There has been enormous effort expended to prevent “leaks” from Graduation so the morning after dose of bs has been curtailed at all costs.
But the Scientology “grapevine” cannot control itself when there is such amazing, astonishing good news coming straight from the horse’s mouth. It is however, sort of ironic that the massively, incredibly good news about how the planet is being saved at light speed isn’t suitable for anyone outside of Flag to know. Maybe this is just another “marketing gimmick” to make people come to Flag — you cannot know about anything anywhere else in the world?
Or maybe it is really that there is NO NEWS at all. And they don’t want anyone to know that things have ground to a halt at Flag and everyone is wandering around completely confused about what is going on when and how anything is supposed to go…
A few brave souls have dared speak in hushed and reverent tones about the latest and most incredible Graduation ever in the history of the universe (there have been no graduations for the two previous weeks, some good movies were released and Dear Leader had to see them on Friday nite in order to keep himself up to date with the latest CGI technology…. he got a preview showing of Gravity this week so was able to squeeze in some time to brief the adoring masses).
BUT, seems like a lot of generalities. Which is not really a surprise — what else can he say? He cannot really talk about all the trainees who are sitting around at Flag months after they were supposed to be done with the new super fast training line up. He doesn’t have dates for any openings or events (they are STILL telling people to confirm for the IAS event with no date….) He sure can’t give them a briefing on the “legal front” or all the good media coverage he has been getting…. He doesnt hand out certs — only gaudy trophies if you give enough money. There really isn’t much left.
So, I guess they kind of captured the spirit of the evening without any specifics at all:
“…graduation today, complete with a COB briefing, which was awesome and now planetary clearing is a reality.” [that’s a relief to know]
“I did the math after COB’s briefing — Wow. Just Wow! It’s happening, it’s really happening. We can Clear the planet in our lifetime!” [Not if it never starts you can’t…. and unless there is some other big plan than Ideal Orgs and GAGII you won’t even clear the city block of any org, let alone their city, state, country or planet]
“Get yourself to Flag NOW. Handle your considerations and arrive now!” [So, maybe it IS all just a ploy to get more people there]
BUT, there is no announcement about when the next graduation will be!
What a farce this is.
Though I doubt the people who spent money getting themselves to Flag for “mid-September events” are feeling too happy as they are being hammered as “CI” because they are trying to go home “and blow Flag.”
The resource based economy will be here in full force before they even get near clearing their city.
Then the cult will collapse anyhow. Only the trained auditors that are social workers legal will survive in my thinking.
Wow Mike. Perhaps you do need to write a book.
Nice post. Thx for saying it all.
Hey Mike,
For some reason my ode to the IAS ended up in the Voldemort section….
So it may seem OT as in Off Topic.
Since I’m here for some reason I might as well comment on quote The Man Behind Scientology unquote or Prince of Darkness but I think you covered it quite well with your post.
Looks like the IAS might not be celebrating its 30th year.
Here’s a brief history of the IAS from its humble beginnings as the Safe Environment Fund pioneered by the late and unlamented GO ostensibly to cover the legal costs involved in defending the Scientology 11 (originally 9 until Jane and Mo were extradited) which was already covered under the Building Fund Account and for that reason was canceled by the Ol’man personally when he found out about it.
Time moved forward and undaunted by anything like say….policy (which is why you can’t find IAS mentioned in any Policy Letter) the coup not wanting to see a money making racket go to waste resurrected the stinking, decayed and moldy corpse of the Safe Environment Fund and gave it a new name….
The IAS.
Many of us were waiting for the Ol’man to drive a stake through its heart as well but due to circumstances beyond his control (meaning his lawyers probably forbade him to get involved) the IAS was allowed to run rampant and suck the life blood out of Scientology.
Well it seems that like any other Vampire the IAS can’t seem to stand being exposed to sunlight and is now dying a slow agonizing death on its own.
That said.
I am looking forward to its last blood curdling cry as it vanishes 🙂
By October 1984 (when the IAS was formed), LRH was well and truly off the lines. The IAS was the brainchild of Danish lawyer Jakob Arrevad as a means of creating a repository of funds not accessible by the IRS. It’s purpose as a “War Chest” was artificially created as a result of the Portland disaster and the first “Crusade”. NOT ONE THIN DIME of IAS money was spent on Portland or any subsequent “crusade” but the idea of getting support for a disastrous legal decision was born and has grown like a weed since….
Thanx for the deep background Mike 😉
I remember the Portland Disaster quite well as I was at ASHO at the time doing the Briefing Course and moonlighting as an FESer in their HGC.
Fortunately I didn’t have to go to Portland since all Tech staff had to stay and deliver while most of the Admin staff took the bus.
Ya know the red white and blue school buses with Portland Freedom Crusade emblazoned on their sides.
I remember most the staff including a lot of management terminals leaving and us tech staff being left behind with very little adult supervision and the stats actually going up.
Go figure.
What else I remember is OSA moving into the annex on the third floor with a bunch of Legal Eagles including Earl Cooley Esq who seemed to be an Allstate Agent as well when he told us that Scientology was in good hands after the Ol’man departed which is another story…
(Joke told to me by a lawyer:
“How can you tell if a lawyer’s lying?”
“His lips are moving”)
But I digress.
Personally I thought the whole crusade thing was a lota hype and I was happy to be on the outside looking in. Especially when I found out years later that it all started when the Portland (RIP) Mission didn’t apply standard policy and give Kristofferson a refund, so she tried to take the only legal recourse she had and sued all masked as an assault against the First Amendment.
Let’s see refunding a 50 buck comm course compared to say millions spent in legal costs…..
Yeah I can see why you’d call it a disaster Mike.
I would too.
Even though it was played up as some kind of glorious religious “victory” of some kind.
Thanx for getting back to me Mike.
This discussion has been fun and enlightening.
The Devil is in Clearwater – expect disasters! Where ever David Miscavige goes – people die, people go insane, people get very confused and make mistakes! David Miscavige has been in Clearwater for months now – what are the results?
All of the side effects of “SUPPRESSION”!
Love your posts Mike – thank you!!
It’s monday morning and I am drinking coffee and no new post… same with The Bunker… no new post… coffee is just not the same…
These guys have really spoiled us. I agree Robert, coffee without the news that matters tastes a little less sweet. I felt so lonely and guilty from the time I realized I could no longer BE a part of the group I had joined as Scientology back in ’76. Granted, I wasn’t a big player, hadn’t made much progress but I did contribute generously of my time as a volunteer for several decades, as well as money, etc. I did whatever was asked of me, whenever. BUT, when the big guys, who used to flank the speakers onstage at most events, became ghosts, and people acted as if they’d never existed, I thought, REALLY???!!! A significant number of the basic tenants, stable data that I’d experienced and seen held close, whether at CCLA, an org in Seattle, Chicago, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Minneapolis, ASHO, Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Flag, anywhere I traveled and visited the org, these basics were being dropped and or ignored.
Stat pushes for money alone, sorry if that left the guy unable to buy the materials to do their training. Or he couldn’t come to course now that he had to take a 3rd part-time job to help pay for the ideal org. Hire a 3rd grader people, or use the calculator, even Ron covered finance and how to pay bills. I could hardly count how often I paid the church ahead of
well… the saying goes…..I’m really preaching to the choir, now! Someday soon, I’ll have worked through my overts and stop being so angry. I really started this to say, for myself, I sincerely appreciate that those “big guys” or at least a lot of them, have worked through their conditions to a point where we can be the group we initially envisioned. Free beings who are able and willing to help when needed. Thank you to all who have cleaned up, and I plan to join you in that help flow and motion upward.
You are already helping, by being here and communicating. Thank you. I’d say contributing generously is a big player. Thank you again. You are welcome, just as you are.
You crack me up Mike. I just know you made COB’s day.
Mike, you are doing a great service to the world by continuing to put the truth out there about DM and his drunken gang of cool-aid drinkers while at the same time helping to keep the pressure on these misguided renegades in the legal arena.
I’ve been thinking lately about how you have been doing all this even while suffering through what you have endured personally. You are an amazing being.
I humbly offer you my admiration.
You inspire me to keep doing what I can do in my relatively small way to forward the application of Scientology in the Independent field. Thank you.
Stop it, Les! I just sprayed my iced T all over my laptop screen!
In all seriousness (if it is possible to take DM’s recent charades seriously), it’s starting to look like DM is going to go out with a whimper rather than a bang.
…..unless of course at his next event he dowses himself with gasoline and announces that he is going off to target II as he lights a cigar in celebration.
I might even pay to see that.
Espiritu, Not dowsed in gas, too common. Was it Scotch or what, that would smell much sweeter going up lit by a contraband cigar. Of course for him, nothing is good enough. Hey, just a thought, maybe I would be willing to donate—-just one last time—–to have the privilege of witnessing him beg and cry like the wee thing he is. No, not really worth the time.;_ylt=A2KJjahmaFJSbSIAUQHQtDMD
I wonder what responsibility David Miscavige can take for the out P.R. generated against the Church from the many enemies he has created.
OTVIIIisGrrr8!: (due to the internet gremlins, this “Reply” to you is going to post at the current end of the blog scroll).
Hey Baghdad Bob, Good to hear from you. As a refugee from Iraq, are you being taken advantage of by DM, or is he paying you more than $50 per week to be his official spokesperson?
OTVIIIisGrrr8! is a parody account.
“Get yourself to Flag now”.
Yes, come NOW, so that, when we actually need you, we can snap our fingers and you’ll already be here.
In a new unit of time, it is hitting me again how freakin’ nuts these people really are.
But, in fairness, I’m sure that Div 6 event people at Flag really don’t want to issues these ridiculous invitations without dates and times, but they have no choice as HE is ordering it.
When I read those “success stories” it reminded me of the fabricated “Letters to CF” that the sups at the org had us write at the end of course period, even though we knew nothing about the person we were writing to.
Yessiree, I remember that. Late nite at the Coachman, cleaning the course-room and writing letters, no hatting on what to say or do, just write more. Stat traps, falsehoods and the gateway to lost integrity. All this after spending 9 or 10 k to do the KTL (–only–, since LOC had yet to be released). I wondered, how it was that we were cleaning the bathrooms and vacuuming the building as paying customers! I truly LOVED all who were staffing these services, the supervisors, word clearers, etc., and HATED seeing many of them DEMOTED years later to gardeners and wait-staff. WASTE….that, to me is DM in a nutshell (ha!)….WASTE everything and anything so no one has a chance to get over on him. I failed to name the condition and it became me. Eyes wide open now. And to my great friend Beth: supervisor, word-clearer and FRIEND to thousands of students from the old Bank Bldg (next to Boston Ronnie’s) to the Coachman, our door is open to you, there is a room waiting and a job if you want it, anytime.
“I did the math after COB’s briefing — Wow. Just Wow! It’s happening, it’s really happening. We can Clear the planet in our lifetime!”
Can they even clear the Sea Org?
What math did he do? based of what stats?
Gamette……. the planet was cleared Sunday night at 11:30. Now onto planetary OTing….. ready for your eligibility everyone? First step……. the membership reg. Enjoy.
Thanks Mike,
For keeping us informed and up to date.
Sorta like the Snowden of Scientology 🙂
This whole thing reminds me of Hitler’s last days in the bunker.
Here is what in particular piques my curiosity:
As I understand, the OOTs, all 1000 or so of them, are required to remain at Flag until the very last OOT is complete with his/her GAG II training, which itself has, as yet, no release date. What this means is that a number of already-comped GAT II OOTs are being kept at Flag whilst the remainder comp. Now, if the very last OOT comps – oh, lets just say – by next Thursday, then, theoretically, all of them could return to their orgs. EXCEPT, that they’ll be returning, all trained on GAG II BEFORE the actual release of GAG II. Ok, that’s fine, but if GAG II won’t be deliverable in Class V orgs until its official release, why can’t the OOTs who have comp’ed just leave? Why must they be kept there until every last one of them has comp’ed?
They will work as unpaid actors at the next event. Cheering Miscavige and raving about his new bridge and his new tech. And they need the bodies for the videos.
Got it. So effectively, its in the Dwarf’s interest for all of these OOTs to have NOT comp’ed until just after the date of his next major event, whenever that will be. And if the IAS event is skipped and everything is bundled into the New Years Event – wow.
Because DM said so! Nyah! Nyah!!! Besides, you don’t have rank to ask such questions!!!
I believe it should be: “you don’t have the fucking rank to ask such questions!!!”
Do the Class V Orgs have to pay Flag room and board for their OOT’s? I would imagine so, this is almost like holding someone captive that dare not complain about it. What a complete asshole.
They’re being kept at Flag because Miscavige knows if they go back to their home orgs and can’t be put to work, they’ll be forced to deliver the “old tech”, which will confuse the hell out of everyone, and the OOTs will go to cramming where they’ll reveal that the GAT II is nothing but window dressing and that information will race through the org like a marathon runner.
The one thing that Miscavige can’t tolerate is truth being spread in his Idle Orgs.
Very well stated plainoldtheatan,
Like juggling one to many chainsaws
Old tech, new tech, newer tech, improved newer tech,old tech again whooopsie !!!!.
Solution: Go to the movies ?
( I don’t know what in D.M.s popcorn but I’d say it’s not butter)
This makes sense also. These guys won’t do HIM any good back at their orgs So, allow me, please, to re-cap:
Back in mid-summer, every org had to send 7 OOTs to Flag for GAG II training immediately. The orgs complied and 1000 or them were sent and are still there.. A portion of them are done, a portion of them are not done. None of them can leave until all are done, AND there is STILL NO TARGET DATE for the official GAG II Release Announcement which will occur at the next major event, whenever and whatever that is.
AND, with all this even after all the OOTs are comp’ed and GAG II is announced and they are fired back to their various orgs, if any org is not Ideal it won’t be permitted to deliver GAG II until it becomes an Ideal Org ANYWAY…
I think I need to take a walk.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT’S REALLY REALLY HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLANETARY CLEARING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE PLANET IS GETTING CLEARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT’S COMING………………….. ANY MOMENT………………………
OK…..when’s the next graduation?
(I don’t have to see the MAA now, do I? I mean, it was COB…. just sayin’.)
“I did the math after COB’s briefing – Wow. Just Wow!”
If actual stats were given out, what could this person possibly be wowing about?
Mike, what else can I do but repeat my thanks for the facts and laughs?
I heard an old woman once say, that whenever a young relative brought a new baby by for inspection, she really could not agree that it was cute, or beautiful, or wonderful…but of course did not want to say anything to shatter the first love of new parents…so she decided to say, ‘ISN’T that A Baby! Just LOOK at that Baby…’ and everyone was happy!
Not that Mike has not stated this however I believe the he along with those that shared this information. Are owed our thanks for their truly unselfish actions under fire.
Mike knows how dangerous these leaks are considered and treated. Yet he knows, just the other day I again watched the video where he and Marty tried in vain for Mike to see his Son. I also read of his testimony in Tampa. No matter what happened in the past I in my heart know forgiveness. How many people is Mike now helping for very little if any compensation.
One statement caught my eye, “We can Clear the planet in our lifetime!”.
At the Scientology Mecca in area code 33756 the 2011 population was at 29,567 people. Let’s give them 3 Clears per month it would take 821 years just to Clear their own area code. That was a generous figure it should be if anything 2 Clears a month or 1231 years.
I use these figures because it has been relayed that numbers seem to bypass years of indoctrination. Also I would like to state that I am quite glad that Mike along with his family are safe sound and happy. You Sir Mike are in my prayers along with all of those you love.
Thanks for the kind words Frank.
I second that motion Frank!
I kind of missed the part about the trainees sitting around at Flag. Something about they were taken off training and are sitting around doing nothing? Does anyone know why, and for how long?
So the end is inevitable, yet the path and timing are hard to nail down…
Hey, there’s a soundtrack for this! It’s a contemporary-classical work that chronicles a death (by metastatic cancer), available for listening and download at the Free Music Archive, by an electronic-music composer called Mild Maynard:
Not nearly as grim as it may sound from my curt description, this fascinating work opens with a short movement titled “Deposition.” (Should I pause here, for effect?) I don’t know much about the composer but it’s very nice background music for catching up on the latest news from Church of Sarcophagi.
There’s also the earlier song that DM actually sang on…remember ” We Stand Small”?
I like this one: “WE SCAM ALL! NO turning back – we found a way”!!
We in RTC wish to assure the general public that COB RTC David Miscavige is firmly in charge of the Church and has a definite plan for Planetary Clearing.
These plans are being kept highly confidential so that the Psychs do not learn the details and act to sabotage these plans.
What we in RTC can tell you is this: Copper Rods are being installed in COB’s two giant circus tents in Clearwater, this to allow Church parishioners to blow charge over any ARC breaks they may have after staying at Flag for weeks on end with no apparent activity.
The fact is that Flag is buzzing behind the scenes. But until and unless everything perfectly complies with COB’s vision for Super Power and GAT II, nothing can happen.
For example, it has been found that the new Flag Building is not perfectly aligned to COB’s birthplace in Philadelphia. This is a huge out point as GAT II requires Scientology parishioners to bow five times per day towards Philadelphia in honor of COB.
The entire new Flag Building needs to be demolished and rebuilt, this to handle the SP Architects who aligned the structure three degrees off.
The definite date for the opening of the Flag Building and GAT II has therefore been rescheduled until April 30, 2030. This will be COB’s 70th birthday so please donate today to make the new new Flag Building a reality!
And yes, Planetary Clearing has never been more real than it is today!
2030? I can wait.
Finally a sensible and comprehensive briefing on the matter. Thank you OT8. I will wait with bated breath till 2030 – and keep donating in the meantime!
Honestly. GAGA 2.
It feels like it’s coming apart. It cannot be held together any longer. The wild and inflated visions of “clearing the planet” are less than pipedreams. They are grasping at straws as the whole thing sinks. Amazing to watch.
The end for the church will not come with a bang. It will go out with a whimper. And Davie will disappear on the horizon. Or do the perp walk to prison, one or the other.
I’m making my way though all the Scientology books by ex’s and critics. Mike, do you have any plans to write a memoir? Your blog is very funny.
Madora, We’ve been trying forever to get Mike to write a book. It would be great with his writing style and wit. Oh the stories he could tell! But here’s a suggestion Mike: if you don’t feel comfortable writing it yourself, get the famous or infamous “Ghost Writer,” named LD Sledge. He’s as Kool Aid as they come. So the joke would be on him if you hired him as a ghost writer and gave him your rough draft to clean up, and he read all the TRUTH about everything and then needed a change of underwear! Boy would that be funny.
Sure, they had no idea of “what is about to hit!” More bad PR on the media, more legal suits, more legal losses and a straight down and vertical collapse…
Boy, are they going to be surprised.
Did you see the Phoenix video where Dede says the “fundraising is almost zero” and the fundraising manager says “we are in the final throes”? Tells you something.
I still have faith. David Miscavige will produce the next biggest best thing ever…or not:/
He will do a number two ?
and it will stink.
You’re correct when you say the world won’t even notice if and when It happens. I just met a lovely couple who have wintered in Clearwater for the past few years and they didn’t even know Scientology Inc. had a foothold in the area! Clear the planet? They can’t even get the word out in their mecca’s backyard.
I shared accommadotion with a resident of Clearwater, whilst in Germany, a year ago. I asked him about Clearwater, strange that he never mentioned scientology either?
The anticipation in the church of scientology is reaching a fever pitch. People from all over the globe are anxiously awaiting the fantasic, yes EPIC release of Gag II. The doors will open on superpowder any day and the world will be forever changed. The brilliance of david miscavige in creating such rabid anticipation will only make the relase so much more orgasmic.
At last count there were 750,000 beads of sweat and 407 premature ejaculations emitted from the over-excited throngs. Another international HIGHEST EVER!!!!!
Ahhhhhh to be back in the fold again. I can only dream of such glory.
Looks like DM is putting the FLB into mothballs, just like he did with IHQ. Next stop, the Freewinds?
mike, now after few years out….one can easuly spot shit they sell….
but few years ago on Martys site…I was attacked ,couse I was just warning you…
next year-you will be anonimuz….
I can’t speak for Mike but I escaped in 2009 and within weeks was posting on Anon forums once I saw with my own eyes what Anonymous was all about. I also seem to remember Mike standing smiling and posing with Anons at a Demo in 2009. I believe most leaving the cult are intelligent enough to differentiate between genuine haters and bigots (of which no doubt there are some amidst Anon ranks; the Marty-hating brigade was as hysterical and fervent as any cult mindset, An amazing number of Anons seemed to believe Marty was starting a power push to take over the Church!!!) and real caring warm people. A “we were right you were wrong” argument is pointless. Everyone pulls away at their own pace in their own time – it’s not useful to try and force the pace – and Xenu LOL is simply not going to speak to die hard churchies. One simple email from Debbie Cook has probably achieved more than 5 years Anonymous – not to devalue what Anon has done. My point is that when in a cult the last person to know you’re in one is you. And it can take a LONG time to undo the “mindfuck” as you may call it. I freely admit there may be aspects of being in the cult that will stay with me to the day I die – but at the same time the exit process has been a trip – a crazy rollercoaster ride, but at the same time it’s a buzz and – weirdly – almost worth the 28 years “in”. As it stands right now I don’t even regret my 5 years Sea Org service or even the year on the Int RPF – it was a hell of an experience and one which 99% of people on Earth won’t ever experience. ((luckily I was far enough removed from the worst of the abuses). In 2009 when I started looking for real I genuinely had NO IDEA of the extent of abuse within the cult – and most still in don’t either. I had never heard of gang-bang sec checks, beatings, the Truth Rundown etc. I didn’t personally even know anyone who had been forced to have an abortion. It’s worth remembering that. I never saw the devastating effect of Disconnection either until I hooked up with people like Sue Talbot (one of the bravest people I know) – Mandy Kember’s mum. And btw I was also attacked on Marty’s site a few years back for suggesting that KSW was a deeply flawed document. There’s a whole rainbow of different views and opinions going on – that’s one of the best bits!
Martin….. perfectly stated. Just perfect!
Thanks Wendy – I have my moments!
Thank you Martin. I enjoyed that.
Come to think of it, an old favorite in the Mad Magazine, had the regular “Spy versus Spy” story board series, which, though a satire on real life cloak ‘n dagger undercover pursuits, has an ironic similarity between OSA and the Media, (especially today’s emboldened lot!)
Though today’s “DM Black hats”, every time they try to sneak up on the “White hats” invariably have their hidden camera explode in their faces….. KA-BOOOOOOOM!
Oh!…. and what’s that strange sucking sound, you ask?… Why, that’s David, of course!
A black hole is defined as a super massive star that has spent its nuclear fuel, and has collapsed in upon itself. The amount of gravity within these objects is so powerful that nothing can escape them – not even light itself. The largest of these are so immensely powerful that they draw billions of stars into orbit around them. Such collections of stars are called galaxies.
One can observe a black hole from a great distance, but draw too near, and you’ll become captured by the black hole’s irresistible gravitational force, and be drawn inexorably toward its center. That point of gravitational capture is called the ‘event horizon’.
It seems apparent to me that the Miscavige regime has passed an event horizon of sorts, and is now plunging toward an oblivion that it cannot resist. I believe the increasing insanity and kookiness we’re now witnessing in the church, is its frantic panic to escape the loving arms of doom.
I’m afraid there’s nothing they can do to reverse course now. They allowed a madman to be their Captain, and he drove them straight toward the heart of a black hole. Perhaps some in the fleet can still steer clear of the event horizon and spare themselves and their friends the awful fate that awaits the flagship. The rest of us have already flitted to safe points in the galaxy.
Brilliant, and irrefutable.
Love that analogy Ronnie.
Great analogy Ronnie. Well done.
Beautiful illustration Ronnie.
Well said. I hope you are correct.
What happens when you exorcise all your best people and any one with an ounce of talent or brains.
Mike, you follow this guy and his entourage like the proverbial shadow. The spotlight, for which he has long held a real love/hate relationship (seemingly forever) he just cannot escape these days! In fact, it just has to be a “fraction off” directly overhead and that guarantees, like said shadow, that you will follow his every move! –“elementary, my dear Watson!” In other words, he just CANNOT avoid being followed, no matter where he goes, or what he says or does. To quote Marty’s e/mail addy; ” How does it feel? “…. ( David?)
I am thinking of a ” R-factor Building” for these kool-aid drinkers. A building that does not have to cost 148 million dollar, and the processes which will be given will be very cheap. I pay a look-alike of David Miscavige and let him beat them twice in the face.
This really feels like the RCS has reached the tipping point, where keeping all the BS in play is no longer possible. Too much has been revealed, to too many. I love transparency, it feels like a nice fresh breeze that settles the soul, in the confidence of truth. It’s a perception, that aware people feel, because they are not sitting in the muddy waters of their own obfuscation.
The only thing they seem to be clearing is the orgs, clearing them of people.
Miscavige is taking the term “cleared customer” just a tad literally.
You are invited to spend $1K for a dinner with no date or time?
Sure, time is just MEST. Why does Davey need a time?
“We have an award for you! It will just cost you 1,000.00 to come and get it!”
Too quiet. Maybe a coup d’état is in the works, or another purge.
I do not believe a coup d’état is possible. Anybody left is brain washed or a complete idiot.
David Miscavige went to the Cinema and saw “Gravity”
Now that really is something because Gravity is David Miscaviges
Best Friend. What a guy.
I hate to be redundant here but Dwarf Midget is such a joke. Every day, is he getting smaller?
“Every day, is he getting smaller?”
No! And your reference for that is a shoop of DM as Norma Desmond in the film, “Sunset Boulevard” that I saw on TO’s blog. Priceless.
Sounds like Flag has become a “dark hole”, known for having a huge mass preventing light communication or mass escaping…
Right on! A black hole is the end point of a MEST universe, also the end phenomenon of years of inhibited communication. Soon COB won’t even be able to talk to himself.
Oh me oh my.
I bet dollars to donuts that the first week of the ED conference involved them all going through Ethics handlings and sec checking due their failures to meet the goals set by COB and for being unworthy Executives. Then the second week was them being brow beat and indoctrinated into COB’s plan to clear the planet through money to the IAS or some such bullshit.
Yeah, if there’s one thing that’s proven over and over it is that the closer to “management” an Org is, the worse it does. If you wanted to collapse the stats even further (from the non-existent range most Orgs seem to be in) an ED conference with He Who Is would be about the perfect way to do it. I remember well the busy bustling Brighton Mission of the 80s. About 1990 they turned it into an Org with all the madness and endless conflicting programs and cross-orders and quick-silvering that goes along with that. It’s struggled to keep the doors open ever since.
I thought the ED’s conference would be another massacre like the Mission Holder’s conference was in the 80’s. The young kids on staff weren’t even born when the Mission HOlder’s Massacre occurred. But I guess the ED’s conference wasn’t as bad as all that. Still, getting Sec Checks and yelled at for being “downstat” cant’ be fun for them at any rate.