I am catching up. Just a couple of days behind now.
This is the report from last Friday’s graduation.
Good news everyone — HE is still here and still doing graduation, much to the excitement of the locals. Wonder if he will stay in town now that his twin has shamed him so?
Here are the notes:
– there were 247 Student Hat completions this week, which means 803 in the last month [remarkable they constantly tout REDOs — everyone redoing Student Hat now, because this one is shorter? That makes sense… He even touts REDO’s of Ideal Orgs]
– the average time to complete the Pro TRs course for “veteran” scientologist trainees who have done this course earlier – 9 days. The ones who have never done it are completing it in 9 ½ days. According to Dave, this is the target LRH always intended (i.e. to complete this course in 9 days). [More hidden date from the Chief “Finder of Lost Tech”]
– the standard for completing the Pro TRs are different now, and according to the graduates, the course is “simple, enjoyable and easy”. COB “guarantees with this presence” that these drills are not just abbreviated easy version, but “100% standards” are adhered to. [It’s always a relief when Miscavige guarantees something is “totally on-Source” — which is code for “in a while we will change all this and I will tell you that it was totally squirrel, but you will forget that I said this”]
– The ED Conference will start soon.
– in addition to the Super Power auditors, there are 50 fulltime Super Power drill specialists in training and 22 Class VIIIs are trained to be Class XIIs. [“Drill specialists” I guess these specialists must be drilling themselves silly on oiliness]
– Basics are still a prerequisite for GAT II.
– COB “recommended” that Purif and Objectives should be done at FSO, as they are delivering it “100% standard” “using GAT II data” [What a surprise — “GAT II data” is the new catchall to explain and justify everything — of course local orgs cannot deliver the Purif standardly, they ONLY have the “Purif Tech”, they don’t have “GAT II TECH”…. Pure idiocy]
– COB said that he wants to clear up a misconceptions – Objectives are not “flattened” as you cannot “flatten” something that was never done properly in the first place, when somebody did it for only 10-20 hours. Data emerged on the importance of the Objectives that put those processes into an entirely new dimension – but GAT II Objectives is to place to learn them. [“GAT II Objectives” — propaganda by redefinition of words]
– The folders of all Cornerstone members have been programmed for Super Power. They will receive a closed door briefing on what to do to be ready for the service. COB does not want a situation where everything is ready to deliver Super Power and it suddenly turns out that a lot of people have to redo Purif. [Well, that would be a clue to all of you who have paid for Super Power. Even if you are OT VIII, all L’s and redid your Objectives just recently, it’s time to get out your shorts and hit the sauna — as everyone knows, you cannot “flatten” a Purif that was not a “Gat II Purif” in the first place. How strange that after 25 YEARS they are just now getting around to telling people what they need to do to get ready….]
– The Super Power building will be open as soon as possible. There is no date set yet. [Stunning revelation. I bet this got a huge round of applause and yelling and screaming!]
– There was a video of the actual interior of the building.
– Purif hours in FSO are also highest ever, 2000. [With everyone being told to now do the new GAT II Purif this is not much — at 5 hours a day that is only 60 people on the Purif….]
– 260 are on Objectives with 7500 hours of auditing done. [Wow, less than 30 hours a week per person for FULL TIME Objectives students — these are mostly Outer Org Trainees]
– … and he will stay in FSO for a while. [What a relief….]
And now, a special treat, here is the take on this same graduation from one of the local clubbed seals on the “Razzline” (the online Scientology news/gossip source) and the presentation of “Our Leader” (how creepy is this getting???):
Hello Razzies:
FLAG Graduation last night (Friday) was even more magnificent than ever!
WOW WOW WOW – HOW THETA ! Our Leader outdid himself–what roars went up in the crowd, including people standing five deep in the aisles. You had to be there to experience it yourself. I just love it! What a great time to be a Scientologist. More than 400 staff members from around the world graduated from the Golden Age of Tech (GAT) II Pro TRs and Student Hat. That is all I can say for now–
All will be announced to the public soon when GAT II is released to the public.
If you are in THE Clearwater area, please attend next week’s FLAG graduation. All of these graduations are historic. DON’T MISS IT, OR YOU MISS OUT ! If you are not in Clearwater and can’t make FLAG Graduation, then get to your local org to get the newest news.
ARC to you all……………More later…………
Jean Brasel
I agree I’ve seen the architectural renderings the upkeep on the super power structure is going to be astronomical. Corporate Scientology would need a lot of paying parishioners to keep the building viable. I just don’t see the numbers. E-meters which every Scientologist is supposed to have two of correct. Yet the latest model which has sat for years at the Int base there are only a little over 20 thousand. Even DM realizes the flock is shrinking dramatically.
The materials, meters along with Scientology practitioners can carry on after the Corporate side goes away nothing wrong with that part. Let DM open super power then that will be the death-knell for the Corporation and the others can continue in peace.
I am starting the “I love DM fan club”. This is my new kinder and gentler approach.
Tell me all the things you love about dm. He is just mis-understood. He is trying to help his sister, that’s theta isn’t it?
He is trying to redo all the things the db’s screwed up, that is courageous in the extreme. He is my hero, please leave him alone.
Ok Tony…..let’s get some fan club posters out. We could make him taller with red hair. Then his substitute Ron persona would be enhanced and eventually, he could drop the annoying LRH part of Scn altogether! The next persona would of course be……….GOD!
Two personal thoughts.
1. As to updating the tech: A healthy, dynamic organization SHOULD be smart enough to adapt and change as circumstances warrant, and especially as new information becomes available. As an example, surely it’s time to overhaul the purif program in light of our present-day understanding of the harmful effects of large doses of vitamin supplements.
This requires intelligent leadership, of course. And it would help to have some kind of managerial structure that combines and leverages expert opinion from a number of people. The problem here is that Miscavige seems kind of dumb, dictatorial, and driven by the most crass of purposes.
2. I would pay money — a modest amount, to be sure — to tour the Super Power Necropolis. Maybe even to watch the video tour of the interior, though I suspect it omits the juicy stuff like the perceptics lab. (Oiliness FTW!)
I do think it’s actually going to open. And I speculate that this is a further clue that Miscavige is in full panic mode. He’s not that smart, and his powers of denial are impressive, but he cannot fail to have noticed that his flock has shrunken to the point that he can barely scrape up enough staff to run the place right now — not to mention enough paying customers to make it look anything other than horribly, chillingly empty. There’s no way he’s going to make money on this thing, but he can hope for something short of total embarrassing failure, and the recent experience in Portland can’t be encouraging.
Necropolis! Hilarious!! Thank you for that!
Do keep us posted on the # of Scientologist’s that leave after this announcement.
That seems to be the only stat that is straight up and epically vertical!
Absolutely ridiculous. Recycling to extract more money.
“Our Leader”. It’s enough to make your skin crawl. “Fearless Leader” indeed.
Boy oh boy. “Our Leader” is still here nursing the last viable income source for the Church of Scientology into the ground. Hurray!
Glad you’re there saving the day Dave. I was getting tired of waiting.
Don’t worry Mike.
In five years, DM will announce “lost tech” on KTL/LOC
and everybody will be in comm again. LOL
For a non Scientologist if he does open the super power bldg with it’s touted capabilities to train so many. With the current status of the membership won’t DM run out of bodies rather rapidly?
Silly wabbit. Don’t you know Miscavige’s fixed stable datum?
“If you build it they will come.”
Pro TRs in 9 days. This makes me quite sad. Thank God I’m not there anymore. I pity those who will be audited and trained by this new crop of Gat 2’s. LRH has to be turning in his theoretical grave.
Lord Voldermort, I got it.
I don’t get out of the cave very much, sigh.
Jean Brasel is a legend. GREAT email. She’s either had a few more Jamaican Woodbines than DM’s sis, or she’s got s great future in stand-up. Or both.
“Our Leader outdid himself”! This is so “1984” it makes my head spin. George Orwell was just further ahead of his time than we thought.
Yes as somebody mentioned it sounds like a North Korean press release.
New Data emerged but we are never shown the LRH reference(s). Must be an exclusive holy hidden data line to LRH just like nutjob Robertson claimed he had. Coming IAS calls-to-arms to ward off Marcabians? But wait … that’s GAD (Golden Age of “locked doors” Donations) III, not really my place to get ahead of ourselves.
I think LRH is visiting COB in his tanning bed from time to time and hands over all these lost pieces of tech then he is back to target 2 to look if he could find some more that can later be released. It makes sense.
– the standard for completing the Pro TRs are different now, and according to the graduates, the course is “simple, enjoyable and easy”.
Wow! The opposite of LRH: ” … ‘this isn’t an easy course. In fact, it’s hell. But when you’ve managed it, you wouldn’t sell the result for a million.'” LRH ED 143 INT, The Word begins with TR 0, 21. May 1971
“… you cannot ‘flatten’ something that was never done properly in the first place …”
Where does COB has this datum from – out of the new, soon to be released Yellow Volumes, written by himself? I guess, I should trash my Tech Dictionairy with its old, confusing Definitions: “FLATTEN A PROCESS, 1 . to continue a process as long as it produces change and no longer.”
Over a span of 34 years, LRH never discovered that the objectives were not done properly, because some data he released got lost and all the other 100s of pages of material in existence on it was insufficient to reach any EPs.
Absolutely amazing the amount of shit DM/CO$ can get away with palming off this nonsense.
The first and last time I was at flag,I waited almost two weeks to get my folder csed and then I was told I had to redo the purif. That was it for me.
It takes two weeks of bottom-up FESing to find things matching all the arbitraries that Fearless Leader now tells us are outpoints.
Check my reports on this at http://possiblyhelpfuladvice.com/?p=7687#more-7687 and http://possiblyhelpfuladvice.com/?p=1312 .
Turns out that the book Fundamentals of Thought says (p.152) that Trio (an objective process) has to be run for no less than 25 hours. If you get a whole battery of objectives, applying that rule to each objective process run, you can get 300 hours added to your tech estimate. Even if you ran the process(es) to EP previously.
What IDIOT David Miscavige doesn’t realize is that that note about 25 hours in the book FOT was done (a) before LRH codified what an “EP” was, and (b) during a period when auditors were not using e-meters and therefore could/should check the EP on the meter.
The other IDIOT thing Miscavige has not-ised/ignored/suppressed is that LRH says that modern technology is NOT contained in the hardcover books. I documented that at http://possiblyhelpfuladvice.com/?attachment_id&paged=140 .
So by introducing “book tech” to the bridge in direct contradiction to HCOBs and tapes, Miscavige has, in effect, cancelled LRH written HCOBs on Objectives and EPs. Without issuing a cancellatioon order.
The “25-hour rule” has been resulting in MASSIVELY OVERRUNNING people who already did their objectives this lifetime AND overrunning past-live preclears and Clears.
But since Miscavige doesn’t believe in past-life auditing, it’s not possible to invalidate those people anyway. Right?
Great post. Thank you.
Love your post and find it VERY interesting!!
Looking over the end of your post, am I correct in saying that Objectives should not be run on past life scientologist and past life clears? If so, how would you know if your pc was a past life clear?
Are you validating the Objective processes, being run to EP last life, as still being IN this life?
So, DM is saying that LRH meant for each objective process to be run for at least 25 hours, regardless? Yet LRH never saw to it that this vital information made it into the C/S series HCOB’S? Just how stupid do the Church of Miscavology case sups think LRH was? It’s similar to the 3-swing F/N weirdness: Cognition, VGI’s with only 2 swings = process not flat yet. Cognition, VGI’s with just 1 more swing = the process is flat. That one swing sure makes a HUGE difference. And LRH never noticed this? Or if he did, he didn’t bother to point it out? How can these case sups buy this garbage?
The question which has always bothered me is, “If LRH ‘knew it all’, how could he possibly have surrounded himself with 250 (or more) SPs and NOT BEEN AWARE OF THEM?” It just doesn’t equate that DM could have been so much more aware than LRH! And yet those still in can somehow make that illogical jump without batting an eye.
What I’m saying is that someone who’s had objectives run before, either in his folders from this lifetime or who has asserted past life auditing should have the EPs of each objective checked ON THE METER, and if the person can’t voice it or doesn’t F/N, only then run it. Very often a past lifer won’t get the verbiage of the EP correct right away, but I’ve observed that past lifers rehab the EP rapidly…like after 5 or 10 commands, voice the EP and F/N. Same for this-lifers.
They SHOULD NOT just be put on the Objective process as though they’d never run it before.
Basically, it’s a
type of C/S.
It prevents the overrun and rehabs it if it was already EPd.
“So by introducing “book tech” to the bridge in direct contradiction to HCOBs and tapes, Miscavige has, in effect, cancelled LRH written HCOBs on Objectives and EPs. Without issuing a cancellatioon order.”
Plain Old Thetan, wow, that statement hit me hard and made me have an Ah Ha! moment. It is actually brilliant in its diabolicalness. By redoing all into books, he has done a cancellation of all HCOBs without having to issue a formal cancellation order. Wow…
I’d write unbelievable!!!!
But unfortunately in the sad shape the Church is in these days it’s just all too believable that this Simple Simon game continues since it is based on “Collective Thought Agreement”.
” The Super Power building will be open as soon as possible. There is no date set yet. [Stunning revelation. I bet this got a huge round of applause and yelling and screaming!]
– the average time to complete the Pro TRs course for “veteran” scientologist trainees who have done this course earlier – 9 days. The ones who have never done it are completing it in 9 ½ days. According to Dave, this is the target LRH always intended (i.e. to complete this course in 9 days). [More hidden date from the Chief “Finder of Lost Tech”]
More hidden data for sure! At least in 1971, LRH had a different view:
“Hard Way TRs demand for a start, two hours of no twitch, no blink, no eye redness, no
unconscious, no wiggle TR Zero. That’s been required since 1961.
It’s taking up to 50-60 hours on some to get in a real 2 hours of blinkless, twitchless
total confront TR Zero on field veterans.
This means it will take some enrollees on an HAS Course weeks just to get through
plain Zero.” L. Ron Hubbard, LRH ED 143 INT, The Word begins with TR 0, 21. May 1971
Great points and references Detief! I can’t believe the hubris of this guy! More inval of veteran auditors. I did an hour of TR’s every day for years before auditing, not to mention the 10,000 hours in the chair that I have, and some newbie is supposed to have quality TR’s with an extra half hour?? Ridiculous! Dm doesn’t have a clue of what it takes to be well trained to gain PERCEPTION and OT abilities by the experience. Ron was making OT’s, dm is making circus performers. Squirrel, squirrel, squirrel!
The OT VIII FSM is finally getting close to addressing DM by his proper title: Dear Leader!
Or “fearless leader”…
Well, they have to re do objectives as they are so out of PT that can not spot out point, out tech and far less they ca not spot the SP leading them…
Good point Silvia! This is really spot on. The reason that DM has not been thrown under a truck by thousands of outraged Scientologists is that they are indeed wandering around in a drug induced haze and are so far from present time that they do not know where they are or what they are doing. Purif and Objectives done over and over is the CS that these people need and deserve. You will know you are done when you are DONE and walk out the door and never come back. That is the valid EP. Come up to the present moment, realize that the guy in charge is a total nut, and dive out the front door as fast as you can.
I wonder if raw herring served out of a bucket gets the crowd warmed up for their Friday night clubbing?
LOL Tom!
I was made to redo my Purif, when I had no complaints and observed nothing wrong with my original Purif. The re-do was torturous, going on for months, with the main observable results being extremely painful abdominal pain/gas from extra glasses of Cal-mag (according to the doctor I had to go to, who put me on calmag tablets to alleviate) and rashes in certain places on my skin (again, a side effect of the current purif, not running out some earlier drug or chemical). The end result: descending from a certainty my drug case had been handled to an uncertainty about it and belief that there was something wrong with me as I had drugs in my body that would not sweat out. Current candidates for re-doing the purif: run for the hills.
I know someone who did one of those purify re-dos. Very soon after completing, she developed a crippling condition. It took her about a year of treatment to get the condition handled.
I also know someone who re did the Purif and developed a skin condition that won’t go away.
SadState: During the last purifs I I/Cd two of the pcs experienced stomach cramps, nausea and diarrhea. It wasn’t until two years later when I changed to the same brand of 500mg Niacin capsules – TwinLab – I got cramps gas nausea and diarrhea, too. It took about a month to weather the symptoms and then everything was fine. Guess how long a standard Purif is supposed to last? That’s right, about a month.
When I checked online, it turned out (http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/ART02762/vitamin-b3) that gas, nausea and diarrhea were commonly recognized adverse side effects of taking too much niacin.
But since church people are discouraged from looking at the internet, they probably wouldn’t have figured it out, preferring instead in their ignorance (which I now admit I had) to let you suffer, hoping it will go away.
The irony was that with the diarrhea, the prescribed amount of niacin wasn’t staying in the system long enough to have the proper therapeutic effect.
Is there a senior C/S Int bulletin about this? Does it recommend only using Peter Gillham’s 500mg niacin capsules or some other vendor proven whose niacin doesn’t produce these side effects?
Classic product of reverse Scn/Dns. It’s so suppressive your gains go backwards or disappear altogether. Then you’re introverted and destablized so you reach for more “help” thinking Scn works, you just need to persist. A vicious, intentional unmock of beings. This really pisses me off!
Tech dictionary quote:
„2 . Iook around or physical contact processes are obviously “objective.” Pcs
who have been on drugs obviously have to be run on objective not subjective
processes. Anyone can be brought more into present time with objective
processes. (HCOB 2 Nov 57RA)“
So, all those OTs that have to redo Objectives have to redo as they had not been in present time or not enough in present time to be able to do super power. Is this a form of insult or not?
Schorsch — yes, it is a direct slap in the face, and they LOVE IT!
Like being told they are biochemical personalities and need to redo their Purif.
They are incapable of learning, so need to re-do the Student Hat.
Aren’t Clear.
Don’t know how to audit.
Have no idea of the basics of Scientology.
Somewhere in here is some sort of interesting phenomenon.
If you can invalidate and evaluate for someone enough, you can dominate them. They will snap terminals with you and become completely effect of you.
As Jason Beghe said — if all this shit you have been doing is out tech, then give me my damned money back, don’t make me pay more to fix up what YOU fucked up….
“if all this shit you have been doing is out tech, then give me my damned money back, don’t make me pay more to fix up what YOU fucked up…” Jason, you hit the nail on the head.
And one other thing, I think the reason DM is scurrying around to get lots of OT VII completions (finally) and so release Super Power etc, is because he and his OSA bots DO read M and M’s blogs and they do know what the Indies and under the radars are criticizing him about. (SuperPower). So that coupled with Luis Garcia’s lawsuit over Superpower, and finally NOW he decides to release it to the public. I don’t think it is a coincidence that it gets released now after all the publicity M and M gave it on not being released for 30 years prior. Claudio [Luis] we are with you in spirit! And if you need help on your lawsuit, just say the word! I’m proud of you that you haven’t caved in and taken a big settlement.
Oops, correction to my post, I meant to say Luis Garcia instead of Claudio.
That explains all the inval and eval I’ve gotten from D of P’s in interviews the last ten or 15 years. One D of P assumed I must have a drinking problem. (I don’t drink.) One of them assumed I must have gotten some psych treatment in the middle of my Scientology career (never happened). One guy asked me what I did in the evenings after work; I told him. He then snapped – stop watching TV. (I hadn’t even owned a tv set in 18 months.) One chick let me know that she thought there must be something wrong with me because I hadn’t remarried since my divorce years ago. (Why can’t I be happy without a 2-D?) She also told me I was in bad condition because of the out tech on my case.
One definition of Potential Trouble Source from the tech dictionary is “somebody who is connected with an SP who is invalidating him, his beingness, his processing, his life.”
I got the drinking problem eval too. All this inval and eval from D of Ps is another nasty little pocket of gross out tech. I got nothing but at Flag. I felt like a folding chair on an assembly line. My viewpoint was totally unimportant. I can’t tell you how many weird little enturbulating “discussions” (D of Ps) I got in some back room where little or nothing was written down, violating “Auditing Folders, Omissions and Completeness”. This alone could wreak havoc on cases. The last day I spent at Flag I got 3 different tech estimates from 3 different people in the hallway. The CSs at the lowly Cl V org that I audited in (pre gat) would have never allowed any of this.
But wait…there’s more!
I heard a “rumor” from Mike Smith that OTIX is going to take approximately 9 years and that you can’t complete it until you reach the EP of cogniting that DM is actually the reincarnation of LRH!
That will explain to the seals why he is authorized to make all these “incredible” tech and admin changes….LOL!
Hahaha hahaha. This is just too good.
This buds for you Denise 😉
Wet my pants: ” … ‘totally on-Source’ — which is code for ‘in a while we will change all this and I will tell you that it was totally squirrel, but you will forget that I said this’] …”