They just raised the quota from 7,000 to 10,000 because Dear Leader pr0nounced that 10,000 should be in attendance.
So, whether there are 500 or 5,000 people that show up (they are being HEAVILY pushed from ALL OVER THE WORLD to attend) it will “officially” be 10,000 in attendance. They will stage a bunch of shots as usual where the frame is filled with bodies and you cannot see the surroundings so there is no way of telling how many there are. 聽But they will assert the shots are “proof” of the massive attendance for the monumental event.
It is really crass that they even announce this on their promotion.
Someone smuggled out a photo of the rehearsals for the procession of scientologists arriving to Saint Hill.
It is pretty representative of every event.
Though only the big-daddy of events in the UK can round up this many attendees…
And of course, this shot PROVES there are 10,000 in attendance even though you may only be able to count 100 in this shot….
What has the world of scientology become?
It seems to flutter between tragedy and farce.
These sheep are more self-aware and in touch with reality than the run of the mill bubble dweller these days.
I’ve disconnected, all by myself
SPs I once loved, all can just go to hell
Ain’t misbehavin’
Givin’ my cash to you
I know for certain the group I love
No more excuses, the IAS we all must fund
Ain’t misbehavin’
Givin’ my cash to you
Like Jack Horner in a corner
Don’t go nowhere, there’s nothin’ out there
My status is worth striving for, believe me
No Mike or Marty, fuck ’em they’ve blown
I’m at the org late, with blessings from HCO
Ain’t misbehavin’
Givin’ my cash to you
Mike thank you for great work….
I wanted to make a post about Hungarian flag ,but Uncle was first.
best blog on interwebs,about $cio….
and a big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
For those who are going to protest outside St. Hill I would suggest some themes to be prominently displayed on any placards you may care to hang in front of the “Dev-OT-ees”:
“DONATIONS ARE A VIOLATION OF LRH POLICY!” (then give the date and name of the policy (Org Series 4?)
My feeling is that “a part of just about every active Scientologist’ wonders whether something is wrong. Since no one is seeing straight up and vertical expansion in their own organization, how can anyone be fully certain COB is not pulling everyone’s leg.
Cars (no response button, way above)
If they’re making an “IDEAL CHILDREN’S ORG” I am going to wait until they make an ‘IDEAL ORG FOR SENIOR CITIZENS” and then I’ll go and check it out. Might be interesting – highly doubtful though!
You’ll be put on Call-In or writing letters Greta!
The “Ideal” Children’s Org is one where all pocket money is immediately donated.
Ah well, what’s new?
>I doubt there are 10,000 active Scientologists outside the U.S.
Depending on your definition of active, there may be fewer than 10K active scientologists in the US. That would cause a rational “church leader” to take steps to increase the membership. But $cientology is poison and dead in the Internet information age, and David Miscavige is an incompetent, evil fool.
Are they implying that the quid pro quo for ending up on camera during the Procession Of The Damned is protection from Ethics?
If the co$ can prove there were 10,000 people there, I will personally hand DM a check for $10,000.00 and praise him to the high ends of the universe. This is how certain I am there will not be 10,000 actual Scientologists there. They can’t afford the travel after all the “donations”
Is the golden retriever the big being slipping you the OT committee minutes?
Jesus must weep:
This an ‘invite’ for Hungarians, I guess to speak to their hearts with the hungarian rapsody rendered in the style of the village gipsy band hired for weddings and funerals.
Speaking of speaking: I’ll give a doughnut for the transcript of the invitation 馃檪
I sent this originally to Tony Ortega…. 馃檪
Hungarian: Szia! Ron otthona Saint Hill vagyok. Szeretn茅k megh铆vni az IAS vacsoraasztal谩re, ami itt lesz okt贸berben Saint Hillben. A j贸 茅g (?) lehetsz csak magyarul! Szia! Tal谩lkozunk Saint Hill okt贸berben!
English: Hi! I am Ron鈥檚 home, Saint Hill. I want invite you to IAS dinner tables, which will be here, at Saint Hill in October. Good heavens (?) you can be in Hungarian! Hi! We meet Saint Hill in October!
I tip my hat and low flying doughnuts are zipping over to your general direction 馃檪
With extra icing for the smashing translation of unintelligibly broken Hungarian to English. 馃榾
And a small correction 馃檪
The music they covered is Hungarian Dance No. 5 from Johannes Brahms. Ever since Hungary is featured in Scientology events, they ALWAYS use this (e.g. the Budapest Saint Hill size video had this as background music).
If they wanted to be really hip, they should have used this song (I personally consider the best song Hungary ever produced, and I am not alone… )
or this one if they want to use classical music:
I stand corrected on the music and did not know it was an Scn staple.
If I needed a musical theme for Hungary I’d probably pick a Cseh Tamas or a Presser Pici song or something with lyrics by Dusan. They are often quirky and thoughtprovoking.
I spent a week at St. Hill in 2004 and the place was a ghost town. It was shocking. John D., the Captain of the base was in Italy trying to get some “arrivals”. I also spent some months in the Czech Republic and Slovokia where there were only a few dozen Scientologists. I doubt there are 10,000 active Scientologists outside the U.S.
When I was the Treasury Sec FSO in 2002 we did a print out of all the public Scientologists who had taken service at Flag over a 3 year period. There were only 5,000 people. This was checked and rechecked.
Note that Flag delivers more value of Scientology service then the rest of Scientology combined.
Scientology is a small, shrinking, nasty little cult. Photograph it any way you want. It won’t change the truth.
Fascinating Mat! If it was that bad in 2002, it’s way worse now. Gives me hope.
Thanks for the post Mat.
Aw come on guys – it’s not that baa’d….
Even if he has to augment his pusillanimous ‘parade’ from the car-park to that hideous excrescence outside the castle with sheep (as shown in your second picture) Mr. Massive Inferiority-Complex should be very careful of co-opting the resident Saint Hill flock鈥攁pparently they’ve been got at by some SPs, as seen in this frame from the last dire Sclion video to emerge from the UK:
OOPS, the Nation of Islamic Scientologists may mistake it for the “Mother Wheel!”
Does raising the attendance from 7,000 to 10,000 mean that Miscavige will hire an additional 3,000 extras to pad the crowd? This is in addition to the 5-6K extras needed to reach 7K.
He did it before so I’m sure he’ll do it again. I wish Mike Rinder was in a helicopter circling overhead forcing the Evil Mud Dwarf to flee indoors after speaking for only 5 minutes, as happened at FLAG.
Here they come….
The inside of a scientologist’s bubble is a mirrored surface. Always has been. Once one breaks free of the Scn mind f_ck the switch over to a normal perspective is almost unbelievable.
High School football games in Texas get over 10,000 regularly.
Lowly 3rd division soccer games regularly get that here in the UK every week.
Mike, I recall how you once ran the numbers, org by org, in a previous blog post to estimate a total body count of available “still in” members and staff who could be pulled away to “pad the crowd” for events like this…
Mike, Do you think the Liliputian in Chief would even ship over SeaOrg members to scrape the bottom of the barrel to ensure a large enough body count?
But with Lil Davey swapping out regular org staff with firey-eyed hardcore SO staff to breathe new administrative life into Ideal Morgues, DM may not want to pull those Newly Installed SO staff from Orgs to use for crowd-enhancing this event…or would he?
The local UK SO members will all be in attendance and many from the EU Base, Hungary and Italy as Europe is expected to have a large turnout.
Obviously there aren’t 5000 scientologists in the UK in spite of the 47X expansion and the London ideal Org that is “clearing the UK.”
He is not going to bring SO members from the US — too expensive and they would all enjoy a trip to England!
sitting always in a plane and then in Great Hall waiting hours for a taxi .. is no trip to England ..
So he is going to bus them in from Russia?
I seem to recall a certain US person took the order to go to St tHill as an opportunity to blow.when he came to the realisation that lying and being beaten up was no longer an optiin for him. And he had his passport! Maybe it’s time for some scientology religious refugees..
The tent holds 7,000 (it’s never been comletely full), the Great Hall can squeeze in 600 at a pinch. They can sit between 1800 and 1900 for the Patrons ball on the tent. Overflow areas were killed off years ago.
Not only would the US victims of teh Damnation Navy probably enjoy the trip, they would also be close to the Salvation Army which is doing something about it: http://www.salvationarmy.org.uk/uki/Trafficking
The phone number to call is 0300 303 8151 from the UK.
Friend, doing it rough is part of the fun. Hungarians may even think of themselves superior for enduring up to 24 hrs one way in minibuses or vans, arriving just in time to pad the crowd with waving their flags then at 10pm get out on the road back to make on post by 9am Monday morning. This is just one little sacrifice it takes to clear the planet 馃檪
Love the photo of the procession rehearsal. If I’m not mistake, I think that is Bart Simpson in front and I think that’s Kaye Champagne behind him.
There is no place for 10.000 people at Saint Hill UK .. my wife got a card for coming, the price is 拢 1.000 for a place in the first rows .. the cheapest was 拢 600 .. they tell you also what clothes you have to have ..
It is interstingly for me that you have to pay for hearing David Miscavige with his news .. when Rod Stewart gives a concert you may giving 拢 100 .. but this poor boy needs it, and you can enjoy the old songs ..
6 to 10 Mio GBP is the price .. but great hall has no place for them .. Southtown Cars (Taxi) will have a great day and also hotel and also other rooms .. all this people will need days for coming home in bed ..
Isn’t that the price for the Charity Concert or Patrons Ball? I doubt even Miscavige would have the brass neck to start charging people to simply attend the main event – would he?
BTW, Mike don’t wish to be pedantic but I believe the distance from car park to IAS statue is no more than 100 yards. A “procession” just a few hundred strong would make this short bit of road look “full”.
Thanks for the correction Martin. Let’s compromise on 200 yards to the top paddock parking near the gatehouse…. 馃檪
My wife got the invitation .. she may be patron or not (I do not konw) .. she should order her place and had to spend between 拢 600 and 拢 1.000 .. I do not know if it is only for special person
I was four times at Saint Hill at times of the IAS event (about 20 years ago) .. I have not stayed with the crowd and went to my home in East Grinstead .. so I do not know if there was money paif for it .. I spoke only about the invitation which my wife got last weeks ..
Another point to mention. I was shocked to see David Miscavige surrounded by body guards .. he had to have a seldom problem for my view .. most stuff at Saint Hill knew that I would ask him about some questions .. so they tried to get me out of his way .. nobody wanted me at the event at all .. I should not get into confrontation with the management persons .. but I had nevertheless a talk ED Int Lesevere .. was nice .. but became later interviewed what I have said to him ..
Interestingly enough .. I got before that an ethics interview about what I would do when I meet a member of the SCN management .. I did not grasp the fear about me but I saw surely that there were some fear about .. so I had surely asked David Miscavige, if I had met him in front of me, why he uses body guards .. I had surely asked him why he cannot stay for himself like any other scientologist on the world ..
PAY! To go to an event? I did not know this. Now this really has me flummoxed! And the fools pay? Unbelievable. Still, these people attending are probably a major part of the worldwide gangs that are raking in 10% from all the other schmucks so they probably consider it money well worth investing.
Shame the same amount of people cannot somehow make it into course rooms worldwide to do some auditor training (if 10,000 actually make it there). But that involves too much work and effort – far easier to just hit up on some poor schmuck and rake in the 10% from a few minutes “work” in convincing him or her that they are out-ethics shits if they don’t cough up. To attend these events you either have to be a 10% Commissions Gangster or a complete victim. Or both of course.
I think there is a misunderstanding here. The IAS event itself is for free. The fundraising dinner, which is usually on the next evening costs some money. You get posh sheeple food and can possibly see some celebrities.
In the PR I saw an Israeli flag. I doubt there are more then a handful of non indie Israeli $cientologists left.
Dylan on the IAS:
I ain’t gonna work on Davey’s farm no more
I aint gonna work on Davey’s farm no more
Well, I try my best
To be just like I am
But everybody wants you
To be just like them
You give them all your money but they want more
I ain’t gonna work on Davey’s farm no more.
Hilarious, totally Ideal procession. I can bet they are going to have staff from Denmark, Belgium, and other nearby european countries flown, driven or moved by train so they can be present at such historic event; then they can duly report that the ‘quota’ of 10,000 was met. As usual you can count with about 1,500 staff shepherded to join and the pretense goes on.
Desperation has become a chronic tone of DM and his followers.
God what a tinhorn petty little dictator (dick-tator?) Miscavige is. He is decreeing 10,000 people to be in attendance, which clearly is not gonna happen as the minions will never be able to convince 10,000 Scientologists from around the world to travel to England at their own expense for this tripe. But really the point is how small it all is really. This is being done to look big, to look monumental. 10,000 is nothing. How many people attend a major league baseball game on any given summer day in the US? Probably anywhere from 250,000 upwards. And for the most monumental whole track event anywhere from the greatest person to ever walk this or any planet, which is only one event, and once a year, Miscavige wants to break all attendance records with 10,000 attendees. How pathetic. Miscavige and the church have really lost any perspective on reality.
I think they broke the 10,000 mark for the first (and only time) at the IAS event in LA when the non-profit recognition has been announced – what was it, 1993 or so.
20 years later, that number still seem to be the make-break point of a “huge event”.
All this despite the unprecedented expansion year after year, and month after month, doubling in size what has been achieved in the entire history of Scientology over and over …. but none of the sheep notice for all they see is “a sea of sheep” (although by now they should almost know each other by name)
According to the Scientology Web-site the opening of the SP building was attended by 10,273.
Give me a break – they counted them down to … 273 … who does that? Nobody!
It’s just like finding the right price: 1 Dollar seems too expensive, 99 cents sounds better.
The actual number of attendees sounds too low so just say it was higher as nobody will ever bother to verify.
Yea, George, that whole 10,000+ attendance at the opening of SP Bldg was bullshit. And the only way they were able to achieve the + or – 6,000 at that event was because Miscavige had OOT’s from all over the planet held here til that event, plus all the SO from Clearwater and elsewhere etc. And that’s ALL they could muster for THAT event. Miscavige is touting 10,000+ for that event, which is a lie. He can’t have it if they can’t lie about at least that many for the IAS 30th.
Rare footage of miss cabbage as a child.
SSA, I thought they had lost any prospective on reality decades ago. Now they all live in a completely different world from what we know. And…it’s a world of make believe. Very, very expensive make believe…
:(. Yes, OSD. A “very very expensive make believe”. When I think of good friends I lost because they want their Bridge, it breaks my heart – not only the loss of a friend but the sadness over their desire and belief they are going to receive something they are never going to get at a cost they can’t afford anyway. I’d bet 10 years from now that many of the friends I lost to this hope and belief are no further up the Bridge than they are right now.
They forfeited so much for so little.
I suspect the order is out to hire a thousand extras. Qualifications – must be young and cute and bring three outfits so they can quick change round the back of the manor and reappear in the procession. We don’t want any more photoshopping accusations. It would be great if someone could photograph the number of vehicles going in and get an estimate of the number per vehicle.
Anyone know what the capacity of the tent is?
That sheep shot is shooped.
At first I simply thought that lemmings following each other over the cliff was the main point of the analogy however, it seems even more fitting that they swim out to sea and drown which makes the comparison even more fitting. “Swim to the other side=we are clearing the planet” There has possibly never been a more embarressing time to be a Scientologist.
I thought that was funny too Doug. 馃檪
That dog is Miscavige showing his willingness to mingle with the sheeple.
Showing his leadership on the long road to freedom.
Showing his love and devotion, his admiration and respect.
Seeing the sheep in front of Miscavige turning to look at Miscavige
is heart felt for sure, but the sheep is really saying….Hey stop putting
your nose up my ass pal!
You sneaky guy!!!! Is that you in the second row, second from the left? The wolf in sheeps clothing trying to infiltrate?
The other left….
“What has the world of scientology become?
It seems to flutter between tragedy and farce.”
Only Scientologists seem come in costumes to their KoolAid ceremonies (as the picture on the flier suggests). This is so staged and an obvious farce – but it makes colorful footage, which seems to be the end product of the event.
Maybe they should also film the procession out of the tent after the event … drunk on KoolAid, all smiling, flowers in their hair for now they know that by the end of the (galactic) year the planet will be clear …. or would this be like refugees trying to escape from the claws of the merciless IAS reges?
The photo of kids with Norwegian flags I’m pretty sure is a stock photo from May 17, the National Day of Norway.
You’re probably right Jack99, such a shameless use of children for their subterfuge. I’ve heard far too many first hand reports of neglected children, overworked teens, abortions, split up families and disconnection to buy any of that. And all the money wasted for squirreled and overpriced services that could have gone to the well being of the children of these parishioners. The duplicity is shameless and wrong.
You are right! I did a Google image search of 4 photos from the flier, including the one you mentioned, and all four were stock photos of parades and celebrations from national holidays from around the world.
I also agree with Hallie Jane. I also noticed these were mainly images of children and adolescents. I thought it was ominous. Considering how the Valley iDeal Org is fundraising for a new Children’s Org, I have to wonder if this might be repeated for the remaining Ideal Orgs that have yet to be finished. I don’t doubt there will be renewed emphasis on recruiting young people to replace the aging parishioners, who seem to represent the largest demographic of remaining members (as seen in the fliers, anyway), and to replace Sea Org members who blow. The CoS can cannibalize its own only so far before they need to bring in fresh stock somehow and the younger, the better I would imagine. It truly makes me nauseous to even think about it.
The ginormous Hungarian flag is a stock photo, too:
‘Copyright: 漏 Laszlo Szirtesi
BUDAPEST – MARCH 25: Hungarian crowd dip a flag to the national anthem before Hungary vs. Netherlands UEFA Euro 2012 qualifying game at Puskas Ferenc Stadium on March 25, 2011 in Budapest, Hungary.
Editorial Use Only:
Use of this image in advertising or for promotional purposes is prohibited.’
We should contact Laszlo and let him know that his copyright is being infringed by the Cult of $ to advertize the cult of $.
One may be sure it will never be available to direct scrutiny by the public. That can only be done by carefully controlled (and usually faked) photography.
The “best” shot will be the court yard full of people trying to get into the door …. just put the usual registration desks there to stop the sheeple in their tracks and it will jam and back up.
You only need a few hundred people to fill that place and they can say they fought for a seat.
Somebody with an ultra light should fly over the castle with a banner and pre-empty Dave’s speech: “Norconon will be dissolved” or what seems best. And take some areal shots 馃檪
George & Coop,
This ‘merry-go-round’ tactic to make it appear that there are a lot more people was also used in the Sandy Hook hoax. If you google “Sophia Smallstorm unraveling Sandy Hook” you can see it clearly.
The ultralight banner is a great idea, though I’m not sure about air traffic laws in the UK. Does anyone over there have access to a drone? There are smaller ones out now with pretty good video capabilities. Case-in-point: Someone got a drone over Pinewood Studios outside of London two weeks ago and came away with some excellent footage of the Millennium Falcon and the new X-wings from the new Star Wars Ep. VII being filmed there. Shouldn’t be too hard to film this train wreck in the same way. . .
Mike, if anyone leaks you the procession route, please do share; Local SPs would like to welcome them…
The “Procession” route is from the parking lot down the driveway to the IAS “statue” and “temporary flame of rememberance” — about 300 yards I would guess.
With a nice short route they should be able cycle them back around to the end of the line so it will seem endless. We know the Cult is expert at that process. Maybe they will experience a resurgence in their cause level as well.
Yo Dave,
You’re so smart. The sheeple go round and round, you get a video clip and they become more at cause to borrow money they don’t have and give it to you. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that but then again, I’m not you good buddy! Dang it. I must need to start my Purif soon……….
Cooper said: “With a nice short route they should be able cycle them back around to the end of the line so it will seem endless. We know the Cult is expert at that process.[..]”
Now, that’s funny! Circular Bridge, circuitous route… what isn’t circuitous in the chult* under COB-un rule these days? I suspect the sheeple are well trained by now. I suspect a herding dog (see photo above) would be used merely for ceremonial purposes and as a photo op prop – wearing some kind of rented medieval costume, of course.
*chult = church/cult
P.S. Mike, I’m sorry if I replied to you instead of Cooper Kessel. I’m still getting used to WordPress’ commenting system and I didn’t see a reply link beneath Cooper’s reply to you. Hope this lands in the correct spot.
Yea, Coop, it’s called the Cause Resurgence Run-Around.
All of which is on cult property… Shame 馃檨
But we might be able to make ourselves known if they come down the drive far enough…. SPs vs Bagpipes, Round 4…
As long as the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology gets to close the roads around Saint Hill, they have what they need…