Some recent notes from the Valley Ideal Org OT Committee. A few things of note (and there is a lot more to be gleaned from these notes):
- They have stopped including stats
- They have the same old same old people attending their meetings it would appear the opening of the new “ideal org” changed nothing.
- They are back to working on “CF” and collecting money for other ideal orgs
- The stats at the bottom of this posting show that for AN ENTIRE YEAR Valley org had 6 new public start on service and $208,000 in VSD (less than one intensive of auditing a week) – for this they invested $40 million?
The parking lot looks exactly the same as when I took this photo a month ago. I drove by there again today. One yellow VM van and that is it.
June 20, 2017
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Nancy!, Kevin Wilson, Diane Temps, Jennifer Jacobson, Vered Ziv, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Sharon Lonstein, Nancy Parodi, Bob Welch, Heelah Cohen, George Goodrich, Lynda Hubbard, Tracy Andruscavage, Fabrice Terraze, Mary Lee Krackow, Paula Carroll, Arlene Alstadt, Patty Riemer, Jamie Butterfield, Clifford Wood, Kathy DiGalbo, Richard and Muriel Keeney
Kathy Welch – opened the meeting.
Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Jennifer Jacobson, Dali and Ofrah Bahat are all back from MV 29!!! Kathy announced the upcoming MV Events at Valley Org, then gave wins and highlights of their activities on the ship.
COB spoke to them about Valley and upcoming Ideal Org Grand Openings.
Salt Lake City is in the final fundraise.
Austin is waiting for permits!
Valley is assigned to help Santa Barbara and Hawaii to complete!
Kevin Wilson led us in the name out of service starts. There were 14 new names added to the line-up.
The new FSM Awards Program at Valley was announced. The game is to get everyone onto a service!!!
Diane Temps passed the collection hat.
Carol Loweree announced the June 28th Int’l Drug Awareness Event. This is our first Open House, on drug awareness.
OTC members went into production, call-in for MV event confirms and service starts.
June 6, 2017
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Sharon Lonstein, Diane Temps, Jennifer Jacobson, Vered Ziv, Scott Bradberry, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Bob Welch, Heelah Cohen, George Goodrich, Lynda Hubbard, Charlie Maselli, Margie Maselli, Carol Loweree, Tracy Andruscavage, Fabrice Terraze, Mary Lee Krackow, Gregg Forscher, Marilyn Docks, Paula Carroll, Arlene Alstadt
Kathy Welch – opened the meeting.
Carol Loweree announced the fundraiser the Bishop’s parking lot for his “Learning How to Learn” tutoring group.
Diane Temps updated us on the $1 / month dues. Dinner for the OTC meeting is now “no charge.” Also CF is back on! Please schedule some time!
Vered Ziv completed the SRD! Welcome Back!
Barbara Wilson briefed us on several interesting subjects:
Valley Org is featured in FREEDOM Magazine!
The IDEAL ORG Newsletter also featured VALLEY ORG on the cover!
We hired a Sushi Chef in the canteen! And we hired a second Nanny for the younger children.
She gave the wins of 2 PCs finishing NED.
Valley Org stress testing and bookselling started today!
First service starts are rising!
There are Floating Tone Arms at Exams!
Staff are getting hatted with many wins on course and on post!
We have a new VM tent arriving 23 June – there are three 10’ by 10’ tents.
There are walk-ins! And people calling in about joining staff!
Establishment is going in – we are a team!!!
Ann Dinkel, Valley ED DAY briefed us on:
Two new staff with one arriving shortly.
One person came in who did extension courses for years, and joined staff!
Newly on post: Allen Banks DSA Fdn. And Marie Jo Ossman is new letter reg!
WDAH is at new highest-evers weekly!
Staff completing their courses and staff are getting auditing!
Ann announced the MV pre-briefing at AO Atrium or possibly at Valley on Monday June 19th.
Reminder: the target is 600 attendees for all 4 MV Events coming up in June and July. Dinner is at 6:00 pm before the Events. We have parking and Childcare!
Vickie Shantz CO CLO WUS briefed us on PROGRAM 8A: Get every existing Scientologist on the Bridge!
She set up and started us on name out of 100 people to get on lines now!
OTC members went into production, call-in for MV event confirms.
May 30, 2017
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Kevin Wilson, Sharon Lonstein, Diane Temps, Jennifer Jacobson, Karen Brown, Mark Anderson, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Bob Welch, Heelah Cohen, George Goodrich, Rochelle Goodrich, Lynda Hubbard, Charlie Maselli, Margie Maselli, Kim Isaacson, Patty Riemer, Lauren Perreau, Kathy DiGalbo, Richard Stewart, Susan Jacobs, Charlene Thorburn
Kathy Welch – opened the meeting, and recited the purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – 22
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps collected OTC member dues during the week.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours 83.75
# of Events & Briefings Held – 1
# of Service Starts – 8
Division 6 –
Meeting Attendance – 24
Bonita Wilson briefed us on the progress of the Open House posters placement as part of the ongoing Non-E Campaign.
Kara Valley Field Control Sec announced the Bookathon for June 8th through June 15th, and has the sign-up sheet. Target is 200 books sold!
Katy Paquette from Planetary Dissem briefed us on the Valley Non-E Campaign. There are “Really Find Out surveys” being done.
For the Valley raw public, what is vital is “Help lead a better life.”
And “desirable is “Be ready to take charge of the Day.”
Unwanted was “handle irrational thought.”
Top most wanted: “help lead a better life,” “have a better life” and “have a happier life.”
Most unwanted was: “understand or care about what other people think.”
The next survey that was done is the Valley Community Survey re: Scientology, to be done in all malls in the Valley. 200 surveys
117 said yes, 19 more were positive re: Scientologists are very nice and friendly.
The ruins were economic financial stress, and time management.
Kathy Welch & Mary Elizabeth Glosup went to Salt Lake City last Saturday and helped with their fundraising. SLC got their construction permits 2 weeks ago. They only have $2.5 million left to raise. Kathy and Mary Elizabeth regged a cycle for $250,000 that will close shortly!!!
Kathy Welch announced the MV pre-briefing at AO Atrium or possibly at Valley on Monday June 19th.
Reminder: the target is 600 attendees for all 4 MV Events coming up in June and July. Dinner is at 6:00 pm before the Events. We have parking and Childcare!
Kevin Wilson led us on the course start name out for the Green & Blue Teams. OTC members added 15 new names. Lists of SRD completion names are available for getting new service starts.
Kathy Welch read the LRH Quote.
OTC members went into production, call-in for event confirms.
May 23, 2017
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Kevin Wilson, Diane Temps, Jennifer Jacobson, Scott Bradberry, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Bob Welch, Nancy Parodi, Heelah Cohen, Mary Lee Krackow, George Goodrich, Rochelle Goodrich, Lynda Hubbard, Charlie Maselli, Margie Maselli, Kim Isaacson, Sue Hill
Kathy Welch – opened the meeting, and recited the purpose of the OTCC.
Kathy introduced Kara, working with Div 6.
Kathy stated “We are filling the Org AND the OTC!”
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – 24
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps collected OTC member dues during the week.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours 107.5
# of Events & Briefings Held – 4
# of Service Starts – 3
Division 6 –
Meeting Attendance – 19
Katy Paquette from Planetary Dissem briefed us on the Valley Non-E Campaign. There are 1000 surveys being done.
34 years ago recognition of “Scientology” was 24%. Now it is 78%!!!
She described the changes in society since then that are now beneficial to dissemination. She gave wins on new starts just from the surveys!
She recruited survey takers including Kevin Wilson, Scott Bradberry, Lynda Hubbard, Margie Maselli and Dali Bahat.
Barbara Wilson, ED Valley Day presented the write-up on the Valley Non-E Campaign, including “Open House,” mailings to 100,000 homes in the area, the new OCA brochure, coordinated with the SCN Campaign: Find your Pasion, Purpose and Full Potential, with 5 months of these Scientology ads!
Win: There were 7 walk-ins last week!!!
She gave Valley Stats and wins:
Stats during 8 weeks since Grand Opening: Stats for last year:
VSD $197,000 $208,000 for one full year
18 pc’s on the schedule
14 paid to Clear and staying on Board!
We have PCs on Objectives, Grades and NED
WDAH is 2 times last year’s WDAH. Now 1000 last year 420
GI is more than twice the stat for all of last year!
DIV 6 has 35 First Service Starts. Last year there were 6.
Barbara said, “We are all about getting people up the Bridge!
Mary Elizabeth Glosup announced that we got twice the attendees compared to confirms at two events this past week!!
Kathy Welch gave the target of 600 attendees for all 4 MV Events coming up in June and July. Dinner is at 6:00 pm before the Events. We have Childcare!
Kevin Wilson updated us on the course start name out for the Green & Blue Teams. OTC members added 5 new names. Lists of SRD completion names are available for getting new service starts.
Bonita Wilson briefed us on the new personality test brochures, giving some OCA wins and successful actions.
Kathy Welch read the LRH Quote “Spirit of Play.”
OTC members went into production, call-in for event confirms.
Hi folks! I am posting under a different name – before I posted as RedVelvet01 – because I had a heart attack on the 13th June. I had been feeling ‘off’ for some time, but I dismissed it. Thought I was unsinkable. Thought i was too ‘young’ – idiot that I am. However, I am recuperating and I am lucky that it happened – it gave me the wakeup call i needed. Starting the second part of my life in the way that I deserve – lots of ideas and plans are been put into place. I am telling you guys this, so you don’t think I am some idiot troll.
Anyway – I am catching up with my reading! The posters here have commented WAY better than I ever could. The one thing that REALLY stood out to me (as a never-in)? Their ‘glee’ that Scientology is now so well known. Does it not occur to them that the 70 odd percent recognition stats are NOT positive? Thanks to Mike, Leah, Tony, etc, as well as all the exes that have refused to lay down and die? Amazing.
Take it slow Maria.
Hi ya Maria B. Been there & done that too with the old ticker needing a service. Take it easy and give your body the break it needs. Just be kind to yourself and look around for fun things that you can do and if you’re anything like me, you probably need to be told to slow down a bit from time to time. What I found helped me was, “what advice would I give to another who just had what I had?” And apply that to yourself. Good luck.
Good to have you here, Maria! Very well done on bouncing back so quickly!
” Kathy and Mary Elizabeth regged a cycle for $250,000 that will close shortly!!!”
Wow, that’s great girls. Whaddayagonnado with your 10% commission? Pay down your credit cards after Maidan Vouyerage or give it straight to the Eye A Ess?
In my day I’d have been laughed at if I tried to count money that would close “shortly”.
For the dwarf, it’s a mixed bag. Low stats means he gets to jump on someone, declare lower conditions, personally and publicly grinding someone into tiny pieces. So he “wins” either way, no? 🙂
34 years ago i’d heard of scientology – I didn’t know anything about it except for a vague knowledge that the scifi writer LRH lived on a boat somewhere with some of his followers. I think I saw a picture of the apollo with the old man on the deck. There was very little known about scientology, except that it was secretive (I didnt read Paulette Coopers book until the last year). I’d seen Dianetics books at garage sales, and since i recognised LRon Hubbard’s name as a scifi writer, thought to myself ‘maybe i’ll read one of those one of these years’. So I would assume a portion of that 24% were people like me who’d heard of scientology, but didn’t have any idea what that meant. YMMV
Mike I think a couple of my comments got lost. One was about the Nancy! on the attendee list being Bart…
Compared to minutes posted two and a half years ago, they have lost more than half their OT Committee members, and volunteer hours are down to a third of what they were. I noticed similar stats a couple of months ago; while they doing final fundraising for the idea org push, they had some sort of real crash.
The VSD that is higher for the first 8 weeks since opening the new building, compared to last year, may, as I suspected when I saw it, have to do with what comes a couple of lines after – a fair number of people paid (in advance, presumably) through Clear. That would be the sort of short-term stat-pumping that may come back to haunt them later, when people either want services that they are short on auditors to deliver, or even want refunds.
Lost half their OTC members in 2 1/2 years. This means WE are upstat, ha ha ha.
I have a question. What is the gain to the Cherch in letting these orgs idle?
I read at the Bunker that Narconon Arrowhead was folding, but the building would be used for training purposes, and they had applied for something like 15 million in construction.
Now. If Narconon as-is in Pittsburgh Co. OK dissolves away, does that mean Narconon Arrowhead is not responsible for any monies owed?
Gravity, the church cannot fill the buildings with staff nor “public”. What they “gain” is compliance with not for profit spending regulations from the IRS by purchasing the buildings.
Thank you Wynski. I think that one in particular is odd. It’s in a State Park. I’m going to ask questions .. in real time (my reality show!)
Ah! I think that is a good point Gravity. May be some regs they are breaking there…
Perhaps someone (I am going to speak in broad generalities….) should place a hidden camera so we can capture pictures of the numbers of cars and people going in and out of these Ideal Orgs.
Wouldn’t that be doing exactly what they do? I think that most of the people here at Mike’s blog ( I’m not trying to speak for anyone, just a general feeling I get from people’s comments and replies) feel that they now are trying to take the higher road, let them ($cio) do what they are commanded to do by the little guy and they’ll finish themselves off, it’s pretty much worked so far.
That is of course unless the cameras etc are used to protect oneself and their families & property.
No Rob, it would NOT be doing exactly what “they” do. It would be observing what is publicly visible of an entity that uses tax payer $ to exist without helping the community.
Perfectly legal AND ethical.
I’ll second that thought Wynski.
Those bastards “fair game” the hell out of everyone else, so it’s about time they are now feeling the same pain they have inflicted on others for so long.
Only two conditions exist that will make me stop attacking scientology:
1. The tax exempt status is removed.
2. David Miscavige and his fellow complicit human rights violators are held accountable and hopefully jailed (this list includes all those who aid and abet, including those mealy-mouthed celebrity endorsers of scientology and moronic whale donors… have they no shame?)
And even then, who am I kidding… I’ll still attack the bullshit that came out of the well-fed gorge of that charlatan Hubbard. He disgusts me on every level.
I’m with Wynski. Legal & ethical, could evolve into something bigger that aides in their tax exempt status being eradicated some day AND would be very interesting to Mike’s readers to boot.
I will reply in broad generalities to compliment this question: I’m located mere blocks from the iDeal Valley Org. I drive by it frequently, and if there’s something/anything new to see, I’ll take a few pics and post them at The Bunker. That doesn’t happen very often. I have not seen any vehicles in the huge parking lot across the street aside from the VM van, or when they have an “all hands on deck” event like the big one last week. I didn’t see the event, just the pics a few days later, and it was exactly what you’d expect. Maybe a few hundred people, max, and no one was smiling.
I don’t bother to look closely at the church’s other parking lots but will say that every time I drive by all of the main entrance doors are closed and I personally have not seen any Body Routers anywhere in the vicinity since it opened. Others have, though. I’ve heard they can be found near the Metro (subway) station on Lankershim.
I apologize for the long rambling answer. In summary, I’m going to say it wouldn’t be worth the effort to set up a camera. Weekly average number of cars/people: very few, and I’d wager most are already current longtime members.
There are definitely far more people here at Mike’s and chatting in the comments at The Bunker every day.
SucculentDuck, thanks for that information.
It seems to me that we’ve only seen pictures of an empty parking lot, and there must be one where staff and a few students park – or is it more convenient for the few of them, just to park on the street? Anyway, they have to be parking somewhere, and I hope that you or someone else can figure out where that is, so that we can get a better idea of exactly what is going on.
I’m not anywhere near there or I’d do it myself, but I go out of my way to do my part when I can.
Hey Peace! I think there are two other parking lots they use for public and staff. One is directly behind the building, off of an unmarked alleyway, and the other (as far as i know) is opposite the church on the corner of Burbank & Farmdale. You can see both on Google Maps. There is also limited street parking for a handful of cars right in front on Burbank, but I have no way of knowing who’s parking there. I’ll try to take a casual swing by soon to see what those other lots look like … does anyone know what refreshing snacks the staff might enjoy 😉 ? Remind me for the update if you don’t happen to see one. See you around the campus!
(I’ll try to follow this comment chain but you might have better luck getting in touch w/ me at Tony’s)
So now they are doing surveys. The questions are telling; they show they’re not really interested in any hard-hitting and relevant self-discoveries. But their interpretation of the results is outright delusional!
34 years ago recognition of “Scientology” was 24%, now it’s 78%. Well, thank Xenu for pioneers like Paulette Cooper and many others; praise Xenu for Comedy Central, CNN, HBO, A&E and–most important–the Internet. How come SMP is NOT helping out? Only 22% more to go…
Their report goes on to rejoice how this name recognition helps dissemination; it’s right around the corner. If that’s so, why are they disseminating anonymously on places like Craigslist? Are they the only ones who wish NOT to spread their name? Can you imagine Apple or Mercedes offering their products anonymously?
You have to give credit where it’s due: The cult has made enormous inroads in popular culture, talk shows, reality TV and even serious news programs–typically, as the punchline. But someone better help them to distinguish between their increase in name recognition and the nature of their popularity: Turd in a punch bowl. Piranha in a hot tub. Any of that sink in?
MIke R, How many copies of the leaked OTC minute meetings do get each time? Is there more than one leaker? I think he reads your site and because we evaluate the stats, now he stopped having them print or publish the stats because of that.
Nancy, I’m addressing this to you and everyone else in this blog. I think it’s best not to ask questions like this here – anything to do with how info or photos are obtained. Enough said.
Sorry, I meant Cindy. Haven’t figured out how to edit something I posted here and not sure it’s possible.
June 20, 2017 ATTENDEES: Nancy!
That would be Bart Simpson.
I talked to my young neighbor, a 20 something bright young man. He said he had never heard of Scn until the Southpark show on TV about it came out. He watched that show and said it turned his stomach and made hm hate Scn. So that is how he know about Scn.
I am very curious as to why there are no “top level celebs”….you know, the loyal for nearly a lifetime celebs that call people who speak out on Scientology “her enemy”??
How come no Tom C, Kirstie, John Travolta….are they to GOOD to attend one of these dumpy meetings? What they won’t go if they don’t get fed Filet Mignon, Salmon, Crab Cakes, Pate, etc etc.
The “mega buck” donors don’t seem to WORK at drawing others into the fold… come, if they are soooo happy being a member of COS, they’ve yet to bring in BIGGER & CURRENT mega stars.
Sorry for the rant……my birthday is today and I’m feeling OLD!
It says that Mary Elizabeth Glossup and Kathy went to SLC to reg people for the SLC Ideal Org and that they regged $250,000 or more. So do they get the usual 10% FSM COmmission on that? If so, and they split it two ways, they each made over $12,000 on that little weekend trip. It is shameful that hard working people are fleeced for money they don’t have and go into debt to get, and the sharks who love bomb them make huge commissions on it. If it truly was a donation, then no one would make the FSM commission and it would be a straight donation with no middleman.
Happy Birthday!
Thank you Ana!
Happy bday!
Thank you gravity….so nice of you!
Happy Your Day! Peace and blessings to you!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, (BalletLady) !
Thank you lovey…..another year older but NOT deeper in debt since I am a “never in”……woo hoo to at least THAT much!
Didn’t you see the enthusiastic “Nancy!” entry? I know it’s not quite like “Tom!”. But it still beats having to exult “Jenna!” or, worse yet, “Bodhi!”
LOL! To me…..Nancy was never much of a star. I USE to like Kirstie…..but with her view on ME….i.e. “an enemy”…..she can go sit on a tack.
Kirstie Alley is an amazing bore. Weight up, weight down, then back again, then another diet, then weight up again… Ok, so this is a fairly common experience nowadays but Its ALL she talks about and it blows my mind that she actually gets paid for it. Who the fuck cares? Enough people, obviously. Well, IMO If she still had any real talent or ability to entertain and amuse, then no one would give a damn if she were fat, stick thin or whatever. “Wasted talent”, and its a shame because, forget about Scientology, I really like how she cares about the plight of circus animals. Ok, end of Kirstie Alley Brief Bash n’ Rant.
Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear ballatlady Happy Birthday to you!!!?????
Thank you lovely Jane! How sweet!
Happy Birthday BL!
Good to see you here and on “the bunker ” as well. Such great places to give our love and support to the former in’s…..who NEED it. Love grows each day, and we are a force to be reckoned with….the days are drawing near when ALL shall know the truth.
Birthdays can be good things, pressies and all, plus you get to eat whatever you like and lots of it. Have a happy one and don’t let something like time get in the way. Being older is a privilege you know, it’s not for everyone, only special people, like us. 🙂
So true, sadly I’ve “lost” two of my dearest friends at way way way too young an age…one in their mid 50’s, one at 30, and one at 66……these were superb caring loving people….they’d make you laugh on any day you felt your worse1 Sending my love and prayers to everyone!
Thank you honey!
Oh don’t go the ‘old’ thing. Do the un biased and really say how you feel. It’s not all that bad right? I could have died pregnant chipping lead paint in ‘OK blue boiler room. In stead I for what ever reason and force am still very much alive. Let go of my Daughter #3 and Son #2 and I will leave you alone. If not, I’m forever your thorn you put there.
Just a bad day thinking of the friends who are no longer “here” to enjoy that day with…….as we age and illness strikes….we lose good friends. I can’t imagine the PAIN of having one’s own CHILD held captive by a belief system. Only a madman would do that, but then, we KNOW that’s what it is.
I would MAKE that thorn as sharp as I could & keep puncturing that BUBBLE…I will be glad to continue to help in that effort.
LOVE IS STRONG…..hang on Cece…the BEST is yet to be! LOVE YA
Happy Birthday!! 🙂
Thank you Rob, so glad to have met such lovely darling people! My prayers are for everyone who has been forced apart from their loved ones because of a so called “belief system”. One day our prayers will be answered and what has been taken from us will be RETURNED!
I get unreasonably amused by “Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason” whenever these minutes get posted. I wonder who’s the leaker. Would be especially funny if Mike gets more than one copy leaked to him from multiple UTR committee members.
Disgruntled cult members.
Somebody is leaking this info. Leaking like the Titanic!
Yes and I would love to know who the Mole in the Valley is! I bet Miscavige is going nuts trying to find this out.
Would be so marvelous if someone would do what they are doing on that “Escaping Polygamy show….a spy telling all the tales on film…..aaahhh a dream I suppose
Hey pope, what do you and Mr. nasty have up your sleeve nowadays?
OT Committee membership is down to less than half of what it was when Mike first started posting these, as I noted in another comment.
Perhaps at least part of that is due to a “sec check” witch hunt to find the leaker – that still failed.
We see reports from time to time, indicating that quite a few scientologists are figuring out how to beat the meter, partly to get through sec checks (which are onerous, even when members are not really hiding anything) and also just sometimes to end auditing sessions that they feel are going on too long with no point (which costs them money). I keep waiting for someone to help this process along, by putting up a page with hints on how to beat the meter, but I suspect that the most likely prospects to do that, independents who want to get people out of the CofS, are hesitant to do something that also points up a flaw in the “tech.”
Thank you for these stats, Peacemaker!
I love ‘ya Angry Gay Pope. You almost have a grudging respect by the sea org security now, based on the You Tube videos I have watched.
Nothing makes me happier than when I see a new You Tube video posted by the Angry Gay Pope.
Make some popcorn, and sit back for some great entertainment.
Keep up the holy battle!
If the Valley mOrg were a McDonalds, the clown would be very angry.
Not so fast zemooo, I have it on good authority (RTC itself) that Scientology and McDonalds are making some pretty cozy bedfellows these days…
Besides, I think you have a typo in your post. It should read “…the clown would be very hungry.”
Evil clowns scare the shit out of me.
Hell of a cure for constipation Dude. Go see a doc!
Shouldn’t they just say PLEASE DO NOT forward these minutes to Mike Rinder. I love it every time, it just never gets old!
Surprisingly, they can come up with some funny shit!
Mike doesn’t run this feature very often. In the gaps, they get lulled into a false security that their sad sad bucket of tearful regret that constitutes these communiques will not be splashed all over the Internet for the Sci-watching world to be at cause over the Valley OTC.
They really should use all CAPITAL LETTERS at this point. SHEESH!!!!!! Give the EXCLAMATION POINT A BREAK!!!!
Mike…..waiting patiently for the premiere of Aftermath. Your hard work and dedication to this cause will pay off!!! Keep going my friend.
Mike…This is way off topic…..Last night I was searching for information on Heber Jentzsch…..and read your April 6, 2016 blog post….thru the comments Karen DLC…posted a link to Rathbuns blog…..and I just read your story about Heber and all that Miscavige has done to him… brings me to tears. I am in tears now.
What you are doing now is soooooo important….soooo necessary. It needs to stop. All of the abuse needs to stop.
Keep Going my friend. You have so many people on your side.
’34 years ago recognition of “Scientology” was 24%. Now it is 78%!!!’
This statement does not recognise that most of the increase is due to bad publicity on the internet. This is a prime example of ‘How to Lie with Statistics’. SMH
I was just about to post that same quote! Of course, what they fail to tell you there is that while $cn’s recognition has indeed tripled over the last 34 years, it’s a reflection of just how completely the cult’s negative brand equity has come to permeate the entire culture!
By the time that season two of Leah and Mike’s Cult Demolition series is over, that percentage is sure to climb to more than 90%. By then, almost every adult in the country will know that “friends don’t let friends do $cn” and that you should keep your kids as far away as possible from this killer cult!
Yes, that’s what LRH pounded into history. Hope all us get help. May all UTR persons know you are loved 🙂
Yeah, and in 1921, only a handful of Nazi Party members knew who Hitler was. Of course, by 1933 “recognition of Hitler” was probably up 5,000%. Go COS!
“34 years ago recognition of “Scientology” was 24%. Now it is 78%!!!”
I just had to comment on that one. Mike, take a bow buddy. Both you and Leah are highly commended for getting the word out about Scientology. A truly stellar example of what Scientology can really do for you and they have the stats and empty car parks to prove it.
Oh Gee, I’m getting all misty eyed…
You and me, both, I Yawn. I’m a sucker for happy endings!
Lassie, you’ve come home…
I recognition is up….in a good way unless you’re a Scientologist…if meeting notes have eliminated Stats maybe CoB did away with reporting them?
Kevin Wilson the former head of sterling with 20.000 or 30.000 dentist clients 25 or so years ago is on the 25 person “advisory board” of an outfit that has less turnover than a small neighborhood dental office($200.000 for a year).Last one to leave turn out the lights.
Oh, but Kevin’s an ED now, joined at the hip with his succubus Bonita as his assistant. Sterling’s long in the past as he’s taken on the mission to Clear The Planet.
There’s been a rumor floating around that the Wilsons were forced into becoming EDs as a make-good for something that Kevin did while at Sterling. If so, it’s just another example of how well Scientology does punishments.
How much of the Valley VSD is from renting out parking space on the other side lot, west of your mortuary? Is that were the canteen’s sushi chef parks?
No. Gorden Ramsey parks there.
Is he conflicted between canteen sushi and The Church of Taco Tuesday?
Hmmmmmm. That’s tough. But, I’m leaning towards The Church of Taco Tuesday. Taco Tuesday is sacred…
There are some gems in there. The majority of people think scientologists are very nice and friendly? They must not have known any. Most unwanted was understanding and caring what other people think? Must have interviewed the staff! 1000 wdah in a year? There are independent field auditors that can do that. 78% recognition of Scientology? Awesome job Mike, Leah, and everyone else exposing the church for making Scientology very well known!
“Most unwanted was understanding and caring what other people think? Must have interviewed the staff!”
That cracked me up – thank you Ed. Nothing like a good chuckle to start the day!
Gosh, I wonder what they think of me!
The word declare comes to mind.
They can bring it on! In fact, I insist!
Well, I just think you’re a hoot, if that matters!
Sorry OSD, but according to the survey the answer would be, “who cares?”
Alas, they should!
From the June 6th minutes:
“There are Floating Tone Arms at Exams!”
OK, one of you ‘tech’ savvy people explain this to me. The first time I heard about ‘floating tone arms’ was when the NOTS stuff came out. People coming back from Flag would talk about floating TAs and said the if they merely had an F/N they would feel somewhat invalidated. This was all tongue in cheek, but still there was this phenomena of a floating TA. I have never experienced this and in all of my training I never read anything about it. It seemed to be the sort of thing that happened when an F/N was swinging so widely the auditor would have to move the tone arm to keep the needle on the dial. What gives? For newer defectors, since GAT II, does the floating TA need to be a 3-swing floating TA to be called or will just a plain old fashioned floating TA do?
The other thing that caught my eye in that same section of the minutes was the fact that a Sushi Chef was hired in the canteen! (gone by now, guaranteed) There are new walk-ins! (how many?) There are people calling in about joining staff! (apparently they were just call-ins as the result of an ad, no one actually joined or that would make headlines).
From the May 23rd minutes:
“34 years ago recognition of “Scientology” was 24%. Now it is 78%!!!”
That’s called Google folks, and from a scientology perspective that is NOT a good thing.
From the May 30th minutes:
“Kathy Welch & Mary Elizabeth Glosup went to Salt Lake City last Saturday and helped with their fundraising. SLC got their construction permits 2 weeks ago. They only have $2.5 million left to raise. Kathy and Mary Elizabeth regged a cycle for $250,000 that will close shortly!!!”
This means that someone just lost their house, took out a 2nd or 3rd mortgage, cashed in an IRA/401k, spent their kids college fund, tapped out some relatives or close friends or pre-spent their inheritance. Could be something else, but these are always the most popular choices. Lets hope there was a ‘postulate check’ involved so the mark has a chance to wake up before actually coughing up the dough.
One would think OSA would step in and shut down these OT Committee meeting minutes. With this kind of ‘area PR control’, someone is making the largest concentration of ‘OTs’ on the planet look like a bunch of morons. I guess that would be themselves.
I’ve been told a number of times over the years, “your TA is floating.” My reply generally (I’ll admit not all the time though) was a surprised – “oh… it is?” The auditor ended the session and I wandered off wondering, what the fuck was that all about?
Grasshopper, you have reached the pinnacle of knowledge! That it’s all a scam. Time for you to leave temple.
Thank you master. I will now seek out new horizons with nothing to offer but nothing itself. If it makes me lots of money like Scientology does… wow.
Naw… fuck it… wana grab a 6 pack or two and hang out checking out the chicks?
Ab-so-fucking-lutely! I’ll bring some other stuff…
I always thought they were saying, “Your back teeth are floating.” and they let me out of session to go to the bathroom…
Yawnalot, regarding your comment about the floating TA, isn’t it that MUs are a big deal in Scientology and the main reason why people blow, why would the auditor let you wonder out the room with an MU in your head, by telling you “your TA is floating” when you have no clue of what that means, he is serving you an MU.
Oh… if I think about a response to that I would probably have another floating TA.
Seriously tho, any auditor who sees a floating TA has to follow the good old guidelines of standardness and end off. If you’re worth your salt as an auditor you will know if it’s an ARCX needle or not by the context or backed up by simple but carefully applied 2 way comm. There aren’t and never have there been that many “good” auditors. And if anyone was that good, the developing Cof$ crucified them if they dared hang around to correct them.
This is way past MU city, you expect too much from an auditor my friend. Sometimes a TA will float and who in the hell knows why. To question it (if it’s not an ARCX needle, of which you handle accordingly) is a major out tech flub. Somethings are best left alone. Q&A became a separate subject itself within the subject of Scientology.
“Standard tech” in my opinion is so far removed from any real broad application is must be considered impossible bullshit. Scientology is, was and never will be for everyone. Even Scientology states that very clearly if you know your R6 materials. But to even attempt to know, let alone be good enough to attempt applying R6 procedures broadly the whole organizational aspect of viability evaporates and it turned out to be a disastrous business option, ie your average Joe has no fucking idea what you’re talking about. So, the whole technical aspect that was supposedly referred to in KSW1 1965 end up by having Scientology redesigned over and over until profit in the guise of surviveability/viability become the governing force and a hell of a lot more important than anyone’s sanity. There’s no money and power to be attained by making people sane or more able. Scientology’s coffers stand in testament to the scam it is. Think for a moment, if Scientology actually worked so broadly as stated, what percentage of importance would money acquisition have to do with it? The abilities claimed by Scientology for all mankind would leave mere money acquisition in the dust. There’s a whole stack of lies in organised Scientology. Maybe it’s all bs anyway, life doesn’t tolerate order or power directed to the people for very long.
May your own TA float and never make you wonder why.
I’d sooner trust gas station sushi then $cieno sushi.
“The new FSM Awards Program at Valley was announced. The game is to get everyone onto a service!!!” I recall in the late 60s/early 70s at the NY Org, virtually every involved was “onto a service”. We couldn’t keep them away. First org declared (by LRH personally) in Power both Day and Foundation. Went on for a couple of months.
Right thegman. But as the subject is unattractive to 99.9% of the human population it was never able to sustain viability. As you noted the stats slumping after a few months in the BEST location on Earth for an Org. During the heyday when its best demographic was thick as white on rice.
THAT tells the story of scamology.
[Top most wanted: “help lead a better life,” “have a better life” and “have a happier life.”
Most unwanted was: “understand or care about what other people think.”]
Because you’ll have to disconnect from them anyway.
[The next survey that was done is the Valley Community Survey re: Scientology, to be done in all malls in the Valley. 200 surveys…
The ruins were economic financial stress, and time management.]
Because Scientology can clearly help you have more financial stress.
Financial Stress. That’s one thing they’re very, very good at. Pros, actually.
They sure use a lot of exclamation points!!!
When they mention that “34 years ago recognition of “Scientology” was 24%. Now it is 78%!!!” What they do’t say is that most people have learned about Scientology by hearing mainly NEGATIVE data, such as the Tom Cruise Freedom Medal rant, or the South Park Xenu episode. And now Mike and Leah!
Only 99 cents! Check it out!
Oh! My! Gosh! GoValley! GoValleee!
That’s a hoelotta Exclamations!!!!!
Tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We’re forming an exCLAMation all to ourselves you know. Let’s rustle up a couple of ships, a real estate portfolio big enough to make your eyes water and a whole stack of empty buildings and car parks and go into the religion business for ourselves. We have the formula!
We’ll call it Meme&mineology hey?
I’m so fucking in.
Why bother using words at all?
34 years ago? Hmm…thinks…thinks…oohh, look at the moo cows…no, that’s not right…
(snaps fingers) AAGGHH. Oh yes, that’s somewhere around the time I started looking into $camology when some articles about them whining about having to pay taxes popped up in a couple of newspapers.
From the May 23, 2017 meeting there is this statement: “34 years ago recognition of “Scientology” was 24%. Now it is 78%!!!”
Would I be amiss if I made the assumption that 34 years ago there was 24% positive recognition, and now there is 78% negative recognition? Seems about right to me.
Absolutely! Their reputation is shit! And will stay that way…forever.
Yes, clever of them to leave it at “recognition” without the adjectives, i.e. positive or negative recognition.
Plenty of people “recognize” Hitler, Mussolini and Bernie Madoff too! (That was a joke.)
But this isn’t: plenty of people now recognize Scientology as AT BEST the absurd Sci Fi religion of Tom Cruise, and at worst a vicious, ruthless cult of greed.
Within this range is the actual scene for The Church of Scientology’s PR.
How I’d love to be present at one of these clueless OTC meetings, puncturing swiss-cheesy holes in their cheesy PR.
For starters, I’d inform them that they have a CRASHING MU on “Ideal Scene” and “Actual Scene”.
Oh, I would have such fun…
I love this from the May 30 minutes. Based on the surveys, “The ruins were economic financial stress, and time management.” Well. Yes. I wonder why.
I don’t know about the org, but the parking lot is certainly ideal. can barely see a single tier mark on the whole thing.
But you did see a tire mark? Whoa! They can finally celebrate something!
This is the big payoff? Instead of putting all their effort into getting new people into Scientology these past 10 years it was on putting the ideal org there.
In the meantime Scientology’s reputation has gone down at least 1000% maybe more.
The OT committees average age is 60+. They are shining examples of hypnotized, indoctrinated, bubble dwellers doing the bidding of an evil, destructive corporate cult.
The bottom line, they are all dying. A very slow demise. So criminal.
It all seems pretty sad, but that Nancy! woman on the 20th probably livened things up for awhile (am I wrong in thinking she’s the one who does voice-over work?).
I was gonna say, Nancy! must be Nancy Cartwright. I wonder how she feels about her possible $10 million in personal donations serving up $208,000 after a whole year!
I also had the same thought, Dave Stewart. I think the exclamation point after her name is so as to remain incognito, but I’m pretty sure it is Nancy Cartwright, the whale Bart Simpson’s voice.
Waiting for permits, exclamation point. Lord Xenu what a sad, sad thing this Scientology is.
More sad:
The game is to get everyone onto service, triple exclamation point. I have a game. It’s called Go to the moon on a pogo stick. It’s about as realistic a goal as getting everyone (assuming that means all current parishioners in the Valley Org) paying for courses at once. No amount of exclamation points will make that come true.
In 34 years ago, recognition of “Scientology” has gone from 24% to 78% (never mind the questionable validity of whatever survey yielded those results), triple exclamation point. Great goobly-oobly they can’t possibly fail to examine quality along with quantity, as in the general public recognizes “Scientology” as a very, very bad and sad thing And 99% of that 78% know exactly one thing about Scientology: Tom Cruise’s goofy religion. Slap an exclamation point on that and call it fuckaroni.
There are Floating Tone Arms at Exams, exclamation point. Isn’t that like saying there is chicken in chicken soup? Unremarkable if true. Definitely not exclamation material.
But hey… at least they look on the deluded bright side of themselves. They are so accustomed to lying to themselves in Scientology that they manufacture their own “successes” out of the most outrageous calamities befalling them.
One must take into account what OTC actually means. These are the people saving mankind from themselves. When you take a good look at that, they are sure doing their bit to accomplish that, by disappearing. When organised Scientology vanishes, the world, screwy as it is, will be just that little bit better off.
Would taking a successful pee count for anything?
You’d have to stat it somehow. Beer drinkers definitely have an edge.
“These are the people saving mankind from themselves.”
Yes, they believe that, apparently.
One of the meetings talked about a triumphant survey of people on the street. They claim victory where “34 years ago recognition of ‘Scientology’ was 24%. Now it is 78%!!!” Too bad that 100% of the 78% think that Scientology is more toxic than Ebola.
Oh! Way the fuck more toxic! No comparison! Ebola is a ‘cold’ compared to Scientology.
The one that left me wondering, is this:
“The next survey that was done is the Valley Community Survey re: Scientology, to be done in all malls in the Valley. 200 surveys
117 said yes, 19 more were positive re: Scientologists are very nice and friendly.”
It’s not clear what they said “yes” to, but I suspect the ambiguity may be a typical attempt to put a positive spin on 117 people not being hostile and only 19 people out of 200 being willing to affirm that “Scientologists are very nice and friendly” when talking to one face-to-face in a public place, a situation in which people are likely to be falsely polite. Presumably they actually did 200 surveys, rather than attempts at surveys, in which case the unaccounted for 83 must have given a response that they don’t want to mention.
The other interesting question, is whether they were really just doing a survey to gauge public opinion, or were using it as a tool to try to recruit anyone responding positively.
Thirty four years ago, recognition of Scientology was 24% … Now it is 78% !!!!!! … Uhm, yeah … That’ s probably true …
You mean recognition of Scientology is not 100%? The dwarf is not going to be happy.