A new article in US Magazine that previews an upcoming interview with Leah elicited an amazing response from David Miscavige through his ventriloquist dummy Karin Pouw.
Failing to address any of the substantive things talked about, it is a typical scientology “attack the attacker” response:
The Church of Scientology’s spokesperson Karin Pouw responded to Remini’s allegations in a statement to Us. “While we would prefer to ignore yet another of Leah Remini’s over-the-top rants aimed at getting attention, she unfortunately continues to incite waves of anti-religious hate crimes. Ms. Remini’s incessant hate speech has required increased security and law enforcement resources spent to protect lives she puts at risk,” the statement read. “Ms. Remini’s ridiculous rants are unending and the myths and tales she and her coproducer spread are grown more bizarre by the day … They hire producers to rehash tired, preposterous myths invented and spread by the same handful of former Scientologists motivated by greed and anger.”
Scientology has never been bashful about just lying. Making untrue and unsupported statements to deflect attention from the issue at hand is an old trick Miscavige mastered long ago. He did not invent it, despots, dictators and sociopaths have used it for centuries. But he has taken it on as a hallmark of his True Leader status.
How do we know this is a lie (apart from the fact scientology said it)?
Not a single detail or specific.
If this bold but false claim was true, you can bet if there was a single credible threat, let alone a proven crime, it would be plastered all over scientology’s websites. They would have called in the high powered lawyers to make police reports and they would have pages of lurid headlines and documents on Freedom and STAAD websites and everywhere else. And it would be spelled out in excruciating detail.
But no — just generalities.
And trying to shift their role from abuser into victim.
This is like the KKK complaining that media coverage of their activities have resulted in a wave of anti-free speech attacks on them as racists… If you don’t like your abuses exposed then the answer is simple, don’t abuse people…
Sociopaths act this way. Hubbard himself identified this personality type in his early writing “On Human Behavior” and his subsequent policies about “anti-social personalities.” To the anti-social personality;
1. Everything bad that happened to others is (a) ridiculous, (b) unimportant, (c) deserved.
2. Everything done to you was (a) very important, (b) very bad, (c) irremediable.
And as for the “same handful of former Scientologists motivated by greed and anger” claim, the longer they continue to use this line the more ridiculous it sounds. At this point there are hundreds of people who have told similar stories of abuse. Not a one of them motivated by greed. Certainly some are motivated by anger, but that anger is righteous and is directly related to the abuses they suffered. And who created these angry people? You did scientology. Only you.
scientology: long on acusations, VERY short (non-existent) on any evidence , as decreed by Ron. That way, it’s tougher to fact-check their screeds.
The best way to end with the perpetual attack of “looking for attention moved by greed” would be to offer to Scientology to broadcast Leah’s show in the Scientology online channel for free. 🙂
As $camology continues to shrink at an increasing rate all they have left is spewing little yappy dog bile. They’re about as scary and vicious as a tribble. The pile of smashed scotch bottles (which he throws at wall mounted photos of his enemies) in Demented Miscreant’s office must be about waist height. Waist height for a normal person, neck height for the Dorkenfuhrer.
They have had to ‘increase security’? They already have razor wire topped fences, 24/7 cameras, flood lights, pressure sensors, entry way check points, bullet proof windows, patrols, body guards, gun blinds, mapped escape routes and shrub tech. What the hell more security could this ‘ beautiful religion of peace and super mental powers possibly need?!
Thermal imaging and surveillance drones . . .
Dave F.
Razor sharp… bull’s eye… with laser beam intensity.
Mike, your posts have been so intensely spot-on lately.
Bring it on, davey. Boiling point is coming… and SOON!
Mike, There is an article in todays edition of The Courier Mail in Queensland Aus.about a cult that originated in Victoria called The Family. It,s similarity to scientology is as if they are joined at the hip. I would like to know what you think of “How these crimes of Coercion” are allowed to grow from a seed to a full blown storm. Another shocking cult that was allowed to develop and grow, was the “Magnificat Meal Movement”. It’s headquarters were based near a little town called Helidon, near Toowoomba. Not far from my home. Is it possible that the authorities, who, we think should be taking action against these fraudsters, consider that anyone who is foolish and un-streetwise enough to fall for their marketing, probably deserve to be devoured?. Please keep up your good work, and I hope you don’t run out of petrol. Scott Tweedie.
My favorite cult leader in your country is the guy who says he’s Jesus Christ and his attractive wife is Mary Magdelene: https://youtu.be/TVw0eFmnQtM. He is fond of writing on the blackboard: “I’m Jesus; deal with it” and has his following, alas. Wonder if he’ll ever cross paths with the reincarnated L. Ron Hubbard thug in Seattle.
Golly Gee Whiz…..C’mon now…..WE don’t hate Scientology….we just wish it would go away and never come back….kind of like an itch you can’t scratch but would just stop & go away forever…. I don’t call that hate…I call that wishful thinking.
“And who created these angry people? You did scientology. Only you.” Scientology is not a “you”.
Sorry to disagree, Scientology did not create this madness. That is like blaming Nazism for killing Jews.
Hitler created Nazism. Hiltler killed Jews. Scientology was created by L Ron Hubbard.
L Ron Hubbard created David Miscavige. L Ron Hubbard created the doctrines which DM follows.
Hubbard is the “you”. Scientology is not a “you”. “You” is a pronoun which stands for a person.
The person is Hubbard. Subjects have no personality.
Ah, but you is also a plural pronoun that can stand for a group.
Yes, I see that. But my point was that it’s a real person behind a group that causes behavior. Who is the cause of suffering in Nazi Germany? Hitler is cause. Nazis are the effect of the cause of Hitler.
Hubbard is the prime cause “you”. Hubbard is the cause of Scientology abuse and suffering; his doctrines, his offspring is not.
I’ve always deduced it back to Hubbard. Some folks don’t like it. They still give him some status. I do not as he created this mess alone with his dangerous doctrines.
Brian: “Hubbard is the cause of Scientology abuse and suffering; his doctrines, his offspring is not.”
Hubbard was somebody’s offspring too, so why isn’t he just the effect of that person?
He certainly can be faulted, but why are you so obsessed? Think about it in a new unit of time.
Leaving the “obsessed” part out of it, as this concept is a rhetorical subjective judgement, and therefore not worthy of attention in an adult dialog; yes I agree: Hubbard was also the effect of some outer stimulus – no doubt.
But he was an opinion leader with many original thoughts. He was a leader and taught to harm the likes of Paulette Cooper.
What he did to her, absolutely, takes him out of the benevolent wise man category.
He created a unique form of therapy no doubt.
But he raped as many minds as he healed. I know your view. I respect the fact that it is yours. But it is not mine. But you know that my dear Marildi ?
Why are you so obsessed Marildi?
Think about it in a new unit of time. Go ahead.
Brian – Interesting comment and worth “thinking it over” for me. I’m a slow thinker, haha. Hubbard went to his deathbed believing in and auditing demons.
I somewhat disagree: scientology IS a “you”, the deviant McSavage hisself.[I’m trying not to disparage dwarfs and midgets today.]
As a Randroid I have to see all religions as nonsense.
In the novel I’m presently writing I have a protagonist who is an Objectivist.
“When you make a threat make a valid one. Existence exists and only existence exists, there is no Heaven, there is no Hell, there is only the realm of existence and when I break your neck there will only be a piece of dead meat lying on the ground.”
I once studied an Objectivist type philosophy called “Neo-Tech” authored by Frank R Wallace. Here’s what he had to say about existence.
[ The questions “Who created Existence” and “Why of the Universe” are ancient, mind-subverting gimmicks of positing invalid, intellectually untenable questions that have no basis in reality. . . .
On realizing that by nature existence simply exists, one then realizes that the “Who Created Existence” and “Why of the Universe” questions cannot or need never be answered because no causal explanations are needed for existence or the universe. Existence is axiomatic. It just exists; it always has and always will exist. Nothing created it and no causal explanation is needed or valid. For what is the alternative? No alternative is possible or needed, unless one accepts the contradiction that existence does not exist! ]
I say it’s an Objectivist “type” philosophy since later on Wallace presented the idea of “Zons” which are million year advanced beings to humans who are now influencing life on earth! Similar to Hubbard, Wallace had something to say about almost everything including the idea that advanced beings create universes.
P.S. I’m not an atheist. Wallace didn’t consider or maybe rejected the possibility that maybe a Universal Intelligence has always existed along with existence.
otherles, I like your “randoid”. Speaks to a “rondoid” who RAN.
And in Scn parlance, DM freaks out because he has MISSED WITHHOLDS, which if known about, would get him thrown in the slammer.
For several decades…with a cell mate named Bubba. Davy boy, I think you and the rest of the inmates will get along just fine. Especially with your body.
David, um, really “…a handful”?
How about 2,894?
You must be going absolutely nuts!@#$&!
That’s the disconnection list you are linking to. It holds “only” 373 names (which is 373 too many).
This is the big list which currently holds 2,894 names.
“2. Everything done to you was (a) very important, (b) very bad, (c) irremediable.”
That is Scientology’s phony narrative of victimization distilled into a single sentence.
Scientology speaks out both sides of its mouth though. It can confront and shatter suppression. However, it is the ultimate victim of religious hate because “that woman” and “that guy” have a television program that incites waves of religious hatred.
What utter nonsense.
Scientology creates its own problems and then lies about it. Scientology’s PI’s are systematically harassing everyone connected to Leah’s show. Scientology doesn’t mention that as it lays in its own cultic slum and pretends to be a victim.
Look at some of what Scientology actually communicates by its own conduct:
1. Hate websites on former members, critics, and journalists communicate the message: Stay away from Scientology!
2. The use of PI’s to harass people communicates the message: Stay away from Scientology!
Disconnection communicates the message: Stay away from Scientology!
3. The entire concept of the Sea Org and its internal culture of brutality, screaming, and the use of child labor communicates the message: Stay away from Scientology!
4. Overblown Nuremberg Rally-like events featuring giant gaudy bowling trophies and attacks on Psychiatry communicates the message: Stay away from Scientology!
5. Super high prices and crush regging communicate the message: Stay away from Scientology!
6. Weird Cult behavior such a KR’s, lower conditions, and the Facebook Police communicate the message: Stay away from Scientology!
7. Books written by exes like Leah, Jesse, Marc, and so many others communicate the message: Stay away from Scientology!
8. Body routers and the phony OCA test communicate the message: Stay away from Scientology!
9. Refusing to ever honor anyone’s request to be removed from Scientology’s mailing list communicates the message: Stay away from Scientology. Only a Cult would force a person to remain on a mailing list against their desire to be removed from a mailing list. In the internet era this is called spamming a person. In Scientology this is called an enforced communication. People are not willing to receive, and do not want, an enforced communication. This is why Scientology junk mail is ridiculed and thrown into the trash. People are not going to allow Scientology to run enforced communications on them. LRH was entirely glib and stupid when it came to mailing out materials and so is DM.
The list goes on.
Thank you for this comment post SMP! Great explanation. As much as that’s possible with scientology.
Great post Jeffery!
They also won’t stop calling you despite repeated requests unless you tell them you read the Internet then you become toxic.
I will try this tactic the next time I get a call.
I received a call yesterday, Sunday around 5pm, while on my way home from a friend’s memorial service. Thinking it might be my friend I had just dropped off, I looked at my phone. This was my chance to blast the radio and give them a piece of my mind. I held my phone to the loud radio so that it actually started to squeal with feedback. Then I yelled, “Don’t call me. Get it now?” When I put my phone to my ear to see if they had hung up, a woman’s voice said Hello.
Geez… to go thru that and STILL be on the line and trying to speak to me… f’ing desperate.
I used profanity a few hundred times, still they called. The call that shut them down was when I talked calmly. I asked why they kept trying to recover me (this is priceless) he said something to the effect of not leaving a pc red tagged.
A. I wasn’t red tagged when I left.
B. It was more than 30 years later.
I shut the conversation down when I told him that every time someone from scientology called me it was a reminder to me to log onto the Internet to donate to Tony O or Mike Rinder or Mark Bunker.
He said “Well it’s obvious you go on the Internet, I’m making notes to have you black flagged.” All calls and all mail stopped immediately.
Thanks, Valerie. Making the comment of donating to the activists against scn would seem to be the most likely thing to give ’em a gut punch effectively. IOW, my donos are going here to take you down. Super smart of you! I will use this as my folder may still be sitting at CCI since the early ’90s for an incomplete ethics action.
Trying to figure out: Black flag means you’ve died? Or just to dead file you?
Don’t know and he was inconsiderate enough to leave me with an MU on that, he couldn’t hang up fast enough. I think it means dead file, I don’t think they ever officially say anyone has died, even the dead people.
Ha ha…yes, I’m sure that is so.
Please, please keep Miscavige talking. His “PR” statements are absolute proof that all the exes and critics and journalists are right about his insanity and $cn.
Just want to make it clear that Hubbard did not discover or name or identify anything original in naming the “antisocial personality aka suppressive person” as I, and most people thought he did.
If you were part of Scio you weren’t allowed to read “other” books or articles, so unless you studied the subject before arriving, you’d have no idea that he took this from other sources and used his vivid imagination to run with it and claim “Source” of it.
http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Psychopathy (read through to the end of the section “Modern Conception of Psychopathy”)
And yeah, “If you don’t like your abuses exposed then the answer is simple, don’t abuse people…”
I would hope that the general public can see through the COS PR spin as the blatantly juvenile rhetoric that it is. Every time I read their amateurish missives they sound like high school girls trying to beat down some social rival.
What’s that Hubbard line… “the overt doth speak loud in accusation.”
Greed??? mmmm, yeah, well, I do have an admission to make. If’s there’s only one oreo left and two of us at the table, it can get pretty ugly. And if any of you goodie two shoes mention sharing, as OSD said y’day, Scientology has a standarder, standarderer tech to resolve the issue, ie beat the crap out of the other guy first, then lie, cheat and steal it. I believe there’s a whole heap of oeros sealed in titanium containers in a bunker buried in New Mexico someplace – greedie bastards! Am I angry about that? Shit yeah!
You just can’t beat Standarder-er-er-er. It’s all you need to get through life!
The correct standard term, per GAG 47 is: Standarderernessness.
Report to cramming.
“Certainly some are motivated by anger, but that anger is righteous and is directly related to the abuses they suffered. And who created these angry people? You did scientology. Only you.” This line should be changed to “…And who created these angry people? You did, David Miscavige. Only you.” It’s much more personal than just Scientology. The face to the oppression is David Miscavige’s face.
Miscavige didn’t create the pain or psychological damage in me. I left before he took over. I was abused before Miscavige took over. Never fall in the trap of believing it was all sweetness and light before Miscavige. Read Janis books. She treads lightly but when people are being left on the shore of foreign countries with no money no friends where they don’t speak the language in the early 1970s, there is no way to blame Miscavige for that.
“…she unfortunately continues to incite waves of anti-religious hate crimes.”
Would it be asking too much for Leah and A&E to lay a legal demand on KaPow’s desk demanding specifics, including time, date, and location, of these ‘waves of anti-religious hate crimes’??
PAID, that’s a great idea! Hold their feet to the fire….literally.
Karen Pouw’s desk is in the Hole at Gold. I think we should do a missing person’s report on her because she hasn’t been “on post” for years now. David just signs her name to anything he publishes in the press. I think her body and soul are incarcerated at Int Base with the others.
Maybe he’s talking about his slaves finding Aftermath Foundation cards scattered near places of worship?
Considering what it is they truly worship, why don’t they design their Ideal Orgs to resemble banks?
Hummin, you DO know that Flog’s “other” building in downtown CW, which housed the Academy in the late ’70s, was the old Clearwater BANK building, don’t you? And in 1980, Central Files was in the old, but still impressive safe deposit vault? Door to CF had to be 2 feet thick steel, with a dozen 3-inch dogs around its rim. When there was a fire in the north half of the building, Captain Bill’s first thought was to close that door quite firmly; Took a lot of effort with a crow bar to get the door open again as one of the dogs jammed in the tapered part of the door jamb. That door was HEAVY!
I haven’t been down since they built the potemkin village along N. Ft. Harrison, but the descriptions seem to indicate they were put in the old Academy spaces of the BANK building.
Yes. What pickanotherid said!! Demand specifics.
Ah yes, hate crimes.
Perhaps Karin would care to enumerate specific hate crimes committed by individuals against Scientology? Mmmmmm seems to be less than a single page, double spaced.
Now, Karin, please enumerate ALL of the hate crimes committed since 1950 by Dianetics, Scientology, all of the shell /dummy companies, LRon Hubbard, Sea Org, Staff, followers, and hired agents. Seeeeesh!!!
Hubbard did not have to search his whole track for dirty tricks, although he did, since he had a recent dictator/tyrant to copy. Joseph Stalin.
Ex excellent post! I’ll be waiting for your list of people that threaten your cult.
Thanks. But, No list coming forth from this dude. I have no followers, I want no followers. end of story.
The Russians have the right tactics – recognize them as an extremist anti-state and anti-citizen money-laundering racket and fraudulent scam, known to masquerade as a religion simply to avoid taxes and generate sympathy from legitimate religions..
I’ll sign that memo.
Karen pooh pooh method! You can smell it a mile away. The amount of not-is-ness taking place in the church is just fantastic. It is truly a sad condition they are in and they continue to drag our families in it. In non-scio term it’s called denial-denial-denial, I.e. No matter what!
Where is Blinky? Pouw is so passe. I want to hear from Blinky, and I want a muffin, dammit.
I got the muffin for you, Zola. But, Blinky got hammered last night and he’s still passed out.
In the eyes of Miscavige/Scientology, any statement that is in any way negative concerning Scientology/Miscavige/Church, no matter if totally factual, automatically is defined as “hate speech.” And, no matter how many ex-Scientologists make negative statements – tens, hundreds, or more – it is always automatically only “a handful.” Well, that hand holding them must have grown awfully large over the years.
This IS the truth as Mike stated above: “…you can bet if there was a single credible threat, let alone a proven crime, it would be plastered all over scientology’s websites. They would have called in the high powered lawyers to make police reports and they would have pages of lurid headlines and documents on Freedom and STAAD websites and everywhere else. And it would be spelled out in excruciating detail.” Exactly. If they ever pointed out truth in their accusations you can be sure they would take action….but NOT… only generalities.
I too am motivated by anger. Angry that I foolishly allowed 100’s of thousands of dollar to be extorted (in so many different ways) from me (in the last five years alone) while in this “church.”
Angry that I’m a victim of lies and slander told to my son, my friends, and to the world at large on their own blog. Lies that I cannot defend myself against with true justice and my side to be told within its walls. (I am thankful for A&E and Leah et al for allowing others and me our voices to be heard.) I am angry that this “church” censors its members.
I am angry because every single day I wake up and have to suffer the injustices this church has inflicted on me and my family, some who were never even in this “church.”
I am angry that there are millions who support me and my plight and want this “church” to stop its abuses but not ONE OF THEM CAN HELP ME get my son back. Not one. Why? Because our justice system gives abusive powers to religions and I am angry about that.
Outstanding post, Mary. Bravo!
Mary, I am so sorry for this horrible situation and when I think about you I keep hoping that there will be something that will light a spark in your son’s memory of what your life together was and he begins to realize that life with his family is where he wants to be.
I know that sometimes even the smallest thing will bring back a good memory.
Thank you.
Yay Mary, so well said and exactly how I feel.
“This is like the KKK complaining that media coverage of their activities have resulted in a wave of anti-free speech attacks on them as racists… ”
Yes, and I think the Menendez bros thought that they should get sympathy because they are orphans.
LRH also wrote the scripture on Generalities Won´t do and added – a person speaking in generalities has Missed Withholds.
Per The Sociopath Next Door of Martha Stout; A sociopath is known for their pathological lying and conning. The sociopath charisma is accompanied by a grandiose sense of self worth.
No matter how much Miscabage rants, we, the ones of the fringes of the internet, back up Leah, Mike and any one else that has stood up to speak against his crimes and abuses. Period!.
Great comment, Silvia. The LRH reference on the Anti Social Personality says that one of the characteristics of an Anti Social Personality (An SP), is that they speak in generalities. This is what DM is doing and is one of the many personality traits that make him a bona fide 2 1/2 percenter, SP. In other PTS/SP references, it states that if you get rid of people in an org and the troubles and down stats and enturbulation continue, then you have not got the right SP and the SP is still in the org causing trouble. Well, take a look, Davey is still there. The real SP at the top has not been spotted by the blind still ins.
My bullshit meter pinged when I read Pouw’s epistle. Does this qualify as a real Karin Pouw sighting? Well, we haven’t seen her, but at least someone is using her name and email account.
As Aftermath will be starting up soon, I expect more fake ‘news’ from the Clampire. Their press releases are so funny. I wonder what $cieno ‘cleb’ will be tasked with confronting Aftermath? I will enjoy watching that foot bazooka go off.
Question 1….Where is Shelly?
Question 2….Where is Heber?
Question 3….How many people are still IN THE HOLE?
Question 4….WHY are the streets around FLAG deserted?
Question 5….WHY is FLAG deserted?
Yep…..the silence is DEAFENING!……
That’s because they can’t refute it. And everyone knows it.
If Mike and Leah are spreading lies then why doesn’t Scientology simply prove that what they’re saying isn’t true?
Isn’t that how LRH said to combat ‘black PR’?
Or does the dwarf prefer the Hitler/Stalin method?
I always thought he was a Hitler man.
You’re right, OSD. Stalin was more subtle in eliminating his enemies while Hitler was more overt.
The dwarf is definitely Hitler.
On the Fair Game website created to stick their tongues out at Leah, there is a post called “Bigotry= Hate & Violence. In this batch of verbal spew the author, who doesn’t add their name to the piece, has 10 points of “violence against the church” that they lay directly at Leah’s door. Vague comments like: “The Cross was torn from the Tampa church”. I spent quite a bit of time searching for anything to corroborate but with no names, dates, link to more information it was impossible to confirm let alone lay the responsibility for it on Leah.
I took each point and investigated it as best I could and wrote about it on my blog.
Bottom line is Scientology seems to be so desperate to hold on to the crumbling walls that it is loosing what little grip on reality they once had. Desperation is making them downright sloppy.
“Waves of Anti-Religious Hate Crimes”
Miscavige is obviously listening to the Philadelphia Doctorate Tapes again. These were the tapes where Hubbard outlined his belief in mental electronic flows, dispersals and ridges. It was an idea that he copied from Blavatsky but never gave her credit. I reviewed his lecture notes recently and realized how he drew out his theories with not one fragment of scientific proof. He created front ridges, back ridges and ridges around the ears. Even a simple MRI of the brain blows Hubbard out of the water.
These Philadelphia tapes could probably used in Court to prove that Scientology indeed does damage the mind. Be careful what you say Dave!
“…same handful of former Scientologists motivated by greed and anger”
Hi Karin!
First question, Where’s Shelley?
Second question, do you really believe that it is only former scientologists that have any motivation? Just former scientologists? How about millions of seekers of truth and justice.
Miscavige is quite right in shaking in his little ecclesiastical boots, as still-ins will attest.
Do you not feel the earth shifting under your feet as millions of people who completely understand what a criminal organization you are trying to defend are absolutely outraged? Get ready Karin… it only gets worse from here.
Karin does not write these ‘words of wisdom’ and I doubt she is allowed to read the responses here on this blog.
Addressing the true author, Dave (the dildo) Miscavige is easily done here since He reads Mikes Blog every day to control his blood pressure.
Yo Dave,
Keep it up good buddy
Dave? Why don’t you speak to newcomer? I think he may be able to straighten you out. You want to be straightened out…don’t you?
BTW, did you know that Scientology is the laughing stock of Cultdome? They’re all making fun of you.
To: Old Surfer Dude
From:David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: me needing straightened out.
I need straightening out? I NEED STRAIGHTENING OUT?!!!! What I think is that YOU need to get your facts straight! I am the Exalted Ruler of Teegeeack and the MEST Universe while you are nothing but an SP!(cue ‘Hunger Games’ tribute march fanfare).You are the one in need of straightening out!
Oh, and by the way, no one is making fun of me! They don’t dare!(cue ‘Hunger Games’ tribute march fanfare)
Whoever/wherever Pouw is, “the lady doth protes too much, methinks”.
Sad if it’s really Mr M. Hiding behind a female persona? Weird.
Defending the indefensible, that’s Scientology for you. In this particular “religion,” oops cult, the money’s good.
$cientology is motivated by greed and anger!!
It‘s time to dump COB in the Hole!!!
What a beautiful thought!
“Myths invented and spreadby the same handful of former sciemtologists”?
For every one person on the Aftermath show, there are 20 other story’s that did not get told. I’m one of those. And greed is what motivates us.
I lost at least a million dollars to that greedy organization and my children.
I’m another greedy ex…lost about a million, my daughter and grandchildren.
OMG! Gail, I’m so very sorry that your daughter & grandchildren are still in. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. But please keep the faith!
Geoff, I’m very sorry about your children still being involved in this Cult. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. And the money you lost. All I can say is congrats on walking away. Congrats on setting yourself free!
Good Morning Mike , we here in England and Ireland are pushing SOC back , there not going to be long
Kick ass & take names, Andy! And keep us informed!
The sad thing is that they always get away with their strategy. It seems to work very well. Millions of dollars are still flowing into their direction.
Why should they change Hubbard’s strategy?
Same for Donald Trump. He is still president.
When I was fair gamed by the cult a policeman told me that lying itself was no offence or crime.
For people in the UK, if you are a victim then increase your chances by checking harassment and data protection laws. Pointing to lies leads you nowhere.
Why won’t everyone leave Trump out of this? With all due respect, when you say things like that it only illustrates that you, like I was, are under the sway of and have been indoctrinated by the mainstream media in addition to all the other methods controlled by the globalist, one world government crowd. I think you will be pissed when you wake up and discover how we have all been manipulated!
i hear you on having been manipulated, detroit. I don’t like that feeling either. And I get your point on the main stream media’s bias toward and defense of globalism. Having said that, if you’re serious about not being manipulated, here’s a suggestion: run Donalld Trump thru the 12 characteristics of an anti-social personality. See how he does. Even if you hate Hubbard and don’t believe in any Scientology tech, you might find it an interesting and enlightening exercise to do on someone you believe to be a truth-teller.
Anti Trump/administration comments get posted. I write non hostile counter viewpoints and they get censored.
Richard, you make a valid point. I’ve noticed that too.
Stay on topic. Donald Trump is not Hubbard except maybe to the Trump Haters who listen to the people like Pelosi, DWS, Waters, Soros, and the media which derives its income from artificial controversies.
Thank you for that.
You just confirmed my key assumption:
‘Pointing to lies leads you nowhere.’
We could argue what the lies are or who is lying. But you can easily see that it wouldn’t change anything.
I am not even saying you are wrong. I am just highlighting that one statement which you indirectly proofed to be true.
The citizens in the UK were lied to during the Brexit referendum. Everybody knows that the NHS funding was a lie. It is such a big, fat, bold, documented, blunt fact. Still, pointing to the key lie doesn’t change anything. The referendum is still valid and Boris Johnson is still there.
And then someone attacks you saying that it is just the media trying to derail the Brexit.
People who have a driving need to believe that something is true (or not true) or that something or someone is a certain way (or not a certain way) are easy to lie to because their need to believe is the driving force on that top and as such much stronger than any evidence you can show them to the contrary. They’re susceptible and very easy to con.
There are lots of times when it’s illegal to lie in the U.S.. Among them:
* impersonating a federal agent (18 USC 912)
* lying to a federal agent (18 USC 1001);
* health care fraud (18 USC 1035 and 1347);
* mail fraud (18 USC 1341);
* wire fraud (18 USC 1343);
* perjury (18 USC 1623);
* False Claims Act (31 USC 3729-33);
* and libel and slander (common law).
This is a great article Mike! I saw this on E News last night, well the first half of the quote. I’m actually surprised they responded. No one takes their same old response seriously. Miscavige seems to be really starting to freak out with Aftermath Season 3 coming up soon!
He freaks out because he himself is a FREAK! And…he’s EVIL to the core.
Wonder if he’s tried cal mag for that? Sometimes it’s the simple things that work the best, Hubbard said so too. See how his simple philosophy worked for him? Just do what Ron would do.
What…move to Target 2?
Nope, Tgt2 has the internet now so it’s off the table. I do believe there is a water planet run by slugs that is interested in a suppressive tek though. COB is working on the value of cosmic slime as we speak, Dingaling is negotiating as it’s right up her alley. We’ll see what slops around I guess…
I Yawnalot,
GREAT comment! may the ones who deserve it go down screaming inside their heads.
Hi ya Jim. You know it’s out-tek to talk about the abilities gained from the OT levels on open forums. But what the heck, screaming in the head is all the rage in the bubble.
St. John’s Wort in tincture form is great for calming the nerves. A few drops in some water or herbal tea with honey and….zzzzz…puts me to sleep. Take about an hour before you turn in because it needs time to get into the bloodstream.
I wondered what that stuff was used for, it’s in all the health shops I’ve ever been in. Might give it a shot. Cal mag – ick! makes me dry reach just at the thought of a glass of that stuff, and the smell!!!!!
St John’s Wart is also good for depression.