Well, you will be happy to hear, that like Jack Nicholson in The Shining, He’s back. (Had to make a trip to Los Angeles to meet with lawyers to try and figure out how to wriggle out of the Monique Rathbun lawsuit).
But in His absence there was lots of excitement in downtown Clearwater over His tent. Actually, over the illegal destruction of two live oak trees to make way for the tent. He no doubt issued the order to chop down the trees when He was not in town so he couldnt receive any embarrassing phone calls from the city. Interestingly, none of the reports, even Tony Ortega himself, referred back to the earlier illegal oak tree felling incident in front of Robert Almblad’s office when the trees blocked the PI’s direct line of sight and audio monitoring from the empty office they moved into across the street. See the story on this here. (If you don’t want to read the whole thing, just scan down to the picture of the chainsawed oak tree).
But, enough of the distractions, there is important news to relay!
As always, my comments are in square brackets and italics. First, pat yourself on the back that you are not having to waste your Friday evenings doing jack-in-the-box imitations to show your undying admiration to Dear Leader, but can instead peruse the madness in your jammies sipping coffee. Ah the wonders of the lunatic fringe of the internet….
He opened the night with his catchphrase — “I’m still in town” — then He added that “there is not much to tell”. [Little white lie there — he should have said “I’m back in town” and of course his first joke of the evening brought the house down — there is LOTS of news about the progress of the Big Top — there is ALWAYS plenty to talk about when the circus comes to town!]
– The IAS tent arrived from Miami, and they started to set it up. It will occupy an entire block and the Church already got the permits to have it up until January, as “there is much to celebrate”. [No mention of the fact they DIDN’T get permits to chop down the trees? But, this also signals the New Years event is going to be at Flag this year too — no big surprise, after all the hype He couldn’t really hold an event in LA with a much smaller audience than what he is manipulating for the “Grand Opening” and IAS. That means also they will extend the “tent permit” through March for the March 13 event which is always at Flag. Miscavige is telling the minions how much money he has saved by doing this and not having to rent halls…. Though he isn’t telling them how much he spent on PI’s and now attorneys to defend what the PI’s did].
– Flag Crew is working overnight on getting the Sandcastle and Osceola Hotel renos completed. 5600 work hours were invested in the last 2 weeks, and the project is scheduled to be completed in 2 weeks. [I bet they are working ALL night. That stat is actually 5600 hours of deprived SO members’ sleep]
– Oak Cove renos: a few floors are done already, and work will commence on the restaurant on Monday. [Don’t forget, this is the guy who repeatedly proclaims He is too busy being the leader of an international religion to talk to the press or know what is going on ANYWHERE a lawsuit is filed – yep, same guy who tracks tents, hours of renos and “they’re starting the restaurant on Monday”….]
– 70 staff have been added to Flag Crew. [Since 1989, though 200 have blown in that time too… Wonder if these are in addition to the 200 added to the SP building as cleaners?]
Completions stats for the last two weeks:
– 441 completions in total [Including extension courses? Free intro courses to the contractors working on the tent?]
– Purif RD: 46 [Most important service for the “Top of the Bridge”]
– Cornerstone member folders programmed for Super Power: 1463. Cornerstone members on GAT II Objectives: 255. [Folders programmed? Really?]
– He read a success story from an OT VIII, who claimed that he was finally able to fully separate himself from the MEST universe. [Is it really true that nobody in the audience finds it strange that someone who has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and spent many, many years getting to OT VIII is claiming he/she is just now able to accomplish what most people get doing the TR’s course, or at the very least, Objectives on HQS?? The nuttiness of the gushing “successes” from OT VIII’s on Objectives — and they appear on Facebook routinely — is perhaps the best indicator of how brainwashed these people are]
– Objectives: 5000 WDAH, 40 completions. [Clearly, THE mainline service of the FSO]
– All 1361 Outer Org trainees are through the “small Academy” (Student Hat, TRs, Metering). A bit about the “new” Pro Supervisor Course: the materials are now in chronological order, using the proper gradient and they got special tools to help students. The main problem with tech courses was the incorrect sequence of materials, but more on this later, when GAT II is released. He then likened this new breed of Sup to Class VIII auditors in terms of standardness. And the future of the planet depends on these new OOTs as they will train an army of auditors and change the future of the planet, thereby putting Scientology into a whole new dimension. [EVERYTHING that is ever presented by Him is now going to be “the thing” that saves the world — and the big deal is that materials are in chronological order!! And this now makes “Class VIII Sups” — this really IS just plain ridiculous]
– Outer org trainee completions (last two weeks/total):
Sup: 179/236
Class 0: 58, Class I: 61, Class II: 30, Class III: 9, Class IV: 8. [If all orgs have to have their auditors and C/S retrained through Class IV before this launches, they are WAY, WAY, WAY behind target. They have now officially pronounced October 6 as Grand Opening of the SP Palace because they could NOT delay it any longer after all the promises — so this is shaping up to be the usual dog’s breakfast with many orgs NOT in fact being able to deliver the “new” old Grades immediately. Doesn’t really matter as most orgs don’t have any pc’s for Grades anyway….]
– Super Power auditor training: 3970 WDAH in co-audit, 609 individual rundowns completed.
– 23 Class XII auditors and C/Ses are in training, 4 completions so far.
– A video was shown about the new Ideal Sea Org base in Copenhagen, Denmark. It covered the base building, the new buildings purchased, the hotel for the Ideal Org, New Era, Advanced Org and the huge new CLO building. [Oh, come on. This is the same pattern He always uses — buy a building for Denmark Org in 2002 (or whenever it was) and collapse Denmark and Copenhagen orgs into one. They don’t make ANY progress on the building for a decade. Then come along and say “We are not only doing the Class V org, we are also doing New Era, the AO and CLO. It’s like the “AO” in Africa and Canada and Mexico. The sleight of hand isn’t even very good any more. But I guess these people are so conditioned they just don’t notice]
– Processing completions: 7 Happiness Rundown, 19 Grades, 13 Clears, 49 OT Levels, 3 OT I, 3 OT 2, 6 OT III, 3 OT IV, 5 OT V, 12 OT VI, 17 OT VII. 32 L Rundowns. [It is very clear that people are being “completed” on OT VII now because there is something new they can be sold. Wonder how many of them route right onto their “OT Objectives” to separate themselves out from the physical universe for the first time…]
And He is still in town. [New round of cheers ring out from AOSHUK….]
Frankly, it is becoming more and more difficult to find anything of interest in these weekly Graduation briefings. As Yogi Berra said: It’s just deja vu all over again.
Bullbaiting is back ! David has ordered the old circus act back in session
A sink hole would take care of it all
Note on the Gravitron:
That thing has been around for decades as
a traveling carnival side show. Trailer mounted versions
show up at county fairs and air shows in hick towns.
If you are stuck running it instead of selling snow cones
you ride it yourself to get the feel of it until you are flat
on that ride. That is no reaction or adverse emotion.
That takes maybe a half a day, when the thrill is gone
your the Gravitron operator which is better than being the clown at the dunking tank.
Get on a trailer and you can make a buck at every supermarket parking lot and
“Grand opening” of auto parts stores. Give snow cones and teddy bears for inducements.
D.M. has outdone P.T. Barnum on that number ( one born every minute)
Last note:
The aero trim machine in its various incarnations was first
Patented in 1907. Miscavige calls his the Gravitron which is touted to
“Clear” the Planet. If so , why is the Planet not Clear from over
a Patented hundred years ago fitness machine ?
They are made in China and come in two seater models.
Nobody I know has made $ millions from these machines or gotten very rich
except for David Miscavige who owns one for Super power and to date no public has used it.
Super Power Cornerstone is $35,000 USD.
You would be absolutely shocked to discover how many of these machines you can personally own for $35,000, even two seat models. Then for a two hour ride for Super Power ? WOW
Daily life in Scientology’s Sea Organization priesthood. Two ex Sea Org members talking abiut their time in
Mike – you bring up an intriguing point re: OTVIIIs and objectives (I do have to admit first that while I have had great wins on TRs, I never quite got one AS good as the one you note, nor did I when I did my objectives way back in 1973 I think it was).
There is probably more than one reason for that win the OTVIII had on objectives. Simply, it could very well be that Objectives done at that stage DO in fact produce greater actual gain than the OT levels. Objectives were always my favorite thing to CS, mostly because of the great cogs and wins the pcs had and they were fun to read and personally gratifying to me to supervise. Maybe the objectives ARE what “OTs” really need. I recall Ron saying once long ago something to the effect that a good push against the wall produces more gain than a thousand hours of self auditing.
But there may be another factor in all this desperation for the next, new thing. It has been said that tens of millions of copies of DMSMH have been sold. And there are millions of old invoices in central files all over the world. Only a very, VERY small fraction of all the folks who have had this initial contact with Dianetics and Scientology actually stuck with and pursued the subject for any time (or even finished DMSMH). Why have this very small handful of people stayed in Scientology? I’ll give you one good guess. This tiny amount of people simply got way stuck on the DMSMH section of “The Clear” and the superhuman state it held out for them as a possibility. Likewise when they got into Scientology, they similarly fully bought into LRH’s model of an OT as explained in 8-8008, but especially in his anecdotes in the Philadelphia Lectures (and later in Advance Mag when that got going). You know, complete super powers (Ron mentions in one lecture, filling your cavities by postulate). This was even on the Grade Chart for a while in writing (cause over matter, energy, space and time) – since done away with of course. Even the slogan – the Bridge to TOTAL FREEDOM – TOTAL!!!, you dig? (even though LRH had said absolutes were unobtainable).
Some folks are still in Scientology even though they have never gone OT and are ever, ever hopeful that they will someday reach this superstate of spiritual awareness, native state, gain their “eternity”, but many of the most fervent of Miscavige’s followers and supporters are those who HAVE done their OT levels ….. and …. have still not of course reached their postulated level or gained their super powers as beings yet (or even handled some of the case problems they came into Scientology to handle). BUT THEY WON’T LET GO OF THIS POSTULATE. They will do ANYTHING that is promised to finally get them there. Yeah, they get through OTVIII and still have headaches and 2D problems, but …. maybe, just MAYBE … what they really have always needed is more objectives!! THAT’S the missing thing on their case!! Or it’s Supah Powah! Or it’s the L’s! Or …. heaven forbid … it really IS just OWs and more False Purpose RD is what is needed …. or …. or …. if we can just hang in there until finally, FINALLY, OT9 & 10 are released. THAT will handle my case!!!
This small group of monied supporters will pay any price, bear any burden (I stole those last two things from JFK’s Inaugural Address – seemed appropriate) that COB asks. And yes, that includes disconncecting from family and friends when told to and bankrupting yourself as necessary. It’s “the price of freedom.”
I’ve gotten great gains from Scientology T&P and I don’t believe Ron ever made a Clear as he said and I don’t believe the OT levels exist as actual states of spiritual beingness. And yes, I’ve gotten great wins on objectives too. BUT … for those who still believe that this “eternity” exists for them to be bought in the CoS even though they have finished OT7,8, etc and haven’t achieved it yet …… well, there I give you, your Church of Scientology. No question in my mind why these folks keep toeing the line, no matter how absurd and nuts it might appear to the rest of us.
Dear Mr Pendleton,
On, or about, the 21st February 1980 I officially attested to the state of Clear. It was then c/s’d that i receive ‘expanded grades’. That was done. Over the course of the next few days I became a keyed out OT.
Abilities re-gained were many; such as reaching forwards and moving another motor vehicle that I was about to run into due to being exterior elswhere when I should have been driving with full attention.
Regularly going exterior to other locations to check on friends, and in a few cases, enemies. Some of whom noticed me and where duly awoken. Perhaps the most useful was when a terrorist was aiming at me, I noticed and gently moved his Armalite slightly so that the bullets passed by my head instead of through it, I was on active servicce at the time. When in that locale I still notice the holes in the wall where the ‘misses’ struck.
These are just a few instances of many. LRH tech does work and does produce the promised effects, not always instantly, that depends upon the recipient, but will eventually.
Sadly, there are many PC’s and pre-OT’s that are too ready to ‘ascribe blame’ and therefore cause, rather than accept resposibility and become cause..
Silent Watcher – Thanks, you saved me some typing. Very happy to hear your successes.
Wow! You got spectacular gains – no question about it.
Dear Carcha & Joe P, (and any others that may be wondering)
Thank you. If not already obtained, those gains are available to you also, but it does require some effort.
Sincerely, with the very best wishes for your future,
Awesome wins, Silent Watcher. Thank you for your inspiring examples of OT moments. I, too, have had similar – including a couple of demonstrable surivival stories. Life for me before and after Clear, and before and after the OT levels that I finished, IS very different in a very good way. My spouse would tell you, and he enjoys the moments with me.
I wish I could clear the table and dust and vacuum the house telekinetically, without a physical universe via. Alas, not so, though that was one of my pre-Scn goals and something I would still enjoy being able to do if only for the amusement. Nonetheless, I am happy with what I gained 30+ years ago and still have. That is one of the reasons I join in the postulate here that David Miscavige must go. We can do much more together, and he is not operating on the same purpose line as most of the rest of us. Furthermore, I think the real “game” is much greater than little life stories of OT moments, and at times I wonder if DM is by most deliberate design a foil whose purpose is undoing the good (not the perfect) that LRH wrought.
Thanks again for the on purpose input.
Dear Leonore,
Thank You, Well Done and you are totally correct ! Miscavige is more to be pitied than scorned as he is a total puppet operating to the orders of higher and more maiign powers. These ‘happenings’ are just a very small part in a very large game.
LRH did see this coming.and did take precautions but alas, homo saps have a sort of free will and although they can be ‘taken to water’ they cannot be ‘forcd to drink’.
Maintain and expand your universe, you are not alone. Whos knows, one day you may decide to re-create it without dust . . .
Personally, I am very excited about this Super Power Flag building. Florida would not be what it is today without it being a destination for world class amusement parks. How can anyone doubt that Super Flag will rank right up there with Universal Studios, Epcott Center and Disney World? This park will have *actual* magic, with real wizards who are at cause over MEST and its not just a schlubby gimmick like what Walt left behind. Animatronics vs. OTs. Walt Disney vs. LRH. I’m takin the commodore in that battle.
I suppose if one of swirling machines runs amok and hurls some Scientologist to their death, it will have succeeded in the spiritual out of the body experience at least.
Or, like Marc Headley harshly criticized, putting some of the oldest Scientologists on the Cause Resurgence Rundown might be a major health risk!
I think trouble will result no matter what.
I’d pay $5 to see some jerk throw up while riding that gravitron contraption or whatever it is.
Now that I’ve said that, they’ll probably make up some HCOB stating that no preclear must ride the gravitron within three hours of eating or drinking.
LOL. You won’t want to be standing near by anyone throwing up whilst in motion!
I’d pay $10 to see someone throw up on DM’s shoes as he walked out on stage. haha
Can you imagine the pandemonium? Now that’s REAL big top entertainment!
“[EVERYTHING that is ever presented by Him is now going to be “the thing” that saves the world — and the big deal is that materials are in chronological order!! And this now makes “Class VIII Sups” — this really IS just plain ridiculous]”
Funny that I heard this same thing in 1982/3. My soon to be ex-husband (at the time) called me up and said, “Hey! They figured out what the orgs are PTS to and you have to come to this event and find out about it!!”
Weeeeeellllll, when I got there, what were they talking about at the briefing? “De-dinging”. This was going to SAVE Scientology.
If you’re too young to know what de-dinging was, it was basically 2 people twinning and telling each other how someone else had, “dinged” them. Just like when someone parks next to your car in a parking lot and it “dings” your car with their door, dinging someone was to commit an overt on them.
So you sit together and, one after the other til “EP”, you tell the other person about someone else who had committed an overt on you.
Wow. Running out motivators? What tech is THAT??
So when I hear about the idea that “this or that” is going to save Scientology, I watch it to see just HOW off the mark it is from LRH technology.
Bingo! It looks like we found the another one!
Just like you hear in the big top, “We have a winner! We haaave a wiiiiiinnnnerrrr!”
Look at the kid at 1:00. That’s what Ron’s face would look like if he could see this dog and pony show. It’s a big surprise, alright.
“EVERYTHING that is ever presented by Him is now going to be “the thing” that saves the world — and the big deal is that materials are in chronological order!! ”
Just another message from DM to the Scientology community that Hubbard couldn’t organize correctly and fucked it all up, more indications of Hubbard’s overt products. Another declare that Hubbard was an overt product maker. And it is actually David Miscavige , that is undoing Hubbard’s harm on the Scientology Community and making Scientology workable. IN SPITE OF HUBBARD!
Meanwhile the out P.R. he has created in this world has put a major burden on every Scientologist!
He has made the world HOSTILE to Scientology! There is some TOLERANCE (out of fear), but no real acceptance or affinity.
There is a great LRH reference that I can’t remember. Help me out if you know the reference. But it is something like people respond to you the way they do because you are putting it out there and they unknowingly perceive this and then treat you accordingly. So if Miscavage thinks everyone is against him and is working against him, he puts that out there and it comes true to some extent. That reference explains also why some people always seem to have good things happen to them and are loved by all, as well as the opposite.
In our country we have a saying: : “Zoals de waard is vertrouwt hij zijn gasten” wich mean “An Inkeeper trusts his guests like he trusts himself”
One reference, where he stated something like this are the Esto tapes – I think the tape „Handling Personal“ Unfortunatly I don’t have it. If you have those tapes, that’s the first thing I would be looking for for the exact quote.
Nailed it.
Bingo! with your two points.
1. Miscavige’s underlying message to the Scientology community IS: LRH left a mess, and you can thank ME for cleaning it up for you. (All the while HE squirrels it, rendering poor results).
2. The PR that DM has created for Scientology now is so bad that HE has actually made the environment dangerous for Scientologists. Imagine putting Church of Scientology on your resume!
” Flag Crew is working overnight on getting the Sandcastle and Osceola Hotel renos completed. ”
The man actually brags about volunteers being put on all nighters. Victims of domestic violence.
I notice he doesn’t announce that he has a restraining order issued against him. I’m thinking he returned to L.A. for some word clearing so he doesn’t continue to violate his restraining order. His attorneys probably had to M5 it to him.
Maybe M7 since he doesn’t seem to understand English.
For those who don’t know what this is or don’t have a technical dictionary handy, here’s the definition:
“Word Clearing Method 7: Whenever one is working with children or foreign-language persons or simi-literates (DM’s category?), Method 7 Reading Aloud is used. The procedure is have him read aloud. Note each omission or word change or hesitation or frown as he reads and take it up at once. Correct it by looking it up for him or explaining it to him” (HCOB 21 Jun 72 III)
I think one indicator that he went by a misunderstood word should be added: If DM starts swearing like a sailor, go back and find what word was misunderstood. If it doesn’t clear up with word clearing, send him to ethics to get a meter check on overts and withholds. The use of the copper rods are optional, depending on how furious he gets, being told by an ‘underling’ that he possibly has a character flaw at all AND that it is evaluated that He might have any misunderstandings ANYWHERE about ANYTHING.
That is all.
You’re right! That’s what I meant!
+1 🙂
Thank you for the explanation.
Oh yes, indie8million, Will he EVER recognize that he is his own WORST enemy, or that HE is
the most formidable obstacle to his own sanity ? –No chance! –Not in 8 million years, at least!
OK, I’m generally confused now about what is the Miscavige Bridge? Are The Basics still a prerequisite for doing anything else? The Basics, of course, are a virtually endless chronological study, without any practical application, of what DM apparently considered the basic books and lectures in the development of
the Tech. Very few ever completed this course of study, so now we hear nothing about it. I guess it has been dropped as a requirement?
I guess we could call it all “The Bridge to Total Confusion”.
Yes Valkov, “The Miscavige Bridge To Total Confusion ” — Plus the added Bonus Benefits of Implants,
Kool-Aid Addiction, Enforced Blindness, AND Bankruptcy, just to complete the Perfect Miscavige Line Up for Planetary Clearing! — Aren’t we Blessed HIS Bridge ???
Yes, good point on his falsely stating he is too busy and too above the fray to manage Church affairs or know what is going on below, when in fact not only is the ONLY Managing Agent of the Church by any real measure, he is for that matter the MICRO-MANAGING AGENT of the Church. Sure, he doesn’t know anything about what the PIs were doing to Mosey, but can quote you the stats on “grommets per square foot per mile” on the progress of the tent across the ocean.
Mike Rinder ~
Miscavige in his own words ~
Thanks for yet another – “The Midget At Work Under The Magnifying Glass” – moment , Karen! One of the best exposes yet! Keep ’em coming, The guy must be the closest human equivalent of Daffy Duck, the cartoon character. (sincere apologies to Daffy, for the comparison!)
Thank You Karen! Tell it like it is! So true! All true! How refreshing to be able to speak truth! How refreshing to hear the truth! Well done video!
“The Church can not take any critism”. This is missed with hold phenomena. Anyone POINTING out SOME truth about some wrong doing is labeled a “critic” “Antago” “A Suppressive person”.
Meanwhile, from the minute you walk into a Scientology Organization, you are told what is WRONG with YOU (OCA) and how you need to fix it! People labor through this abuse for decades and try to “fix themselves”. All the while wholly intolerant of anyone else outside of the Church noticing anything is wrong!
If there is “nothing wrong” with anyone in the Church, there is no need for Scientology!
The “There is NOTHING wrong with us” Sea Org ser fac is so SOLID, that if a staff members reaches in any way for Scientology by wanting training or auditing, they are CONDEMNED! “Case on post” “Having to have before you can do”. They are given read it drill it do training on the RPF. The ONLY place they are permitted to HAVE Scientology is if they are condemned to the RPF! They themselves don’t need Scientology! To admit you have a need makes you a liability! It is the funky PUBLIC who need Scientology! Do you know how they raised all that money for the Super Power building? By telling the funky public they have release Super Power because “ALL OF THE OT’s ARE OUT ETHICS”. They even view the Scientology PRODUCT with scorn and dismay!
These are Hubbard’s WORSE ENEMIES! They were pushed into that lower condition by DAVID MISCAVIGE. Who is HUBBARD’S WORSE ENEMY. He continuously seeks to KNOCK the power out from under Hubbard by explaining why Hubbard was such a fuck up and HE, HE made it all worthwhile and bought us into a “Golden Age” with the tech. NOT Hubbard, HIM! David Miscavige, a class four uninterned auditor! HE created the “Golden Age” of Scientology. Hubbard only spawned some nickel age mess! That DAVID had to fix and polish up to make it work! ALL of the auditors Hubbard trained had their certs cancelled by David until they came under HIS tech! He refused to vouch for Hubbard’s products! They were all labeled overt products!
Very nice summary, especially for people who aren’t familiar with all the changes and/or can’t confront the underhandedness of it all.
The Sea Org has become a criminal organization. The SO is out ethics.
Maybe it had a noble start, I don’t know. The idea of elite trained and OT individuals being responsible for Scientology sounds good, and maybe that was the idea the Old Man had when he began this thing.
But today the Sea Org is just a bunch of wogs, basically. The least-trained, least-OT Scientologists are the ones in the SO. Sad.
You’re right Gus, the least trained of all are the SO members. I had a friend who joined the SO and did the EPF and during that time when they had study at night, many SO members just sat at their study tables and slept. These were older SO members who were exhausted from never getting enough sleep, plus the age factor. The Course Sups took pity on them and let them sleep, but they were all over the new recruits when they doped off. And even though most SO members do not have training, and are not given study time, (too busy on post), back in the 80’s when AOLA would sometimes hire outside auditors if the pc demand was too much for their auditors to keep up with, one SO member got antago with my public auditor and got up in her face about how she shouldn’t be Sec Checking and delivering Elig to anyone cuz she wasn’t “as clean ethicaly” and didn’t have the “ethics presence” as the clean and uper holy SO members do. He said her hands weren’t as clean as a SO member’s so therefore she should not be delivering any Elig programs. Talk about ego and holier than though and service facsimile! Now the tables are turned and I wouldn’t trust any SO member to give me a Sec Check.
Yes you got that right. There is NO NEED for Scientology.
Nice one. Thank you Caren
He lisps and he lies…sounds like a low level used car salesman.
He also resembles, or she resembles him, the cadences of Sarah Palin…whose arrival on the scene and subsequent hold on a certain segment of the body politic continues to appall many.
And apparently Greta Van Susteren and her husband, John P. Cole, are Scientologists. Their relationship with Sarah Palin is mysterious.
Any thoughts?
Dear Nancy,
Let me get this straight … because Miscavige has spent the last 10 years twiddling his thumbs (& perhaps other bodily appendages) on SuperPower, it now becomes a life-or-death emergency for everyone — just because he suddenly changes his mind and decides he needs it finished right away?
So the worse Miscavige’s lack of planning and incompetence becomes, the harder the whips crack on everyone’s back?
It’s surely a sign of a highly disfunctional organization if everyone (below Miscavige) gets treated no better than galley slaves — and worse yet when people are blamed and punished for merely following orders of a grossly incompetent dictator.
The whole thing would be laughable if it wasn’t so tragic.
If staff who had to stay up all night, or for days and nights on end, to get Miscavige orders done, most orders being arbitrary, whimsical, illogical or unneeded, and to meet Miscavige TMs (which are usually :right away”) to get things done or submitted on time to him, only to find he takes days, weeks or months or years to look at their submission, or that it really wasn’t needed right away – if they had a dollar for each time that happened, they would all be rich.
Dear faster faster – the reason for Super Power now is the Luis Garcia lawsuit. There is no other reason. To dodge the fraud charge he has to get it up and running ASAP. Even if they have to cobble the SP processes together themselves, workable or not, they have to deliver some damn thing. Anything to say “Fraud? Fraud? We don’t got no stinkin’ fraud!”
BAM! There it is.
All these people, staff and whales, getting all uptight on yet another “now, Now, NOW!” kick from this asinine midget, and they have no idea it’s because of a lawsuit. They are utterly clueless.
He Who Must Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige is a real work o’ fuckin’ art, ain’t He?
Mike, that brings up a good question. So since DM is obviously only releasing Super Power “come hell or high water” so as to avoid the fraud moniker in the Garcia lawsuit, will this tactic work? What are the odds of the Garcias winning? Do you think the judge will see through his dog and pony show of releasing Super Power now that the lawsuit is here? Any word on how that lawsuit is going and what you think the outcome will be?
“First, pat yourself on the back that you are not having to waste your Friday evenings doing jack-in-the-box imitations to show your undying admiration to Dear Leader,:
Am I confused, or do these look like the same numbers from 1982??? when there were so fewer feeder orgs, money, celebs etc etc??
Okay, but back to The Tent….
So, does anyone know if DM was advised that perhaps erecting a city-block sized tent in a region known for hurricanes might not be the best idea?
And when Hurricane Jerry, Karen, or Olga rips the tent to shreds later this year, which staff will have to do lower conditions for allowing that SP hurricane’s CI to sabotage the salvation of the planet?
This is just one of the DeMon’s exit plans.
Oh I’m so on the same page with this thought! Was just yesterday saying same to my wife.
Tampa/Clearwater has escaped anything resembling a direct hit for years. They are way overdue.
Hurricane season runs through Nov 30, one can only hope and gloat 🙂
Anybody in Vegas taking odds on that tent? I hope it isn’t sky blue with gold hardware.
Starman8 Bruce – I have to admit that I would have to suppress a smirk if the tent does get taken out by a hurricane……….. and if that hurricane is named Hurricane Karen (per John Doe above) – I will be finished!
It is odd that he puts up a tent in hurricane alley in hurricane season – I seriously hope no-one gets hurt.
Maybe a hurricane is exactly what he is hoping for as it would give him a “legitimate” excuse to postpone the events…indefinitely…and then hope no one notices.
“Wonder how many of them route right onto their “OT Objectives” to separate themselves out from the physical universe for the first time…]”
Sheese, I did my “OT Objectives” 37 years ago. I guess rich people have nothing better to do.
Yeah, no shit. It was called the HQS course. I did it in 1973.
Renovating the oak cove??? They just opened it up brand new a few years ago. This guy has reno fever.
Really Tony! I’d call it a compulsion run a muck!
Oh yeah!!
He is harder to please than Barbara Streisand with the decorating!
At least Barbra is an AMAZING decorator. Check out her book.
“Reno fever ……. CATCH IT!”
Could be the new slogan for the Ideal Orgs – Phase II. You know – we had so much fun the first time around, let’s do all the buildings AGAIN! Your status please?
Tony, yes, he probably does have reno fever, buried in the mix of a quadzillion other things “ailing” him. However, compared to the quantity of overts HE has committed against LRH, Scientologists, and the
subject itself, these pale into an insignificant number . Nevertheless, the one definite claim to fame,
that he can make, without any argument of substance, and that he can take full and exclusive credit
for, is his own speciality; “WRONGNESS.” — Thus, at the center of all the hoo-hah, you find the REAL
cause of what has gone wrong with the formerly workable subject, — one David MUSTdamage, COB.
Hi Calvin.
Hi Tony 🙂
There are many, many LRH references covering what a checksheet should consist of. NONE of them, outside of the Briefing Course, mention anything about materials being in chronological order.
Actually, this is what made the B.C. unique. All other courses are to be arranged in terms of subject matter, such as theory, drills, admin, etc. The NED checksheet, approved by LRH in 1978, is a perfect example.
How anybody trained in Sup tech can let this go by without screaming Bloody Murder is beyond me. These people obviously sold their souls long, long ago.
And now are hoping to get them back on Super Power…
They may very well have screamed Bloody Murder, all the way to the Hole.
QEI (Qualifications Executive International, one of the Exec Strata ‘think tank” for the movement) ought propose a 5-10 year “pilot”.
Have 100 trainees do the training like you lay out above.
Have a seperate 100 trainees do a huge 3 times through the materials method, as follows:
a) first time through, do it as you lay out above, which is what’s in policy
b) second time through, do the whole shebang chrono wise.
c) thrid time through, do it again like in a) above.
And this 3 times through, would be the pilot “new” way to see if this makes better auditors.
Tally it all up, 10 years down the road, by surveying all the leftover auditors from these two batches of 200 auditors used for this 5-10 year long “pilot.”
what frustrated me in my years of being an OEC/FEBC Course Sup, then admin compiler for the computerized routing forms, then OEC checksheet compiler, then the years I did perusing and looking through ALLSIR (the whole Hubbard corpus on the computer spread out amongst the Int Base computers, the LA computers and ASI’s computers), and reviewing how Hubbard himself operated, how he “piloted” things using the 1960s Executive Directives which had the 1 or 2 year time limits, to see what worked’, and then my really strong hopes that the Exec Strata, as outlined in the traffic from LRH to the original Exec Strata people, and in LRH ED 339R, LRH put a lot of trust in the Exec Strata (think tank) to really wrap their heads around it all, and think like him.
I’m about the harshest critic to it all, on other chat sites, but were someone allowed to do what Hubbard says, then they’d think in 5 year long projects, and evolve the policy that needs evolving, and there is ample Hubbard admin writings to guide any generation of strategic thinkers who Hubbard gave the authority to make the tweaks in long term policy!
but no Scientologists think like this, I never met anyone at Int Base with long range thinking, sad, and all were in a constant state of semi fear of Miscavige, I see now, and with Miscavige bumbling along as he is doing, he’s not willing to even let Exec Strata and WDC be built up, and educated up, on how to really reform sanely and get the movement really back to auditing basics.
The David Mayo excerpt I posted on my YouTube channel, Mayo discusses, and I respect his discussion, of LRH’s considering that Mayo might have to separate his office, Senior C/S Int office, from the movement, to carry on the “tech” I presume LRH was at that time, April 1982, worried about the legal losses which might then have gone against the church, and possibly bankrupted the church.
The actual behind the scenes history, LRH’s final years of thought about his whole long career and what he’d built, is still now fully detailed, and even though I am not a Hubbardite, I know from history that the author major figure to any subject, their FULL writings have to be firstoff considered, in full.
I’m all for leaking everything into the public domain, or somehow sharing it all, and let people study it any way they want.
And people should see the raw manuscripts and comments from LRH, which were then re-written (per LRH’s exact instructions on how to compile his writings into issues, and how to pilot things, etc, etc, ) because there is a lack of understanding of ALL that LRH said, behind the scenes, and if unfortunately is important to know all that LRH said about how to present the subject.
Anyways, it all might be fruitless, it takes a long time to read all that Hubbard wrote and lectured, and by the time one’s gotten anywhere close to doing that, one loses interest, or finds some niche that makes one happy enough not to go the whole hog, and read and listen to it all, and try to do the bigger movement strategic moves that LRH did leave the movement leadership (the decimated leadership that today is down to just Miscavige, it appears being the only major decision maker, which is NOT what Hubbard wrote, he expected WDC and Exec Strata to be top strategic thinkers for the movement).
Of course I’m curious about Gat 2
Gat 1 is REVERSE Scientology so version (GAT) 2
is an extra gear going backwards.
I’m out of words, ought to be a gasser
Miss the tree’s
Oak Tree Tech has also evolved. Back when Dave was still cutting his teeth on illogics, he had Gold do lower conditions and hold a funeral for the oak tree that died in front of Building 36. This was similar to the lower conditions that Gold did for the landslide that mucked up the G-units just before TC was to arrive.
Ah! Such fond memories! How about the time that… Nah, my head might explode.
We did lower conditions for that tree? I only remember the funeral.
Honestly, I do not care about the two trees. Nobody does, right? It is not about the trees, it is about breaking of the law. I guess we all agree that this action was once again showing how DM disrespects the law. He shows how much he is above the law. He makes his own law. And that is wrong!
I have to give this Midget some credit. How he solved the problem was smart … at least in the short run.
I care about the trees.
I care about the trees, too. Trees are living things. David Miscavige values neither life nor human civilization.
Actually, it really pisses me off that 2 trees were killed for his stupid tent. Typical disrespect of life by the too dumb to operate on more than a couple dynamics.
Did anyone complain to the city about the felled trees so that he would get fined? He has plenty of money to pay a fine, but it’s fun to needle him and create Dev T for him. And besides he shouldn’t have killed two trees like he owns the place.
The city already fined them. They were not happy. In truth the church DOES own the trees. It’s a city ordinance that prevents landowners from just removing trees not an ownership issue….
As someone who feels he part of all that is, I do care about those two trees.
Just sayin’
Ok, got you. Surely cutting trees is not nice. So was my wording. All I wanted to say was that it makes a difference who was cutting the trees, where they were cut and why they were cut.
It is not just the trees. Otherwise I should write a new post on my blog each time a tree is cut.
Cutting trees is not nice. Anyway this is life. You kill each day to survive. Even veggies kill plants. It is not a tragedy to be in a game where you must be able to cut trees without feeling bad about it.
Well, it surely always depends on the circumstances.
I hope this explains the same story from a different point of view.
In essence he showed that the tree is more important to him than human live.
Out of the Cornerstone folders programmed (1463) only 255 are on lines completing the grinding Objectives to make them “free” – definitely a very low number of them on lines and no one spots the outpoint that 1,000s of them are off lines. Yes, he is in deep trouble.
And what a degrade to compare a quicky Sup with a Class VII- off the rails.
More than 1,000 Cornerstone members have left or been kicked out in the meantime. Therefore more than 50% are present! The programming for these missing guys basically is: “SP rehabilitation program, next auditing step is fair game.”
And for fair game you don’t need Class XII Auditors. Ethics officers and PIs are educated enough to conduct this type of auditing. So you see, it all makes sense. You just need to look from the right angle.
There were roughly 12 Class XII Auditors under LRH after the SHSBC, right? 12 x GAT II = 23 + DM
Ok, now seriously … how many GAT II Class XII Auditors are there now?
In 1980 there were no GAT II Auditors. This explains why LRH’s stats were sooooo bad compared to master Minicavige.
Hold the phone! The materials are now in chrono order? This is His new Why? Putting the Stude t Hat in chrono order is exactly what bugged the GAT I Student Hat (thanks , Shelly, wherever you are). She put the Study Tapes first on the check sheet before the basics of study tech, which are excerpted from the Study Tapes and which give enough basic tech to make it through these SHSBC lectures.i have to say, I am licking my chops to see how He rolls out GAT 2.0. Something tells me I am going to have a lot to say about the new and improved GAT.
Dan — yeah. This is such a typical Miscavige “Why”? Of course, it’s just as good as “the blind leading the blind” but I wonder if anyone is going to notice that while he makes a BIG DEAL out of how the Student Hat was suppressive and impossible to complete because long-gone squirrels perverted it from the way it should have been (chronological) he is ALSO going to release “NEW” Academy levels and they are NOT chronological. THAT is the Briefing Course.
But in the orgasmic euphoria of the moment, of course nobody will notice. And to even think about questioning the irrationality of it will result in at least 50 hours of paid sec checks, so get those pesky thoughts out of your head!
This has probably been said over and over on this blog, but just for fun…..
Finding a wrong why and acting on it makes the stats go down more. They don’t just stay the same, they get worse. So since zero Data Series is being used with these problems Miscavige sees or imagines, (like the one imagined for which GAG I was the solution…) it’s just going to get worse and worse.
Sigh….let’s all watch the tent get pitched, I suppose. I wonder how it will weather the winter, with hurricanes and all….
Oh yes Mike, like Jack Nicholson –“he’s back” alright, — but at least Jack acted “sanely,” by comparison.
Remember when I came to work on the OEC Checksheet, Sept 1988 until I was busted, Feb 1989, in RTRC?
The history of the method to do the OEC was ultimately to follow the volumes.
the ultimate reference for divisional checksheets, and putting the vols in the 3 department sequence, following the org board, is HCO PL 19 Nov 1973RA ORGANIZAITON EXECUTIVE COURSE CHECKSHEETS, in green vol 5, page 427-428.
This above ref is the bottom line for how to do he checksheet for the green volumes admin writings study.
The org board is what explains the whole organization, at a glance, reading the post titles, and all the divisions, departments, sections, sub sections, and VFPs, it all ties together.
This above policy is paramount to proper study of the admin tech, it’s the ultimate deciding policy that explains how the OEC checksheet(s) should be done.
The problem of also studying the whole shebang, maybe as an old salt, who has been a decades long successful ED/CO who really knows all departments and sections inside out and backwards across the whole 7 divisions, for someone so experienced, who then is elevated to Int Base ranks, to join WDC or Exec Strata, and to then become a true expert strategic thinking expert on their zones, I do think chrono study is good.
But sort of like how LRH has people train on the Academy Levels, the quick study of the essential tech for each grade/level, and then do NED, and then all their Internships, and do a couple 5 years of HGC or Field high volume auditing, and then do the Briefing Course which is essentially the chrono study, but itself isn’t perfectly chrono study, well my point is that the top people in the movement, the WDC members and Exec Strata members, who all ought to be Class 8s, OT 8s, and OEC/FEBC/PR/Finance trained and them those people then do either a Sea Org issues chrono study, or do the whole massive shebang chrono study, fine.
But the lower levels checksheets have to follow the org board, which is how the OEC is best trained on the admin staff, by division.
I guess that the chrono sequence question must stem from one of LRH’s many comments about how best to present the policy. But it was resolved by this 1973 policy.
The above 1973 policy says have checksheets to follow each OEC Volume, and do Vol 0, then one’s div volume, then the vols for one’s half of the org board, and then the rest of the volumes, completting their OEC training. That’s the parttime staff study method.
The fulltime OEC study method would be vol by vol div by div, per the 1973 reference above.
Now, LRH might have somewhere commented that chrono study, for those that sit down to do the whole hog study of the OEC, to turn that into the way that every staff is to study the OEC is very wrong.
The piecemeal vol by vol study, is most workable within the staff 2 and 1/2 hour daily time slot one has to study the policy for one’s work area, by org board position that one holds.
Only thus, 3 options does chrono study appear. SHSBC is the tech model. And the OEC might be studiable in chrono sequence only if one’s doing the sit down at one time study of the whole OEC, like full time training, for the future WDC and Exec Strata members.
But me, I advised, when I had the power after thinking about it all and reading what had happened in the years in the past, is to follow how Delderfield laid out the original OEC vols, and remember those publicly issued checksheets that came out with those original volumes!
Those were the definitive major issuances, that LRH I’m sure ordered, that sealed how it should be done.
One shot OEC training became the vols in sequence, O, 1, 2, 3, 4….etc. thus.
In 1977 when I came to be Asst Admin Course Sup at the Flag Bu Exec College where Linda McCarthy/Martiniano, Al Baker, Ray Facteau, Glenn Hackenberg were there when I joined, we did it per the above 1973 policy letter.
Then, about 1981 ish, Jon Horwich, who should be consulted, not sure how much memory he’s willing to impart to think about why it is, that he wished to turn the OEC into a single sit down checksheet, but there are the LRH advices for that.
It is from the few comments LRH made, I think even to Jon and whoever else, like Jay Hurwitz, back in the Apollo OEC/FEBC days, is how the idea for chrono study of the OEC came about.
But even that Apollo OEC checksheet, and the Jon Horwich OEC checksheet of 1981 followed, neither one of them, chrono sequence.
Delderfield might have also had a conversation with LRH about how to print the OEC volumes, in chrono format, like the red volumes were printed.
I’m truly open to not getting too bent out of shape about doing long term experimenting, were I still involved in official Scientology.
Meaning, I think it’s good to have ALL of the materials in chrono sequence, in maybe a mega jumbo set publicly issued, including ALL of the limited editiona and confidential materials, and secret advices unpublished, just do a huge long end to end Hubbard chrono packs first.
We at the Flag Bu Exec College had two tables, one for the tech chrono packs and one for the admin chrono packs, and the students could thus find even then, in 1977, I know, I was there and saw a lot of even the limited edition GO PR policies, written by others, because remember in 1977 things hadn’t until later in 1977 come to the point where we ditched all the BPLs, so there were lots of even then BPLs which had extensive LRH quotes in them.
I’ve thought of writing a whole history of the Hubbard corpus, all its physical forms and editions, it is so sad that the movement was so obsessed with destroying its history as it went along, so for sure all the old BPLs of the GO vintage PR are gone, long ago shredded and never kept even on micorfiche.
Dan, we need to meet someday, and give yourself several days so I can interview you on film for posterity and history of LRH’s compilations, you and Russ Williams too!
I wish I could Skype with Jeff Walker, do you have his email address!
One thing technically, even as a perfectionist and wisher and thinker of how to do it right, and even take into consideration all of LRH’s earlier wishes to have people study things in sequence, like you discussed, and like I’ve quoted LRH, the SHSBC was the big course that let tech people somewhat study the tech in sequence. But as you pointed out in one long ago posting, that the BC comes after having done the lower Academy Levels where the essential tech issues appear for the students to quickly become proficient enough to audit the grades!
Oh well, as we’ve discussed, or me at least and some other freezone people for years have discussed, the tech teaching problems, and by extension the admin theory policy teaching layout was worked out and approved pretty much, and it was how it was by the end of the 1970s, when LRH was moving further off the lines.
Oh well, someone will listen someday, and if not, then people can at least converse with free speaking former members, like you, like me, who toiled and concluded that the way things were, were pretty much the best workouts!
Dan, separately, remember the Int Base Sea Org Exec Staff Statuses, which laid out in an Int Base CMO Int ED I think, or WDC ED, the layout of the full training lineup admin wise, for the WDC and CMO Int and Exec Strata top council members? WDC Members and Exec Strata members had an extensive training lineup for becoming “fully hatted” for their positions.
Included in that, back in the 1980s, mid 1980s, when that senior Sea Org staff statuses was laid out, was also discussion, I know, I heard Mark Inger mention it at one or another staff meeting, for doing a Sea Org issues Briefing Course, in date sequence, which for the Sea Org issues kinda makes sense.
During the mid 1980s, the SIR project put all of the raw manuscripts of the LRH advices to top management, and to Gold, SU, etc, all the CMO messenger orders and traffic, all the Int Mgmt and even the few RTC traffic, all on the INCOMM SIR data bases, and then at INCOMM, I know, I participated in the backups nightly of the SIR databases, both at LA and at the Int INCOMM computer rooms so I know what is there, all the SIR various data bases can be accessed by the various echelon one held in the top pecking order.
For instance the RTC staff only were given access to the RTC advice traffic. CMO Int got access to everything below RTC traffic.
Only Shelly and DM had access, via remote logon, to ASI and to CST’s computer setups, the ASI setup in LA and remember Wade Starr ran the CST computer setup.
Rog Kernbach had me send him a specially put together computer, so the COB ASI advice traffic was located on a separate standalone computer, at the Int INCOMM computer room, I did that physically, and saw the result physically, when I was ASI’s computer guy, after being INCOMM LA and INCOMM Int computer guy myself.
But remember, when I worked on the OEC checksheet, (Sept 88-Feb 89) under you) and today, to me, the 1973 checksheet arrangement is how I’d still train staff, it fits with the org board pattern best, and makes it bit sized chunks of vital info a person is learning.
And I’d advise, were I to be the nerd helping QEI (over staff hatting checksheets) that for the public, there could be for the long term experienced ED/CO types a chrono policy study course, just to see Scientology, from LRH’s viewpoint, day by day, year by year, how the whole thing evolved. Sort of a Briefing Course theoretical study for public.
For staff training, I’d stick with the 1973 policy I quoted above.
Dan, can you or anyone else tell us as closely as possible WHAT tech training Miscavige actually has or had? And what auditing?
I know it’s not very much (OBviously….) but I’d love to know anything specific.
Yet he changes the tech all around over and over again, and redefines LRH’s own definitions.
That’s such an important sub subject. The leader of the movement’s lack of exemplifying the core practice of the subject that that leader is such a dominating deciding leader over.
Hubbard’s policy that should be made wdely publicly available to the public, is that the Hubbard wishes for ALL Sea Org members, in terms of training on the tech and on the admin.
The biggest omisison, is Miscavige’s exemplifying the Hubbard requirements for the top management leaders of the movement.
Miscavige only needs be compared to the TR Course and Basic Auditing Series issues.
The reason auditing works is based on the auditor getting a pc comfortable enough to ‘be in session.”
LRH despite all his other faults, did pretty good, but he admitted here and there, that even he was not the best auditor ever.
Miscavige, there is no one who has ever extolled Miscavige’s auditing skills. Ever!
I’m not a Scientologist, but Scientology is the auditing and training to become an auditor first most, and then secondarily it is the wisdom in Hubbard’s writings as one studies it all. (I’m really a harsh critic, but I can bend way over backwards to try to see how Scientology as an auditing practice just might be “okay” to allow continue in human history, since I think it is inevitable that basic auditing practice will continue, despite ALL the world’s excellent criticism of Hubbard’s auditing practice, and it’s legal to do, etc, etc, so it will continue, no matter what).
DM never got trained at Flag and likely would not pass TRs course, ever, he’d be a problem in any HGC in the world, as an auditor. His DNA appears completely unsuitable to following the auditor’s code.
Karen Delacarierre tells some info about his bad auditing history as a student BC auditor at Saint Hill, which is as far as he got tech wise, in the early 1970s. The rumor is he was overtly out Auditor’s Code with at least one preclear, allegedly striking one of his pcs in anger.
Miscavige? Training? Bahhh ha! That little idiot isn’t even a Class IV. Last session that little prick did, He slapped his PC.
“Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center” is an Admin post, not a Tech post. He’s a fucking pencil pusher, not anything even resembling a C/S. And for all that He’s not even in a Tech post, He’s not even fucking Admin trained.
Miscavige is not trained. He’s a joke. He is a fucking fraud.
Gus, he was alsoo Lisa McPhersons “C/S”