You may recall from my post last week “Voldemort News” that the ironclad promise was that the date of “The Events” would absolutely be announced at this week’s graduation — “make sure not to miss it.”
I guess everyone took heed except Voldemort himself.
He was a no show at graduation.
And thus there were no dates announced for “The Events” — what a shock and massive disappointment for those being held captive at Flag!
But, you will of course be pleased to know that there was a lot of fabulous, amazing, incredible news — the GAG II and Class XII trainees are “progressing nicely,” “fantastic wins” are happening and there are “Highest Ever after Highest Ever.”
A number of reports have also come in mirroring the blah blah briefing from the ED Joburg Day.
The ED’s arrived back in their orgs and held “briefings” — giving NO specifics, just that “It will blow your mind and make planetary clearing a reality for reals….” Followed by a pep talk to finish the Basics and contribute to the IAS. They were probably all given scripts to take with them to ensure they didn’t say anything off message at all. Voldemort knows those ED’s cannot be trusted not to screw it all up. And he has it all planned out so perfectly, it is rolling out like clockwork as only a master of organization could pull off. And everyone knows a briefing of this magnitude can only be done right by one person on earth, and he just doesn’t have time right now as he is so busy writing 50 programs that are needed to confuse and overwhelm everyone.
What else is new?
Rhetorical question, but one other bit of information that came in is that the IAS have cranked up a novel fundraising idea. They are now sending regges into orgs and getting local org public to donate so THE ORG can be awarded a “status” — “Gold Meritorius Org”. Orange may be the new black, but in the RCS status is the new “enlightenment.”
Yeah, but that was last week…
What about THIS week?
On an other front Harry (Rinder) Potter is alive and well and bringing light to the world.
I was thinking of how poor poor Davey would suffer while in prison being deprived of all the daily luxuries he has heaped upon himself.
Then I started thinking that should he actually go to prison, the food, clothing and sleep schedule there would be so much more humane than anything he has put so many others through that prison hardly seems a just punishment.
Although I doubt that Mike has been to prison, he has been imprisoned by David Miscavige. I’m sure he could testify that he didn’t get daily showers, three square meals or anything even close to 8 hours of sleep a day while in there, much less regularly laundered clothes that came close to fitting, all of which I understand would be provided to Miscavige in prison.
Madora he very likely go to a country close to where he is banking the church funds off-shore.
What will happen is on one hand there will be a great celebration and relief for a majority and then there will be a smaller but still vocal crowd who will scream that the SP’s have won and they drove DM away. Honestly, the finger pointing and wailing is going to be quite a thing to behold.
The inability to confront evil, that is what is sitting right there as a real why for this scene and it will continue for some time even after DM is gone.
TKFrancis, thank you. the inability to confront evil, that’s it in a nutshell. I know I certainly didn’t have the ………to challenge anyone too far above me. so I kept quiet and look where it got me.
Financial records of a FULL accounting will tell the story.
Avoid making the principles the Bad guy in Black capes and Black Hats
until the Financial records are examined.
When its discovered how much was paid for hand made John Lobb shoes
More than Ruby slippers ( hint hint ) make that information in the Public Domain.
It reminds me of Esmarielda Marcos with her thousands of pairs of very expensive shoes while the people in her country starved and she demanded money from them. What similarities.
Chances are graduation/event attendees might be very thoroughly checked for security clearance at this point before they can attend again, possibly threatened with SP declares and such in the event of leaks, and dates and locations only announced to them by phone, ie. no more public announcements. By invitation only. The filtering is probably completely nuts by now.
They’ll probably start doing away with international public event announcements sending only pockets of missionaires with “encrypted live-streaming” video equipment to local orgs to hold them there the way it used to be in order to get media attention off DM. You may start seeing e-mails asking parishioners to go to their orgs for events which will be filmed/video’d with only SO’s present.
This is a good thing, because the way they have been doing them is not the way things should be. If however the public gets even more cannibalized for money, they might as well close the doors tomorrow. This racketeering is coming to an end.
As long as they keep throwing comms out for fundraising instead of promotion for services, their PR will just keep getting hammered until they either get back on policy or go bankrupt.
Mi$cavige is not a practicing Scientologist. He is all about “show-biz”, and he just (again) violated the first rule of show business: “The Show Must Go On”. He was (again) a NO SHOW.
I think that he may be on the run as we speak or close to it. It’s very likely that he is going to lose all of those lawsuits. There is no way he will let himself be examined and cross-examined in a court of law by a competent attorney before a judge who will make a decision as to truth and justice. And he can’t call up a “crusade” among the “faithful” to save his sorry ass because he can’t let them become aware of what the lawsuits are about. This is not Portland, this is Texas, Florida, and LA, so his goose is most likely cooked. Being a fugitive from justice in Bogota just might trump sitting in a Texas jail for contempt of court. Either way, the “faithful” are eventually going to get the whole story.
DM has also lost his black nots cadre. He is running scared.
” Steve Hall, Jeff Hawkins, Marty and some others here can identify with this. No exaggeration at all. This is SO accurate it is almost scary…. Thanks for adding some insight and some fine humor into the day’s proceedings.”
Mike, the guys you mentioned, and others who worked directly with DM have a personal reality on what he is really like that others, like me do not have.
I only was close to the little SOB once back in the day as a public. All I did was to LOOK at him- I swear to God all I did was to LOOK at him with a little curiosity as I recognized him- and, I swear to God, he RAN! He couldn’t get out of there fast enough. It was like he was afraid to have someone simply being in his space with TR0 in. It was a very brief and weird experience.
So I almost envy you who were in direct contact with him for a period of time……….well, ALMOST. However, I do appreciate your perspectives as people who have seen the madness up close and personal. You make the situation Scientologists are REALLY in very real even as you point out the humor. Thanks for caring enough to inform others.
Cat Daddy,
To me, debate is not two-way communication.
It is an effort to make others wrong in order to prove oneself right.
So I don’t partake in debate.
That said, here is my pat response to anyone who challenges me to a “debate”:
,,,,,”I refuse to engage in a bout of verbal fisticuffs with an unarmed man.” 🙂
OMG Espiritu! Thank you for my laugh out loud response to your posting, “I refuse to engage in a bout of verbal fisticuffs with an unarmed man.” Can I steal this phrase and use it as my own if I say you thought of it first?
“I refuse to engage in a bout of verbal fisticuffs with an unarmed man.”
It’s not an original. Been around a long, long time. Wish I knew who originally said it.
Explains the desperation from reges. They blatantly lie about why they want to get in comm with you when the leave messages on my phone. And it won’t be long before they’ll break into your house just to reg you.
I feel sorry for the reges. I feel sorry for any and all of them around Him now, but particularly the ones the call-in-for-event staff.
Can you imagine having to call a bunch of chiropracters, dentists, veterinarians, entrepreneurs, businessment, etc to spout a lot long on rhetoric zero data nonsense?
Imagine a busy Scientology dentist having to take a call from Flag about the no-date event(s) for which attendance is expected. Imagine the eye-roll while trying to keep TRs politely in; the holding of the phone away from the ear with a silent WTF, the silent prayer that it will soon be over, the unexpressed contempt for that staff person’s dev-t.
If for nothing else, I hate the Dwarf for putting decent, hardworking people in the position of being ridiculed by the public who don’t know the back story.
Sorry for typos, its kinda late.
Imagine a busy Scientology dentist having to take a call from Flag about the no-date event(s) for which attendance is expected. Imagine the eye-roll while trying to keep TRs politely in; the holding of the phone away from the ear with a silent WTF, the silent prayer that it will soon be over, the unexpressed contempt for that staff person’s dev-t.
I remember when I’d finally had enough of the call-in units ringing my business line. This was probably ten years ago. During one particular drive to confirm people for some major event, my wife and I wound up fielding literally dozens of calls from staff looking to confirm us, after we had agreed to attend after the first couple of calls.
I remember picking up the phone and answering with my usual business greeting, only to be met by yet another staff member trying to confirm me for the event. Something snapped, and that was it. I let the guy have it with both barrels. From that moment on, I read the riot act to every staff member who called us on our business line. Over time, the calls slowed to a trickle, and began showing up on our home number.
All you nattering nabobs of negativity are gonna be sorry BIG TIME when planetary clearing becomes a reality……….for real.
You’re right. This joking and degrading has gone on long enough. Time to start my A – E. Where’s that SP Declare? Oh wait…it’s secret!
LRH programs made Orgs Boom
MSH programs did the same but took a little longer
Jane Kember programs produced attack handlings
David Miscavige programs produce collapse
How often does David Miscavige miss HIS events? I think something is up with him. Buckling under the pressure? Well, keep it up everyone! Let’s take him down!
Oh Mike you are so mistaken. Didn’t you hear he showed up at the graduation at 3am Saturday? Unfortunately all the CS CI DBS had already left unwilling to wait until his royal heininess (misspelling intentional) appeared after he had completed programming Lou I mean going over programs with Lou, therefore they are now not allowed to know the dates.
Valerie, do you mean, like- – drilling Lou?
Yeah well TC’s out of town right now.
Hey Ronnie, how about I pour myself a glass of wine and you tell me about your Flag Near-Death Experience? You can pop open a beer.
Oh my.
An omitted Dave.
Whatever are the faithful going to do?
(I think…
He’s probably talking to his handler right now about the fact that Scientology hasn’t been wiped off the face of the Earth yet or something to that effect and to work harder at it you CSLSOB.
Or if you’re not a tin foiled wearing KoRNsPArcy wacko like myself.
You could speculate
That he could be downing a bottlea JW (Red Label of course) and hanging on to his copper rod.
Whatever…either way things are looking bleak for “The Man Behind Scientology”.)
Funny you should mention the Orange is the new Black, Mike.
(A series about some poor girl who ends up in a Federal Prison)
Dave could be sporting orange either way.
1) Because “you know who” as Ingo used to call ’em does such a fine job of burning their assets. Ask Manual Noriega.
2) Because Dave’s guilty as sin of various violations of Federal Law such as kidnapping, wire fraud, embezzlement, tampering with and suborning witnesses etc, etc.
Things are probably not going get too “friendly” at the “friendliest place on Earth” in the next while I don’t think.
I was listening to the radio while driving and heard a poet get up to perform their poem on the show and it was a poem about Scientology by a “wog.” This girl had all the lingo in there and told of being disconnected from by her lover because he was told she was an “SP.” And she talked about CC Int. Turns out her lover dumped her and went on to marry Mimi Rogers and she took his name, and then she dumped him for Tom Cruise and then he dumped her and got Katie Holmes etc. She had the audience laughing at Scientology. It was truly a laughinstock. This is how the public views what Scn has degenerated into, and the PR is bad.
Mabe he is hiding in a trailer somewhere on a remote piece of land being waited on by a couple of comodores messingers, playing out his part in the fantastic role in the ” life and death of scientology” the novel by L Ron Hubbard.
Hysterical Gretchen!! ^^^^ LOL!
“Orange may be the new black, but in the New RCS, status is the new enlightenment?” Brilliant! Quotable.
Marc, uncannily like him I hear and I LMAO. Thanks.
CM mon some of these people still in must be getting fed up with this stuff, I mean really.
Nope, they don’t have a clue. I talked to some “still in” Scns today and they are all excited about all the big announcements coming. I said, “but what about all the events being cancelled with no date as to when they’ll be held.” They were quick to correct me, “they weren’t cancelled…. they just weren’t scheduled with a date yet…” I let them have that lie. These people, staff members particularly, don’t even know there are lawsuits against DM and Narconon. We need to get the word out to them.
Nope, they don’t have a clue. I talked to some “still in” Scns today and they are all excited about all the big announcements coming.
Yep. I recently exchanged several emails with a corporate Scientologist who is still clinging to the idea that Scientology has the best management in its history, despite the fact that the orgs are emptying out, and his best friends in life have all resigned from the church in recent years.
The guy told me that he routes every knowledge report he receives from Independents to church authorities.
What are you gonna do? Some people are just self-determinedly deaf and blind to what’s right in front of them.
I think that David Miscavige is buckling under the pressure. Worse still, he’s coming apart in full view of those, as much as that is possible with someone so secretive, whose support he must have in order to hold power.
The Church of Scientology is always deemed to be a cult because of the way it acts. It has a language of its own, and it actively works to keep its adherents cut off from information, and by doing so keeps them uninformed. It has worked to create an us-and-them separation in the world, with Scientologists on one side, and the wogs on the other.. And as we all know, the fair-game policy said that it is alright to lie to enemies of the Church. So, whenever Scientologists noticed out-points, that the Church of Scientology was lying to the world, their developed sense of us and them, of the righteous and the wogs, made it easier for them to accept the lies.
But now, within the Church of Scientology, and inside the walls of David Miscavige’s madness, the fog is starting to clear. Before, David Miscavige lied to the world, and that was okay. Now though, he is lying to his own “flock,” and it pains me to use that word. He is lying to those who still believe, when it is likely he never did. He is lying to those who once thought they were the righteous. But now they’re being treated like wogs?
The pressure-cookers that are Int Base, Clearwater and Gold (or is that the same as Int Base?) must be intolerably uncomfortable. And the pressure is mounting daily. I’m sure the high-class scotch consumption is straight-up and vertical. David Miscavige probably doesn’t do drugs, but in his position I would definitely apply for weed-card for “stress.”
David Miscavige is obviously shitting himself. Who wouldn’t be in his position? And it is clear that his inability to manage basically anything is about to bring the walls down around him. He has court cases looming here, there, and everywhere, his personal PR has never been so low yet looks likely to continue to plummet, straight-down and vertical, and the ongoing fiasco at Flag must be killing his reputation there.
This sort of pressure will drive anyone mad, especially someone as paranoid as self-absorbed as David Miscavige. He knows he is fucked. He must do. He knows he has to do something, but there is nothing he can do. It’s all going wrong. All the chickens are coming home to roost. And all at once. And now even the Clearwater crowd is growing restless.
He must know that it is over. He is crashing out and could even go to jail. Yes, jail is a possibility. But looking like a powerless dick and coming across like an igorant coward, EVERY day for the rest of eternity? That’s already happening and it will just get worse.
Most likely he reads this blog. David, if you do, the situation you are in requires “crisis management.” Because it’s over. If you bail now, if you actively search for an exit strategy, it is more likely you can do so on the least uncomfortable terms.
You are being exposed.
And you know the irony of it all is this. If he started getting people just a few tech wins here and there by actually allowing auditing instead of regging he could turn this around. That simple. These words happening hundreds of times a day all over the planet “This is the session”. In true SP style he will NEVER allow that to happen which is the saddest part of all.
DM is running his personal Int program to put the FLB in MOTHBALLS just like he did at Int/Gold. Next stop is probably the Freewinds.
Sorry, COB, I didn’t mean to be disrespectful to You. Please forgive my unintentional error in not capitalizing the last “Him” of my post.
You’re too much Aquamarine! love it.
Thanks, Jane.
But just after I posted this apology COB beamed a thought right thru to me in the theta universe informing me that there are no unintentional errors, and that I am actually C/I to COB. I cognited immediatley and promised to make amends to Him. He asked what I would do and I promised Him that I would have my monthly house-cleaner eschew her usual mops and brushes and clean my bathroom with only a toothbrush next time she comes, and do it for free, and that I would flow the money I save on her fee to the IAS toward my next status. He said that would be OK, and I felt immense relief. Now, I’ve left a detailed message for my Cleaner explaining the necessity of all this, and how its for HIm and involves Planetary Clearing and so forth, and I have no doubt that she will cognite like I did and show up as usual eager to comply.
His not showing up at this last Graduation is good news, and His witholding of the event dates for IAS and GAG II are even better indications.
These mean, IMO, that the lawsuits, Teams Monique, Garcia, Laura, etc., are holding Him hostage. These lawsuits have Him on hold literally and figuratively. He is their bitch, and he is jigging to their tunes, therefore he must make everyone else His bitches, we all need to sit on our hind legs and watch the Master like obedient, well trained dogs, waiting for the next command. Because that is the way He sees Himself now – utterly controlled and at effect, and this is intolerable to him.
Why does this stuff to me , me being an Atheist
I want scientologists to engage me in debate, If I am snotty or degrading Mike Rinder will cut me down. I promisse to be friendley, Who wants to join me in a friendly debate about Scientology ?
I respect other people’s religion and expect the same.
Jane Doe, you are down like that girl
I don’t think many will take you up on your challenge, Cat Daddy. Not because they can’t effectively make their case, but because it’s really a bit pointless to argue with anyone about a subject they have little knowledge or experience with.
Also, Mike’s blog is the wrong venue for such conversations.
I will. Well, does it have to be a debate? Couldn’t we just have an exchange of ideas? Where we both win at the end?
I believe in Gods, plural. But let me define “Gods”. As that in the supernatural which may have extraordinary capabilities managing forces and conditions.
For instance, I have a relationship with nature , I see omens through nature. I had a wild rabbit appear in my yard a few weeks ago. I am in a city, these things just don’t happen here. But he comes every night and waits across the street for me to come out of the front door. When I do, he hops towards me and waits then in the yard for me to feed him. This is an omen. And I know it means some very good experience is right ahead of me.
Once, I was very frustrated and asked for a sign. A dead bird fell from the sky at my feet. The next day, my enemy was gone. Now, I had these experiences and awareness before I got in involved in Scientology. Along with what some people would consider, animal perceptions. Knowing when someone is behind me without looking, things like that. But I did not have a clean command over these forces until I was better up the bridge.
I know people who do think there is a one God, people that are all the way up the bridge. I think this is true for them. They are just in some parallel dimension on another plane. Another overlay universe where things are just different. We tend to think we are all in the same universe when we are not.
So, if you say there is no God, there isn’t one in the universe you occupy. But the guy right next to you, if he says there is one, there is one in that universe. That is why, I think, it never works to evaluate or invalidate a P.C.. Only he KNOWS for sure, what universe he is in, and what is in that universe. It is an apparency that we are all the same and in the same place at the same time in the same universe.
Then, I think PURPOSE is a main issue. WHY the person got involved with Scientology on a sincere level. Sincere is an issue here. Because I think you will see people carrying out their purposes for exploring this dimension. Right up to present time. That is a heavy matter.
For me, it went back to pre “Scientology” time. When I was a kid, I was sent back to the east coast to live with remote relatives for a few years. I guess looking back, it would go on the records as extreme neglect. My time there. But it registered to me as some kind of immense freedom. I was on my own and for weeks on end lived on dog biscuits I found in a bag in the barn. I would go in the morning and trek in the mountains of West Virginia, barefoot. Nobody realized I had formed any talents until hunting season came along and all the men got drunk and went out to go hunting and could not find their way back home. It became apparent that I could go anywhere in any direction in the woods for any amount of miles and find my way back home, after I went out to rescue some relatives.
Well, this got chalked up to some natural talent and before I knew it I was taking the hunters out and bring them home.
But I had spent several months alone not having a conversation with any humans , and I had this goat as a pet. I guess after several months of having no communication it got to me and I looked at the goat that had been following me everywhere for months and said, “What’s up?’ And, the goat answered back. And I do not want to get into this on a deep level, but it got around the town that I could talk to animals. It got to a point that people that had problems with their animals would call my uncle to bring me over to their place to figure out what the problem was with their animals.
It was too easy. You get what you demand. I could hear animals talk. I guess I got that desperate.
That went over as a natural too. People were cool with that.
Then a polio virus hit the town. Many people died or were crippled. I got it, went to bed fine woke up paralyzed. I realized I was going to die or out create it. In the worst pain imaginable to date, I dragged myself out of the bed I was left to die in, at the age of eight, and began to pull myself along on the floor by my elbows.. I knew on some level if I could just be cause over it, ………… three weeks later I was running down the road.
That just really violated the people in town and rumor went around that I was a witch.
My people had to take me out of that town.
Some people get involved in Scientology to find out about themselves. I did that too, for sure. But mostly I got involved to find about other people. What made them so goddamned dense and stupid.
You may know, this whole procedure of destroying anything unusual, I find it to be a “why” .It is not only a common denominator in Scientology, it is prevalent in the anti Scientology groups. As if they are hung up in mirrors of what they can not tolerate in one another, yet each one dramatizing the same thing.
And strange enough, I have met people that have gone all the way up the bridge, audited solo on OT 3 and above, and do not think or know they can talk to animals. Or even bother to try. Strange angels…..
All of this delay, all this stalling is because Miscavige has boxed himself in and he probably realizes this now.
His fixation that he must claim credit for everything good in Scn, in order to maintain his power dictates that he must claim, or imply, that HE is the one to be credited with Super Power, GAT II, blah blah. Yet, for the Rathbun lawsuit, his claim that he does not control very much in the overall church would be nullifed by his concurrent hosting of a Super Power release event and, as usual, claiming all the credit.
Classic “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” scenario.
He is so self-absorbed that the havoc he is currently creating at Flag, with ongoing uncertainty, sudden cancellations, inability for staff to call-in or plan the events are, in his mind, microscopically insignificant compared to the horrific personal threats aimed directly at him by the entire SP wog justice system and the entire SP wog media conspiracy.
The court case in Texas is not going well for DM and it is not looking like he is going to be able to buy his way out of the lawsuit. Should that be the case, there is only the slightest chance he will allow himself to be deposed for the Rathbun lawsuit, and virtually NO chance he will allow himself to be subpoenaed and thus, have to show up in court to testify. He will leave the country to hole up in his compound in Columbia, and become COB-in-exile. The shore story will be that with the release of Super Power, the International Suppression has hit an all-time high and DM is taking a page from LRH’s playbook and “going Fabian”.This IAS will probably play this us and fleece parishioners for another 50 million.
Do not think that his exile will be the immediate end of the rule DM over the church. He will direct things from exile, and have a band of loyal servants that CAN travel freely to the US and, as “COB messengers”, terrorize what remains of int base, and other staff. He will control the massive reserves of Scn, and bribe Columbian officials to make it impossible to get the funds back. He will be able to control Scn by “defunding” areas that might step out of line.
But ruling from exile is never easy and he won’t be able to do this forever.
My crystal ball is cloudy on what will happen to the church and the subject of Scn, after the inevitable fall and disgrace of DM. Unfortunately, Scn has such bad PR right now that I think it has moved beyond a damaged brand to a destroyed brand. Every major action undertaken by Miscavige, with the exception of releasing the materials broadly, has severely damaged Scn and the church.
JD, your crystal ball doesn’t want you to see Jonestown II.
John Doe, I can definitely envision your scenario, and yes, He might well be preparing for having to flee the country rather than be deposed or subpoena’d, and yes, I believe that is the shore story that would be used at this time in order to garner huge sympathy for HIM and for the Cause. I had thought he’d use the research angle as re OT VIIII and X if he ever did a bunk but under current circumstances your prediction would be what they’d use.
And, yes, he has indeed totally “boxed himself in” with his claim to the Sheeple of complete and sole responsibility for all the good, and to the law, complete lack of responsibility for the bad! Talk about intention-versus-counter intention – wow!
“With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.”
-Dalai Lama
I’m glad DM was no show for Flag graduation. That’s got to be worth at least a couple hundred cogs right there.
Let the Blow Drills begin!
Ronnie, can you tell a never In didn’t DM have like 15-20 years to right these 50 Programs?
I agree with you on the Blow Drills that I do understand these poor people must be getting really let down.
…didn’t DM have like 15-20 years to right these 50 Programs?
A half dozen sarcastic responses to that question immediately come to mind, but I’ll save the jocularity for later.
First of all, the “50 programs” thing is a bald faced lie that church spokesholes are running on their public to make them believe the same bs that Miscavige has been running on church managers for decades, i.e., he’s the only one working his tail off to save the planet, while everyone else is jerking off and suppressing ‘command intention’.
It’s another indicator that he’s pushing responsibility further and further down the lines. Now the public is responsible for putting the buildings there, for the release of major technical advances, for the attacks from ‘bitter defrocked apostates’, for the church’s disastrous public relations, for the empty course rooms and HGSs, for the delays in clearing the planet, and for the fact that HE has to force the IAS and the orgs to beat them up to donate to such momentous and worthy goals as HE’s set for the future.
If HE wasn’t at Flag graduation this week, it’s because the worthless, SP public didn’t hold up their end of the bargain, and forced him to make the staff work even harder than usual to meet critical targets, which are now being missed because “you DB publics are SCOHB!”
If parishioners could actually see what Miscavige and his inner circle are really doing behind the scenes, most would be shocked right into present time, and head for the exits. The truth is as Mike has so well laid out on this website. Miscavige has stuck a wrench into every aspect of the church’s plans and activities, which is why at the eleventh hour, nothing is ready for prime time and staff are practically killing each other in a fit of mass hysteria and panic.
And because “the DB staff and public have been so busy SCOHB”, Miscavige has “50 programs” to write all by his lonesome. Welcome to the looney tune house of mirrors.
Blow drills have taken on new meaning against the backdrop of the newest acronym. YSCOHB
YEs Oracle! When they blow just go to Hollywood Blvd to look for them! That’s where Davie said they go anyway, and we do whatever Davie says.
Ronnie Bell,
Experiment to do is get a copy of voice lie detection software
(copies used by Corporations or intelligence services / easily available)
They actually “count” lies as some one talks.
Next is run David Miscavige taped speeches from earliest to latest
and graph the lie responses. Any good computer will do this software is not to expensive.
We will get togeather, Beer is on me with a lobster dinner at the most expensive nightclub in Florida that has a floor show. All on me,
get a copy of voice lie detection software….run David Miscavige taped speeches from earliest to latest
Now that you’ve put it out there, look for someone to do just that. Can’t wait to see the results posted.
Thanks for the invitation for beers and lobster. If I’m ever down your way again I’ll take you up on it!
He is hiding and in terror, knowing he lost control over all the legal, bad press PR, delivery in the Independent field, outraged with the fringe internet webs’ news and so on.
He lost and he knows it…now he is planing how not to be called into court…his priority.
Auditors? Clears? How cares? He doesn’t.
And the IAS with its new status of ‘Moronious Platinum Meritorious’…hum…poor guys.
Mike, I think this game for “Org IAS statuses” actually made its debut some years ago although it may not always be being promoted. Orgs must hate this. To get their “status”, just like the public, they are cutting their own throats by draining assets out of their field that might have gone towards actual services and building a future. COB seems to be following the classic wealth redistribution strategies of the 1%, which always take money out of the middle class, overtly or covertly, and move over into the elite’s every growing bank and investment accounts. This type of activity is always a reliable indicator of an SP or SPs at work.
OMG!!! Those are perfect for the next Midget event!
Dm just ordered 10,000 of these.
Mike … damn, you’re good! You predicted last week (October 6, 2013) that this is what would happen:
The really big news though was this.
“The dates of the upcoming events will definitely be announced at the next graduation.”
BUT, there is no announcement about when the next graduation will be!
I guess a “graduation” without HIM isn’t a real graduation.
Let’s play the Game, spot a lie, Voldemort up close, the one who can define the most lies in this Interview wins.
It get’s better he admits directly to Ted Koppel to be the Head of the Church upon a question
Game over David Miscavige
Missed that one Cat Daddy.
I lost interest in the whole interview when Miscavige vehemently denied that the Ol’man recorded the lecture “Between Lives Implants”.
I thought what a maroon since all Ted’s fact checkers had to do is pick up a copy of the Tech Vols and see it listed under the SHSBC Lectures.
Besides that.
Lil Dave’s so called “leadership” was pretty much under played to the public at large back then.
I mean if I had out found then what I found out when I did the Truth RD that this guy was our “Religious Leader” I would have made my exit from the Org a lot sooner.
In fact that was one key reason why I left.
My, I’m making more typos than those old stenoed HCOBs
“out found”
I got another way of saying this:
“When I found out on my TRD that we’d been Dancin’ with Mr.D all this time, you could say I walked purposely toward the exit.
CD, this is rigged, right?
I keep re-watching, and I still keep loosing count.
Like that old lawyers joke applied in this case to Miscavige:
How can you tell Miscavige is lying?
His lips are moving.
The good news: a much larger group inside the bubble (besides the cowed zombies at Int) are getting some first-hand experience with his incompetence.
Are you talking about his band of lawyers?
Graduation Night fantastic wins:
Honestly, I cannot think of anything else than the Momo novel/movie right now.
We are coming close to the end. No more cigars left. Fight for the cigars!
David Napoleon Miscavige’s time is running out! Fight DNM, fight for your cigar!
SPs, Light the candles, the party is going to kick off.
If Laura makes it into the next round then Voldemort is dead.
There is nothing lower than “confusion” condition!
Two years max!
Who offers less? Let’s bet guys!
I don’t know BFM.
The Church could go into receivership like Armstrong’s World Ministry of whatever it’s called.
Of course it’ll make those whack jobs (I mean it takes one to know one right? 😉 ) over at S-irs-ology totally right since the Church of Scientology will de facto be Government owned and controlled.
I think sympathy for the devil is running thin and if there is anyone behind the “Man Behind Scientology” they probably realize this too and are looking for an exit strategy of some kind and’ll probably hang him out to dry.
If Miscavige is really the Lone Gunman in all of this. The crimes he’s committed are too egregious to ignore even if he tried to hide his complicity in some way like say ….Nixon… they’ll find a smoking gun somewhere somehow and Conspiracy won’t just be a theory if ya catch my drift.
Now the org can be awarded an IAS status?
If Status is reached COB will hug the building
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Thank you Mosie. Boy if the EDs only knew that the 50 programs only Dave can write have nothing to do with GAG II, Basics, Superpower or anything else. He’s simply got his ass in some hot water that won’t go away with a few million of those handy IAS donation dollars and this is going to take a whole new level of sheer brilliant program writing that only Dave can do like Dave does. I’m sure we can expect the same spectacular results.
Wowser, I don’t think you can overstate the disillusionment those OOT people must have felt on Friday. To promise them something then just not show up.
They are incurring more financial costs for housing and food right that get charged back to their individual Orgs?
Plus their lives right now are just on hold until He decides to show up?
Also He is righting all of these 50 programs?
Hasn’t He had like 10-15 years to do that part?
Also Teaching/Training is secondary to Status who would have ever thought:(
Exchange was the idea that a Parishioner would pay for a service and then receive it in return?
There was the mass exodus the last time the tried this Gag business. I only feel as though this time it’s going to be even worse.
The new church status: Exodusai Meritoriai…
I came, I saw, I self-certified the status of Iamum Agoingum Homeum.
Heh….too funny, Richard 🙂
Hey! I have a great huge, verrrry BIG thankyou to you ALLL! Today I’ve been laughing my head off reading and even re-reading some of the blog. Previously I often felt dark, ugly and angry and even vengeful. (not to say I can’t get there again if I choose). But, at this point I think I’ve actually made some progress, blown a bit of charge on this 30+ year cycle in Scientology. I’ve felt almost compelled to read the comments, still trying to sort out my feelings about myself and those of my “group” who are still on staff, grinding away while those who are out are starting to live again.
I can’t say what released but I feel much better, not so solid about the crap still going down. I think I felt responsible to help them, yet nearly powerless. I don’t feel that effort thing which came on everytime I tried to create a solution to help them. So, again…..thanks for all the theta I see and feel here, it’s great and it really did something nice for me! ;’)
Great, krcjenny! Getting your sense of humour back is fantastic, a sure sign of recovery.
Where can he go from here?? What will happen????
Has anyone even seen Him lately? Or checked the off shore bank accounts lately? I think He is too consumed with legal issues and planning His exit strategy to even think about anything else.
Some one should ask David Wilson – he’s got a Golden Age telepathic line with Him.
Yes… that makes sense to me, too. That he is planning his exit strategy. This is all colliding with reality so quickly that it can’t do anything but collapse.
( I’ve really been to Flag and lived to tell about it)
I’ve really been to Flag and lived to tell about it
So have I. Maybe I’ll tell you about my Flag Near-Death Experience over beers one day.
Ronnie Bell,
You got a deal.
Start with the Clearwater swamp story with the paroled felons.
“You are Ok for auditing and training at Flag” still gives me nightmares.
No show? Wow, it appears the false reports are not just limited to media and Judges anymore. The Church as an entity seems as if it is a pathological liar.
Watching the last video from Texas even embarrassed me, when David’s lawyer was obviously busted after he explained that Tommy Davis was independent of the Church …”WE have no control over him”…… when called on it later said Tommy called the Organization to report in about getting a subpoena.
I mean, just busted right there for giving a false report. I don’t know how that judge managed to keep a straight face.
Good catch – hadn’t noticed that.
I wonder where He who cannot be named went?
Maybe he is on the oil table getting his oil checked?
Maybe he is grasping his copper grounding rods for dear life?
Maybe he is clutching his scotch glass and quivering in his boots?
Maybe he is on the phone with #3 discussing his dilemma?
Maybe he traded places with Shelly to be in a enthet-free underground shielded room.
It’s nice to see that the IAS has sublimated the more base urges of Eating and Sex in favor of higher creative pursuits…
The only ones who are enlightened are the ones who have LEFT the radical smoke and mirrors group known as C of S Miscavige cult!!!! The group continues to shrink at a rapid rate and the PR is at a all time low because of DM and his sheep followers.
Keep exposing, keep the truth flowing and maybe just maybe people can stop being hoodwinked. Its quite the show!!! Outside the scientology circles its quite laughable and downright head shaken unbelievable people can continue to buy into the BS!!
Are DM’s no shows at graduations, Maiden Voyage and court trials the leading edge and manifestations of an eventual and more complete final blow?
Dear Mike:
If Al Capone was sentenced to Alcatraz for tax evasion, how is it that IRS can not prosecute David Miscavige if he is having a royal lifestyle on pennies an hour?
Yes please. How do we get these guys to be so embarrassed because they AREN’T going after him, that they have no choice but to take him down?
Wow – Blast from the past. Mike, remember when Dave would promise the public something and then he would torment all the people that were supposed to come through on it, not let us get it done and then not tell anybody what to tell the public when the date came and went? Those were the days.
“Well I am not going to go to the event and make excuses for you SP’s!” He would say. “We’ll either cancel the event or I will just send you second string guys to do the event. You can explain why nothing gets done.”
I can just see it now. Dave is holding meetings with a bunch of people that have not slept in weeks trying to figure out what to release instead of Super Power that would be totally awesome. There are always a few people in the meeting that really do think this is a problem and that something should be released.
Sacrificial Lamb #1, “How about those three lectures from 1967 that were thought to be unreleasable but really weren’t? We could call them The Power of the New Reality or some other button that marketing did surveys on 17 years ago.”
Sacrificial Lamb #2, “We could release a new We Stand Tall’ video. It would only take a few days to produce. We could use mostly stock shots and then just film a few of the few B-celebrities we have left singing the song.”
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????” Dave starts while continuing to yell and scream at people for the next three hours about how they are suppressive and making him look bad to the public. After throwing a bunch of things at the people in the meeting, threatening unspeakable punishments, and generally making everyone hate him even more, he tells everybody to get their suppressive asses out of his space and that, “He will figure this out himself like he always does!”
3 hours later Laurisse calls down and says, “COB has solved all your problems for you. He really saved you all from a huge catastrophe.”
“We are going to do the three lectures AND the music video. And Dave wants a 2014 calendar that has a picture of him opening a Ideal Org for each month of the year! This will remind you guys that he is working all year long while you guys suppress scientology internationally on a full time basis.”
I week later in COB’s office….
“Ummm……. I think we have to cancel the the calendar idea……..”
“Are you crazy? COB just spent all week picking the photos for it.”
“Well……the idea was posted on Mike Rinder’s Blog last week!’
“I am not going to be the one to tell him.”
Marc — I literally laughed out loud. Steve Hall, Jeff Hawkins, Marty and some others here can identify with this. No exaggeration at all. This is SO accurate it is almost scary…. Thanks for adding some insight and some fine humor into the day’s proceedings.
No kidding. So strange, certain people at the Int base—like Lisa Schroer—never failed to emit the delusion that we were all living the greatest life of them all, in the most beautiful place on earth, at the exact center point for the reversal of the dwindling spiral.
Yet it was just an old washing machine lorded over by a dirty rag.
Oh wow that’s just too funny Thoughtful Steve!!!
+1. Steve, love your metaphore and wish you’d write a book.
Brilliant and laugh out loud input Marc – thanks for that – made my day!
Headley does such a great job of painting the picture! These insights into the insanity at the top (especially the “control freak” aspects) are both chilling and amazing in a “how can he continue on with this?” way. You would think that even clubbed seals can snap out of it. This blog is great tool for those who need a significant dose of reality.
You Sir, are doing it right. Cat Daddy, AnonKat, KittyKatSpanker is in awe of you.
marc, you certainly talk the talk of one who’s done the walk. there’s nothing quite like the voice of experience. amazing that we all, to one degree or another, let that little sh…. play such havoc in our lives. he has truly been a black hole of theta…i’ll give that to him. now let’s all flow him some admiration and see if he’ll go poof.
Marc, when is your next book coming out? I miss your reality
and humor.
Hilarious Mike! Keep it coming.
I would like to award this blog the status of “Gold Blog Meritorious with Valour”.
Anon supreme
“Orange may be the new black”
LOL, looking at you !! laura Prepon.