Here is the news from last night’s Graduation where He once again addressed his adoring fans.
Of course, a lot of this could charitably be termed hype — some is just outright lies. But it was a night of spectacle and verbal fireworks befitting the celebration of Independence Day.
Though He announced “every org has their quota of trainees” he is apparently not completely clued in and has been taken off the Hawaii recruitment mailing list.
Fasten your seatbelts, and prepare yourselves for this week’s ride down the rabbit hole.
Sarcastic comments by me in square brackets:
– There is a secret ingredient that has been added to the Purification Rundown as part of GAT II. Right now, 72 people are on it at FSO. [Perhaps they got the secret ingredient from Colonel Harlan Sanders?]
– 320 people are on Objectives. The Fort Harrison ballroom has been converted into an Objectives course room for Cornerstone members as preparation for Super Power, and 99 are already on it. The folders of the remaining Cornerstone member are also being FES’d and programmed. [He is actually promoting OT VII’s and VII’s redoing Purif and Objectives as a WIN! You have to admire His chutzpah]
– Basics: 1006 students are doing the Basics Course at FSO, and 1445 are doing it as correspondence course [Basics??? So redoing the Basics is a first step on GAG II???]
– The number of outer org trainees is 1054 now, and every org has sent the necessary number of trainees. [“necessary number” sounds like code, sort of like the stats of “new people introduced to Scientology” counting one for every person that visited a library anywhere in the world that actually has an LRH book in it]
– Correction to last week: GAT II Student Hat course is done in 9 days by veteran Scnists, and 9 1/2 days by new Scientologists. The average completion time of the Pro TRs in 90 hours. The Pro Metering Course usually takes 1 week. Dave the COB made a joke here: if God needed only 6 days to create the world, then the Metering Course should not take longer than that. [What a sense of humor! And Rome wasn’t built in a day which is why it takes some people 20 years to never complete Solo NOTs…. And make haste not waste — which is why some people are on the RPF for 12 YEARS. And what an honest guy — making sure that the truth, its really 9 days not 7 days — but wait a minute, if God created the world in 6 days why does it take longer than that to do the Student Hat?]
– OOT completion stats: Pro TRs – 322 this week, 613 total. Upper Indocs – 227 this week, 307 total. [OK, so this proves that if he ANY real stats showing expansion he would announce them at the international events. He knows how many Pro TRs course grads there are so He definitely knows how many hours of auditing were delivered in Las Vegas “Ideal Org” and how many auditors, Clears and Basic Course Completions they had, and the same for every org on the planet. The reason these figures are NEVER given is that they are horrendous and put the lie to His repeated statements that “this is the greatest period of expansion in history.”
– Pro Metering can no longer be compared to climbing the Mount Everest in a Speedo. According to Dave, the following happened: additional data was added to misunderstood materials in order to clear up the prior confusion, but all it caused was an even bigger confusion. All the arbitraries have been removed. Students and Supervisors no longer argue about what they have seen on the E-meter dial. And, a brand new tool is available which makes it possible to achieve 100% perfect metering. [Wow, Dan Sherman has been working overtime. Climbing Mt Everest in a Speedo…. How about the Emperor standing naked on stage? That’s still not solved….]
– OOT success story videos were shown, where surprisingly the students repeated what Dave told: the training is fast, accurate, provides complete certainty and also entertaining. [Could you imagine one of those trainees saying anything BUT what He has been saying, or failing to thank Him. Hell hath no fury like Dear Leader scorned]
– FSO is the only place where the Bridge is available in GAT II standards [Wow, that IS impressive. I have had the FSO delivering “GAG II” Grades for a decade, no other org is allowed to deliver them. I have not released GAG II yet. And ta da…. Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly announce that this is the only place you can get what I have only nearly made available here….’]
– ED Tampa Org Wayne Fuller completed OT VII.
– … and he will remain at FSO. [That should be “He” — it is now considered to be CI to COB to not capitalize the pronouns used to describe him. If it is good enough for God it is good enough for COB]
GAT 2 sounds like a rollback of GAT 1. Seriously, it sounds like the early-mid 90s training program with the addition of a metering course. What a joke.
Mike I bet he introduces his copper rods grounded 100 feet to destimulate as one of his own rundowns…
I was thinking the same thing… get ready for the “Grounding Technology.”
I have never been so happy to be out from under the thumb of this “church”.
Yes, yes, YES!!!
GAT Standards??????
Sorry, LRH is the Source of Standards that the Devil Moron has zero, zero, zero clue about!!!
As the Italians would say it – with hands held high, and palms facing the heavens – PERCHE? (Why)
Outpoints, the size of Fiats, are hurled at the FSO audience and apparently no one flinches and ducks! No one notes that the “Bad” checksheets being vilified, were all issued under GAT I with great fanfare. That each of them were already a Solution to an earlier problem, and now, have become a problem themselves. Is there no end to the acceptance of insanity, dressed so daintily in skewered logic? When is a Done a Done? When does one actually attained a level, be it Clear or Objectives Releases or Purif Completion?
I sit here reading these posts and honestly, don’t know what to say. For my entire Scientology life, I have used the Tech to resolve problems by being able to see what was ACTUALLY there causing the trouble and then do something about it. But here, no one is seeing anything. The outpoints and the impossible, soar past these folks like winged toasters and no one bats an eye. No one gasps and shouts out, oh my! They smile and nod and involuntarily begin to applause as Lord Tiny Fists exhorts his troops to “not look at what I’ve done that hasn’t worked, simply listen to how eloquently I’m telling you, how I’ve fixed it.”
This isn’t Kansas, Toto!
Can I get wings on my toaster?
DE JA VU Voldermort is in for a huge surprise.
The Big Lie theory does not work . It was tried by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels
and it did not work out so well for them.
The only secret DM forgot to reveal is that he is a bumbling fool and the laughing stock of organized religion. He is going to face plant any day. His degree of face plant is directly proportional to the number of people he has f**ked over and buried along the way. He is a home wrecker and a thief of our hard earned money. He has NO remorse and a soul crusher!!!! What a guy!
Well said Rory! I wonder what’s going on at the Int base in his absence. Perhaps the prisoners were getting hostile….one can only hope.
Now Anna Stilo can go to all the delivering field indies
and say “you are not practicing the latest” in that nagging
high bitch tone.
“FSO is the only place where the Bridge is available in GAT II standards .”
Wow! After all of the money donated to/for ” Ideal Orgs” ! They are substandard! Only the F.S.O is “standard NEW tech”.
I guess David had to do something against the backdrop of this Fraud lawsuit connected to the Super Power Building. His attorneys must have sent him to the F.S.O. to run OT’s through purif Tr’s and Student Hat while throwing out phrases like “Cornerstone Members”.
Wonder how many staff they ripped out of the Ideal Orgs like they did when they needed staff for the Freewinds?
The Ideal Orgs have been thrown under the bus already! Staff donated to Dave and now F.S.O. is the only standard place. Robbing from Peter to pay Paul!
I really feel for Wayne Fuller. He really IS a very nice guy. The kind of person that would give you the shirt off his back. I think he is holding the Org now all by himself too. He is really determined to “do the right thing”. A real straight up guy. He means everything he writes and says. With all of his heart.
Unbelievable for me that he has been taken for this ride this long though. I give him twelve more months. Tops. When he finds out he has been scammed betrayed and mislead it is going to be one noisy scene. He’s a street fighting man.
Additional. He’s a street fighting man New Jersey / New York. Both places! I notice he signs now as an OTVll. He went for OTVlll. I guess the OT8’s that paid 40 grand a pop and got told they didn’t really “make it” can no longer call themselves OT8’s either!
Take the “status” away! Cancel the certs! Did they have to return the OT8 certs I wonder? Ordered to burn them along with Hubbard’s books?
Secret ingredient?!!! Is this what he is actually saying? Are these the exact words he’s using? Well, if that one staggeringly inept statement alone doesn’t provoke some kind of mass awakening, then we’ll have to conclude all that’ll be left to deal with will be a bunch of robotic idiots who’ve truly abandoned the core ideals they got involved in it for in the first place.
My money’s on it being a comma, for what it’s worth.
secret ingredient = kool-aid to mix with your cal mag.
kool mag or cal-aid
In addition to this….there is a reason he’s eliminating EPs and releasing “new EPs” to make it faster to get through VII and pro TRs,…etc. There is a reason why he’s forcing people to overrun on objectives. Those people will be TOTALLY UNDER HIS CONTROL…even more so than they already are….and he needs that for his “end game”.
Quickly get several thousand remaining Scientologists up through OTVIII….release OTIX and OTX…with the EP being “Total Freedom” and “True OT”….herd them all onto the ship or the FH ballroom and have them do the REAL OT LEVELS to the EP of pulling the trigger and finally going fully exterior….by that time no-one will even question it…as if they wouldn’t already.
I know it sounds creepy and scary….because it is…but if that evil isn’t confrontable…and if we don’t confront it…in my opinion it could definitely play out that way.
Love the satire! Too bad that EPs have been canceled for just about everything. It is so supressive to invalidate actual achievement on both sides of the grade chart. This gross unmock really creeps me out.
To those who are new to the idea that maybe David Miscavige might not be all he has been cracked up to be, but don’t have sufficient certainty, here are what I feel are some helpful thoughts:
-“There is a secret ingredient that has been added to the Purification Rundown as part of GAT II. Right now, 72 people are on it at FSO.”
Have you ever read the HCO PL the Hidden Data Line? I recommend you find it and read it again. So how is it that there can be a “Secret Ingredient” on the Purif? Isn’t it all covered in the Purif HCOBs that have been published for over 30 years? Where did this secret ingredient come from? From something that LRH left in some old attic that some special researchers found? Again? How many more old attics are there that haven’t been searched yet? Or was it yet another incompetent transcriptionist who left out the “Secret Ingredient” that only David Miscavige was able to uncover.
– “320 people are on Objectives. The Fort Harrison ballroom has been converted into an Objectives course room for Cornerstone members as preparation for Super Power, and 99 are already on it. The folders of the remaining Cornerstone member are also being FES’d and programmed.”
So there are at least 99 Cornerstone members who have to re-do their Objectives and the REST of the Cornerstone members are getting their folders FES’d (and we can assume from the context that the idea is that they are going to go back on Objectives). Does it not strike you as odd that so many people, many of whom are at the top of the Bridge, have to do more Objectives? Have you looked for yourself into the standardness of such a massive action? Or for the last 30 years, no one duplicated the bulletins on Objectives enough to see that so many people had attested to Objectives and gone far on up the Bridge with this level of the Bridge unflat? Do you want to assume that such a strange occurrence is an actuality, not some arbitrary, without finding out for yourself? All the bulletins are available to you, you can look into this for yourself and see if it is really legit or not. And you have a responsibility to do so.
– “Pro Metering can no longer be compared to climbing the Mount Everest in a Speedo. According to Dave, the following happened: additional data was added to misunderstood materials in order to clear up the prior confusion, but all it caused was an even bigger confusion. All the arbitraries have been removed. Students and Supervisors no longer argue about what they have seen on the E-meter dial. And, a brand new tool is available which makes it possible to achieve 100% perfect metering.”
17 years ago, with the addition of the GAT, all training problems were supposed to be utterly solved. OK, so maybe not. But why does it take 17 years to correct the supposed errors in the Pro Metering Course? So you have a few possible scenarios: a) Extreme incompetence in the technical quality control aspect of the church, b) the investigation of what was taking so long on the course was put off for 17 years, c) the solution to the Pro Metering Course was found a long time ago, but was withheld until “the right time” while in the meantime students wallowed in confusions for years and others who witnessed it were to afraid to train because they saw how long it took others to do the course, or d) this is all a bunch of BS PR hype. Pick one.
– “FSO is the only place where the Bridge is available in GAT II standards” WHY?
Is it not important that people in Chicago, New York, Brussels, Pretoria, Milano, etc, get audited standardly? How long has this been going on?
It’s amazing how much contempt “Dear Leader” has for his followers. And the more he pisses on them the more they rave about how wonderful the warm summer rain feels.
And a new “secret ingredient” on the purif? Let me guess – blunts from his sister’s stash?
This point can’t be recognized enough- DMs’ utter contempt for practicing, dedicated scientologists. His Pre-occupying delusion is: he is a Big Being – like tom – and most others are degraded beings; he sees himself as more brilliant than everyone else; he’s elevated himself in his mind vastly to the extreme. For this is a simple, basic truth- DM is an exceptionally clever, crafty criminal. Nothing more. He’s exceedingly devious; not brilliant. Because he is criminally sociopathic, along with the fact DM has *no control* over violent impulses he has had since his early teens, he attacks/hits people. DM’s malevolence is transparent, his vindictiveness and hate are palpable. And all he thinks and feels results in one fundamental behavior: complete contempt for all scientologists, in or out, declared or not.
WTF, absolutely insane!!!
This was very funny, thanks for the laugh.
It’s comforting to know that Miscavbitch is at the helm of the FSO. The fate of the church is sealed.
P.S. The secret ingredient is 17 entheta herbs and spices.
Pope Voldemort is on fire. Mike, I’m glad you didn’t get singed. It looks like he might be about to close down all the CL V orgs and sell the buildings or something. He promotes Flag is the only place to do some things.
I think he finally cognited that it’s a waste of time and money to have all those fancy buildings when you can fit all the remaining kookaid drinkers in the world into the FH canteen, light it on fire, and finally finish destroying all of Scientology as his last desperate act while he sits in the sauna drinking and smoking his secret purif recipe with Obama Bin Laden.
“… and he will remain at FSO.” It’s frightening. Perpetually bypassing the Exec structure and the Tech hierarchy of that org? That all by itself is already enough to wipe out that org.
It is time he will bypass all the janitors and MEST workers
and put on a black boiler suit.
At least the remaining execs in the hole might get a chance to escape without the Fuehrer around.
Let me get this straight. Only Flag is delivering REALLY Standard Tech per the GATII PR yet they’re still selling sub-standard Tech in every other Org in the world? Isn’t that kinda like selling a car with a Recall Notice attached to the windscreen? Fraud is one thing, this is a whole new Level of Stupid.
Good analogy Panda.
And in a couple of months they are going to start selling the car that has been sitting in the warehouse for YEARS as a “brand new breakthrough that is going to make Planetary Clearing a Reality (again)”.
Would you be referring to the CIA approved MK Ultra meter?
But “He” is making the meter cheaper and more accessible to the unwashed masses. “He” must be benevolent. Leave the cob alone.
Why do we even need meters anymore? Dinky Man hears all, knows all, and sees all. Maybe he can just write up all our OWs for us and update our folders….oh wait…that part is confidential until GAT3 is released in December.
GAT3 = Automatic case gain all the way to OTXV. All you have to do is have your employer direct deposit each paycheck directly into Dinky Man’s bank account and sacrifice your first born child on the alter as an offering to him and he’ll immediately crank your case gain all the way up to OTXV…and he’ll even write the success story for you for an extra $200,000.
Secret ingredient now on Purif?…………….. beer………….yeah, an ice cold brew as you’re sitting with your buddies in the sauna makes all the diff……..and the new wide screen tv and waitresses in bikinis….it truly is a new golden age at the fso.
No my friend. Everyone from zeh mother country know – secret ingredient is wahdkah! Helps eith hunting moose and squirrel!
LOL. Hunting squirrel should be easy – squirrel is walking in his own shoes. Maybe a bit of wahdkah will help him cognite,. And if not, maybe it will help ignite the breathe for more fire. Either way, I think you are onto something here….
Cold-pressed, naturally decanted, micro-centrifuged, unfiltered virgin, ūber-organic, de-oxidized “All-blend oil” ???
Waltz over to that wall! Thank You.
Not much different than it was before GAT I.
Should have been part of the Level I auditor’s course, not a separate course.
Curious why this is even mentioned, as it’s not any big deal. Takes a few hours of E-Meter drilling and you got it.
In my experience, the faster you learn something the less you retain.
In grad school, I had to demonstrate reading proficiency in German. I studied a chapter a week until I ran out of time, crammed the other half of the book in a week, and passed. I retained very little.
The hits just keep on comin’!
There’s the COB salad practically committing a Tech Degrade with every utterance!
9 days to do the Pro TRs course and Student Hat!!!
(which are two courses you’d never want to quickie for obvious reasons)
Unlike God though.
Miscavige says “let there be light ” and after that there is complete and utter darkness.
Wanna bet the ‘secret ingredient’ is single malt scotch? Oh wait. That would actually be exchanging something of value. Better save the single malt for the Only One worthy of it.
I was at Flag when they “fired” the OOTs for GAT back to their orgs. Many had finished earlier and were on MEST duty and many of them that I knew were not finished, but “someone” wanted it to look like they had all completed and made a big production of it at graduation. I remember thinking at the time that it was not feasible to have hundreds of students finish training at the same time, and, of course, it was a lie. When I asked them how they could go back in the middle of their training, I was told they would finish back home. I’m sure we will be treated to the same lies this time.
Wow. I can’t believe I am astonished by this, but I am.
I love your Voldermort photos breathing fire! Very appropriate!
WTF is “a veteran Scientologist” who hasn’t even done the Student Hat Course? A comm course completion is a “veteran”? And the time diference is approximately 6% faster for a “veteran”? Oh, give me a break …. (I’m giving them a big break assuming they know how to arrive at averages, but I don’t see how a 6% difference is going to be more significant than individual differences.)
The Golden Age of Tech II has a special new rundown wherein Scientology parishioners live in humid caves in Mexico that reek of bat guano, this while they undergo weeks of extensive sec checks on past life crimes.
COB’s big GAT II technical breakthrough is that living in a humid dark cave and eating bat guano enhances the ability of Scientology parishioners to obey COB’s command intention.
COB RTC David Miscavige is, as we speak, personally piloting the “Major Kong Rundown” and is taking the entire Church of Scientology along with him for the ride!
The BG Rundown will blow you away. It allows you to see who you really are as a thetan!
BG is the secret ingredient!
Maybe MSG…
A cup of green tea…
…with a drop of vitamin e
“He” is a very sick puppy.
“GAG” is right. I had so much fun, getting to know Ron on the Student Hat, no matter how long it took. And I did it when there were no transcripts [transcripts are for wussies] and all we had were the reel to reel tapes. Had to follow your lead, Mike, and use the brackets for sarcasm. 😉
People who have read Technical Degrades (which is everybody) should recognize the earmarks of “Quickie” everything. I personally believe that this is why The Data Series has been forgotten about on any line-up. Just like the dumbing down of American school children, if you keep the students/staff away from the tools of logical thinking, they will go with anything they’re told is right and logical – because they can’t discern it for themselves. Again, “GAG” is right.
I was just thinking about that PL too. Very soon they will be selling implant technology. “Come on in to our space age implant station at Flag. We can embed the tech right into your thetaness. You will be OT 70 within 5 mins and it will be perfect. Note: Robot bodies available on request.”
Mike, you’re getting funnier and funnier. But you have give MIscavige His due — He’s giving you better material every week to work with. God bless Him … er, I mean … He bless Him … no, uh, I mean … Bless Him! … oh, hell … Gesundheit!
Just Me, that was funny!
You mean “Hail Miscavige!”
Umm, is this not the exact same speech that was delivered last week? Perhaps with the numbers tweaked around a little? Did we not get the exact same speech? I have never seen this before. The COB, the POOPE of all Scientology, gets up on stage and gives the same “news” he gave the week before? Something is really off with this picture. The illusion is starting to come unglued.
Wow, that clears it up. The reason I had to do the Purif three times was just because it was missing “the secret ingredient”. So, what is the secret ingredient that only He knows? No hidden data line here.
This honestly made my brain hurt. I think I need a drink. *looks around for the vodka bottle*
LMAO. You had me from “Colonel Harlan Sanders”
Same here Paul ,hahahahaha !