Voldemort was AMAZING at Graduation last night. Can you believe he actually duplicates the problems students are having with instant reads!
But then again, how hard can it be to know what’s wrong when you created it in the first place?
And Taiwan is going to become the next Ideal Org!! Funny, if you were at the Maiden Voyage 7 (or was it 8?) years ago this would seem a bit like deja vu. But then again, with the urgency of clearing the planet, a 7 year delay is not really important. At least its not as long as Harlem… Or Battle Creek. Or New Haven. Or Capetown,. Or, or, or…
Here is an excerpt from one of the reports posted to Facebook. Seems like the Scientology friends page on Facebook is some sort of brown-nost competition.
“Wow… graduation today out-created the last three… GAT 2 will be released in 18 Languages… Taiwan Ideal Org building is basically done and the org will open right after GAT 2 release… the first Chinese speaking auditors (studying in chinese, not english) now in training… new Student Hat and metering course times average a fraction of what it was before – 172 completions of GAT 2 Student Hat today!
And if you ever had any trouble with instant reads… help is on the way! It bogles my mind how COB DUPLICATES the problems students run into… he was amazing talking about the metering course and what’s to come. I don’t want to repeat much here, as it can be alter-ised easily, but I fully got that he is 100% confident that anyone having had problems with metering won’t have these anymore!
Graduations are like Int events here… stay tuned or come by and see for yourself…”
“Can you believe he actually duplicates the problems students are having with instant reads! ”
NO. Acutally I can’t and I don’t. Personally, I haven’t had a problem with instant reads since 1974 on my first meter training course. And since I never bought any of HIS bullshit, I never have had a problem and never will have a problem.
What a great game. Make them pay you to throw them into confusion with false trainig and then make them
pay you again to bail you out of what he created to begin with. I bet when Reid Slatkin gets out of jail he’ll call up all the people he ripped off and then sell them on the idea that for a mere $100,000 or more upfront he’ll guarantee to un-rip them…and the clubbed seals and sheeple will line up to fork over the dough.
Talk about being able to fool some of the people all of the time.
Wow, wow. COB is such an OT, he really, really DUPLICATES me!
I had such a LFBD just listening to COB.
My cogs out COB events are AMAZING!!!!
Thank you, thank you. May I have more sir?
Now a whole new generation of GAT auditors will be (silently at first) labelled out-ethics for not being a GAT II auditor. The more Miscarriage cannibalizes his public, the less public he has to feed on. Go DM!! Go!!
A bit off-topic, but I just thought of another way Davey can further delay the release of non-existent OT9 & 10 – 10,000 Auditors Made. Since 10,000 on Solo NOTS took 20 years to reach the halfway mark. I’m sure 10,000 Auditors Made will take as long – given there’s probably only 10,000 ACTIVE Scnists. Throw in GATIII, retreads/retrains…well, you get the picture.
I don’t want to listen the actual release of GAT II speech by Miscavige, because I know I will puke in my mouth, and I really don’t like doing that.
Excellent article, Mike. Each time I read another of your articles my gut response is always incredulity: “This is unbelievable!” . So, I search my vocabulary for some different way to express this spontaneous reaction so that I don’t sound like a parrot …”Unbelievable, unbelievable, Awk!!”. Well, I’m at a loss for synonyms and clever phrases. It is what it is. It is unbelievable.
“bogles” is not a word, boggles is.
I don’t want to repeat much here, as it can be alter-ised easily
Yes fellow Scientologists you are unable to duplicate any of this insane comm because its so bat shit crazy you will almost certainly alter is it.
Hahaha good one
Yeah I have had many hundreds of hours of sec checking and I have yet to get handled on anything I actually said in a session. It was another heads up for me. The best auditors at the Int Base alter-ised pretty much everything I said in a session. My English is pretty good so I am not sure what the difficulty is but I think they know that they are sooooooo full of shit and what they are doing is soooooo wrong that there is nothing left but make up some stuff that will sound good on a work sheet. Just guessing.
Does anyone know how many active Scientologists are still there? 1.000 or 10.000. I think something in between those numbers. I mean worldwide and on course or in session on a regular basis, not counting OT 7 home auditing or home book reading or staff or book reading in the org.
Yes I have the number at 7 on course world wide and 3 in the HGC.
“Graduations are like Int events here” Is that complete with Sherman Speak, sing-song barker’s implanter voice, glitzy video effects, endless standing ovations after every paragraph, A-listers and whales in the front row and a gauntlet for regging on the way out? I guess it’s a pleasure moment for some.
Absolutely Sinar, and of course it all goes down (literally) as planned, with the mandatory bottomless champagne glasses filled to capacity with that exquisite, bubbly, Cult-O-COB-Kool-Aid! ( served with
cold chrome steel ice cubes, of course!)
Hellen Chen has been producing Chinese speaking auditors for years now. I guess the CoS is a bit behind the curve. These Chinese auditors of Hellen’s prefer to study materials in English as they say the translations are no so good and the meanings are not accurate. Oops, another faux pas of COB. Just add it to his already voluminous pile.
Miscavige is really the only savvy guy left in Scientology. He fully understands how since 1950, people interested in Dianetics and Scientology have fallen in love with and actually crave the simple solution or answer to any issue/problem: the SINGLE source of all aberration (even though LRH came up with a few hundred more – see the 53 and OT levels); the ONLY reason people give up a study (even though LRH came up with tons more reasons, see Student Rescue Intensive, Study GF, etc); ALL illness, mistakes, etc is caused by a PTS condition (until LRH “discovered” false PTS, in other words, not PTS); the REAL who, the REAL why; ONLY books drive booms; the ONLY reason Scientology is attacked, etc etc yadda yadda yadda – I could go on and on, and you all could too, no doubt. So …. Miscavige has now discovered the REAL solution to metering success (decades after HE gave us Pro Metering) …. and it only takes DAYs … not months or never as has been the case for 20 years. AND …… your “aware” homo novis folks not only BUY this …. they will practically have theta orgasms as they pull out their credit cards …. multiple ones of course. Y’all know where this will lead eventually, don’t you? You guessed it – by 2020, the IAS will be peddling “Ideal beach front property in Phoenix” – it has to happen. COB will announce it in his swimming trunks. And the most gullible group on the planet will give him a standing O – Chick will be in the front row even.
Sob 🙁
Sadly, it looks like you got it right.
1965 LRH said we have now the correct Technology !
50 Years later Miscavige is still looking for it !
Talk about blindness ! LOL
Well said!
Blindness can only occur to those, who before were able to see or be used as a term for those, who in the future may be able to see.
How this would be apply to a rock I don’t quite comprehend. (I apologize to all the beautiful rocks I know.)
Mike, this is all too sickeningly barfable to even report on, surely?
Listen here, apple-box dick-tator! WHERE ARE ALL THE FRIGG’N AUDITORS WE NEED-TO CLEAN UP THE WASTELAND YOU CREATED? You’re going to beg for mercy , and be forced to make amends at some point. That’s after your phony money -wringing idle morgues are fully exposed for the dupe-scamming con they actually are. You set new standards to how low a sociopath will go , to achieve unprecedented infamy. You are going to be forced into an un-imagined existence, where you will be subject to the same kind of paranoid incarceration YOU orchestrated for the founder. Remember him?
Karma, meet your latest inductee.
I am finding this to be quite frightening. All these people training and auditing on altered tech. What a mess this is to clean up. The overts this squirrel has…I so wish people would wake up.
What David Miscavige duplicates is that he is in deep shit and fighting to stay afloat. His fawning underlings can only hide so much of the collapsing scene. So yes he “duplicates” that he has been caught, and he needs to get into cover up mode fast. So he is going to pull out all stops to try to win back the faithful. This is his big hurrah. Frankly I think a really big push by indies, exes, and under the radars in Clearwater timed to coincide with the big Flag event would either topple the empire or least deal a crippling blow. So many sheeple have been buying this line of “just a few disaffecteds” or “small group of bitter apostates”. They have no idea that the indy/ex-scientologists against david miscavige is about 1000 strong. They would shit their pants if several hundred showed up outside the event and they RECOGNIZED most of them. Carrying signs like “no quickie grades” and “where are the real stats?” Thats why they keeping the actual date so secret. They have the advantage in that regard as they don’t actually need any public to show up to fill the Ruth Eckhart. So who cares if they announce it the day before- they just load the staff and outer org trainees into the buses and fill the 1800 seats without one single pesky public.
Roy McGregor said, “Thats why they keeping the actual date so secret. They have the advantage in that regard as they don’t actually need any public to show up to fill the Ruth Eckhart. So who cares if they announce it the day before- they just load the staff and outer org trainees into the buses and fill the 1800 seats without one single pesky public.”
Right on. lol
Roy, laser insight you have there. Very good grab.
Its sort of “the law of the least effort”. The public accepts this idea that auditing should be a breeze instantly, much like a microwavable ready to eat meal… This kind of thought is very much in tune with todays rampant instant gratification ways and DM sure knows how to agree with wordly MEST customs. How these people dont see the invalidation to hard work and sacrifice made by so many excelent auditors before them. The very first auditor I ever had contact with was not from the GAT era. It may sound stupid but when I saw her I thought she might be an angel, thats how REAL ARC in a being makes you feel. Real ARC is the fabric good auditors are made of in my opinion. From there its hard work, practice and perserverance.
Sickening. He know what an instant read is and gets it, give me a break…… He screwed up the floating needle for years and years; you REALLY think he knows what an instant read is. He is a blown student and PC.
“The blind is leading the blind” is not a WHY it is a PREDICTION.
He who shall not be blamed.
Davey continuously strives for perfection.
The Hubbard Professional Metering Course, which was to give us perfect metering, apparently wasn’t perfect enough to wipe out all auditing forever, now he’s gonna get out his hammer and drive more nails into the coffin.
Fuck you Dave, you fucking db.
Plus 1.
A new Student Hat? How does Voldemort do that? Did he do something to “fix” the study tapes?
Yes he did! He took out all the hard words to handle LRH’S deficiencies at lecturing. They are also shorter and fewer. We used to be forced to do pilots all the time at Gold with the new stuff. I always escaped these as I never slept so it was easy to not be study able.
Dear Sets guy, You’re just joking, right? Voldemort didn’t really change the lectures, did he?
No joke. I was totally shitfaced when this was happening and it was one good indication that something is horribly wrong.
Yes, he deleted parts of them.
I know because I have the “old” ones as well as the new ones.
Perhaps he has now replaced the parts that he deleted in the “new” ones.
But now I guess that would make them the “old” ones.
Or perhaps they will now be known as the “middle aged” ones.
It’s all rather confusing and that is possibly the intention.
Probably removed dictionaries 🙂
“These glossaries are so good – you don’t even need to use a dictionary!” – David Miscavage on the release of The Basics.
Oh yes there is that. The glossaries. Forgot about that. 🙂
So it says: “he is 100% confident that anyone having had problems with metering won’t have these anymore” I have yet to see any other being that has lied so much as this character does. He definitely knew he was suppressing training of auditors and standard tech when implemented the infamous metering course which produced so, so, so, so few auditors that is pathetic, Plus it is a covert blame to say “they were having problems at metering course”…so, again he minimizes the target of the overt and then switches into delusionary “I am here to save them”. Not even in the dark ages existed such an insane scene.
Nice whitewash. He created the metering complexities in ’96, then duplicates “their” problems with them. So OT. They speak of COB like people used to speak of LRH. What a bunch of dupes, feel sorry for them. But then these are likely just carefully contrived canned e-mails from the top, not like anyone is actually originating and communicating anything. This “bogling” and “being amazed” … shouldn’t that be more aptly a response to wins one has applying the tech?
GAT I didn’t make perfect auditors? Per HCOB AUDITING ALLOWED!
The miniCOB admitted this in his own voice? In front of an audience?
I have to lay down…my head is spinning…
Sounds like he is purring an instant read problem there so that he can sell them the new improved Samuri Ginsing Mark VIII Emeter!
Oh, I thought it was the Samurai Ginsu Mark VIII e-meter. LOL
“It bogles my mind how COB DUPLICATES the problems students run into…”
Yeah it bogles my mind as well.
Since he hasn’t been on course for almost four decades now after washing out on the Class IV internship.
Hahaha. The mind boggles. 100 percent confidence comes with 100 percent duplication. I thought the same was true last time around.