Some news from the model ideal org in Los Angeles.
Over 880 Clear (or “near Clear”) in just the last few years alone.
Best case scenario, the “few” years is the minimum it can be which is three. That is a bit less than 300 per year. 6 per week.
More likely, the “last few years” is since they went “ideal” in 2010. That is 12 years. About 75 per year or 1.5 per week.
Most likely they are counting this from when they became a full Sea Org “model ideal” in October 2014, with 200 imported SO members. That is 7 years. Confirming that is the likely time period, here is their hype promo after the first year where they claimed they had made 101 Clears (2 per week):
So, if we take it as 7 years, they are now averaging about 125 Clears or “near Clears” per year or 2.5 per week.
Let’s say they are only responsible for LA County. Population 10 million. To be fair, let’s divide it by 4 as Pasadena, Valley and Inglewood are also in LA County. They have to clear 2.5 million.
At this rate, *assuming no new additions to the population*, they will have their 25% of LA County Clear in 385 YEARS (lifespan will have to increase dramatically to make this possible). To give some perspective on how long this is, 385 years earlier than today is 1637 (the Mayflower sailed in 1620). That is a LOOOONG time ago. 2407 is a LOOONG time from now.
But the scientology zombies will continue to announce they are “clearing the planet” or the next big thing is “making planetary clearing a reality.”
The scientology bubble is an hallucinatory world. No reality at all.
At least the photo of the staff standing holding the Emeter briefcases, is correct focus.
Scientology ought to just be upfront, they are trying to make their followers rise up to become auditors.
Auditors are the key Scientologists.
Everyone ought to become, and has to become an auditor, since on the “solo” upper levels, you do your own exorcism and auditing of your body-thetans, so everyone has to eventually become versed in doing auditor correction lists, rudiments, delivering commands.
This whole era slowly played out the last 20 years of the Survival Rundown, gets all their followers back to the basics of being the auditor, and restarts really, their focus on the auditor role.
The Hubbard theory writings, the “tech” really ought be also studied and understood by all of them, really.
So their ads of pretend auditors, since the people in the photo don’t look like actual higher level Class 4 or above auditors, I doubt they are, they are probably admin staff, or TTC trainees, at best, but anyways, that is correct.
Auditor is the role model for the Scientologist to become.
It’s quackery to me, so why go train to be this quackery pseudo-therapist and become an eventual self exorcist to oneself, auditing/exorcising one’s infestation of body-thetans (surplus bodiless souls infesting all humans and which only OT 3, 4 5 6 and 7 exorcism can exorcise these body-thetans off oneself), but it’s the correct role they ought be presenting like in this promo.
Scientology has to get over the Xenu “body-thetans” theory problem Hubbard stuck them with, so they can present their actual correct practitioner and member role model to the world in their promo, though.
Hubbard ought to have summarized everything. It’s his fault the movement is stuck with these problems.
The runway to become a Class 12 auditor is no walk in the part, if one does it all, Class 6, Class 8, Class 9, and then the Class 10-12 auditor levels.
They have a lot of future training, a huge long runway to become top auditors.
I’d guess less than 1 percent of them actually make it to Class 12 and have done all of the lower auditor internships.
This is why it is a bit of a scam. So few of them actually rise to the top of the training requirements to become Class 12.
Miscavige isn’t even Class 6 interned.
Every bit of Scientology’s promotion omits just how few of them, Miscavige included, have reached the top auditor ranks.
Hubbard made that path nearly impossible for any average person to become a Class 12.
Scientology math…
Even after nearly 40 years that I’ve know of it, it’s still the same pile of illogical smelly stuff that sticks your shoe to the pavement and makes you swear.
It’s the only so called, “science” I know that can embarrass you from a distance, & the closer you get to it the more intense it becomes. Just being in the same room as a Scientologist can be an unnerving experience. They’re not sane!
One thing interesting thing though, Scientology rejects intelligent people very quickly.
I realized that most of the SPs declared by scn are clears and OTs. Do they ever wonder what happened to our super powers or why their tech didn’t work? Lol
Unless you don’t use the religious artifact, Iphone or Andriod phone .
Haven’t you watched the vedio of clash ipf titans , super humans
They used their Iphone and Andriod phone to nail down each other.
“The glorious state of clear”. I attested to the state of clear in 1986. I didn’t feel especially glorious at the time. I feel much more glorious today, 32 years after leaving this abominable cult.
One of the most criminal orgs in existence. Los Angeles Org. Ripping off elderly people by making them take out several credit cards at once and key Chase Wave financical irregularities..boasts and brags on *clears* made.
That ticks me off, Karen. You cannot get any lower than to rip off the elderly with Scientology.
To: Karen de la Carriere
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: criminal orgs.
How dare you say such things about my criminal, um,er, ideal orgs! We do not rip off little old ladies like you insinuate nor do we do any of the things you act out in your stupid videos!
Shame on you!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: previous comment.
And go swill some scotch while you’re at it!
No love at all
What is a “near clear?” Despite (extremely!) sporadic efforts no “clear” capabilities have ever been demonstrated inside or outside of the cult in 70+ years. Even hubbard and cob display no such extraordinary attributes. Nor do the lives of prominent or high-status scilons.
And now they’re settling for “near” nothing? So doesn’t such a meaningless term pretty much include anyone who’s ever been conned into walking through the cult’s doors? Or the rest of us wogs? Even the vilest of espees?
I’d guess the “near clear” would refer to NED case completion. The extra special nonsense some people do between the end of NED and clear are often not done in the class V org so they count those as “done” for them.
‘Up the bridge to the state of clear’ seems to imply that what they are counting is ALL people that have done ANYTHING that can be considered part of the bridge.
I obviously say this as a basic cleaning course graduate who knows a thing or two about cleaning scratched windows with newspapers.
By the way why are all sea org windows full of scratches anyway?
Are those evil SPs running the glass industry too?
I love that photo of staff pretending to be auditors. It looks like something out of a Devo video.
When they talk about clearing the planet do they mean every single person on the planet, or a percentage of the population? Just curious how they convince themselves that this is a possible goal.
It’s the “theta/entheta” ratio of the planet.
Meaning: if enough beings are clear, including the ones you remove on OT levels, then once you hit a certain amount – all the theta will create a “Cleared” planet because all will be sane.
Its a percentage, im uncertain how much buy i believe its the majority – dont quote me but i believe 80% ???? They omit the ones who are too young to be cleared and the ones who are not able.
Mr Rinder, I think what you and Leah Remini are doing is beyond amazing. I always get goosebumps and sometimes weepy when I read some new development that is a direct result of your courage and honesty. I’m not or ever have been in Scientology, but I’m a big fan of exposing the bull shit in this world . Thank you both.
I’ve noticed a lot of older staff holding certificates in recent promotional photos. I wonder if they aren’t pushing them up the “bridge” during the pandemic due to lack of paying customers, in order to keep stats like that appearing high and rising – plus it would serve to keep them busy.
I’ve also seen suggestions that the “clear” numbers are going up by more than seems possible giving Scientology’s small and shrinking number of members, and that they must be doing things like counting people told they have to go back and re-do levels and courses.
Unfortunately, the connection to reality is lost: connection to oneself and what to do with one’s own reality and one’s own life. It’s fine to aspire to higher goals, but shouldn’t those goals be one’s own goals? At some point? The thread to that kite in the sky must be connected to the ground somewhere, or one may simply fly off into space. Disconnecting from friends, family, society, and history, disconnects from reality, from Earth. It leaves one unable to communicate. That’s a big contradiction, there. The idea in life, I surmise, is to connect, not disconnect. No matter which philosophy or religion, as a body or as a spirit, one should, I think, be a real individual, real to oneself, and real to others, recognizable, “there”, useful, productive, secure in oneself, comfortable. If someone has superior abilities and higher awareness – and know a lot of such people! – that should be recognizable to others. Did I get this all wrong, somehow?
When I first got into Scientology I was stunned by its subjective nature with the thetan. I gave Hubbard 17 years and he was never able to break into reality. You can go to Venus in your own mind. He got away with it in the 1950’s. Hubbard thought that his wicked entities controlled reality.
Remember that he wrote to the V.A. requesting psychiatric assistance.
Now there’s something that you will never be told in any “ideal org”.
The only way you can advance in scientology is by denying logic. So the risk of that kite flying off into space is ever present. Some would argue it’s inevitable.
Scientology is a pursuit of status, both divine (therapeutic) and institutional (social). Attachment to status is linked to sociopathy and elitism – traits that are glorified in scientology. It’s the “winning valence” of the SO, what it really means to be OT. The goal is not unity or connection, it’s dominance.
Thetans were always separate, distinct beings. The idea that we were one, that we should unify as a collective “whole” is considered false, aberrated and degraded; an ideological construct implanted into us by ancient extraterrestrial slavers.
In the picture in front of LA Org, most of the staff there are young people. I see none of the old timers who have been on staff a long time. I think there is an age where kids are the most vulnerable as in the most idealistic and impressionable and malleable. And that is from about age 17 through 24. That is why most of the staff are young. They believed in the “clearing the planet” recruitment BS. When you’re older, you’re a better judge of thing and can look it over and say “No”. So sad that once these impressionable kids are in, the cult reinforces the myth and since they are forbidden to read about Scn on the internet, they don’t get any other viewpoint. So these beautiful young people and their wasted lives, continue on in a cult that uses them. Some say that all the smart ones already got out and that all that’s left in now are the die hards who can’t see the truth and they’ll stay until the last agonizing minute. I hope that isn’t true because my kids need to leave and reunite with me.
They choose the better looking staff members for the photos.
You won’t be ordered to the shoot if you’re old, homely or plain.
So, so true. It’s more and more and only about “PR”.
Cindy, in other PR shots they obviously pick the younger staff to use as models. That’s likely the case here, the graying old timers who seem to make up the bulk of staffs have just been relegated to the back, or left out entirely.
As more Clears are there… as faster it goes. Or not. I attested my Clear in 1979… in 1997 I became declared as Source of Trouble… and this, because I made allegedly others responsible for my case condition… obviously it is a strange condition to become Clear…
Scientology as designed by LRH and operated by DM uses people. This is clearly wrong.
This was a great movie indeed. One can learn things from it.