Once again, Voldemort was a no-show at Graduation last night.
Of course, the blind being led by the blindest explain this away with “He is so busy working to get everything right. You know how important this is and it has to be right because this is critical to the agonized future of every man, woman and child in this sector of the universe…” Perfection is the hallmark of “COB” — so is never completing anything because it’s not yet “perfect.”
But while the hypnotized and marching in lockstep, there are rumblings from an increasing number who are seeing this for what it really is — an ever growing list of lies and misrepresentations that are becoming increasingly difficult to find any sort of explanation for other than this whole scene is a dog’s breakfast of incompetence, cover ups, lies and rip-offs.
The real reason He isn’t showing his face at Graduation to give his signature “I’m still here…” line is explained by the almost insane desperation He is feeling about the threats he and his vulture culture confront in the legal arena. Based on many years of experience, there is one thing of paramount importance to Him — even beyond his fixation on how He and His MEST look — it is a threat to His position as the dictator of the Empire of the Vampires or secondarily to the Empire itself. You likely read about the devastating fraud conviction in France this past week. And the latest catastrophe in one of the Narconon cases reported by Tony Ortega. And the ongoing paranoia that unless he can somehow derail the Garcia case, the financial records of Super Power and the IAS are going to have to be turned over for inspection.
But the biggest iceberg straight ahead of Scientology’s Titanic is the case in Texas where Monique Rathbun is suing Miscavige, RTC, CSI and associates in their racketeering influenced criminal organization.
Tony Ortega has a rapidly compiled (and accurate summary) report on events in the case yesterday that is required reading for all those interested in the implosion of the Vulture Culture. This is an amazing turn of events that is like the pilot of a plane with failing engines pushing passengers out the door to try and lighten the load and save himself. The true colors of the pilot and the lengths he will go to save himself become apparent when the heat really cranks up.
As a note, Ortega mentions the surveillance of Mike Bennitt and two reporters covering this case in New Braunfels. Of course, Miscavige has decided now that their insane PI antics are perfectly justified as constitutionally protected religious activities and to prove his point, he is unleashing the PI’s (he has a restraining order against Him harassing the Rathbun’s directly) just to prove how religious He is. So now I have 3 cars of PI’s following me again and the receptionist at the hotel I was staying at yesterday telling me when I came to check in “Well, you are a popular guy, we have been called every hour by someone asking if you had checked in yet.” (I asked him what he told them and he said “No. Because you hadn’t” and when I said “Keep telling them that” he smiled and said it would be his pleasure).
You can always tell when Miscavige is really worried. The Three Stooges PI’s re-appear displaying the skill and tact of Moe, Larry and Curly on a bad day.
THIS is really what has been preventing Him from completing the 50 programs that will allow Him to complete the training which will allow Him to finish the building which will allow Him to decide on a date which will allow Him to hold an event that will allow Him to release the Kraken Super Power on the world.
But, in the meantime, the drones continue their busy work.
Recently of the Flag “regges” (everyone is a reg these days) called one of our Special Correspondents asking for MORE money for the Super Power building! (Yes, this WAS in the last couple of weeks….)
The target asked the beggar reg, “Oh! Isn’t the Super Power building done? I heard that there was going to be a big event for the grand opening on the 4th of October! I was thinking about making it go right to come out for it!”
Response: “Oh, we had to put that off because we found out that the tent was too big to put up in the US so we moved it to the end of October.”
“You mean to tell me that they shipped that tent all the way here without checking on that first??? That seems like a complete waste of money?”
Brilliant reply: “Oh, we checked on it but, when we got it to Florida, we found out that it was too big to put up here. So we’re having to split it into two tents and that’s why we need more money.”
And then another call to raise money “Because COB wanted to commandeer all of the hotel/motel rooms in a 5 mile radius of Flag because they have been ‘deluged with calls from Scientologists from around the world who want to come.'”
The inmates are running the asylum.
I think you nailed it here… “THIS is really what has been preventing Him from completing the 50 programs that will allow Him to complete the training which will allow Him to finish the building which will allow Him to decide on a date which will allow Him to hold an event that will allow Him to release the Kraken (crossed out) Super Power on the world.”
I was rolling on the floor laughing for a good ten minutes. Thank you so much for that Mr. Rinder…I needed it!
Likewise – I hate it when I snort coffee over my laptop and Mike Rinder is increasingly to blame.
I would like to acknowledge these correspondents, with out this info thing would be kinda dark. I myself supplied Mike with some info for a year or so and it felt good to do so. Cheers.
I heartily acknowledge the correspondents and you too, mreppen. Thank you very much for all you did!
Great post Mike, as always. Regarding DM’s endless warp drive to perfection, this is nothing but “having to have before one can do.” It is amusing that despite DM’s incessant CYA-horn-blowing for “production,” every single bit of his “production” is nothing but organizing. And that’s been true for 30 years. Renovating buildings, new covers for books, videos, events, etc., etc., all that is organizing. The actual production of Scientology only happens in one place: the Production Division. The only thing that actually qualifies as true “production” is auditing and training. This guy has never produced a single thing in his life. All he’s ever done is derail production.
I think we are, right now, watching history in the making. Legal is not my field of course, but it seems DM has now put every last chip on the table, admitting to vast abuse and harassment, but in one last act of surreal defiance (a sociopathic trademark) he is now claiming to a judge that he is simply above the law. Something we both know Miscavige has not only always believed, it is the essence of his philosophy. And this is a guy (DM) who has a SOLID track record of LOSING almost every important court case. And to make matters worse (for DM) he’s now boosted harassment of various people?
I know this is over-simplifying it a bit, but it seems like the quiet just before a grand piano dropped out of a plane lands on top of someone. Because if the judge say “Heil McHitler,” won’t it be the judge that says, “Release the Kraken”? And won’t Mosey be riding the Kraken’s shoulder? And won’t the Kraken be hungry for some David McNuggets?
Thanks for the great job everyone is doing on the legal front.
I’m interested to know, Mike, how DM’s admission that the Church IS behind all the harassment may change the landscape. What doors have just opened?
Mike, the inmates have not only taken over the asylum, but are burning it down room by room.
My crystal Ball is a bit cloudy on the issue if D.M. will run or stay.
Run locations must have NO extradition treaty with the U.S.
He will maintain control of the Freewind’s. which is registered in Panama
C of $ has Banks in Panama and other offshore locations
Davey can write checks on IAS money till he is 200 years old and
still have a millions in many places.
Stay and fight, only if he can do that behind the “curtain” and work the controls.
An additional comment with regards to the delays in releasing GAT II:
Every one of the 1300+ trainees currently at Flag training on GAT II was told the cycle would be “not longer than 6-8 weeks”. When queried on this proposed length of time the staff/SO members seeing to it that the trainees arrived timeously (i.e. “now” or “yesterday”…) told the trainees something to the effect of “Gone are the days of long training cycles; GAT II is fast, A to B, and CoB is personally seeing to it that all trainees get through within the time limits stated”. (Incidentally one SO recruiter claimed that “someone just finished Cl VI in 4 months”, which I later found out was another lie.)
Well fast-forward 26 weeks since the green light was given to send trainees “now” to start GAT II… The trainees are still there, most of whom are done with their TIPs and waiting to go home. Bear in mind that every single one of these guys planned their lives to be away from home for “6-8 weeks” as was emphatically promised. Most of these guys have jobs and commitments (financial, familial) outside of their Cl V staff contracts and have been playing the waiting game for months now. One Cl V trainee presented the Flag terminals with an email from his employer saying he would lose his job if he didn’t come back to work – this was approx 14 weeks into the training programme. The employer was expecting his employee back 6 weeks prior! Of course the trainee’s CSW to go home was disapproved and he is probably still sitting there today, 26 weeks down the line, without a job to return to once he does eventually go home.
An inside source tells me there is a lot of disaffection from the trainees themselves at the way they were lied to/manipulated just to get them there.
This is but one example of the highly unprofessional manner in which this operation has been managed. There are numerous others.
I always believed that the outpoints I’d observed in Church management constituted ‘a local problem’; this experience opened my eyes to the fact it is not as isolated as that… And since discovering Mike’s and Marty’s blogs in recent weeks, amongst other very insightful websites, it is clear all of those still ‘in’ truly have the wool pulled over their eyes…
TruthSeeker, you have made a VERY important point here. The church thinks nothing of breaking promises on this front, creating huge issues for these guys at home. Yet, if the trainee leaves, he will be declared for blowing. It is a no win situation.
I remember getting the email earlier in the year, asking to help cover a post while the trainee was gone for “6 weeks”…I can only imagine how those who did volunteer to help are now totally regretting that they did as they are STUCK there til who knows when?
And another shocking thing I just read. Karen #1 posted on Marty’s site that an inside source told her that all the red and green vols in the courseroom are GONE. And in their place is just course packs. And so Karen went on Bridge Pubs web site and saw that the red and green vols were not for sale when she clicked to buy them. This is big. DM probably got mad at Marty and Mike and all the commenters pointing out how what he’s doing is against this and that LRH reference, and how specific references have been altered by DM. So to get around this “bad PR” or “lying lies from the biggest liars” he just does away with all the tech and admin volumes and issues his own versions of them in course pack form. Wow, how can they see this and not question it???
Truthseeker, very interesting data about the OOTs. But has it been 26 weeks? My understanding, which could be totally wrong as it was 2nd hand, was that the order for the OOTs to arrive at Flag came down in mid-June. If you get this I would love a clarification
I think it was 22 June. For a 6 week (MAX!) training program of the fastest courses in the history of the written word.
I believe the main reason the outer org trainees are being kept at Flag is to use them as seat fillers at “the greatest events in Scientology history!”
You got that right John Doe. The OOT’s are being kept there so that they can warm the seats and appear as thought they are public. And how are they paying for their room and board while they wait? Many are there on a shoestring.
I hope you can get plenty of pictures of the guys following you Mike. Perhaps some special correspondents in your area could have your back & follow them. Your kids need college funds.
WHAT is “The Kraken”?
“Kraken (/ˈkreɪkən/ or /ˈkrɑːkən/)[1] are legendary sea monsters of giant proportions said to dwell off the coasts of Norway and Greenland. The legend may have originated from sightings of giant squid that are estimated to grow to 13–15 m (40–50 ft) in length, including the tentacles.[2][3] The sheer size and fearsome appearance attributed to the kraken have made it a common ocean-dwelling monster in various fictional works.”
“Release the Kraken!” is a catchphrase and image macro series based on a memorable quote uttered by Zeus in the 1981 fantasy adventure film The Clash of the Titans as well as the 2010 3D remake. Despite the dramatic delivery of the line in the reboot, the quote was perceived as unintentionally funny and quickly became a target of image macro jokes on the web.
The 3D reboot of the 1981 fantasy adventure film Clash of the Titants inspired by the Greek myth of Perseus was released on April 2nd, 2010. Months prior to its release, Warner Bros unveiled a two-minute long teaser trailer in which Liam Neeson’s character Zeus orders his men to unleash the legendary squid-like sea monster by shouting “release the Kraken!” The trailer was uploaded onto YouTube by Hollywood Streams on February 18th, 2010, which has received more than 3 million views in three years.
I think the statement that the inmates are running the asylum is becoming more and more apparent. The new copy of Advance! magazine seems to be promoting Astrology on the cover! (to be fair the article inside is not particularly pro-astrology.) I would think with with GAT II and eminent Superpower release that they might have something other than Astrology to place as the featured article.
i bet that’s the first time anyone ever told davey that anything of his was too big.
The only thing big about Davie is his ego.
This whole scene is madness. It keeps getting crazier and crazier.
Mike, I do not understand how you and others worked in this lunatic’s vicinity for so long. My guess is that your pure-hearted dedication to protecting the subject from Miscavige’s wild, destructive dramatizations played a big part. Did I guess right?
It seems that DM is just becoming more and more disassociated as time goes on. I think that he is headed for a melt-down of large proportions. It appears that he really must believe that people in general, including judges, won’t see through all of these ploys and see them as ploys. But his is intent is so OBVIOUS…..to harm and to deceive.
Does he really think that an honest judge won’t see that? Or won’t care?
Or maybe, as was inferred earlier here, he thinks that if he loses, his “pea under the shell” corporate organization strategy might be a winning end game if he loses all of the lawsuits. Well, that might be an impressively cute legal strategy to a bunch of legal purists, but again, does he really think that an honest judge won’t see the INTENT to deceive and avoid responsibility for illegal acts? Or won’t care?
I recognize the fact that I do not truly understand the mind of Mi$cavige. But I also know that in some cases one really doesn’t need an e-meter to detect evil intentions.
All one has to do is observe what one is observing .
Some people say he will take money and run somewhere , but I think he would try to retain his position. His position of domination over others and the worship he receives is probably more important to him.
Exactly Chrismann9. Right out of “The Sociopath Next Door” he wants to retain his position. His position of domination over others and the worship he receives IS more important to him. And that’s why he threw CSI under the bus. He said in an interivew that Power is defined by the number of people who listen to you. He wants his status over his victims, and he gets that by domination.
I think eventually Miscavige will go into hiding, sort of like LRH. We are seeing the beginning of this already with the no-shows for events and graduations. Probably soon he will just dissapear and you will get varying explanations from staff, but noone will really know whats going on. Legal losses will escalate and you will see confusion and an increasing number of public drifting away. We will start to see financial losses as well with churches closing and the Church in general being more vulnerable to attacks from government and private individuals.
I’m not sure what the end will be. Probably after everything settles out you will have a smaller Church and Miscavige gone somehow.
David 2 tents Miscavige, as a parity of the monty python skit Arthur 2 sheds Jackson. Funny as 🙂
Principle of the Carnival Shell Game.
Three Shells, one has the baubell under it
you guess which one.
Mike, I just read your article making myself late for something for which I shouldn’t be, but I couldn’t help myself. Running off now but if this latest here can be summed up in one word I would call it, “Devastating”. Back tomorrow to read all the posts. I’m so jazzed!
Mike, here is what Wendy said on Marty’s blog. My comment earlier seems to be a similar theme to hers. Just as court of support for my question?
“Mike, thanks for drawing attention to Tony’s post. What an astonishing read it is.
One would have thought, that since the RCS makes such a big deal about being the holder of all trademarks and copyrights, the first line of action would be to invoke their rights under those copyrights and trademarks in a court of law.
And that would be RTC and COB who are credited with “keeping the tech pure” on every OVIII’s success story – not so much CSI who gets that credit. Isn’t that their alleged gripe – “squirelling the tech”? COB was not only involved – his job description (credit grabbing) defines him as the leader of the “squirrel buster” ring.
If there was no legal remedy (because Marty was not infringing their rights) – then there is absolutely NO justification for harassing Marty outside his house and on and in his property, and less than no justification 9if that is possible) for harassing Mosey in the process.”
St….exactly. Redress for copyright infringement is well-provided for within the laws of the United States. In every state. In fact, though I’m not a lawyer, as a professional artsy-type who has sadly had my copyrights infringed, as well as having had to hire lawyers to double and triple check certain projects before they’re finalized to ensure that I don’t accidentally infringe the rights of others, I can speak with assurance on this.
I have never in my professional life heard of redress for copyright infringement being taken by harassment and spying rather than the courts.
Certainly the attorneys representing the defendants in Monique’s case are well aware that Squirrel Busters and private investigators are not appropriate redress for copyright infringement, and they weren’t suggesting that it was.
To boil it down, they were making the argument that it is OK for religious kooks to act like religious kooks pursuant to the 1st Amendment’s protection of speech and expression. (*Like those Westboro Baptist Church nutcases who avail themselves of the 1st Amendment’s protections in order to legally protest at the funerals of fallen heterosexual servicemen and women, and scream “God Hates Fags”, etc at the family, loved ones and friends of the dearly departed, because THEIR version of “religion” teaches that tolerance/acceptance of homosexuals is bringing war and every imaginable natural disaster to America’s door.)
The fact that they tacitly included CSI along with the individual SquirrelBusters (since they “admit” that CSI directed those nuts) is what makes it so apparent that Miscavige is franticand desparate. Frantic and desparate enough to throw the whole of CSI not only UNDER the bus, but also ON IT, along with the other folks who choose to reside in CrazyTown.
And they were making this argument–as I said yesterday over at the Bunker– because they want to MISDIRECT the court’s attention onto a religion/constitutional freedom road, even though IT IS NOT EVEN ON THE MAP of Monque’s Complaint! She did not sue about the Squirrel Busters!!! (Though they clearly wish she had!) As is spelled out CLEARLY in her Complaint, she left Ingleside on the Bay–and the Squirrel Busters–behind, and moved to a more private parcel of land in Comal County, Texas, intending to simply live her life in peace. It was not until she and Marty discovered that they were once again being videotaped, etc in their new home, etc,etc,etc, that she decided to take a stand and say, “No more.”
All of the defendants’ legal wrangling in that case is about doing anything and everything to try to keep Miscavige out of it, and Miscavige could NOT CARE LESS if he makes the entire Church of Scientology–which already has enough PR problems in the general population– look even more like a rabid bunch of crazed lunatics on the FRINGE of society in the process.
**Someone above suggested that Dave was in Texas. I have to say NO WAY is he stepping one of his tiny big TOES into the State of Texas unless and until he is ordered to do so by the court (and even then… well… many here have their suspicions about whether or not he will choose that time to Blow the United States in favor of a country with whom the US has no extradition treaty.
Amy — this is an excellent summation and analysis.
You encapsulated everything that is going on in this case in one sentence: All of the defendants’ legal wrangling in that case is about doing anything and everything to try to keep Miscavige out of it, and Miscavige could NOT CARE LESS if he makes the entire Church of Scientology–which already has enough PR problems in the general population– look even more like a rabid bunch of crazed lunatics on the FRINGE of society in the process.
Mike, CSI is now saying that Davey has nothing to do with this, all he does is handles the licensing of copyrights and someone else runs CSI and OSA. Of course, Scientology’s website has 5 pages on Davey and none on this fictitious ruler.
Release the Kraken! LOL.
Mike. Apropos your earlier comment about the case. I am not a lawyer nor from US of A but from what i understand RTC controls trade marks and copyrights and I assume licensing.
If Marty is breaking these coventants then RTC is responsible for the case. If they have passed that right onto CSI they are still finally responsible.
If Dm says CSi did it, how does he then not stay responsible, legally, for actions taken that concern the violation of said properties?
From where I sit, it seems there is an implication here that RTC is responsible, even though the C of S lawyers claim otherwise ?
Me no understand.
SI – I think I just said that slightly above on this thread –
This is Mosey suing for harassment, alleging Miscavige directed it. By stating he is in charge of RTC and maintaining “orthodoxy” AND alleging said harassment is legal, he admits he did it, which has been the central issue in this, so far.
This is NOT the RTC suing Marty for any alleged violation of trademarks. This is not about the First Amendment. The Co$ would like to confuse the issues. This is Mosey suing for harassment. That has nothing to do with trademarks, it has nothing to do with technology, it has nothing to do with practice of Scientology, it has nothing to do with the First Amendment.
This is a suit for civil damages. Keep that in mind and all the obfuscation disappears.
Given this courthouse mash-up, with DM’s attention stuck on his self-preservation, give a thought to the event team who have been side-lined while this proceeds. You can see DM’s operations now…screaming at his event team: rejecting scripts: constantly re-editing the videos: changing the sets and props: micromanaging the logistics to a point of total distraction. These poor guys must be climbing the walls. Changing one tent into having two tents for a venue – absolutely nuts! What a farce to state that he has no connection with CSI or the Church. He’s connected up to his ears in finances and operations of CSI. Let’s hope this case exposes his hypocrisy and lets on-line Scientologists see the extent of his financial irregularities. These delays will be costing an absolute fortune internally, quite in addition to the ultra high legal costs he is forcing on CSI to save his own ass.
There might be yet some aditional old oak trees the victim of his insanity
My apologies for the crossed responses I read another interpretation without knowing all the relevant information. My primary concern is for Monique and that eventually this case will be ruled in her favor.
Even though we may have differing POVs at times.
I think there is one thing we both can agree on and that is Miscavige is a obsessive perfectionist.
What is described in the DSM as OCD which is basically a Service Fac that is perfectly suited to an SP who would want to stop things because they’re not “perfect” which is basically a justification for stopping things.
It must have been maddening working directly under someone like that!
The Ol’man says “absolutes are unobtainable” yet Miscavige is constantly seeking perfection like the “perfect auditor” that doesn’t exist, never has and never will which is why they have 0 auditors right now.
I mean if you wanted to totally destroy an organization all you’d have to do is put someone who was hypercritical at the the top and away you’d go into oblivion.
I see that there is an effort here by the Church to apply the “Justice Manual” yet as with everything they seem to be doing it seems to be based on crashing Mis Us, Mis Us in general and false data.
(All tech to handle the above is no longer in use in the Church these days because constant drilling according to the strictures or scriptures of the Golden Age of Tech is supposed to handle any confusions.
Yeah right.
And because with the release (or rerelease if you haven’t suffered from a mind wipe of anything that occurred in Scientology before ’92) they have these handy dandy glossaries so that you’ll never have to look at a dictionary again.
Sure, sure.
Oh well.
I hope Mosey kicks their sorry ass since they deserve it.
It must have been maddening working directly under someone like that!
I can tell you from personal experience that it was maddening working indirectly for Miscavige.
I feel fer ya bro.
Just as I feel for anyone subjected to the depredations of this psychopathic, pathetic, lunatic directly or indirectly.
For about a decade, a huge team of renovations pros worked for the church under the most demanding circumstances, accomplishing near superhuman feats to get the church properties rebuilt. It was one of the most dedicated and able group of people I’ve ever had the good fortune to work with, but I can’t tell you how many of them fell by the wayside over the years.
The rate of staff burn-out and the destruction of human capital was like something you’d expect to see on the front lines of an actual war. We always knew the impossible targets, lack of adequate funding, and nonsensical arbitraries were coming from up the org board, but most of us never suspected that all that insanity was coming from the very top.
Even though you knew that ultimately, everything had to be approved by DM, you never saw or heard a direct order from him. It was therefore hard to spot the exact source of all the stress and murderous pressure. The source was always ‘uplines’, which was the perfect curtain of mystery for him to hide behind.
Roger that Ronnie.
My wife when she worked on CCIs trellis art in LA Restaurant experienced the madness of Mad Davey first hand.
Question; In regards to the Anti-SLAPP motion. According to the attorney filing the motion all discovery and basically all elements of the trial are supposed to stop.
He notes that this is what the law passed by the state of Texas legislators’ reads. He then states that CSI/RTC is willing to overlook that and continue contrary to the law.
Would this not be in conflict with the legislatively passed law? So that if the case went south the CSI might say well we said we would yet the law say’s we cannot.
If they are in fact able to just bypass the legislative intent. Are they then also attempting to bury the Judge along with Monique’s attorneys with paperwork?
How can one CSI lawyer circumvent or bypass the Anti-SLAPP law’s provisions? 1, The Judge has 60 days to render a decision. 2. All Discovery and other court proceedings are to stop Immediately after the motion has been filed?
Of course if they insisted that all discovery stop the defendants know the Judge would be very unhappy. They know that after all the arguing and wasting of the court’s time over discovery on the jurisdiction motion that they could not now say “sorry, we didnt mean it, what we really meant to do was file a SLAPP motion and we should have let you know earlier”. It’s a fast track to a denial of the motion as simply a ruse. They have to try and make it appear legitimate. The discovery prohibition is to protect the moving party (the church) from having to engage in expensive discovery in a suit that is brought to squash the little guy’s constitutionally guaranteed freedoms (as usual the church is attempting to turn the law on its head). One who is afforded such a right can waive it. Monique could not choose to “waive it” as it is not her right. But they can. And wisely informed the judge of this.
The CoS also probably wants to avoid this: “Note that if the court finds that your motion to dismiss under the Act is “frivolous or solely intended to delay,” the judge “may” award court costs and attorney’s fees to the plaintiff; this is permissive, not required…”http://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/anti-slapp-law-texas
Mike, thanks for sharing this information. I have read Tony Ortega’s article and the legal declarations.
I bet DM is no where near Clearwater and instead is staying in the highest priced Hotel Suite or a large expensive ranch house in San Antonio for the duration of the legal action until he gets himself removed from it somehow. That is his past history. He can think of nothing else.
He has to be near the attorneys and is micromanaging every detail and declaration.
I bet they had to use that new attorney to file the Anti SLAPP Motion because the previous attorneys couldn’t do it and still keep a straight face in front of the judge.
Knowing DM’s history and track record, he will do anything and everything to get himself removed from the case. Notice in Lubow’s declaration he states 2 times and makes a point of it that he has never talked to or met David Miscavige. Notice he doesn’t say the same thing about RTC or people in RTC. Meanwhile, DM is throwing CSI completely under the bus as you point out.
It will all fall apart like a house of cards. Imagine Dave Lubow in depositon or on the stand.
“Mr. Lubow, how long have you been a member of Scientology?”
“How did you get in?” “What was your intial involvement with Scientology?”
” Have you ever done other surveillance activities over the years?”
“How much have you been paid in doing investigations for your client Scientology over the years?”
It will be in the millions of dollars. It will be so obvious to any jury that he was doing this for the money over the years and that he didn’t become a Scientologist until years later. When we first met him, he didn’t know anything about Scientology. In fact we gave him the Dianetics book to read.
If DM doesn’t get removed, look for another Religious Freedom Crusade. It only takes a few hundred people in a small town like New Braunfels to make a spectacle of yourself. It will be straight out of DM’s play book. He would even pull staff from all the orgs in order to get the crusade big enough.
Looking bad for DM, but this is a long ways from over.
Liam Neeson in the movie “Taken” said to the bad guy (who came
from the Eastern Block to France) something about “here you come
to this country and take advantage of the freedom we have here”.
This is what this cult is doing and believe me, the taxpayers have
to support its medical, its tax free existence, even the justice system
but most of all their criminal behaviour.
Exactly. The “church” is manned by slaves and powered by taxpayers’ money.
We pay for it… again and again and again…. even with all this litigation nonsense. It takes up time and energy of the courts.
+ 100 Lars
I think someone told another person that Miscavige was too tense to address anything but litigation right now, and by the time it got to the fundraisers it was “Miscavige says we need two tents.” That is the only half-sane explanation for why the church is asking money for two tents when the rest of the world knows the big top tent is already there.
The tobacco industry learned that Miscavige’s’ PI tactics don’t win friends with congress.
Here is a press account of some of the tactics:
“When a sick smoker or his family sues a tobacco company, investigators fan out throughout the country in search of everyone who ever knew him. Disarmingly friendly, they quiz relatives, ex-neighbors and old fishing pals about the plaintiff’s work and smoking history, whether high school teachers and coaches warned him about smoking, if he handled toxic chemicals, had extramarital affairs or got into scrapes with the law”
After years of the tobacco industry lying to the public and courts, and abusing plaintiffs, congress passed many laws regulating the industry up, down, and sideways. So, I bet not all of the church’s tax attorneys are happy with the Church’s admissions in the Rathbun case. These admissions may very well be the last straw that finally gets congress to hold hearings on why the church still has its tax exemption.
I’m with you, Still on your side. This is why I want DM to take the stand. It will bring much more press coverage and with that coverage, maybe finally something will be done to bring DM down… just like Jeffereys in that fundamentalist Mormon cult was brought down. And same with Tammy Faye Baker and Jim Baker. Follow the money trail.
This really made me laugh out loud: “I think someone told another person that Miscavige was too tense to address anything but litigation right now, and by the time it got to the fundraisers it was “Miscavige says we need two tents.”
If only that were the case… we’d all just have a nice laugh. Unfortunately, the real reason is because Li’l Dave never, ever, ever passes up a chance to ask for more money. There is little doubt that RTC ordered these latest begging schemes and likely sent down these ridiculous sales pitches.
Thanks for the update on the continuing insanity!
If there ever was a time to come out and put your name on the Indie
500 list, it is now. You are liable to have a permanent escort wherever
you go. Not too shabby. Let’s get this farse done and distribute the
church money over the globe with their energy depleting to the point
it will be very apparent even for the most entrenced clapping seal that
something is awfully wrong with the church. Or do something that shows
you are standing up to this blatant suppression. Write your newspaper’s
editorial section (there are quite a few very accomplished authors on these
blogs) and announce your disgust with how this cult is misusing our legal
system that is making a mockery of it. Talk to your Scientology friends and
neighbours. Be overt. Go into the orgs and ask for the stats. Demonstrate.
It is good to do something. There are so many things to do. Let’s get this
over with. It is time to move on to something more survival and better.
Dictators have a definite tendency to stay in power until they are forcibly
taken down.
On top of admitting previous lies to the court CO$ lawyers now say they
were protecting the purity of the religion.
This in essence throws DM and RTC under the bus.
“David Miscavige is Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center (RTC), a non-profit organization formed in 1982 to preserve, maintain and protect the Scientology religion.”
One irony (among many) here is that we wouldn’t be paying any attention to Dave’s whereabouts on Friday nights if he himself had not cast such a dramatic spotlight on himself with all that vainglorious “I’m still in town” chest-beating. Now he can’t figure out how to turn the damn spotlight off. The empty stage has become a show in itself.
This whole thing is turning into a kind of avant garde performance art. All the trappings of conventional narrative — logic, pacing, plausibility, sympathetic characters, action proceeding steadily toward a climax — have been discarded. The audience is drawn instead into a surreal, post-modern landscape with no fixed dimensions or reference points, where even time and space are mutable.
A tent is too small and then too large. A building is finished and then unfinished. A defendant pleads innocent then confesses to the crime, only it wasn’t a crime, and anyway it’s the victim’s fault. The protagonist is all-knowing yet knows nothing, omnipresent yet nowhere to be seen. The curtain is about to rise, the audience is commanded to assemble, yet no date and time are revealed. Menace and danger fill the air, ominous sounds are heard from many directions, enemies are everywhere. These are the greatest times in history! Everyone is afraid.
The end is near. The show has not begun. There are no trees here, yet shadows dance around us. Speak, o Great One, that we may know the way out of this dark place.
Brilliant 🙂
If you ever write a play like that, I want to watch it.
Richard, you said it better than anyone could have. And since you said it so well, I hope you write the play. It’s as good as or better than any Shakespeare tragi/comedy
I was thinking more like Kaufka.
Great piece of thought and writing. That’s really up there with some of the best story-tellers. Thanks, I got a big kick out of that! I’m waiting for their attorneys to file a motion to indict themselves on the grounds of religious heresy perpetrated upon the court hinging on the definition of ecclesiastical being ecclesiastical.
You are an AMAZING writer. !! Thank you for your analogy.
You’re too kind, thank you! I am merely a humble stenographer, jotting down the Demon Master’s stage prompts, and pushing this damn shopping cart full of scotch, black roses, and voodoo effigies of apostates.
That really was beautifully written Richard. Your words make pictures and atmosphere – that’s a talent!
Hilarious Richard! Fellini and Bergman collaborated and had a love child. LOL!
Isn’t this a footnuke for this particular case? Is this an “ecclesiastical” affair of the sort Miscavige concerns himself with exclusively? “Orthodoxy”? (ROFL.) It seems to me he has just invited himself to his own deposition. Trying to use high explosives, they’ve just blown up their own castle gates.
The presumable ploy on the part of the attorneys for the Co$ is to make it a “religious issue.” It seems to me this is a civil case, and the issue is whether or not any person or group of people is permitted to stalk, harass, slander, defame, invade privacy, damage … etc. another – and it is not just one instance of following a woman around in a park for a few hours with a camera, leering and making lewd comments.
What would Dave do? Go to Hemet, slap around some slubs, round up some schmucks and tell them to get his 50 programs done and to him for approval by yesterday. Then, while pacing back and forth through his tunnel at his digs near Hollywood Blvd and LaBrea Ave, call Napier to tell him to get the Freewinds to Aruba ASAP for his escape out of the country prior to the BIG SHOW in Texas.
Could that be why the Freewinds is in dry dock?
That’s what I thought!
Let’s take a look at the numbers around how “COB wanted to commandeer all of the hotel/motel rooms in a 5 mile radius of Flag because they have been ‘deluged with calls from Scientologists from around the world who want to come.’”
According to the Pinellas County Convention & Visitors Bureau, there are 30,000 hotel rooms in the county. That doesn’t include another 20,000 in Hillsborough County, by the way. I couldn’t find average daily revenue per occupied room for the Tampa area, but in the winter of 2013, according to the Miami Sun-Sentinel, South Florida reaped about $151 per occupied room per night over the season.
So if DM is really going to “commandeer” all the nearby hotel rooms to handle the deluge of Scientologists coming into town, that little stunt would cost him $4.5 million per day, or $30 million per week. Sounds like a really good use of money. Oh, and I wonder what the odds of success are for that campaign, given how tapped out all the whales are.
Oh, and it’s even more fun to do the math when you remember that there are more than twice as many hotel rooms in Pinellas County as there are Scientologists in the US. And given that it will be tough for DM to get 1,000 die-hard Kool-Aid drinkers from outside the Clearwater area to attend events, it’s amusing that they’re claiming they’ll have 30x as many hotel rooms reserved as the realistic number of people attending. Wonder if anybody who donated for this latest bizarre campaign will notice that the 30,000 hotel rooms managed to cough up only 1,000 people at the actual event.
It continues to astonish me that people inside the hall of mirrors don’t figure these things out by themselves. It took me three minutes with Google to get the numbers I cited above.
Beep,Beep, Beep,Beep, Buzzzzzt !
COB commandeered all,motel/hotel rooms for a 5 mile radius of FLAG.
Pure HYPE that glows in the dark HYPE.
Thanks for your three minutes of research and your post, Brent. Really lays out there just how STOOPID the Church of Scientology is and how blatantly they lie.
Tony Ortega’s report reveals the lengths the Devil Moron will take to protect himself. Besides accepting of his harassment criminal tactics He does not care if the name, reputation and future of the Church collapses due to the revelation of tools used to “protect itself”. Independently of the outcome he looses on all angles, no matter how much he criminally maintains his “defense”.
As far as the registrars goes, boy, they should be ashamed of their greed, rip off activities and eternal lies. Yes, shame on you vultures.
To the wog world, this is Paulette Cooper all over again. Co$ has no credibility – that joint a holy church?! Fuhgedaboudit!! – and any of its followers who try to defend it now will look even nuttier. Good news for the Rebel Alliance!
UN-Fing- believable. It just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
The Tony Ortega story is just a jaw dropper.
If this were a movie I don’t think anyone would believe it.
I just read the Tony O stuff and my jaw is on the floor. It is almost too wild to be believed. And Mike, thank you for being there to help the team and for your testimony and for all you do on this blog and behind the scenes. You are a true help to mankind and to each of us Indies and to under the radars still in and those just out. Thanks Mike
“The purpose of the suit is to harass and discourage rather than win. The law can be used very easily to harass, and enough harassment on somebody who is simply on the thin edge anyway, well knowing that he is not authorized, will generally be sufficient to cause his professional decease. If possible, of course, ruin him utterly.”
L. Ron Hubbard, Manual on Dissemination of Material
Ron wrote this as the way to handle enemies of the church. So this is what DM and his church have been doing famously for years with any enemy. And now they turn it around and make themselves out to be the victim and claim that Mosey is bullying them and that the SLAPP law should now dismiss the case and make Mosey pay their court costs and lawyer costs for 15 lawyers. Unf…ing believable. But that is so characteristic of DM, to ever play the victim. I don’t think Judge Waldrip will buy it. It is such a desperate, last-ditch wild effort to win. OMG. Go to Tony Ortega’s site and read about it. Years later, you can tell your grandkids that you witnessed the demise of the corporate C of $ and you were there when it all came down.
In the unlikely event that Judge Waldrip bought into any of this nonsense there would be a national and probably international outcry. I think he’s shown enough mettle and is savvy enough to see this for what it is.
The 50 programs? David Koresh and the Seven Seals warmed over?
So much for all those depositions about how no one has ever done any business in Texas ever ever ever. Will the judge begin to wonder that thee people will say anything in order t make it go rights for them?
My Tent is too big ! That has to be the Best Pickup line yet !
“Hey Gorgeous” I gotta real problem ” My Tent is too big”
Unbelievable, this is so funny.
Who comes up with this stuff . Ahab the Arab ?
Dear Mike,
I congratulate you yet again from extricating yourself from this “pit of hell” and all the insanity those in the trap, staff and public included, are living with daily. I love the levity you bring to the table and as one and all can see…the drama is unfolding before our very eyes!
As Tory always says, tick tock, tick tock. What a lovely Saturday it is. We all love you Mike! Wish I had more money this week as I thow a bunch at you, Greek style. I love all things Greek, the music, the food and they way they lavish cash on their entertainers. Seriously. Another great post!
The IAS 2 tent configuration was what was installed in England as per this 1 min. 50 sec. youtube that the Arena Group put up.
Thanks, Sunny, for all your pix of the tent. Have really enjoyed the “progress.”
Ditto that – thank you Sunny!
…a tad bit ‘Triumph of the Will’ -ish there by the end!
Sunny, everyone was in the main tent at St Hill. The side tent that you see going up on the video was for the refreshment tables and other stuff. Like VIPs.
The excuse given about having to split into 2 tents in Clearwater is totally lame and quite clearly made up.
Dave there is probably only one program that really needs your attention at this point. You’ll need to put have your pilots on speed dial, supervise the refueling of your jet, see that boxes of cash are properly stowed, walk the exterior of the plane, check the tires for proper pressure and finally give a quick look at those beautiful Rolls Royce engines.
All good? Ok then, have a safe and happy flight.
The 50 programs are actually Fifty Shades of Pray. He is praying that SOME ONE or some THING somewhere will save his ass. Too late mate. Looks like game set and match to me.
Great turn of phrase, Martin. I see it as 50 Shades of Prey. David Miscavige is preying on others in order to abuse the law and anyone whom he sees as a threat.
Does Davie really own an airplane?
The two tent idea is solely to separate the wheat from the chaff. Though in the end if there ever is an event I am sure Dave will just broadcast his image from this fortress of solitude in Hemet while holding onto his 3 inch thick grounding rods out of camera view. The best tent will be only for this Patrons Of Humongous Brown Nosing, the other tent will be for those who are either staff of simple earthlings. I am sure a price list is being worked out already.
but if tom cruise , kristy alley, john tavoltia, will smith ever enter the super power building to receive their super powers will they defend earth as THE SUPER FRIENDS?
Stranger and stranger
Just read Tonys blog. Is the church that insane to make that information public. What on earth do they think the effect would be. Drive anyone further and further from the church. Who on earth would join a religion with that track record. Oh ….. Hang on. The SP would want that now wouldn’t he. Make the subject sooo dirty no one would reach for it.
Richard, it’s pretty obvious (after reading Tony’s latest) that Der Munchkin is throwing the church under the bus to try and save his own worthless hide. In doing so, he’s just caused his attorneys to admit that yes, the Rathbuns have been harassed and intimidated, but unbelievably, that it’s the church’s 1st Amendment right to do so if they think someone is speaking badly about them or exercising the right to practice their religion using the church’s ‘copyrighted’ scriptures.
Even more unbelievably, the anti-SLAPP statute the church is using in this motion, is designed to protect the weak from the strong in the legal arena. Huh? So now Monique and Marty are at cause, and the church is at effect?? Who in their right mind is going to buy such an inverted view of reality?
Judging by Judge Waldrip’s reaction to the church attorneys presenting this motion (big facepalm and complete change of composure), I’d say no one is.
It’s been done before (Wollersheim case), so this is a probable plan: CSI thrown under bus, RTC pulls from them all licenses to deliver tec, they don’t own the buildings so can not hold onto anything and have nothing of value, a few heads are put on a pike, staff sign contract with new entity CSU (U=Universe), and the show goes on … no?
NO, they did the opposite. Supposedly in 2009 RTC assigned CSI full responsibility to pursue intellectual property infringers. Now they can blame CSI for everything that was done and claim they had “no involvement”. Of course they know that the rank and file won’t pay any attention to this. Because in fact to protect himself, Miscavige (on paper) abdicated ALL responsibility to CSI. RTC should have simply gone out of business… But of course, this is just a sham.
WOW fact is always stranger than fiction. Actually releasing the Kraken may be the only solution.
Every time I read something like this, I think about the people inside Scientology. I feel sad for them. They are yelled at, they are humiliated and beaten. They endure this because they believe that Scientology is their only salvation.
Several years ago, also Mike Rinder would have been one of them. Luckily, he is now free.
One day, hopefully, they all will be free. One day …
Stephan, I’m sorry to disagree with you but most of the people still in aren’t being yelled at, humiliated or beaten. They are regular people going about their lives with ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA any of this is happening. I know this to be true because I know SO, Staff and public, all still very much “in”. I spoke to someone last week, in Clearwater, on course at Flag, a public, who had not even HEARD that Leah Remini and her family had left. This person has a job at a non-Scn company, children who attend school and is COMPLETELY unaware of what is going on. THAT is the typical “still in” and I think perhaps it’s even sadder than someone who is being beaten, yelled at and humiliated. If that were being done to the majority, there’d be a lot more leaving a lot faster I think.
Yes, that is what is so bizarre. They have NO idea about the squirrel busters. I literally told one older auditor that I was confounded by any organization that would send some stupid looking, fat, middle-aged guys in t-shirts with “squirrel busters” written on the front and video cameras on their hats so harass some guy down in Texas… and she immediately said, “That COULDN’T be. A Scientologist would NEVER do anything like that! Those are people dressed up PRETENDING to be Scientologists.”
At that point I just shut up. It’s beyond naive… it’s learned helplessness. Practicing stupidity. And there are still really nice people drinking the stoopid slop, pretending it’s fine wine.
Zana, I would have been disbelieving of the Squirrel Busters when I was in also. Its not only that I wasn’t doing internet searches on Scientology, and that I mostly avoided TV news ( which I avoided simply because I was practicing Scientology Zero and not because I had any inkling that Scientology had bad PR), its that the SBs – the whole concept of these guys doing what they did, dressed like that, etc. is really beyond believabiliy for ANYONE. Now, we know it was for real, we are accurately informed and we have SEEN it and we know the back story, etc. etc. But, just at as a datum, standing by itself, it stretches credulity of Scn and non-Scn. It has to been seen, and the SBs have to be recognized as actual OT Scientologists, for this to be believed, IMO.
Exactly, the exaggerations going the other way in here are just as nuts as the DM hype. Both are full of it, since I had never seen any of it in over 20 years and happened to a few at the top echelons. (Not negating or invalidating what happened to those). What however is quite real are the observable, first-hand off-policy donations and harassment for money perpetrated against it’s members.
Most Scientologists don’t know what’s going on and would not approve of any of this abuse. People want to know the truth. Catch-22 you cannot do what Scientology says it can do for you without the person seeing the truth of yourself, others, the situation, and so on. So Scientology gets watered down and you get pathetic paper OTs like the Squirrel Busters. Mistakes occur on the Machiavellian cult side: occasionally people get an eureka moment and go out the top and out the door.
Two tents?! The Kool-Aid has been diluted so much it’s practically plain water!
Sadly it is still strong enough to keep the good sheeple in the tent, even if it is now half the size. Kinda goes with the little emperor……about half the size.
All these tents.. maybe he wants to start some kind of movement like .. Occupy Clearwater?
The tent is too big? For what? The space it has to occupy? Or too big for the handful of people showing up?
Split into two tents? Sunnysands at Tony’s place shows pictures of the tent. It is up. And two old trees were sacrificed to put it there.
“….so we moved it to the end of October.” The end of October approaches – no date announced.
COB needs money for tents and reserving hotel rooms? With no date fixed and therefore no valid confirms. Uh oh! COB also needs money for an auditorium at PAC. Oh wait a second………….he seems to be spending money on PIs. That is where the money goes. PIs. lawyers, and damages payouts. And phone accounts cranked up to find out where Mike is and nag the poor desk clerks.
Mike I am convinced you are right when you say it is the litigation that has COB tied up in knots. What a circus. Great report back, Mike.
Uh Oh!
They’re going to open Shooper Power on Halloween, with a big trick or treat party to follow (for the attendees, it is come-as-you-are – hobgoblins).
Isn’t this what the inner circle wants? So much outside pressure justifying the brilliance of impending Super Power.
I suspect Mr. Perfection came up with the two tent solution…
Yes, but someone who couldn’t do his job had measured the space where it was supposed to be erected. Although “erected” is kind of a strong verb for Davey right now.
Yeah it was a premature erect-ulation
*That’s* why Miscavige can’t show up at graduation! He’s two tents!
(Too tense)
oooohh, that IS rough, but right on Plain Old!
Right now this solution is his main problem: Miscavige is just two tents!
I bet his main “business” is with a whiskey bottle in his room planning his escape.
I agree. And I’m quite sure there are people watching. He may get out of the clutches of the law, however he won’t get out of the clutches of all those “whales” who have been fleeced by him. Someone will track him and make what’s left of his life more miserable than it is now.
Ah, I never thought of that, some whale will track him. Nice thought, I think.
I wonder if the whales combined their resources and hired a team to keep tabs and run some “control” on him, hell, even inspiring a potential “citizen’s arrest” to keep him in the U.S. so he can’t escape the long arm of the law. We are coming for him, his fate is all but sealed. Let’s not let him slip away, I want to be able to catch the court proceedings right here on my laptop, celebrating the very long and arduous route to freedom that so many traveled to bring him to justice. My huge and heartfelt thanks to all of you courageous beings who taped the way out for the rest of us to follow. The white hats win AGAIN!!!
I am with KRCJenny! Thank you to all the brave Indies who forged a path for us all. We will win again because truth is on our side. That sounds like a line from Superman. lol
These Vulture culture “regges” or beggars are creating a new movement called Lying-tology. These cats make the beggar culture of India look like rank amateurs. There are photos of the tent on the web and very visible near where the busses park!
Absolutely right Sinar.
I once had a conversation with CO FOLO AF – he said to me “The difference between us (CoS) and beggars, is that they beg, whereas we ask.”
Well for one thing, I don’t know why he felt inclined to make the distinction/comparison between the CofS and beggars.
Secondly, I wanted to say (but held my tongue) “So THAT’S the difference. Implying there are no other differences.”
Thirdly, they (CofS) don’t ask. They beg. And when the begging doesn’t work – they extort, nag and harass. I was followed home late one night after course. I stopped my car and yelled at the reg. He told me that I should hold back on the HE&R. (This occurred after I had been donating for months, but couldn’t that month because of my tax obligations. Doh – Dumb excuse apparently – complying with the law and all. What a theetie wheetie thing to do.)
I actually do give money to beggars. I live in a third world country with a lot of desperate people who have had a rough deal handed to them. When I give them money they yell things like “God will bless you” and “I wish you long life”. I have NEVER heard them say “that’s not enough”. THAT is the trademark of the CofS!
GREAT comment. Thanks.
Wendy and Sinar, very great comments and so true. Mike had it right: “the inmates are running the asylum.”
Yes! You hit it on the head… no matter how much you give they shout, “That’s not enough!” and send more regs after you. Pretty sickening. Totally stupid.
THIS is their religion… the religion of money. Regging is their sacrament. Suck the life out of the parishioners then throw them by the side of the road when they have no more money or life force for you to drain. It’s a vampire culture.
I remember once at Flag they crush sold and forced me to give the IAS money, soI did and it was a lot for me. Then the very next day they were on me again asking for MORE money. I couldn’t believe it. I almost told them that if they weren’t grateful for what I gave them already then just give me the check back and I”ll tear it up. (almost but didn’t cuz I was getting elig then.) I’m mad at myself that I didn’t just tear up the check in front of them and march out the door.
Jane, let me blow off some more charge. My first ship trip was for Responsibility and State of OT course. Exciting time for me until the crush of an IAS reg who informed me that I should be embarrassed by my measly annual membership level, and that other ship patrons might wonder why I hadn’t “stepped up”. I informed him that my husband’s financial support allowed me to work essentially full time on CCHR activities as a spokesperson, researcher, legislative coordinator, etc. I told him that I could work full time elsewhere and donate more to the IAS but then who would take my place coordinating psych busts/events, etc. and that was my contribution in place of cash. I spent nearly 2 decades at very high production levels, and have the booking sheets and commendations to prove it. Best of all, I have the personal letters from audience members who wrote to CCHR, and, having heard the shows, wanted to DONATE $$$ and express thanks for information that kept them falling prey to psychs and drugging their family members or themselves. What a rude awakening to the Freewinds OT environment that was; this SH… .did his best to make me feel like an outsider who really wasn’t welcome in the “give me all your money club”. So, in the end I gave what I had available which after running long on the course I sorely needed that money to extend my stay. Ended up leaving without being able to comp the course. How ridiculous a system is that? Worst of all, I actually blamed myself for the “flaw” that I wasn’t upstat and rich enough to do anything the C of S needed of me! Never more!
KRCJenny, Yowzer! Let me take a wild guess and say the IRS reg you’re talking about is Ari Lan. If it was, he’s still at it! Had a doozie with him myself. He completely cured me of EVER wanting to go back to the ship. I feel your pain!!
Wendy, the same guy told me that In his opinion, the public were as good as their next donation.
Gggggrrrrrrrrr! Makes me go crazy when I hear that!
The trouble with you, Wendy, IMHO, is you have a conscience and compassion, aka as a desire to really HELP! Alas, you always were, as were/are so many affluent Scns, firmly in the cross hairs of the co$ reg. brigade! So what? You are now counted among a massive new wave of like-minded company these days, — perhaps the recovered / ing (awakened) “Miscavigeoholics?” 🙂
The Vulture Culture, so aptly named btw, by our host, Mike Rinder, (who knows the “body” of OSA & the entire operations of CO$, the “hole” and the dictator micro managing the actual destruction of the original purposes of Scn, in favor of self-serving greed and a lust for self aggrandizement & power) also happens to be one of the very few prominent former leaders, who are actually totally qualified to reveal the secret workings of Miscavige, and expose his criminality & methods, for the entire world to see!
The Mind -Control, Extortion, implied/ACTUAL blackmail, ACTUAL breach of personal, intimate confessions of parishioners given in good faith and manufacture of unwittingly hypnotized, fearful, obedient “sheeple,” “kool -aid” drinkers and thus, (quite unbelievably, it seems,) converted into blinkered adherents of (the cleverly concealed,) CULT of the deceptive “Church of $cientology.”
We are extremely fortunate to have come across the hellish work of the likes of Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun, Steve Hall, Debbie Cooke and many other fed up souls, who decided to expose the “devil incarnate” for WHO he really is and WHAT he really does!
The blunt refusal, of the first 3 mentioned above, to be bought into silence, speaks volumes for their personal integrity. When the “Vampire Extraordinaire” is finally laid to rest, “sealed in his coffin, with a wooden stake piercing his chest,” then I think we will see a huge number of not-so-brave people step out into the sunlight, for the rest of us to see and hear!
Where are ALL the Auditors, Dave? (inverse clue- go check inside the “Ideal Morgues”)
This song never gets old regarding management