July 11, 2017
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Diane Temps, Jennifer Jacobson, Karen Brown, Mark Anderson, Vered Ziv, Dali Bahat, Bob Welch, Heelah Cohen, George Goodrich, Lynda Hubbard, Mary Lee Krackow, Patty Riemer, Lisa Benest, Lisa London, Lilach Yaary, Nola Aronson, Colleen Bigler, Rochelle Goodrich, Maryann O’Donnell
Kathy Welch – opened the meeting and reviewed last week stats.
Barbara Wilson, ED Valley Day gave some of the Org’s wins in the HGC and wins on recoveries, as well as our booth at Saugus on Saturday with WTH booklets and Truth about Drugs booklets.
Kathy Welch announced MV4 Event next Saturday. This event was Kathy’s favorite all about Ideal Orgs and the amazing amount of worldwide expansion for our religion!
Saturday 15 July, dinner at 6:00pm, event at 7:00pm.
Reminders: The new FSM Awards Program at Valley was announced recently. The game is to get everyone onto a service!!!
Freewinds Briefing with Gavin Potter covering new updates on Freewinds activities, services and data on the release of OT IX and OT X! This briefing is for pre-OTs on OT VII, and for New OT VII & New OT VIII completions. Briefing starts right after the OTC meeting here at Valley.
OTC members went into production, call-in for MV event confirms and service starts.
Oh, bummer. They have stopped including stats now.
Pretty soon these will go the way of the Jeff Mintz “Good News” briefings from Flag where he proudly announced the stats — but graphing them over long term showed a very sad story of contraction. Then they were no more.
Now that the Valley is the largest ideal org in the US, one would imagine they would have a LOT of great news about how they have 10Xed their expansion in the last couple of months… Instead, they are crawling further into their shells, hoping nobody will notice they bought $40 million worth of empty square footage and all the promises of “clearing their area” were just that. Promises. And not a single person that made those promises intended to meet them. All they cared about was getting the money so COB could yank a ribbon and try to pretend his empire isn’t sinking faster than the sales of DVD manufacturing plants and printing presses (wink, wink).
Hey Kathy Welch — if the MV 4 event was your “favorite”, were you embarrassed when you watched it knowing your org has gone absolutely nowhere? Or have you figured out now that it is ALL bs, that NO “ideal org” is accomplishing anything other than increasing their utility bills, and you are now complicit in it so say nothing and pretend your org is doing just great?
This is one way to not have the OTC Minutes distributed outside the OTC. Include absolutely no information in them at all.
Cindy, you’re right. When in desperate need of money, to hell with the policies. The true story of Scientology.
I wish they would record the start and end times for the meeting. It probably takes longer to type up the minutes than it does to have the meeting.
Davey’s CO$ Clearwater Swimming Pool:
Today a man knocked on my door and asked for a small donation towards the local swimming pool. I gave him a glass of water
As a Scotsman that’s what I would have done.
hmmm…. I think OT IX and X will be a full review of all OT level from OT I to OT8. DM will be creating a new (repair) list including 1. Out-Int on your OT levels, 2. Overts on your OT Levels 3. Withholds on your OT Levels ? blablabla… People would get onto it and say “wouahhh, what an amazing level blablabla.
🙂 🙂
Honestly, if the people who MOST love and wish to follow LRH, to me the freezone/Indies would be them, are honestly the ethical heirs and persons deserving to be given full access to ALL of LRH’s full writings and the decades of checksheets that lay out the key private Hubbard writings on HOW to dig through the “research” material, and put together from the raw research material, the ideas and concepts to turn those into “tech” that gets first piloted (sometimes the piloting will stretch out for YEARS, the KTL is one such pilot that went on for almost 10 years of haphazard piloting)…..
but, to me, the indies have amongst them, some of the great lovers of LRH’s ideas, and a few of the Indies I think would gobble up the LRH orders on hope to compile and pilot and issue and revise and repilot and do the final issuance of “tech” “tech.”
Hubbard wrote a “tech” for LRH Research and Compilations, and if the subject of Scientology would do what Hubbard said, they DO have the option to review the original “research” writings, and then put any of the myriad “research” snippets into the OT levels appropriately, all following LRH’s long laid out orders for research, compiling, piloting, revised, re-piloting and then issuing “tech” “tech” for the consumption of the general followers.
And what I just said above is in the private RTRC Hat Checksheet theory items on these full hat checksheets, I know I studied the general theoretical writings when I did the “RTRC Compiler Full Hat Checksheet” in the fall of 1988 when I for a tiny 5 month period (Sept 88 to Feb 89) worked in LRH Tech Research (Pilot) and Compilations Branch of the Senior C/S Int Office which was a subunit of the CMO Int org board at that time.
The public and lower Scientologists who haven’t read all the LRH traffic on how the compilations/pilot-issuing/piloting/final issuing of “tech” (“timeless tech” is the bar that LRH set for “tech”, it has to be something he’s come up with which is “timeless tech” and no a one time “tech” fix for one case.
Not that it is not all bogus quackery, but the Hubbard quackery DOES have an elaborate runway that LRH laid out for how to delve through all the “research” he’s done, which to the unknowledgable they can’t see it laying there, but his case folders would be about the best source for ANY of the upper levels still not released.
Marty’s said there’s nothing in LRH’s final case folders. That is almost impossible for me to accept, even though I am NOT a believer in Hubbard’s quackery, but Hubbard’s whole final years of life would be some level of research.
Even though, LRH did say to Sarge, per Marty’s interview with Sarge, and per Wright’s interview with Sarge (in both of their books and in the “Going Clear…” movie DVD), LRH did admit failure.
I so wish there were NOT a censorship rule system that keeps the people, like Ray Mitoff, who likely has read LRH’s case folders, from briefing the movement on LRH’s case folders, or making them available, as least to the freezone/Indies who are still adament Hubbard “tech” believers.
There is just a lack of old KSW #1, “having the correct technology” problem with the people most supportive of Hubbard. They don’t even know that they haven’t been given access to all of LRH’s final private writings which the Int Base sub units like the RTRC unit (compilations unit) has the job to DO the sleuthing through LRH’s and through any other case folders where LRH was case supervising and where LRH may have made notations of things LRH thought ought belong on OT 9 on up.
A really multi year serious effort, ought be done, and those honestly interested ought to be given time and access to all the research case folders where LRH’s research notes are located, to DO what LRH says in the RTRC Full Hat Checksheets where the LRH compilations orders are laid out for how the people in Senior C/S Int Office were to do the compiling of these “upper levels” above OT 8.
I need to see the proof, and have someone credible go through all of LRH’s case folders, top to bottom, and go through ALL of the case folders LRH ever case supervised, top to bottom, and THEN with all of the LRH research notes put out publicly, for view by all those interested; and provide the compilations private writings by LRH saying HOW one goes about going through all of the raw research material, THEN I will say the job of saying there is NOTHING there to find, is a done deal, and that there really is NOTHING further.
I myself have already presumed there is nothing there since the quackery already hasn’t worked, and LRH admitted failure and he knew as much about his own stuff as anyone, and he admitted failure at the end of his life. So on that alone, the effort is not worth the effort to go combing through it all.
BUT, if the indies think there is “more” to the upper levels, then the way they ought to go about scouring the Hubbard research is the above.
chuckbeatty77 , I’ve asked and possibly missed the answer. Who originated the Key to Life Course? I think I read, at some point that it was someone other than LRH. Please mention my name if you comment, as I search that way.
Tara 🙂
Chuck, “Senior Case Supervisor International” Ray Mithoff is still there at the Int Base. I am sure there has been a concerted effort to put something together that could be called OT 9 and 10. Dave has been promising it since the early 90s.
Assuming Hubbard actually did create something along those lines, we have to assume it was done after the David Mayo revamp of the levels up to OT VII (“Solo New Era Dianetics for Operating Thetans”). And before Hubbard’s death in ’86. So it has taken three decades to “rediscover” something that Hubbard did in a few years at the most. Assuming that he actually did it, which really is pretty unlikely.
Others who comment on this blog, like Dan Koon, know a lot more about this than I do. I was just an audio tech, not a highly trained auditor or Case Supervisor.
But I do know that large parts of what is attributed to Hubbard are really just extrapolations on brief notes that he made, or the result of orders to “research” something Hubbard read about, or purely invented to match something Hubbard said in passing.
It makes for a very schizophrenic attitude in those who are truly dedicated to the cause. On the one hand, everything has to match perfectly to what Hubbard said, and long bitter controversies arise if something does not conform 100%. On the other hand, much of what he said is completely worthless and has to be changed or discarded to avoid legal issues. Like the statement that smoking cures cancer. And there are very few complete comprehensive statements about how to do something that are not contradicted by later statements.
In the “glory days” of the 70s, when Scientology was actually expanding. you had a Hubbard reference (a Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin) then dozens of pages of “Board Technical Bulletins” written by others that explained the details and put it all together for you. During the fundamentalist consolidation period of Dave Miscavige’s rise to power these non-Hubbard issues were all discarded and the attempt was made to make sense out of Hubbard’s “original writings”. Since these materials inherently do not make sense, the effort is doomed and you have the current state of the subject. Fragmented, incomplete, tyrannical and bizarre.
So the attempt to find out the “true Hubbard” about anything is a mind-bending task. One reason why Ray Mithoff can hardly string a few words together to make a sentence these days.
I like to call David Miscaviage- Dave Muskrat, the Pope of Poop.
Is this a nice way of saying the Pope (of Scientology) is full of shit? If so, I whole heartedly agree.
Yes. It is.
I like it!
OT 9 and 10. Bwaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa ha ha ha!
I’m bypassing those levels and going straight to OT 11 & 12!
Bahaha! This and y’all’s comments crack me up. That parking lot statistic especially. Reminds me of when I saw the Sacramento ideal org vid. Wow! I thought. Then when driving by I saw it looked like a ghost town, dust coated windows and all. Ghosts inside too prolly.
It sure is nice to be coming up tone on this subject. oops, I mean, it’s nice to have the warmth of mirth flow through my blood and brains in lieu of the gut wrenching sickness of betrayal.
I happen to know heaps of people all around and in what’s left of “the thing”. Florida peeps, LA cool peeps, New York hustlers, and some scragglers in countries south of the border. Admittedly I took your advice to heart and SPread the word, thus I’m likely declared. 🙂 But I sometimes dream how awesome it would be to come on the show… Catch up with my old client Leah, say an extended hello to allllll of my friends far and wide. deflate the living daylights out of the bubble.
But sad too 🙁
Spider, kinda sorta sux, but kinda sorta feels amazing, in comparison to the smack-down, shut-down, can’t say a damned thing life we used to live, huh? I MUCH prefer blabbing my big vulgar mouth to pretending and keeping quiet. I am free to be a bitch now. Thank you.
I love your big vulgar mouth, T-Marie! You tell it like it is.
Right on. I feel good when I clear the air…. and that often starts with verbally farting my brains out. Bad joke?
I wonder what it says about me that my first response after reading, “do not forward this minutes…” was to show it to everyone around me!!
Hey Dave, I can’t wait until the day I’ll be able to read your diary on my phone while waiting for the bus.
“Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.”
Well, what do you think about that, David Miscavige?
Spies and betrayers are everywhere. What if everyone on the planet is an SP except you? Maybe even Tom Cruise is secretly betraying you, hmm?
Good one!!!
Tom Cruise seems to be morphing into some type of different species, he’s so bizarre, I pray if I’m ever in a car accident he’s not around, now Mike Rinder he would call 911 lol
How many Maiden voyages do they have in a year? I thought Maiden voyage was like 1 time….after that she’s no Maiden anymore… but an experienced old gal…
Well, it could always be a “Married Sex” voyage…or an Anniversary Waltz…
One Maiden Voyage Anniversary cruise per year, to celebrate the de-Maidenization of that old cattle scow the Freewinds. On the cruise they have several days of events. The public back home get to experience most of them on video, consisting mainly of Dave Miscavige pontificating for hours about how great he is.
So they celebrate the anniversary of the re-launch annually, just to make a good excuse for some public to actually take a cruise once a year. Otherwise the poor boat is pretty empty.
Imagine those 20 people sitting around a shiny office table in squeeky new swivel chairs in a conference room that could easily seat 60 or more inside a massive and lavishly appointed ideal org building having their little meeting. I wonder if they feel at all ridiculous?
The Amiga computer users group meetings I attended back in the 1980 had twice that number of people and met in a community center. We had more news to discuss too.
The church I attended as a child had around 200 people every Sunday morning, and maybe 40+ at the monthly business meetings on Wednesday. And the business meeting had stats: how many were attending at each service. How many were still on the membership rolls. How much was given that month. How much was spent that month. Who got paid and how much.
Full transparency at a level which would make Dave’s head spin. No secrets. No lies. Even when membership started to decline, we all knew it and the stats showed us how much it was declining.
Scientologists, what few are left, should demand more from their local org. Not going to happen, but they should.
cs, my uncle, priest turned Bishop, had a Catholic diocese opened just for him to run. He was a Doctor of Divinity. Oh how I love this title. He was a very spiritual man, went into the military at 17, priesthood after his bachelor’s degree and an astute business man as well. That’s why he got the job. He put \up billboards tor recruitment, made sure the diocese was run in a very frugal way and built it to include HUGE numbers of people worshiping regularly and donating regularly as well. Community service was his mantra. If you were part of his diocese, he expected you to serve your neighbor; rich, poor, black, white, uneducated, educated, etc. Period. At his funeral, clergy came from around the world. He was revered. Humble and poor, by society’s standards, but a gift to mankind.
I post this to smack straight into and against the FALSE data that LRH said about priests. Fuck him. I doubt he even knew a priest in real life.
I can say that weakly meetings of board games club usually much more crowded
So…you’re saying board games are weak? I’m surprised the game became crowded.
Clusterfuck Update:
The World of Faith Fellowship is being investigated by the US Attorney’s Office for bringing in foreigners, confiscating their passports, paying no wages and slave labor. They ripped off your business model. Once the dots are connected, your do-do gets much deeper. This will make you and your Mark look like a couple of amateurs to the US Attorney’s Office and the IRS. Deal with It, your Mark will be busy flailing in the Texas Court; with zero credibility, he will be forced to show them the dead bodies.
Wow…for real?
Google: World of Faith Fellowship July 24
Thanks for mentioning it. I googled them and they’re like Scientology in more ways than one. Their official blog has several video entries attacking various critics and using titles that would be familiar to Sci-watchers. “[Critic] caught out in lies!” and so on.
Absolutely love it!
So where’s “Nancy!”? I didn’t see Nancy!’s name on the list of attendeed.
She has ethics sovereignty due to her payment plan to Dave. She don’t need to attend no stinkin low life Ohhhh Tea Co-miteeee meetin.
LRH had his Ka Khans. They were usually highly trained or audited staff members or public who were considered valuable and untouchable Ethics-wise because of the way they contributed, because of what they DID.
Miscavige has his Ka Chings. Membership status in the Ka Chings depends solely upon what you give. Ka Chings with 10 million or more to throw the cult are in the higher Ka Ching echelon and as such can exempt themselves from OTC meetings, attendance at Int Events, and other such pedestrian cult obligations.
Why should people go to the the OT minutes when they get delivered to this blog!
Good point. We should let them know. Mail them some copies and let them see that we know what’s going on at Valley which is, um, nothing.
Absolutely mail their minutes back to them! I screaming would set off alarms everywhere!
Should be ‘the’ screaming. Not ‘I’ screaming. Although I’ve been known to scream for no reason.
Whenever I seem them refer to “recoveries,” I cringe and wonder how much that involved making implicit or overt threats of disconnection from family, friends and employment, to people who thought they had managed to get comfortably under the radar or distance themselves safely.
“Please do not forward the minutes to anyone for any reason.”
How’s that working out for you? I’m not even a member any more and I have your minutes! Pretty soon your seconds…
Tick tock.
“Kathy Welch – opened the meeting and reviewed last week’s stats. Four seconds later…”
Really? That long?
“Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Mike Rinder. Valley OTC members will not any copies. . Gotta problem with that?”
Actually, they really are for the sole use of Mike Rinder.
Leaky leaks…
Well, Mike’s the only person who has any use for them 🙂
Well, I like to make fun of their stats. And the fact that there was only two cars in their parking lot.
So, the “glue” to keep in the flock is now OT 9 & 10. 90% of the flock is >60 years old. This is unravelling fast.
Yes, exactly, and i would think that Miscavige plans to shine them along until they drop the old bod, OR they’re broke, whichever comes first. After all, there’s no OT9 and 10 – what else can he do? REALLY must suck to be him.
Yes Aqua I have wondered what he is going to do once the “jig is up”.
No idea myself, but if I had to take a WILD guess I’d say it would be a plan grounded in his beloved Simon Bolivar reference – you know, about “moving off of a point of Power”, with “unlimited funds”, etc. etc. I’ve read that he’s fanatically devoted to the that reference. Could be that whether before or after he releases some bogus OT 9 and 10, if things begin getting too hot and his lawyers tell him to get out of Dodge he’ll hold a huge event telling everyone how he’s “moving off the lines” in order to be “free of suppression” to do “necessary compilations on the OT Levels 11-15” as instructed long ago by Ron…some bullshit like that…that’s my picture, for some reason.
Yes, that would be my guess too. There are many islands for sale (at a reasonable price) of the East coast of Brazil…
You’re right, Mike. I’m coming up on 65. The flock is old and getting older. Today’s kids are very computer savvy. And with all of the OT levels on the internet, it’s going to be very difficult to recruit new members. What a shame…
OSD, no one worries about you getting old. When you’re 90 you’ll have your walker on top of that surfboard.
You know me so well!
OSD, didn’t you mean, “What a sham”? 🙂
I stand corrected!
Say, Davy!
This point of the median age of Scientologists…maybe you oughta start Cryogenic Tech. Y’know, to keep folks from dropping the body before you finish off their wallets.
Just saying…
Didn’t LRH have like up to OT IV? I’m reading Steve Cannales book.
I meant OT VI
Sigh….guck OT 15
No Barbet. He barely had up to OT 8. 8 being just once process basically that had no reason to be “confidential” as it was just a “basic”, low level auditing action.
IAS tour and their reges will just have a nice building to fundraise in. I always wondered how much money which public was intended to spare on auditing or training Ias reges pumped out. I never was on stuff, but I bet that after ias team go out of the door org stat dropped.
Good for you not being on staff! It sucks big time! I was on staff at the Honolulu mission. I didn’t last very long.
As a former staff member, I have to affirm your statement, Victor. That is EXACTLY what happens.
A 2 year old article–wonder if things have changed?
Swap out ‘Toronto’ for ‘Chicago’ and you have an almost identical scenario.
I pass by this building every week or so, and it remains unchanged.
I think they’ve even stopped taping over the broken windows.
I can hear the sounds of Thought-Stopping Formulas, invoked simultaneously and fervently!
I hear it too! Too bad for the cult that everything is falling apart. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
You just stopped up my thoughts!
Better than being stopped up somewhere else…
An UTR friend of mine was “dead filed” years ago. Dead filing someone is where they think you are disaffected or did something wrong, so they literally ignore you and don’t service you and don’t allow you to receive auditing or services or buy books and any comm from a dead filed person is ignored and put in their dead file. He was recently contacted by a SO person who said she studied his file and found that he was erroneously labelled “dead file” and that it was a mix up and he was no longer dead filed. And she said that she found money on his account and she promptly went into regging him for $3,000. She worked it around eventually to where he should give her $3,000 for no exchange and make it a straight donation. This is what the church is now: Out Exchange! And they lie and tell people that they are now OK to get services and then go for the money. Chances are if he gave money, they still wouldn’t let him get auditing. And he would never get a refund either. It’s Lucy moving the football when Charlie Brown tries to kick it.
Nice analogy, Tempster. It’s a sign they’re getting desperate. Calling up Dead File ex members does not bode well for the cult…
Wait. An SO member took someone’s dead file (which is supposed to be kept in the Dir I &R’s office) and, on their own, decided that the person wasn’t a dead file and that they could be regged? THAT IS SO OFF POLICY!!!!!!!!!!! You can’t just decide on your own to restore a dead file to good standing! I was the Addresso Officer for my org and I am aware of the proper method for dead filing someone as well as how to get them out of dead file! The dead filee has to come into the org and do an amends project to get out of dead file. I don’t care if you are the Sea Org, you can’t just declare someone out of dead file.
Alcoboy, just about everything that orgs have been doing for the past 10 years have been “off policy”. Before I left, I politely pointed out something being done that was off policy to a staff member of my org who had been on staff for 16 years. Her answer, and I quote, “Well, maybe we don’t have the time anymore to follow policy”. Yep she said that. Post Scrip: She was an exec, the Div Head of HCO. Get this: HCO was informing me that there was “no time to follow policy”. Incredible, huh? I was shocked but said nothing except, ” I understand.” I dropped it, made no issue. Because I understood, alright. I understood that this was a staff member in overwhelm, an org in overwhelm.
Wow. Talk about jaw drop. My jaw.
My jaw dropped once. It fell on the sidewalk and broke. It’s affecting my speech.
Alcoboy, which of the 496,942 policies do you think they used to do that? 😉 Just kidding. I’d almost bet money that this is a new project to get income. I doubt any Sea Org member would do that kind of thing of their own origination. Hey, they’re not declared S.P., so why not?
The story they gave him was that they got him mixed up with someone else and falsely labelled him to be dead filed. I think they made all that up just to have a chance at his money on account. They are desperate for people in the doors and desperate for money, so if they scour all files of disaffected and dead filed and find money on account… Bingo! All of a sudden, “it was a mistake and come on in.”
I really wonder what the staff at “Ideal Orgs” think about the lack of people coming in or showing interest in Scientology. Chris Shelton says that’s a big reason he became disillusioned with Scientology, there were no people at the Ideal Orgs. Do they ever start asking why they need huge buildings for no people…?
The big buildings helps the dwarf feel better about himself. But Google is the main reason people are not flooding into the Idle Morgues.
I used to ask it all the time. Never got a straight answer. About 9 times. I knew policy. Each time I’d struggle with mingled feelings of pity and annoyance. I liked the staff. Pity always won out. I’d let them think they had answered or “handled” me. Each time I would get fobbed with various types of non-answers – between them they ticked all the boxes – I’d walk away giving the impression that all was well. I didn’t want them to know that I knew they were at best suppressed and ignorant, and at worst, suppressed and deliberately lying to me. I lost respect for them.
” Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.”
Yo Dave,
There must me some reason or the leak would stop. So Daveamundo, why don’t you get your most recent Data Series Evaluator Course completion to do an internship on this leak thingy?
The instructions are clear Dave ( that was a pun because we all know that nothing, mind you NOTHING, in $cientology is clear) so there must be some kind of a misunderstood Dave.
I say it should be You Dave that does a WHY FINDING on this reasonable reason that
a) the leaks keep on leaking and
b) You can’t do shit to stop it.
Who else can get a tough job like that carried out to a done Dave.
Speaking of done Dave, You and Marty are about to be roasted whole now that you have exposed the possibility of collusion. You should have left well enough alone but NOOOOOOO, you couldn’t pass up the chance to try and manipulate. You have tied Your ships anchor to Your foot Dave …………..and the whole shiteree in going down.
Hate to tell you this, good buddy, but, you’re also shrinking height wise. Maybe get two peach boxes so your suckers can see you better.
Hmmmm, something else missing. Where was Mary Elizabeth Glossup? She’s being advertised in promo bumf as being one of Valley Idle Morgue’s biggest assholes…assets. So why wasn’t she at the meeting? She’s always at the meeting. Now here she is, missing in action. Unfortunately, one data point can’t get us to a conclusion, but wouldn’t it be great if Mary Elizabeth blew? Maybe she can be in Season 3 if she has. I really want someone to lay the dirt out regarding Valley OTC.
I always like how it says “Do not forward to anyone” yet we WOGS are all reading this on a major SP’s website! awesome.
In the “Military” this would be called an “Intelligence Coup d’état” ! Good Going, Mike!
I coup d’etat once. I ended up on the side of a highway. How I got there, I have no idea.
Good Lord, Lisa London is still in? She is (or was) a casting director and occasionally did those CC seminars about “How To Get The Part” etc. That was like 20+ years ago.
Release of OTIX and OTX? How are they going to explain the existence of these? We could have some fun coming up with explanations. Who wants to start?
KAW – Keep Aftermath Working!
Miscavige has some ‘splaining to do.
Miscavige has some Aqua ‘splaining to do. That’s a whole other level of ‘splaining.
Regarding OTIX & OTX, I think we should just be kind and write them ourselves.
OTIX – Ready, Set
Now those are powerful OT levels! Best ones I’ve ever seen. And quick too! Both of them are only 2 seconds long.
… and offered at 100% discount.
Off Topic: That reminds me of a joke I heard long ago.
A young man decided to devote his entire life to discovering the true meaning of existence. When he was 21 graduated from college and used his inheritance to begin studying every known religion, all spiritual works ancient and modern, every philosophy ever recorded. This continued for many years. He became discouraged. He had traveled widely, studied and practiced diligently but felt he was no closer to the meaning of life than when he had begun his search as a young man. Nonetheless, something inside would not permit him to give up. He ploughed on, pursuing many esoteric and arcane clues. But nothing satisfied. Somehow he knew the answers were out there…time marched on. At 65, after 44 years of effort, he decided to give up. That night, he had a dream. In his dream was a a very old man,an ancient, white-robed creature living high in the Himalayas. He was The Sage who possessed the Secret of Life – the only living person in the entire world who did. The man woke refreshed and revitalized. He was going to find this wise Sage who had appeared in his dream! He began making inquiries. It took 5 years of tireless research and inquiries for him to confirm The Sage’s location. Remote Native Tibetans confirmed there was such a person living high, very very high up, so high that clouds covered the land down to the ground. The man set out on his journey.. There were no roads, everyone was on foot. Progress was slow and painful. Up, up up he went, for days, weeks, months. Finally he found the hut where the Sage lived. He was about to knock on the door when it opened suddenly. There stood the Sage, exactly as he had appeared in the man’s dream Sobbing with exhaustion, gratitude , the now 70 year old man fell to his knees and cried out, “Oh, Great Sage, I have FOUND you!”
“Come in, come in, good sir”, said The Sage, kindly. “I suspect I know why you’re here, and I’m glad”.
“Yes! Yes! Of COURSE you would know why I’m here! You know EVERYTHING! And now you will TELL me, and my life’s purpose will be fulfilled, and all my sacrifices will not have been in vain!”
“Come in to the hut”, repeated The Sage, gently. As they entered together, he turned to the man and asked, “You look a little thirsty. Would you like something to drink?”
“No! My thirst is only for knowledge – the ultimate knowledge, that only YOU can provide!”, cried the man.
“”Well, alright, then”, answered The Sage, in the same kindly way. “Let’s sit down. Now, what is it that I can tell you, good sir? I’m more than happy to help”.
The man answered in a hoarse whisper: “Tell me the meaning of life, as only you know”.
“Ah, THAT! Well, yes, I can tell you that!. I’ve known THAT for years.”
On his knees again, the man pleaded, “Then tell me, tell me, please! Do not hesitate any longer!”
The Sage looked at the man keenly, and nodded. “Yes, I will tell you”. Then, closing his eyes, and taking a deep breath, he intoned, “LIFE…is a FOUNTAIN”.
Still on his knees, the man looked up. “A what?”
Throwing his shoulders back and throwing wide his hands, The Sage’s voice boomed, “A FOUNTAIN! LIFE IS A FOUNTAIN!”.
Dusting himself off, the man arose. In a quiet, ominous tone, he said, “Do you mean to tell me. after devoting my entire life – after decades of study and application of every religion and philosophy known to man, after sacrificing my fortune for the sake of these studies, all the while giving up career, the pleasures of the table, women, getting married, having children – after giving up all of this and the devoting another 10 years of my life to finding YOU -YOU the ONLY one in possession of the answer, the Great Secret…, and now you’re telling me that this Great Secret is that LIFE is a FOUNTAIN? – is THAT what you’re telling me?”
Shrugging, The Sage looked confused. “You mean, its not?”
The meaning of life is when you get enveloped in a 6 foot spinning tube on a warm summer day. And you can’t wipe the smile off your face…
They got some “data” on the release of OT IX and OT X. Here’s some data for you: Source dropped his body 31 years ago. OT IX and OT X have been in the oven at 350° for at least 31 years. That, my friends, is the recipe for pure carbon, and not in the form of diamond.
Ahhhhhhhh, good one, hgc10 😉
I made a big mistake on that last message I wrote… I wish I could have edited it. Here is the complete message.
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I am so grateful for all of you who are exposing Scientology. It’s been good “therapy” me. Because of the C of S, my 23 year marriage failed. My husband said he couldn’t be married to a non-Scientologist. (He is still a Scientologist.). I only took some intro courses and a few auditing intensives – because he insisted The final straw was when my husband, Jim Flahive, insisted on following the advice of the Orange County Org. They recommended that my oldest daughter go to the Mace-Kingsley Ranch as a way to cure her eating disorder. It was HELL – The way she described it is similar to the descriptions I’ve read and heard about the RPF. At least my two daughters feel the same way as me and think their dad is “nuts”.
Ginny, that’s terrible. And sad. And disgusting. And not unusual. Thank God you have your daughters on your side. Hugs.
I am so grateful for all of you who are exposing Scientology. It’s been good “therapy” me. Because of the C of S, my 23 year marriage failed. My husband said he couldn’t be married to a non-Scientologist. (He is still a Scientologist.). I only took some intro courses and a few auditing intensives – because he insisted The final straw was when my husband, Jim Flahive, insisted on following the advice of the Orange County Org. They recommended that my oldest daughter go there as a way to cure her eating disorder. It was HELL – The way she described it is similar to the descriptions I’ve read and heard about the RPF. At least my two daughters feel the same way as me and think their dad is “nuts”.
He’s certifiably nuts. Glad your two daughters are siding with you!
You might find these property docs of interest. They have a 1Mil mortage. Something wrong with that picture. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4mUT3SaaTNZeUxxV1Mya0dVcmc https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4mUT3SaaTNZSlpYNXN0OWtZb2M
I don’t get this. Does Valley owe money on this property? Doesn’t make sense.
It’s worth 6.6 mil, they still owe 1.2 mil (probably to Dave) and they raised something like 15 mil from their public. And the voice of Bart gave half of that.
Something is rotten in Denmark, mostly near the A -Oh!
Exactly. The mortgage is with a Mortgage Broker, Cal Cap Inc. Something very rotten. Perhpas DM embezzled it to remodel his apartment again.
Good job investigating this. I know when I was involved no loans were allowed because I said I would loan them the money at a high interest rate.
Thanks. A very big read flag and not the only one. Inglewood Church property is now in foreclosure despite being an IAS funded building.
In foreclosure! Holy Moly! I’d love to understand how this has occurred, because if the IAS funded the purchase of Inglewood org’s building how can there have been any mortgage upon which a default would result in bank foreclosure?
It’s typical that orgs end up in dire straits and behind on their bills, and only if panicked attempts at local fundraising fall short, are bailed out as a last resort – but none of these legal actions are ever allowed to go as far as Scientology actually losing the property.
It’s interesting if they are using mortgage financing to, say, pay for final construction costs to get the building open, when fundraising falls short. Didn’t Hubbard direct that orgs weren’t supposed to have debt like mortgages? My guess would be that the amount of the mortgage is for the money that the IAS provided, allowing the IAS to technically be paid back, perhaps with the excuse that such financing doesn’t really constitute a mortgage (as prohibited by Hubbard), and leaving the org on the hook to pay an outside entity who they can’t expect to show any lenience.
Seriously! The Inglewood Model, Idle Morgue is under water? Someone is cooking the books…
He ordered Martin R to jury rig some air conditioning for his 100 degree plus rooftop deck off Hollywood Boulevard.
Something is rotten in Porn Valley. I can smell it here at the beach.
Kay, I think there is precedent that IAS or other outside money brought in to finally finish one of these long-foundering “ideal” org projects, gets somehow classified as a debt that is supposed to be repaid. I think that would indicated that local org ended up hopelessly stalled in their fundraising, short of what was actually required (or, that the were told by upper management would be required – no cost-cutting or shortcuts allowed).
Possibly, however, in the case of Valley, the debt is with a Mortage Broker.
“Kathy Welch announced MV4 Event next Saturday. This event was Kathy’s favorite all about Ideal Orgs and the amazing amount of worldwide expansion for our religion!”
The amazing amount of worldwide expansion for our religion? Does she really believe this? Is she fed this stuff from someone else? Is it safe to assume that the members they invite on to the OT committee are the individuals who have higher “IAS status” (meaning they give the most money) and that Kathy is just BS-ing here to keep them “believing” that they (and mostly, their money) are doing great things?
I think that old Kathy may have fallen off her surf board once too often!
She did fall off her surfboard. I paddled over to lend assistance. However, she told me, “All I need is the tech!” Last I saw of her she was headed to Catalina Island.
Mick, I think they really have now been lead to believe that “expansion” is square feet of building space, plus “postulates” that SuMP is somehow going to start driving thousands of new people into all those empt buildings so soon that they think they can taste it. It’s childish, magical thinking that is strange to see from supposedly mature adults at the top of local lay leadership.
“They have been led to believe…”
“Its childish, magical thinking…from supposedly mature adults…”
You’re kind, Peacemaker.and you may be overthinking this.
Possibly they’re just stupid..
Every stupid “evolution” (their word) was supposed to “drive new public into the orgs.” The stupid robo-disseminator video players in the lobby, GAT, GAT II Electric Boogaloo, the Mark 8 meter, super bowl ads, SuMP, and every other idiotic idea the oh-so-brilliant, has-to-do-it-all-Himself Miscavige has come up with. That 4′ 13″ fuck has been bullshitting them for decades now, and they still believe “planetary clearing” is right around the corner. Meanwhile, COB in all His brilliance can’t even clear the goddamned Sea Org.
Jee-zuss, talk about faith.
Ha ha ha! Good examples of Stupid Is As Stupid Does. Miscavige is a sociopath but really, he’s not THAT clever. His low level cunning and mendacity are obvious to anyone paying
even halfway attention.. No, he’s not THAT smart, its just that his victims really are THAT dumb.
“Meanwhile, COB in all His brilliance can’t even clear the goddamned Sea Org”
Wow Gus, that is a stark truth. After all these years they can’t even clear the most dedicated believers on Earth who dedicate their lives to “going clear”. The fact that they don’t notice this themselves indicates severe tunnel vision and brainwashing blinders. (P.S. HINT: There are NO clears).
Maureen, this is why I never attested to clear! My auditor, Dave Petitt, was pushing me to attest. The problem was, NOTHING had changed! This was back in ’82.
Can’t imagine what it is like to “be responsible” for stats in Scientology these days…
My bet – Slappy’s Stats are straight up and vertical…
Number of Staff Slapped!
Speaking of Miscavige and his “stats”, where is Little Boots now? A while ago there seemed to be a consensus that he’d be lditching Hemet and relocating for good to Flog.
Only to keep Tom from getting lonely of course.
Those two are too close for comfort…
Now, why would you say something snarky like that,OSD? Just because he married Tom and Katie and then officiated on their honeymoon.? This is just “Exchange in Abundance”..
Once again…I stand corrected!