According to the Las Vegas “ideal” org they are “pouring on the coals” in a massive dissemination campaign to get SOURCE distributed to create “PR Area Control.”
What is so amazing is that the booklets they handing out are NOT “Source.”
Hubbard specifically stated his name was NOT to appear on WTH booklets. Nobody who reads it knows who wrote it.
The Drug booklets are absolutely NOT written by Hubbard.
They could hand out Source writings from Dianetics — his thoughts on alcohol, marijuana, opium, phenobarbital and ammonium chloride. But that would be contradictory to the message they are are trying to get across…
Real Source is not the image scientology wants to present to the world. How about handing out some Hubbard on 1.1’s in society, who they are and what should be done about them? Or a little booklet all about disconnection? Or maybe a summary study guide of the Wall of Fire incident, Xenu and the volcanos?
Handing out real Source wouldn’t entice anyone to “support scientology.” So they hand out non-Hubbard “scientology” and call it “4D community outreach.”
The truth is, these days scientologists are AFRAID to promote scientology.
Good article. You cut to the truth. Scientology cannot use Hubbards source material to sell the cult dogma.
In all main stream religion there are myths , they ( followers) just say, IT IS .
They are not scared if some one mention them, quoting scriptures ,they give their explanation as per their understanding.
Right now one can buy or free download religious scriptures. Nothing hidden from public nor pay-as-you-go business.
Correct me if I’m wrong, that magazine that says “Vegas Strong” on the cover is the scientology handout in question? I am a 25 year resident of LV and over the last year have been learning everything I can about this hideous group. How dare they use a phrase that this city coined at the October 1 shootings. This town does not throw that term around so lightly and as someone who was supposed to be there that night but by the grace of God was not, and I live with survivors remorse daily as 2 of my friends were killed, I take issue with them using that term to further their cause!
In the mid 1970s I worked at the Vegas org for six months and knew a woman who had spent time with Ron years earlier when her ex husband at the time was a big shot at the Vegas org. She and her husband invited Ron to come visit them but he declined saying Vegas was “still too hot with radiation” from the 1950s A-bomb testing. No doubt excess radiation would stir up some of the BTs.
Spoken like a true Scientologist! Deflect and blame!!!
“Handing out real Source wouldn’t entice anyone to “support scientology.” ” WHAT, WHAT, are you for real !!!!
I was aware of demonic entities and how they influence people before I found out it was part of scientology, there are many people who know about this in the world who are not scientologists and who have never heard of scientology.
There are many people who would support the idea of body-thetans if they knew it was part of scientology.
So because you think its fictional because you cannot perceive entities, you therefore think everyone in the world would have the same view as you ? Really, is that right ! Well I do not agree with you because I can perceive them and I have not done any OT levels and yet I know they are real.
You are of course completely entitled to that view. One of the ex-victims who joined us at protests in England was openly and proudly a satanist.
However, the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology cannot hand out the truth, hence the multiple layers of lies aka “acceptable truths” and the importance placed on “good PR,” rather than openness.
The real views of El Rhum Hubbard, on people outside the inner circles of victims, is something that the Co$ hides very well from the outside.
As an example, the following summarises the view of Co$ on LBGT
A firm conviction that the ghosts of aliens blown up in (non-existent) volcanos 75 million years ago is the only thing holding you back from being an actual god is NOT the only thing that the Co$ wishes to keep to itself.
Lots of people, maybe half of the human population, believe in non embodied entities like angels, ghosts, ascended masters, saints, spirit guides and the list goes on. Thousands of them attached to every human body as said on the OT levels in scientology sounds like wretched excess. Just my opinion. 😇
I am amazed how (inadvertently) frank this post is. It’s all about safepointing (or as wogs call it, “lying your a55 off”) and area control (infiltration by manipulative means). But aren’t these “humanitarian” campaigns? The kind of thing a real church may do to better the lives of their community? That’s their shore story and they’re sticking to it.
Beware of scilons bearing “gifts!”
Wow! If what Mike was saying weren’t true then you wouldn’t be deflecting so hard! Come back when you are in the real world! It’s amazing out here!
Where’s the body routing and door to door booksales?
Grabbing an arm load of Dianetics to hit the busy streets for street sales?
Flyers and body routing for raw seminars?
Where are the big div 6 Saturday all-hands?
We used to sell In Your Face outrageous earnest answers.
Drag ’em in and find their ruins!
Scientologists hiding Scientology… makes sense – it’s friggen ugly!
Oh, hell … Just print up and distribute a few million copies of the full Keeping Scientology Working … Then at minimum the public will at least start hammering out of existence incorrect technology …
At least in doing that you’d probably cure insomnia. If reading the full KSW 1 doesn’t put you to sleep you’re completely paranoid.
All those copies of The Way To Happiness must be useful to the Ukrainians…as toilet paper.
From 1975-84 (when I walked) every time I was handed KSW policy I would state that I had a problem with the 4th paragraph.
“The only thing you can be upbraided for by students or pcs is ‘no results’. Trouble spots occur only where there are ‘no results’. Attacks from governments or monopolies only occur where there are ‘no results’ or ‘bad results’.
I explained: I keep looking for results… as in results promised.. but there are damn few to be found. Oddly enough I never had any ethics or SO jump in my face.
The fastest way to shut down street Scientology disseminators and information tables, is XENU and BODY-THETANS theory talking.
Just non stop talk about Xenu and body-thetans around a Scientology public dissemination table setup and you shut them down.
XENU and BODY-THETANS are the garlic words to vampire Scientologist public disseminators. You have to keep it up, my favorites to repeat would be:
a) “Xenu dumped body-thetans onto earth and Scientology’s exorcism steps OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the secret exorcism steps Scientology won’t tell you they do, but they do years of exorcism of Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans.”
b) Xenu caused the Wall of Fire.
c) Xenu caused the 4th Dynamic Engram.
d) Xenu dumped zillions of body-thetans onto earth.
e) Scientology won’t ever tell you this, they are not allowed to tell their secrets, only ex members can tell Scientology’s Xenu and body-thetans theory to the public.
f) If you want Scientology to leave you alone, then learn the Xenu and body-thetans theory, and when Scientologists communicate to you, tell them about Xenu and body-thetans, and they will instantly leave you alone.
g) If you want to see a Scientologist gulp and leave you alone, just start talking about Xenu dumping body-thetans onto earth and tell the Scientologist that Scientology’s OT levels numbered 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the exorcism steps to remove Xenu’s body-thetans off of you.
The photograph of an empty parking lot says a lot.
(That IS a pun.)