It never stops getting worse.
Now they have cool white leather jackets with a “V for Vendetta” symbol on them to accompany the Vendetta lapel pin.
And this fine piece of 80’s disco throwback attire can be yours to proudly display as your latest status symbol for a small, one time payment of just $25,000.
They made the announcement at the latest Valley OTC meeting:
- Fundraising status:
- $2.3 million left to finish
- New Legends game to finish: $25,000 – get beautiful pin and ‘V’ on Honor Roll
Just think, they only need to unload 100 of these babies. They can put together a whole disco choir.
They also let slip that the “Match Game” benefactor is not the Royal Governess of the Vast Valley Territory, Nancy Cartwright, but instead the the Most Exalted Global Octopus Prince of Big Pharma, Bob Duggan (soon to be referred to only as Mr. Duggan or Sir — once he finishes buying himself into the very exclusive “big being” club to make it a truimvirate – power, fame and money)
- Showed us beautiful poster being delivered to Bob Duggan with pictures of all the UP statuses (60+) from his game; also contained a grateful letter of THANKS for such a Theta Game
I saw the jackets and thought maybe soon all the BIG BEINGS would be forming a motorcycle club, have matching helmets, state patches on the back of their jackets and instead of the 1% sign on the front maybe !*£¢$℅®©¿¿¿∆ instead to show that they are the BIG BADS!
Then they too could go to Sturges for the big motorcycle gathering and hang with the Pagans and the Hells Angels!
Do people who contribute $25,000 get the jacket, pendant, or pin? The language is quite confusing…
Thanks for such theta actions? Wow. A new low/high in doublespeak. The actions are all about MEST (matter, energy, space, and time), specifically money and real estate.
Scientology has reached a delusional, duplicitous state where what it says is pretty reliably the opposite of the truth. To some extent, that has been true of Scientology from the beginning.
Back to the jacket. Bwwwwaaa haaaa – your comments are hilarious. I am not a scientologist and only got interested and supportive of you all after seeing “Going Clear”. Huge respect and high five to all the escapees, survivors and your devoted unrelenting exposing of little man. Keep writing – you are all so intelligent and impressive. My personal sense is you are reaching those still getting the courage to get the hell out and it probably deeply appreciated. (BTW Is it just me or can you also see Tom and Dave loving the jacket design? Cheesy sci-fi bikers.)
Hi Observant, Welcome & good to meet you.Thank you for your support & I send mine right back to you.I so want to reach those still in,that is why I’ve put my story here and why I love reading all stories here.BTW I had a ridiculous picture of Tom & Dave in the jacket design,but all their insignia would be 24k befitting their Elevated status!Laughter.Ann.
Do you believe still in lrh, Mike?
seeing my comment not in the list… I suppose so. Perhpas you’re afraid to accept the fact that LRH was sentenced for fraud in France with my help to justice? Or that YOU were the one “defendeing” his frauds then?
You’d better answer personnaly to my own mail adress.
Thanks for being courageous, Mike, though not enough.
Roger Gonnet
Not sure what you are referring to about a comment not in the list?
Afraid to accept the fact that LRH was sentenced for fraud? THere is no question that this is true. Though a court decision does not make something true. Witness the Garcia case. But I could convict LRH of fraud, there are so many details of his life that are lies. Does that make everything he ever said fraudulent?
Not sure what your point is here. I don’t think anyone should “believe in” anyone. I think everyone should view everything based on the facts, not belief, and decide whether they agree or disagree with it.
As for “you better answer personally to my own email address” – I don’t follow orders very well these days. Sorry to disappoint you.
I don’t understand what a “whale” means, as I have never been in Scientology.
I am a true blue from the bible to my heart Christian. I consider myself a spiritual person & not religious. There is quite a difference.
I just watched “Clear Prison” & I had heard of that place you called “The Hole” though I thought that it was places all over for the “poor” people that couldn’t give as much as the wealthy. I suppose rumors can end up twisted. This was in the early 1990’s I heard about that.
I felt this documentary film was extremely well done & honest.
People that have nothing to hide keep everything, all windows & doors wide open ( metaphorically speaking & literally)
The best comment was when someone said, I don’t recall who it was, [any other religion as in Christians Jews & Muslims etc… Can tell you what their core beliefs are in a minute or two & Scientology cannot] I paraphrased, however I think it’s the biggest mind control on the planet!
I think Mormons are cultish, however you can come & go & nobody cares! They won’t follow you, beat you & they do promote those w/the most money in highest places however, that’s the only thing that bothers me. The Mormon leaders don’t get paid at all. They work real jobs… So, though I’m not Mormon it makes a person wonder… I thought Mormons were crazy for believing a
15 year old boy found gold plates with the Book of Mormon on it & then had to give them back to the place in the forest/woods.wrote the book & people believed him! It was to be a companion to the bible. Though read side by side it makes zero sense.
It’s science fiction just like
I think this Scientology is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen! To have intelligent people sucked in & hate themselves for thinking they cannot live up to the so called church’s doctrine & keep themselves in-prisoned or to finally want to leave & be extremely fearful for your life & that of your family’s lives.
Churches are suppose to bring families together & help each other when we are at our lowest point & this Scientology does not do that.
L Ron Hubbard was a science fiction writer. That’s a huge clue, hello!!!
I truly hope & pray more celebrities will get the strength to leave… Stop the abuse & help people realize they are not crazy or bad, just human!!!
Your story touched me so much that I had tears rolling down my face.
You must know you are a beautiful kind caring person that got sucked in.
I truly hope you realize that by doing this, you are saving people from ever starting this awful journey to begin with & helping some leave…. If you save just one person then you have accomplished your goal & the goals of those in this film trying to help people with the truth of it all!
Thank you for sharing & showing us outsiders what it’s really truly like.
The honesty, though shame was involved was from such a truthful caring place… However I could feel all of your fear & those others that left as well.
I believe celebrities are far too afraid to leave because it’s the perfect crime against them, all their shames written & recorded. They feel will ruin their career, however I believe they are the ONLY ONES THAT CAN SAVE INNOCENT PEOPLE!!!
Save those children, wow, what very little respect Scientology puts on human life, respect & love! This is not a theological matter, this is a human rights matter & humans rights don’t seem to matter in Scientology!
I am still in absolute shock!!!
I truly hope you find a wonderful life…if I could I would give you a big hug & tell you that you did the right thing & keep it up.
Thank you for sharing with the world & I still want to know what a “whale” is & Kelly Preston has changed so much through the years that she isn’t even relatable as an actress anymore. It’s sad.
I guess she is cold to others at the place she goes to “worship”? Do you call it worship?
I once, in a place outside Chicago saw a little white church & started taking pics cuz it looked historical & adorable however it turns out to be a “church of Christian Scientology” on the sign close up & a man came out & told me I wasn’t allowed to take pics of his church… I was confused, it was suppose to be a church, all should be welcome & it was the outside I was taking pics of during a pitstop on our way across America. Now it makes perfect sense!!!
Anyway, sorry so long, I was going to burst… All this writing, more for me I suppose & for the question,
“what are whales”?
Smiles, Happiness & Joy, Always & 4ever
Hi Kat, What a positive interesting post,thank you.I do see that as a never in with your own true belief system looking at Scientology is daunting.One tries to find common ground with their faith or other faiths & the joke with cos is, there is no common ground.Every bit of a belief system one joins with is erased & sublimated to Ron/David & the Tech.The whales was not a term used in my SO time,but it fits well now.Those who know please correct me but I like the term because it refers to paying public either celebs or just plain foolish with too much money who continually pour big bucks into David’s accounts & go up & down the Bridge forever all the while expounding on how very beautiful cos etc.are.Totally ignoring the mess debris and pile up of broken hearts health families lives & souls all around them as a result of decades of this cults actions.I am a very spiritual person,but I will never join organized religion in any life because of SO & cos.I learn on my own now read what I want by who I want.Cos does not follow the path of Jesus,& I don’t follow Him in any religion,just as an incredible Siprit.All good things back @ you.Ann.
“whales” are public scientologists that are very weatlhy, who donate large sums of money to the IAS for trophies and status increases. These are 100% tax deductible donations that fund the CO$ and are completely separate from any fees paid for training and/or processing.
Whale is a term that not particularly connected to Scientology. It means “someone who has a lot of money to spend.” In Vegas, the Casinos keep track of their “Whales” and often offer them free accommodations or Airfare to get them to come and gamble in their establishments. In Scientology, they give the “Whales” huge trophies and titles to make them feel good about donating large sums of money to the Church.
Hi Kat,
A ‘whale’ is a super-rich, big donor in Scientology. This is the simplest answer in the informal use of the word (big, great, fine of it’s kind). Another interesting use of whale is a ‘whale in the stock market.’ These are the million dollar accounts that greedy sales people go after to suck completely dry. So this could apply as well, since the public of Scientology are milked by the registrars and fundraisers like they are cash cows until they tapped out by exasperation or worse, bankruptcy.
Kat, one of my fav books on life is the “Thomas Jefferson” bible. Where he culled, to the best of his ability, those passages that could be attributed to Jesus of Nazareth. In order to distill His philosophy on life. One can find it online free to download. One can see how that person changed the course of Western Civilization and thus, the entire world.
Hi John, if I may ask you a question about the Jefferson bible: Do you read the original version or the one by Dan Marshall in modern English?
John Locke, this is a book I’d be interested to read, thank you.
Kat, you are so right, the issues we have with the Church of Scientology with David Miscavige as the current leader of same are human rights issues.
Hi Pepper. The original. I didn’t know another version existed. I shall check it out.
Thanks John. I have the modern version but only because I am not that scholarly! I was wondering about the translation and if you had any insight into that since it’s your fave.
As regards the Ideal Morgue program, I once asked a long time Class V org staff member, far more Scientology -trained than I, a Class IV auditor, OEC/FEBC and a full participant in Ideal Org fundraising activities for public, “If YOU had a business, would you expand it in this way? Would you do this for your own business?”
People, let me tell you: I didn’t get much verbal response , but her spontaneous, non-verbal reaction spoke volumes. She wasn’t ready for that question. Literally backing herself away, she mumbled, “Well, no, but, uh…” and then something about being late and having to leave. but she didn’t edge away before I saw the alarm, the panic, even, that flashed briefly in her eyes.
For a brief moment, she looked, and knew. And couldn’t handle the knowing.
Another shot of kool-aid and she’ll be good to go.
LOL! Right you are, MM. And she did get that shot, btw, and probably lots more, as this was 4 years ago and she’s still in.
OTD, my theory is that there is a substantial disconnect between what the Still Ins, wealthy or not, BELIEVE and what they actually PRACTICE.
For example, they BELIEVE that the Ideal Morgue program will bring in oodles of new Scientologists simply because they are TOLD by David Miscavige that this is how it will be done. With no evidence they believe that the key to expanding the Scientology religion is to expand and upgrade the buildings first. Its an uninspected stable datum they operate on when DONATING to the Church of Scientology.
On the other hand, no one mandates or expects the Still Ins to APPLY this principle to THEIR businesses. And they don’t. I don’t know of one single, Koolaid drinking, gung ho Ideal Morgue donator who has ever thought that the way to expand his or her business would be to first lease or buy much large quarters, fully renovate them, furnish them expensively, incur much greater expenses, and THEN expect floods of new clients.
Yet, what they wouldn’t in a million years do or advise as regards their own or other’s businesses, they somehow hold as sacrosanct and unquestionable when it relates to the expansion of Scientolgy.
Its something to behold, alright.
That’s because they lucked out in expanding without the cool building first – a total fluke. Just remember, the church has Qual, so they’ll be around forever, whereas all these currently successful wog businesses will be gone in a hundred years max. Look at IBM.
There, I hope I resolved any nagging questions you might have had and you now have a greater appreciation of COB’s genius.
Totally, MM. Thanks for the False Data Stripping, and yes, I would like to write a Success Story 🙂
And don’t forget to see the reg afterwards. We’re counting on you!
And don’t forget to thank COB for saving scientology, for finding all the lost tech, for being the world’s worst midget. And…for beating his staff senseless. Over and over again…
Dave is correctly demonstrating tough love.
But if other people are paying to expand your business premises and they are paying to renovate it and they are paying all the utility bills and then they give it to you and pay you rent on the property that is now yours then I guess you wouldn’t turn that down.
I hear you, RolandRB, but the people who are paying are the cult’s CUSTOMERS for Scientology auditing, training and materials.
Let’s say you had an appliance store and wanted to expand your business, so you got all your store customers together and somehow (of course this would never happen) convinced each of them to regularly donate large money to you so that you could purchase new, larger, more luxurious quarters for your business in a new location. Let’s say you convinced them that it was their RESPONSIBILITY to do this, and that to so was a matter of the FIRST PRIORITY, priority over even buying your appliances.
In doing this you would be bleeding your customers of the money they should be using to buy your product.
Its fairly self explanatory and as Mike stated, it violates basic economic principles. Businesses and organizations do not expand this way, they never have and they never will.
But then, Miscavige knows this very well.
How redicilous is it that there most celebrated “big being” is big because he became rich thru big pharma?!?!!! Wow unreal!
Hi Valharie, Good to meet you.I swear if Mr.& Mrs.Duggan are making $ off the Tamoxifen pills I have to take for five years to try and stop the return of breast cancer,Miss Ann will be one angry enormous being!.Ann.
Hi Valhalkarie, My keyboard was bad,sorry to mangle your name.Ann.
One thing I find so bizarre: the ever-present source of wealthy people who can be enticed and then entrapped in such a notorious operation overall. Many former members speak of having to revive their businesses. There is clearly a major effort, unceasing, to lure in people who own businesses. How have these people NOT heard the innumerable stories? I was aware of the Co$ notoriety eons ago. It’s sad and fascinating for a never-in like me.
OTD-OUTTHEDOOR, just work in the area of VC funding for a while. There are LOTS of wealthy people who are dumb as a post. Easy to get millions for insanely stupid ideas.
I am picturing the Whale females, if they have any taste, wincing at these jackets, and praying that no-one in the cult forces them to actually wear it.
“Conchita, is there any room at the top of the walk-in closet in the 3rd guest bedroom?”
“No, Senora”.
“Find someplace for this, can’t you? (Oh, God, this CANNOT hang in my bedroom closet, I’ll get depressed… ) “…Wait! how about for your daughter? Didn’t you say the other day that she needed a leather jacket? And, look, its just her size!”
“Ummm…you are very, VERY kind, Senora, and so generous, but no, thank you, we just bought one for her and I wouldn’t want her to become spoiled with receiving too many of your lovely things…”
” (Groan)”.
LOL! Straight from “Scientology Wives of Southern California”. That darn white leather jacket is a sort of paradox, you know. On the one hand it confers coveted status when people see you in it and on the other hand it annuls that status when people see you in it.
Great idea! Coming to us soon from Miscavige’s KCET Studios Can’t wait to watch Elena, Trish, Kelly and Denise in their white jackets, microminis and Laboutins snarling at one another, flipping tables, etc.
It’s funny you say this Aquamarine. I could easily picture Ms. Nancy Cartwright wearing that jacket as soon as I saw it.
I could see her wearing it too, and I could see the Cafones – er, Cardones, sporting them as well. But then, no-one ever said these people had any taste in clothes.
By the way, what is the “V for Vendetta”, business? The Ideal Morgue campaign is a vendetta against whom?
V for Vendetta is a movie starring Natalie Portman. It is where the “Guy Fawkes” mask taken up Anonymous comes from. This is the start of the entry for “Guy Fawkes mask” in Wikipedia:
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylised depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot, an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London in 1605 in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The use of a mask on an effigy has long roots as part of Guy Fawkes Night celebrations.
A stylised portrayal of a face with an over-sized smile and red cheeks, a wide moustache upturned at both ends, and a thin vertical pointed beard, designed by illustrator David Lloyd, came to represent broader protest after it was used as a major plot element in V for Vendetta, published in 1982, and its 2006 film adaptation. After appearing in Internet forums, the mask became a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, used in Project Chanology, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
Interesting, Mike. Thank you for explaining this in detail.
CoS – Less ‘V for Vendetta’, more ‘Epic Fail Guy’
You are so right about all these outpoints, TJ. It is a crime what this money supporting and a crime what it is not supporting, and the bigger crime is the latter, the outpoint of omission.
Thanks Aquamarine 🙂 – T.J.
And for 100K you can complete the look with boots, pants and a special, commemorative “SP detector” helmet.
The only way I would EVER wear that jacket is if it were cold outside and I had lost my shirt for some reason.
I’d rather have my nipples freeze and drop off than be caught in that abomination.
I checked out Bob out of curiosity, and found a section on “Traits of Genius”, all about the supposed 24 traits all geniuses have, as developed by a guy named Dr. Alfred Barrios, a clinical psychologist. WTF?? The biggest whale of them all, someone who presumably is an anti-psychology/psychiatry true believer, is praising and utilizing the theories of a clinical psychologist? Aren’t psychologists all SP’s??
Hi Kathy H, An interesting post,thank you.Somehow I think Mr. Duggan will come up with a Shermanspeak like answer to the info you provided.Of course could be the ” good dr.” gets paid by Mr. Duggan to be someone he is not.He is actually a Coser.Stranger things have happened.Always Ann.
Thanks Ann!! That Bob Duggan website is pretty entertaining, he and Trish each have their own sites, with their very large egos on full display!!
Hi Kathy H, I could not resist one more comment.If I had to look at myself and at my giant web site to me 24/7 I would be so sick of myself! Body-money worship I felt The Thetan outside of the body & all the wonders thereof was the goal.Did I miss the boat as it floats now!Always Ann.
Ron Hubbard referenced Dr. Barrios and his genius attributes in an issue to his Aides. Mike might be able to give you the exact reference.
Thanks, it’s surprising that Hubbard would reference any psychologist, I thought that they were all considered dangerous SP’s…
Probably two are good, Dr. Barrios and Thomas Szasz. I doubt if Viktor Frankl was ever considered, even though he was more of a humanitarian than all the combined whales in Scientology’s ocean.
“People who boast about their IQ are losers.”
Stephen Hawking
I guess next they will be handing out Guy Fawkes masks to go with their V for Vendette jackets. Can’t wait.
I’ve got a few to spare.
In regards to the jacket, maybe they’re hoping Elvis will come out of hiding and become a whale.
You know what I was thinking, well, if a bunch of overly rich folks want to contribute money they won’t miss so they can join an exclusive club that gives them a feeling of superiority and status, even though it benefits no one, so what, let them have their fun… and then I remember all the abuse, the child labor, the terrible disconnection policies, the real families so adversely affected by the harmful policies and actions of the C of S, the intimidation of ex-members including Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder, and the “Leader’s” own father, along with many I’m sure we haven’t heard about, and even members of the public who were never in the church, but have spoken out about their harmful actions, such as Paulette Cooper, Bob Minton, Judges, journalists, and the terrible “fair game” dirty tricks done to people, all the harm that this “church” does, and suddenly I don’t feel like saying “so what” anymore.
I often think of all the good things that much money could do… the parks it could build for neighborhood children, the food contributions and clothing for the homeless and needy, the seniors that could benefit so much from an extra $100 a month just for basics like food, bus tokens, pet food for their cats, a new pair of shoes… there really is so much need out there, I see it every day in my own community. If the C of S was actually doing anything to help, rather than just handing out pamphlets, I wouldn’t feel so strongly about this, but it seems a terrible waste to me. Those big donors are so far removed from the rest of us, the ordinary people just trying to live and make it in this world, it’s not funny. Donations of millions, for an IAS jacket and a pin. What a shame. Where is that money going?
So very well said, T.J. The cherch is doing NOTHING it says it’s doing. I used to help with promoting those fantabulous statistics and when I heard my associates talking about how they had to “pull things off” dishonestly to create the big expansion videos and fake statistics I started to go really sour. Since I escaped I can actually see that there is NOTHING going on out here that is actually done by the cherch. It’s BS-ing those rich people to such a degree there is no amount of Kleenex that will get the shit off their faces once they figure it out. My girlfriend collects clothes from her friends and takes them to homeless Vets. SHE is doing more than the stupid cherch. One person spending a day doing volunteer work is doing more. I hope some of these rich folks read your comments. And mine. Thank you for making this very fine comparison.
Thanks for the reply, and kudos to your gf for offering a helping hand. 🙂
Hi TJ, Your post reminded me I was just thinking this morning about people with billions of $ & there is no concept of genuine help for those that could appreciate it.Nothing but status,tokens that mean zero & the lining of David’s pockets constantly.Chasing after The Bridge that ceased to exist years ago.Take Asho Day & Fdn apart and the whole “orgs are islands of Survival ” quote fades into the night.I know that overly overly rich people have the least spirit or sensitivity.Everything is all about them & their secure world built with barricades to keep the undesirables out,& constant looks in the mirror to reaffirm how special the wealthy are. Don’t get me wrong money gives privacy & security for the future,& the ability to give to others.The way all of the cos SO OSA etc is now,turns money into grubby cash for David while the still ins can’t or won’t see what they worship.Always Ann.
Ann you are so right, I agree. Thanks for always acknowledging people with nice comments. 🙂 – T.J.
Hi T.J., I love all your posts too.I got into the mind set of acknowledging comm as a letter reg, but put my own twist on it.Now I feel that I can become more aware when someone makes me smile,laugh,think,cry & not always be in agreement with another opinion,but I can be nice about disagreeing.I guess it boils down to treating others the way I would want to be treated.Easy to say, hard to do.When I first found Mike’s Blog, your posts & your family’s goodness shone outward whenever I read yours.Thank you so much for all you do for me and the blog.Always Ann.A little sad today as my generation takes more leave of the planet & moves on to the next level in the warmth & love & peace of the Infinite Light.
Well, TJ, you are just advocating a practice of rewarding downstats. Everyone knows that you must NOT ever reward downstats.
Of course, the only reason the org staff and public need to reg donations for their edifice is because they, themselves are downstats. Therefore, they should NOT get any money from the whales.
So the only ethical thing to do is to NOT donate.
It’s all so simple
Agreed. One of the most important things to do to hit the cherch where it hurts is to stop supporting it financially. This begins with the individual realizing that he/she can no longer support the church and not flow one more penny its way.
LDW, makes sense to me! 🙂 Pepper, agreed. – T.J.
I definitely ponder the same things: the horrible waste, the missed opportunities to do good deeds in communities, the plans of LRH to make it so. Somehow, I don’t see El Commodore with these EPs in mind.
Mike, did you know Patty Siffarelli (spelling?) a banking or finance officer? Or what became of her?
Yes, knew her for many years. But I have no idea what happened with her. Sorry.
Hey! I’m one of those BIG BEINGS! But once I lose about 12 lbs, I’ll be at my fighting weight.
U.G.L.Y. The jacket too.
I wonder if those Milkman Motorcycle Club jackets will be any more real than the serial-shooped Infinity Club jackets?
I love to see how much scientology can make – I choosed MAKE – scientologists stupid, basing the lies of elrong on illusions, and hiding illusions Under more “new” hallucinations!
Who are they trying to kid anyway?
$2.3 million won’t repair the bathrooms
water saving fixtures and code violations,
lighting upgrades and internet installation.
Outside needs water saving landscaping.
Really if jackets is all they got Nancy Cartwright
should purchase 1,000 for $90,000, each.
Aye Carumba !!!!!
Who wants to wear that jacket? That thing is hella ugly. I wouldn’t dress my own worst enemy in that thing. I wouldn’t dress Donald Trump in that thing. I wouldn’t dress Jim Jones in that thing.
Yeah, that butt-ugly jacket just screams “MEMBERS ONLY!” Get two, one to shit on, and one to cover it up.
I believe in Members On…sorry! I puked.
I ordered some similar jackets when I was the Awards I/C for our Ideal Org push. They were nice enough jackets but we got so involved in gimmicky T-Shirts, pins and expensive framed photos that we were completely off point.
I quit the post after the Flag Banking Officer wouldn’t reimburse me for money I had paid out of my own pocket for the awards I was distributing He told me I had not gotten “approval” before I spent the money. I wrote the $2200.00 off as donation and mentally quit on the whole idea of an Ideal Org.
Holy shit! These deluded people will do ANYTHING to get money. That “approval” was complete and utter bullshit! The Church of the Big Lie!
hi KFrancstis,
Phoenix Org got sued for that kind of crrappola and they did have to pay the staff member back. He took them to small claims court and won. Org still did not pay until after member took em back to court and had their bank account attached. That was about 4 years ago. Can be seen on Maricopa County Justice Court website.
I would never go out of home with such a jacket .. for sure ..
I wouldn’t wear IN my home! Such incredible ugliness. ROFL Would love to see Herr Duggan wearing it at some event.
White leather… a boon to dry cleaners everywhere!
Wonder if Her Royal Governess of the Vast Valley Territory is getting tapped out, even though The Simpsons just got picked up for another three seasons. Or maybe she’s having some doubts… There’s got to be a story there somewhere.
So, how many children did the Duggans send to the Valley to get fostered? That’s usually a precondition for his support.
The saddest thing about this isn’t the jacket (although, my God, one sight of that thing made my Innate Gay Fashion Sense trigger a huge headache). It’s the fact that there really was only four candidates for the Great Anonymous Benefactor: NANCY CARTWRIGHT BART SIMPSON, Duggan, Bob Twatwaffle, and The King and Queen of the Douchebags. There’s always a twinge of sadness to see a species of whale on the verge of extinction.
Trust me. You don’t have to have Innate Gay Fashion Sense to be appalled at those jackets. You could have Clueless Nerdy Married-to-the-Job Straight Male Fashion Sense and still find that jacket a little creepy.
Some things are universally understood to be fashion disasters. Leisure suits in the 1970s. Ridiculously padded shoulders in jackets, wedding dresses, etc. in the 1980s. And white leather jackets any time that you’re not starring in some science-fiction epic film.
I could just see some idiotic chiropractor from Reseda sporting one of those somewhere, and a waiter at the local Olive Garden asking if that’s some sort of golf course. Then watch the “confront and shatter” as they stammer to explain exactly why it is such an achievement!
I don’t feel sorry for the Whales at all. They’re all so SMUG. Its going to be fun to watch it dawn on them how severely they’re been lied to and ripped off by dear COB. Fun to watch their reaction, their outrage. Especially Kelly Preston, IMO the poster woman for smug. Not her husband, so much.
Of course, lots of Still Ins are smug, and not rich, but I have compassion for them.
(Look, I didn’t promise a comment that would be fair and sensible, OK?
Hmm…perhaps its my own (former) smugness that I hate, and I’m motivating on the Whales.
Yup, maybe me too.
Hi Espiando, Those white jackets took me a little further back to us SO Disco girls gone bad polyester look I wore.This was worn when uniforms would be too formal or scary for SO functions with paying public..And on one SO birthday celebration there were strobe lights & a mirrored ball.Headache City,but stole two aspirin from a friend,did not want to see my smiling Ethics Officer.Ann.
Hi Chris Thompson,Thank you for your face smiling at my post and all of your posts.I look forward to them.Ann.
Forgot to mention in my original post: I don’t think that Bob Twaalfhoven (Twatwaffle = best tweak on a name, ever!) has the firepower to carry the matching donations program for the Valley Ideal Org. If he did, he wouldn’t be out there trying to get FSM gigs to earn commissions then turn around and donate them back to the cult to get his next status level. About 6-9 months ago when he popped up on the radar for the first time I can recall, I did a discreet profile of his Silicon Valley career, and I don’t think he really did anything momentous. I think he has some small software company I’ve never heard of (and I’ve heard of tons of obscure startups from back in the day when I was doing investment banking at Global Capitalism HQ, buying and selling tech companies by the ton). It sounded like it was a couple very small notches above the one-person Web design shops that so many culties run, selling to other culties. So I think he’s doing the FSM thing because he is ambitious and doesn’t have the asset base to send in really big checks.
As far as the King and Queen of the Douchebags, it’s possible that they could be signing up for some serious donations. However, people like them are not that different from the types of people on Real Housewives of (insert city here). I strongly suspect that they’re spending it as fast as they’re making it, so they have far fewer stable cash-generating assets than you would think. Grant Cardone’s business basically supports his celebrity; it doesn’t make any durable product or service other than just promoting Cardone and his seminars or events. That business is notoriously fickle… you make money hand over fist when you’ve got mojo and nobody remembers you after they have moved on to some other sales/motivational guru.
Thew match game is underwritten by Bob “Big Pharma” Duggan. He appears to be pretty much single handedly keeping the ideal org program alive.
Mike: the reason I threw in Twatwaffle as one of the realistic candidates is that the guy now has serious status in at least a half dozen orgs (Atlanta being the latest). Agreed that Duggan’s the guy keeping the Idle Morgue programs alive, but good ol’ Bob is playing his bit part.
Not so much for his kids…
I had the same thought about Douchebag Cardone. He may have some money, but he is not wealthy.
Got to wonder what DLHDM has on Duggan, must be something heinous I reckon.
Didn’t I read somewhere, that the “main” relationship there is between Charmaine and Duggan’s wife, Trish.
Hi Mike,I just could not start this morning without a big hair shout out to the new white leather jackets with the V pin,thank you for giving me the correct name.Vendetta sounds like a rumble between BIG BEING Duggan & any other poor player in this latest Theta Game.The SO Disco Choir, better get those hot pants out of the warehouse.Can’t thank you enough for the 24/7 work you put in on all this.When I get serious though it is so pathetic the cos games now,they scrape the bottom of the barrel! Love Ann.
Gawd…these whales are so pathetic…They are.being ripped off in broad daylight for all to see.. The road to total entrapment is paved with their money.what losers.