Sending shirts to hand out for photo ops.
Something to help the victims might be good…
But that’s never been what is most important… it is always the photo op.
This is the official Volunteer Ministers Instagram account. They are PROUD of this. “Paid for by Volunteer Ministers International”. You can bet this was an IAS “grant” — it will be sold as “the support of the IAS made this possible” as they show a few people in yellow shirts standing around Hurricane Michael devastation. And it would be true — the shot WAS thanks to an IAS grant — for T-shirts and baseball caps.
Just watched a video honoring first responders at . Not one yellow shirt anywhere. But honestly I am not surprised.
Scientology once claimed at one of its “international events”, for its members, that its Volunteer Minister program was so successful at 9/11 that the Red Cross was under their umbrella of control and responsibility. Ya and Gilligan’s Island runs the U.S. Navy. The delusion knows no bounds……
It’s interesting, though not surprising, to hear that they took claims that far.
More publicly, they’ve claimed to be one of the world’s largest relief forces, with over 200,000 volunteers – I’ve assumed they did something like counting some group such as the Red Cross in that number, on the basis of some tenuous actual affiliation. But now we can see just how tiny and incompetent they are in their recent efforts in Florida, where the navel-gazing lotus eaters who’ve gathered around Flag seem unable to rouse even a handful of themselves to make a real effort to help others, compared to the couple of dozen adult members from California who were at least willing to travel to disaster areas for extended periods (more than a weekend) last year.
Whaaaaat?? And people really believe it. Aaagh!
Q: What’s the unconscious, yet fittingly symbolic reason behind Miscavige’s choice of yellow as the Volunteer Minister livery?
A: It’s the same colour as pus, urine and slime-mould.
You are right on the button. Yellow is problematic. Better colors: lime yellow or international orange, unless the color yellow is either on sale or the vendor offers the COB a, shall we say, remuneration.
It is also the color of a coward yellow belly!
It’s also the colour of Der Leader’s gutless demand to NEVER appear in public, NEVER do an open interview, NEVER permit himself to be questioned by anyone…not even a scientologist. He’s a COWARD to the max!
I was living in Roanoke, VA when the Virginia Tech shooting occurred. I took a bus to Blacksburg the Saturday after the shooting and went to the campus. The sadness and grief were everywhere and there were signs on the doors of the buildings asking the press to allow the students to grieve and not harass them with questions(I guess Katie Couric took things a little too far). Also at this sad event was a VM van from DC Org with the VMs doing touch assists in the Administration Building along with copies of TWTH scattered around the memorial site. Several days later there was an article in the Roanoke Times about the VMs and it was not flattering to say the least. They were attacked for trying to bring people into Scientology in the midst of a tragedy and the opinion was that it would have been better if they had just stayed away.
And, no, the tires on the VM van weren’t flat.
A little off topic here but I just realized that Miscavige could, if he wanted to, legalize prostitution. Here’s how:
Cue loud, blaring music.
Cue David Pomerantz voice
And now, from the Golden Age Of Tech…………
From the hidden writings of LRH, the Erotica Rundown is truuuuuly a master breakthrough in Second Dynamic tech! This ladies-only process is only delivered at Gold Base and only by COB himself! Neverrrrr in the hissstory of Sciiiiiiiiiiiientology has anything like this been revealed! On the rundown, you will achieve greater awareness and beingness on the Second Dynamic as well as greater ability to carry out a truly theta 2D relationship! Your 2D Command Intention will be increased 52x as will your ability to fully experience the full Second Dynamic!
The Erotica Rundown! Do yours now!
But … but … Ladies only??????
Of course. Delivery to gentlemen would be out-ethics on the Second Dynamic. Remember, this Rundown is delivered only by COB himself personally.
Yeah……like he hasn’t already delivered it to Tom Cruise……..and vice versa……
I have the feeling that our dear friend Tom Cruise would be the exception to tech policies in this regard.
Hypocracy, thy name is scientology; there are no bounds to your self-serving efforts.
I would laugh, but it’s all much too sad
“A being is as valuable as he can swerve others.”
We could have bought “much-needed supplies” for people affected with your money, but instead, check out this dress-up trunk of costume ideas!
Use them to take photos of yourselves standing around devastated things and touching some of the debris in designer jeans and knee boots and other items no one would wear to a real cleanup operation!
YOUR donations to IAS will make it possible for us to buy more than $100 of travel size bottles of scope from Wal-Mart to donation to the next tragedy!
BTW, sorry about the hurricane, all the OTs were in the loo at the time!
Much-needed supplies = WTH booklets! *rim shot*
I think it would be easy to work at disaster sites the world over and never see a single VM actually doing something constructive. They seem to be like children playing at being helpful, who don’t know how to do anything without a Hubbardism to refer back to.
VM Scientologists seem good, but that good comes from a massive amount of pseudo-science quackery and abuse behind the scenes within official Scientology.
The public needs to forever be kept informed of the vital information critical details of Scientology’s quackery and totalitarianism abuse of their Scientologist membership.
VMs are powerless and ignorant and blindered to their own Scientology quackery and movement self censorship and abuse.
I believe if you increase your IAS status you’ll be able to get a free T-shirt. Not so sure about the ball cap.
Scribe: In the mean time, the beatings shall continue until morale improves!
No, Mark. That’s where you’re wrong. Beatings shall continue even after morale improves.
i think the wasband got his that way
I think it works like this:
Patron Meritorious= free t-shirt
Crusader= free ball cap
Patron Ludicrous Maximus ($1,000,000,000) gets both the t-shirt and cap, plus a written acknowledgement on COB’s personal stationery as well as a handshake, grin and hug at the next IAS event from the ecclesiastical leader of leaders.
Awwww. No Freedom Medal! Dammit!
Degrading state of affairs.
As i looked down the page today i thought that i have never seen a volunteer minister’s shirt or hat look dirty. Actually it would make the photo-op more realistic. Then i saw at the bottom the link for 2013 Philippine hurricane. Well as i told Karen on OB that my wife, from there, and myself are retiring back there next year. I will be providing eyes on reports if we see any volunteer ministers or anything from there to Mike also. They gave no help in 2013 from family reports.
How are the sheeple convinced to donate to the BM, excuse me, the VM charade in the first place?
1) it’s out exchange; and
2) the wogs brought the natural disaster upon themselves
Are the sheeple actually told it’s for PR purposes? Or are they told it’s part of the dissemination plan?
IMO, a much more powerful and persuasive action would be to get a bunch of OTs together to use their powers to prevent the hurricane from coming ashore.
We can’t predict when certain types of disasters hit (earthquakes, etc)
But wildfires and hurricanes can be tracked.
Imagine a group of OTs standing on a beach as a hurricane was headed towards them.
Using their OT powers, they send the hurricane back into the Gulf. The orgs would be packed the next day.
I wouldn’t call this a party trick – this is something the OTs could do to save lives.
So….Dave, how about it? Get some of your super OT pals together and stare down the rain and fire! Call TC, The Supreme Govenenorness of Make Believe Land, super lawyer Rick Moxon and his Earth saving wife and of course, you – the leader of leaders.
Bring your apple box and stare down the storms!
Tsk, tsk. You have missed Dave’s consistently masterful,successful action, done with the money stolen from brainwashed, morally and financially bankrupt tools: yanking ribbons on gaudy cult architectural totems ’round the world, for 15 years!
It’s the true, penultimate demonstration of oatmeal powers, and has an appropriately
” theta ” moniker: WANKING IN THE WIND
Sending T-shirt’s into a disaster zone. Not boots to keep feet safe and dry in dangerous areas. Not gloves to protect hands during cleanup efforts. Not hats to protect their heads from sun or falling debris. Not even cheap yellow rain slickers that could be used as tarps in an emergency. Nope. Yellow Cotton T-shirt’s that will be ruined by any dust our dirt. Better get that photo quick!
My thoughts exactly! Boots, gloves, and actual supplies. I know, it will never happen.
They really should include a disposable camera. What if they can’t charge their phones and miss the photo op???—Scandalous!
Well the shit in the form of DM will brim up. And what you do to shit? You got it, flush it to non existence. Flush the shit away.
Now that was good! Flush shit into non-existence!
Pretending (for tax authorities) that Scientology is a charitable organization is soooo lame. Who do they think they are fooling??? Present and former members know and will attest that Scientology money is NOT for charity. In fact, it’s a Scientology “sin” to do anything besides helping the able (read rich) be more able (read pay more money). Any “down and out” people need not apply for any help from Scientology, despite the fact that they say they are collecting money for charity.
It is the IRS that is helping these bastards rip-off the American public…. there ought to be a law!
Charity my ass. Mother fucker screwed as they are. Even the good Scientologist are screwed, sorry to say, because they are blind with an open eyes. I say, Fuck the system real good Mike and Leah. We are supporters. Get them down to nowhere & release the good hearted from there stuff and public. The truth shall prevail. Amen.
That is one crappy yellow. If ‘visibility’ is your thing, I suppose it works. The color works. not the clam inside it.
Yea, cuz everyone looks so good in yellow.
Traffic sign yellow. Awful.
School Bus Yellow…..
Big Bird Yellow….
Yellow Belly Yellow……
Tipical of those P.Rs idiots.
Does’t this make you want to throw up?
lol. I had difficulties to pinpoint what I’m really feeling. Yes. Throwing out. That’s right.
Yes, it honestly did. Still literally nauseous!
Yes. I want to throw up.
The VM program was completely DEAD when I was in. That was a decade ago.
No one except a staff member or their kids – were manipulated into “being a VM”
I could not believe that they would have to purchase the VM t-shirt and pay their own way to get to the disaster zone.
I soon realized it was nothing but a dog and pony show and can’t believe those still in are so easily duped.
Talk about the Science of How to NOT KNOW!
God (or should I say Xenu) forbid a Scientologist actually look for themselves at the failure they really are – all around the globe. Big empty buildings with about 15,000 members world wide including staff and Sea Org slaves.
The cult asked me to go to the Hurricane Katrina site to support the VM’s and help with relief. They said I would have to pay my way and buy a VM T-Shirt.
I told them I would go but not only did they have to pay me to go – they have to pay my way and give me a t-shirt. Scientology sends the Gold Hotties to the disaster sites to film the 4 Scientologist’s there so they can show the clubbed seals how Scientology is helping in disasters. P-R-O-P-A-G-A-N-D-A!!
I told several of the clubbed seals that I spent a lot of money on the Bridge to no where. I was told when I came into the cult that it was so expensive because of all the money Scientology spends to help others around the planet.
I never saw Scientology spend a dime on anything except glossy promo…and lots of that to keep us sufficiently duped.
Well… that stopped that comm cycle. They would not pay my way or even give me a T-Shirt. They certainly were not going to pay me.
I was written up and given a CHIT for not helping.
Fuckem – I was pretty much done with the Bridge to No Where by then and was sufficiently convinced Scientology was nothing but a scam and a criminal organization disguised as a religion.
I saw a decade of total financial ruin and shattered families … people acting crippled in life…failing and not succeeding.
Didn’t ole L Tubby Hubbard have some type of policy about THAT ^^^ in the PTS / SP pack??
Can’t these clubbed seals see the glaring out points? Baffling how much abuse they can endure.
“3,222 likes” – well, there is your evidence the cult of Scientology has shrunk down to being nothing and total failure.
VWD SP’s – we have sufficiently suppressed the shit out of Scientology. Covertly and Overtly.
Please continue. It is the right thing to do.
Great comment! TY Idle Morgue. ☺
[I hate to pick on a color, but…]
Yellow, the color of cowards – how appropriate for the ‘volunteer ministers’ of this bogus church that does not even help it’s own aging staff members who, like garbage, are dragged to the curb when they are too ill or too old to work an 18 hour day.
Never mind ‘fake news’…this is Fake Help
Yellow is the fake color for the fakers. Too highlight for the idark unhilghted
Yellow is also a “warning sign” color. So apt. Of course it was chosen because it stands out, its attention getting. So is red but the color red has a danger connotation.
Yellow is the color used to send the message “Stay Away”. It is often used on aggressive dogs in the form of a ribbon collar around its neck. That color would seem appropriate for any VM on the scene.
I didn’t know these points, Peabody. Interesting.
“Fake Heip”