Regraded Being had another engagement. Will be back next week.
Scientology has a sick new tactic right out of the North Korea playbook. You have likely seen videos of POW’s “confessing” and denouncing imperialist America. We saw Peter Schless paraded before the cameras calling Ron Miscavige a lousy musician.
Now they have taken it to an even lower level.
This GMA segment on Ron Miscavige’s book contains two bizarre statements from Lori Hodgson’s children. (Around 2:55)
In typical scientology style they have been coached to “attack the attacker” by claiming it is “more important for her [Lori] to have this vendetta against my church than to have a relationship with me.” This bizarre statement makes it sound like Lori’s daughter WANTS to have a relationship with her mother except she is too busy speaking out about not being able to have a relationship with her disconnected child that there just isnt any time left in the day. This is insanity — if her daughter is so upset about Lori’s vendetta she could easily stop it in 10 seconds. Just call her mother. It’s a hell of a lot easier than going through hair and make-up, drilling and rehearsals and numerous takes that were undoubtedly required for her 15 second of fame. But why doesn’t she call? Because she is not allowed to. She is instead directed to make a rehearsed pitch, looking like a programmed robot salesperson.
And her son complains about Lori going to the media — while making a video FOR THE MEDIA to denounce his mother.
This is a new low even for scientology. The parallels between the scientology bubble and North Korea continue to grow stronger.
Do they really think the world looks at staged mannequin videos like this and thinks “wow, they make a good point, they look totally natural and sincere?” They probably do — Dear Leader has a “bright idea” and of course inside the bubble they are high-fiving his brilliance and the great success they had with the videos because they were aired. They are not even aware any longer that the media love their responses because they invariably make the point about how insane the world of scientology is better than the material that is “attacking them” does.
I call it the Baghdad Bob syndrome. His very presence and every statement demonstrated to the entire world that he was a puppet of an oppressive brutal regime.
Maybe this should be called doing a Tommy Davis (in honor of the first and greatest scientology Baghdad Bob practitioner) as in “there they go again, doing a Tommy D.”
Disconnection is the worsest solution to any problem .. at first you intend to run the ARC down .. and this will harm yourself in any possible way .. if you cut ARC you cut freedom from you ..
I think it is interesting that a couple ex Mormons chimed in how their church disconnection policy is so much better and yet I am reading that Salt Lake has a huge problem with gay teem suicides because of their parents disconnecting them from the family. Since I see huge parallels between the make believe messages in both organizations I don’t trust random comments injected in this forum as anything other than anecdotal. Maybe you only get disconnected from Mormonism for “unrepentant sinning” and the Mormons don’t see their own disconnection connection? Enjoy.
thetimchannel, perhaps you can show the policy of the Moron Church vis-a-vis disconnect rather than posting a random anecdotal comment?
Tim, I’ve never seen you comment here before. The commenters here read my comments almost every day as after I left the Mormon church I went to Sea org and GO then eventually escaped and have had nothing to do with organized religion for over 30 years. My comment was anything but random. Your comment, however, most certainly was.
Well that was fairly random gobbledygook.
Hi Mike, the above sentence (…about how insane the world of scientology is better than the material that is “attacking them” does.eads better with comma afterabout how insane the world of scientology is better than the material that is “attacking them” does.) works better with a comma after “scientology is”. A minor point, but it clarifies the intent of the sentence. No comment needed re this, I’m sure you have probably noticed it already.
So, if Miscavige ordered Lori’s children to denounce their mom on national t.v., does that mean he will also appear publicly to denounce his dad? No? Why not? His dad’s book is the best selling non-fiction book in America. That means “where’s David?” has replaced “where’s Waldo?” Why did he order two kids to appear on television when he is scared sh*tless about appearing himself?
Slightly but not totally off topic but Michael Henderson notified by a friend that his mother, Diane, passed away May 1! Over two weeks ago and because of this despicable Disconnection Policy non of his sisters (disconnected) or anyone in the church let him know.
Mary , this is plain scary and sick.
My condolences to Michael. Please know the timeless isness of the love that is you and your mom.
A question from a never-in: in the GMA clip at about 3:19 right after the bits from Lori’s children: there is a scene supplied by CoS; it appears to be carefully staged to look like members are spending time in ‘chapel’/ There are stained glass windows, an alter with a cross (albeit the cross of $ci), a center aisle with the congregants on either side.
I’m sure this is intention to try to create the look of a traditional religion.
But my question is how often (say per year) if ever do members of CoS meet like this?
I was in for 24 years, and never saw it EVER. It’s strictly window dressing. $cientology is not a religion.
Chewy, you’re right about Scientologists spending little if any time in chapels, but Scientology is definitely a religion.
Maybe the “Church of Scientology” is arguably not a real church, but it is ridiculous to assert that Scientology is not a religion.
One cannot even argue that it isn’t a “real church” as their is no legal definition in the USA for such. For reasons that are all too obvious to list.
Argue instead whether it is a group that is overall GOOD or EVIL, by its actions.
Hi Bob, you are course right, and I stand corrected. I should have said that the current version of Corporate $cn is not a religion.
So, what IS a religion? Something that attends to the spiritual salvation of its members. Helps them feel better about the death of family or friends. Helps them understand how they fit in to the greater scheme, and how to do better. Prepares them for their own death. Promotes the family unit. Imparts moral lessons.
The current Co$ does none of those things. None.
There are some Freezoners that do SOME of them. Until the Co$ goes down, they are operating under a cloud of suspicion, oppression, and suppression. And therefore, they aren’t religions either. Scientology WAS at one time a religion. No longer.
If it comes back without OSA, squirrel busters, stat pushing, standard tech, KSW, ethics, disconnection, etc., it will be again. Don’t hold your breath
I was in for 33 years, in five different “churches” and never saw something like this. During the 70’s I actually did some “Sunday services” in my first org after I did a few courses. They were very helpful lectures about better communication, resolving problems, that sort of thing. But I wasn’t a minister and didn’t wear any sort of minister-type clothes. I did the lectures in a large public room with chairs set up in a section of it in a downtown city building. No stained glass, no church appearance anywhere. No choir, nothing that looked like any religious activity that we are accustomed to seeing. After a while the Sunday services just fizzled out.
Once I started working at the int base and saw the film production and promotional and book photos that were done, those were the only places where I saw alters and pews and a church-like setting…..fake sets and props in the films and promo!
So when surfing yahoo news now, you may end up with a targeted advertisement advising you: “Ron Miscavige: Ron Miscavige’s Book Is Labeled A Memoir When It’s A Literary Forgery.” The ad leads to the “church’s” anti-Ron hate site.
Of course, you are equally likely to receive an ad that tells the world that you can lose 80 lb in a month without any lifestyle change, grow your investment portfolio 47x, and grow an extra five inches of man meat. So the “church” has taken its appropriate place among the sleaze level of internet advertisement.
And they have never been more at cause: They handled Leah and she went straight to #1 on the NYT bestseller list. Then they handled Ron, and wouldn’t you know it…
Except for, this time they can not attribute it to the author’s celeb effect any longer, as they could with Leah. To most folks, Ron is a nobody. And yet, an awful lot of folk wants to know what he has to say!
When I left the Mormon Church when I was 14, I did so loudly and with great fanfare. My parents were hurt. They did not disconnect from me. Nor did any of my friends. I did not leave town. I didn’t move out of my house for over 3 more years and then did so because I was leaving for college.
No one wrote smear letters about me to anyone. No one chased me down and tried to force me to come back. No one hid from me when I approached them on the street. One of my seminary teachers said “now Valerie, are you sure this is what you want to do?” I said “Hell yes.” That was my routing out process.
Some of my dearest old friends still live in the town where I left the Mormon church. I have never returned to the church but have returned to the town to visit numerous times and am always welcome and loved.
My friends were secure and are enough In their religious beliefs that associating with me did not change their minds or taint them. They had enough integrity to allow me to be me and they could still be them. They knew of and understood my reasons for leaving. I love them dearly and we do not find fault in each others’ beliefs.
It speaks poorly of scientology that they consider their members (people who are alleged to be the most powerful beings on Earth) so fragile that they cannot associate with anyone who believes differently than they do.
It also speaks volumes that they must spew hate about anyone who does not believe the way they do.
I ask any OSA person who has dared read this entire comment to consider this: where is the spiritual gain in hate?
Same here. Left the Mormon church (was raised in it) after 18 years. It just wasn’t for me. I’m not a fan of organized religion. Never once was I attacked or approached by church members. Never did my parents try to distance themselves or be forced to disconnect. My parents are amazing people and family comes first no matter what. I never encountered anything but kindness from church members when seeing them after I left. Aside from the very rare missionary home visit, I’ve never heard anything from the church since. It boggles the mind how $cientologists can justify their cruelty and viciousness towards members who leave. Makes me sick.
Hi Valerie, I just found your amazing post. Thank you.Yes there is no spiritual gain in hate. That is what caused me to wake up to what Scientology really is in Sea Org.One can window dress anything to bring in the $ and grow your brand as Ron did.But he twisted the mobius strip to suit him.His family, Quentin, Mary Sue none mattered.I cannot forgive him for were he led me and what he did to his ” family”.xo Ann B.
Hi Valerie, I am nuts to-night. Edit where…Ann B.
Diconnectology the road to Oatie!
Step 1.Disconnect from your evil engrams.
Step 2.Now disconnect from your reactive mind.
Step 3.Disconnect from your own considerations.
Step 4.Disconnect from all the terrible things that have happened to you quadrillions of years ago.
Step 5.Disconnect from your money. Give it all to us.
Step 6.Disconnect from your time. Only spend it on stuff that helps us to connect to someone we can successfully disconnect.
Step7.Disconnect from your job or studies. We are the only thing worth connecting to.
Step 8.Disconnect from all these billions of space cooties evil Xenu loaded you up with. Cost only $350.000 and it will help you connect up with what we say is your eternity.
Step9.Disconnect from your family and friends if they do not think you are an unbelievable genius for doing all this. If they think you are an idiot disconnect even faster!
Step 10.Congratulations! You are now OT! We now have unlimited cause over your matter energy space and time and considerations
I’m assuming you mean Russell Miller Time, correct Jose?
That’s one of THE best books on the cult. He shreds fatso and because he had all of his ducks in a row, the cult never did anything. Now this is after his book got banned in the UK. But he just tears Hubbard a new one! Everything from him being married 3 times, and a bigamist (and no, that’s not a large Italian fog), to kidnapping his daughter and threatening to cut her up. Russell Miller, we owe you a debt of gratitude…
Hi Xenu’s Son, Love your post.Thank you.xo Ann B.
Miller Beer, Coors in a inch
Lol great typo. Coors in a inch (wife). I think for anyone who does step 1-10 above, Russell Miller is their only true hope for salvation.
“Priscilla Presley offers rare onstage interview (June 10, 2016)”
“Presley will offer the audience a rare opportunity to gain insight into a world only a few have entered. In this live onstage interview format, she will answer audience questions and share stories.”
… ask her about “disconnection”.
Ask her about: The RPF. Lisa McPherson. The Hole (which we all know doesn’t exist). Lisa-Marie giving the middle finger to the dwarf. The lack of new people coming in. Their reputation. Hubbard’s REAL history. I could go on, but, I’ll let others add to this list.
The problem is disconnection is vital for the survival of the Co$. The whole thing is a house of cards build on lies. The moment the Co$ does no longer control what a person knows the lies are at risk to become known and the house of cards crumbles to the ground.
It is a pure survival action for the Co$ to pull everybody into ethics who reads the internet, blogs or books and make them stop doing it. If they find the truth about LRH’s life, how he established his claims of science and technical breakthroughs they will no longer toe the party line in most cases question giving large sums of money to the church.Anybody exposed to the truth is a threat for the survival of the CO$. There is no option for silently leaving the Co$. Anybody who is disaffected enough wanting to leave is a huge risk for spreading the truth to Co$ members and have to be declared as a pure act of survival and preventing the truth from spreading. It is simply vital to stop any leakage of truth. If the Co$ would stop honestly disconnection they would be done within a year.
On the other hand disconnection does not work it creates more problems, people speak up, write books and the Co$ has a unsolvable PR problem at its hands that like a cancer sore eats up its body slowly but surely.
It is a catch 22 either way the Co$ is doomed. They only have the choice between a long and painful death or a quick and rapid one. So far they are opting for long and painful.
With the disconnection practice the truth is so plain and openly visibly. One example is my Friend Richard at the Pasadena Org. He believes there is no disconnection practice, that was only a “problem in the eighties”. The same time he says this two man in black grab him and drag him into the org. Disconnection in full daylight and real time. They cannot let him talk to me, so they disconnect by physical force and the next 3 days he is in ethics he is fighting to consolidate his belief there is “no disconnection” with the exact experience he is going through the very moment. And how he “voluntary” was dragged back into the Org.
At the level of the individual The practice of disconnection has in the long run only 2 outcomes. Dulled awareness and perception to the point where nothing oneself experiences is truth anymore and resulting in a complete withdrawal into the bubble, – or fighting against the pressures of disconnection from reality which will result in even harsher ethics ……. until there comes a breaking point.
So the Co$ has really no choice to either produce very disaffected people or complete mental vegetables. Neither one does any good for the Co$.
Putting the finger on the practice of disconnection and shedding light on it will hasten the demise of this abstruse organization and its leader.
Thank You to everybody who is doing it.
Exactly! If this worked as advertised, you would be unable to keep the customers away, not having to resort to mental prisons to keep the few remaining victims in.
The current state of $cientology is exactly what Lron wanted. ‘We’d rather have you dead, than incapable’. Well, ‘capable’ means bending to the will of Lron and proving your fealty to Miscavage. Nothing else is acceptable to the ethics department. Once someone gets a big bill from their sec checks, they quickly put on the blinders or escape. Those escapees are becoming more numerous and really putting a dent in the cash flow. Which just makes the pressure on the remaining clams so much higher.
All those ‘up your statuses’ and prosperity lectures are done for one thing, more income. Income that seldom stays at the mOrg. ‘Uplines’ is currently taking the lions share of income. How many times can the mOrgs sell the purif and the Student Hat and all the other lower level ‘courses’ without some push back from the membership?
Those clams who still have ties to the real world are the ones sitting on the fence. It doesn’t take much to push them over and out.
The response from the COS is just ugly and will continue to drive people away. There is nothing remotely appealing about their comments or videos, just more nasty. Nasty is ugly.
The COS continues to use the nasty, let’s-make-another-dedicated-enemy methodology perfected by LRH hisself.
There are 100’s of ways that the COS could have responded which would have defused the situation but the COS is very guilty and very stupid and they live in this world of nasty allegations because that’s what they are and that’s what they perpetuate.
I’m glad to be out.
THe ratio of entheta to theta will cave in scientology, no worries
My dear friends , don’t be afraid, scientology will survive even after the church of scientology will be completely destroyed at any cost. There are enough sensible and intelligent persons around to take the great value on the tech without compromising our integrity.
your comment makes me afraid
Very afraid.
Don’t worry, your attitude will change with time and experience outside the cult of LRH.
Dear Eileen, time is just a consideration and experience I have more than enough, what do you want to learn ?
very afraid…..
OSD and Artoo45: two geniuses fearing alike at the same moment in time?
Just to clarify, ” at any cost ” could mean: to forbid copyright protection for any religious materials even if this hits other religions. It could mean: to guarantee a free internet connection avalaible to all churches staff and without website visit restrictions ( nany programs ) as a natural human right to correct information. It could mean, to protect the rights of free communication coming from family and friends without church ( any church ) supervision, etc.
Hi threefeetback, I adore your posts here. Thank you from my heart.xo Ann B.
Indeed we did, TFB. That’s very astute of you to catch that. A moment of total synchronicity when everything resonated to the same vibration. But I’m still very afraid…
Hi OSD, Yes I got spooked too.Then I pictured you conquering any and everything that crosses your path, after all you have been blessed with the title
of whatever your first grand baby chooses.I was a first and oldest child and I named my four grandparents who were living then,Scrambles, Bebba , Puna and Dee.Mind you Scrambles was Attorney General and Gov of Mass.and they all loved my monikers and Puna Hawaiian for grandmother as you know,I really had a connection with her,Dee was my late Dad’s father who knew Tesla and was head of the Institute of Electrical Engineers in NYC, My point being this beautiful boy grand baby will give you both monikers you might not exspect.Love U both, Ann B.
you left out jimjam…
Rafael, my good sir,
The therapeutic benefits of practicing scientology can be had by conventional and well-established means.
Scientology offers a convoluted method based on secrecy. I say “convoluted” for more than one reason. First and foremost, they are not what they say they are. And, as for the tech itself, it offers results that do not exist.
The “preclear” is MADE TO BELIEVE he is getting well as he sinks deeper and deeper into the hole of false dreams. The key word there would be deception, (or mind-control) and the deceit, the inherent quality most astounding in scientology, has the very clear purpose of making money, as much money as possible. If Hubbard could hypnotize you into sending him your check for the rent instead of to the landlord, he surely would. That sort of manipulation and coercion is the true purpose of his “religious” TECH, after all.
History proves this.
It is NOT about saving souls, rather breaking up families, breaking ties with all the rest of humanity, supporting the “us verses them” mentality, just as any cult would do, anything including criminal activities, for the shameless purpose of getting your money, and then REMOVING your ability to retrieve that money. (I ask myself why I have given up on retrieving my money every day, even though I was in some 40 years ago)
That is the true nature of “TECH – Deceit. And, yeah, it is creepy.
I know you are a good person. Very well intended, which is the main thing.
I would say that the good and the healing and the help you provide for your friends and people comes about solely as a result of that good intention, and the benefit manifests DESPITE the influence of this insidious church and their so-called “technology” of hidden agenda and false promises.
Dear BlackBeetSoup (+1), you are full of hate. Scientology tech is the tech to recover psychological sanity but without becoming GOD LIKE. This is why it should be corrected.
Well, I would have to say that that was an inaccurate assessment of my character.
Forgive me if I am abrupt, but, I would be remiss to not retort:
– you don’t know me, at all.
You expose yourself there, as being rather harshly judge-mental, without harboring reason to accompany your conclusion. Just like scientology does.
And, believe what you like,
Scientology promotes isolation, it cannot “work” without it.
“Working” for Scientology means making a whole lot of money,
for successfully selling philosophical garbage.
– the e-Meter is part of a very sinister con to facilitate the practice of unwitting self-hypnosis.
Scientology is a very dangerous, single-source belief-system, a con fending itself off as some sort of solution, a fairy-tale for sale.
May I repeat myself:
The dangerous and harmful part is the isolation forced upon the practitioner.
That, I do hate.
And again, so the message I hope to convey is not missed-
you are to be commended for the help you do provide,
despite scn-gy.
And Hubbard was a heartless predator.
Hi BlackBeetSoup(+1), Love your post. Thank you.xo Ann B.
Not if I have anything to say about it, Rafael. I’m out to destroy the Tech, you know, the tech that says I should be eliminated, quietly and without sorrow, for the gender I have sex with. Don’t try to say “that’s how people felt about LGBTs back in the early 50s”. L. Fraud said it, he never retracted it, and that’s how a lot of Indies feel today. Kill it. Kill it with fire.
(Note that I have no problem with Indies like Les and Anita Warren or Dror Center who have condemned this stance. Millstone Two and the Indies who haven’t, they’re my enemy even more than the cult.)
Those who continue to make money off the ‘kinder, gentler’ are just there for the money and their own slice of guru worship. ‘Stab it with their Steely knives, but they just can’t kill the beast’. $cientology, even the indie parts of it, are Hotel California.
Hi Espiando, You know I will always love you. Ann B.
+1! Right on, Espi!
Dear Esp, I’m having (quite rarely) sex with women (I’m a man) but I totally agree with your post! The original, and never regretted, position of the tech on that topic is more than enough to fight anyone who thinks that only the CO$ is to be blamed and not Scientoly itself.
To both of you: It’s not who you love, but, the quality of your love.
Boring. Big time. BASIC Scientology as a subject has faults but it´s value is not zero. I yawn a lot only at thinking on elaborate on this… (one more time). I will go to see a movie or something more interesting.
You’re right. Scientology as a subject does not have a zero value. It has a value that’s less than zero.
If you want to debate this further, please note that I’m an Anon. I will go places with you where you didn’t know you had places. Greater clams than you have tried and gone running off butthurt.
True Roberto. Scamology now stands as a lesson against insane cults for future generations.
The harm Scientology imposes upon the world far exceeds the good,
and there is only one solution:
Let nature take its course.
***shudder*** for your own personal sanity, I hope you soon discover how frightening that comment is Rafael.
I think there is hope. Rafael will get it soon enough…
and i say that remembering how I felt when I first left the “church”/cult.
I was kicked out, basically, for thinking, asking questions like:
[how can you identify a “past-life recollection” as anything other than a fabrication of the mind?]
That sort of question proved to be far too scientific,
far beyond what any scientologist would ever be comfortable with…
But then, I only realized Hubbard was 100% charlatan only a few years ago.
Until then,
he was still my hero, The Guy that I looked up to in the absence of my Dad, and (although I would not have used the word) my savior. Shudder, indeed. At least I am talking straight now when I say,
do not promote the use of scientology ‘tech’. Play with fire if it makes you day, but keep it away from the kids, for heavens sake. After all, if you believe in anything [beyond yourself], you are in a bit of a risk, are you not? Yes, if I may answer for you, as Faith can be rather hypnotic.
Faith deceives you into thinking you “know”, when real thinking is being avoided in the first place.
The risk is accepting beliefs without supporting evidence.
And with scientology, that essential ingredient is absent, along with science altogether.
Just thank goodness I got out. Everybody…
The great thing about the CoS putting out these videos is that along with all the exposes, they will be out there forever on the internet for parents of potential Scientologists to watch and will be a warning to them to do everything that they can do to keep their children out of the “church.” Every time disconnection is even MENTIONED in a public venue, it is a HUGE loss for the CoS. Lori and all others who have been victimized by this despicable action are to be congratulated and admired for speaking out and hopefully they will continue to do so. Of course, the real shocking thing is the spiritual and mental condition of the “disconnectors.” These are not fifteen year olds. They are adults and fucking LOOK at them and what they sound like. Brainwashed? Of course. Responsible adults who have any characteristics that one would want one’s children to evidence as they become adults? Get real! (and remember, Sara Goldberg’s daughter is in her 30s and the son and daughter of the “billboard parents” are in their late 30s and early 40s I believe. These are not “children.”) Parents – want your children to wind up like these zombies? If not, keep them out of this “church.”
There is too much left to be said, and I’m often never sure these days what to say in response, So I’ll tell you a short story; a friend of mine from Alaska was made to cut his hair, beard and finger nails on OTVII. There is no end to the madness of the pompidou dwarf.
I know Lori personally, and I can tell you all she wants is to be in touch with her children.
DISCOVERY questions :
Is making the children(of an Ex-Scientologist) make a hostile video for the media a Religious Practice of the Church of Scientology ?
Is making the children(of an Ex-Scientologist) make a hostile video for the media NOT a Religious Practice of the Church of Scientology ?
Is using private confessional data for the media whether in write ups or in session a Religious Practice of the Church of Scientology ?
Is using private confessional data for the media whether in write ups or in session NOT a Religious Practice of the Church of Scientology ?
Is having the children of Ex Scientologists write hateful shameful letters to the parents of children under church control a Religious Practice of the Church of Scientology ?
Is having the children of Ex Scientologists write hateful shameful letters to the parents of children under church control NOT a Religious Practice of the Church of Scientology ?
Karen – you said it all. I love you and admire so much. Keep fighting the fight. You are so special, big hugs!
Unfortunately, Karen, as we old timers from the 1970s CoS have now discovered, the answer to all your questions is of course, “YES” and I thank you again for continuing to get this information out to the public.
Good report Karen.
Anything to bring to light the Money Machine is good news.
Here’s your answer Karen#1:
All of that is the result of a mad man named Hubbard who created a criminal cult. It is the way he set up the cult to operate.
I’d like to comment on this, but the Vatican called and I am busy making a video about how Monique Yingling is not a good Catholic…..
These videos combined with today’s article over at The Underground Bunker summarize the Co$.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but when a member of my church decides to leave the congregation, my first thought is to write a memo to our ‘Security Chief’.
Wait… mean most churches don’t have a security/guardians office/office of special affairs/secret police department? What do you do when people decide to leave? Don’t tell me you JUST LET THEM??!!
When I left the Libertarian Party of Minnesota no one stopped me. And when the list owner refused to publish an article on an Objectivist mailing list I thanked the owner for his input and rewrote the article, As it was too long and unfocused the second version was clearly better.
We’re coming for you, David Miscavige. Better find that place in Lower Bulgravia and cover up your tracks, because we are relentless and you are despicable and you will be helpless.
David Miscavige knows what is in store for him.
He purchased a place in the South of France rumored to be an ex Nazi hide out.
reliable sources.
France has an extradition treaty with the U.S. Perhaps your sources meant that he plans to escape to a country really south of France, like Algeria, which has no such treaty. Here are other countries that won’t extradite:
Afghanistan, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, the Central African Republic, Chad, Mainland China, Comoros, Congo (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Madagascar, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands,Mauritania, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Samoa, São Tomé & Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican, Vietnam and Yemen.
And there is always North Korea.
You will be absorbed into the collective. Resistance is futile.
Lori, I hope this is the beginning of both Jeremy and Jessica waking up. Everyone around them will either have heard about this TV segment or seen it and in some way communicate to them about it. Of course they’re going to be hailed as brave and having integrity by their scientologist friends but something will be said to them that will introvert them and make them feel embarrassed. If you read just a fraction of stories of how people woke up that’s what happens a lot. You just keep doing what you’re doing, sit back and wait for the next peel to come off etc. You are winning the battle and sooner or later you WILL have your kids back in your life.
Thanks! I can’t wait! ❤️?❤️
Honey, we can party at my place at the beach. And, again, Lori, you’re one of THE greatest Moms I know.
My turning point was once when I was talking to my non-scientologist (wog is no longer part of my vocabulary) sister about how horribly our Sea Org sister had treated our parents when they visited us in California from Denmark. E.g. to get rid of them so she could clear the planet she’d put them on a tourist bus-tour even though they didn’t speak a word of English. I only blamed her (the SO sister) but my other sister insisted that you’d also have to assign blame on Scientology and the culture that exists within the group. I agreed which led me to allow myself to go onto various websites and educate myself which led me to become an ex-scientologist.
Truly, Bodil, the Kool-Aid is strong in this sibling as it was in you at some point. Of course, we all hope she wakes up soon. She’ll be lucky to have you there when she does leave.
What an incredibly sick, twisted & hateful Church. They’ve taken being “thought police” to a whole new and expanded application. The incredible lengths they’ll go to rip families apart is simply unbelievable, but it’s true. Disconnection/family are not synonyms in the real world but Scientology sure works hard insisting they are.
Well well Scientologist how do you like your church now? Are you up for a mutiny? Sick and tired of seeing your religion being dragged through the mud on national TV? Tired of seeing your church tell lies? (You know they are lies) What are YOU going to do about it?
Hi Doug – NOTHING, they’re going to do nothing because it’s the SP’s, they are bigots. And the still ins won’t look because it’s them coming after us. You know, they even got through to Ron M. the father of our leader, how insidious are the Psychs and SP’s, they got through to Ron M. a REAL conspiracy.
What are YOU going to do about it? Fucking hide!
Doug, what do you want them to do? Their religion is the reason it is in trouble. It’s like asking a German in 1943, “Now that Nazism is being drug through the mud what are you going to do about it?”
All they can do is to denounce Scamology and LRH and move on.
Need my RB Fix.
The Body count is still there no matter how many young blondes
you throw in the money machine.
I’m jonesing for RB. I hope I make it through the day….
Lets see, the kids disconnected from their mother because she went to the media. The mother went to the media because her kids disconnected from her. And per LRH, FOR A QUARREL TO OCCUR, AN UNKNOWN THIRD PARTY MUST BE ACTIVE IN PRODUCING IT BETWEEN TWO POTENTIAL OPPONENTS. Gee I wonder who that 3rd party is?
The fact that there is no originality to those hit pecices it very telling. It is so cookie cutter that it becomes obvious what it is. It has to register on some level with these people that they are being used. Wonder which one will blow next? The best part is the cult never sees it coming because it believes these people are loyal .
Isn’t this typical of the Cult? They fight fire with gasoline, instead of water
This thing about not communicating on their own free will is total BS.
When my spouse wanted to leave the int base they were moved out of our room without my knowing and put in that dumpy little OGH building with all the other “security threats,” and I was not allowed to talk to them. No matter how much I asked and pleaded and cried I wasn’t even allowed to go over there to talk and try to get them to want to come back! Free will my ass.
Gee, Jeremy, did you admit to the ABC cameras that your mother SHOWED UP AT YOUR WORKPLACE in order to try to reconnect with you? No, you didn’t, did you. Well, there’s video of that, so you can’t deny it. Have the Leakes ever asked their precious church exactly why their mother is putting such effort into getting in touch with them like going to the media? I doubt it. Blindness is sometimes willing.
Maybe they could ask this: why does the cult regard them as so important that they’re being allowed to parade in front of national network news cameras in order to denounce their mother? Lori’s just an SP, right? Disconnection takes care of SPs and absolves them of any PTS conditions, right? So why comment at all? The problem’s been taken care of, hasn’t it? Whoops, guess not.
Let me just make a stupid analogy: a few years ago, I found out who my birth mother was (I was given up for adoption at birth…talk about a PTS condition). I sent her a letter. She never responded. I guess I was an Old Shame that she can’t get past. I understand that. Lori Hodgson does not regard her children that way. And her children have no reason to regard her that way, just the word of a cult. A cult, mind you, that has the “solution” to their situation in the PTS/SP Tech. So if applying this miracle of technology and some auditing will get rid of any PTS condition their mother would “transmit” to them, what’s the reason for not allowing contact?
Scientology, as usual, is not being consistent. The Leakes are totally mind-screwed not to see that.
Destroy Disconnection.
The policy of L. Ron Hubbard is to disconnect from SP’s who are then only allowed to speak to one person in the church to regain standing in it. Then, before the SP has even had time to read their declare, there is the church non-disconnected, banging on the SP’s doors, windows, vandalizing their property, stalking them, sending people to harass them, filming them illegally, spreading lies about them to their employers and friends. The Church of Scientology spends more time antagonizing people that have been expelled, than they spend on the person when the person is a full fledged member. To expect results out of a Church of Scientology is a big MU for some that needs to be cleared up. 🙂
I would imagine the ratio of people expelled/declared/disconnected or otherwise disregarded because of no money (DBs) would be greater than present Church membership.
It’s the most bizarre religion of faulty technology imaginable.. At least other religions that kill and maim in the name of some weird philosophical think are more upfront about their objectives. Where the Church of Scientology maintains the deepening lies and delusions associated with a madman at the helm as their method of existing. It really is bizarre!.
You imagined correctly. 🙂
Wait, wait, just hold on here…
Finally, at long last scientology speaks? Yes, they do.
And what do they say?
Well, first, they say they do not want to speak in person, at all.
We want to present our lawyer.
so what does SHE say then, this lawyer?
“That the disconnection policy does not exist. Scientologists do not want to talk to people that harm their faith.”
No. I mean, is that not telling…
Right there, you are saying that the heart and feelings of dear Mom and Dad
DO NOT MATTER, at all, when compared to the statements of your practitioners?
Must be true.
Your lawyer said it.
Nevermind what I say:
Scientology is all about mind-control, and heartless coersion. Heartless because you never tell your own practitioners the truth, about anything really.
Mom and Dads do matter.
Thank God the world knows it.
And today the world is finally getting exposed to the real you, David Miscavige,
and the true workings of your church.
And your lawyer looks more like a clown.
The amazing thing is the idea that you, yes YOU… that it is even possible that
you believe YOURSELF, Mr. Chairman of deceit.
Now, it is my turn. I say it doesn’t matter. YOU DO NOT MATTER. I’m not angry any more. That was capitalized purely to illustrate the relative importance of the fact. Anger is for school-yard bullies and you.
The Earth is blessed to be watching your less-than-humble church burn into non-existence, for eternity, right there on ABC.
Happiness, for me.
The fall of the third reich ! is a good example. Now it is the fall of the 2nd GAT. Will DLHDM commit suicide?
Stay tuned in folks its starting to get exciting. Better yet I want everyone that reads Mike’s blog to place their right hand on the computer screen and postululate DLHDM is :{include your thought here}.
If he commits suicide, he commits suicide. 😛
So please don’t interfere if he does commit suicide. If it’s his time, it’s his time……
Respect for human life and the Dali Lama would ordinarily dictate a modicum of decorum.
Well, at least it was worth the moment of contemplation.
It does not end well for Dave. In a Universe of infinite possibilities, his demise is still rather predictable. It is a world of cause and effect, after all.
The last panel of this episode of Something Positive has the instructions for the Razor Rundown, I know it’s not part of LRH tech, but then he didn’t actually know everything.
Laughing! Nice, ‘O.’
Thanks, OSD. I knew you’d be on the same page.
Heartbreaking. Jeremy and Jessica, talk to your mother.
In life, you will always meet people who don’t agree with something you do. They won’t like your hairstyle, your clothing, won’t agree with your political views, don’t like the same pets, hobbies, restaurants that you do. They won’t believe in the same religion you do. You can’t avoid each and every person because they don’t agree 100 percent with your personal choices in your life. You have to co-exist and be tolerant and even accepting of each other. You simply cannot isolate yourself from every person who does not approve of your church.
When it comes to your Mother, separating yourself from her will do nothing to change her mind about your church. All it does is hurt both of you. It hurts your Mother not to be able to see you, speak to you. It robs you of the chance to have your Mother in your life. A person who loves you unconditionally, and wants the best for you. Some people no longer have their Mother, like me, and I feel this loss every day. 🙁 Talk to your mother, she loves you. Don’t let another single day go by this way. One day it may be too late.
Thank you! ❤️?❤️
I’m a Mom too. This article hurts my heart. I can only imagine the pain you must be having due to the forced disconnection from your children. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers, hoping that your children reconnect with you very, very soon. Please keep that thought in your mind and that hope in your heart, I believe it will be so. One day you and your children will be reunited, and nothing will tear you apart again. Love to you and your family – T.J.
So heartbreaking. Makes me cry even though I know this was staged by the church. I’d bet BIG money that Lori’s two kids haven’t SEEN her “attacks” in the media – maybe – maybe a snippet or two but not everything.
The church is infamous for getting others solidly entrenched in their dirty deeds but GETTING THEM to commit the dirty deed.
AFTER I was declared and AFTER my son disconnected from me, I attacked by putting my story on this blog. The church pulled my son and husband in to show them what an “evil” thing I had done while surrounding them with MAA’s or OSA to get THEIR response further solidifying the rightness of their ways.
I know a mother and a different instance of a fathet who has lost their children to disconnection for over 20 years, have not done anything to fight back and she still haven’t been able to have a relationship with them. But if you attack back, the church says, “See how they are evil! Attacking the church! See, we were right!”
All I gotta say is FUCK YOU! Lori and mothers who have lost their children to this horrible practice, FIGHT ON!
Not allowed to disagree .. lif you do .. you are out .. in basic it relates to fear .. heard once the Spirit of Man Congress .. but thsn it is protection for not having fear .. isn’t it ..
Nice looking kids.
I would be upset to see this slick presentation
and the lawyer again defending the wrong side.
(that fluttering of the eyes, …priceless)
I would wonder how anyone could stand up, on national TV, and trash their father in order to defend their precious beliefs.
Except, to think again. And remember.
I remember being in there and thinking I was deep into precious knowledge, (we didn’t use the word “devine”, but that was indeed the regard) blessed to be working so hard every day for knowledge so valuable, and that everybody outside was just “wrong”. Nobody, nobody, and nobody could every know more or anything better than L. Ron Hubbard.
And I still thought Hubbard was the king of knowledge for three decades AFTER I got out.
Which is a think I would like to forget.
So, I guess I have to give the kids a break. My guess is that they will come around someday, like I did.
I was lucky, for me it happened while Dad was still alive. I lot of kids finally get out only to have a short walk to the grave. My Dad is gone now.
These two children would be well-guarded against such stories. I wonder what they know and say about
OT 3…
But the church does not talk about their faith,
the leader does not share revelation.
They get on TV to present lawyers defending themselves, and that’s it, sum total.
THE singular Contribution to society and the world at large for all those generous donations they have received. Oh, the buildings they do own.
And I suppose I should be happier about the presentation, too.
Scientology in the news is a big deal.
After all, it used to be that the church was so effectively litigious that no media giant, whoever, was willing to touch the story, at all. What was her name? Paulette Cooper, I believe.
Thank you, Mike, for playing such a large role in getting all that turned around.
So many more, real people.
It is good to see ABC, especially, being enthusiastic about doing scientology stories.
I would take a firmer stance, but that’s me.
Thanks to everyone who posts here. Chime in, scientologists, I’d love to have a word.
And thank God for truth.
Thank goodness for truth again and I feel alright.
There is reason to be optimistic about the future,
after all.
There is still some youth left in me. That’s a lot to be thankful for.
You have to be young, to forget a thing like that.
Hi Dent, It is good to meet you.Your post is a jewel with facets cut from your experience.The Truth has been a bright light for me as I sometimes falter on my journey,yet I keep going because I know all of us here are so strong and I really hope to see freedom for all still in.Always, Ann B.
The day comes, sweet Ann. Behold.
Hi Dent, Thank you so for your post. Just found it. XXOO, Ann B.
Sadness overlaid with angerness. Is everyone a tool to be manipulated into doing the Clampires bidding? Yes, schmuck, that is how the whole scam works.
If one can be happy at the hideous sight of a vampire meeting sunlight, not turning cold until after all is dust,
then I can be happy watching this church burn.
Hi Bently, You are Hot S### ,thank you.xo Ann B.
Hi Be they, Edit Ann B.
Hi Bentley, Siri is in the corner.Ann B.
I’m fairly certain that Kim-Jong Un & the incredible shrinking dwarf are drinking buddies. They get hammered and then call each other up. The dwarf gets a bunch of PC folders containing comments about sex and reads them to Kim-Jong Un. And Kim always says to the dwarf, “This is out of control!” Then Kim tells the dwarf about having his UNCLE killed. They both laugh over that one. And, Kim wants to tour all of the RPF sites to see if he can duplicate them back home. Since the Nation of Islam is now part of Scientology, who’s to say we won’t be seeing the North Koren Flag atop Big Blew! I mean, Big Blue.
I wonder what the KKK think about all this? Maybe they can hire out as bodyguards or assassins as the need arises, but I would think they would feel a little left out on all the fun.
Not sure how good they’d be as bodyguards or assassins. However, they do have a long history of doing lynchings correctly. Maybe we should give the Klan a chance…..
I would ask the Democrat Party’s “conscious” for ya but he recently died…
Yes. Um yong un is similar to L. Rum Humblard, the famous alcoolic and druggie, thoug except for the powermania, and the inane images of armies, we can’t say what sort of drugs the North Corean guy drinks!
Gosh, roger, I don’t know….meth tea?
As I watch those two perfect children with their perfectly rehearsed speech communicating with a flawless cadence I can’t help but also notice their perfect hair and teeth. Gosh, I just so want my grandchildren to that perfect. I’m gushing all over.
I was trying to decide if this was more like Stepford wives or North Korea. Seems miscavige’s idea of a perfect social order is a mix of the two fantasies. What’s not discussed in either is the KGB or SS carting people off to the gulags or the concentration camps.
I wonder if I’m doing any good reading all this stuff and posting from time to time. Is there any point to constantly reminding folks of what a sinister cult the Co$ is?
I always end up in the same place. Those things on planet earth that truly help others deserve attention and admiration. Exposing sinister bait and switch operations truly helps people.
I think I’m going to stick around and be a good audience for you, Mike.
I think I’m going to stick around until your children and family wake up and apologize to you for having been so obtuse.
I think I’ll continue to contribute to the motion until Lori’s kids have their “WTF have I done?” Or “What the hell was I thinking?” moment.
Albert Einstein doesn’t have a monopoly on E+Mc2. Nor does miscavige have a monopoly on “from where could you communicate to a mother?”
After a display of the “inch wives” including the batshit crazy Jennie with her encore at LAX, it is refreshing to see someone who has all their teeth still.
I found it amazingly odd that Jeremy’s hair was so perfectly groomed. I have several teenage grandchildren. The style these days for teenagers (as it has been for a few dozen years or so) is hair that takes 6 hours to “non-groom”. Jeremy also looked like they spray tanned him and bleached his teeth for the presentation. Jessica looked a little more human. Poor kids. I do hope that being forced to “testify” about how bad their mother was is the last straw.
Me too! It’s time they wake up! ❤️?❤️
David Miscavige belongs in prison. He parades the brainwashed to show he owns them. Lori loves her children and wants them happy and healthy. Dave wants to use them and we all see through his plan. Captain David ” let him die” Miscavige strikes again. Call home kids, your mom is there for you.
David Miscavige belongs in prison…in northern Nigeria…
I hope they extradite him to an Ethiopian then a Mexican, then Serbian prison on a rotational basis – say two year stints in each and only give him a Scandinavian translation dictionary.
You see, I Yawn, this is why I admire you so very much. I just focused on one area of the world. You took a global view and came up with places I hadn’t even thought of. In Iran they have the Elvin Prison. Very, very notorious. Oh, and Leslie has a great place for the dwarf: A Turkish prison. Leslie, you win with that one.
Well done, I Yawn & Leslie!
There’s also a Turkish prison, but Club Fed should be sufficient.
Thank you!! ❤️
Lori, you h have so much love coming at you constantly from every direction. I personally want to overwhelm you with unbridled, unconditional love. Love rocks!
If you character assassinate your parents, have you done the verbal equivalent of shooting them so you can belong to the new children’s army?
You’re so right! The best advice I got from anyone back in the ’80s as I was going through my divorce was from my attorney. He said “tell me the whole scoop about how bad your ex was, but NEVER EVER badmouth your ex to your children. That would be saying bad things about their father, and even if you are divorced, he is still their father.”
I allowed my children to get to know their father in their own way and kept my mouth shut about what I thought of him. They grew to hate him and respect me because he would badmouth their mother (me), and I just shook my head and said “oh, that’s sad that he’s saying those things” when they told me he the things he said about me.
Because of the way their father talked about me, my daughter avoids talking to her father on a regular basis and my son tells him to stfu when he starts to talk about me.
By forcing them to badmouth their parents, if they do come to a point where they wake up (and it happens, it does happen), they have created a permanent enemy who will never think kindly of them.
Exactly. I have never said anything negative to my kids about their father (aka “Satan” to my closest friends), and now that they’re in their early 20’s, I don’t have to. They see it for themselves. I have an excellent relationship with my kids, for which I am very grateful every day. I hope my ex eventually has a good relationship with the kids–for their sake. I believe children need both their parents for as long as possible.
Disconnection is evil.
@Jo I agree. Even though my ex is satan (hey we’re we married to the same man?) I have gone out of my way to encourage my daughter to continue some kind of dialogue with him, even reminding her to call him on Father’s Day, etc. although we gave been divorced for well over 30 years now.
He is not doing well health wise – years of drinking and smoking nonstop have caught up with him, it would break my heart to see her regret not having some sort of a relationship with her dad when he dies.
They do not look happy. I feel for them. What a circus.
The 3 ring kind or the stupid kind?
David Miscavige,
The mute would-be king.
I know you’re not much of a family man, but…
How is your wife doing?
Is she well-entertained?
I’m glad to hear your niece is happy, at last.
But, Shelly,
no… we haven’t forgotten.
Does she ever get the desire to travel,
or watch something that isn’t on closed-circuit TV?
I just had an interesting thought. The amount of negative publicity generated by these POW style videos is through the roof.
Although it would be against “scriptures”, imagine the amazing amount of positive publicity that would be generated if these people making the videos were filming these people reuniting with their family.
It wouldn’t generate any positive publicity for scientology to do so. Why? Because it would have to be contextually explained as to why they were forced apart in the first place.
Imagine a restaurant saying that they would now give an antidote to the poison it has been intentionally putting in its customers food over the years. Would that help the restaurant to stay in business?
IMHO, yes, as long as they ALSO said they realized they had been “inadvertently poisoning clients”, begged the clients to come get the antidote and promised to never poison another client again. It’s all a matter of how you market it.
Scientology, however would never be able to market it correctly because they would be unable to issue the mea culpa necessary to stop the bleeding.
THAT would be a lie. (as long as they ALSO said they realized they had been “inadvertently poisoning clients”)
So, back to them being criminal to the core.
Lol, yeah Mike, marketing is thinly disguised lies. AnyHOO, it’s all not gong yo happen because the first step, admitting any sort of wrongdoing, will never occur. It is written in their core religious beliefs.
The head chef personally and carefully removes all the cockroaches from the soup before bringing it to the table. Nothing but the best for our customers!
Yes, unfortunately that’s pretty much how it is. DM would never allow the Church or himself to be put in a position where they had to apologize, they’d rather die first. Jim Jones comes to mind.
Actually I Yawn, that is a mandated position from El Con that DM follows. That’s why if a parishioner wants a refund if a service was totally screwed up they must be declared SP. The church is forbidden to EVER say that it was wrong and it can NEVER admit fault. Odd that you think that really basic, long term LRH policy is from DM. I’ve noticed this with many of your posts. Were you really in scn before DM took over?
No I was in the military. They have policy too that when an idiot or criminal officer interprets it to align with their own agenda or stupidity the whole system suffers or worse, people die. Yet, without the base line of discipline being greater than the individual it cannot function, life changes, new people come and go, trends change but external danger is always very real, survival is costly but there’s also a real danger lurking internally as well. I don’t know what dream world a lot of people live it but what I see within Scientology parallels life anyway. The fact it claims to fix all that is akin to masturbation really – it relies on self activated interpretation and action, it no longer looks, listens or adjusts, it has to self please.
Scientology policy doesn’t have an exclusivity to life no matter what it claims. I’m not saying Hubbard’s system is the answer, far from it, I suffered from it too but to have such black and white interpretation thrown at me consistently is childlike in my view, Stand on a battlefield sometime and try to make sense of the policy that led to the carnage. It all seemed so proper at the time and the enemy is always the bad guy. There’s a fucking dangerous side to the minds of men, it lurks in Scientology hallways too. If there is a remedy, how in fuck would we know if it works? There’s people out there that get their jollies off fucking everything and anything up they can get their mitts on.Very little in life is given a chance to work, people, especially leaders in opposition are impatient people.
I just don’t follow how bad everything is about it, the group itself is history and Hubbard never got Policy right and had his own shortcomings that’s for sure, just like people in government. Miscavige is a certifiable criminal who’s a very quick and ruthless thinker.
I take out of Scientology what I consider works but when I start to insist others must follow my viewpoint of it… or consistency attack others who don’t agree with them… well, the bandwagon gets a little bigger and a new battlefield awaits.
To even quote Scientology itself – absolutes are unobtainable. Yet every Scientologist violates it. That’s one generality that is pretty easy to prove.
I Yawnalot says “No I was in the military.”
That would explain why you blame El Con’s insanity on DM so much of the time. You don’t know the source of the CoS problem.
Don’t you get tired of doing other people’s thinking for them.
Blame… don’t think so. I gave up repeating that same response after about a decade. From my perspective Hubbard is dead, and I leave him in the ground where he belongs. The only reason I post here really is I have two family members still drinking the kool aide and I guess this is where I vent my attention I have stuck on them.
However, my observation of hard core anti-Scientologists is that they are creating just as much a bubble as Scientologists do. Complete inability to view anyone else’s viewpoint but their own. ESMB is the most bigoted, unfriendly blog I’ve ever read or seen concerning Scientology. Ortega’s site runs hot and cold with haters, I don;t care they have that right. I do despise the Church and what they do with a vengeance but luckily they are shrinking at a remarkable rate. My time in the Church is regretful overall, especially financially but I did have gains with the tech, no matter how much you disagree anyone could.
Johnny Depp and Amber heard made great headlines doing a forced video about how they were wrong to smuggle their dog into Austrailia. They were lucky. They understood it was a forced video.
It is nauseating to see these poor brainwashed children being forced to badmouth their mother when her only crime is that she no longer wants to be a member of a group to which they belong. She has made it abundantly clear that she does not care if they stay in scientology, her only desire is to see her children.
Stop Scientology Disconnection. Free Heber. Where’s Shelly?
Yep, the entire church response is one big shit show. ALL of the church’s video testimonials look creepy as all hell. Those videos are even worse than the tax lawyer talking about what a worker’s paradise the compound she’s never worked in is. People watch this stuff and alarm bells go off.
As you say, Mike – a whole new low. It was patently obvious these kids were drilled over and over – turned into the “talking heads” the church is infamous for. But what they couldn’t hide was the pain etched on the daughter’s face. I could see it clearly.
I believe these children to be the final debris of one single narcissistic man’s contrived plan to stroke his on ego, become wealthy, and ultimately, to become famous. Writing fiction books, making up stories of war, all were not getting him to this unattainable utopia.
What you see today is what the final millions of his plan will buy. Probably the last generation of brain washed kids either born into it, or anti-establishment kids, looking for a home.
In todays world people follow Scientology because of the sheer nuttiness and shock value of it all. It’s the entertainment, something equivalent to the “Housewives of Beverly Hills”, “Sober House”, etc., well you get the point.
If anybody looked into Scientology today with a fresh start and the internet at their fingertips they would laugh ten minutes into it. You would read about engrams that don’t exist, see LRH holding calipers to a tomato, see the leader of the religion in full uniform in front of a faux navy on a cruise ship. Funny stuff.
Scientology grew when lots of people were searching for the meaning of life. It attracted the anti-establishment kids, along with misfits, and the ones wanting to leave home. Scientology offered that home.( Kind of the way porn does in the valley. You have an instant family and place to call home for no money. Just your total allegiance to “the cause”).
The only people left now are the people that can’t get out. Cruise, Duggan, Travolta, etc. because they are way too far in, and risk getting exposed for their certain improprieties. Older folks that can not face the fact that their life and money has been wasted on this scam, and children that have been born into it. That’s it.
So don’t think that anybody believes anything these people have to say in the videos, they don’t. They just are astonished by the transparent idiocy of it all.
To completely end it they will have to run out of money or be challenged by someone or something with as equally deep pockets or equal resources.(IRS, FBI,) But don’t expect for that to happen anytime soon because it’s all relative. Why mess with this relatively tiny organization? Heck the Government waste billions a year on any number of programs. They got bigger fish to fry.
Watch for regular appearances on KCET of $cientology kids in the SO denouncing friends and family because they have decided to leave The Cult.
Yo Dave,
Isn’t that your solution to Your most recent WHY finding?
You asked yourself …… ‘Why is our cult disliked so much.?’
You answered yourself ………..’Because those still in are not telling the truth to the world about how wonderful the leader of the cesspool really is.’
Ta Da ………… let’s put em on TV and that will show the world just how great I am.
purrrrfect ……………….. Dave!
I’m GLAD that the CoS is doing this. Shows the world at large just how insane the whole shebang really is. Much like an inoculation vs. a deadly disease.
The video will not play 🙁
C’mon, Pope! Just order it to play! I mean, you are the Pope, after all….
And the kids do believe it; they are in fact indoctrinated and will do what they are told.
Nevertheless is irrational to attack your mother publicly regardless of the reasons. Yes, it is insane.
When I was ‘in’ I was on the belief that Scientology was widespread, well known, million have joined Orgs and Missions and this came from the “Events” that promoted such.
When I came out I was shocked to see that there were no Scientology signs all over, where I went Scientology was not even known, rather it was not accepted and the Orgs were empty.
The opposite of the PR Campaigns which, after all, were and are all lies.
These kids are in a bubble of belief what they are told…South Kore parallel applies indeed.
I’m almost lost for words on this one, scientology never fails to sicken me.
Look at those two screen grabs. Same set up. Plopped each one down into a posh lit scene with backlights (their lighting used to be better than that though). And brilliant Dave doesn’t see that any nitwit can see that it’s contrived propaganda. The girl, by the way, shows great promise as an RTC staffer. Dead eyes and ‘ruthless’, non-empathetic attitude. Or is she already CMO where they’re pretty good at that too?
Narration: The church says disconnection is voluntary.
Yingling: They do believe their spiritual progress would be impeded if they did not disconnect.
It doesn’t take any deep analysis to see that these statements are in direct contradiction. No one comes up with that belief on their own. They are instructed by Miscavige (through hierarchy) what the consequences are to their spiritual progress. If a church spokesperson makes a blanket statement about what their members believe, that is belief held under threat of expulsion or some form of punishment.
Karen D. Is positive her son was being coached by someone in the room when he called her to disconnect. Never in my wildest nightmares would I consider having a conversation that personal with witnesses. When you are forced to tell your mom you can no longer talk to her while someone listens in, IT IS NOT VOLUNTARY.
Sure disconnection is voluntary?
I’ve seen several instances where some scientologist also voluntarily connected back up – immediately – to their friends or loved ones when a Declare was lifted. THAT actually was voluntary. Interesting how that works.