This tells you all you need to know about the largest and most effective private relief force on earth
Hurricane Maria did not devastate an outer islands of the Philippines or a remote area of Guatemala. This is a US Territory that houses a soon to be “ideal” Scientology org.
I take nothing away from the fact they helped clear 7 houses around the org. Every little bit of help is appreciated by those who are suffering. But the emphasis is on LITTLE.
Read their report below ad you will see they have rounded up 30 people! This is likely the full contingent of 10 staff and 20 public in the PR org… They are investing tens of millions to buy a new building for 30 people?
Apparently most important thing to them is that they “created amazing good will for the org.” That is the most telling statement — this is not being done to help people, it is being done to generate “goodwill.”
And if they only collected $8200, where the hell is the IAS with their hundreds of millions “war chest” at the ready to respond to “every major natural disaster” in the last 20 years?
But the truly big news is that they have “a table assigned” on the “same floor of the convention center” as FEMA and the Red Cross. Talk about “wannabees” OMG.
I will leave the rest of the commentary for others.
Is this what exscientologist do when they leave the church? You guys are so full of shit!
Those pictures are of the first few days after the storm, there were VM’s there for almost the whole year with over 70,000 people reached with food, water, clothes and baby supplies. I know because i was there until thanksgiving with them, clearing roads, cutting trees and driving 3,000 pounds of supplies every single day.
Nice to see VM’s actually doing something.
What did this blog do to help Puerto Rico and its people Mike?
You do get paid a wad of cash for running this blog, so why not send some cash or do something nice?
Funny how you presume to know what I do and don’t do? I said the same thing about the people there doing something. What I object to is the lying assertions a about the biggest relief force on earth and how everything is seen as a photo op and chance for some “PR”
And what did you do? Gave some money to the IAS to hire PIs and buy John Lobbs for Dave?
Mike you are being VERY successful, OSA is sending trolls onto your blog.
I obtained a transcript of the discussion between the 2 VMs and the Army gentleman:
VMB (bearded one): We are here to help.
AG (army gentleman): What can you do?
VML (lanyard one): We can hand out pamphlets
AG: Sorry we don’t have time for reading right now.
VMB: We can do touch assists.
AG: If you don’t have First Aid certificates and proper gloves you can’t do any touching of anyone.
VML: We can hand out supplies and stuff like that, if you’ll give us some.
AG: Our people are already doing that.
VMB: But, but, we’re the only ones that can help.
AG: Say what?????????
VML: We are on a mission to save the planet
AG: WTF!!! Get out of my face and keep the hell out of the way of my people while we work.
I’d like to see the videos/pics of them quiting and leaving as soon as the photo op was done!
According to their website, “Today there are over 200,000 Scientology Volunteer Ministers, making it one of the largest independent relief organizations in the world.” So they could only muster, according to their numbers, not 20 thousand, which would only be 10% of their total, but 30? Wow.
Wow, I hadn’t seen that, but it’s hard to believe they are still engaging in such blatant lying. Scientology even seems to have backed off on making specific claims about their membership, because they are too obviously ludicrious now that that they have shrunken to such minuscule size.
From what we’ve seen, the total number of members who’ve actually done anything significant probably isn’t even 2,000 – which would be about 10% of their total membership. Their social media postings admitted, that they only got something over 200 VMs to come to Texas, and that after offering free airfare.
VMs ought to be kicked out of the umbrella organizations they are infiltrating, if only for such blatant misrepresentation, since it certainly calls into question their trustworthiness and intent. I’m sure the real aid organizations will soon figure out that Scientology’s VMs are just a token PR effort and not to be treated seriously.
That’s been happening, PeaceMaker! I remember when DC VMs went to Virginia Tech after the tragic shooting. No walking around campus consoling people, just giving touch assists in the rec hall and handing out WTH booklets. The Roanoke Times did a not so flattering piece on them accusing them of seeking to bring people into Scientology amid a national tragedy.
They record people’s names who have volunteered to help at any time in the past, just like their CF though they never take these names off the list when very few are actually doing anything, I’m probably still listed as a VM as I went out with the yellow tent half a dozen times about 12 years ago, after this we couldn’t afford to keep the van on the road and management’s interest had moved on to the ‘next big thing’ anyway.
Puerto Rican here (born and raised in the island). It is sickening to me to see these pictures of the “good work” they are doing while my family is without electrical power (thankfully, they have water restored). It is all for PR purposes. Also, somebody needs to tell whoever is running this VM show that those are NOT members of the PR National Guard, those are members of the 65th Army Reserve Command. I know that patch, I used to wear it.
More than likely it is a staged photo op.
Very smart to “hook up” with military and government agencies in photos to legitimize their illegitimate operation.
These photos must have been taken early in the morning. It has to be incredibly hot and humid down there. In my experience, it doesn’t take long for clothes to be totally drenched when doing this kind of work. Heck, even just standing around makes you sweat. Then the dirt just sticks to you. When I was helping build houses after Katrina in Mississippi, I would be soaked and grimy after about an hour, and that was “clean” work compared to this. Looks like they showed up early to get their pics, then who knows.
I’d like to point out that it’s a sign of Scientology’s fundamental disrespect for (all) other religious traditions and institutions, that they slap “Volunteer Minister” t-shirts on anyone and everyone, including children. A minister is normally someone who has gone through significant religious training and vetting.
Very true. And Scientology Volunteer Ministers are supposed to go through a training course to become one. Apparently since not enough people are coming in the door to do this, they must now resort to putting a t-shirt on anyone and everyone so they can say ” We’re ministers, too!”.
Just so you all know- there are other cultish groups who are just as self-aggrandizing and arrogant… believe me, I know. Not just as large and well known as COS. I am in no way sticking up for Sc. Just saying that well meaning members get drawn in, then someone starts a group “Newsletter” or “Journal” and the over glorification and puffed up numbers begin. For some people it goes to their head, others just get out. Good for all of you who have gotten out!
I’d like to see the actual bookkeeping that reflects the $8,200 “donation distributed”. I would bet anyone $8,200 that the donations were spent on meeting PR VM’s personal needs as they battle against tree limbs. Seriously….
2 donations brought in, OMG does everything is money in Scientology? People deep in mood sold their cows and brought the money to Scientology, great!!! They are creating goodwill … they must be hella good people, no disconnections, no RPF, no fair games, holly days so you can visit your family no heavy regging just all around well grounded good people, nice no deceptions at all.
If you were to compare the outlay of cash by scamology for silencing critics (running smear websites and the like) vs. spending on disaster relief what would be the ratio? Smear spending : Disaster relief
100% smear spending.
Well, we could give them the benefit of the doubt and allow that they spent a couple of bucks on sodas for the “volunteers”, which would be a 99.99:1 ratio
Scientology STATS:
Total number of people that tried Scientology: 1,643,564
Total number of WOG / Homo Saps Bamboozled Beyond Belief: 1,643,564
?…thank you for reporting in your up/down/no change
Hmmmmm…I see a pattern here.
I get so sick of this false “selflessness” and poseur disaster posturing. What’s really offensive is the time wasted framing everything for media consumption. On several WestPacs (a 6-8 month tour of duty at sea), my recon unit was part of an advanced pathfinder party that deployed in support of relief efforts for several devastating typhoons in the Philippines and Indonesia. We jumped in with chainsaws, satchels of C4, and reels of det cord, and cleared several huge helo LZs for relief supplies. Once on the ground, everyone was too busy to stop for photo ops and other meaningless “me too” behavior. Press were banned from lifts, as they took up precious space for supplies (helo lift capability is limited in hot climates). In fact, we had to get ugly with aggressive newsies on several occasions, as having made their way to the ops area, they were either in the way, or a danger to themselves when we went to blow a site. Aside from policing the news crews, we certainly didn’t have the luxury of standing around while one or two of us worked! When the Navy PR folks came later with photographers, we were by then long gone; while certainly chuffed about our efforts, we didn’t give a rip how they were recorded, as it was in a way, all part of the job.
Great points
I have never been on one of these VM expeditions, I was at the Int Management level, but I can tell you from speaking to those that did go on these VM missions that they usually show up unprepared and not really knowing what to do, and rely on those who DO know that they are doing – like the Red Cross or FEMA – to guide them and tell them what to do, and often to supply needed items. I am sure the individual VMs have the best intentions, but, as Scientologists, they are focused on “creating good PR” for Scientology rather than helping. From a management point of view, the emphasis with the VMs was always to create photo opportunities that could be used in Scientology publications. A key vital target of any VM activity is to make sure they have a photographer there and provide good photos. I can tell you that the yellow color of the shirts, tents and vans was SPECIFICALLY chosen so it would stand out well in photographs. And it’s telling that they measure their success by how much goodwill they create and how many people become interested in Scientology and walk in to the org. I will believe that they truly care when they arrive at a disaster scene without the yellow shirts, just dressed in ordinary clothes, with supplies and a clear plan, and without a photographer.
Without a photographer? Without yellow shirts?? I guess we know that will never happen. Good grief, I watched 3 VMS in Clearwater 4 months ago getting photographed by 3 photographers over and over as they prepared to leave to go somewhere with knapsacks and hiking boots.
This thing of photographing everything really struck me as strange when I was in. Attending OT committee meetings – which you know from minutes published here are the most banal meetings imaginable – used to have as many as three photographers, from the org, the SO and some other periodic bozo. Later, I was asked to video them as well, which to be honest I quite enjoyed albeit I wondered what was the purpose. It was like the celebrity red carpet, and I think quite a few felt hugely satisfied at being the centre of attention. I think if scn got people to ask for autographs from any person participating in a scn activity, it would be the logical next step.
Where are all the wealthy ones and what are they doing to help all of these disaster areas/children? Tom Cruise, Grant Cardone, John Travolta…they all boast private jets and millionss of $$$’s. I say.. make your Money Matter!!! Grant Cardone was boasting at an event at the Mandalay a couple days before Vegas massacre. Where are they now??
I know, I know. I know where Grant Cardone was. He posted a selfie of himself at a luxury casino resort in Las Vegas during the Mandalay Hotel Shooting. I saw a pic of him first with his awful smug southern accent and cigar sitting at a gaming table; next shot he’s hiding in the basement the entire time sending a live stream out to his “followers” of how him and his “be-utiful wife” were Leaving Las Vegas. COWARD. Yep, he did charter a plane full of supplies after Hurricanes hit the Islands, then promptly flew off to Vegas to do whatever this smug guy does for his “photo ops for his fan base”. He’s dispicable.
Yellow is historically the color for cowards…
– YELLOW – is the color associated with cowardice, jealousy, treachery and inconsistency. (The medieval yellow star was used widely by the Nazis).
– YELLOW is the color of traffic lights and signs indicating CAUTION all over the world.
– The expression “YELLOW-dog” is used to describe anything worthless. (Little to no value has long-been been established for this cult).
– “YELLOW Bellied Coward” is a term still used today–often indicating treason…
– In the 1800’s, Asians among seen as a “threat,” YELLOW was used to imply deceit.
(I know of no greater deceptive practice today than $camology).
– YELLOW is used as a symbol of quarantine. (Victims of the yellow fever were isolated as not to contaminate the rest of the population).
– “YELLOW journalism” means sensationalism to attract readers… (Ummm, gee, does that one apply)?
Truly benevolent people do not make spectacles of their good works–most prefer to remain anonymous.
Only those with a VERY different agenda would draw attention to THEMSELVES….
Matthew 7:15-20New King James Version (NKJV)
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits.
All the Executives of Scientology, running these P.R. stints care about is:
“DID WE GET ANY PRESS ON THIS?” Period. I speak from experience. Sadly…most of the “volunteers” honestly think they are helping, and that is the “product”.
This is cringe worthy. Some one saw the yellow shirts coming and decided to get them out of the way by sending all 7 up the mountain. The yellows ( do those shirts glow in the dark ? ) were given safe tasks so they would not get dirty, hurt themselves or break a nail. The descriptive brag rag boasts the good deeds and photos of bored volunteers but never bothers to actively address the hurricane devastated island, its’ inhabitants and real relief efforts. Scientology…saving the planet 1 twig, one sixteenth shovelful of mud at a time.
The “cherch” is digging its grave more and more as time goes on.
Can’t wait for tomorrow nights episode!
Do they need some help?
Hahaha. That made me laugh.
You may want to hit up Dave to see if he will loan you his one-of-the-guys blue silk shirt.
Two Plus Two Equals Four (Elementary Math) Update:
What happens when millions of Leah fans and Aftermath viewers click on Jeffrey’s IRS Petition?
“work under the worst conditions”…I guess they should send their prisoners there instead of the hole. At least it would REALLY help someone.
Ok, so 30 people volunteering. But if I do the maths correctly, one in the photo is working on a road and one is looking if it’s ethically, hubbardily done. So, that’s 15.
Yea. And they would probably have better food. !
Is this what a group of people working with high confrontation under the worst of conditions looks like?
Seems to be a lot more posing and standing around than doing anything that might get a bit of dirt on those golden rod yellow Tshirts.
Golden rod yellow? Is this not the color of the SP declare paperwork?
They don’t have ONE person who proof reads and sees how this PR release is so selfish and self serving? The end of that horrible “goodwill” paragraph ends with “…..with the people of the neighborhood coming out to thank them as well as 2 donations brought into the org and 8 walks in (sic)”. It’s mind blowing that no one saw and edited this!
Psshhhh, whatever, photo op big-time, I have a friend with great compassion,years ago when Haiti had the earthquake he immediately went to his Methodist Church,called friends,got supplies and went himself, he’s surrounded by bodyguards because of the kidnappings,his hatian friend was taken,they cut off his arm, he’s an amazing friend,he’s ok minus an arm, they’ve been down in the dirt blood,death and rebuilding,Sean Penn was there too,so I say drop them and there fucking yellow shirts right in the middle of Puerto Rico,or Mexico City get dirty work build shelter provide food,,where is cash cow Tom Cruise and his buddy David fucking pussy, I Never!!!!!! Use that word but this calls for it!
MIKE,you are so amazing, I’m so happy that you got out,you are not the man I watched years ago,you look healthy, happy and in my eyes you’ve fully redeemed yourself,thanks Mike for all that you do, you’re settling such a great example for your wife and kids,
So they cleared a small stretch of road of some branches…………where are the people who need much more than a clear road. Where are the pics of those people being helped? All the pics above simply cry ‘photo op’.
It is obvious that the VMs aren’t there for the people, they are simply there for scamology.
With the Volunteer Vultures it’s ALWAYS a photo op.
Do they count each dollar as a separate “donation”? Clever accounting. And yeah, centering on creating goodwill for the organization just totally misses the point of helping others. The desperation of seeming like a charitable organization worthy of tax-exempt status just oozes off everything they say and do.
Puerto Ricans suffer from the lack of electrical power, but if Scn freight there three OTs, there will be a surplus of power for everyone, isn’it?
Oh, absolutely! But, really, all they need is one OT8. I mean, they are the most powerful people on the planet, right? Ummmm, right?
Scientology will NEVER take over the whole world. For me and many other people looking at and seeing the negatvive deeds they (scientology) have done to downtown Clearwater, people, children and families all in the name of their religion,is negative.With all of the monies that they (scientlogy) have earned by recuitment, how many people could be fed, educated, the REAL world outside of scientology. I feel that Katie Holmes, Nicole Kidman got out because they did not want scientology to riase their children. What kind of a religion does this???? Separates families, causing such grief!!!
Mr. Rinder,
I just completed watching your and Ms. Remini’s documentary on Hulu! Incredible story! I sincerely thank all of you for exposing the lies and deception of the scientology movement (cult). I am telling everyone that I know to watch this documentary!
Thank you again!
Richard Ballard
Since the general rule of thumb with Scientology statistic is to divide by 7, I bet they have actually helped clear only one house.
They claim 30 VM’s have shown up, but if they really did, don’t you’d think they’d have a group shot that included all 30?
The highest number of people with yellow shirts on in any of this pics is 8.
Divide 30 by 7 and you get 4.2. So, what do you want to bet that half of those 8 people are non-Scientologists who needed a clean tshirt?
Here is what gets me. In the picture called ” VMs shoveling dirt from road”, one of the two shovelers is not a VM at all but a member of the Puerto Rico National Guard! I like how in the other pictures the National Guard members stand back and watch the VMs do everything.
A diseased flea on the back of the disaster that is Puerto Rico.
“Apparently most important thing to them is that they “created amazing good will for the org.” That is the most telling statement — this is not being done to help people, it is being done to generate “goodwill.””
and the tag end on this on the flyer is that it resulted in “8 walk ins”
The intention is always to get people in. No matter what, the bottom line is getting people in to sign them up and turn them into scientologists.
There is no altruism in scientology. Every single bit is self-interest, self benefit. Get them in, get their money, grow scientology, take over the world. Period.
Hubbard even has a name for what they do:
reflexive effect point: A cause point which originates an action calculated to result in an effect
on itself.
And why, may I ask, do they need so much “goodwill”? Because everyone knows they are a bunch of fucking criminals who need to be brought to justice, and , failing that, shot. It is the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics that those responsible for the crimes outlined on Leah”s show be shot. Now, that is unconstitutional and not the way justice is supposed to work, but then, justice is supposed to work. All I can say is if you or some other poor dumb bastards manages to stand all those fuckers against a wall to be shot, I volunteer to stand up there with them and be shot with them. My death is a small price to pay to stop these crimes. Besides, I’ll probably be dead anyway. It is a small price to pay. Even Scn INC will win, because they will be able to truthfully report my demise. On the Freewinds, at least, the stat of CMO was the number of compliance reports to program targets. My senior, the great Rod McNocher, deputy Chief Engineer Freewinds often spent Wednesday night writing “Compliance Reports” to “Targets” originated by myself or others locally and sent uplines to return as “Programs” to be complied with. L. RON HUBBARD had an admin term for this kind of action. He called it Developed Traffic (Dev-T) . Many of.these cycles took longer to take the photographs and gather the evidence and write the C.R. than to actually do.the target. I had better split this comment in half or I have no chance of getting it all posted.
Well, I lost the second part of this comment so I will have to reconstruct it from memory. The hard part about it for me is that most of the charge blew when I wrote it the first time. It seems that having charge on it makes it easier to remember. I will try to write it again just as I wrote it before. This could be difficult because I am now drunk. But should be easier as I was drunk the first time too.
IT was noon on Thursday about 1998 on Sea Org Day week when my senior, the aforementioned Rod McNocher, proudly announced that the stats of the ER would be down this week. Since getting the stats up each week was, to me, a more important duty than staying alive; this was an alarming statement. I asked him what was the problem He said that generator 3 had a leak an my junior the Engine Tech had already worked all night on it and it was still not repaired. He had given up and gone to bed. He was a kick-ass worker who could work in the heat all day and all night and then we’ll into the next day and if that was not enough,I knew that I could not match that output, even if I was not dying of AIDS, which I did not know at the time. (Continued).
To give up and just announce to the Chief that the Division’s stats would be down on Sea Org week never occurred to me. It would have been better to take a 44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and blow my own head clean off. But I could not do that because I did not have one; which was probably good because there were a number of times that I would probably have used it if I did have one. I went down in the ER and pulled off in under 2 hours what my junior had failed to do in 10 hours of work. Don’t ask me how I did it. I am too old for that shit now. My main point is that my senior; whose function is to get me to do the job was almost proud of the fact that it could not be done. My wife told me that she was on liberty one day going ashore in the lifeboat when she saw his wife and asked where Rod was. Oh, he is sick again, she said. If he got a day off, he would usually be sick.on bed. He was proud of the fact that he never went to study; as if people that went to study were not committed to the cause, even though LEG said that staff were to go to study. (Continued)
That was the worst form of blasphemy. The auto correct in my last comment took “LRH” and changed it to “LEG”. Again sir, if my extermination is required to atone for the fact that I failed to catch that, sir, I will gladly report to my grave. I will finish this comment concisely, without further B.S.
My senior, Rod McNocher, who I believe was the son of Lindy McNocher from Cape Town South Africa, who was on the Board of Directors of old St Hill, which would explain how I heard all about kaffirs when I came to the ship ; one day had a wild hair (or hare) up his ass and went around the Engine Room raving ” Coming slow, coming Fast, DEATH will surely come at.last.” He came up to me no less than 8 times that day saying that. I thought “Whatever.”
I went to dinner that night and sat next to Laura Wolfe, the wife of CO Ship Milt Wolfe both veterans of the Apollo. I had not seen her in 2 years. I asked her where she had been and she told me that she had been in Mexico getting her CANCER treatment. I had no idea that she had cancer.
Just then McNocher come up to her and raves: directly to her: “COMING SLOW, COMING FAST, DEATH WILL SURELY COME AT LAST”. I had to restrain myself from puking. I could not imagine a worse thing to say to her. The worst part was that McNocher was right. I saw Milt Wolfe about 5 years later and he told me that Laura was gone. I should have been dead myself before then. I was on my way to Mexico to treated for AIDS; perhaps even at the same place that Laura went to when my wife and I stopped at the border. As the doctor in Mexico was pulling out teeth as part of her treatment and I was a hemophiliac, we knew I would bleed to death and my wife had to decide what to do. Her sister sent to UCSD where I was saved.
You have my postulates, Bill.
Dead Men Tell No Tales, Bill Straass, I sent you a private email, but then realized maybe you aren’t able to get email, so just send me your street address of wherever you are so I can send you money. It won’t be a lot, but if enough of us contribute, you will get the necessary funds to go to Ca and get the heart surgery. Send me a snail mail address where to send money please.
Hi Bill. You’re not the only one that’s dying mate. Best of luck with making the most of what time you’ve got left.
No one gets out of life alive. Now with my path, I believe nothing really dies..they just transform.
Rust never dies …
I hope the knowledge that you are still alive to see the beginning demise of this disgusting cult brings you comfort, Bill. You are among the first bricklayers on this road for many to walk upon as they exit the cult to freedom. I’m in awe of your courage. Stay strong in spirit…
The pictures of VMs “working” with the National Guard, each showed one or two VMs actually appearing to work, and the rest of the VMs in the shot (seven others in one shot) standing around.
That was my impression too. The rest must be soliciting walk ins. : P
Actually those are members of the 65th Army Reserve not the National Guard. I know it because of the patch. I used to be a member until I went active duty. It is sickening for me to know these people are only there for PR purposes while my family is trying to survive this crisis.
Do I detect a raging case of:
My sentiments too Jim. Scientology is the most selfish, self centred bunch of dishonestly organised money hungry grubbers to ever attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of good willed people by the use of a camera. And all the while using a whole host of intentionally directed & manipulative lies used in the name of help to elicit more money. They’ve taken “shame” to such low levels it is not easy to digest or contemplate. But to look at Miscavige’s track record personally answers all you need to know where that sort of behaviour originates. The IAS is his baby, along with a “buy it now status system” with empty buildings and a huge financial war chest as its product. He sits on multi millions, if not billions of dollars of other people’s money obtained under the guise of (false) help. That IS Scientology’s income stream! Hubbard’s policy put to the use for which it was intended – selling Blue Sky.
Real help has a humbleness about it that is its own reward for those that truly care. Just look at any fireman for example.
It’s the 10x rule. Everything you do, claim you did 10x more. For every dollar spent, 10x the PR return. It’s the DM method of stretching the dollar.
No other organizations take photos and announce all the good deeds they do in emergencies.
This is very telling.
Donations Collected: $8,200………Isn’t that what midget davey pays for a pair of shoes??
Is there an ACCURATE accounting of just WHERE the $8200 donation funds was SPENT???
At least!
Midget Miscavige doesn’t pay for anything. He can’t create his own money. He has to lie, cheat, abuse, extort, bamboozle, deceive others to make any money. WE paid for his John Lobb Shoes ?
The tiny tyrant can’t create anything on his own
He is too far gone and will never recover
Repeat: Apparently most important thing to them is that they “created amazing good will for the org.” That is the most telling statement — this is not being done to help people, it is being done to generate “goodwill.”