This recent article appears to spell trouble for scientology’s Sea Org recruitment efforts.
For decades, scientology has exploited the immigration laws to bring foreigners into the country under the guise of them being “religious workers.”
In fact, the vast majority of those so brought in ended up doing menial jobs (housekeepers, gardeners, filers etc etc) that are NOT what this sort of visa is for. It has been a tremendously valuable “hook” to get people from Eastern Europe and Central and South America — offering them a visa to get into the United States. It is a pretty attractive proposition to many in these countries that they will not only be relocated to the US, they will also be given a job, housing, food, clothing and medical care. It is why there are so many staff from these areas at the Flag Land Base.
It seems the good old days are over.
While not intended to impact scientology — it is good to see the US government doing something that, even if unintentionally, will reduce the likelihood of continued human trafficking by scientology.
Excellent article. I thought it would impact them. I hope it saves people from getting in.
Flag Land Base boast 2000 Sea Org members currently.
It held steady at 1000 and 1100 for a long while.
More than 50% of Flag Land base Sea Org members are haplass human trafficked staff who came in on RI visas as
Religious workers.
Nothing religious there. they are chambermaids and dishwashers for the 50 + buildings owned by the cult. Cheap slave labor.
They are also come from Latin American countries that do not reveal the dark underbelly of the cult in their media.
These revelations of the true nature of the cult is mostly in the US.
Greg Mitchell has worked for YEARS as YEARS as a full time lobbyist for Scientology Inc. in congress.
He has lobbied extensively on the granting of R1 Visas.
Greg Mitchell.
High six figures to work as full time lobbyist “Influencer” in Congress>
He has done a lot for the cult on RI visas
What’s happening in the Middle East is an example of what can happen when a religion is allowed to get away with things.
Miscavige’s Marriages of Convenience
Green Card Marriages, FSO-Style
FSO = Flag Service Org that Charges $8500 to elicit CRIMES and Transgressions for OT VIIs every six months !
From ID “Scarlett Pimpernel” who was there at the time, posted on Scientology-Cult site.
That was the scenario at David Miscavige’s Flag Service Org in 2006, when at a staff meeting, we were handed a piece of paper with all the names of foreign staff on it. It was Command Intention for anyone who’s religious worker visa was expiring to do whatever they had to do to get a green card NOW.
And how to get that green card? Why, get married to a US citizen, of course!
This was a base-wide flap. We’re talking Class IX auditors, Class XII auditors and top executives on that list. And funnily enough, it was brought up by the PR staff at staff meeting, as it was a “legal ruds” situation. Legal-schmegal, it was a criminal activity.
From the briefing, we were told that this was deadly serious and it was clear that we couldn’t afford to lose ANY staff because it would cut across “Command Intention,” i.e., David Miscavige’s project to man-up the Super Power team
Ergo, UNUSUAL SOLUTION: Get illegal staff married off to compound the illegality of it all.
It played out like this:
All unmarried US citizens were urged to choose one of the people on the list to marry before they were forced to leave the country.
At the same time, it was made clear to the soon-to-be-illegal workers that it was up to them to find a husband or wife, and to do it immediately. This was looked upon as their personal ethics situation.
They were given only two or three months to locate a suitable marriage partner and get married.
I don’t know what happened or the magnitude of the flap that must have occurred on legal lines to have created this situation, but I do know the fallout: Many staff were married over that two-month period to someone they didn’t even know before the announcement.
…a bunch of men and women hooking up not for love, but for money. Follow it through: By getting married, the FSO could maintain it’s income, sending more than a million dollars a week to… “Command” (David Miscavige) who had total dictatorial control over Sea Org reserves. That makes the spiritual leader of the Church…
…whoring out Class IX and even Class XII Auditors to other staff for cash, baby. As Santa would say, “Ho, ho, ho.”
When a person on the list got married, “Command” considered that man or woman to have their ethics were in.
After all, wasn’t this the most ethical thing to do — whore yourself out to someone you barely knew, so that you could apply for a green card and continue working at Flag? Greatest good for the greatest number, right? Even though this type of activity is totally illegal?
All of this was happening while Flag was supposed to be delivering services at the highest levels of The Bridge, guarding the entrance onto the OT levels to keep any “suppressive people out.
There are very many things in Scientology Inc that are fake, especially their “STATS.” But enforcing fake marriages crosses any line of decency.
Hi Karen,
I know a class 12 auditor with many decades of service at flag who suddenly married a chef in the restaurant. I kind of wondered why she’d marry someone so beneath her but your news solved that mystery. Thanks very much.
Thanks Glenn.
It is interesting that the cult interrogates their public for masturbation
for $$$$$$ as much as $3000 for one single masturbation ~
making the person feel they have committed a CRIME.
See their conduct in this area in the co-erced marriages, not to mention co-erced abortions.
Yes Karen. It is just “the kettle calling the pot black” isn’t it? You’re guilty of jacking off but our killing of unborn babies is ok. No amends projects for us. But for you? Definitely!!!
Precisely Glenn
Also in EU (DK) this was a silent approved practice to get Russians, Hungarians and other EU foreigners to stay. Note. Many couple I know went okay but mostly after leaving the SO.
Anything in scn is a fake. You can perceive it somehow when you are still in but you know it for sure when you are out.
Miscavige may get WISE businesses to fire all their current employees, and then sponsor Green Cards for migrants to come implement Hubbard management principles as working trainees. When they get off work, they will go to their second jobs as unpaid Church staff, mostly janitorial work and basic services.
Bureaucratic inertia?
I kind of think the cult will just get recruits to walk across the border and seek asylum like so many thousand others are doing today.
But wait! Won’t the trauma they seek to escape merely be repeated in the cult?
I have personally talked with a number of foreign staff at Flag and every one told me they had to lie their assess off in their “religious worker” visa process. So they shouldn’t have a problem seeking asylum instead.
Lastly, the craziest thing is Hubbard declared it is best to know and follow the laws of the countries one operates in because taking complicated and dishonest ways around them only opens one up to risk and harm. It is Flag order titled “Rules and Regulations, Obedience To”. Guess no one in power in the cult has ever read this policy?
Know a professor from Ukraine who got US asylum by claiming he feared persecution for his religious beliefs there. Worked very easily he tells me.
The US government truly needs to “grow a pair” and vigorously enforce our laws. And especially the one that makes anyone “permanently excludible” from ever coming into America again when they are caught committing fraud in their visa process.
Why does Scientology STILL have a 501(c)3 exemption?
It is ONLY because our government hasn’t the balls to rescind it.