Because they document the true state of scientology, which is pretty boring and hopeless — here are some recent minutes from the Valley “OT” Committee.
Remember, Valley is, according to them “the most important ideal org on earth” right there in the center of the “greatest concentration of scientologists on earth” with their “very own OT Warrior Princess, Honorary Governor of the Vast Valley Territories: NC herself!” led by “OT’s at cause” and yet they seem incapable of accomplishing ANYTHING. Reading these minutes is like watching Groundhog Day, except its weekly. The minutes repeat the same meaningless drivel over and over.
Contrast it to the trumpeted hype of the recent IAS event: Epic. World-changing. Powering Up the Planet. Monumental.
The sheeple are like a few nerdy kids sitting under the blankets with a flashlight telling each other they are superheros saving the world. The difference is the kids know they are pretending.
My comments are in red italics other things worthy of note are in red text.
Right off the bat, there is an interesting statement about what “makes a VM” — this is the reality of the scientology bubble. If you “used any tech” (ARC triangle, comm cycle, disconnection) then you are an “Active VM” for the week.
November 10, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, Karen Brown, Mark Anderson, Ralph Temps, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Bob Welch, Ben Ghiora, Nancy Parodi, Heelah Cohen, Judy Hill, Lisa Malm, Carlos Diaz
Kathy Welch opened meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 33 to 29
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Up from $114 to $267
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Ralph Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 77.5 to 47.75
# of Events & Briefings Held – Even at 0
# of Service Starts – Down from 13 to 11
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Up from 12 to 25 [scientology math — there were 15 attendees as noted above]
Kathy Welch announced the party invitations will go out next Tuesday Dec 6th for Vanguards and above!
Lisa Malm announced the Women’s Auxiliary 17th Annual Party and Dinner 14 Nov at the Angeles National Golf Club.
- Over the years, $350,000 in donations have gone to 8 different Ideal Orgs, CCHR, TWTH, etc.
- Tickets are $80 and for staff $50.
- All your friends will be there!
Reminder: Carol Loweree last week announced the 6th Annual Migrant Workers Children’s Christmas party Dec 12th 10:00am to 2:00pm here at the Org. Donations can be toys or cash. Carol is recruiting volunteers. Bonita Wilson is arranging the dancers’ presentation with TWTH Themes!
Eric Krackow
- Collected VM Program stats.
- If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week
- Friends and Family program needs your help with getting new Div 6 public – please send your friends and family into Org!
- Dissem Workshop Wednesdays 7:30pm – Get tools to help your contact with the Public.
Kathy briefed us on the release last Friday of the GAT2 for OT 6, 7 and 8! There were 4500 people attending the briefing at Flag. Ha ha ha, not a chance in the world. The Flag auditorium holds about 1100 people when jammed to the rafters, SRO.
Diane Temps completed her Cause Resurgence Rundown and shared her wins! She said “I am cause!” Then how come they only have 15 people at her meeting? And she couldn’t even report her stats? All she seems to accomplish being so at cause is to get her husband to “pass around the hat.”
Ben Ghiora completed Advanced Solo Auditors Course at Flag. He shared wins on the new E-meter and his new certainty!
Adam from the Freewinds announced the Freewinds World tour at PAC Base on Friday 13 Nov at 6:00pm. There will be several LRH datums: Tools for overnight expansion with a brilliant idea, How to move from Phase 1 into Phase 2, removing false datums, and several other surprises!
Mary Elizabeth Glosup is recruiting and getting confirms for the Dec 6th party
New Year’s Event is 27 Dec live.
Kathy read the LRH quote on the Definition of Success.
OTC members went into production – on our CF Project and confirms for the Freewinds World Tour.
LRH was acknowledged. The meeting was ended.
When you see below, you will see these people do the same thing every week and talk about the same “events” — it is really a pathetic scene
November 3, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: NC (Warrior Princess), Kathy Welch, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Mary Lee Krackow, Karen Brown, Mark Anderson, Ralph Temps, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Linda Massey, John Massey, Lauren Perreau, Kathy DiGalbo, Bob Welch, Carol Loweree, Rochelle Goodrich, Nancy Parodi, Heelah Cohen, Marty Kassowitz, Bobbi Kassowitz, Sue Kattoo, Ann Hazen, Judy Hill,
Kathy Welch opened meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Even at 29
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $173 to $114
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Ralph Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 89 to 74.5
# of Events & Briefings Held – Down from 1 to 0
# of Service Starts – Down from 10 to 8
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Down from 16 to 12
Kathy Welch introduced our very own OT Warrior Princess, Honorary Governor of the Vast Valley Territories: NC herself! She briefed us on her recent activities and progress on current and future plans.
Lisa Malm announced the Women’s Auxiliary 17th Annual Party and Dinner 14 Nov at the Angeles National Golf Club.
- Lisa presented a Valley Ideal Org donation of $2,500 from the Women’s Auxiliary!
- At the party, there is a silent auction with hundreds of items!
- Over the years, $350,000 in donations have gone to 8 different Ideal Orgs, CCHR, TWTH, etc.
- Tickets are $80 and for staff $50.
- All your friends will be there!
Carol Loweree announced the 6th Annual Migrant Workers Children’s Christmas party Dec12th 10:00am to 2:00pm here at the Org. Donations can be toys or cash. Carol is recruiting volunteers. Bonita Wilson is arranging the dancers’ presentation with TWTH Themes!
Eric Krackow
- Collected VM Program stats.
- If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week
- Tracy Andruscavage showed Truth About Drugs video to her Scout Troop.
- Carrol Loweree presented the Truth A bout Drugs to 3,000 kids the week before!!
- Friends and Family program needs your help with getting new Div 6 public – please send your friends and family into Org!
- Dissem Workshop Wednesdays 7:30pm with Joe Hochman.
- Let’s build the OTC membership now!
Santos from the Freewinds announced the Freewinds World tour at PAC Base on Friday 13 Nov at 6:00pm. There will be several LRH datums: Tools for overnight expansion with a brilliant idea, How to move from Phase 1 into Phase 2, removing false datums, and several other surprises!
David Wilson announced data on the Release of GAT 2 for OTs on Friday 6 Nov 7:00pm at the Flag Office on LRH Way.
- Kathy announced that invitations went out for the December 6th Party Event, with a validation of top donors (Vanguard and above) and acknowledgement of their generosity, persistence, creativity, and graciousness to validate all of our purpose alignment with Valley Ideal Org!
- Initial construction prep and Hazardous material removal is in progress at our new building!
- 31st Annual IAS Event on 30 Oct 2015 at the Bonaventure! Reception at 5:30 doors open at 6:30! There is additional entertainment planned for the childcare area. Find out about the huge reach from many countries.
- San Diego Ideal Org is close to completion of their fundraising and are accepting all last minute donations!
Mary Lee Krackow previously announced the CF production hat is written and available for all the CF project volunteers. So come in at any convenient times and help her move this project forward!
Kathy read the LRH quote on the Definition of Success.
OTC members went into production – on our CF Project and confirms for the Freewinds World Tour.
LRH was acknowledged. The meeting was ended.
October 27, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Lee Krackow, Karen Brown, Mark Anderson, Ralph Temps, Bob Welch, Linda Massey, Lauren Perreau, Kathy DiGalbo, Rochelle Goodrich, Nancy Parodi, Heelah Cohen
Kathy Welch opened meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Even at 29
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $185 to $173
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Down from 92.5 to 89
# of Events & Briefings Held – Up from 0 to 1
# of Service Starts – Down from 14 to 10
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Up from 18 to 16
Kathy Welch
- Kathy announced that invitations went out for the December 6th Party Event, with a validation of top donors (Vanguard and above) and acknowledgement of their generosity, persistence, creativity, and graciousness to validate all of our purpose alignment with Valley Ideal Org!
- On October 24th, Rafferty Pendry hosted a wonderful Seminar on business expansion and very helpful subjects from LRH data! For improving life, business, and for getting up the Bridge fast. Attendees were more than the re-confirms!
- We are planning a newsletter with new building progress reports.
- Initial construction prep and Hazardous material removal is in progress at our new building!
- 31st Annual IAS Event on 30 Oct 2015 at the Bonaventure! Reception at 5:30 doors open at 6:30! There is additional entertainment planned for the childcare area. Find out about the huge reach from many countries.
- San Diego Ideal Org is close to completion of their fundraising and are accepting all last minute donations!
Kathy Welch announced the Women’s Auxiliary 17th Annual Party and Dinner 15 Nov at the Angeles National Golf Club. There is a silent auction with hundreds of items! Donations have gone to Ideal Orgs, CCHR, TWTH. Tickets are $80 and for staff $50. All your friends will be there!
Reminder: Kathy Morrill DSA Valley previously announced the 6th Annual Migrant Workers Children’s Christmas party Dec12th 10:00am to 2:00pm here at the Org. Donations can be toys or cash.
Eric Krackow
- VM Program is in progress
- If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week
- Friends and Family program needs your help with getting new Div 6 public – please send your friends and family into Org!
- Dissem Workshop Wednesdays 7:30pm with Joe Hochman.
- Let’s build the OTC membership now!
Mary Lee Krackow previously announced the CF production hat is written and available for all the CF project volunteers. So come in at any convenient times and help her move this project forward!
OTC members went into production – on our CF Project.
LRH was acknowledged. The meeting was ended.
October 20, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Lee Krackow, Karen Brown, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Hagit Ron, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Mark Anderson, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Ralph Temps, Bob Welch, Lauren Perreau, Kathy DiGalbo, Rochelle Goodrich, Charlene Thorburn
Kathy Welch opened meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 18 to 29
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Up from $50 to $185
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 57.25 to 92.5
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – Down from 7 to 4
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Up from 17 to 18
Kathy Welch
- Kathy announced that invitations went out for the December 6th Party Event, with a validation of top donors (Vanguard and above) and acknowledgement of their generosity, persistence, creativity, and graciousness to validate all of our purpose alignment with Valley Ideal Org!
- On October 24th, Rafferty Pendry will speak on business expansion and very helpful subjects! For getting up the Bridge fast. Dinner 6:00pm, Event starts at 7:00pm. Target is 70 attendees.
- We are planning a newsletter with new building progress reports.
- There is a fundraiser raffle planned for Oct – November time frame. We are recruiting for the I/C and other hats.
- Initial construction prep and Hazardous material removal is in progress at our new building!
- 31st Annual IAS Event on 30 Oct 2015 reception at 5:30 doors open at 6:30! There is additional entertainment planned for the childcare area. Find out about the huge reach from many countries.
Lisa Malm announced the Women’s Auxiliary 17th Annual Party and Dinner 15 Nov at the Angeles National Golf Club. There is a silent auction with hundreds of items! Donations have gone to Ideal Orgs, CCHR, TWTH. Tickets are $80 and for staff $50. All your friends will be there!
Kathy Morrill DSA Valley announced the 6th Annual Migrant Workers Children’s Christmas party Dec12th 10:00am to 2:00pm here at the Org. Donations can be toys or cash.
Eric Krackow
- VM Program is in progress
- If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week
- Friends and Family program needs your help with getting new Div 6 public – please send your friends and family into Org!
- Dissem Workshop Wednesday 7:30pm with Joe Hochman.
- Let’s build the OTC membership now!
David and Bonita Wilson announced they are going to the Freewinds in January to complete pre-requirements for New OT IX and OT X. They are inviting other OT’s to do the same! Ha ha ha ha…. The newest “pre-requirements”… until the next ones come out.
Mary Lee Krackow announced the CF production hat is written and available for all the CF project volunteers. So come in at any convenient times and help her move this project forward!
Susan Jacobs new post is Chief Body Reg. She is ready to help with your selectees!
OTC members went into production – confirms for the Oct 24th Event.
LRH was acknowledged. The meeting was ended.
October 13, 2015
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, Karen Brown, Hagit Ron, Irad Ron, Jennifer Charm Jacobson, Mark Anderson, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Ralph Temps, Nancy Parodi, Bob Welch, Lauren Perreau, Vered Ziv, Linda Massey, Bobbi Kassowitz, Rochelle Goodrich
Kathy Welch opened meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the Purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Down from 21 to 16
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – $50
Division 3 – Diane Temps
Diane Temps passed the Hat around for OTC donations.
Division 4 – Kathy Welch
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 39.25 to 57.25
# of Events & Briefings Held – 0
# of Service Starts – Down from 7 to 4
Division 6 – Debbie Suplee
Meeting Attendance – Up from 9 to 17
Kathy Welch
- We are gearing up for the Finale Event in February!
- Kathy announced our planned December 6th Party Event, with a validation of top donors (Vanguard and above) and acknowledgement of their generosity, persistence, creativity, and graciousness to validate all of our purpose alignment with Valley Ideal Org!
- On October 24th, Rafferty Pendry will speak on business expansion and very helpful subjects! For getting up the Bridge fast. Dinner 6:00pm, Event starts at 7:00pm. Target is 70 attendees.
- We are planning a newsletter with new building progress reports.
- There is a fundraiser raffle planned for Oct – November time frame. We are recruiting for the I/C and other hats.
- Initial construction prep and Hazardous material removal is in progress at our new building!
Eric Krackow
- 31st Annual IAS Event on 30 Oct 2015
- VM Program is in progress
- If you’ve used any tech from Scientology Handbook during the week, report it to Eric, as you qualify as VM for that week
- Friends and Family program needs your help with getting new Div 6 public – send friends and family into Org
- Dissem Workshop Wednesday 7:30pm with Joe Hochman.
- Eric gave his dissemination wins!
Nancy Parodi:
- Need pictures of all invitees
- Recruiting Part help volunteers
OTC members went into production – confirms for the Oct 24th Event.
LRH was acknowledged. The meeting was ended.
I went to an Oat Tee Cee. once and I volunteered a great (I thought) idea to interest the public in the tech and was politely told to “sit down on that chair and shut the fuck up, (my dub in), we are trying to raise money here for the new Org.” I somehow felt a little shame for communicating and made a “postulate” to paint myself invisible. As an OT I can also make objects disappear but getting them to re materialize is more difficult. Any advice on that aspect?
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Up from $50 to $185!!!
HAHAHAHAHAAHA HEHEEEHEHEH HoHOHOHOHHOH Wheeze hack ” Oa God” HEHEHEHEHEHE wheeze, please stop Mike its killing me LOL LOL.
At least back in the days when I was an active member of an OTC, there was no passing around of a hat for money. Yikes.
This is supposedly a tech that handles everything in life and yet $cn orgs, groups and activities must be amongst the poorest in the world.
And excepting for a few whales, so are the public – before and during $cientology and while receiving the so called Greatest Tech in the World.
It always interests me Mike how you come across this material. Each report essentially says not for external consumption and yet here we are reading it thanks to you. You must either have a very good internal source or scientology forgot to take you off their email mailing list when you left. You’ve been posting these for a while now. I would have thought your source would have been found ou by now. Touch wood it doesnt happen with all the stories of RPF and such it is a big risk they are taking.
(BLEEP!) ISIS had two trillion dollars in the bank! What will DM think?
Some observations re cults:
Thanks for this. $cientology to a T. I may send this to a koolaider or two.
I recognize the names of a few of the old-timers–most of whom have been scios for 40 years. And I should add: not the brightest as I recall. Snarky but true.
“Diane Temps completed her Cause Resurgence Rundown and shared her wins! She said “I am cause!” Then how come they only have 15 people at her meeting? And she couldn’t even report her stats? All she seems to accomplish being so at cause is to get her husband to “pass around the hat.”” You hit the nail on the head with that one, Mike. If I was to be on an OTC, I’d like that post because it’s not a lot of work: passing the hat around for donations is easy and takes 3 minutes. What do they use those donated dollars for anyway? Is this so that they can buy donuts for the not so bright OTC members who show up to these meetings?
“On October 24th, Rafferty Pendry will speak on business expansion and very helpful subjects!” Meaning new ways to separate the sheep from their moolah.
“of Volunteer Hours – Up from 57.25 to 92.5.” Meaning we just made the fools who showed up work even harder.
By the time I worked my way from 13/10/15 – 27/10/15 I kept having bouts of déjà vu and thought that I must be developing psychic powers.
“…our very own OT Warrior Princess, Honorary Governor of the Vast Valley Territories: NC herself!” I gather that NC stands for Non Compos.
“Gross Income – Up from $114 to $267” Did they add the previous meetings hat donations to bolster the total?
Oct. 27th. Attendance up from 18 to 16? Um that’s down
It’ such a great feeling; thinking that you and only you have all the answers. What an ego boost. So they stop looking for answers. And they don’t realize how dangerous that is.
They never ask: “what is the question?”. Because they can regurgitate LRH and he had all the answers. So
this is how they wind up; like horses with blinders on, happily going in circles over the same old ground. And
maybe after a long while, some of these folks have just lost the ability to question and look and see. And deep down there is the fear of finding out that maybe they are wrong.
A bum begging nickels on the street has higher gross income.
(Please don’t take seriously my possibly unkind use of the pejorative “bum” to describe those unfortunate enough to have to resort to begging nickels in the street just to eat, but when drawing a comparison for the bums on the Valley OT Committee, what else can I do?)
Since the Valley OT Committee is showing no real signs of progress or expansion, how about holding a Committee of Evidence?
It all seems pretty ghastly to me. But I just worked out scientologists and OTC members in particular are simply dramatizing being a static. They ain’t going or have arrived at any undisclosed location, all in no time & it’s their own personally discovered route to OT. The church shit doesn’t work, they know that deep down so in their protest (under the radar, radar) they are going it alone or in small groups. Many are chosen but only a few can push through the boredom barrier, the casualty lists are high but the rewards are just around the corner. They can just make out the hazy… now where is it? Oh yeah, there’s the mountain top! On no it isn’t, darn, it’s just a pile of pretty rocks.
Their static stats align with that observation, mmm? Am I wrong?
And it’s universal. Every OTC, I know of five, are “simply dramatizing being a static”, too.
Call in for an event is production?
I’m bound and determined to let at least 3 people finish their sentences this week. Does that earn me a VM of the week? Or do I need to make it 4 people?
“Now is the time for all good men to…something or other…their country.”
This is just not real, it’s a Red Herring, a Decoy,
window Dressing for the view that does not face the city dump.
Besides fooling themselves I know David Miscavige see’s right through
this puppet show.
“Tools for overnight expansion with a brilliant idea” is this the suddenly close up shop tech? You know open one day and closed the next? Where the PC folders get left behind along with all those precious books filled with knowledge more valuable than gold? Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s standard tech.
If I plop some clueless idiot over the head with a Scientology Handbook, Does that count as being a VM? Yes, since I’m using the most useful part of the tech, It’s shear MASS. Other good ways of using the book include door stop, chocking for cars and aircraft, anchor (medium size and larger vessels), kindling and foot rest for optimum bowel alignment when on the toilet. All these and more will make you a VM so please report the stats to your local org, before Thursday 2pm! Together we can bring about unprecedented VM expansion!!!
“Kathy read the LRH quote on the Definition of Success.” This sounds exactly like what a hidden suppressive would do to enturbulate the group through invalidation.
“Tickets are $80 and for staff $50. All your friends will be there!” No, your real friends will be at the sports bar eating chicken wings and swilling beer. Nice that staff get a discount, but that discount still costs a good weeks wages. With weekly income at only $50 for one week, how much did the staff get? Two dollars each???
I love how the construction stuff is touted but then drops off the radar. Did the contractor walk off the job for non-payment? How many miles of sheet rock were removed? Inquiring minds want to know.
The OTC got a nice attendance bump by having her majesty, Nancy Cartwright show up. I can see what Nancy’s retirement is going be, helping Gavin Potter sell whatever he sells.
“No, your real friends will be at the sports bar eating chicken wings and swilling beer.”
Quite correct, and as well they should.
The release of OT9 & 10? That’s great news! It means more and more leaving Scn. If any OT8s had any doubts or reservations, guaranteed they will be resolved after DM’s 9 & 10.
It’s easier to leave the Westboro Baptist Church than the CO$. Interesting story of how one woman did it:
“Active Members – Down” “Gross Income – Up” Interesting. ” Tickets are $80 and for staff $50″ There goes their weeks pay!
You’d be very fortunate indeed to take home $50. Most of the time it was 0.
Or in the typical day in the life of a ‘staff’ scientologist – they pay heavily for the privilege of thinking and going through the self deluded motions of considering themselves ‘on purpose’ organisational scientologists. When in fact they are just cannon fodder and both a direct and indirect source of income for the wickedly insane miscavige and his cronies.
The bs pay they receive is an insult of extreme magnitude. The dedication of a staff scientologist and especially an SO member is one of the highest attributes of a human being, and it is equally countered with the worst attribute of treasonous betrayal through the expensively dressed & well manicured and publically smiling face of miscavige and his superstar dipstick, tc.
I used the tech this week – to suppress Scientology. I am a Volunteer Minister. The difference between my “help” and the fake, pretended and destructive help in Scientology – is that I actually help, my help is free, I do it from home and don’t need a big building anfd I don’t take pictures to create propaganda…just pure ole suppression!! And IT WORKS when standardly applied!! 😉
I don’t have the exact quote here – if anyone knows it please feel free to correct.
LRH states in a Milestone One lecture words to the effect that every doubt you have right now is just an aberration.
Another good way to keep the minions in line, eh?
I suppose then that when the MAA’s assign people a doubt condition, they are aberrating them?
These OTC members are doing this to themselves.
The feelings of obligation to attend these OTC meetings are the most dismal “now-we’re-supposed-to” imaginable.
When I was on full-time services at AOLA several years ago, my FSM invited me to the Flag Office OTC.
One meeting was enough to say “no thank you”. These people were little more than errand runners for the flag regges.
But even though I was deeply into the bowels of the machine, being on a full-time schedule, I was able to say no, I’m not playing the OTC game.
Everybody has a choice. These OTC people have abdicated their choice of attending or not to “command intention”, and thus, they are all going through the motions and just pretending.
It’s just a smaller version of the overall Scn scene these days.
Kathy Welch introduced our very own OT Warrior Princess, Honorary Governor of the Vast Valley Territories: NC herself! She briefed us on her recent activities and progress on current and future plans.
Now that is just what I want to do….sit and listen to a Hollywood celebrity talk about their recent activities and future plans….I’m this, I have done that, I, I, I….blah, blah, blah.
Amongst their repetitions they did this one: “Over the years, $350,000 in donations have gone to 8 different Ideal Orgs, CCHR, TWTH, etc.”
Over the years? – how many, over 20, 15 years…we may not needs specifics if we see their pathetic stats.
How many of these OT’s are wondering if their Eternity has started yet?
OMG! Their ETERNITY hasn’t started yet! So….this is just play time until their eternity starts? Ok, that seems reasonable….
Play time, but unfortunately Dave won’t accept play dough.
That’s because the play dough wouldn’t do what Davy boy wanted and so was sent to the RPF.
A bit more choke and no so heavy on the gas pedal and it’ll start.
At the risk of inducing extremely painful withdrawal symptoms from all the heavy duty kool-aid consumption over the years Kathy, it’s time you and your team mates had the cognition that David Miscavige and L. Ron Hubbard have no control over your eternity.
Is Santos saying….how to move from Phase 1 into Phase 2, removing false datums is an LRH datum? If they want to get rid of false datums they should get rid of the walking false datum himself, David Miscavige.
More CF parties….of all the Thursday funnies photos promoting CF parties, I have never seen a computer.
Data. Data. The plural of datum is data. Proof that Study Tech sucks.
And all the false data in Scientology comes from one Source, and it ain’t the Toxic Dwarf.
Espi, I always thought it was “Dataroski.” My bad.
I once had a stable datum, but my horse shat on it.
I once had a horse, but the stable was too small for him.
I once had a horse and I dated him in a stable.
Technically then, you must mean “the false data…COME…” since data is a plural noun.
Groundhog Thetans they are.
Operating Thetans they are not.
Groundhog Thetans they are.
Operating Thtans they are not.
Question, did Lisa McPherson stay in the cabanas the whole time?
Did OSA staff coach or coordinate the story details of what happened to Lisa with the Flag staff attending Lisa prior to their interviewing by the police and detectives and investigators of Lisa’s death?
Was Lisa moved to the Hacienda at any time?
Yes, yes and no
Wow Mike there’s a lot of history behind these stupid OTC stat reports!!!! For years I did the stats at Miami. And I pissed off a lot of people because I queried a lot of fixed ideas on what counted, or as I should say in other words, things that seemed to make no sense to count. The VM subject was the source of a lot of heated discussion. Of course I should preface that all this stat counting (in hindsight) was bogus pretentious fluff!
I just trashed through old emails I forgot I still had in an old email program. I had direct comm with the deputy I/C for the OT Amb program. Without going through it all, I did find at one point that we did NOT count the VM garbage because it wasn’t direct OTC participation. Whatever, the stat counting was often very subjective and varied with the winds. Active VM is the wrong part of the org board regarding the OTC. But they don’t care as long as they count something!
I can say those stat reports from Valley suck from such a “big” field. We had similar and sometimes better stats than those. But then again Valley isn’t doing the ideal org stuff anymore.
Have I ever mentioned: I AM SO GLAD I’M OUT!!!
When I read these, I can hear the verbal exchange:
“Honey, are we going to the OT Committee Meeting?”
“No, why don’t you go this week and tell them I had to work; so, at least one of us goes and they don’t give either one of us shit again about how we are ‘OT and it is your DUTY to go to the OT meetings.’
“Okay, but then next week you have to go and make up some excuse for me; then maybe the week after that we can plan a trip out of town; so, we can skip that one altogether.”
“Good idea. Let’s go look at the calendar. If we play our cards right, each one of us will only have to go 10 times a year.”
“EEE Gads! That much?!….”
I don’t believe so, Mary. This is the first time I’ve seen you post: I AM SO GLAD I’M OUT!!! I was wondering when you would say it. Oh..and me too!
Haven’t you always been “out of it” Dude?
Like I mean… Bob Marley, he’s my hero & Jimi really knew how to par-tay too.
Hey! Maybe that’s why green on white doesn’t work… too much green and be fucked if I’m going to work.
“Homeward bound
I wish I was
Homeward bound
Home, where my thought’s escaping
Home, where my music’s playing
Home ,where my love lies waiting
Silently for me ”
oh sorry, reliving better times. Paul Simon wasn’t no stinking PR scio neither.
You love was waiting silently for you because she had gone type three. I mean, I love the song, but, you’ve got to face reality, I Yawn…
I went to a flag OTC meeting once. My first thought?….What a waste of time. I never went back.
You actually went once, Potpie? Well, you’ve got me beat. Did you get a headache from it?
It wasn’t theta, huh?
WOW! These stats are truly reflective of the incredible international expansion that scientology is undergoing! PATHETIC!!!!!
Also LOVE the fact that you keep getting your hands on them despite, “Please do not forward……”
Poor Welches… so long acting, soooo terrible stats with soooooo incredible compet(ence!
They are groundhogs with delusions of being “OTs”.
It’s not clear to me if they enjoy the meetings or simply attend in order to stay in good standing with FLAG. Seems like a very dry meeting. Can someone comment on why they’d attend and what the mood is.
Regular ordinary low-life OT’s grudgingly go or downright hate it. But no one wants a “red flag” put by their name. If you Kay Champagne or Kathy Feschbach and a “big being” OT then you get off on them and asserting your biggness over the low lifes.
About as interesting to read as KSW for the 125th time.
Change last items on post to: OTC members went into depression – complaints for the Oct 24th Event.
LRH was abandoned. The group was ended.
Yeah, but, if you read KSW for the 126th time, you’ll finally cognite….
I method 9ed KSW multiple times, and one time I read the whole thing without hesitation ,in other words “passed” reading it start to finish with no “MU phenomenon”, likely my biggest wasted accomplishment in my decades wasted in the self brainwashing group.
Well… look at the bright side Chuck (if there is such a thing). With the amount of brain-washing we’ve had – at least it’s clean.
But well done on the M9 thingo, clean through without a stumble, wow! – I never got through M9ing KSW without a major dictionary opening exercise and lots of hours to see shredded to uselessness.
On what?
I say the DSA of Valley needs to upgrade the note at the top of the meeting minutes.
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of flaming Ess Pees to use as evidence of the lies and deception that annoited cult members use to keep the rest of the flock under control. A secondary purpose is to convince David Miscavige how hard everyone in the vast valley of Daveshit is working. All Ess Pees receive a copy (although we have no idea where the leak is) so please forward the minutes to all of your disconnected ex family and friends so they can get their ethics in like we have.
Ramp up for OT 9 and 10 , easy, have suitcases full of money.
Is this a bad time to ask for a small loan?
A being is as OT as he can cash things.
LMFAO!!!! Nice, Blinders, very nice!
“Meeting Attendance – Up from 18 to 16”
I’ll take a glitch in CTRL-C/CTRL-V Tech, Alex.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the only people who actually read these minutes are the folks who follow this blog.
Ha ha. But don’t forget they do have a mailing list, so rest assured a couple dozen or so OTs will read it and think, “glad I wasn’t there.”
(clearing my throat). Umm….Kathy Welch? Honey? Look, at this point you’ve got to know that in many Idle Morgues you have a bitter apostate on staff. And this person, bless their heart, sends out all of your OTC meetings to the critics websites. Such as Mike Rinder’s Blog. I know this MUST come as a shock to you, Kathy, but, you really need to confront the truth. Also, you don’t seem to be following KSW when you send out such horrific news about how your Idle Morgue is doing. I mean, in one week your GI was only $50??? Seriously??? And the other weeks were just as pathetic! They money you’re bringing in will only cover the toilet paper issue. Sweetie, It looks as though no new public is coming in. Is that true? And can you figure out what’s stopping the massive flow of new people into your empty building? Have you thought about that?
Now, Kathy, this is just me, but, it does seem like with your nasty, toxic, militant & controlling cult….er…I mean church, the game is just about over for you folks. So…Kathy…what are YOU going to do when it all falls apart?
October 27, 2015
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Mary Lee Krackow, Karen Brown, Mark Anderson, Ralph Temps, Bob Welch, Linda Massey, Lauren Perreau, Kathy DiGalbo, Rochelle Goodrich, Nancy Parodi, Heelah Cohen
I count 12
Meeting Attendance – Up from 18 to 16
Oh, for God’s sake, DMSTCC, relax! It’s simply their new math.
I caught that too. It’s nice to know that while math isn’t one of my best skills, I am still better at it than a Scientologist. Or……………do they serve alcohol at the meetings? That would explain a lot.
“A being is as valuable as he can serve others.”
Apparently you didn’t quite get what negative gain actually means. 18 to 16 is a win!
There is still another mystery associated with the Division 6 report:
Why is “Debbie Suplee” the byline?
According to the rolls, no one by that name attends the meetings.
On the other hand (?) one can only attend a meeting of the C’thulhu cult once.
Utterly boring indeed! The minds of these operating fools have been severely damaged even without lobotomy!
I’d rather have a bottle in front of me….
Mike, wouldn’t it make more sense for them to just change the date on the report and issue it again? They seem very repetitive. 🙂 I will give them this: They are very persistent. Not effective, mind you, but certainly persistent. Then, again, isn’t there a saying about doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results being the definition of insanity?
Yes, persistence can be a real bummer if you are too stupid or blind to know that continuing to repeat the same thing over and over is not going to result in anything good. Think of a donkey banging it’s head against a steel wall, convinced if he does it long enough the wall will eventually give way and he will be free.
Oh, I can attest to that! It took me years to figure out that banging my head against a steel wall will, in fact, not make the wall give way. So, I’ve change strategies: I’m now banging my head against a carbon fiber wall. I’ll update when I can.
Big laugh on that one, OSD!
John Wayne – the Duke once said, “life is tough, it’s even tougher if you’re stupid.”
It’s as though the Duke was referring to scientologists trying to make sense of living.
Why would their be pre requisites for something that doesn’t exist, OT IX and X. Or is dm ferociously writing them as we speak as missing Hubbard documents
Because the First Commandment of scientology is: You must have something to sell.
Even if it doesn’t exist.
“Blue Skies, smiling at me, nothing but blue skies do I see…”
Every little bit is income.
And the Second Commandment of Scientology is: Well…see above.
When I was on the ship in 2009, there were OT’s there getting their set-ups for OT IX and X. I wanted so badly to ask them, “You DO know don’t you that when you actually DO come here to do IX and X, that you’re going to have to do set-ups AGAIN?” And this is when I actually thought there was a IX and X.
McCarran, you’re incorrect. They actually were getting set up if you know what I mean.