Here is the report from last night’s “graduation”….
He is turning these into mini “Int events” where He covers every possible piece of information that will keep the local sheeple convinced that all is well inside the sandcastle. He knows that this public, through the PR and goodwill of “Flag” and the “OT Committee” spreads the word far and wide about how spectacular everything is in the world of Scientology under His leadership “following in the footsteps of our Founder, L. Ron Hubbard.”
So, its a hodge-podge of random stuff that makes it sound like everything is hunky dory.
Ideal Orgs
Santa Barbara and Vancouver both made a giant step forward to obtain their respective buildings, and they will be announced as soon as the deals are finalized.
In addition to the PAC Base renos, renovations will start soon in Copenhagen.
Made a giant step? Got a big donation? Why these two utterly random places? No giant steps for The Valley or San Diego, Birmingham or Toronto? After all, these are the ones that we see sending out dozens of emails and promotional items every week? And no word on Harlem? Harare? New Haven? Auckland? CapeTown or any of the dozens of previously announced “Big News” “Ideal Orgs”?
And WOW, renovations will start “soon” in Copenhagen. They have had that building for 7 years or more…. And its the home of the CLO. And THIS is the “fastest growing religion on earth”?
The languages handled by the Translations Units worldwide will be increased from 16 to 50.
What completely irrelevant information is this? Many earlier “releases” have been in 50 languages. I presume this is meant to imply that the “demand is so great” we have to translate everything into Swahili and Albanian…. But the truth is that in the areas where about 40 of these languages are spoken (apart from Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Czech, Dutch and the Scandinavian languages) there is NO DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY activity at all. This as stupid as building a massive printing plant and CD manufacturing facility. It only SOUNDS good as a number. It is illogical to do this. A far better utilization of resources is simply to hire someone to do the few translations needed — of course ALL BASIC BOOKS have already been translated…. It is literally just a datum to throw out for the unthinking to support their belief that there is in fact massive international expansion.
FSO production stats
– 2480 on Golden Age of Knowledge courses
– 249 Basics Courses completions
– 27 Purif RD completionbs
– 210 on GAT II Objectives in the Coachman for regular publics, 212 on GAT II Objectives for Cornerstone members, 17 completions
– over 2500 WDAH
– 4 Happiness Rundown completions
– 16 Grade completions
– 8 Clears made
– 22 L Rundowns completions
– 23 OT level completions
– 8 OT VII completions
– total number of people on service in FSO: 6352
Not even bothering with this except the last one. I wonder if ANYONE in the audience actually stopped and went “WTF?” How He concocts this figure even baffles my ability to think like an idiot (and I am quite practiced at this art….). Must be some sort of addition of people on a course, counted again if they go in session, counted again if they start another course, plus the total number of people on extension courses, plus the total number reading books, plus the total number on ethics lines. Or something. The one thing for sure, it includes everyone on Ethics Lines as that is the largest segment of FSO public.
GAT II trainee completions (weekly/total)
Pro TRs: 52/1000
Upper Indocs: 105/931
Pro Metering: 132/675
Wow, the one week metering course with the new, secret, magic device just doesn’t seem to be cranking them through as advertised. No wonder He can’t set a date for the Grand Opening/Release/IAS.
– 23 new Class XIIs in training
More meaningless “stats” — they took 23 Romanians off the EPF and they are starting on their Class XII training at STCC?
Super Power
– will consist of 10 rundowns for publics, staff member get 2 additional rundowns not available for publics
– 115 auditors and 6 C/Ses are in training, who will coaudit the rundown on each other
Wait, last week there were 135 auditors? Going down?
From other reports, he keeps mentioning “secret course rooms you don’t even know about” — hmmm. Don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s well known that the church has set up “course rooms” in the former county building south of Court St on Ft Harrison. Do you REALLY think this is secret?
Upcoming events (Super Power grand opening in September and IAS in October)
– 12000 are expected to attend these events and confirm boards are already set up at FSO.
Hahahahaha — I take it this means there are going to be 3 or 4 events and there will be 3 or 4 thousand at each…. Again, if this is supposed to be 12,000 are going to be at ONE event, then your tent isnt going to cut it. In fact, you should be holding your event at the Tampa Bay Times Arena, the only venue in Tampa Bay that would come close to holding that many.
Do the adoring masses really just buy this idiocy? Oh, I forgot, the “proof” that there will be 12,000 is that confirm boards are already set up!!! Of course, I nearly missed that important “fact” that makes everything else also a “fact.”
Sort of like Him saying “I am going to hit a Grand Slam homer to win the World Series this year — I already got my bat.”
… and He is still in town.
What a relief!
This may ultimately become one of those infamous sayings that go down in history — it is reported that this brings an instant rousing cheer and standing ovation sort of like what happens when Kim Jong Un walks into the basketball stadium in Pyong Yang and waves to the crowd (if you have not seen it, watch the show on North Korea that aired on HBO’s Vice — it will remind you of attending Miscavige events).
One auditor makes. 10 clears a year, maybe. 500 in 50 years. 500 into the population gives us 13 million auditors…. Sorry, I rediscovered my calculator. 🙂
8 clears per week extrapolated to one year into the planet population gives us 15million years I think.
Is that factoring in accelerated population growth? At least there’s no rush after all…
Mike. My academy does 8.300 student points per person per week. HE has 6352 on courses. HE also said he is doing 2 million student points per week. Taking my yardstick, 6352 times 8.300 is 72 million.
Stats stats stats. He speaks through the corners of his mouth he does.
Mike and/or anyone,
The OOTs have been at Flag since mid-June. How will these OOTs be able to comp Student Hat, Pro Trs, Upper Indocs, Pro Metering and Method One Word Clearing to meet the “sometime in September ” target? As, depending upon WHEN in September the target actually is, that’s minimum 2 1/2 months, and max 3 1/2 months to comp all 5 courses. Is this possible even with flat out, full time study? Now, I know from an earlier article that Student Hat has been shortened, but have Pro-Metering, Pro-TRs and M-1WC been shortened as well? And if I missed this in a previous article I’ll be happy to just re-read it for my answers. Thanks
All the Basics are now available in Latin! We can bring the Vatican on board! (All but the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, of course – RTC fills that post more than adequately.)
One wonders if any of these numbers are real or purely fantasy
(“Look boss de plane, de plane!”)
The FLB should be called the Fantasy Land Base.
Public only get 10 of the 12 Super Rundowns.
I don’t remember the Ol’man saying the public only got 10 out of the 12 rundowns for Super Power in RJ 30.
Obviously another Tech Degrade he thinks no one will notice like the “old” OT Levels.
Then of course there are the “stats” phony or otherwise.
All these trainees have been on this squirrelly GAT II lineup for several weeks now and they haven’t made a single auditor.
Gag me with a spoon.
Not exactly awesome dude.
Probably why he begins by dazzling them with translation stats most likely in long dead languages and dialects that no one ever uses these days and the trusty more orgs being moved to “ideal” locations like some business park in the boonies.
You gotta admit out of all the agencies who set their sights on Scientology’s destruction Mssr Miscavige has been the most effective which is why many of us think the guy is actually a mole as well as a squirrel or a hybrid version of both.
“Have” his fun, meant to say.
Oh, let the Dwarf has his fun with the adoring Flag OOTs. They are the only “public” he has left, really.
Cant stop being amazed how your insider sources dont get caught; being how things are in the CoS, where everyone is a potential SP, how come these sources are not being just hunted down like mad. Just wondering…
If Miscavige wants to unleash a massive witch hunt, I’m sure that it’ll find lots and lots of them. Rarely does a witch hunt report that everyone is fine and upstanding, no worries, after all. Of course, can he really trust his witch hunters?
Poul Anderson’s “Sam Hall” (1953) is an excellent look at how a paranoid totalitarian organization can be made to eat itself with just a little shove or two. (For a sixty year-old story, it’s spot on.)
Sounds like he is demanding the largest event attendance in history and wants to outdo his War is Over Greatest Event in History in attendance. I feel very sorry for the poor public, as they are going to be unmercifully harassed to go to this event, paying for flights from overseas of the West Coast, suffering on 24 hour plus bus rides from the Northeast US or SE Canada. Class V Orgs will be squeezed and pounded to send as many staff as they can, paying for it from org FPs and public donos. Hope he is not also demanding that he wants the attendees there for the whole week of triumph he is hallucinating about.
The blind leading the blind indeed.
“…. total number of people on service in FSO: 6352”
Mike – 5,000 of the 6,352 are Flag public that have been declared and on lines with CJC.
All they do is lie, lie lie. That number is being calculated first by using the word “people”, not public. So “people” can include all paying public, all outer org trainees (supposedly over 1000), and all Flag STAFF on their daily courses! But even that would not come anywhere near that number. So then you come to that other strange number – 2480 on Golden Age of Knowledge courses. Well this includes anyone who signed up for an extension course and did not complete it all the way back to original release. They just pull that number from a computer- every person who every signed up and who is not listed as completed. I absolutely agree that 90% of those people are either SP declared or gone and never coming back. Lie, lie, lie. And they will say with a straight face that it’s true! Here is what is shocking. DM gave these numbers at Flag Graduation. EVERY SINGLE person in the audience KNOWS this is total bullshit. They have eyes. They know there are not 6000 people walking around the FSO getting service. This is the saddest thing. DM could say that there are 10,000 people in the audience and no-one would question him- no one would even look around. These people are mentailly FUBAR.
2840. Lets assume they did that this year or in 12 months. To clear the planet we need the whole planet thru these materials too right?
Divide the 2840 into the planetary population, and we 2, 324, 000 years to go before we are done……
Nice. The promo says we have to do it now, the time is now. Delusional.
Knowing Scientology Inc, the numbers would also include mailmen, police officers, fire inspectors, construction crew re-doing the Super Power building insides, RPFers, Sea Org recruits (if any), delivery men, garbage men, meter readers, professional electronics repairmen fixing the constantly broken look-in systems, security consultants figuring out where to put new surveillance cameras, bus-riders ensuring no one is posting anti-Scientology posters or saying mean things about Miscavige, people hired to shred and dispose of outdated books, Scientology-paid MDs making sure all the Flag public are healthy and won’t die of aneurysms, judges paid to cover up deaths and injuries, coroners being paid off in advance to hide what happens to the next round of injured or dead parishioners, prisoners in the bowels ot the parking garages and mechanical rooms, hired accountants to make sure double-sure that the payoffs being made to Debbie Cook, videographers, private eyes, and the neighbors of Scientology “enemies” for surveillance activities, and Materials Insultants, book salesmen, IAS reges, SMI reges, ABLE reges, YHR reges, TWTH reges, Applied Scholastics reges, Criminon reges, Narconon reges, Ron Series reges, and Ideal Org Alliance reges.
It’s a miracle the number includes any public at all.
Oooh. I forgot to count the tent raisers.
…and two rent-a-cops in a palm treeeeee.
Choking on my ginger ale, here, Plain. 🙂
Why is he even doing weekly graduation in Clearwater at all?
His need for constant approval and adulation has trumped any sense of intellect that might remain.
In reading all of these posts I can’t help but think this is winding up to be his last big hooray before the janitor drags him off the stage, the audience having long since gone home.
Any bets the 8 Clears Made weren’t NEW clears but people who attested in the 60s, 70s and 80s re-attesting?
What no Physical Universe Drills for public. DM is delivering a cutative. The last two rundowns of Super Power are Learning Drills and Physical Universe Drills for one’s post. I wonder what other changes He Who Is Following in the Footsteps of Our Founder is making to the rundown LRH developed FOR STAFF?!
Clearly there are many things that LRH would have done differently in hindsight. The next physical universe drill on the mini-Him FOOTSTEPS rundown is a criminal indictment.
Yeah, three feet – I have a drill for Him. Drilling how to walk with his hands and feet in chains, while dressed in Non-Armani bright orange while fighting off a cellmate named “Bubba” (no offense to any Bubba reading this).
He Who Follows in the Footsteps of LRH…..does this means he will issue increasingly contradictory facistic policy directives while cutting himself off the main commlines of SCN while shuttiling between ultra-secret hide-out locations and employing Moscow level security protocols until he dies?
let’s hope so
Thanks, Mike! These Voldemortian shenanigans appear to me as no more than some delusional uptake on a massive arterial freeway pile up! Hundreds of confused collisions of MEST –having come to a total standstill — and going absolutely NO where — while the traffic builds back for miles and miles! And then we find one Voldenut broadcaster putting forth a regular radio bulletin that “…all traffic is flowing smoothly, and there are no problems reported anywhere — so just continue on your journey, while “WE” take care of keeping you accurately updated, OK?” But then, I suppose one should continue to expect this type of result when you still have the devil leading the blinded sheeple to their own slaughter!
Right. I wonder how long it will be before he starts to treat outer org staff like his Int staff? He ran off all of his victims “Over the Rainbow” so now he has to export himself to gain access to new blood (literally).
I wonder if he has a special, secret room he uses for “The Hole – East”. Maybe Lisa’s old room?
If someone is at Flag right now, video him when you see him. You might catch him in one of those “Dave Moments” that the press can use to show his violent, petulant insanity. Don’t let him catch you though.
Oops. Wrong video – sorry:
No worries, mate! All pretty accurate if you ask me? LOL!
I’m waiting for more awesome stats to emerge.
Number of times I change the decor in buildings before opening them: 10x!
Number of carpet samples I rejected before settling on carpet for the New Flag Building: 68
Number of carpet fibers in the New Flag Building: 968,000,000 (fastest carpet expansion of any religion int the world)
Number of extinct African religions nobody speaks anymore Book One is being translated into: 60
Number of new websites I ordered OSA to register to handle bitter defrocked apostates: 24x!
Don’t forget ……..# of LRH datums compulsively changed to WTF? Straight up and vertical!
Why bother going to the Mini Int Events to see Him when you can get the whole scoop right here on Mike’s blog?!
And without having to listen to uberloud speakers blaring His voice spouting Sharmanspeak until your throw up in your mouth a little bit.
I know people who wore earplugs to Int events.
I always did. I could still hear every word with no problem.
Dear Mike, Very Well Done.
I am putting away my Sophomoric comments because my GUT
is telling me that this is building up to a huge loss.
My sincere wishes are that all the Sea Org is happier than a monkey in a Banana factory
but my picture summary says different.
Huh, Vancouver. The thing about Vancouver is….real estate is notoriously expensive. Ridiculously expensive. Even for homes, let alone for commercial real estate. And the org’s existing location is on a busy downtown corner. It’s a block away from Simon Fraser University’s downtown campus. It’s near the Downtown East Side, which is an impoverished neighbourhood where many struggle with addiction, but also by Gastown, the tourist hotspot. The building definitely needs renovation, but it’s difficult to see what they’d be looking at in Vancouver that would be preferable, location-wise.
Well Ladidah, asking this questions proves you have not been following David Miscavige’s Idle Mourge strategy. The MOST important thing about the location of the Vancouver org is that it should not be in Vancouver. The Ideal Location for David Miscaviges Ideal Vancouver Org is Chillwack, about 1 1/2 hours drive east. The problem is that David Miscavige wants huge buildings and they must also be historic buildings. While local Churches all over the world can raise perhaps 10 or 20 million dollars by raping their exsting public for 15 straight years, they can rarely raise enough money to buy a large and historic building that is also in a central location with good foot traffic. Such properties are extremely difficult to find and generally well out of Scientology’s league. Thus all over the world you see Scientology Churches that have existed for decades in high traffic downtown areas being moved far into the suburbs or even to totally different and much smaller cities. This is the “massive expansion” that David Miscavige boasts about. `He has successfully moved most of the Class V orgs in the world into suburban wastelands where they are guaranteed to fail. Should DM at any point take a hike, whoever is left trying to reboot the Scientology religion will find the entire religion in freefall. The Scientology religion is right now in it’s own “perfect storm”. 1. The Ideal Org program has moved many Class V orgs into suburbs where foot traffic is zero, crashing new public inflow. 2. David Miscavige’s crimes have exploded onto the world stage creating a PR climate of hatred and disgust from those who have heard about his sick behaviour. The internet is holding that information available for anyone who might get interested and take 5 seconds to check it out. 3. Those tiny few new public who make it through the front door of a Class V org are prohibited from speaking to a human being and are supposed to watch TV till they cognite. 4. The existing field is being given horrifically altered tech and are constantly abused by more demands for money and enforced disconnections. With the original Scientology generation all hitting retirement and the doors slammed and welded shut on any possibility of new public, the Scientology religion is in a free fall that it will wipe it from the face of the earth in approximately 15 years. At that time people who got in during the 50′ and 60’s will be all gone and those who got in during the 70’s and 80’s will be retiring and disappearing from involvement. The religion will empty out and implode. Not a pretty picture. Thank goodness there is an indy movement with a lot of hard working working people who are dedicated to using Scientology in an upbeat and positive manner! I bet the Indy movement gets more new public starting major services each week than the entire “official” scientology religion.
Rory, that is a succinct and astute analysis.
Yep. First class analysis. Well done. Just another way he is destroying the whole movement.
But then what does one expect with a “management” that is actually in a (learned and trained-in) condition of Enemy against its own staff, public and the subject itself. Chronic tone level of Anger as well. Supervisors interfering with students constantly (where did they learn that from? – they have a MisU on the word “tough”), “auditors” angrily harassing PCs trying to clean clean MWH questions and “Administrators” shouting at and harassing (the remaining) well-meaning staff etc. etc. What a debacle.
Thought I’d help the gang out with their shooping.
Here is a nighttime crowd of 10,000
And here is a daytime crowd of 10,000
That is what 10,000 people in one place looks like, so everyone with a camera in CW can run quick and buy a wide-angle lens and send us some shots of the 12,000 mass of humanity jamming the streets in CW – and I’m sure the Co$ would be more than happy to have you photograph them.
Hey! When did those news agencies find the time to photoshop in an extra 9,000 heads?
Santa Barbara? I passed the mission several times this past year and they were either shuttered or I was the only person there outside of staff. The one time I entered they were falling over each other to help me, it was pathetic when all I wanted was to see A Way to Happiness booklet. They can’t keep this place in David Mayo’s back door self sustaining, much less an Ideal Org.
On the other hand I can’t wait to protest the ideal org. It will be nice to see someone besides the same 3 members lol
DM speaking at graduation.
Well, who are the people there but OOT public. Not new public.
Those OOT peeps are running around going thru their new training.
They are in the dark of what is actually occurring, which is there are no new public, customers.
Pure PR to the folks of OOT public. And PR to the existing in-members.
What will happened when they get home and find, no public to service their new training to? LOL
So, 12000 people are expected to attend, but the confirm boards are only “set up”. That means that the big push for attendance hasn’t started yet. Let’s see, the best figure ever cited for responding to spam was 1%, and that was back in the day when inboxes weren’t jammed to the gills with the stuff. We all know that Scientologists (that are still in) tend to be rather gullible people, so let’s say that they get a 5 to 10% response. That’s 600 to 1200 people. Can they shoop that into 12000? Not with that tent there.
Any speculation on which two of the rundowns are going to be for staff only? My bets are on the Power Of Choice Rundown and the Physical Universe Drills.
I think one of the staff-only rundowns has to be the 2-by-4 rundown. You know…a repetitive process that is continued until the staff member is flat.
That stuff from dm makes me sleepy.
Who’s running the show at San Jacinto? You talk about multi-tasking.. Wow!!
That’s what I was thinking, Curt M. Uh oh. No Shelly to run the show while He’s gone.
Wouldn’t it be interesting if the whole int base had mutinied while the cat was away?
Does anyone have a plane they could fly over and just happen to drop a few thousand flyers that say, “Tired of internal suppression from you-know- who? Aren’t you so ready to walk out of here? Call 800 xSea Org and we’ll help you. Re-connect with your family. Get your life back.. Many are waiting to help you transition out. Class VIIIs, trained by LRH are ready to audit you in the Independent field. You ready?? Do it now, while you can. 800 XSea Org. See you on the other side of the fence.
Or maybe we can get a skywriter so that it can’t be erased. “Want out? Call 800 XSea Org now.
Or, then again, “Surrender, DM”
I like the way you think, Indie. I sometimes have visions of ‘storming the Bastille’. I think we all have similar impulses to help those trapped inside.
Storm the main entrance gates with chartered buses showing the destination of “Shrine Auditorium” while simultaneously sending messages to all executive cell phones and email addresses for all staff to immediately board the buses for a Special Breifing about HIM.
Hey Ronnie Bell – Yeah, wouldn’t that be a cool coup.
Time the overfly with cars waiting outside. You could have half the base scale the fence and get in the cars and go! lol
Maybe even one of the security guys bails too but he unlocks the Hole and says, “Come on!” just before he opens the front gates. Pouring out like water through an overflow.
Film at eleven.
Instead of fliers and airplanes, why not get a list of every cell number you have to anyone inside and send them gentle text about the truth. I know I have a hundred in my cell and a couple of burner cells.
Dropping anything out of a plane like that would have the FAA all over you like regs on someone whose rich aunt just died.
Well, no flyers then, Rick. Speakers broadcasting the message? They can’t just paper up the windows then. ROTFL!
How about the Pilot Incident? We send airplane over Int and the Pilot speaks to those on the ground through a megaphone … (Now where have we heard that before???) And he says something like busses are waiting on the other side of the fence to rescue you. Get over the fence to help. Or a helicopter that hovers with a rope ladder and says “come on, get on the ladder and hold on and we’ll fly you over the fence to freedom and help. This would be reverse Scn because the pilot would be helping them instead of installing implants.
Jane Doe! I think you just invented a new rundown! Repetitive process: Grab that ladder and fly yourself to safety. Grab that ladder and fly yourself to safety. Repeat until all the Int base staff are out (except Karin Pouw – she can wait for DM and get all the rage from everybody leaving!) End of session.
That’s what I’ve been thinking. Why can’t/won’t the free birds take more information directly and subversively into Int, in particular. His staff there is dwindling and overworked. There’s gotta be holes in the cage sufficient to let a little daylight in for those trapped inside.
How about getting “1-800-ex Sea Org” – using mushrooms, olives, green pepper or little pieces of sausage – baked onto the top of a large cheese pizza? Inserted into fortune cookies?
Good one, Aquamarine!
What is the ex SO number? I get conflicting reports?
800 xSea Org or 866 exSea Org? I’d like to use the right one.
Great analysis, Mike.
Thank you.
Wow Mike – yes, I saw that HBO Vice, and my wife and I both had the same reaction – reminded us of an Int Miscavige event too!
Sorry, I have a silly question…. Can you be on more than one course at a time?
Obviously, I was never in, but I’ve been critic-ing for a few years and have no clue about this. Thanks!
Yes and actually this would be the most desired situation as far as the church is concerned. This really pushes the stats. Org income stat, new course start stat, student points stat and course completion stat.
I believe that covers most of it.
And Bodies in the Shop and Success Stories.
The norm is usually one course at a time.
Co$ are number acrobats. And experts at confirmation bias and reducing cognitive dissonance.
Not sure why a printing/CD plant is a bad idea. All things being equal, I would probably have done that. It allows for printing on demand (POD) in limited quantities. Which, in the case of the Church, would be exactly what’s needed. Fifty of these, 100 of those, 150 of the others. Just select the work and the language on the screen, along with the number of copies. Seems logical to me. What don’t I know?
That these are not POD printers — they already had a dozen of those at Gold. These are Hiedelberg 4 color presses. Dinosaurs.
And CDs were a dying technology even when they built that new “Bridge Pubs.”
Unfortunately, “Print on Demand” at Gold always meant print on COB’s demand, not on public demand. That’s why the horrendous overstocks.
Nice book you wrote. Thanks for taking the trouble. Don’t we know someone who is recently out of the Int base who can give us a present time picture of the scene there?
Don’t forget that the printing/CD plant is also used as a central point for printing org magazines and promo such as The Auditor and International Scientology News and Source magazine and Advance Magazine and pointless piles of promotional posters. Church money would be going to wog printers and mailers if the church’s uber-printing and distribution facility didn’t exist.
“NO! Vee vil not allow ANY BODY to make any TING, not eefen one little morsel of prrrrrrrofit from any sing dat we NEED! NO! you can not Hev, you can not Hev, YOU cen not hev any sing! You re makink money on zee beck uf zeee orgs unt vee vil nut allow any vone to do zat….except Herr Führer Heem SELF!
You must go und get das ROLLBACK for sinking zeh should ECTUALLY be allowed to prrrrrofit from us! YOU hef counter intention to Herr Führer!! Mach Schnell! Go und zee Julian!”
Bask in the Sherman numbers. (In just one hour, print enough posters to flood every subway in the western world. Annnd how likely is that to happen?)
Don’t forget the piles of posters that orgs and missions hide in closets, under desks, in automobile trunks…because they’ve been sent so many they don’t know what to do with them and it would be sacrilege to throw them away. And the locals wouldn’t let them put them in their shops….
Mr Rinder, Does this then fully answer the questions of the member of the public at AOSHUK , who, being dismayed at the broken and shabby GAT course packs, offered to donate for new replacements from New Era Pubs only to find, after six months of nudging, that they could not be produced ?
Those GAT packs were specially produced — on “untearable” plastic “paper” in binders that could not be undone (so no pages could be replaced). As I recall, they were all produced in Los Angeles and shipped around the world. NEP was probably never given permission to set up a line like that….
GAT2 objectives “regular public”… why does that strike me funny? As opposed to irregular??
I know some people in Santa Barbara and they have not heard anything about a giant step taken. Several months ago there was a building located, in Ventura, which would move the org 30 miles away…and it was decided that was the building they wanted, but that was as far as it went. So, if there is a giant step happening in that area, maybe they need to let their local public know about it.
Oh…and on the 12,000 for the event…how much you want to bet that the Sr.C/S and ED conferences will be scheduled for that same time, so that the orgs are mandated to send an additional 2 people each who just happen to be there for the big event to help make that tent fill up.