The hype seems to be slowing down, the gushing praise for Him seems to be subsiding and the insanity of what is “news” seems to be reaching lower levels as each week goes by…
Here is last night’s report:
IAS Event at Flag: The preparations for the IAS event are well underway. The mega tent is on the way to the US by ship, and due to arrive in 3 weeks to Miami. It will be transported to CW, and then placed between the parking garage and Fort Harrison Avenue. Dave noted that it will be visible to all tourists who are going to the beach, so they will notice the presence of Scientology in the city (if they haven’t already). [ Wow, “tent stats” are headlining the graduation! There are 17,431 grommet holes in the canvas which weighs 11,273.1 lbs and is coming on a ship averaging 13.617 knots per hour making this trip a HIGHEST EVER of grommets per pound per mile. And just remember folks, this is because there are no tents in the United States that meet our exacting specifications. And because we have not yet built the hall we have been taking money from you for over the past 20 years. We have even shown you fly-throughs — remember about 10 years ago? And BIG NEWS, we want the people of Clearwater to see our TENT because they are sick and tired of seeing the 300,000 square foot empty building that blots out the sun in downtown Clearwater. These “hurrah” moments get more absurd each week….]
Super Power Building opening: The new Super Building will be opened approximately 1 month before the IAS event. All training and processing will be moved to the new Flag Building. Oak Cove will be converted back to a hotel. New hotel spaces will be added to accommodate the new publics coming to the new Super Power building for services as well as the IAS event attendees. Additionally, hotel rooms are being reserved in hotels around the city to meet the future demand. [So, the “Summer of Events” has now become the “Fall Event.” Maiden Voyage was canceled altogether and sounds like Auditor’s Day is also being canceled and its all going to be rolled into one big ball of wax. I wonder if he said that line about how they are reserving local hotel rooms to accommodate the “future demand.” OMG is He delirious? I wonder if he forgot that his tent can only seat about 4000 people and that he keeps telling the world there are 10,000 Scientologists in Clearwater?? He won’t need hotel rooms as nobody from out of town will be able to fit into the event anyway….]
Weekly completion and training stats:
Total number of students on Golden Age of Knowledge courses: 981 (2462 with extension courses). [With “Extension Courses”?? At FLAG? Maybe this is the total INTERNATIONALLY?]
27 new arrivals to the GAT II Objectives for Cornerstone members — [GOSH better book up those hotel rooms quick. At this rate the Fort Harrison will soon be at 50% occupancy….]
Outer org trainees weekly stats:
Student Hat: everyone is through, 1238 completions total [Finally, after 6 weeks].
Pro TRs (this week/total): 122/1134
Upper Indocs (this week/total): 135/1006
Metering (this week/total): 245/723 (a confidential tool is used to speed up this course) [He keeps mentioning His confidential tool? Wonder why?]
Students already on specialized lineups: 483 [Huh?]
Super Power trainees:
total number of trainees: 200; 22 Class VII auditors in training Whatever this means? You would imagine the auditors would be DONE with their training by now (about 5 years ago the 200 Super Power auditors were announced). They should be getting all the staff through the program by now.
A video was shown about the plans to convert the PAC Bridge into an Ideal Base. The renovations are scheduled to complete October, this year. [Again? LA Org has been opened 3 times already. ASHO twice or maybe 3 times. Same with AO. This is REALLY getting tired.]
The ED and Snr C/S conferences are starting soon. [Wow that is some startling news…. Christmas is also coming, soon.]
Weekly processing completions: 21 Purif, 20 Objectives, 21 Grades, 10 Clear, 24 L Rundowns, 28 OT Levels and 10 OT VIIs. [Purif and Objectives Comps more than OT’s at FLAG. That says it all.]
He ended it like this. “We are just getting started”and “I am still in town”. [What a relief. He is still in town. Everyone can rest easy at night knowing things are in good hands and that a new “Why” is being worked on as we speak to be released after He finally gets around to releasing the latest (GAG II) to correct GAG I….]
Is this the space they’re referring to? (This is a screencap from Google Maps).
If so, I find it hard to believe that a tent in this space could fit 4,000 people in it. It seems like the space is about 100-150 feet wide, at most, and only a couple hundred feet long.
Of course, that’s assuming that DM could even get 4,000 people to show up. Just as I (and others) predicted, the number of events is shrinking, as are the number of locations where events are held. He can’t keep up the ruse much longer…
Dirk — yes it is. The old gas station will go… It is a pretty big area. While a tent to seat 4000 people is a big tent, the floor space required is not that much.
Mike, thanks for this very interesting information served up with your usual ability to totally crack me up.
Ok, so Auditors Day = unlikely. Do you think it likely that the IAS event will be moved up to September, to compensate for this? Really, I can’t see “Him” (oh, wait – he’s just “Dave” now, sorry!) allowing any of those OOTs to comp and leave Flag and fire back to their orgs BEFORE the IAS event, yet the IAS event has been for the past several years held in mid-to-late October. If you can safely comm about this now, fine, but if not, I understand.
Pretty obvious they were going to be terribly embarassed at the low turn out in England, so they have to do the IAS event here where they can bus in enough shills to make the place look full.
You do realize that if they manage to fill that tent, they will have over 40,000 toe nails arrived at Flag in one week. An unprecedented highest EVER.
Ah, yes, the toe nail stat! Can’t wait for Mike’s upcoming, leaked e-mail: “This week, 40,000 toe nails, some bare of color and beautifully buffed, others pedicured and painted prettily pink while some roared in raging shades of red, and at the same time an untold number unclipped and generally uncared for though happily free to see in fun, Florida flip-flops, arrived at Flag”. (Mr. Sherman, can you help me out a little on my alliteration?)
Just toss in a few “moreovers” and “then agains” and a couple of “given what we have already seen” and you will have it fine. Alliteration isnt so much his thing….
OK, that grommet silliness — that was a joke. Right?
Yes, but it is so telling of the state of affairs inside the bubble that you had to ask….
That was some Hysterical writing.You are getting funnier Mike.
Can you see the giant cross on the SP building from Tarpon ?
I can see it from my roof top..
It’s pretty obvious to me that the MegaTent serves two purposes:
1) it allows Miscavige’s posturing about “church expansion” to continue unabated; the tent provides him the MEST to prove that the church is “overflowing”
2) MegaTent’s presence in CW will convince the powers-that-be in CW to award the church new building permits for larger and larger auditorium spaces, because the city fathers of CW will agree to anything to get rid of the obnoxiousness of 62,000 acres of canvas erected in their backyard.
You may be right – I think the tent is to hide the crowd from cameras.
11,273.1 pounds of tent! Are you sure they’re not intending to simply “bag” the Fort Harrison and fumigate it?!
With all this news coming in, my mind desperately tries to make sense of it all and I have to push down the clutch before I go careening into a wall.
A tent? A very large, visible from Space, tent? Maybe there’s a reasonable explanation and we’re just not seeing it. DM has secretly made a deal with Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey and the Greatest Show on Earth has permanently moved to Clearwater. Kind of like what Cirque du Soleil did in Vegas. That must be it. We’re going Big Top!
Alternatively, the Little Man is simply mad.
Other Samuels/Mission holder links. God save the EDs and Sr. C/Ss at this next conference. Some of us should give them a head’s up, if you have a comm line with them. It’s the humane thing to do and, if enough people look and listen, maybe they can save the other EDs, etc. Just a thought.
Here are the links:
And this, some of you have seen, mentions Samuels but is directly about “Midshipman Miscavige’s” 1984 declare. Flyer campaign at Flag and the complex, anyone? :/
That is all.
IndieBMillion – Thanks for the words and links. I wasn’t around back then, but do try to fill in the history of what happened. – Carcha.
Indie, Jane, Carcha,
Thanks from me too for posting these links. It really helps those who are looking. When I first started looking I had never heard of the 82 Mission Conference and its fallout and implications. I have been in for ages. The impact on us looking types is huge and valuable, so thanks.
What he did there was significant and I don’t know what LRH knew at the time but either way is shows a loss of connection and power influence by LRH at that time. Mike, if you have time, can you pop a viewpoint here. Did LRH know about this conference? Or someone else?
On this latest report, I find myself so well informed compared to all my buddies who are still in. Amazing. The local orgs don’t have this kind of feedback, very valuable.
Tomorrow I meet with an under the radar guy, long time player, who has some Issues to tackle based upon an attack on him by the local structures. Interesting times.
VB — Marty’s books cover this. Miscavige sent a detailed report about the actions at the Mission Holder conference to LRH. This included the transcript and audio of the actions. It was LRH as I recall that ordered the transcript be publicly issued. While Miscavige may have distorted the facts in the reporting, he certainly informed LRH that he had declared a number of Mission Holders and “quelled the rebellion.” LRH had very little nice to say about the Mission Holders — he called them money-motivated bloodsuckers and parasites on the orgs. A lot of what happened with the “Finance Police” was justified with the statements from LRH about the criminality of the Mission Holders “stealing public” from the orgs.
Thanks. My response? Ouch.
I will get to Marty’s books in my extensive queuing system. I look forward to it.
It is sad to hear how far it must have gone wrong after so many of us put so much energy and create into making it all work.
The nuggets of gold are still there to be used by whoever so chooses, thankfully.
VsB – Some guy in Switzerland did a review of LRH authorship and concluded he would trust everything up to the late 1970’s. My take on it is that LRH effectively retired around that time. I’ve seen enough adulteration on the net and in media, on many subjects and issues, to know that someone skilled in the arts of deviances can turn an apple into an elephant, a small gathering into an overflow crowd (with photos to back it up), a Class XII Auditor and C/S into an SP, and I do not doubt that whoever had LRH’s commlines in their hands at that time, did exactly that. In light of everything LRH accomplished, I do not permit my affinity to be alloyed. Seems every time I do that, I end up in a hole. I do not drink koolaide, either.
Thanks Carcha. Good viewpoints. I will take a look at those suggested cut-off dates as a guide.
I am not moved in my certainty about what I know and what is true for me. I also don’t drink the medicine either!
This is in response to what Mike said but there is no reply button on his post.
Interesting that the viewpoint was that the missions were, “money-motivated bloodsuckers and parasites on the orgs.”
I wonder what suppression the orgs had on them that kept them from expanding because my COSMOD mission (COS Missions of Davis) went from 15 staff in 1975 to 90 by 1980. Nearly St Hill size. But, in that same period of time, the org was still limping along at 15 to 20 staff, give or take.
I don’t remember any heavy regging for staff – people wanted to help and we were getting paid from $40 to $50 a week in 1977 up to $150 on a great week. You could almost live on that then.
But as far as stealing public from the org, we couldn’t steal public from the org, they were already at the org. But we kicked ass on dissemination. We had 8 staff in Div VI alone, and 4 of those were FT body routers. When the evening was approaching, all of those staff would go out and get at least one person for the lecture so we always had people in attendance.
One thing we didn’t do was send people on to our Class V org, we usually sent them directly to Flag. We could deliver up to Clear so we did.
And wasn’t that the pot calling the kettle black on the money motivated part? YES we pushed for money but WE were more interested in the product of an improved thetan.
AND, we had one of the most kick ass comm courses in the universe, thank you very much. 😀 Hadda say it. 🙂
On the Martin Samuels/Mission holder subject, here is a quote from a poster named, “Div 6”, at this link:
“On 17 Oct 82, Miscavige verbally declared top Mission Holder Martin Samuels.
There is a photograph of him doing so in the Church publication “Sea Org
Expansion News.” Kingsley Wimbush and Dean Stokes were also verbally
declared at this meeting. This violates HCOPL 16May80 Ethics, Suppressive
Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, which states: “All
investigations must include confronting the accused with the accusation and
where feasible the accuser, BEFORE any action is decided upon or taken.”
“It is worthy of note that Samuels and Wimbush were, at the time of their
“declares,” the two most successful Mission Holders in the world, by actual
stats. HCOPL 15Aug67 states “One of the ways an SP works to stop an activity
or halt an affluence is to pick out key personnel and spread wild, false and
alarming stories about them.””
If the shoe fits, Dave. We know who you are and we know what you are doing.
Indie, I am really glad you posted these references. It is ammo to show those still in that DM is violating the very policies he claims to uphold and it shows how he is an SP to attack the most upstat and biggest OL’s and producers. That is how you stop an activity. And that is how you take out potential rivals in your hostile takeover. Good posting Indie.
Thanks so much, Jane. That will make me very happy if our friends still in can see what’s happening from the links.
That whole mission holder annihilation really burns my toast. I helped/we helped build that at $50 a week and then He comes in and wipes it out in a weekend and ruins our friends who had the leadership, intelligence and insight to do it right. Money grab then, money grab now. Thanks again for the thumbs up, Jane. I appreciate it.
Ok. All joking aside, this phrase made my stomach tighten with dread of evil deeds to come..
“The ED and Snr C/S conferences are starting soon”.
To you old-timers or people who’ve been researching, what happened at that Mission Holder’s Conference in about 1982? Total financial shake-down and massive declares. Total destruction of the hugely successful mission network. Funds were seized unlawfully and all of peoples’ hard work was destroyed, as were their lives and reputations. Martin Samuels had to go home, a 50 year old man, and sleep on his parent’s couch, after being the most upstat mission holder on the planet. WTF.
Is Davey sticking around town to take his last money grab before packing 50 suitcases full of cash and his $5,000 Armani suits on the yacht and sailing away? Bon Voyage, Dave, is all I have to say. Get out.
Hey, did their Parking garage ever achieve Ideal standards? When is that going to have a Grand Re-Opening?
The Ideal RPF Berthing Center? Or will Gerhard Haag be installing his Robotic Parking and Car Crusher system?
“We are just getting started”…hum..this phrase sounds familiar. Didn’t he say it over 15 years ago??? (at least)
Just out of curiosity about the tent, are they aware there are things called hurricanes in Florida? A good, strong, wind would have a ton of fun with that thing.
Weekly processing completions: 10 Clear.
On WWP, Marc Headley said about this: “If they make 500 Clears this year and every year afterwards, it will take them only 200 years to clear the just city of Clearwater.
When I tell this to scilons, I have about a 75% success rate in getting them to leave scientology. ”
Little tip… Everyone who reads or posts here isn’t an ex-Scientologist. Many of us are Scientologists who’ve merely resigned from our corrupted and fallen church. Personally, I find the term, ‘Scilon’, to be a religious slur. Just a tip.
Measurable -> miserable
“I am still in town”
I am sure the SO members are not happy to hear that. In fact, I am sure Captain FSO is quit measurable right now.
981 on GAG courses that is less than TRs, Metering, etc. So where did I make the mistake?
My friend owns a bar here in Clearwater. He puts up a huge tent in his parking lot for St Patricks day. He is only allowed to keep the tent up for the duration of the event. Goes to show you that the scions control this city. Pitiful.
I’ll show you my Confidential Tool if you show me yours.
Thanks for a great report.
This part… ” making this trip a HIGHEST EVER of grommets per pound per mile. ” I almost fell of my chair laughing. DM still at Flag means only one thing. He’s gonna crash their stats like never before.
Go easy Mike. It must be hard to train up the necessary Super Powerz staff if everyone keeps blowing. LMAO – love the piece; keep up the snark and enturbulation.
Nice reveal on the latest from Voldemort, Mike! …….Here’s another…. plans “B, C,D & K/E.”
Plan “B” — Bribe the hell out of anyone who has ANY remaining useful blackmailable dirt on any BTDA’s
((Bitter, Twisted Defrocked Apostates.) ….tremble, tremble! (LOL!)
Plan “C” — Circus Show — As a hastily plugged in alternative, in case of poor attendance to the “main
draw-card event” with lots & lots of clowns,(like squirrel-busters) and magic tricks, like making HUGE quantities of parishioner money disappear from HIS magic pockets, never to be accounted for, ever again!
Plan “D” — The “Trump” Card (with apologies to Donald!) — Dashing “D” Himself, sporting a black tinted moustache, with an uncanny resemblance to a conquered WW 2 mastermind dictator!
He has calculated that the mere appearance of his lofty “Eminence” is sufficient a “drawcard” in itself!
Naturally, with a consort of scantily clad young beauties & mean looking bodyguards & squirrelbusters
with cap mounted head cams, to complete the appearance!
Plan K / E. –This is the creme de la creme of counterplots! ( if you can stretch your imagination here?)
Kidnap / Expose! — An immaculately planned, capture of of the key BTDA’s! (see above defn.)
All those responsible for the exposure of the of “THE Grand Master Plan Of Planetary Clearing” —the
most “humanitarian endeavor ever conceived in history,” — shall now find themselves FULLY exposed
and DISPLAYED in cages, safely chained and rendered harmless to curious onlookers, who will be
able to witness the REAL cause of the shocking decimation of the reputation of the CO$!
Yes folks, it has ALL been thoroughly “thunk” through, so future Circus Tent live “exhibits”– watch out!
Mike, Marty, Steve,Luis, Sam,and the entire gang of BTDA’s who have EVER given as much as a frown
to HIS Eminence, you might find yourselves part of a contingent of passengers, being manhandled out
of your homes under cover of darkness (naturally!) and flown by special charter ( estimate 22 fully laden
Jumbo 747’s reqd, ) as well as a convoy of some 167 City Liner buses, to ferret in the kidnap haul!
Oh well, even if NOBODY else even shows up at THE event, you can always turn the occasion into a blast as a great (caged) Indie get together, even though you may have to shout and scream to each other across the biggest gathering of Scns & Ex-es (and yes, Anons too! ) EVER amassed under one “roof.”
(….in your dreams, davey boy,…. in your dreams! )
Wow it took ’em 6 weeks, full time to get through the new faster Student Hat.
(Everyone should note the sarcasm there)
Seems most a ’em are stuck on TRs now.
What’ii that take?
6 years!
Nice objectives completion stat.
If ya happ’n to be Hoboken Org or something.
Not the “Mecca of Technical Deception”
And these OT stats are pathetic
When I was at AOLA we used to average around 30.
How many IVs, V, VIs, VIIIs were made?
Oh I forgot.
All auditor trainees are either on the”Basics”, Student Hat or struggling through TRs.
What’s this about having all Super Power Trainees do the VII course?
That isn’t what Ron says!
Never mind.
It must beg the question whether Mr Jacques is still around or has he also hit a muddy patch and is now spending his time in the Detention Barracks?
The Golden Age of Ideal Tents is here!
Too, too, too funny!
Gee, I can’t wait.
I keep getting a first lesson on The creation of human ability correspondence course on my computer, so I guess I am part of those stats. I have not done any thing in scientology for at least 7 years. I have emailed them back twice, but they just keep sending the lesson. They never did listen even when I was on lines.
COHA correspondence course? How do you twin to do the processes? Whom are you supposed to apply R2-45 to?
They will just upgrade the routine to R2-50BMG (to get more range). Or maybe R2-UAV, and do it by internet.
They never did listen even when I was on lines.
Ain’t that the truth. I remember one time waiting in the HGC of ASHO and having the realization that there was less real communication going on within the walls of the church, than in any other place I knew of. I actually experienced more real communication and got more floating needles just sitting in the local coffee shop with friends.
How ironic is it, that a group whose applied religious philosophy is based upon the basic mechanics of communication, can be so hard of hearing?
I’m pretty sure that cognition was the signature moment when I finally allowed the full weight of reality about the church to set in on me. Up until that moment, I was still clinging to a shred of hope that somehow I’d find a terminal there who would really duplicate me. It was the moment I realized that my church was no more.
Well said Ronnie. Originations are treated like comments, I never felt so invisible. I twisted myself into a knot, thinking I wasn’t communicating well enough. My signature moment was when I saw that nothing I said mattered and that they (Flag) really had no interest at all in what I had to say about myself. I was about as important as a folding chair on an assembly line.
Grommets per pound per mile…exacting standards…lol. And, yes, one can take extension courses from FSO.
Criiiinge. I remember being forced to go to events and graduations when I was in and OT VII, they used to give me a physiologic reaction that hasn’t bothered me since I reconciled my cognitive dissonance. The stats are ….pathetic. I remembered I nearly walked out of an event once when they quoted the square feet of ‘drywall’ that they’d put up. Great report Mike.
For a friend of mine it was the color coordinated clay demo kits. That was pretty much it for her. LOL
I have it on good authority that the tent will never make it to the docks in Miami.
Word has it that two clowns (one sad and one happy) along with a sword swallower from the Barnum and Bailey circus are intent on absconding with the canvas treasure. Details are sketchy but the basic plan is to board the ship at sea, offload the precious plunder to a waiting speed boat and once the deed is done the ship will be scuttled to a dark and cold sea bottom grave.
This a bit out of character for this trio of pranksters but they said they really need this new tent to help them bring smiles to faces of deserving children across the world. Now honestly, who could argue with that?
Indeed, and where else could they get so many upstat and vertical grommet/pounds per mile!
I sort of wish I had taken notes of all the “stats” claims, and promises made at events over the years by this “ringmaster extraordinaire” con artist. It would be enlightening to have all of it as straight data without all the BS, PR and CGI.
Someone should pass out lots of these buttons in Clearwater just before the event:
Will the Freewinds be for sale now back to Carnival Cruise lines?
The SS Mesothelioma is too much of a disaster even for Carnival.
“Dave noted that…”????
Somebody is definitely reading this blog. Probably “Dave”.
Talk about a pendulum swings. From “He Who Must Not Be Named” or simply “He” to “Dave”?
Well, I guess over-compensation should not surprise us.
This was a funny report. Those stats really don’t add up. If there are 10,000 Scientologists in the Clearwater area, and only 1/10th of them (981) are actively on Basics courses then what are the other 9,000 doing? The number of Outer Org Trainees beats the number of public on Basics courses? There’s no way that even at Flag, the majority of the public are done with the full Basics lineup. Even if half of them were, that’s 5,000 full Basics completions, which still leaves 4,000 more unaccounted for.
All this means (1) there aren’t really 10,000 Scientologists in the Clearwater area or (2) the vast majority of Scientologists in the Clearwater area want nothing to do with the Basics courses, even extension courses. And if there is anywhere on the planet where “Command Intention” is being pushed and the public are more “on Source” than anywhere else, it would be Clearwater. So just this one stat all by itself speaks volumes.
Of course, none of this really matters much compared to the highest-ever number of grommets in that tent. Now THAT is a stat they should definitely be announcing with fanfare!! LOL.
Thank you for the facts and laughs, Mike.
Here is the genesis of the idea of using tarpaulins (tents) for big events:
What a joke, thank God we have seen thru that B/S and I feel sorry for the poor fools that are still falling for that crap, I would assume their IQ’s would be way higher than that after application of that wonderful technology, but since it has been so squirreled, shouldn’t be too surprised.
So not only is the Maiden Voyage anniversary event is cancelled, but the IAS anniversary event is going to be in Clearwater? Could it be that “He” is in some sort of legal trouble and can’t leave the states? Is “He” on the no-fly list or something?
Could it be that “He” can pull more money from people in the states. Those that would’ve gone to UK can put their savings into the new auditorium, (which will be built in maybe 25 years). The Con is getting harder to do.
“Golden Age of Knowledge courses: 981 (2462 with extension courses). [With “Extension Courses”?? At FLAG? Maybe this is the total INTERNATIONALLY?]”
It probably is the total internationally. In ’11 they had about 500 international on extension courses. a number I thought pretty low, but was much easier and cheaper to do, which I did, than at Flag. I wouldn’t doubt that they still count those who left.
WOW ! Great report Mike !
The Tent is logging in Sea Duty !
Things moved around at Flag like a Carnival Side show shell game !
Popcorn vendors and cotton candy piled high for the tsunami of humanity !
BTW , I don’t want seem like a lost puppy, but what condition is Dear Voldemort applying ?
MMMMM Gulp ?.