Of course, with the tragic fires in northern and southern California, David Miscavige’s self-proclaimed “largest independent relief force in the world” has sprung into immediate action…
What else but a healthy dose of “disaster capitalism” to rake in some more dough as tens of thousands have been evacuated, countless have lost their homes and families have lost loved ones.
I know the reg vultures like Jeff Pomerantz never give it a thought — but do the people who give actual money to the IAS ever wonder how come the money they gave BEFORE isn’t being used for catastrophies now?
Hell, just 1% of their billion dollars, or $10 million, would go a LOOOONG way.
Instead of spending money, they not only use it as a reason to get more they also start trying to get people to donate “supplies”.
Seriously? How about spending just 1% of that 1% and buying and shipping a hundred thousand dollars worth of supplies if that is what is really needed? Then using the rest to provide shelter or transport or whatever is REALLY needed by these people.
So, let’s check in on what the largest independent relief force in the world.
RemembervCalifornia is home to the greatest concentration of scientologists on earth BY FAR. Also he largest number of orgs and missions, 10 ideal orgs, an AO, all of scientology’s International management structure, publishing arms, tv studios, RTC, IAS and even 4 CST locations. If ever there was a convenient location for mobilizing the largest independent relief force in this universe, this is it.
This is from their official FB page. The first shot I guess is intended to make you think this might be VM’s because they have yellow firefighter jackets on.
The photos underneath show the REAL VM’s at “work” all clean and nice, posing for staged shots.
In case you were wondering what the “+4” shots showed:
To be clear, I do not criticize anyone who got off their butt and went to try to do ANYTHING to assist in this effort.
Though I do think it is cheesy in the extreme to pose for photos like these, or bringing kids to a disaster site (clearly they weren’t really anywhere close to a disaster — it looks like they located themselves at an empty softball complex) but that’s not my point.
Obviously this is not the largest private relief force in any location, let alone the world.
And obviously the IAS is spending exactly none of its massive accumulation of money on this or any other disaster. We saw zero evidence of the largest private relief force in the world when Florida was decimated by a hurricane last month even though the majority of the rest of the scientologists on earth are in this state.
For a broader picture of just how important this massive disaster is to the largest independent relief force in the world — this is the top page of their official VM Facebook page today, Friday 16 November.
Yep, that’s right. Nothing about the massive disaster in California — the big news for the largest independent relief force in the world is that they grabbed a few kids and picked up some trash in Clearwater.
And this is what the official volunteerministers.org “News” page headlines are today.
The complete failure of the Volunteer Ministers and the IAS in the face of this tragedy is incontrovertible evidence that:
- David Miscavige tells bald-faced lies at scientology events to scientologists
- Scientology tells bald-faced lies about its activities to the public at large
- The IAS is a complete scam that does NOTHING it claims to be doing to help people other than collecting money — and using disasters to do so.
Vultures is probably too kind.
Fundraising scams that bilk people out of money and don’t do what they claim they are going to do are typically shut down by the authorities.
Because scientology hides behind claims of being religious and thus protected by the First Amendment, they can do lie, cheat and steal with apparent impunity.
WOW 300 dinners – is that all after 16 hours driving
Desiree Silvani- Cardoso is feeling thankful with Gina Quartaro and 8 others.
Yesterday at 08:16 ·
Sooo proud of my son, kids from my class and friends from my church. we traveled over 8 hours each way to Panama City prepared ( Kirstie Clements) and served a Thanksgiving dinner to 300 hurricane Michael survivors ! Amazing experience for all ❤???? #vmlife #helpothers #thankful #delphikids
Image may contain: 9 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor
Ok, I need to state the obvious. They should list the local address of where to send supplies or money.
IAS doesn’t need the money, as they’re already well-funded, nor does some girl with a cash app. I wouldn’t trust them or their crooked CPAs.
They don’t even know how to apply their own datum of the greatest good. Further proof of the hypocrisy of the VM front-group.
Volunteer Sinister.
One community in Northern California quickly organized and held a 3-hour event on Saturday with two popular local bands, a local brewery and three food trucks. Entry was a gift card from a store such as Target, Safeway, CVS, Home Depot, gas station, etc. they collected $60,000 in 3 hours, which they gave to a member of the Paradise City Council to take back to his community for distribution. The City covered the cost of the venue when it had to move indoors at the last minute due to the unhealthy air quality.
If VM’s really want to help, they should really ask people in their community how it’s done.
That’s amazing! It is a shame they don’t really want to help. But even the best intentioned aren’t trained or backed by scientology. It’s the organization that just does not care. This was wonderful to hear about that community!
200,000 VMs? Bwaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha! There aren’t even that many clams!
Let’s see, the place burned to the ground and the people who could not get out were cremated. But somehow toothpaste, deodorant, chapstick, sunscreen and protein bars without chocolate can save the day. This doesn’t sound like the correct estimation of effort to correct such a fantastic deviation from the ideal scene.
Well, I have been on the Camp Fire east of Chico, CA and I have the ability to go through roadblocks. I can tell you with certainty there is no one from “The Church”. Otherwise I’d post a picture of the elusive “Church”.
VMs have taken on the valence of rotten tomatoes and could more accurately be described as Volunteer Vegetables, contributing to an ever expanding compost heap made possible by the manufactured manure of David Mestcabbage.
Next time there’s a disaster in my area, I think I’ll go get a free massage from the VMs. I figure it’ll keep them occupied and prevent them from otherwise interfering with the real first responders.
As an unfortunate victim of the Camp Fire i have watched updates for 9 days now
Butte Co Sheriffs and Cal Fire Sheriffs each day ..
No mention at all of any Scientology VMs whatsoever
The world would be much better off with some Volunteer Minstrels.
Mike, how dare you! Insinuating that the VM program doesn’t help anyone! Did you get a good look at those pictures from the website that you put on today’s blog? They clearly show the Volunteer Ministers doing the most humane thing ever:
They went to Starbucks and got coffee for everybody!
Ask any random person, anywhere, to describe scientology in one word. It is fun to do. I challenge you to find anyone with any positive descriptive word.
So to you, Mr. David Miscavige, COB, I say, “Well done Sir.”
Being in the line of fire depending upon a quick directional Santa Anas shift, I was glued to the news. When there was a quiet moment, the news would go to where people could go to get help, supplies, some sleep, information. When there was a definite lull, the news would go to individual stories of heroism, outreach, selfless help and/or ancillary groups that were also there to help, adding a little human interest and showing that there were good people there to help, looking for nothing in return.
Would you be surprised to learn that not ONE segment, story or even an overhead helicopter shot included ANY notice of scientology presence?
To take advantage of suffering and disaster is beyond evil.
The IAS is the most embarrassing of scientology’s groups and appears to be filled with individuals that I cannot and will not find excuses for.
AppleBox Boy being held accountable and severely punished for all his crimes, that most assuredly span the eight dynamics, is my continued wish.
Good to hear first hand from someone who is there WhatWhenAllWho , but so sorry you are in this horrible situation. I was going to post something earlier but didn’t come up with anything nearly as spot of as you did that “to take advantage of suffering and disaster is beyond evil”. I was going to go with something lame like it’s just wrong. I have a child who is a first responder, not fighting fighter but went to 4 hurricanes as a paramedic and now works as a flight nurse on a helicopter. I know they don’t do it for the glory, they do it because they sincerely want to help.
Hope this nightmare for you (and everyone there) is soon over.
dang! gotta review before I post; “punushment” of course should have been punishment, but you probably caught that, didn’t you?
So true, rivercs. The red cross actually HELPS people by supplying services and goods people actually NEED. Not just the big events that make it into the world news, but when a single family is it by disaster and could use some help. Friend of ours has been with them for 4 decades, at least. Spent quite a few years doing good deeds for the armed services members who were posted in faraway places and could use a friendly smile and a bit of “home away from home” . No ulterior motive, just doing good deeds for others.
Sometimes, perhaps often, the local government disaster relief organizations defer to the Red Cross’s superior organizational and decision-making skills because they HAVE done this before and are highly trained, and well supported.
As always, only when one gets out of these dogmatic unselfcritical nasty cult like groups, would one even finally agree one had been being a co-vulture falsely parading in life as a do-gooder on equal footing as other legitimate human do-gooding groups who are not as vulture vampire bad as Scientology.
It’s all relative, and we all pity the mindset of the dupe unwitting vultures.
Frustrating to understand those stuck in the vulture play-along Hubbard charade religion-angle “religion” of Scientology.
They don’t know they are/were vultures though at the moment of their religion-angle charade for Scientology.
“Ministers” calling themselves is a perfect word study of Hubbard’s effrontery misuse of words.
Scientology’s use of the word “minister” is like Scientology’s use of the word “religion,”
I wish a linguist/religion expert would dash off a paper on Scientology Hubbard’s misuse of key words.
Professor Stephen Kent’s paper on Scientology’s religiosity is probably the best to date.
I wish some “new” academic would take a new look at Scientology/Hubbard’s use of religious wordage.
Chuck that is perfectly said. Great comment
Such an intelligent and “REASONABLE” idea, Cre8tivewmn, now route yourself directly to ‘Ethics’ for your punushment for “being reasonable”! ;- )
On a side note, I walked by the Pasadena “Ideal Org” which was pretty empty and I passed by three body routers not engaged, and they totally ignored me. What is this world coming to?
OF COURSE they have no shame. They’re too high-toned (or clueless, take your pick) for that.
Highly prone to clueless.
Oh, that supplies list: JUST what I need if I’m a first-responder trying to save people’s lives and property.
WHAT? NO CHOCOLATE in the protien bars?? That’s food discrimination! I’ve friends who would turn their noses up at that. Of course, those are my friends whose cars can and do navigate to Hershey, PA without much human interaction. Some swear they can smell the chocolate in the air and merely follow their noses.
You don’t think they would spend an extra 50 cents to buy a protein bar with chocolate when the, no doubt, 10 cent protein bars are more than enough for the wogs (I really detest that word!). Diminutive Monstrosity would have a raging fit if he discovered that they were spending his scotch money on common people.
10 years of INDISCRIMINATE HELP, as in “haphazard, not using sound judgment”? Have the VM’s marketing crew forgotten to bring their dictionaries? That slapped me right in the face as I first scanned their self-promotion. Of course, from the number of hasty posts I have seen on the ‘net, I understood what they were trying to say, but don’t they ever re-read what they’ve scribbled before they unleash it on an unsuspecting world? Might I suggest “non-discriminatory” as a possible drop-in replacement?
Let’s leave aside the VM’s proven track record of lolly gagging and mugging for pictures at disaster sites. Even so, this present advertisement withstands scrutiny about as much as the latest promises from Nigerian princes to send me, a stranger, gazillions if I send them a few hundred bucks first. (Guys, can’t you take that out of the beaucoup bucks you were sending me anyway?)
Pomerantz claims that “there is an emergency IAS grant that has been approved.” What that would mean ANYWHERE is that the IAS will be paying money out of EXISTING FUNDS for disaster relief, even if no one were to ever donate another dime to IAS again.
With any reputable charity addressing a mailer to its constituency, this would also entail some details (it’s called “accountability, Jeff”) such as how much and to whom the money goes. Usually this would involve payments to disaster victims or to relief workers. Trucking in disaster tourists for photo opportunities falls far short of “charity.”
But in this case, it appears that a “grant” of unspecified size has been “approved” against funds that are yet to be collected. In fact it does not even state that ALL of the solicited donations will be used for disaster relief or whether a significant part will remain in IAS’s or Pomerantz’s grubby little hands.
It’s no wonder that they can’t take their pitch to the public at large–as a legitimate relief agency would do. Their only hope is clearly that they may be able to rip off their remaining base for whatever they may have left to give.
One would imagine that if the VMs were so helpful that it would be noticed by the authorities in charge of delivering actual disaster response/relief. Does any such evidence exist? The media loves such stories.
If there are 200,000 organized relief workers, then that would be a hell of an asset in any administrator’s arsenal to draw from. Has there ever been a help request from any authorities, anywhere in the world seeking the assistance from the army of VMs with such a benevolent back up as the IAS promotes?
As a young man I was involved a couple of times in the logistics of providing organized relief/response with bushfires. It’s a very serious business, as not only the victims of such disasters require immediate assistance but the relief workers/firefighters themselves are often in harm’s way and need to be co-ordinated & monitored, or you end up with disasters within disasters. I was on Scientology staff for a decade, and to put it frankly, no such capability of offering external assistance to anyone exists within a Scientology organization that I ever saw, nor was there any training in such things offered.
It’s a PR world.
I’m sure that many donors believe their money is being used for good. There are so many people out there that really need help and I hope they are getting it.
I hope the Aftermath Foundation is doing well! The Cedar House would be a great place to use for Foundation activities – Just half a block from Travolta’s and Alley’s houses in Clearwater. Maybe they’d be interested in the Aftermath Foundation, its so close!
Cedar House is up for sale now, but lets talk.
Truest words L. Ron Hubbard ever said:
“We may err, for we build a world with broken straws.”
Scribe –
Translated from Hubbardism sciospeak into plain English
Scio Speak: “We may err, for we build a world with broken straws”
Translated ….
Plain English: “We exploit human beings and break them as we build OUR world”
So – What is Scientology you lurkers and never ins may ask?
Scientology – exploiting human frailties for financial gain…where the Organization and Leader wins and everyone else loses (except the sleazy attorney’s, private investigators and bribed law enforcement officials that assists in
KSW – Keeping Scientology Withholding,
KSW: Keeping Scientology Wanking
For much less effort, waste, and cost, they could buy supplies in bulk and make up their goodie bags in advance. Even a run by Sams or Costco could do better than asking individuals to go out and buy the parts and pieces they requested.
What a waste!
This is a bit similar to the 70’s when we would be ordered to wear a minister’s shirt and collar for one day when some inspection by outsiders was planned. We would pose as though we were legitimate ministers for that one day This is worse though with IAS collecting money then never spending it. These people pay their own way I believe according to an earlier story. They have good intentions. The organization..not so much. Photo Ops. Sad and corrupt.
The only Scn certificate I still have is my “Minister of the Church” certificate which miraculously survived in the bottom of a trunk. It must be my Minister’s good luck. The Minister course when I took it required reading one book on comparative religions and maybe going over a couple of Scn “services” and then go attest and get ordained.
Yours truly,
Reverend Richard
Good intentions, maybe. Intentions to keep qualified help away from people needing it (if that qualified help is psychiatric) – absolutely!
“STEFANIA CISCO: Just — people are distressed, so you know, you want — you – the opportunity for psychs when they are distressed, okay, you need counseling [mimics sound of an explosion]. You go in [snaps fingers] – that’s it. Um – we tried to keep them away. ”
That’s the London Foundation bOrg DSA speaking. Charming lady. Mind completely washed sparkling clean by L Ron Hubbard’s drivel.
This infuriates me! I live in the southern CA fire zone. Friends have lost EVERYTHING! REAL help is needed. Please donate to the Red Cross or Ventura County or Butte County relief agencies. People are literally living in cars in parking lots. Scientology could help by opening up their friggin empty Idle Morgues to families who have no where to go! Jeezus they have no shame!
I remember being asked to contribute the final $100.00 so someone’s teenage son could fly to help the VM’s with Katrina. I thought isn’t there a better use of $100.00? This teenage guy, untrained is going to do what?
Another teen went to Sri Lanka to volunteer after a disaster. Got in the way, got deathly ill and took resources from rescue to get her back to the US.
Cognitive dissonance moment for sure.
I thought the IAS had approved a “grant” for the victims. Clever – they never say how much because it is a shill – smoke and mirrors.
IAS – International Asshole Scam
They are only exploiting the disaster for more money so David Miscavige can play his little game called cult leader.
Or more simply, it says it right there in the letters, IAS – It’s A Scam!
I once threw away $800 to pay for another Scientologist’s air fare to go to Germany to participate in some sort of a Scientology protest, I forget the details. $800 down the drain. I wouldn’t mind if it had gone for some legitimate cause but I see now that it was all for a photo op, you know, something for Miscavige to show at an event. I regret deeply every dime I ever gave them for the IAS and Ideal M’orgs, because the money did NOTHING for needy people – nothing. It didn’t help anyone. Getting stressed out in order to “make it go right” would have BEEN alright provided ANY of it had done ANYBODY any good. But it didn’t . I could have lit a match to that money for all the good it did.
Holy Hanna! Scatology and Witchtower are Doppelgängers!!! Exact same BS in the JDumbs. Lying, cheating, stealing under the umbrella of “religious freedom”. That’s some kinda freedom, man! Wish I had a piece of that. LOL Conning old widows into signing over their estates to JW.org (JW.Borg). Making “spiritual” videos encouraging JW children to donate their ice-cream money to the Borg. And they do “relief” work as well, but it’s usually targeted only at fellow JDumbs within the affected areas. Tax-free “Charity” status because they perform “spiritual” community service. Sooo … why aren’t they merely tax-exempt in “spirit”??? Con men. Con men. Con men. You gotta know most of those VM donations get siphoned off into some secret account. I mean, how much $ is required for some Starbucks coffee and non-professional shoulder massages? And what’s with the Christian cross in the VM logo? That’s weird. Probably another clever PR ploy. Looks more acceptable to the predominantly christian public. Smart.
I see Watchtower and Scientology leadership are the same species – Snakes – just slightly different breeds. Speaking of which, I’ve been reading up on L. Ron Hubbard. He was just as big a nut as Charles T. Russell. Russell based his predictions upon the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which he oddly believed was built by the Devil. Hubbard “sank” a Japanese submarine that didn’t exist, and would’ve been 75 miles from the point he claimed he sunk it. Then he shelled the Coronado islands, property of Mexico, an Ally in WWII, claiming his men needed the “practice”. He was eventually relieved of command and transferred to a posting where he could be “supervised”. lol
Cults are effective because they offer something exciting and precious – RENEWAL. An opportunity to shed the past and start fresh. They dangle hope, and a future, before you. And that’s how they getcha! Once the bait is taken, the TRAP is sprung.
Renewal is a part of life, but no one needs a cult to achieve it.
One of the best ways you can give money to help the fire survivors is to donate to the Red Cross.
Years ago, my late husband and I were trained by Red Cross Disaster Services. These folks go anywhere, any time, on their own money, to set up and run shelters and deal with other urgent needs. They’ve taken a lot of classes, helped in every capacity, and been recommended before they’re allowed out in the field. They’d be pros, except they’re not getting a cent.
Your friendly local animal shelter will also know of the best ways to help folks who evacuated with their animals and have no home to which to return. This, too, is a really urgent need, as is the work that animal rescue volunteers will be doing to restore pets who survived the fire some unknown way to their people.
If you know folks who got out with pets, offer to house the pets until your friends get settled again for a while. As a pet owner myself, I know what a relief that would be.
Mr. Rinder, knowing what good hearts the folks here have, I know there will be regulars who want to help. Please share this if you feel comfortable doing so. Thanks. Three of my friends, one a member of the same small volunteer crew I’ve belonged to for 5 years, lost everything in Paradise CA. They’ve been inundated with near-demands for where people can send stuff to replace what burned with their homes. I’ll be happy to put together a longer list of places to send money if you’d like, but the key thing is to donate funds, not stuff; they have no places to put the stuff yet and neither do most other evacuees.
As if Californians don’t have enough smoke getting blown in their face. Now we have to deal with a VM smokescreen? At least the wildfire smoke will eventually blow away. If only the COS could do likewise.
His genius is being able to state this and actually do this and Scientologists don’t know it’s happening to them.
DM found a philosophy that fits his darkness like a glove.
Hello Darkness, my old friend.
I find all big charities like the Red Cross for example are somewhat the same. They use tragic events to create an appeal for funds, but do not spend all that money raised during that appeal on that particular tragic event. They raise money to keep themselves running actually. Isn’t that what George Clooney exposed years ago? Although Scientology is worse because they are not actually prepared. They ask volunteers to buy and bring stuff with them, they use none of their own money to purchase goods in advance so they have a warehouse and they produce photo ops that are lie. But I don’t give to Red Cross, United Way etc. I prefer to give to local animal charities, I raise money myself for Movember (ok, I know big charity but I feel like they are more grass roots) and deal with other local charities in Toronto.
The Red Cross is not a “charity”
The people who “run” them get wealthy.
The Red Cross is a “non profit” according to the IRS (much like Scientology)
I am not saying they don’t help in disasters – they actually do
Scientology does not – they just take photos of a few people in VM T-Shirts (the volunteers paid for) and put them out in their annual propaganda films to keep the clubbed seals clubbed.
There are many deceptive Charities disguised as a charity so people donate money.
The Charities don’t pay taxes and the leaders / founders get rich.
The CEO for the Red Cross made over $1,000,000 in 2010.
Does not seem very charitable, does it?
I think the Red Cross. United Way and other rackets have a MU on “charity”
Much like politicians have MU’s on “Public Servants”
I agree Idle.
I think these organizations have slipped into the criminal side of charities…much like Scientology – who is the LEADER!
I got smart after being duped by the “church” of Scientology. Now – I look up all charities and when I see the board of directors making 6 figures – I pass on donating.
It is the Golden Age of Fundraising all over the land.
I am sick of everyone begging for money.
I go to the grocery store and the cashier is asking if I want to donate $1 to children’s cancer research. I look it up on my phone and see the CEO is making MILLIONS and the organization spends a ton of money to hire solicitors. Very little goes to research of cancer.
Thanks for this info Stat and Idle Morgue. Next time the cashier asks if you want to give a dollar to children’s cancer center, tell him/her what you just told us. Word needs to get out.
Try to determine the percentage of administrative expenses to monies received. You could get a good idea of whether the non-profit is top heavy with admin expenses or not. Expenses less than 10% of total income means the organization is pretty well run; but any more than 10% going to admin means they are taking too much off the top, probably for executive salaries – always look for whether or not the wife of an exec is getting paid, too. At various times several of the major non-profits have been dragged down into funding scandals – and I am sure it will happen again. Check out the upper echelon leaders’ salaries before making too large of a donation to any charity or non-profit.
Of course, it is easy to know Sciloonies run a non-charity, because they provide no means of showing exec salaries, donations, expenses, etc. Their rabbit hole is just a money pit – the money goes in, swirls around, and disappears forever.
Leading a very large nationwide or international relief organization requires a high degree of executive skills. A person with those skills could probably earn a million or more a year in the private sector. That’s capitalism. The main factor would be what percentage of donations goes to relief efforts.
And once more do we get a helping of simple common sense served quickly and with no make wrong from Richard.
For anyone who cares to take a swim in a sea of shit, just read scientology’s administrative volumes and the OEC( Organization Executive Course ) volumes
to find voluminous proof of the cult’s coldy calculating, manipulative, intentionally mendacious stance regarding public relations, non-scientologists, governments,
and ” wog ” social organizations. Scientology’s so-called ” social betterment ” organizations were NOT conceived with the idea of HELPING anyone; they were dreamt up to make scientology appear to be socially engaged and organizationally effective
in the ” wog ” world. More Potemkin Puffery from the cult.
With the cult, it’s all about looking good-to themselves! In their arrogance and their
disconnection from the reality that the rest of us live in, they don’t understand how transparent and despicable their opportunistic twattery is.
Mark Foster – It sure is a sea of shit to swim in….
I would rather stick HOT needles in my eyeballs than read Scientology’s Administrative Volume’s or anything writing by L Ron Hubbard.
I have too many “earlier, similar” incidents on the track – and it makes me ill.
I could puke just at the thought of reading one more word of LRH’s drivel.
It’s such an interesting phenomenon to watch well-intentioned people, as some Volunteer Ministers are (I think), perform good works in a covert attempt to actually REALLY be trying to present scientology, as something good, kind, caring, and helpful in giving toiletries and rubbing backs:
“See how great scientology REALLY is!
“Don’t pay attention to all you hear about disconnecting families, sorrow, mind manipulation, bankruptcy, ruined lives.”
Once again – lies and deceit – that’s the real Church of Scientology.
The feel good religion! Hey now the poor little rich girl Kari Kasem can feel she’s done her good deed for the month in promoting Scientology. Such a scam.
Vultures arrived AFTER David Miscaviage and L. Ron Hubbard, right? They’re (those awful humans) gadrillions of years old.
So, picking the last life off of something/someone for one’s own selfish benefit would be a verb and I’d call it hubbarding which is what a Hubbard would do.
It’s early and I have too much to get done today so I am pressed for time to think and write what I am feeling properly.
Absolutely despicable.
The IAS has billions of dollars from all the fleecing they’ve done over the years. Yet instead of just donating a small portion of that money to relief efforts, they use it as a tool to reg / fleece more money out of parishoners. And if you’re a parishoner in lower conditions, what better way to pay your way out of them than by donating to the IAS and think that you are actually helping in the fires and hurricanes. Again it is bubble think. But the biggest bald faced lie of all time was DM saying that the Scn Volunteer Ministers are the largest relief force on earth. OMG that took balls to say that. He’s saying they are even bigger than the Red Cross. What’s even worse than that lie is that his parishoners eat it up and believe it lock, stock, and barrel. I’d like to ask the Scns in good standing in FL, how many volunteer ministers from Scn did you see actually helping you or your neighbors after that hurricane?
Dave has a bottomless capacity for never letting facts stand in his way.
These were just posted over on Tony’s ‘Bunker’, showing how the VerMin really operate. I hope someone reports this to the appropriate California authorities…
After someone’s entire house, automobiles, wordly possessions burn down & they’ve lost everything they’ve worked their entire life to earn…& many lives of family members are gone..the “yellow shirted VM COS volunteers” are going to hand them their “Way To Happiness” book.
I know! Sickening.
Heh – don’t discount the value of the Way to Happiness Booklets.
You can use them as toilet paper sheets and have a win while you wipe.
I just used the precept “Brush Your Teeth” to wipe my arse
and was so blown away to think all of these years – I had not. 44
THANK YOU LRH SIR for reminding me to brush my teeth.
By the way Sir, What happened to yours?
Was that page missing in your Way to Happiness booklet?
No, Balletlady, NOT just a WTH booklet. They’re getting free toothpaste for crying out loud!
That is right, there are no words to describe the shameless behavior of deception.
‘Volunteers’ does not define their actions, ”criminality” does.
Calling them vultures is too kind. Vultures perform a valuable role in their ecosystem. Perhaps they are parasites, but that may be too kind as well.
I prefer the term VerMin. To me it’s more accurate than vulture.
Would ‘pathogen’ be a useful descriptor?
Buddhism teaches us that even the smallest act of kindness can result in good fortune for the doer. It is carefully qualified that past karma and intention have a lot to do with it. I actually admire even the few Scientologists who take the time to help others. But these people are trapped in a religion of contradictions.
If these people lived in an illusion free religious environment, there could be greater harmony for them. The average man – Hubbard – was inferior because he insisted on the rightness of some pre-scientific 19th century values. To a certain extent, he and Blavatsky were correct because we still see natural healing where science has degenerated to mixing chemicals into endless material remedies.
georgemwhite, Really enjoy reading you. Your views deserve summary, your important history, and your religious comparison highlight writings I find have helped me. thankyou George!
You are welcome, Chuck. Hope to meet you someday. I read your posts and especially like your research into Hubbard’s early fiction where we see the outline of the OT levels. In fact, can you please cite the important ones so I can read them again?