This is pretty much a throw-away post for today.
The relentless drive for “donations” gives birth to some really cray cray stuff.
The opportunities for innuendo and puns are almost endless with something like this. I will leave that to the many humorous commenters that frequent this site. As I said, for personal reasons I don’t have much time to devote to putting together a decent post today.
Hope Tony O has something good…
As a Brit, I have limited knowledge of US law. But this entire thing is the biggest and quite frankly, the most successful and genius con of all time. I am baffled as to why the US government is not investigating this. It is obtaining money by deception, which is fraud just for starters. Not even to mention all the abuse. I think it is just a matter of time before the whole thing collapses. More brave people will continue to speak out and hopefully those people can collectively hit the church where it hurts and sue them. I look forward to seeing that happen.
Hello Everyone.
For those who have not seen it, I was able to go to animetoon.TV and click on South Park: Trapped in the Closet episode. It is South Park S9, E-12. Stan is the reincarnation of LRH. Really worth the look. LOL. Enjoy.
Just have everyone send in a can of WD40.
You said it so very well. I also want to thank Mike, Leah, and the rest of you brave folks who have came forward to tell your stories and share your pain. Hoping that those in charge will like “Leah said: “Have the balls to do something about this cult.”
If they really want to avoid squeaking noises in Scientology, they need to ditch David Miscavige and all the celebrities…providing each one with some WD-40 as a parting gift. I could see Tom Cruise using it to grease the floor, sliding away in his socks a la “Risky Business”.
What is a “status”, as in “making new statuses”, please?
They’re titles you get when you donate. The more money you throw at them the fancier title you get. It’s worthless, basically.
It’s a money making scheme. You pay a certain amount of money and you reach a certain status.
It has been reported that Scientology has approximately 20,000 members. That numbered seems small to support all of the empty buildings, buildings with attendance, events, lawsuits, paying off Marty Rathburn, etc.
Showthyme, in the USA there aren’t NEAR 20,000 ACTIVE (non-staff) scamologists. MAYBE 5,000. I have no idea what “buildings with attendance” means. Their buildings are 90% empty shells that are NOT maintained.
“We ARE WINNING!!!!!!”
Only six exclamation marks, Susan, really? I don’t think you are enthusiastic enough. How is this KSW? Maybe needs more WD40.
well recently I heard it can be used on Foggy headlights not tried yet but I know if your being screwed bad enough a dose of WD can help FREE U so what better to say to use it Hope the sheep can see & find there way home away from a ‘royal rusty screw,,,
Mike how devilish of you to publish the WD-40 can label which spells out Scientology Hidden Intimate Truths (SHIT). You are hereby declared an St – Scientology traitor – for revealing these secret red Flags. The can warns:
Extreme Danger – Contents under Pressure
Very Flammable
Poison Contents
Stops Squeaking
Frees up RUST (Revenue Ursurped by Seaorg Threats)
Scientology Health awareness Fitness Training (SHAFT).
Scientologists Can Achieve Miracles!!!! (SCAM).
For all those stuck in The Hole, WD-40 can:
1. Lube a shovel. Spray WD-40 on a shovel, spading fork, hoe or garden trowel. The soil slides right off—especially helpful when digging in clay.
2. Clean tile. The spray removes spilled mascara, nail polish, paint and scuff marks from tile floors, and also help you wipe away grime from the grout lines. Clean up with soapy water.
3. Scrub stains from stainless steel sinks.
4. Unstick gum. A squirt makes it easier to pull gum out of carpet and even hair. It’s better than cutting out the gum and leaving patchy carpet or a bad haircut.
5. Soften leather. Oil can help break in a stiff leather tool belt.
6. Free stuck LEGOs. Your org will thank you.
7. Erase crayon. When crayon ends up on toys, flooring, furniture, painted walls, wallpaper, windows, doors, and television screens. Spray on WD-40 and wipe it off.
8. Prevent flowerpots from sticking when stacked together.
9. Get rid of rust. Spray and rub away rust from circular saw and hacksaw blades. It can also clean blades of tar and other gunk.
10. Remove goo. Unstick gooey residue from price tags, duct tape, and stickers.
Alas, smuggle in WD-40 to those in Sea Org. It helps while away the hours.
Situation: The Orlando Org isn’t Ideal. Data: The Flag OTC wants 40 donations per week..blah blah blah…(and we are winning!) Solution: “to play this game” DONATE TODAY!! Um no….CSW DISAPPROVED.
My comment on today’s Scientology bash refers to Mike’s first line.
“This is pretty much a throw-away post for today.”
That is far truer than it first appears, Scientology is a throw away religion. You know, like a cheap spirit you bought thinking you were getting a real bargain on. You unscrew the top, have a guzzle and toss the bottle in the trash. It was so horrible, made you sick and you know you just got ripped off. You won’t ever buy that brand again. Plenty of others to choose and go silly over or maybe you’ll give your liver a break.
Ah choices… where would you be without ’em? = a Scientologist is you’re silly enough to guzzle the cool-aid.
I will be contacting Susan concerning this asap…NOT. !!
One word for the current Scientology clones. MUTINY!!!!
Mike, On upcoming Leah shows can you discuss the concept of being a whistle blower who was bought off by DM’s money which is NOT his money but rather is church oney sucked up from his flock. Talk about a misuse of money. To use parishoner money meant for holy things and then use it to intimidate critics, and pay off whistle blowers to keep them quiet. Wow. I read the story of Kendra Wiseman from several years ago where she vows to be a whistleblower and then after her story posted, she stopped talking, stopped blogging, stopped whistleblowing on the church. So it appears DM paid her to shut her up. He has done this with countless others. I would like to see that covered on your show too. The IRS should know that parishoner church money made it out to pay Private Eyes, to pay people to spy on and harrass ex members, and is used big time to buy off critics so that they are stopped in their dissemination of the truth. This needs to be shouted out.
I totally agree. Seems that there is enough people and the same story that those who are in charge of our health and safety, would take one look at “Aftermath” and start some investigation on their own.
I agree! It would be so good to get that info to the outside world. Scientology pays off its critics amand they pay off people they’re afraid may become critics. I sure that a misuse of the tax free donations given by their followers.
I just messaged WD40 on FB and told them, in case they didn’t give permission, that Scientology was using their product for fundraising….will be interesting to see if they write me back.
Thank you. Let us know.
if my bad memory serves me right I’m pretty sure WD40 Isn’t copy written and can’t remember why they didn’t do it but pretty sure about that.
The formula wasn’t patented but the name was copyrighted.
Absolutely & perfectly understandable…..WD 40…..of course the answer to their prayers. Hasn’t it been said the “squeakiest wheel gets the most oil”……
In this case, hounding the members continually for monetary $$$ donations IS going to make them “loosen the purse strings” just to get some peace & quiet (they think). The more they donate, the more they will be harassed to donate MORE…..they’ll never understand that however.
Balletlady, the cherch operates its fundraising on a Scientology principle called “Outflow = Inflow”.
In other words, the more you ask, entreat, beg, demand, cajole, insist upon, etc. etc (“outflow) is the more they’re going to get back (“inflow”)
Per policy, the QUALITY of the outflow is not important. What’s important is the VOLUME of outflow.
So, if, in outflowing, they are annoying, infuriating, degrading, inconveniencing, inconsiderate,repetitious, boring, time wasting, stupid, and did I mention annoying?…that’s not too important. They’re not concerned about the QUALITY of their outflow. They go for QUANTITY.
What IS important to the cult is that there’s always LOTS AND LOTS of it – ALWAYS.
For WHATEVER the cult wants at any given time.
Lotsalotsalotsa,,,ten different people calling the same person and asking the same thing…the cult could not care less. “Good outflow!”
The Beatles sang a song with a lyric: “And, in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love, you make”.
Co$ would sing it this way: “And in the end, the dough you rake, is equal to the fuss you make”.
Excellent feedback my friend “Aqua”……it is in a way beyond comprehension to those on the outside to think about even trying to eek out a living after “giving away” all our as some religions call it worldly possessions to become i.e.” one of them”…..& to have to give up the raising of one’s own children & in most cases family & friends who don’t go along with the belief system run by COS. They are vampires sucking the blood from an already dead corpse, vultures picking clean to the last bone the life blood of it’s loyal members.
When is enough enough….apparently never in their view. Once you’re old & sick you are tossed aside like a useless worn out old shoe of no use to anyone. Of course I fully understand that what they can GET from everyone financially brings about ruin to those members, they just can’t seem to give enough money, time, workload to the organization to get basically nothing in return.
I recall a friend telling me about the religion they hooked up with….they’d just moved into a new town to join a new church & her son was at the proper age & due to receive his “religious rite of passage….so they had to give a full financial statement…IRS Tax form showing how MUCH money they made in a year…the “church” would then TELL them how much they had to Tithe per week. Didn’t matter if they had a financial burden of a family member being ill or having to pay out of pocket for an expensive home repair after a deadly weather storm. I asked what would happen if they could not tithe the expected amount… friend told me that the person in charge of finances said “YOU CAN OWE IT TO US”…they’d set up a repayment plan so that the parishioner could catch up on what they could not pay when expected to do so. They decided NOT to become a member of that religious affiliation.
I am so impressed with everyone’s wonderful demeanor in explaining and helping everything along…..I can only pray that the loved ones held within the bonds of this “cult” are soon able to rejoin their families who love them so much.
Thanks ,Balletlady, you’re very kind.
I suspect the monetary contributions continually demanded by Co$, which are, as you’ve stated, beyond the comprehension of those outside the cult are likely just as incomprehensible to those inside the cult.
I was in for 25 years. During that entire time, to handle the insatiable demands for money I had two methods, which, boiled down would classify as follows:
1) Avoid
2) Succumb
I would employ one of the other method depending upon the situation, and mostly in a kind of instinctive, knee-jerk way.
In my case there was not ever any significant degree of understanding and analytical thought involved.
Amazing info Aqua…..and sad as well. The worse part of it all is that it is true. It sounds seem like folks that rack up bills & then are running from creditors that continually call them or send them “snail mail”. My hope is that those who want out can take their entire family along with them, yet as I read, some of those family members want to stay in despite all they are suffering through & are go along seemingly with the “non existent” disconnection policy.
That is the crux of the entire scenario…leave US & LOSE your family. What a horrible threat that is, those now adult children refuse contact with their own parents. What can one expect when they are so ingrained & indoctrinated into this is the ONLY way……that they haven’t had the chance to view anything else outside “the policy” of COS.
I am so over the moon happy for those of you who opted OUT, I know it was not easy for any of you to in reality begin life anew with no real money, & for some, limited education & job experience.
I anxiously await the walls to crumb, it’s circling the drain but not fast enough for me. I hope I live long enough to see it all gone. The money will more than likely go for all the legal fees but the little man no doubt will be in a country without & extradition treaty in place, living the high life.
Hey DM……sooner or later it will come to hit you & you will be a wanted fugitive.
I’m amazed that you and Tony can post every day. I have a friend that has guest contributors that he posts from time to time, just to get a break. Some times he just shuts it down for a few days and no one seems to mind.
I’ve been to Orlando Org.
It’s been sometime back, and must needs dates to be ambiguous, but it’s a small non-existent thing.
It was the first org I’d been to that had “part time staff”. I came from the land of Full Time Contract or nothing. So this little hole had 2 part time and one full time. It was a tiny shitty little dump. The supervisor was a nervous shaky young thing. Poor chap.
I seriously doubt that there is any clamor for scientology in Orlando.
What do you bet that the donors to this org are people from Flag and Tampa area? They’re making the OT VIIIs go help other orgs become Ideal after their own local org finally achieves Broke Forever Giant Morgue Status.
Donating to other Ideal hopefuls is a way to help finish off your ethics cycle, a good bit to add to your OT Elig Contribution Submission, your submission to COMP VII, AND, it looks good on the ship’s MAA desk as you grovel your way onto the emptiness of VIII.
“Clearwater/Orlando Team”
Poor saps.
SFN, it’s very interesting to hear your report of what was going on inside the org. By the way, from what I’ve been able to observe of orgs in some relatively larger US cities outside California, it’s quite common now for half or two thirds of what they’re counting as staff to be part-time, and perhaps volunteers – though I think that may include people who come in for a few hours a week to work on things like central files.
I went past the Orlando org a couple of years ago. I think it was the same building they had been in for a long time, a dreary and dirty single-story building very close to a main multi-lane road, that was sort of a cross between office and retail.
About two years ago, they moved into a suite (I’m pretty sure that’s the case, though they leave it off their address) in a little multi-story office building off the beaten path. Around that time, after fits and starts, they managed to get an “ideal” building to renovate, a dated-looking building in an office park. It sounded like they were begging for money practically up to the time of the closing of the deal, and I got the impression that they might have gotten some funding from outside the area or maybe even a “loan” from Scientology’s international entities. If I recall, there had been a big push on to make all the orgs in Florida “ideal.”
I think this may be one of the cases that we’re increasingly seeing, where they’ve gone for cheaper office park space ($1.65 million reported in this case) – but then are left with much if not most of the total cost being in renovations, that have yet to be fundraised for, when the building purchase pretty much tapped out the locals. Oddly, I can no longer even find the typical fancy rendering of what the building was supposed to look like when done, that I thought Scientology had produced for the new Orlando location.
I was never invested in Orlando Org, it was a passing through type of thing. But it’s funny how your tale somewhat mirrors what has happened in another org that I’m about in driving distance of.
My idea of Hell is to be on staff, particularly holding a post “high up” in an org these days.
It could be Hell here and there back in the day (when I was marching to the beat) but…today? I can’t imagine a worse time – it must be simply awful. It’s just hopeless now.
Sometimes, when I’m having a rough bit, I can cheer myself up with this thought.
Hi Mike,
Let see if I can help this along.
• HCOB 753-9 “Auditing repair”. When it seems your PC is stuck on the whole track and nothing is working. Spray a bit of WD-40 on the cans. Your PC will now fly through those incidents, well like your Class 12.
• WD-40 definition. 1. W….. David at tone 40. Use: Spray a bit in your butt and you will be surprised how much David will flow out you. Yes, at the velocity of standard Tone 40.
I can help too! Notice, the Orlando coven has failed to specify the minimum donation amount which will qualify as a stat in this latest “game”. So, even the donation of a single dollar would count toward the target number of forty individual donations per week.
Get every underpaid Orlando org staff to pony up a buck and you’re a big weiner, er winner, in this very exciting and fun game! Xenu be praised, at that rate the planet will be cleared in infinity years 😉
I must add that I get ALL levels of annoyed when it is called a ‘game’. It quite clealry is not, and yet they persist in sugar coating this.
My daughter who’s a lighting technician gave me this: Does it move? No. Should it move? Yes. Solution: WD 40. Does it move? Yes. Should it move? No. Solution: duct tape.
Ain’t nothin’ duct tape can’t fix.
Even my broken heart?
Not sure I’d like to know how you’d go about doing that with duct tape.
Awww, I am sorry 🙁
Awww… I’ve gone all gooey.
XOXOXO. Does that help? Hugs forever 🙂
I’ll be gentle,I Yawn.
Yeah right. That’s what you said the first time!
Gorilla Glue…….holds strong, but I wouldn’t monkey around with it when it comes to a broken heart…….
Duct tape doesn’t fix stupid
Sure it does! You wrap duct tape around the mouth until it’s about an inch thick. Then, all they can do is mumble.
True jet but if placed over its mouth stupid get much quieter
Only a broken heart and the crack of dawn.
I had a crack at Dawn once. Unfortunately it didn’t work out.
I was going to ask, “who’s Dawn?” but thought twice about it as this is a family forum.
Another variation on an adage from my days in the Marines: “If stationary, paint it; if it moves, salute it!” The Naval variation being: “If stationary, paint it gray…”
Love it…. sounds like my early days in the Sea Org when I used to paint the Apollo from morning ’til night.
Oh more stories please…
Probably like painting a bridge I would imagine; by the time you get to one end, it’s time to once again start back the other way! I’ve read in several accounts where you poor folks stuck with painting the Apollo were twice-cursed. First, by the use of a supposedly superior silver colored primer, to ease the application of the Apollo’s then-new all white scheme; secondly, silver was a crap primer, thus the new white paint suffered appalling adhesion, requiring the need to yet again, chip and scrape the entire hull down to bare steel. Then on to round two, of re-applying a proper red tint primer, then re-painting her all white once again. I’m constantly taken aback by the amount of redundant SO labor I read about, and the resultant delays to accomplish the simplest of projects. It’s one thing to repaint a wall, but to constantly have to reprime and repaint a ship the size of the Apollo, all due to trial and error, is mind boggling! In those early days, this ongoing, seemingly endless redundant work, was further aggravated by the extremely hazardous OJT for the most demanding of skills/training. These skills included skippering a 330 ft. ship; anchoring, or if docking her, identifying the proper steel or polypropylene mooring lines, their configuration, and how to appropriately bollard the lines; or simply coordinating the lowering, rowing, and retrieval of a lifeboat! Oh and by the way, your new “Captain”, Mary Sue Hubbard, will be “instructing” you, all while she “learns” as well – unbloodybelieveable, had I not read it myself!
Oh lookie! – we said the same thing while in cyber space – high 5’s!
The only thing I can add to that sensible wisdom is, when in doubt, give it a clout! The hammer is one of the most technical tools ever invented.
Then again the army is pretty cluey on some things too, “if it moves salute it, if it doesn’t paint it.”
The proverbial “in a world filled with hammers, every challenge resembles a nail…” Bang, bang!
“hope Tony O has something good”
This makes me smile so big.
I’m so glad to have these two sites.
You know Mike, we like the table you set and the guests you invite so well, we’re so comfortable, that if you’re away tending posies or pups you can always just leave the front door open with the table set for tea and we’ll come in and make ourselves at home.
You could throw out a few ideas for “Today’s Essay” topics and have yourself a day off.
Like today’s.
You can do like this any old time.
Mike, everything that secret just said. Besides, I’m addicted. Mainly I’m a RinderPoster now. The business, the 2nd job just go to supporting my habit. I think I’ll need therapy once the cult is toast and you’re no longer posting, Mike. Perhaps we can form a support group now,in preparation for this inevitability. Something along the AA model, wherein we each have to stand up and announce, “Hello, my name WAS Aquamarine, and I am a RinderAddict” This of course will be after the party at OSD’s beach place. Some of us may even break down and beg you to stay and keep writing the blog even with its goal achieved. Don’t be surprised if that happens. “YOU CREATED US, MIKE! NOW LET US LIVE!” 🙂
No one will remember shit after OSD’s beach bash. Scientology… WTF’s that? Pass the hairy dog will ya?
No bout a doubt that!
Sounds good. Can’t wait! I’m bringing chocolate chip macadamian nut cookies. I know that sounds very square but they’re really good and the only things I know how to bake. My entire life has been spent in pursuit of baking the perfect chocolate chip cookie. There are people depending upon me. You know who you are. I will not let you down.
I’ll say also: at OSD’s party, for the first time, I shall share my chocolate chip macadamia nut cookie recipe.. Anyone can eat such a cookie and feel great and that’s fine. But can you bake one? If there are to be quality cookies, the planet needs bakers This is a deadly serious activity. We don’t have an infinity of time. . Bakers will always be senior to eaters. No group would have ever formulated the perfect chocolate chip macadamia nut cookie. Only courageous individuals such as myself who overcame the avid craving for approval from a cookie-hungry humanoid group. This has been an enormous responsibility. I have born it too long, alone. You, share it with me now.
The Church of Chocolate Chip Macadamia Cookie. Yummy, sign me up – however, is the Bridge to Cookie Perfection a long one? I’m a bit gun-shy of long Bridge runways these days.
LOL! Nice one Aqua!!!
I’d like to share that cookie with you now Aquamarine! But if I then go next door to eat a peanut butter cookie, will you write me up for Mixing Practices?
I make kick ass Meat & Cheese Lasagna…..but would that be appropriate for a beach bash? I have a great peanut butter cookie recipe too……
Seems like most of us are on a Rinder Bender……just can’t stay away too long. So much information available to those who WERE in and those who are “Never Ins” to keep everyone on their toes & well informed. A little “unloading of the personal burdens” really helps make others feel they are NOT alone in this journey. To remove the feeling of blame for things that may have been done to or against others while under the direction/orders of the powers that be can help people heal some wounds they bear.
Every story, every single thing that has been posted here helps someone in someway or another. Some days we just need to know we are not alone in this journey, some days we need to hear or read a story to understand that our own life is not so bad as someone else’s life. To see the pain etched on the faces of those who came forward & did their interview was so very moving emotionally, tears are shed over anger, remorse/guilt, the loss of loved ones through disconnection, coerced abortions & really more or less forced divorces because one spouse wanted OUT of this fiasco.
Every time I watch Mike’s face as someone spills out their horrific story, one can see the emotional toll it is taking on him. His coming forward is so very brave, a man who has done a complete turn around has open his heart & mind to become HUMAN. Despite being on the inside, even he wasn’t aware of some of the events going on behind the scenes. The look of complete shock on his face at hearing the stories of child abuse & rape, one can SEE how he immediately thought of his OWN now adult children possibly being victimized the same way.
I truly don’t think that Mike or Leah or A & E realize or truly know the impact Aftermath 1 & 2 has become so very important to those on the outside & possibly having the ones on the inside find out what is really the truth.
Mike & Leah…..enjoy some time with your loved ones….we know that our children grow way too quickly & time with them is precious. Many Blessings on your loving supportive spouses as well!
Thank you!
I’m with you Aqua, totally addicted. Can’t wait to meet you all at OSD beach shindig.
Hey OSD – are you prepping for this bash, it might come sooner than we think.
Its true! It COULD happen a lot sooner than we think! Its exciting, really!
Yeah Dude… it’s PARTY time coming right up!!!!! And since I’m the designated drunk I get first dibbs at singing a song I don’t know the words of…
Scientology can help you with that…
Heeheeheee – I like the ‘RinderPoster’ tag:)
Yes, funny scenario. “Hello, my name is Cece and I’m an X scientologist and I have some thing to say.” Give me back my kids!
Yes, Cece. Every single child back in comm with every single mother and father. David Miscavige (“the Disgrazia”) as my Italian aunt would say) banished, or in jail. All of us whooping it up on the beach. Boombox blaring “We Are Family” All California celebrating the demise of the cult.
Everything you said one zillion times!!!
I’m sure the WD-40 people will appreciate them using the image without recognizing the copyright. seems like prime fodder for a cease and desist order!
WD-40 sounds like an IRS tax form.
Yah like a 1040. So happy to be broke. Haven’t had to file in 10 years now 🙂
1080 is a poison they use to eradicate feral foxes. Sort of fits in with the Scio theme of things.
Water Displacement 40 was the 40th try at a substance that could keep out water from steel components. Invented in 1953, it almost coincides with the founding of $cientology. While wd-40 is a great product with many uses, $cientology only rusts your brain and drains your wallet.
The ‘strategic’ partner thing has been going on for some time. It is just another marketing ploy to share whales with other mOrgs. The Scotland mOrg in Edinburgh has been marketing for ‘partners’ for several years. I don’t see them getting any closer to their new Idle mOrg in all that time.
All I can hear in my mind’s ear right now is an Aussie-ish accent saying “cray cray.” 🙂
Just read that Tom Cruise’s daughter Isabella has moved into a smaller home in South London with her hubs and without the help of movers. Scamology is a slippery slope financially……..
And very much like the Borg too – YOU WILL COMPLY! Or else you’re on your own, Scientology family will no longer have anything to do with you.
Tony had a good article today. I recognize the photo of Peter Nyiri from my visits to Flog. Glad he is out, he is a nice guy.
Another person I recall from days gone by is a fellow named Walter Ramsauer who did regging for the world dissemination campaign. (I don’t think that is the correct name for it but that is a good thing as those days have receded into the fog) Anyway, Walter was Austrian and I remember he had told me about his purpose to join the SO and how he has given his inheritance to the cherch when he joined. He is another nice guy and I hope he can get out too. His regging partner Rudy needed a good squirt of WD-40 to loosen up a bit …. he was more of a ‘go for the throat’ type.
Yo Dave,
whatsitlike today good buddy? Did You make any serious dents in Your scotch reserves yesterday watching A&E? Wait till next week ………………. all things in Your universe will seriously shrink again. More truth made public which translates into more bad news for You. We’re comin for ya Dave! Gird em!
Take the WD-40…Tone 40 Challenge!!!! For just a small donation of $500,000…you can achieve Tone 40!!!! This is the FASTEST and the ONLY WAY to the TOP OF THE SCALE!!!!!
Participants must be willing to give up EVERYTHING!!! Family, friends, livelihood, personal freedom,…..anything and everything!!!! But it’ll be SOOOOO Worth it!!!!!!
POS COB of RTC COS will PERSONALLY spray you down……..then a photo op for Freedom magazine is also included.
Buckle up!!!!! It’s gonna be a Slick, Slimey, and WILD ride!!!!
Disclaimer…..This is completely non refundable and results are not guaranteed!
That lubricious appeal for money certainly makes it obvious somebody wants to grease their palms. (forgive me I just couldn’t help it – it sounds sordid enough on its own).
The WD stands for wog dispersant.
I had a female friend who happened to be black. She waited a year & a half for me turn 40. When I did turn 40, she said WD 40 stood for White Dude 40. I won’t say how many years ago that was. This gal had a great sense of humor!
Funny as hell Mike, thanks!
Does the FSO even HAVE 40 full time NON-outer org staff public in the shop anymore?
Sad, really… The dearth of any meaningful creativity in the bubble, simply reflects an oppressive, pervasive control structure; kinda hard to innovatively market “crush reggeing” to the psychologically crushed! I suppose using some form of lubricant is an effective metaphor for donor prep as it were, though considering the alternatives, I guess nothing catchy emerged from the “K-Y” in KY Jelly…
I am sooooo glad I’m not caught up in this (relentless drive for out-exchange money)! Not greasing those wheels!!
Spike, you’re out! All the bad stuff is now behind you. And even though I’m 37 years out of the cult, I’m still grateful that I’m free! What a difference being out. Especially when I’m in Hollywood and see SO drones.
OSD, you know it!!
Nothing new can come into your life…until you’re grateful for what you already have.
From the LRH-addled minds of Scientology’s drones.
I had an amazing, lucid dream that played like a sci fi b-movie about an alien invasion. As with all flicks in that genre, there’s always one simple, readily available substance that stops them: salt water for monolith monsters, Co2 fire extinguishers for the blob, the cold germ for the Martians.
In my dream the one substance the alien invaders could not endure: WD-40.
Wish it were that easy to stop the Thetans from destroying lives, but hurricane Leah and Cat-5 Mike are doing great things! Thank you!
“Hope Tony has something good.” Hope Tony has something good? Yea, no more RPF. Take another win Mike. It’s people like you and other whistleblowers to get anything positive to happen within the church. I heard dave isn’t beating people any more. Check. No more forced abortions. Check. No more EPF. Check The Hole might still exist but under a little better conditions. Check. Hardly any new members joining this church. Check.
Unfortunately, I doubt disconnection will end for the whistleblowers. Dave will have to be deposed or indicted or removed or go away. None of those will happen – soon any way.
But well done Mike. You et al have affected a lot of change for the good.
And because you asked for it, after reading the above “Come On” piece of promotion from Orlando’s Susan Freilich, my response would be, “Yes, I’ll come. I’ll bring the KY.”
No more RPF not “EPF” as stated above.
Ah but soon, no more EPF either I hope!
Soon cult closure I hope.
” I heard dave isn’t beating people any more.”
What are the chances…. really? Maybe he isn’t beating them with others in the room but I doubt He can hold himself back. He has a lot to rage about these days and fewer to rage to. And there is more damage control needed and He is the ONLY ONE who can get anything done.
And if there is no more RPF then the remaining execs who are in prison (Heber, Guillame, Wilhere and the rest must be ‘holed’ up somewhere. Maybe that is what the CST sites are being used for these days …… storing the POWs until the battle is over.
Yo Dave,
Where is Shelly? Know this Dave (if you haven’t figured it out yet), we out here on the fringes will not stop exposing Your lies and horrific behaviour until You are toast! And the smell of something burning is in the air these days Dave. Take a sniff good buddy!
“I heard Dave isn’t beating people anymore.” Unfortunately he’s not beating people any less.
Hey, Captain Miscavige, here’s a suggestion:
Open a twitter account, Sir!
Think of how your cult followers will THRILL to your Ecclesiastical Tweets.
Its such a marvelous communication tool.
Give your people the REAL Scientology expansion news, straight from the hip.
When you’re quoted out of context (or, worse for you, in context), set the record straight IMMEDIATELY.
Remember, Sir, no matter what the problem, only YOU can solve it.
FIGHT the Suppressive Media, Sir!
Let the masses hear the truthful tweets of @RealCaptainMiscavige
The Time Is Now.
DM will mess up and get taped in the act. The person who records it will get off loaded with a hidden copy which will go viral. Viral for real not like their anti-leah petition that can’t get enough signatures and only caused chuckles about their size as in small insignificant like DM.
Yes, lots of wins Mike. Not bad for a guy who the has been labeled a wife beater, liar, low-life who never did anything in the cult, and needs to get on with his life. Just think Mike how much more you could have achieved if you was on the “Bridge to Nowhere” and still in good terms with DM and gang.
OK Mary, put the KY on the Bridge so everyone can slide up to “Clear.”
Lance Caldwell
“Our team is tracking who is making statuses”. Cray cray indeed! ?
Ok! That’s it! What the Hell does ‘cray cray’ stand for?
I have no idea either… something to do with a baby who loves crawdads maybe?
Something really CRAzy. 🙂
That’s how the twitter etc crowd say ‘crazy’ – but I think it refers to next level crazy.
I may be at that next level already…
Geezers… “twitter crowd” Twit meant something completely different in my day, (or maybe it doesn’t??). I don’t do it but it sure seems to get people in trouble sometimes, MR Trump sure seems to cop a lot of flashback from his.
Think I’ll stick to snail mail, the phone, emails and forums – safer.
OSD, it’s slang for Crazy!
Thank you! I was clueless!
Sometimes I think of something so wrong and inappropriate, you can hear my little black heart skip with delight ?
I’m right there with you!
Mike, None of your posts are “throw away” this was an early fix for my Thursday funnies that I can’t get enough of. When you so not have them I suffer withdraws so serious I had to look at Rashbun’s site for comedy relief. I am curious if you or anyone here know who the poster Oracle is on his site? That dude is seriously funny and in love with Marty. He is about 60 of the 67 comments and goes on and on. He is good for a laugh. I finally had to leave him a comment about how he loves to ride Marty’s bone and I hope Marty shares some of his kickback for his efforts. I doubt Marty will approve my comment.
I think Oracle is a she. And I’ve thought Marty’s site should be called “Moving Oracle Up a Little Higher”.
Marty has groupies and sycophants. I think most are female. “A jokers dream if I ever did see one” The Band
Marty sifts out posters that ask questions about reality and let’s Oracle’s penchant for blame and hate through.
She and Marty diagnosis everyone through Scientology’s “hate the critic” dogmas.
The shear volume of Oracle’s writings take on the mantle of scratching fingernails on a black board — her words being the fingernails.
That Marty let’s her never-ending, ranting-screeds be posted, just continues to destroy his reputation as a decent.
I wish you would get back to yourself Marty. You were such a nicer person when you were interested in the nature of truth.
Marty, you must have passed through a lot of personal pain to get to where you are now.
Sorry for my misspeak:
“Diagnose” not diagnosis.
As a decent “person”
I wonder at times if Mary is the Oracle.
Dave must have him by the short and curlies for sure. I can’t imagine what could be that bad unless it is incriminating evidence that resides beyond any statute of limitations. If so then Dave is in it as well. I guess that would not be too surprising.
The Oracle is Catherine Zoltan. And yes she attacks anyone who asks Marty any question that might be even a bit less than pure adulation of Marty. She savagely defended him when he fired the lawyers and took to fighting the very people he used to support, and spewed DM’s party line on his blog. She defended him even when she herself doesn’t know why Marty fired the lawyers and why he did an about-face. How can she be so sure of his innocence when she doesn’t have any insider information? I know this because I privately asked her for any insider info she might have and she said she has none.
Just faith. ?
She’s a groupie. Groupies will be groupies. It’s all about star worship and infatuation. Whatever daddy says is true, the groupie accepts as objective truth. And those who dare disagree get verbal venom.
Never in my life have I seen another human being shift valences so quickly and totally as Marty did. Never never ever! I’ve never seen someone betray all of his friends like that. Truly astonishing!
I was posting on his blog for years and years and he was truly starting to free himself. Yes I experienced “don’t you dare talk about that subject” type of dark Marty edge — Muscle Marty.
But back then he seemed to be interested in things beyond his comfort and familiarity zone.
He flipped valences like a friggn light switch……astonishing!
LRH said that what you resist you become and that after time you will switch into the winning valence if you have lost to that valence. In Marty’s case the winning valence is DM and the church.
And in the OSA pack on how to harm critics, it says to find out what they are protecting and love, and threaten that. For Marty that was his newly adopted son. You can see it in the Louis Theroux Scn movie where the Squirrel Busters come and taunt Marty while he and Louis are out having a break from filming.
They made sure in their taunts that they mentioned his son and the adoption and acted like that had inside information about the adoption and legalities of it, and that they would spill the beans if he didn’t straighten up. You could see the fear on Marty’s face then. You could see him start to defend himself and the adoption cycle and see him go down almost into a propitiation to the Squirrel Busters when they brought that up.
I think that was the beginning of the end for Marty. Something about his son and the adoption thing may be the dirt DM holds over his head and blackmails him with. It’s just an opinion and I have no proof. But interesting that shortly after that Marty flipped valences and went over to the dark side. Oh and bought a house with cash too.
She is brain washed. Plain and simple.
Thanks Cindy. I’m glad to know who she is. I always thought she was a she.
I agree. Thursday Funnies are the best!
Google Oracle Scientology Real Name and you’ll find that he’s a she. Like Hubbard, she ‘appears mental’.
Makes sense to me. Marty must revel in her accolades of Him.
Thank-you for the correction. I could only tell by the writing and wording that A) they were or are in the Cult of Scientology and B) they were a loon! C) he/she worshipped Marty. Well at least she can be offended that I called her dude.
Graham, I did the google search as you suggested. Here is the link to the thing between Aida Thomas and Catherine. It provides some history of what happened in the Indie movement and Freezone movement in the early days. Catherine pleads her case very well and is a good writer.
Yes Graham, anyone who spends a great deal of time talking to themselves (even online) is clinical insane. “Oracle” more than qualifies. Marty is however too far gone in the sanity department himself to realize how letting that thing post like that on his blog reflects on him.
I don’t go to Marty’s site anymore but recall that there was also a Miraldi who along with Oracle could drivel on with mountainous and endless arguments back and forth ad nauseum. I think they need an audience to hear themselves talk. Anyway, glad they stay on Marty’s site.
Yikes, don’t jinx us with the name Miraldi, she’ll be back! Those two drone on and on and on, ad nauseum is right.
Are they worse than Alanzo ?
10X as loony as Alanzo Dave.
All three cut from the same cloth.
You mean they share clothes? Kinky…
There is a word that describes them. It is a singular simplicity; they are Scientologists.
Not sure about Alanzo, but weren’t Marty, Oracle and Marildi Indie auditors? If they still depend on that for income, it could be a reason for their anger at the ongoing exposes of LRH, Dianetics, Emeters, and Scientological practices, e.g. Fair Game, smearing campaigns, attack never defend.
Aside from financial fear, there could be the free fall sensation when a belief system is being questioned.
Seeing Marty Rathbun in those videos compared to his earlier ones? He looked so happy! Now he looks whipped.
Good point, Gravity. Never hurts to explore the money angle when solving a mystery.
Meaning, money being themselves spent on Indie auditing or that they themselves are receiving. Marty may even be getting Scientology auditing from an actual Still In Scientologist, as part of some possible “deal” struck with Miscavige. All interesting speculation.
All 3 were spawned in the same cesspool.
The Oracle has her keyboard permanently stuck up her butt.
She types nothing but shit.
I don’t even want to know how she plays her keyboard. And I’m afraid to ask…
It’s from the bottom up!
Lol! So true. I hate saying it. But it’s true
Katherine is a nice enough woman but at some point she self posted herself as a guard dog at the palace doors of Marty’s castle. If you go at Marty with anything but sycophantic adoration you can expect to have her hand you a a slice of your hide.
If you go back and read many of her posts around 2012 however I think you’ll find she is really quite funny and clever. A smart woman and a really good writer in my mind when she isn’t spending her time advocating for Marty.
If it ever comes out that Marty secretly took a payoff from DM, I think she’ll have to go through another decompression because she put herself waaaay out on a limb for him.
Its true, She’s clever and articulate. I used to enjoy her posts.. I don’t understand her current mindset at all Later for her. Along with Marty Rathbun, the origin of the physical universe and the 2016 Presidential election, she has been placed in the “Currently Have No Clue But Understanding Is A Future Possibility” bin.
You bring up good points, Kevinboland. I agree.
WD-40? That’s a pretty slick idea. I tried to figure out their motive, but it slipped by me. Once you go down this fund-raising path, it’s a slippery slope. Somebody stop me.
OMG Help this guy, he is suffering from pun overload! *laughing*
HEY! Knock off the noise! I’m trying to sleep!
Maybe you need an associate “remote editor” to pass the hat to, and come up with some items.
RPF is always a sub subject, maybe someone ought come up with an “RPF Diaries” day of the week.
The long history of the RPF, it’s gone through so many ebbs and flows, ups and downs, growings and disbandings.
But the RPF keeps on chugging along.
There is ample material, and photos, online of RPF histories in all conts and the last 30-40 years of the RPF to do a monthly column on it.
I need someone to edit/reject anything I write though, so I’d not be a good editor.
Personal reasons? I hope you and yours are ok, Mike ?
YEs, just busy, traveling and other obligations…
I have another article in the wings. It’s called:
Overts and Witholds: The Standard Tech Of Gas Lighting
We look forward to reading it!
How many intensive am I going to have to buy?
Just enough intensives to cause your reasoning skills to deteriorate. The result of which will be you perceiving yourself as evil when you disagree with me.
Sounds great, eh Sufer Dude!
And when giving me money, means more to you than yourself or your family; you will have reached the ep. And I will have reached your money.
“How many intensives?”
Ve vill ask the questions! Hand over your vallet – sittin your buttin down in das char, puttin ya cans in ya hunds – NOW DUDEHUND!
Sounds interesting, Brian.
Oh yes. Every one needs to know about GasLighting. That is exactly the words for the LRH trickster. And he knew he was doing exactly that. Sad for those I harmed while thinking I was a superior being. Dang, bring on the night. Sometimes it just hurts so bad.
Whoa, there!! Don’t go back there, Cece. Self-condemnation leads to ugly places. Forgive yourself and move on….direct energies toward reuniting with your child. Hugs!
We were ignorant Cece. We were not evil. We actually thought we were doing good.
Most of us had good intentions. Even when we were being arrogant and elitist. We thought we were saving the universe:
We believed a Malignant Narcissist. He was our teacher. All of our souls were turned inside out.
We mimicked Ron. But Ron was the Pied Piper of manipulation.
What Ron did to us with his “see the evil in yourself” is something I an only now looking at.
Finding evil is not the road out. This next essay will be interesting for me. The topic of Overts and Witholds, holds some keys to unhypnotizing Scientology’s mind fuckery.
Having seen & heard so much, as a never in….this breaks my heart. Nothing worse then thinking you were helping others, doing great helpful work. to find out the truth…..that it is all about the money you pay out.
Some have said they found certain teachings helpful…..yet for what they paid out emotionally, physically, monetarily…….a head spinner. Will “he” EVER be punished for his misdeeds. WILL his army of minions receive their just due as well….will “they” cover his ass for his many questions so few answers.
“Sad for those I harmed while thinking I was a superior being”.
Cece, I get it. But know this: in or out of Scientology, because of Scientology or for an infinity of other reasons, and whether in innocence, thoughtlessness, selfishness or foolishness, , o, r in acting wrongheadedly with the best of intentions harmed and caused pain to others. You have lots of company. We’ve all done things You’re with people here who know what they’ve done and who know the extent of their responsibility for what they’ve done. Looking at it is painful. But its there, you’re looking at it. And you’re so much better off than those who’ve done things and are in denial or in willful ignorance. You’re better off even than those in innocent ignorance of the pain they’ve caused because their innocence will inevitably be shattered and they, too will need to come UP to the state of confront. Awareness is a good place to be. Painful though, at times. I get it.
Mike, after Leah Scientology and the aftermath you should start your own show outing cults or maybe a GAME SHOW! Lol Serious about hosting a show.
I agree. There are plenty of injustices and sick bastards hiding inside many “religious” organizations. Mike and Leah can continue this crusade.
Once Miscavige is chained inside a federal penitentiary with an amorous cellmate, I think I will then focus my attention on the Jehovah Witnesses or fundamental Mormon sects.