There are two new videos this morning that everyone should see. I am having some difficulty getting videos to post on this blog, so I am including the url for the first:
The first is from Good Morning America:
The second is the world premiere of a video by Tiziano Lugli that is on Tony Ortega’s blog this morning.
Update: Also, an article in the Tampa Bay Times about the judges in Texas and Tampa denying the church’s efforts to disqualify Monique Rathbun’s attorneys and Luis and Rocio Garcia’s attorneys. And as a note, Joe Childs graciously notes that Peter Mansell (who has filed declarations in the Garcia case and testified on behalf of the church yesterday in Federal Court in Tampa claiming to be the head of OSA Flag) “declined to comment”. I witnessed this — Mansell, who is supposed to be in charge of media relations for the church (but actually is unable to utter a word without it being cleared by Miscavige) responded to Joe Childs request for a comment with a sneering “I’m no friend of yours.” Childs repeated his request and reminded Mansell that he was the person identified as the media relations person. Mansell gave him the “silent treatment” and refused to say a word — and then jostled Childs to try and avoid getting in the same elevator. It was a childish and rude display by the “church representative” witnessed by a lot of people in the hallway. Again, right out the Miscavige playbook — instead of a graceful comment about how the church appreciated the time Judge Whittemore devoted to this issue, and we are sorry he didnt see things our way, but we look foreward, as he indicated, to addressing the merits of the case blah blah blah. This strategy of treating all media as if they are beneath contempt is not really working out so well….
Idle Morgue says
Mike – loved your comment about “when I drive by an accident I can just call 911” !
Great news about Scientology and their 15 attorney’s losing their ability to get you and Garcia’s lawyers disqualified – times sure are changing.
It has been a very exciting couple of days. Leah Remini willing to testify and Jeffries deposing Tommy Davis was just fantastic news.
I wonder what Tommy Davis is thinking right now. Did he BLOW or did he quietly route out and will keep his mouth shut or worse yet, LIE for Miscavige. He has got to be decompressing from a lifetime of Scamonology – but one of these days he just may speak up and tell the truth. He was scammed too!!
Awesome week!!
Odd Thomas says
Great video guys. Really impactful to hear everyone saying when they left the Cult. Wow!
Hallie Jane says
Watched the video — loved it! Well done to everyone who took part. Proud to be part of this new group.
The Oracle says
Thank you for all that you did yesterday Mike, and for all that you do. Your spirit and purpose to help others has not been reduced by the petulant child.
Still On Your Side says
I think Mansell is very confused. He doesn’t need to be Childs’ friend, he needs Childs to be his friend-that’s why media relations people often wine and dine the press, send out press releases, call the media to explain things and so on. Normally, the head of such a “powerful” organization will hold regular press conferences, and he will want the press to show up. This is one of the reasons they stay in touch with the media.
Mansell acted as if he was a member of the North Korean politburo meeting westerners for the first time in his home city. Clueless about how to act in front of foreigners, paranoid that the secret police are listening to his conversation, and fearful about the punishment he is going to be getting just for being in the courtroom. Sad, sad, sad, and it is only going to get worse for him and the church. The beauty of American law is it is based very much on precedent. Judges are very comfortable knowing they are not the first to interpret the law in a certain way. Two opinions against disqualification motions brought by the church are not much, but they are enough to help defeat the church the next time it tries this stunt it in Florida and Texas. It also helps across the country as litigants, lawyers, and judges see the church losing so much in such a short period of time.
Mike Rinder says
Insightful comment….
KFrancis says
“Mansell gave him the “silent treatment” and refused to say a word — and then jostled Childs”
Didn’t LRH state that the church should maintain friendly relations in the environment and eschew force?
It seems the “Miscavige petulant child valence” has drifted around and infected others.
The Oracle says
Laughter! Petulant child valence is right!
Cat Daddy says
Now I am picturing him pouting
Hallie Jane says
Wow! Fantastic courageous work everyone. “Seek to live with the truth”, please, carry on!
Michael Leonard Tilse says
Loved your appearance in Tiziano’s video!
They are completely out of comm and that is going to be one of the key part in their own created demise.
Fact – yes, they are losing.
Jane Doe says
Yes they are losing. And they are out of comm. And their PR is out. And their ARC is out. All things that will contribute to their own demise.
And I suspect that it will be a snowball effect of getting bigger fast and going faster fast. If you want the technical term for this it is “exponentially.” So once the slide down the slippery slope has started, and it has, it will go very quickly now. Remember that LRH quote from “Ethics, Justice and the Dynamics” in the Ethics book? It’s where LRH says that if one seems to be pulling in motivators, which DM and the church are big time, that it is the being’s effort to put ethics in on himself and having failed that, he pulls in all sorts of bad things (motivators) and becomes a “vacuum for trouble.” If anyone has the exact quote please post it here as it so applies to David Miscavage and the church. I wonder what the next motivator will be? It’s a cliff hanger better than any movie. Popcorn anyone?
Noni Mause says
I’d like to see that. Some might say that Hubbard’s own policies of disconnection and fair game are what ‘pulled in’ the bad press in the first place. Until the wheat can be sorted from the chaff amongst his policies, any form of scientology is likely to retain its bad name.
Carcha says
Noni Mause –
It’s more complicated. One point (bear with me please) is that originally the policies were meant to benefit the person who found themselves on the receiving end of a very invalidatory and evaluatory association which had in effect become involuntary on his/her part – think of a pimp beating up a whore who submits. The person being informed that they DO have an alternative, and WILL be supported if they extricate themselves from their bad association, has the choice to refuse to disconnect. It degenerated to the point where people who had friends – legitimate friends in mutually supportive associations – were told that if their friends questioned or belittled their Scn affiliation, they *must* disconnect. I know people who laughed in the ‘ethic officer’s’ face, and walked away never to be seen there again. I had friends who walked away from me just because I said “I’m a Scn.” Here’s where it gets strange: if someone told me to disconnect, it would shock me, first, and it would test my patience, second; and no doubt you have your own way of acting on something like that; but why would someone even think of complying with such a choice of a) disconnecting, or b) being excommunicated? That degeneration has led to precisely what it was designed to prevent, and that is, people who are locked into an involuntary and damaging association. And those who have left or/and have been excommunicated, are waiting, blogging, protesting, and urging those locked into the inversion Scientology has become, to LEAVE. Just as you are urging them to disconnect. So … um … I didn’t say that. No, yes … I did. You’re urging people to disconnect – from the church, even if they have to leave their family still locked in. Many have forced themselves to do that, and that is beyond merely sad.
What some do not get (and I get really unpopular really quick around Scns for saying this because the Force is so strong) is that one’s life is based on one’s own individual perception and one’s own counsel. There is right and there is wrong, and there are rules, but the matter of figuring those out, and which ones to follow, is, ultimately, individual. Like choosing friends – why the heck do you really like someone else? There are reasons, but specifying them is sometimes an exercise. And sometimes people make bad choices, and sometimes love is blind (but only to the lovers).
The strangest thing is the inversion of Scientology – how the hell-in-block-capitals did so many people screw it up? I think by not realizing it is up to them. But that would be asking or imposing upon you to give the philosophy as it was intended a bit of credence, and that’s not your ticket, so I just say I like your posts, your honesty, your intelligence, willingness to consider seriously, and I learn some stuff from you, I think like people should.
Not the best viewpoint available, but I hope some of it makes sense.
Madora Pennington says
It’s time to C/S Cap’n Davey for a PTS/SP course re-tread, PTS RD and Suppressed Person RD. He’s really pulling it in.
Jose Chung says
Liked Tizianos video. Now I can read what I want and make up my own mind.
Make my own purchases in life without fear of revenge. Decide who are my friends, what is good and not so good. Work for those that I wish to work for and live where I desire to live.
The Oracle says
David Miscavige has violated the restraining ordered against him with the slurs against Monique in the press, again. David seems to have complete disregard for the restraining order against him.
Mike Rinder says
Hmm, I don’ think the restraining order precludes statements in the press. But those sort of idiotic pronouncements always come back to bite him in the butt in the end….
The Oracle says
So true. I unleashed several flying monkeys today.
Lars says
Good for you TO. Keep OSA on their toes!
Zana says
Woah!! Good catch! WOW! Is that covered under her restraining order? I hope the lawyers catch that!
DollarMorgue says
I enjoyed Tiziano’s video, although I would have preferred it if it had ended with something like “and my daughter can have a mother/I can be a mum to my daughter” or “my daughter can live HER life” or something like that. To often, the children of Scientology are forgotten, even now.
But a brave and good movie, thank you Tiziano. And thanks Mike – yes, good advice, call 911 when you see an accident :))
John P. Capitalist says
Cool to get the “story behind the story” re Peter Mansell’s treatment of Joe Childs. They actually seem to think that this sort of thing will advance their interests. Far smarter to be invisible or merely thought a bit outside the mainstream than to be despised and to create enemies wherever you go. I think that is what Hubbard meant when he talked about “pulling it in,” but apparently, they don’t quite seem to connect the dots on that.
Marius says
I think they are “pulling it in” in the larger sense that they are imploding. Its not a pretty picture on staff these days. Lets face it, the “A” team, HAS LEFT THE BUILDING. Scientology is more and more a corpse from which the spirit has fled.
Ronnie Bell says
I’ve been saying for a good while, that the theta and the data have left the building.
Michael Finley says
Penny, 10-4 to that!
Michael Bennitt says
I was at the Garcia hearing yesterday. Cameras and electronics are not allowed in that court, but I recorded this short video anyway:
Noni Mause says
Good stuff. Thanks
crislandivar says
Hi Mike…the second video is a GREAT VIDEO…well done for Tiziano…the video of Leah I cant open in my country…any youtube channel that you know?
crislandivar says
That is the video in youtube..
Martin Padfield says
Thanks. Can be seen here by all.
Penny says
Tiziano’s video is excellent. Great job yesterday Mike! Exciting times for all ex’s! For someone still in, the ice they are walking on is getting very thin. Two court cases in one week! It’s called WINNING! For any of those that missed Mark Headley’s post yesterday on Tony’s blog, here it is: Marc Headley • a day ago −
“You can bet that there are a shit ton of scilons on here right now. There are people who were coerced into giving way more money than they could and those people are wishing they hadn’t. When we left the International headquarters in 2005, scientology had taken in 1 billion dollars for services they had yet to deliver. They were in debt for 1 billion dollars worth of stuff they had gotten the money for, but never delivered a service for.
To then find out that your money is been pissed away on luxury trips, and extravagances by Dave Miscavige so he can pal around with his movie star buddy, that makes a person angry. When scilons get angry, they get on the internet, and when they get on the internet they find The Underground Bunker, and when they find the Underground Bunker they leave Scientology. A lot of you are thinking they should just get DirecTV, and avoid all this. You’d be partially right. Because then they could watch all the “entheta” that gets covered each week by major networks and cable channels.”
Really, they should just do something to expose what happened to them and move on. Number of scilons defecting right now is at an all time high. You have Scilons at Starbucks and other places reading the Bunker every chance they get. I have talked to a lot of these scilons. They want to leave. They are worried about their families. The silly part is that the families want to leave as well.
I have told this to a lot of people that want to leave. As long as you think scientology has power over you – they do. As soon as you realize that they are a tiny insignificant little cult, their imagined power diminishes rapidly and you become the one with the stacked deck.
The more people that rise up against these criminals, the faster people will start getting their money back and the cult will be broke.
So to all those scilons reading this today, grow a pair and get your family out of this mess before they start passing out the Kool-Aid.”
XClassVStaff says
Wow! Tiziano’s video is wonderful!! Hard-punching, truthful, and beautifully done. Thanks for posting, and thanks, Tiziano, for making it.
Now that I’m out of the cult, I can watch that video and not have to feel guilty for having done so. And I don’t have to worry about getting in trouble for watching it. No confessional, no lower conditions to work, no make wrong. Just the ability to watch whatever I want and say whatever I want to say about it. Good times. 🙂
Beverly Hills Be-er says
Loved your “911” comment in TL’s video, Mike. Such a terrific ‘reality check’ for being a reliable citizen in the community of man. (or something like that). Lots ‘n lots of people appreciate what you’re doing with your SCBDAI Blog and in the ongoing litigation. You are a formidable presence, fighting the good fight.