OMG – will I be struck by lightning for speaking his name?
The latest news from behind Miscavige’s leaky dike. Usual typos and all.
Note, you had better get there early (if the doors open at 8 why get there before 8???)
Amazing the great man has such an aura that nothing more need be said than “He” — idol worship much?
In today’s Corporate Scientology Miscavige = God. Even L. Ron Hubbard was never “he”, usually LRH or Ron. Nothing so impertinently familiar is acceptable in the Brave New World of Sciendollary.
Events Patter for Graduation Friday, 14 June
Hello! As you have probably heard, the first wave of Graduates from the Golden Age of Tech II courses are rolling off the line this week and. We were told there will be over 500 completions!And add to that, as was mentioned at the last Graduation, that he will be back in town after preparing further aspects of Golden Age of Tech II.Flag Graduation is the ONLY place where you get this and well,… I wouldn’t miss Graduation if I were you. So I am confirming you, right?Doors open at 8:00pm, and the seats pack out at 8:10pm, so PLEASE COME EARLY.Seating will be all over the FH including the Auditorium, 3rd floor mezzanine, Ballroom and garden.Childcare for kids over the age of 5 will be provided at mace-Kingsley.
I won’t be attending this graduation. The theta will be too much for me to handle.
My friends in Philadelphia and my friends from the historic and very intense training days at Flag where many of us bonded for life by sharing such an amazing purpose – you can reach me at [email protected] and if you feel the need for more security (I haven’t found that to be necessary but did when I first contacted Mike!) here’s a hushmail account [email protected]
I look forward to our reunions. 😉
Well in honor of the little black-cinder-hearted little shit I’d like to share that another dear person from cob’s and my original org in Philly has made contact with me. There’s a wonderful and expanding group of us from Philly who are rejoicing in our connections. Don’t hesitate to reach me you guys. I will treat our comm line with the same respect I showed it when I was there and since I’m confident that you know I treasured each one of those comm lines. NO reaches to me will be shared with anyone. NONE. You have NO idea however how many HAVE reached out to me – you are NOT alone.
Love, Gayle
Gayle, This is great news that more are leaving the church, even if they are under the wire. Good for you that you are a stable terminal for them and are helping them. Are these latest to leave doing so because of GAT II? What is GAT II covering anyway? Is it admin or tech re-do?
It’s the very last line that gives me the chills: “Childcare for kids over the age of 5 will be provided at mace-Kingsley.”
I will never forget going back to collect my daughter Alicia after an event once at St Hill. She was about 3 then I guess. We showed up and there seemed to be no one in charge. There were maybe a dozen much older kids flying around out of control. The mess and smell was something to behold. We couldn’t see Alicia at first, but after a while we saw through the chaos and noise she was sitting alone, somewhere in the middle of the floor with a half eaten apple and seemed almost traumatized with shock or overwhelm. Maria said at that moment she would NEVER EVER under any circumstances leave her at a “creche” or even leave with her Scientologists.
Events patter:
“He” will be coming to speak.
Who is “he”??
You know…”HE”!!! The man!! The guy who corrected LRH’s fuck ups. “He”!! Praise be to He.
Well, as out tech is what really permeates all this, I am not surpised to have 500 completions…after all they were quickied as they are planing to do with the future “fast” Grades in a matter of few weeks… These graduates have been quickied to death and are ready to quicky any further deliverance to pcs. Pity they are denying themselves of the true results when the usual gets done…
“He” will be turning up?? Yeah!!
Is there any chance his speech/presence will be recorded for posterity, and perhaps leaked later? Cos I’d love to see the tape.
I also commented on the Channel 4 “Scientologists at War” page. It has yet to show up, but as soon as they check it I’m sure it will be available.
I’d be more excited if I had some more details about GAT II … to see what it’s all about, but that joy-charge is being transferred to the “HE” entity like a “Suppress” button.
Good observation on the “he”.
Well flunk on those blasphemous writers for not capitalizing it!
LRH (Ron) was far more real, far more human and far more a friend to mankind.
Another nail in “he’s” coffin as far as I am concerned — even if just by character study “he” is portraying himself to others….
I’m sensing that maybe they feel they ‘can’t’ release anything with ‘his’ name on it or it will put the great ‘He’ in danger. After all, there are crazy people who want to FILM him!!! *GASP!!*
I posted the 8th comment there awhile ago. It is at the top. The Churchies haven’t posted anything in a couple of hours now.
Complete degradation indeed!
Well, they can use “H.E.” — His Eminence, instead. It’s decent and can keep staff from calling him DM (Diabetes??, or Mr. Miscarriage, or some other stupid, weird terms).
[A repeat, but trying to get the word out. I trust the moderator will simply not approve the post if it is too repetitive or off-topic.]
Off-topic, but a head’s up to the Independent Scientology community. concerning the documentary about Independent Scientology, “Scientologists At War,” to be shown on Channel 4 (UK), 9pm 17 June 2013:
Please be advised that members and/or agents of the corporate Church of Scientology have already begun to comment on the relevant Channel 4 forum located at:
“Todd on 12 June 2013 at 17:25
I feel aghast that you are even considering airing a programme titled, ?Scientologists at War?. For instance which Scientologists did you find who were at war. Marty Rathbun is certainly no Scientologist and the fact that you even state that he defected shows that all you are trying to create is the impression that we are warring with each other. This could not be further from the truth. I suggest that you not air the programme and find something else to occupy your time.
Frank on 12 June 2013 at 16:30
There are millions of Scientologists throughout the world applying Scientology in their daily lives who are more than willing to express to anybody how it has improved their lives, so why is it that Channel 4 (and other media) are usually – if not consistently – presenting Scientology solely through the eyes of a few dissidents (usually 3 or 4 max) who per definition are against it? Are you taking advice from unsatisfied car owners at all when looking to buy a new car? There is a “problem” with Scientology in that it claims to put people in a position where they can solve their own problems in their own lives, which also means they’re becoming more independent and thus less tractable. But then not everyone thinks that’s a great idea… Could that be the real “problem” behind all these senseless attacks? I think the time has come to have a truly informative – not derogatory – program about Scientology, that would allow people to make up their own mind for themselves. Visit sci link removed Think for yourself.”
“Mike on 12 June 2013 at 10:45
I am not happy that programme is being aired, Firstly it’s title implies that this programme will be a one side account which will produce negatives about my religion without presenting the factual data. Your ex-Scientologist speak as just that apostates are known to always be in disagreement with the groups they leave so any news from then can be predicted.Scientology has helped me for over 30 years now. I have a very fulfilling life because of it and enables me to help others effectively using it’s principles. If you want to truth just visit a church or visit the website. sci link removed There you will see the work done world wide to provide unconditional help.”
Hat tip to WWP for this head’s up:
If any of you want your voices heard, the discussion has already started.
I love it, I love it, I love it.