Douglas D. Douglas over at the Underground Bunker, posted an excellent comment and photos this afternoon.
It is too good to be possibly lost in the huge number of daily comments that appear on Tony Ortega’s blog.
Without his permission, I am turning this into a posting here in order to preserve his fine work and to make it easier for everyone to find.
Here is his original comment, followed by the photos. Some very sharp observations. Honestly, can anyone other than a hypnotized zombie NOT see the insanity on display here. By their OWN claims, the “Golden Age of Tech II’ is going to “salvage this sector of the universe.” They also state that you need an ideal org to properly deliver GAT II. AND they claim that Valley is “the most important strategic org on earth” to be made “ideal.” Look at this shithole and think about what $10,000 per week paid to PI’s to follow David Miscavige’s father would do to fix a place like this up. Fix it up so it could be delivering some service. It would buy a lot of paint, repairs, windowpanes and furniture. Not marble floors, custom rugs and hand-made furniture. These people don’t even believe in their own bs. If they have the answer to all ills of every man, woman and child on earth in their hands, and all that is holding them back is having a large enough premises (yeah, right…) then NOTHING is holding them back because they have a building that is 20 times bigger than their current ability to fill. And they are NOT using it for this purpose because they have been told they can DO NOTHING until they have handed over $16 million to turn it into a pimp palace.
Scientology, once again, your lies are laid bare for the world to see.
Douglas D. Douglas • 6 hours ago
Scientology has a lot of money for important things, like tracking 80 year old men for months on end, but when it comes to Clearing the Planet, the funds just never seem to be quite all there.
I happened to be down in the Valley again this weekend, and couldn’t resist swinging by the not-at-all-uptone Valley Ideal Org building to note the progress. They have accomplished at least 47X as much as when I was there last month. That is, 47 times nothing still equals NOTHING.
In the photos you may note that not only is last month’s rubbish still there (rotting phone books, anyone?), but a new layer has been added, starting with very visible graffiti on the west side. Those aggregate panels on the facade are starting to get really loose. I hope a member of the CoS is on hand to give out Touch Assists when they start falling on unwary pedestrians.
Further down the west side the “children’s wing” is showing signs of Spring. The weeds are getting nice and high. This section of the building faces a quiet street with apartment buildings and homes. Bet the neighbors just love what the Scientologists have done with the place. Despite the “no trespassing” signs posted, someone managed to get inside and tag the windows. Backwards, apparently. Pretty clever.
There was a lot of broken glass in the planter strip on this side– so somebody managed some successful Shattering, anyway. I have no idea what the abandoned sneakers and cigarette package in the doorway mean. Somebody spontaneously exteriorized during a smoke break?
Over on the east side the situation looks even more bleak. This side faces a rather scary alleyway. (I stitched two photos together to present the inspiring panorama.) As you can see, the milieu has been enhanced by the appearance of derelict vehicles. The VM van looks right at home.
Meanwhile, on the south front (the one that faces the main street), not a thing has been improved since they were setting up for the LRH Birthday Gala Fundraiser. There is one rather gross addition. Next to the rotting phone book there appeared to be human feces. I confined myself to a photo from the sidewalk.
I managed to get a shot through the lobby windows to see what progress they had made inside the building. And there it is! Since there has been no real construction, they have set up a display of pretend construction, complete with 2X4s, concrete blocks, and hard hats. Pretend progress for a pretend religion…!
Same old rotting phone books at the doors, but there is some new rubbish inside: a ladder leading nowhere (what, not a Bridge?) and a pile of trash in the neglected corner of an abandoned office…
STRAIGHT UP AND VERTICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT: Wow. I just refreshed, and Disqus has totally randomized the photos. Oh well. You can sort them out for yourselves.
No wonder they’re failing. According to the grafitti, the ED is ‘rolling blunts.’
Hard to believe they paid 8 million for that property. The seller must have laughed all the
way to the bank ! It is the ugliest building in the S.F.Valley., that I recall seeing.
Hmmm. There is plenty of competition for ugliest building in the Valley. I don’t think is going to win. It’s not pretty, but there are a lot word.
Re: “Look at this shithole…”
It really is a dump. None of the photos I’ve seen up until now can accurately “paint” a true picture of this disease disguised as a building. Thank you, Mike, for preserving Douglas D. Douglas’s posting and comments from Tony Ortega’s blog.
Even if it’s in its construction phase, they should take a small fraction of all that $$$$, and just hire a janitor or something. At least make it presentable to people who have to look at it. Talk about bad PR. Get a fuc*ing broom! And maybe hose it down a bit. If LRH were buried, he’d be at least another 6 ft down for all the rolling he’d have done. Geesh!
I don’t know why, but the words “gala” and “shithole” used in the same post vis-a-vis Scientology, really gave me the giggles. Maybe they could have a Shithole Gala Fundraise?
Oh: Of course now that this filthy pile of shit has been exposed, the violent sociopath will order his few remaining slaves to get in there and clean that place up before newspaper reporters and law enforcement gets in there and takes their own photos.
Wow, love the massive exposure of this criminal fraud.
Back in the a.r.s days we had human rights activists visit the Scientology crime syndicate’s “Criminon International Headquarters” and we found that the place was a rotting mess, owned by a Scientology ringleader and the place was filthy, walls cracked, sidewalks cracked, and the crooks had rotting food piled outside the doors.
Inside was a dank hole filled with yellowing boxes and overflowing yellowing advertisements, a real mess, piled around an old photo copier machine.
That was these violently insane criminal’s “International Headquarters.” A place that was being used for storage of crap nobody wanted, zero people around, filled with garbage in a slumlord’s pile of crap out at Studio City.
These insane crooks don’t seem to realize that anyone can drive up and take photos of their frauds.
Fun photos. Nothing more needed to show Co$ is about money but is not a business, just a scam.
And the Wall of Lies come tumblin’ down
That box–LRH lectures on compact disk. Why not put them on the internet so people can download them to their tablets?
It kills me. Within THESE four walls, THIS sector of the UNIVERSE will be SALVAGED. Of the UNIVERSE. Who writes this shit?
You know, I’m a huge Mel Brooks fan, and I want him to live forever and keep writing, and especially long enough to do one of his over the top satires on the Church of Scientology and its abuses, as he did when using the Holocaust as satire for The Producers.
Please, Mr. Brooks, stay healthy! What you could do with this material!
Thanks so much, Mike and Douglas D.D for the latest installment of hard-hitting hilarious truth about the existing scene for Valley Org. The laughs just never stop.
“Yes, people, THIS is the org that is going to salvage this sector of the universe!
Just as soon as we raise 16 million dollars.
Oh, and its TOP priority, don’t you know!
But in the meantime, channel your Inner Bette Davis (eyeroll, mouth turned down, waiving cigarette), “What a dump!”
“Look at this shithole…”
Could not be said any better.
What a turd heaven. It seems Bart Simpson would at least go by and sweep up a little concerning the investment Bart has.
First, the graffiti is priceless for an anti-drug church.
Secondly, I must say, this looks like an abandoned building to me. I would be unwilling to donate further if I was in, because there is no proof that my funds were doing anything. Besides the fact that they have been squeezing the same turnips for blood for way too many years, there is nothing to show for the blood they have squeezed.
I hope DDD appreciates that you spotlighted his comment. It deserved it. An Ideal Org is definitely not needed here. If there are people who would come to an Org in the Valley, the few who would show up could probably fit in the lobby.
I may be wrong, but it would appear that the bubble dwellers are peeking behind the curtain and seeing that the beautiful empty buildings house nothing but cold marble and are becoming less and less willing to “rinse, lather, repeat” for something that is going nowhere.
The Model Saint Hell Size Ideal Idle Morgue in the Valley looks like a huge meth lab…
Except that Walter White had, you know, standards for his meth lab. This place would be turned down for a meth lab by every beyond-desperate biker gang in central Kansas.
Wouldn’t you know it! They can’t even get making meth right!
Does anyone know the address of this location? I’d love to go check it out…
11455 Burbank Bl., N. Hollywood 91601
Great pics, great prose. Ding, dong Scn is DEAD!
YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s like an accident…you just can’t turn away from it. Keep in mind the word, ‘exponential’ as Idle Morgues start dropping like fly’s. The acceleration is breathtaking…
If I was someone who had contributed money to this dump I’d be pissed off seeing these photos, but of course, they’ll just continue to blindly say it’s still in the “construction phase” or whatever they’re calling it now. How many millions have been raised already for this place?
Wake up people!! Stop filling Daves pockets while your “Ideal Org” rots on its foundation.
NOLAG: Please don’t be hard on them: and shh. don’t tell Nancy (she might get upset). Please consider they are only a decade into the pre-planning feasibility phase prior to developing the first draft of a concept plan. You will understand that rescuing this sector of the universe requires careful management.
By the way Karin McPouwowowow wonders if you can send her your credit card details so she can deduct the weekly payments you promised to the Reg guy otherwise he won’t get his 10% and might be unable to upgrade his status to Bagman Meritorius.
How do we get the “WHALES” to see where all those MILLIONS HAVE GONE!!
Love the pic’s on the 2×4’s!! LOL
That ladder is an antique!!
Believer’s…please pull your head out..this is all the info you need in the Golden Age of *^&%%^&%!
Start asking questions…watch going clear…GET A LIFE!
The air hinges on those doors are antiques, too. Haven’t seen any of those in AGES.
Looks like the fall of the Roman Empire.
Really? Like the Roman Empire? I always thought it was the downfall of the Dwarf Empire (with apologies to the Lord of the Rings).
Hi Mike & gang, I thought your comment on the post from Underground Bunker was really strong & powerful.Thank you Mike, these photos say more than words could although DDDouglas wrote great descriptions as well.I do go to The Underground Bunker & have the utmost respect for Tony,but I feel more comfortable posting on your blog. It feels like we are all sitting @ the same table @ Mike & Christies’ house.Safe yet ready to continue the take down of what the so & cos have become.It really is astounding to me.Take Care y’all ff Ann B Watson
Ann – seconding your comments on the (unpaid) job Mike is doing. I just listened to Marc Headley and Jeffrey Augustine having a chat on the Underground Bunker site and it is quite hilarious how Miscavige’s micromanaging of the COS media dissemination has been such a disaster. Marc is having a lot of fun with this one.
Hi Tony-b, Thank you for the program on The Underground Bunker.Laughter @ a certain ” church’s expense ” is always a very good thing.Have to balance out the dark with the light.I will certainly cheer on Marc, Jeffrey & all on these amazing blogs that I continue to be so amazed to have met.Take Care, Ann B Watson.
I say it everyday,when is the U,S, government going to grab David Miscavage and arrest him for imbezelment of church funds,at the least? It’s unreal how they allow this “midget with a blow torch” run amuck,a slow determination the likes of Josef Stalin. Its proven,there is proof everywhere! It’s unbelievable! He has billions in “his” IAS” account! How can’t the Sheeple of that area not DEMAND they finish this? The members are witness to,insane reging,insane fund raising they know the church has Billions at its disposal!
I think Tiny Fists has managed to keep what he does “legal.” Considering how many foot bullets his attorneys have fired, however, Tiny Fists may be brought down after all. Hell! Maybe his lawyers will see to it.
Dave, Everybody hates you. I heard it from one of your own PI’s.
Yeah, but I bet crime rates have halved in the area since they built that church (if you ignore vandalism, graffiti and littering).
Right now someone is being given the task of making sure that Her Royal Governess of the Vast Valley Territory does NOT find out about this … all that dinero …
I could waste an entire day thinking of an appropriate comment.
But instead repeat something I’ve said a few times before about several other Ideal Orgs.
( before the place collapses)
It always warms my heart to see the dusty, unused Volunteer Minister van.
Warms your heat, ForLease? Hell, seeing that unused Volunteer Minister van rocketed me to OT 85.
I wonder if we can get this picture sent all over the world so that when people see this van, they’ll run for the hills!
I’m surprised someone hasn’t stolen or vandalized it by now.
Patience, Ms. G, patience. It too, will come.
These photos don’t give me much hope for the salvation of this sector of the universe.
You are SO ethics bait, Roger! You might as well turn yourself in.
The pictures somehow remind me of Chernobyl. where did all the people go? As an aside, who would I contact to buy that van?
LOL!!!!!! Nice! Still laughing! Way to go, Ron! Still laughing!!!!
Who would have thought seeing such a disgusting, derelict buidling that is rotting away would put such a smile on my face. This building in its current state represents the future of all Scientology.
Yep! Me too, Kevin! Looking at a derelict building owned by the derelict cult brings sunshine into my day! Actually…I think I’ll break out in song!
My bad, Mary! I think I’ll break out in song AND DO A LITTLE JIG!
Please slap me when I forget things like this…
Jig Jig Jig 🙂
Having a rundown church is not a crime. The crime is the fact that millions of tax exempt dollars have been raised to build a Valley “Taj Mahal” style monument to David Miscavige’s excesses and none of that money has gone to anything that could be remotely associated with helping anyone except Miscavige. Tax exemption is given to churches in the U.S. because it is assumed that a religious organization will spend that money on the public good, even if that public consists only of the church community. Such “good” consists of helping the indigent, running soup kitchens, helping the elderly, after school activities to keep kids off the street, and so on. To my knowledge, the Church of Scientology does none of this. An example of how church money is spent by Miscavige is the $10,000 a week stalking and harassment campaign he ran against his father. (Arranging pretend friends, constant tracking through the use of planted GPS devices, reading his personal email, and stealing his garbage is blatant harassment.)
There are good, decent organizations that would love to have use of that depressing, decrepit building. An organization that feeds the homeless, shelters battered spouses, and provides after school activities to keep kids off the streets, could mobilize its supporters to clean that dump, paint it, and replace windows. I bet local businesses would even donate goods and services if convinced it was a legitimate organization. I have seen all of this happen. Ironically, if Scientology members tried to spend what Miscavige believes is his personal money on anything approaching the above, they would be declared suppressive. Building empty Taj Mahals and funding Miscavige’s uber luxurious life style have become the raison d’être of the Church of Scientology, and millions are learning that weekly. Let’s hope that congress and the IRS are also paying attention,
More evidence on the sociopath’s empire collapse.
You know, it would be hilarious if the CoS ever tries the same real estate strategy in New Delhi.
Over there, after about two weeks of standing empty without security guards, that building would be the home of at least 50 indian families plus stray dogs, and good luck trying to make them go away.
This is not unprecedented. The IAS “ideal org” in Brussels was taken over by squatters. Same in Zimbabwe.
WHAT??? The cult doesn’t have the tech to stop squatters??? My universe is collapsing in on me. Mike, you gotta warn me when you tell me there’s a disturbance in the Force. It shakes up all of my unstable datum.
“Shell”, not “she’ll”.
This is the greatest post I’ve seen in a while…it shows how few victims are left. No staff walking around, no SO being forced to do construction. It’s basically been abandoned (and I hope very much that Code Enforcement has been notified) due to lack of people and is deteriorating visibly. I’m really happy to see such clear evidence that there aren’t as many as there used to be!
May this whole rotting she’ll collapse soon, and may all the remaining inmates escape soon and head back to their families’ open arms.
I agree with you, Doigo. Code Enforcement should be notified. TODAY!
Dave will now probably hire an off duty policeman to stand guard.
“Church Of Scientology Of The Valley” is a dumb name. I’m sure that the people who live there think highly of it, but from thousands of miles away, I have absolutely no idea what they mean by “The Valley”.
Picture snagged for the infobox:
Valley Org
I have a page for all the orgs, but most are placeholders. I update them randomly in passing.
It’s not a bad name from an LA perspective, which of course is one of the few places with anything approaching a concentration of Scientologists, particularly around Glendale/Burbank. Beyond LA the name recognition really doesn’t make much difference, though who can forget “Valley Girl”?
Wow! What a cog I just had, brendon! Let’s start calling the members “Valley Girls & Boys.”
With apologies to Frank Zappa!
Sung to the tune of…well you know…more apologies to the Zappas (especially the original MU, Moon Unit)
Valley Org
It’s the Valley Org
Valley Org
It’s the Valley Org
Money’s asked
Fer sure, fer sure
It’s the Valley Org
There is no cure
All doors closed
Fer sure, fer sure
It’s the Valley Org
There is no cure
Like, OH MY GOD! (Valley Org)
Like – DOWNSTAT! (Valley Org)
IDEAL is like SO BITCHEN (Valley Org)
But what’s this slum? (Valley Org)
And like all those phone books on the ground?
I love getting on the cans and stuff
I like KSW and ARC and stuff
It’s like so BITCHEN cuz like everybody’s like
Super-super nice…
It’s like so BITCHEN..,
But this org, there it goes
It’s just blight, weeds no hoes
All around, lots of trash
It’s also got lots of broken glass
Anyway, he goes ‘are you into COB?’
I go, oh RIGHT…
Could you like just picture me like standing next to him?
I’m sure! NO WAY!
He was like freaking me out…
He called me an SP…
That’s cuz like he was totally BLITZED
He goes like ‘RPF for you!’
I’m sure! I’m not even on staff!
Valley Org
It’s the Valley Org
Valley Org
It’s the Valley Org
Money’s asked
Fer sure, fer sure
It’s the Valley Org
There is no cure
All doors closed
Fer sure, fer sure
It’s the Valley Org
There is no cure
It’s really sad (Valley Org)
Like COB, what to do?
He’s like… (Valley Org)
He’s like always with Lou (Valley Org)
If I had the rank I’d ask about Shelly (Valley Org)
He’s like so GROSS
He like sits there and asks for more money
And he like just wants a queen’s ransom
It’s like totally disgusting
I’m like so sure
It’s like BARF ME OUT…
Gag me with a spoon!
Last idea to make it Ideal
Had something to do with more gifts – GET REAL!
I’m tapped, out, no money
But they’re like, ‘get another credit card honey!’
So like I go into like the CC, y’know
And I just wanted like to get my Ethics in,
And the lady like goes, oh my God, your BT’s
Are like so GRODY
It was like really embarrassing
She’s like OH MY GOD, like BAG THOSE BT’s
I’m like sure…
She goes, uh, I don’t know if I can handle this, y’know.
I was like really embarrassed…
Valley Org
It’s the Valley Org
Valley Org
It’s the Valley Org
Money’s asked
Fer sure, fer sure
It’s the Valley Org
And there is no cure
All doors closed
Fer sure, fer sure
It’s the Valley Org
And there is no cure
Like my friend had to go to Int and it was a disaster (Valley Org)
They like made him go to THE HOLE (Valley Org)
And CLEAN the bathroom with his tongue (Valley Org)
I am sure
That’s like GROSS (Valley Org)
BARF OUT’ (Valley Org)
OH MY GOD (Valley Org)
Uh-huh… (Valley Org)
My level?
I’m on OTVII like forever (Valley Org)
That’s right, FOR-EV-AH (Valley Org)
Uh-huh .
I know (Valley Org)
It’s like …
I’m sure (Valley Org)
Whatsa matter with the way I talk? (Valley Org)
I am an OT, y’know
But I live in like in a really good part of Encino so it’s okay (Valley Org)
So like, I don’t know
I’m like PTS Type III totally
Oh my God!
Hi – I have to go to FLAG
I’m getting my BT’s off, y’know
But I have to buy two meters
That’s going to be really like a total bummer
I’m freaking out
Like those cases weigh a fucking ton!
They’re so gross ..
And they look like an Easy-Bake Oven
But like, I don’t know, it’s going to be cool.
OUTSTANDING, brendon!!!! Bravo! You nailed it!
It’s been said here before but here’s the principal valleys of Los Angeles:
San Fernando Valley – urbanized area of LA known as “The Valley”.
San Gabriel Valley (to the East) – also very large and urbanized.
Santa Clarita Valley (Northwest) – getting there.
Antelope Valley (Northern) – boondocks. My apologies to anyone who lives up there.
There’s other valleys but that’s getting into geography and individual neighborhoods ie: Valley Village, Sun Valley. Not really necessary to go there though.
It should be called Valley of the Dolls with NC being the poster child. Howz that match game working out Nancy?
NANCY CARTWRIGHT BART SIMPSON probably isn’t concentrating on that right now. She’s too busy claiming that “Bart Simpson” being English Wikipedia’s feature article yesterday was an OT Success Story.
NC’s feces on the other side of the entryway.
Aside from local construction, debris storage, and debris removal rule violations, there are also several OSHA violations. Six are fairly easy to find. For a ‘wake up’ game, see if you can spot them.
I’ll even give you the easiest, the rebar leaning against the sawhorse waiting to spear someone if they trip.
As someone who’s worked in the field of environmental, health and safety for 22 years, I appreciate your post. By the van there is debris someone could trip over. And of course, the rebar leaning against the sawhorse. Panels are ready to fall off one side of the building. The phone books, small as they may be, also pose a tripping hazard. And, although this is not an OSHA term, the entire building just looks yucky!
OSD, I’m glad to see you’re up on your OSA terminology, Yucky, icky, and spiffy were all terms we covered at the last OSA Rules and Regulations Conference (you were the guy in the Hawaiian shirt sitting over there to the right of me correct?)
I’m sure the ladder is OSHA approved as well. Probably being used to figure out the best location for the video cameras so Dave can listen in on the OTC meetings.
Well, the ladder is not standard. However, it may have been used to put up a noose for those who have completely given up.
I forgot the mention the failure to do the ‘Seismic Retrofits’ that are supposed to be done with a renovation of this scale. Or at least of the scale they claim they are raising money for.
Yes. Yes I was Valerie!
Second to last photo, COB is present to open his Ideal Org! TP is the ribbon he just cut.
Wow!!! What a waste of perfectly good toilet paper! I’m shocked! Shocked I tell you!
These Ideal Orgs might actually be a good way to beautify our inner cities. As long as they remain empty of people, what possible damage can they cause?
If the cult offered it to the city as a homeless shelter they could claim a ‘public benefit’. Oh, that’s right, cultology is only for the able. Wouldn’t want to provide help to ‘less able’ folks now would we ……Dave.
At this point, it would take less effort to torch the place, collect the insurance, and build something new rather than try to clean this shithole up. Actually, I shouldn’t give them ideas. They’d probably do exactly that in a second if they thought they could get away with it.
Maybe a half a second…
Not that quick. They have to pull out a quote from LRH regarding arson first.
(slapping my forehead). Once again, I stand corrected! I completely forgot about “Arson Tech.” I am soooooo behind the times, Espiando!
As John Travolta says in Grease, “what a hunk of junk”. Really just a Super Power building redux.
Now, Gary, John Travolta himself would tell you “everything in scientology is beautiful.” (poor brainwashed sod)
He’s trapped. I met John Travolta once. One of THE nicest guys I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. However, in 1982, I believe, he made a statement that you just can’t make if you’re in the cult. He said he liked scientology, but, he didn’t like the management. Gary Weber, was SO at FLAG when this took place. He was charged with going through all of his PC folders to dig up dirt on him. Of course they came up quite of bit of info that would make John look very bad.
That’s why I say he’s trapped.
Their Ideal Org here in Sacramento is so much nicer but just as empty of people.
What??? Dan are you kidding me??? You mean to tell me FLOODS of people are, in fact, NOT pouring into that Idle Morgue??? I’m not sure I can work for the rest of the day, dan. See what you did to me? I don’t normally start drinking this early (7:25am), but after reading your post, I’m lining up the shots…
OSD, you’ve got shots and you didn’t invite me? Welp, Ok hitting the drive in liquor store. It’s five o’clock somewhere.
Holy ‘senior moments’ Batman! We forgot Valerie! Our apologies, Valerie! And, yes. You can drink with us anytime…
You are funny. Now I want to go by I check it out again. Always makes me laugh.
We expect a full report, dan! I’m in Orange County, so, I may, at some point, go out there myself.
Hey, sometime we both should go there and actually go inside and pretend to be interested. I can probably last for a couple of minutes be I’m FOTFLMAO!
OK Let’s do that. When they first opened they had people downtown passing out literature and invitations. But now. Haven’t seen anyone in months on the street
But, but, dan, how can that be? I mean, we’re talking about GAG II!!! 47x expansion!!! Clearing this section of the galaxy (or as Hubbard called it: ga-lax-y). I just don’t understand, dan! Surely by now, people are POURING into the Model Saint Hell Size Ideal Idle Morgue and ROCKETING up the bridge to nowhere! RIGHT??? And I’ll try to stop calling you Shirley.
Yeah, pal, we need to do this thing.
Pictures are worth a thousand words but I do love DDDouglas critique of what he saw. Very apt.
church without church .. or what I should say ..
Nothing! You nailed it!
Next weeks photos will show some change – 2 cops will be posted…
Along with more phone books…
nancy must be so proud. north korea in the making.
In the making??? Gosh, I thought it was already done…
I mean, they have the brainwashing down pat as well as the slave labor/reeducation camps. Also, thrown in for good measure, they have violence from the head dwarf himself, David “Let Him Die” Miscavige.
White Star, I’m thinking they may have already achieved North Korea Status. I wonder how much money the sheeple had to pay for this glorious status? But, hey, however much it was, was certainly worth it!
Ok, I am Hispanic and I have to say that the graffiti on the building struck a chord with me. I can’t imagine any “urban” youths would tag a church. (At least not where I am from.) They aren’t fooled by the cross. It would appear that they don’t recognize Co$ as a religion.
That’s a tough one. I’m pretty sure I agree with you, though. Latino gangs/taggers wouldn’t target a real church. Some moms put up with gangs and weapons etc. no problem, but if it was a CHURCH, I know a few mothers who would be VERY upset with their kids.
I have to agree Erica on both points. I’ve worked in the “urban” areas of LA for many years (Huntington Park, Bell Gardens, South Gate, Compton) and have never seen any church tagged. However, the many churches I’ve seen in those areas are also in use!
Good point, Pepper. The churches are usually busy with various activities all week. I am just amazed that public members can’t see that the entire “expansion” is a lie. Do they believe that there are “millions” of Scientologist? Are they really blind to the fact that the money they have “donated” isn’t in use? Do the people who have donated books to libraries not realize that there aren’t books in libraries? I guess that it is part of being in the bubble. Hopefully, it will burst.
Hi Erica, I think the expansion lie is not really bought by many public who are still in the church. They will never openly say it because that would be treasonous, but you can see it in their faces and hear it in their voices. And when they do talk about “expansion” it’s always filled with hope. Hope is pretty much all they have at this point. I guess some nice buildings too. Not that they own any of it though.
That Is Idealic pathetic. Wow wonder how long before the City gets involved.
I wonder how long until local gangs make it their club house…
good news: deterioration instead of exteriorisation. the “hypnosis buys real estate network” is going down faster than we all thought. great 😉
Something Can Be Done About it!
Says so on the van.
Looks like any other vacant scientology property (or inhabited, for that matter) I have ever known. Almost feels like… home.
I’m sure the hard hats are from the fundbreaking “game”. All in all, once again David Miscavige gets a gold star and suma cum laude for the course “How to do World Class Out-PR”.
Congratulations, David!
Or is this the unvarnished truth that is revealed when the “thin social veneer” is tripped away?
All Religious crusades are and were nothing but oppressive horrible things. A crusade is nothing resembling the, “freedom of religion” or “human rights for all” this cherch claims are its roots. I would Love to know what great things ever came about from a Faith based Crusade,other than Ruin. David Miscavage is such a stupid little man, sigh,just So stupid.
I suppose in here I should add how my aunt makes $3000 per hour on the internet.
That’s just a little less than I make an hour.
You piker. You should see what I can get away with charging as a food safety and quality consultant. It’s almost as criminal as the cult.
You bastard! However, I bow to your enormous financial advantage. Being po’ white trailer trash wit page numbers on my toilet paper is tough…
Almost but not quite. Nothing tops the cult for criminal behavior, try as one might.
“pimp palace” – love it!
Pimp Palace fit for the King of the Hustlers.
Pimp Palace fit for the King of the Asthmatic Dwarfs. (again, with apologies to dwarfs everywhere)
Every door and every pathway seems to have its own solitary rotting phone book. I’m sure that’s random, but it does look a bit like some fake satanic ritual – “Where ye phone book rots no evil may pass”.
My first thought was that they were provided as the toilet paper the orgs never seem to have!
Maybe they will be used as ‘call in’ lists.
I am so putting rotting phone books all over my front yard! Thanks for the tip, Graham!
Don’t you mean:
Where he phone book rots no Scientologist may pass.
Which would explain why no work has been done. They can’t get into the building to do anything.
Weren’t those hard hats part of some fund raiser? Hard Hat Meritorious, Silver ditto, Gold ditto? (Or was it Ass Hat Meritorious?). Looks like they paid thousands to pose for photos wearing those, then left them to gather dust along with all the other crap.
Lol and they made a smear video poking fun at Tom D. For wearing a hard hat at work,they actually ridiculed there own valley donors that actually strive to get a special spray painted gold one,sondumbbb
It isn’t spray-painted. You can buy them in gold. Grainger has a gold hard hat for nine bucks (I won’t paste the URL here for brevity’s sake; you can search Grainger’s website for “hard hat gold” and it’ll be the first entry). Nine bucks is about what the cult would spend on something this “special” for their whales. That’s about what their budget is on the bowling trophies they hand out.
“Scientology has a lot of money for important things, like tracking 80 year old men for months on end, but when it comes to Clearing the Planet, the funds just never seem to be quite all there.”
It’s all a question of priorities so what’s your point Douglas? How are we going to squeeze more cashola out of the whales or minnows if the place is too spic and span? That would just make it look like there is already money in hand when DM already transferred it to the Cayman Islands,
Personally I will donate 50 large ideal tumble weeds to the Valley project so that when Tom and Nancy drop by to view how we are spending their cash they will realise we need more, more, more morons writing checks.
tony-b, I’ll see your 50 large ideal tumble weeds and raise you 100 crickets. Imagine the cacophony of sound the members will get when my crickets get going. AND, with your tumble weeds tumbling all through the Saint Hell Size Model Ideal Idle Morgue. Truly and epic night will follow…
Sorry OSD …… those aren’t crickets. They’re Cockroaches. On second thought, let’s just refer to them as Daveroaches in keeping with our theme of not denigrating innocent cocks.
I stand corrected Oh Great One! Daveroaches will work just fine!
wow! I can’t believe much of that “ideal” porkitude…
Though, under Hubbard command himself, I visited and worked into UK, DK, and Paris orgs. And saw some hôtels owned by the cult in DK. And the kitchens and surroundings of some. And the Lyon org new buildings after we left.
I wrote about some exemples of what I saw. Valley org is looking in the same sort of scientology inability to do whetever is needed to get things go right
And the cult comes crumbling down, turning decay into a thing of great and bizarre beauty.
Shouldn’t you be writing a CSW to the PAC Team on Crack, to get the PAC RPF over the Valley Org to clean up the org premises for WUS Alliance PR purposes?
Several years ago I talked to an OT who was on staff at Valley Org as the FBO or Treasury or something to do with keeping the books. And she said at that time that they couldn’t afford to keep the building lit up or heated. So they started renting out the Org to other churches and other groups who wanted a big facility for their events. But now, looking at the pictures of the derelict building complete with broken windows and human feces near the door, I doubt any church would want to pay to rent out that place.
Please note the cross in the early shot, the one with the graffiti. That is a Christian cross, not the scio one. I would have thought that was a big no-no from the gitgo.
I was thinking the same thing. Certainly this is NOT truth in advertising with a Christian cross. Hmmmmm…could they REALLY be that desperate? I’m thinking…YEAH!
I’m surprised they kept the Christian cross outside for all this time too. I was inside the Valley org several years ago to watch an event broadcasting on tape and the first thing I noticed was that they had covered up the window up at the top of the altar with brown paper. I don’t know what symbol was on that window that they had to cover up and since it was once a Methodist church, it couldn’t have been anything too far out there as far as religious symbols go. Methodist churches are typically plain.
Actually, keeping the large cross on the outside makes sense. It’s good PR! The cult needs to look like it’s a church, not the money-grubbing, giant sponge that it actually is. Covering up an altar window with paper can easily be done using a ladder. Taking down a steel cross afixed onto a building costs money. I’m guessing they need at least a million to get that done.
Regarding the neighbors, I do feel sorry for them having to look at that eyesore for months to years on end. However, when it does get completed, things will look nice and it will be very, very, very quiet.
I wonder if the Scientology crooks were taking photographs of other organizations using their building and were claiming that they were Scientology customers. Would not surprise me, these filthy crooks are that filthy.