The report from last night’s graduation (12 July) featuring You Know Who:
– The special GAT II Objectives have been launched for Cornerstone members in the Fort Harrison Crystal Ballroom, 126 Scientologists are currently on that course. [Paying once again for the privilege of redoing the bottom of the Bridge….]
– Speaking of which, Objectives is going to be renamed to something else. He can’t tell it what as it would reveal too much. The service will still follow Purif RD on the Bridge and will contain more processes than the current Objectives. No more information will be given at this point. [Hmmm, maybe he is going to rename it OT IX?? The “marketing” and “come on” has just about reached saturation level — I guess He figures that “renaming” something will fool some people into doing it again like it’s “new”]
– 3 conferences will be held about the GAT II launch: an ED Conference, a Snr C/S Conference and an OT Conference. [Great indication of how he has turned the “OT’s” into his “elite troops”. They get “special briefings” and are given the assignments to carry out “Command Intention.” And they take this very seriously, like they are the chosen people and being given a special privilege just as long as they keep giving money.]
– Some meaningless stats: in certain rooms, triple bunk beds had to be installed to accommodate all trainees. 10326 meals are served daily, 72282 weekly. The buses transporting the trainees travelled 108.000 miles (173809 kms) in the last 6 weeks, and 1 million people were transported if each transportation is counted as 1 man. [How low can you sink? Meals served daily? Really? Does he think he is competing with the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen in a race to be the “largest force for meals served on earth” or something? And the buses, oh, the buses. How astonishingly amazing is this. 108,000 miles in 6 weeks. All he has to do to quadruple his stats is start berthing outer org trainees in the empty space of the Tampa Ideal Org and his “miles driven” stat will shoot out the roof! And he can put quintuple bunk beds in there because the ceilings are higher. This could be a stat bonanza….]
– People continue to enroll on Purif and Objectives. [How impressive is THAT — people ARE continuing to enroll in spite of all the good reasons not to do so….]
– 4 people attested Clear this week, and the grand total of Clears made in FSO this year is 250. [Hearing about Clears being made is perhaps the only valid thing to talk about. It is funny that the ONLY Clears Made stat that is EVER talked about is at Flag. The vast majority of orgs not only have no public, they dont even have anyone trained to certify Clears. So, this is very close to the grand total of Clears made on earth this year. Now that is a bit of a problem in terms of orders of magnitude…. There are 267 people born every MINUTE and 109 die, a net gain of 158 per minute, so this 250 for the year disappears in 2 minutes. Or another way of putting it, while 250 Clears have been made so far this year the net population gain on earth has been 44 million].
– Outer org trainee weekly/total completions on the GAT II program: 113/1177 Student Hat, 216/838 Pro TRs, 248/620 Upper Indocs, 98/119 Pro Metering.
– Ideal Org news: Kaohsiung, Taiwan is fully ready and will be opened as soon as GAT II is released. Milano Org found a new place (10000 square meters building, near to the airport) and space planning is underway. The new building for Budapest Org has been purchased this week. Amsterdam also got its building. CLO EU is being renovated to become an “ideal CLO”. The renos on the buildings in Sydney, Tokyo and Harlem have started. Harlem will also have a separate building for events. A brand new building will be built for the Church in Bogota, Columbia, an 8-story glass palace. [This could be the subject of an entire post in itself. Taiwan was announced nearly a decade ago, so too Harlem. There have been two different “fly-throughs” showing “Harlem Org” and he is STILL promoting it like this is new news. CLO EU is going to become the “Ideal CLO” — meanwhile down the road the “Denmark Org” Ideal Org which was purchased about a decade ago sits empty and is going nowhere, though Denmark and Copenhagen orgs “combined” into one org to “make it happen”. OMG, renos in Sydney have “started” — moving at lightning speed no doubt as they announced proudly they had “erected scaffolding” absolutely no longer than 6 months ago. At this rate the renovations should be done by 2020 without doubt].
– There was a short briefing on the Cause Resurgence Rundown. [I bet this was short. It’s really complicated. Start running around a circle and don’t stop. End of briefing. Oh, one more thing, it will cost you big time as this is really “OT” stuff.]
– and He is still in town… [what a relief — the off duty cops and security detail are praising the Lord and singing hallelujah, the gravy train keeps on rolling…]
Wow Mike, you’re on fire this weekend! Thanks for all the updates.
If I combine a couple of languages, ‘Vol-de-mort’ means litteraly ‘full-of-death’.
Seems quite appropriate here.
You have such a gift with words. I laughed so hard at your description of the incorrectly included meals and buses stats until there were so many tears in my eyes I couldn’t see! I wiped them away, then read this to another, and we both laughed so hard we couldn’t stop! We love what you are doing. Leonore
GAT II???? There is some shit I just won’t eat.
That’s why Mike renamed it GAG II.
New name for Objectives: The Overrundown.
or ReallyRundown
So how many outer org trainees are there really?
Please post my breakfast stats. Yesterday morning I made 125 pancakes for breakfast for our visitors. This morning I reheated the remaining 37 pancakes. Therefore, using Miscavige math, I have now made 162 pancakes. Tomorrow we plan on telling them they didn’t actually eat pancakes.
Actually Dave stole all the pancakes and made other people attest they had breakfast.
Only after they had paid….
Any leftover pancakes can be called something else and served at a future meal.
Valerie! OMG how funny, how ironic, how true! How sad.
My same thought-Clears that had already been told, for the 2nd or 3th time that they had not made it – agree, it is a false report.
I am amazed he did not report the stat of number paces walked between places… or the number of hours the trainees need to wait to find some available washing machine to do their clothes…or the number of nights the FSO staff has not had sufficient sleep…
Besides, the stats reported are only outer org trainees- no real OTs made, Grade Chart Completions and so on. Pathetic.
Mike, I would have to disagree with your clears made stat being good news or even the truth. I think it is unreal. It is probably only people re-attesting for the umpteenth time after being told they are not clear once again, just like the people re re re re doing the bottom of the training bridge.
Valerie — Sorry, I went reasonable there for a minute. Trying to give Him the benefit of the doubt….
“Amsterdam also got its building.”
That’s a new one to me. Last thing I know, Dutch tax authorities revoked tax exemption for Nabesa, a COS cloak for gathering money for a new idle org in the Netherlands.
I’ll try to get confirmation.
Maybe he’ll rename the objectives “Spirit-Perceive-Intend-Enact-Produce-Inspect-Result” processes (SPEIPER), especially crafted for OT’s! How funny would that be? (It may take some exposure to Alan Walters’ *Knowledgeism* to get the joke.)
A big thanks to your reporter who certainly gets you good stuff. But I dunno about that number of Clears, Mike. I think a lot of it is re-verifications of earlier verifications so that one guy has been counted 3-4 times. “THIS time I’m really Clear and it’s so awesome to have it validated.” I just don’t think those are 250 people who were not Clear, then did the remaining Bridge steps and actually went Clear this year. It’s just not the Miscavige style.
Why would anyone need to be “validated”? Were they in Doubt about their achievement? If you’ve had the cog, you’ve had the cog and, if it’s solid, no one on earth can take it away from you. Clear is a statement of awareness, not a test one has to pass with teacher’s approval stamped on it. I went Clear 5 years before I was “permitted” on the Clearing Course. My statement that I was Clear, given many times, was refused because “you couldn’t be Clear since you’ve not done the CC.” How stupid is that? A cog is a cog and the needle was dial wide. Each time I stated it, it was dial wide. Fortunately, a Cl8 OTIV completion auditor cleaned me up by saying, “I can’t tell you what you’ve done, but I *will* advise you to hold firmly to your reality and don’t let anyone talk you out of it.” Now THAT was an auditor doing his job!
At least we’ll still have a bunch of buildings when Miscavige is done with the church.
Scott, you speak volumes in that one sentence.
The question is WHO will have them? The buildings will probably all be mortgaged to the hilt with the equity in them posted as collateral to a Cayman Islands banking consortium just down the road from the ex-leader’s new palatial home and HQ of Miscavige Holdings Worldwide Inc. In his generosity he will look after what’s left of the church before this happens. He will invite Mr. Cruise and his fifteenth wife to join him.The fitter members of the RPF will be transported wholesale with him to supply labour for his private enclave and his new Ideal Yacht.
No, Miscavige’s corporation will have a bipunch of buildings which he will take with him when he flees to a country with a non extradition treaty.
Who is “we”?
It continues to boggle my mind at how many outpoints can come in one paragraph and those still in do not see anything!
Renaming Objectives?!?!
And…oh…I do feel sorry for those going to the Sr. C/S and ED Indoctrinations…I mean, “Conference”. I attended the GAT Sr. C/S Indoctrination and it was…not fun…on so many levels…only to return home with a new job of writing endless compliance reports that never got accepted anyway.
Roy…you made such a great point about Clears. What a mess that whole thing is. Amid the humor of the ridiculousness there is also the devastation this man has created that angers me and that is one area that has done a lot of damage.
I REALLY hope more will wake up with the release of GAG2, as Mike Rinder has so appropriately named it. Everyone has a line that will be crossed somewhere, at sometime. And I am hoping this will be it for many more.
Even those unimportant „stats“ he is falsifying.
„one million people were transported if each transport is counted as 1 man“ = 108.000 miles devided by 1.000.000 transportations = 0,1 mile for each single transportation.
Or: 10.000 meals (3 a day I guess) = 3.500 maybe trainees or all? 3.500 trainees at 50 a bus around 100 buses. 108.000 devided by 100 = 108 miles a ride. Or not counting empty rides = 50 miles. 50 miles ride would be in my area 1.5 hours. So trainees have 3 hours travel a day. But that conflicting with 0,1 mile average lenght of transportation.
In 1982 Crash Training Copenhagen we had 5 bunk beds. So we had been much better. And 30 or more trainees in one bed room we had much more smell in the room.
Mike, your post is screamingly funny — while being brutally painful. What a twisted world Miscavige has created for His Scientologists and Himself. His Friday Night Follies were a mistake. Attendance is dropping, applause decibels are lower, Friday night Facebook postings are fewer and less effusive. Those are stats even seals can notice. Bless his heart — His long-term planning skills are not improving with age.
It has to be killing him to have his precious stats reported on by the outside World. Any idea on how many showed up for this one?
Also are there any reports of dramatically increased traffic in downtown Clearwater? I mean there are only 700-800 SO with about 1500 scientologists in the entire Tampa Bay area Shaw said that within the last year. The downtown area is really usually a ghost town except for car traffic.
I never knew that running track thing was a course I always thought it was punishment.
Thanks Mike
Good to have a One Stop Shop for everything new inside DM’s head.
Renaming the Objectives. After renaming the service and calling it the “Survival Rundown” DM will then make the contents of the service confidential. People will be signed up for the service being told it’s a “new release” and they will buy it and start on it only to find themselves re-doing their objectives. Oh, hold on a second- They can’t call it the “Survival Rundown” because when David Mayo took the objectives and renamed them that’s what HE called it. And he was a Suppressive Person! And the service was cancelled after he was declared. But the good news is that there is no-one around with the balls to SP declare David Miscagive so if he wants to take Objectives and re-name it and re-sell it, he can do so to his hearts content. Funny enough DM is the one who DECLARED David Mayo. DM declared DM and named him as a Suppressive Person. Strange on many levels.
Clears made at 250!! Yeah!!! Oh, hold on a second. Every single one of those people has attested to Clear at least one time earlier, many of them are attesting to Clear for the third. So I have to fault your mathematics here Mike- the number of people who WENT clear in David Miscavige’s Scientology this year is ZERO. Opps, I am forgetting the number of people that were told NOT CLEAR. Those need to be subtracted from the figure. Several years ago it was at least 5 or 10 a week, even if it has slowed down now to just one a week then the number of clears in DAVID MISCAGIVE’s Scientology is actually something around MINUS thirty. Honestly it make me want to barf hearing that he announced all these “clears” when it was HIS order and HIS personal instructions that resulted in thousands of people who were validly clear being told they were not- which by the way is a suppressive act. That right folks, if you were told you were not clear and it later turned out that this was wrong- then the person who told you not clear committed a suppressive act. And the person who developed all the weird arbitaries that resulted in thousands of people getting given this suppressive r-factor would be the king of all squirrels, the emperor of suppressives- DAVID MISCAGIVE!
Speaking of David Mayo’s SP declare, I’d like to quote what Miscavage had to say about Mayo. This SOED was actually written by Senior CS INT Ray Mithoff, but clearly Miscavage was behind it.
20 August 1983
“Instead of carrying out his post duties, Mayo spent a large part of his time working out various ways to communicate to staffs and public the idea that he was “source”. An idea that he entertained for some time and does to this day-whether getting his name in print, his face featured in promotional pieces or other means.
He is dramatizing (defined in the Tech Dictionary as “a person who has delusions of grandeur, wealth, power etc.”)
He was trying to set himself up as someone whom others would look to for interpretations of Scientology Tech materials, rather than working at getting actual Scientology tech applied by others exactly as written in Source materials.
Mayo’s hat when he was in the employ of the church was to safeguard and ensure standard application of the tech and to assist in the compilation of LRH materials; NOT assume the hat of source.
Beneath that was the purpose to block the flow of people moving up the Bridge and onto the upper levels. The actions that he took to carry out this purpose were not accidental; They were deliberate.”
“Insanity” is defined in HCOB 28 Nov 1970, CS Series 22, PSYCHOSIS (Tech Vol. X, page 72). Per this HCOB;
This is another example of a criminal accusing others of what they themselves are doing.
If I could choose between Mayo and Hubbard or Miscavige, I would go for Mayo. He was the sanest. Without altering some Scientology, it cannot survive.
Hubbard was not the one that people want to follow anymore. The media have killed him. His biography does not allow Scientology to even exist.
People came into Scientology, because they wanted to be part of something new, but now there is not much of this “new” effect left.
By accepting that Hubbard was not perfect, to say it nicely, only then Scientology can survive. But it includes alteration. Eg. no more disconnection policy and no more squirrel busters. No more anti-psych campaign. There is a lot non working tech. Sorry to say what others just describe cautiously.
Wow! Yodamort has done it again. Our entire household is bedazzled with bullshit!
I’m sorry, what was the news again? We must have gone past an MU.
Great review Mike,
Still laughing over your prose……..and BTW, with regard to your comment:
“Speaking of which, Objectives is going to be renamed to something else” ……. I’m thinking that “The Solidification Rundown” might be appropriate. You know, run it for about 500 hours and then check for any remaining signs of life!!!!!!!
You crack me up, Cooper!
Coop, Yes! You crack me up too!