m guessing that in part because independents and anyone with some remaining illusions about Hubbard and Scientologyare hesitant to confront the fact that such a central piece of the “tech” is so faulty.
p.p.s Mike, and others – a piece about beating the meter, could be an interesting topic
It’s so easy to beat the meter …. so long as YOU don’t consider the item an ‘overt’, the meter is null … no reads period or an f/n. Sec Check a criminal not about his crimes, but about the times he failed to be a proper criminal …. ‘have you ever found a door was unlocked and not robbed that house?’ , now THAT will get a read. Simple as that, and that, my friends, is how I was able to silently ‘disagree’ and F/N M4s. I learned it pretty early, and reinforced it during GAT 1 which I thought was a crock-O-shit. Having trained as a Sec Checker put the icing on that particular cake.
” So I’m wondering now if the leaks involves someone who has figured out how to beat the meter, and appear to pass sec-checks.”
I vote yes on your take PeaceMaker! I happen to know of a person in good standing, still in as a public who has no problem lying straight away and F/Ning. This person knows the meter is not what El Con says it is or does.
Good advice to COB, Coop. But stop helping him because once he follows your advice and finds the leak, we won’t get any more leaks here for our J and D pleasure!
At least it’s clear evidence of how the organization is dwindling down more and more. The believers are coming around slowly but surely.
I can’t imagine how discouraged you must feel from time to time Mike, so I hope you give yourself the credit you deserve for doing daily updates on this site exposing the organization (I absolutely refuse to call it a church) and all their falsehoods. You are a good man and I hope you know there are so many people who respect you for what you are doing. I sure do!
Except for those UTRs formulating their exit plans, the Still In Sheeple really, really want and need to be right about the Church of Scientology. In order to be right they have to do themselves in. The more they do themselves in the more fearful they are that they”re wrong, so they cling to being right, and get easily talked into doing themselves in a little more. And so on. It never stops. They never learn. They just get more stubborn, more disabled, older, stupider and more insistent on being right. The perfect patsies. The perfect victims. Amazing, really!
“Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.”
I love that you include this in your post.
Whoever your source is, we all thank them for getting the truth out. Now if only the IRS would become concerned. $40+ million dollar asset for 8 service starts. How is that in anyway benefiting the greater good of that community. When will this insanity end!
A piece here titled Valley OTC Minutes published on October 5, 2014, gave the following stats:
“Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 64 to 61 [NOW 32]
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $515,605 to $253,258 [NOT REPORTED]
Division 4 – Kathy Welch for Tamara Dahill
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 218.25 to 331.75 [NOW 107]
# of Events & Briefings Held – Up from 0 to 7 [NOW 0]
# of Service Starts – Up from 4 to 11 [NOW 8]
Division 6 – Charlene Thorburn
Meeting Attendance – Down from 41 to 28 [NOW 22] ”
Another piece from December of that year gave stats in the same ballpark, showing consistency; except that Gross Income was “Up from $50,941 to $56,443”; in a couple of subsequent minutes it was also down in just the tens of thousands, but then was back up around half a million in August of 2016, when Mike wondered if the number included donations for the building campaign.
That shows massive expansion – oh wait! I mean contraction. Whoops! Somethin’ seems to be going the wrong direction.
Peacemaker, very nice comparison from 2 1/2 years ago. Thank u for digging that up and showing it so clearly…
Peacemaker, the GI you are talking about is NOT the Org’s G.I. It is donations for the building. OT Committees don’t report Org stats. Just their own.
I think they could save time and effort by simply putting Mike’s name on the distribution list and drop the subterfuge..
I’m curious why there are only 21 names listed if there were 22 attendees. Who is the lucky person who doesn’t have to have their name in the minutes?
The most frightening part of the whole minutes is this:
“One young man, was body routed in, started service, joined staff. Then his mother came in and started services, too!”
They managed to body route ONE person in. Then they pushed that gullible person to start a service and join staff (what period of time? hours? days? minutes???) then got his mother in to start services. Frightening. He must not have been carrying his cell phone with him. I hope the rest of the family rescues them soon.
Yea, right, I’d like to hear the back story on this one person and his/her mother.
That person and his mother are both acting as wide-eyed innocents, but assuredly are planning subterfuge and future exposure. Why would anyone “sign up” these days, if not for those reasons.
Scientology is a joke, and everyone not in knows it. If you have a facebook account, an email address, or a pulse … well then, you most likely know all there is to know about the big con called scientology.
Freeloader debt stats are up.
Way, WAY up. And…it’s epic & monumental, to boot!
“One young man, was body routed in, started service, joined staff. Then his mother came in and started services, too.”
And they were never seen again….
The End. Seriously…
Guessing mommy came in and got her kid out the door!
Sue, well they HAVE TO waste your money because “Waste” is before “Have” on the Havingness scale, so you have to waste before you can have, don’t you know that? Look for your word please. lol
Well, here’s a silly question, but maybe someone knows: Is Lynda Hubbard (listed in the O.T. Committee meetings) any relation to L.Ron Hubbard? Not that it matters, just curious. Does anyone know? Thx.
And related to this, I get e-mails from a Kelyn Hubbard over at Bridge Publications. Anyone know if she is somehow related to LRH?
I doubt that she would tell me if I were to ask.
It’s interesting, maybe just a coincidence, but Hubbard isn’t a super-common name. Oh well, just idle curiosity. :-p
I concur Mike. I drive past there from time to time; nobody!
Actually, all of these PR photos of ideal orgs are really the promotion of how to light up buildings. They light up their ghost towns with great talent. They’re beautiful.
One time honored term comes to mind regarding the well lit buildings…..
Lipstick on the pig. I couldn’t have said it better. You hit the sweet spot!
Makeup on a pig is the best description I have heard of these “ideal orgs” in some time. So correct, Brian.
Actually observing and trying to make sense of Scientology like the empty building scenario above is akin to trying understand why the Mafia or Triads exist. It appears the organised criminal masterminds use the needs & wants of people against them for their own agendas but heavily rely on an “honor system” of so called respect within their membership. Groups like the Mafia, gangs etc have violence or blackmail as their background medium of control, but that must first rely on a dedication and feeling of being part a group and honoring your commitment to its goals. In other words a sense of belonging and the human need of someone to impress and seek approval from is paramount for manning the ranks of criminal groups. Scientology has perfected its own form of brainwashing and blind faith.
There is no doubt Scientology is a successful criminal enterprise and is sanctioned by deviously and skillfully obtained legal and constitutional coercion. All we are really seeing is the physical and systematical evidence of maintaining the delusion that got them to where they feel they are now untouchable. Miscavige, his henchmen or legal advisers don’t care if the building are empty. They use to care about such things but not any longer, why bother, who’s going to stop them anyway? The arrogance behind the rampant insanity of the Scientology Organisation is unbelievable and the whales that support them aren’t exactly human. For all their fancy suits, nice houses etc they are simply members of the Scientology ‘Mafia’. They can’t afford to step out of line. It’s a self perpetuating system. PC folders are worth 100 times their weight in gold!
When Scientology eventually goes belly up, we will get a clearer image of the phases they went through. It is a “cycle of action” in progress. (Wish they’d hurry up though!)
Wow is all i can say about the last reading..
David Miscaviage needs to go to JAIL because HE IS A CRIMINAL.
An any/all of these “OT” men/women should go too. The entire EXECUTIVE STRUCTURE of the Sea Org and Scientology should go to jail.
It’s infuriating that they are getting away with stealing (and I don’t just mean money).
Toot, you are correct, and you are a member of a growing army that will only be satisfied when the leadership of scientology, and those that aid and abet scientology, including infantile and coddled celebrities, are all convicted of human rights violations.
Plea bargaining will hopefully be be uploaded onto utube. Complete disclosure of all illegalities that tax exempt organisation involved itself with, and all accomplices named and shamed.Oh, how the FBI could make some big time brownie points bringing down a cult like that.
I’m so sorry to go off topic gere, but I just found out that a friend I’ve known since high school has been, you guessed it, a scientologist for 40 years. We only got back in touch about 5 years ago around the time of a school reunion. She posted a narconon advertisement on face book. I commented about, well you know. Surprisingly she wrote to tell me that not only is she a scientologist, but she WORKS at narconon and everything I’ve heard are lies. Yaddah, yaddah.
Frankly, I’m beside myself. My instinct of course is to try to persuade her how wrong she is, but I value her friendship dearly. She told me her husband was born into the life, their combined 5 kids are scientologists, all their friends are, etc, etc. I wrote back that I wouldn’t mention my objection again. We’ll see if she disconnects from me. She’ll have to have a sec check if she’s playing by the rules. I’m a(n) SP. This truly makes me sick to my stomach.
Barbara, just by voicing an objection to Narconon from what you’ve read in the media would not make your friend have to disconnect from you. But if she knew you were posting on this blog, yes, she would be pressured to disconnect from you. Forget what else you might have “done”, merely reading this blog is a “suppressive act” in the cherch requiring immediate ethics handling.
It’s worse than that. I’ve had a couple friends simply disconnect — suddenly and without saying a word to me about why. All I can conclude is that somehow the church found out I was in comm with an “SP” (or more than one) and my friends were told to disconnect from me immediately. This happened with both of them at the same time, and I know with certainty neither of them would have disconnected if they had ANY choice in the matter.
You’re right, marildi. No word, no heads up are necessary. No querying of the matter with the alleged perpetrator! They just disconnect because they’re told to do so. Amazing.
Right, Agua. And it doesn’t even follow policy. Nothing has been communicated to me – even by the church.
Btw, your many theta comments are an asset to this blog. I for one appreciate it.
Thank you Ron, for your lovely sick doctrines that poisons sacred loving connections, with the brutality that inhabited your thoughts. And we get to pay to learn this……
Omg, I could cry with joy ?
Yes, the wisest man in the history AND future of forever. The man with such OT magic powers that he can convince family members to perceive other family members as evil. What a great ability!!! Where do I sign up??
The outcome of that dynamic is that the one who still practices Scientology will crush the free thinking of the other with Ron theories on SPs.
This big powerful thetan, L Ron Hubbard, had the uncanny OT power to make children magically see mom or dad as an SP. Someone as evil as Hitler. Must do my next level and maybe I can help people to hate each other too.
And when that kid is convinced that mom or dad are evil, they will never have to listen to criticism about Ron or Scientology. The march of information has been shut down. So goes independent thinking; your mind.
That doctrine secures a paying disciple being taught lies. The ability to scrutinize, question and verify as been effectively and expertly suppressed and dead agented.
Ron knew what he was doing. This was all strategized. Ron was extremely strategic. He was expert at knowing how to hypnotize with pedagogy.
Well hell!! If Ron can manipulate through the redefinition of meaning re human values, so can I damn it!!!
My new definition of the 4th Dynamic:
New Customers
Thanks for pretty much descibing succinctly exactly what my real fear is. Believe it or not (Yes, I really said that.) I dread the thought of not being there for her if she should ever admit what a sham her religion is. She has been a remarkable bestie. I don’t want to do or be any less for her.
OUCH! Good luck with them. It’s hard to reconcile such things.
You should have said, “I don’t want to lose touch again. How about you just forget I exist during your next sec check.”
Sick to your stomach? Barbara, why have you decided to take on a load of her nuttiness? And why have you decided to feel bad about it? These are YOUR choices, not hers.If the situation seems sickening to you, get away from the situation. “Not your monkeys; not your circus!”
Perhaps you misunderstood my meaning tgm. In the first place she is one if the kindest most patient and loving people I’ve ever known. Secondly, I worry for her. Wouldn’t you for a life long friend? I was very strident in my objection to the narconon posting. She explained to me how people who started these lies are pharmas who are in it for their own gain. My friend isn’t stupid nor is she nutty, although of course we here know she believes in a rampant nuttiness. I feel bad because I love her and do I stop caring just because she believes in a man who’s conned tens of thousands of others? Nope. I refuse to be snarky. I won’t become smaller even though lrh would have loved it if I did. Just proving a point in his eyes. When she addressed the comment I made I didn’t get my hackles up. That wouldn’t have accomplished anything. I did, however, really, really want to say “Do me one favor, go to outside sources. Don’t listen to me. Watch Leah and Mike.” Frankly I didn’t want to lose her friendship. More importantly I don’t want her to lose mine.
Barbara, if she’s on an OT level this comm with you will come up on a sec check. If she’s auditing on the lower bridge it will (if it bothered her) likely come up on a pre-auditing action called rudiments. If and/or when it comes up she’ll be sent to Ethics to “handle” you or if that’s not possible and/or she doesn’t want to “handle” you, then, disconnect. I’m sorry to have to tell you this. I hope I’m wrong. Prepare yourself in the meantime, just in case.
For $40 million, one could pay a 1000 people to become Scientologists.
Throw me a couple of mil & I’d wear a Scio T shirt to bed for a week.
My scino shirt is going to say: Xenu is my homeboy. And for $10 million, I’ll walk through PAC with it on.
Exactly! I’ve been saying it for years. If Miscavige would only spend some of that cabbage to straight-up pay people to become Scientologists, he would really, truly boom the orgs. And I bet he could do it for a lot less than $40K per head. I bet he could get 5 to 10 times as many people for $40 mil.
Good point. But people can be a liability, especially when they start actually thinking for themselves, whereas buildings just sit there and question nothing.
Sooo true. Evidence abounds that he actually WANTS empty buildings.
I’m sure he does. He’s now just bidding his time…
HA ! More importantly, sooner or later someone in the OTC is going to catch on: We’ve been beating a ‘dead horse’ all this time !
And walk right out that empty doorway
First you would need to take away their pitcher of Kool-aid.
Sooner or later someone in the IRS is going to catch on …
and WE are going to help the IRS “catch on”
– right Mike and Hurricane Leah? wink wink
You guys have that Awesomeness power to destroy Scientology’s tax exempt status and “right to abuse members with no accountability of the law”.
They are off to a slow start but after SUMP gets going and after the release of GAT 3 the expansion will be epic and monumental.
Doug, you forgot ‘Out of this world!’
And out of this sector of the Galaxy too.
You mean Target 2 will come to us?
Yep! We got a big rope!
Oooh how juicy it would be to know who the Valley Org Leaker is…oooooh…and I’ll bet David Miscavige is salivating to know.
I wonder how many people they actually had at the APA convention in San Diego for their “Psychbust.” Mike, do any of your sources have a count, ideally with photos? My bet is that the 5 buses from the LA area orgs were either empty or shuffled down to one leaving from Hollywood with a total of 25 people, same as prior years.
I too would love to know. Was hoping there would be something about it at WWP, but nada so far.
Lois and I went there at 12:15 to see if perhaps my disconnected son, Craig was there. He wasn’t there and neither was anyone else.
After about 45 minutes, I went into to the actual convention and addressed a receptionist and asked them if they had seen any crazy Scientologists demonstrating. She said “no, but we were expecting them to be here at noon.” I told them I wanted to take pictures of them and also to see if I could find my Scn’ist son who we haven’t seen in 2 years.
Lois did manage to take some real nice pictures of the bay though from high up the stairs of the convention center. She’ll include the pics on her Real Estate Website.
Wow, sounds like the Psychbusters really impinged! lol
Great article, Mike. “Apparently they do not have any staff in Div 6 to do anything at all.” That caught my eye too: No name as the Div 6 head. It used to be Mary Elizabeth Glossup, but she must have stepped down as the post is empty now. Also someone fromt he OTC is reading your blog. This is because the minutes used to read that Diane Temps, Treasurer, would “pass the hat” for money. Now they have replaced that with “she collected the OTC “dues”. Dues? They never used to ask for dues. Isn’t it enough that they donate their time and effort, and now they have to pay dues too? I think this is just semantic coverup so as to replace, “she passed the hat” to “collected dues” as the latter sounds more respectable and professional than the former.
My point was: someone is reading your blog or they wouldn’t have changed the wording to “she collected the dues.” More than one someone’s in the church read your blog.
The more I think about it, the more I think that Scientology’s core problem is that the main focus of (ostensible) religious practice is explicitly non-communal. Everything to do with “going up the bridge” is, according to the rules, not to be discussed or interpreted. There can be other reasons for people to come together, but for instance what on Earth goes on at a Sunday service? In any other religion I can think of, the weekly (or whatever frequency) service is a communal recitation of the sacred beliefs and that is the core practice of the religion. Everything else builds off that foundation. The closest the church ever came was people auditing in large numbers within the same course rooms at the same time. Not no more.
The second part of the problem is that when the church does gather its parishioners into group functions, it’s almost always made maximally unpleasant by the exigencies of money-grubbing.
Why I bring this up is that it’s the first thing that popped into my mind in thinking about the extreme non-use the new Valley Ideal Org is experiencing, and the sad sad sad litany of sadness that is the OT Committee meeting minutes.
hgc, that’s an interesting observation that I think is spot-on in many ways.
When old timers talk about the supposed/somewhat good old days, they often talk about aspects that could be seen as communal – course rooms full of people who got together at breaks, partied afterwards, and often lived together as well. I think that is partly the phenomenon of the spirit that the Bommer generation brought with them, which ultimately got purged for a more ideological version of Scientology that probably came from Hubbard imposing his will through the Sea Org as much as anything.
The SO was always a very bad idea. It was Hubbard’s way of never having to explain himself or his actions – ever.
in our city we had several apartments in old funky buildings with 4 or 6 bedrooms each. The dayor foundation staff rented rooms and shared the spaces and had a great time hanging out late at night after post, drinking coffee and sharing desserts at the local watering holes. Young and starry eyed, saving the world and dreaming of OT.
OT? Obnoxious Twits? Hey! I took a shot!
Ah yes, the ‘good old daze’ …. ?
Very true. The so-called good old days had little to do with scientology itself. They had everything to do with community – before there were angry, satin-jacketed IAS regges and ideal org reg-fests, the missions and orgs were social centers. You could meet up with friends there, network for jobs, and there were parties that didn’t involve fundraising.
The subject of scientology hasn’t changed,* but the atmosphere sure has.
*other than Miscavige fixing Ron’s semicolons and other fuckups
No, no, no! You don’t understand! As soon as the SMP tv channel is up an running, thousands of people will be pouring into every org. Many millions will view our programs!
(for the record, I had a hard time typing that without laughing)
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaw! Sorry! I just couldn’t hold it in! Now that’s some funny shit, April!
Here’s my yuks:
Give me your money and we’ll waste it !
We’ll deceive you and ask for more ….more..more $$$
You said it perfectly Sue. It seems all D.M. wants is to take as much money from people as they possibly can. It just sickens me to think that the poor followers have nothing for retirement either. What will happen to these poor souls. Oh well DM and TC will be alright lving in luxury in their beautiful apartments . These people need to be arrested and put in a dark hole of a jail like they made their SO people who suffered in the Hole.
It is sickening but then they have no business staying so stupid.
Look, WE were in, WE were stupid, we were gullible, for years, for decades.
A number of us were born into the cult or entered in our teens and early 20swhen we were young and impressionable and well meaning.
Plenty of us got screwed out of our money, our TIME, our youth, our EFFORT, our energy..
Yet we woke up, and left.
Why don’t they?
What the hell is wrong with them?
Why, or how, are they different from us?
Why can’t they, why won’t they, why don’t they, wake the fuck up and leave, as we did?
If they’re that stubbornly stupid, then let them get swindled and screwed and betrayed – out of their kids’ college educations, their retirement savings.
Let them give everything to the cult.
Who cares?
Maybe they deserve to be screwed because they’re just so damned dumb.
Maybe if the Church of Scientology were not screwing them someone else would be.
Maybe P.T. Barnum was spot on when he said there was a sucker born every minute.
End of rant.
Sorry. This is not one of my compassionate days. I’ll get over it.
On my less charitable days, which seem to be popping up more often, I feel the same way. But usually, I just think think that something has happened to their brains. Like something has been switched off. I think that for every hardcore person still involved, I know of others, similarly hard core that finally woke up and left. I hope this trend continues, but fear that most of those still in have reached the nearly comatose state and will linger on until they die or are kicked to the curb.
Ayn Rand said it in just two words, Aqua. “Blank Out”. The mental connections needed are deliberately (though often unconsciouly) unplugged. Those, like you, who woke up simply plugged back in and the truth of the situation became (slowly or rapidly) clear and the “door out” was limned in a soft glow!
Aqua, there are those who can admit they were wrong (and have left) and those who refuse to admit it no matter the evidence.
It’s called having a Service Facsimile.
It’s Ok to rant. It’s Ok to hope that those still deeply embedded will eventually come around. We did, therefore they will. I distanced myself for years and years, hard to do in the thick of things either on course or auditing lines as a public, harder as a Staff member and almost impossible as a Sea Org Member. Eventually the ‘this is bullshit’ moment will happen. The off policy orders, the wrong ‘why’s’, the extreme regging, the empty parking lots and the graphs will speak for themselves. The lost souls will realize that the person screaming at them is doing so out of fear of their own reprisals. The shit doth in fact roll down hill and eventually it will be just Davy wondering how it all went wrong. Of course, that’s just my opinion … I could be wrong. I have a brother still very much drinking the kook-aid …. it isn’t easy to come to the conclusion that you wasted 5, 15, 30 even 50+ years of your life, countless dollars (not to mention friends and family) lost as well. Not easy at all.
Thanks, all of you! You’re all so kind. And you’re right, and I know you’re right.
There’s always hope. Always! Thanks again.
Here’s a fortune cookie thing that I got TWICE. (i order from this place a LOT).
“The mighty oak was once a little nut that stood its ground”.
Nice, huh?
And so applicable to the concept of those who leave, or have left, this cult.
And to those who WILL leave. Right now, their could be somebody deciding.
Sue, all I have is a couple bucks, but you can have it.
OSD, you’ve just offered someone 2 dollars…I’m concerned…are you quite well? 🙂
Damn! I meant 2 cents. I’m blaming CRS…
Yes, for a minute there, OSD, I thought “ye weren’t a true Scottsman.” (what with giving away $2 and all)
🙂 You had me worried there for a while.
Cool deal, OSD! Just don’t give it to DM or TC.
I’ve got some monopoly money. Does that help?
Nope! So you don’t pass ‘Go,’ and you don’t collect $200. Sorry…