I just happened across a copy of this letter from February 2015.
This was the big push to try to get a St Hill Size org for March 13th.
There hadn’t been one for more than a decade (and there still isn’t one today — importing Sea Org members to man LA Org doesnt count, nor does sending Sea Org members to Africa to man a new “AO”) and this was becoming embarrassing.
So a “12 man Sea Org, Saint Hill Size Mission” was sent in to ensure it happened.
They failed. Obviously. It didn’t get announced as SH Size in 2015, nor in any year since. And anyone who has been by the Pasadena “ideal” org in the last few years knows it remains a sleepy, empty, creepy building. The only thing they seem capable of doing is telling Tory Christman she is not welcome to converse with them…
What is pretty remarkable is the conviction with which they assert “we ARE going SH Size” and “we ARE Clearing” Pasadena and the “command” “YOU are going to be part of it.”
This is part of the horrible delusion of scientologists. They think if they say things with enough “intention” it makes them true.
I would say there is a greater chance that Stacy Simon is no longer on staff in Pasadena than the possibility she is still there today. Does anyone know?
Postings such as this one remind me how glad and grateful I am to be out of the sea organization.
Being given impossible tasks, with little to no resources, financing or personnel, ridiculous timelines, and being told “make it go right”, when asking for help or support… Sorry just not my cup of tea, but go ahead and knock yourselves out.
Tory Is a “big sp” and shouldn’t be spoken to……
Can’t believe this cult is still in operation.
“Your mission, should you accept it AND you will or else, is to make this Mission into Saint Hill Size Mission. May C.O.B. go with you. You have ten seconds to clear the room before this overstuffed with beans and rice message delivery person self destructs.”
That 12-“man” mission would more than double the org’s staff if they simply sat down and started WORKING.
Stacy Simon is/was a CMOIXU Sea Org member posted in the Ideal Org Unit.
Source: I was part of the original 12 man mission before I blew. 🙃
I still can’t look at these “going” campaigns and not think that they have become a sort of cult ritual, like transubstantiation and communion, more symbolic than real, something where going through a certain prescribed set of motions has become an end unto itself. Whether it’s “ideal” or “Saint Hill size” or whatever, the failure to achieve it is ignored in a way similar to that in which apocalyptic groups ignore the passing of dates when the world was supposed to end, and just carry on until the next apocalypse.
p.s. Mike, I like what you’re doing with these pieces that expose Scientology premises and practices, I think they’re very well-composed and effective.
Enjoying the journey rather than fixation on the destination. Very Zen.
I’m being facetious but you bring up an interesting point, PM. Zen would emphasize being in the never ending NOW, while “SOON” would be a driving force for many Scientologists.
Richard, interesting line of thought. I am something of a follower of Buddhism, so I can readily see those perspectives. And Hubbard, and perhaps more really some of his largely uncredited partners and collaborators, did have Buddhist concepts and precepts in mind.
But you nailed it, though Scientology claims that that it’s about being present (time, “PT”), it’s really about living in the future, and a very uncertain one put into question by both their own track record of failure, and its failure to comport with everything known about science and the real world. To me, the ultimate dirty trick is that it gets members to sacrifice their (and their family’s) essential interests in this world, in promise of a future and even a future life – so that the leader can have as much material wealth as possible at their disposal NOW.
They ain’t “clearing” Jack fucking shit in “scientology”. I’ve been reading up on this cult stuff and it’s beyond ridiculous. 🤣
And whose the little midget with the Bryll Creme hairdo that heads all this up?
Hubbard used the words “you” and “we” in a lot of his HCOB’s and HCO PL’s.
Just say’in.
You’re right – should have been in the first person.
“Just in the last two days, 150 people have come through Div 6 and half of them just walked in on their own!”
The others were carried in, kicking and screaming.
Okay, fine, for sure, for sure
It’s an Ideal Org in an SP world
Dweezil is gently playing air-guitar in the background.
Oh my gawd, dude, that is like gnarly to the max, I mean like just so totally bitchin’ for sure.
How “PERSONALIZED:”DearPasadena Field Scientologist”
He might as well have said:”To whom it may concern.”
PASAdena, St. Hill sized? MAYBE for a day, without the delivery stats.
Once again, the Pasadena Model Idle Morgue, is just that… nothing. The only people that go in are older people. And they are drying up quickly.
They really are not doing the Key to Life course. Illiterate.
Loved this little gem from Stacy:
“All YOU have to do is bring them in to the org.”
That’s all, huh?
Too funny 🙂
You think it’s maybe Freudian? I dunno … I think it may also have something to do with they just didn’t get enough schooling – or maybe education.
On the other hand, you may be interested in some of the following quotes attributed to Dr. Freud. Anyone who knows he said these quotes surely must wonder how someone could ever think that, “You are going to be a part of it” vs “You are going to be apart of it” could ever be attributed to a Freudian slip. Just see what you think of the following.
This next one is a real beauty: It’s a universal truth: “Just as no one can be forced into belief, so no one can be forced into unbelief.” You can make that apply to just about anything.
“Just as no one can be forced into douchebaggery, so no one can be forced into undouchebaggery.”
I mean these stupid things always apply. Is this truly a sample of his brilliant insights? They just seem stupid to me.
Oh my Gosh! Now look at this one: “Love and work… work and love, that’s all there is.”
What a dummy! If only he was to join this scam, he would also learn about pain and suffering and indentured servitude. There is plenty of that. What does any of that have to do with work or love? Why would Dr. Freud say such stupid shit?
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/sigmund_freud
Dave in a tuxedo is like a thug with a torpedo.
A thug with a torpedo. Now that sounds charming.
Wow! That is just about the single best missive I think I’ve ever did. I’m going to write that down.
You have outdone yourself with that one Scribe. Well done!
” It’s the little old Mission in Pasedena …
Go Davey, Go Davey, Go Davey GO.
They couldn’t get anyone to walk inside…
So now they gotta lie and say they’re St Hill size.
Go Davey , Go Davey , Go Davey Go !
” You’re gonna get a Sec Check sooner or later,
Cuz they really want to know if you’re a masturbator
Go Davey Go Davey Go Davey Go”.
I love the wording in the Stacy Simon letter. She says
“…YOU are going to be apart of it.” Instead of a part of it. That’s right, Baby, do it without me!
I remember those days in 70’s and 80’s. Rah rah rah. Made me want to puke. All it meant was unbearable pressure from all sides. Barf. Star push. Barf. 🤮
‘They doubled the number of public scientologists’ – this could mean they went from one person to two! But seriously who didn’t hate receiving these sort of messages? It always mean’t trouble, usually late nights, demands for money, to join staff or both. My SOP was to feign agreement and simply wait for the latest thing to die down and the sea ogres to go away again. The thought of introducing anyone I knew to this was completely unimaginable, I still wonder how I stuck it as long as I did.
“Pasadena’s front door have never been more wide open and people are flooding in. Just in the last two days, 150 people have come through Div 6 and half of them just walked in on their own!”
That means that the half that didn’t walk in on their own were duped and dragged through the door kicking and screaming in order to get a ‘stat’.
Really though, this statement is utter bullshit. If ANY scientology org or mission in the world had 75 people coming through the door on their own the Div 6 people on up to the ED would be shitting themselves with glee. I came into the cult back in the day in a very successful mid-sized mission with a full on ‘body routing’ crew working long hours and they couldn’t come close to dragging that many people through the door let alone having someone just walk in on their own. Hell, if a single person walked in on their own it would have been shouted from the rooftops even back then. People walking in on their own didn’t happen but rarely back then and it sure as hell isn’t happening now since the internet appeared on the scene to warn the unsuspecting masses that there is a long con going on in the name of religion.
Ms. B, a friend of mine and I, were checking out the Pasadena Model, Idle Morgue. The young kid said “We have 200 students on course.” I asked if we could take a look, and he quickly said No. We hung around for 2 hours and nobody was going in.
I can’t believe they lied to you … NOT.
Mike said.”What is pretty remarkable is the conviction with which they assert “we ARE going SH Size” and “we ARE Clearing” Pasadena and the “command” “YOU are going to be part of it.”
This is part of the horrible delusion of scientologists. They think if they say things with enough “intention” it makes them true.”
They are still believing the ashtray is standing up. In a sense, the ashtray drill is part of or actually developed the “delusional cause” syndrome that infects the mind of Scientologists.
They intend for things to happen that never happen and call that development of intention. The ashtray never moves, it’s pure make believe.
To point out that nothing happens is considered:
Suppressive and counter intention.
Welcome to the Nut House!
Brian said, “Welcome to the nut house.”
You know, that seems to sum up this scam fairly well.
You are welcomed to some org that appears to be helping humanity to solve all our problems and transform this earth into a real paradise here on earth.
Pretty difficult to refuse to join up if that is the truth. Pretty difficult to believe it is just some scam that will steal all your money and then drive you into debt and steal all the money you will ever see for the rest of your life and also will destroy your family and scatter all the members of your family to the four corners of this world. My oh my. They sure do deserve almost anything that could possibly get handed down to them. Don’t you think?
These scammers deserve to be punished in the harshest possible way.
Not just any intention, Mike, but Tone 40 Intention. Period. It happens.
My favorite part of this email/letter is “…you have the duty and responsibility to bring individuals into the Org and onto service.” These were the magic words used on so many to get them to man up and bring so many new (or old) people in. Worked every time. Everyone loves those words, “you need to…,” “your responsibility….”
I always had the big urge to say, “Sorry, I don’t feel like it.” or “Nope, don’t want to. Do it yourself.” or my personal favorite, “Why would I do that when I can’t stand being here myself. Why would I want to subject anyone to what I’ve been through.” Nope, didn’t want the torment of Qual, and Ethics and the sec checker, Comm Ev., SP declare, Disconnection orders. I should have said it; it would have felt good; would have been the truth and the result would have been the same with far less torment than what actually happened. Truth is always the best way.
Scientology is like that old joke – “Other than the assassination Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?”
It was Abe.
Dear Mary,
I was lucky in the 70’s to not have SO ethics running around and in everyone’s face.
My pat reply to : ” you have the duty and responsibility.. ” was: ‘ No. No I don’t because I paid for my services and I audited for you for free, So, I don’t ‘owe’ you anything.”
It got worse in the early 2000’s onward. Couldn’t say that without a trip to hell. The only solution in those days was to walk and keep walking. You were smart to walk when you did.
…or I should say “…a trip to a worse hell.”
How many times did I hear, “You need to pay attention to this”…”What you need to do now is…” And then, of course, “You need these materials’.
Inwardly I would boil.
Usually it was a Sea Org member phrasing an order to buy something or do something as some kind of NEED… of MINE.
Inwardly I’d be screaming back:
“NO, I do NOT NEED to do this…own this…buy this. I have NO such need, by the way! My needs are not your needs, necessarily. What YOU need to do is learn to make a necessary distinction. Your need to sell something is NOT my need to buy it!”
I can still feel it, that reaction of mine when one of them was in my face, saying, “You need to…”
Oh, and I almost forgot my all time favorite “you need to”…
To get you to come to a “briefing” –
“You need this data”.
So glad I’m out.
Happy Fourth, Mike and everyone!
Yup! Exactly
Mary Kahn has announced the elements of a new Way to Happiness for Scientologists. Her comment, re-phrased a bit, would make a great sign to carry around a gathering of Scientologists.
“A New Way to Happiness:
Live without the torment of Qual.
Leave behind the fear of Ethics, and the pain of Sec Checks.
Abandon the injustice of the Comm Ev.
Know that Disconnection tears apart families.
You have the duty and responsibility to bring Truth into the Org.”
Just my take on her words, if I made a mess of it I apologize.
Pasadena, here they come
Sea Org team to get it done!
The Chief Off is pissed off, ripping my face
The city is busy
But not a soul inside the place
The MAA said “Don’t be late!”
That’s why I can hardly wait,
To blow this goddamn empty space
Pasadena, watch me run!
Yes public, you are going to bring all the new meat in because we can’t do it. It’s your fault, and your fault alone that Pasadena is not Stain Hill size. Now get cracking and do our jobs. Schmuck….
“Stain Hill”
LMAO!! First time I’ve seen it called that! Hilariously appropriate. 😁
Well Hubtard said it will happen IF the staff wants it. Click your heels or wish or something like that. lol
Pasadener, feeling leaner
All these wogs are getting meaner
Wash them windows make ’em cleaner
Hot dog buns without the wieners!
Scribe, that sounds like a line from the original Willy Wonka.
Could be. I think Dave and Willy are having a 2D.
Oh Scribe, I think I may have the makings of a second verse. You know the children’s taunt, “Neener Neener!”?
Pasadener, feeling leaner. All these wogs are getting meaner
Wash them windows make ’em cleaner. Hot dog buns without the wieners!
Think you have been losing weight and thanks to Tech you’re getting leaner?
Well, it’s DM who took all your money and now you’re screwed. Neener Neener!
It’s not as good as a real Scribe Jibe. But I’m just a beginner.
Pasadener, grass is greener
We’re promoting ideal sceners
Sick and tired of rice and beaners
Let us take you to the cleaners!
“Well Hubtard said it will happen IF the staff wants it. Click your heels or wish or something like that.
Well, if only they could get some flying monkeys. That’s the problem, no flying monkeys.
Of course Peggy! How stupid of me. The lost Flying Monkey Tek!
Wynski says “How stupid of me.”
Hey! don’t talk about my friend like that 🙂
If you are like me, there’s only just so much room left to remember stuff. I try to keep it to a minimum or else I’m afraid I’ll forget my address and phone number!
Yep, it’s all about controlling,” mocking up “, and ” unmocking ” matter, energy, space, time, and LIFE ITSELF , with ” postulates ” !( sound of loud slurping of kool-aid ) With intention…or Crowleyian ” will “…or Hubbardian chutzpah, it SHALL COME TO PASS!
( loud gurgling of bubbles in the theta bong ). The substance of the incantations are loaded language and gleeful, TONE 40! delusion! And…poof, ka-pow, whizooo, shabang! ( nom, nom, nom on the aesthetics band scientological brownies )
Slurp, gurgle, nom, nom; repeat the process…WITH FEELING THIS TIME, FOLKS! C’mon, play the game in which all get fucked…except the Macallan Muppet!
Hip, hip, shit spray!
“Macallan Muppet” I love it, Mark. Spot on!!! I hope it catches on.
Hey, Peter…
He’s the Hateful Hobbit with the elevator shoes
The Ecclesiastical Emir with The Lawsuit Blues
Playing the futures in hair gel and woo
And sending off Rathbun in the rue canoe
He’s a runty mofo who’ll punch you in the face
And make you lick bathrooms with tone 40 grace
He’s loaded with lawyers and slaves and dough
King of the asset-stripping empty morgue show
Handmade clothes and billions in the bank
Challenge him? Ya don’t have the rank!
Saving the world is a Big Being Grind
Surrender your money and what’s left of your mind
Slavery is Freedom and Submission is Grace
Enjoy your demise with a smile on your face!
Macallan Muppet
Just a puppet
Did my time
Just said fuck it!
Ron’s the drug
Dave’s the thug
Never get fooled
By them smiling mugs!
Good one!😁😎
OMG Mark that was great and 100% accurate.
Thanks, cheers!👍
The “Saint Hill Size” game, and the Ideal Org game are both nothing more than massive stat pushes by Miscavige, the King of Stat Pushers.
No idea if she is still there.
Maybe scientologists should add at the end to the intended postulate the words ‘abracadabra’… This may add spiritual intention to their delusions and, God knows, it may work.
ABRACADABRA, wonders and woo
Time is up, your donation is due
Command intention is telling you
Pope Bouffant needs new shoes
With a whizz and a bang
And a boom and a clang
The reg upends you
And sinks in his fang
Davy slurps Macallan
While you lick the loo
And rejoice in the taste
Of the sole of his shoe
This is freedom, of this you’re sure
It’s a veritable feast of fresh manure
The orgs are empty
And so are your accounts
But, boy those postulates,
they really count!
ABRACADABRA, tr’s and poo
Hub and Cob have really fucked you!
Excellent! But sad.
Sad, indeed.
Scientology has excelled in and exemplified the sad, the depraved, the horrific, the abominable, and the gleefully intentional evil for over 6 decades.
And the beat goes on…
Very nice Mark. I very much enjoy your … would you call them poems? or songs?
I don’t mean to offend. I just don’t know what you would call them.
But I think they are very nice and I like them.
Yikes! I meant to address that to Scribe and not to Mark. Damn! I sure do wish this blog had an edit capability.
But, I do like Mark’s work too. I wouldn’t want to offend Mark.
I feel like such a klutz! Bleh!
No worries,Skyler! I, too, am a Scribe fanboy!😎👍
No offense taken
We’re both just creating
Here to put an end
To Li’l Davy’s raping
Scribe, the Mystery, the Legend, the Man
Pulling off linguistic sleight of hand…
I guess scientologists have a universal Inability to understand that “you are going to be apart of it” means something totally different than “you are going to be a part of it.”
Or maybe it’s just Freudian. They understand that people are leaving so fast they just say “yep you won’t be part of it” in tortured English.
Apparently the people in Pasadena got her Tone 40 and were “apart of it.”