See earlier Terra Cognita: Getting Emotional, Intention, Clear Schmear, Do Not Evaluate for the Preclear, The E-Meter, The Is-Ness of Is-Ness, Cause Over Life — Really?, BT’s in the Belfry, Two New Conditions!, The Condition of Liabilitiness, Condition of Doubtfulness The Mind, The Way To Happiness: Really? A Story, Auditing: a PC’s Quest for the Holy Grail, The Knowledge Report, Integrity, The Almighty Stat, The Reg, The Horrors of Wordclearing, Why Scientologists Don’t FSM, Respect, The Survival Rundown – The Latest Scam, Communication in Scientology… Or Not, Am I Still A Thetan?, To Be Or Not To Be, An Evaluation of Scientology, Fear: That Which Drives Scientology and Justification and Rationalization.
We Deliver What We Promise (well…sometimes)
Scientology promises that its technology, if not perfect, is a workable system. LRH went so far as to say that it’s the first workable system in the whole history of mankind—not just on Earth, but throughout the universe. Nothing like it has ever been invented.
EP’s, Abilities Gained, and Overts
Unlike other forms of therapy and study, LRH was so certain of the efficacy of his methods that he stamped all his course and auditing levels with guaranteed end phenomena (EPs) and exact abilities gained. Before a person can finish a service in Scientology they must attest to a very specific EP. (And wish for others to gain the same ability). When a person completes Grade 0, he attests that he’s attained “the ability to communicate with anyone on any subject.” At the end of Grade 1, he declares that he’s attained “the ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish.”
Not only does one attest to these abilities, the veracity of his word must be verified on an e-meter by an examiner and by a CS in an ivory tower. To falsely attest is an overt—“a harmful act” and “a transgression against a moral code.” An overt “is an act by the person or individual leading to the injury, reduction or degradation of another, others or their beingness, persons, possessions, associations or dynamics. In can be intentional or unintentional.” LRH. Overts are a very big deal in Scientology. “Clean hands make a happy life.”
Sorry. You Only Thought You Weren’t the Effect of Your Bank
What happens when a course or auditing action is “updated” and people are told they need to redo the action? When they find out they didn’t receive their full battery of processes and thus, didn’t get the promised EP? Crucial commands were left out. Critical technology was lost. HCOB’s were omitted by suppressives back in the seventies. Sorry, you’re not really Clear. You just thought you were.
What happens with that original EP? Is Tom once again at the mercy of engrams on the first Dynamic? Suddenly, he’s no longer able to communicate with anyone on any subject? And can’t make all problems vanish after all?
If this were true, Tom must have attested to some kind of release, gain, or ability that he hadn’t achieved. Which is an overt. Because, remember, overts can be intentional or unintentional. “Sorry, Tom. Even if you didn’t mean to commit an overt, you did. You falsely attested. But don’t worry. We’ll get you a little sec-checking and have you back in the chair holding the cans in no time.”
Not Our Fault
Despite delivering invalidated and voided products, Scientology will never admit to wrongdoing. The old checksheet wasn’t LRH but was compiled by suppressives beyond the church’s control. The mistake was “unintentional.” Scientology is not to blame. Thousands of parishioners haven’t left because the church didn’t deliver what was promised, but because of all their overts.
Never mind that by LRH’s own words, not delivering what was promised is an overt—intentional or unintentional.
LRH subsequently wrote, “When a person has committed an overt act and then withholds it, he or she usually employs the social mechanism of justification.”
We’re the most ethical organization on the planet. We are the only ones capable of saving the world. No one else can. No one else has the tech. We don’t have a lot of time, either. Earth is going to hell in a handbasket and if we don’t do our jobs, all will be lost for another eternity. Staff work for little pay and get scant time off while slaving tirelessly for your salvation. And for every other man, woman, and child on this planet.
We’re up against the wall, fighting suppression on multiple fronts: the government, an increasingly illiterate society, drugs, psychology, and of course, ex-Scientologists who refused to get off their O/Ws and blew. No organization and its staff are more responsible.
These are some of the justifications Scientology employs for their “goofs” when asking that its followers pay for the next version of the same service. That the church didn’t deliver what was promised—by their own admission—is no excuse for an individual not paying to redo a course or auditing action for a second or third time.
LRH wrote more on justification. “…when a man or woman has done an overt act, there usually follows an effort to reduce the goodness or importance of the target of the overt. This works on all dynamics.”
In light of the huge amount of heavy ethics and sec-checking that goes on inside the church today, it would seem that the Scientology public has become the target of the church’s justifications.
What If?
I’ve never heard of anyone insisting they not have to pay for a service that had to be redone—though I imagine it’s happened. I can imagine Regraded Being depicting such a scenario.
What goes through a Scientologist’s mind when he learns he really didn’t achieve the action to which he’d attested? That suddenly, they’re no longer Clear? Or that they aren’t at cause over matter, energy, space, and time, anymore? Do they hear voices in the back of their minds reminding them of those very doubts they had at the Examiner?
I am sure, many are relieved to finally learn why they aren’t operating at the level to which they’d attested. Some “not-is” the conundrum, simply hoping that next time around, they’ll achieve what was promised. Many drift away from the church rather than confront having to redo their entire Bridge. Others, feel they’ve been scammed and for the first time, Google “Scientology.” Staunch disciples down another shot of Kool-Aid and pull out their check books.
I’m afraid the policy “we deliver what we promise” has become just another platitude.
Still Not Declared,
Terra Cognita
Programming Note:
Leah will be interviewed by Megyn Kelly on The Kelly File tonite — the show starts at 9pm EST, she will be on around 6:35
The only promises I see are the promises by the sheepbots to continually top up Dastardly Misanthrope’s bank accounts.
Leah will also be on the Wendy Williams show tomorrow morning 10 am EST
Can the cancellation be cancelled? In other words, can they say “I’m sorry, you were clear after all”?
Of course they can! However, pitchforks & torches would probably appear quickly…
The Church of Scientology never delivers what it promises and never promises what it delivers. There were people in the org (in New York) struggling to pay for Expanded Dianetics that were already Clear. Because it was the wrong action they were Type II – Type III responsive and the staff tried to handle. Stop the insanity! 🙂
that happened to me about three times///Clear in 1979 the David Mayo upset the apple cart…Unclear, then clear , then unclear. Now declared a S P=thats my story
Great article, Terra. What comes to mind as re the Still Ins and their “abilities gained” on the Bridge is the one for Grade One Communications Release, paraphrased here by me as “Able to communicate with anyone about anything”…that’s the concept. What a total joke! They can’t even READ anything about their religion that has been spoon fed to them by David Miscavige’s Expansion Spin Machine. They are sooo NOT able to communicate on all four flows to anyone about anything. And yet they walk around believing they have this very high ability. Listen, if enough of them actually had this ability instead of the delusion that they have it, the policies of the cult that are vicious would have either been changed long ago or the cult itself would have expired long ago.
Typo: “…can’t even read anything that has NOT been spoon fed to them…”
There you go again, TC, throwing a big monkey wrench of logic into the elaborate and supposedly infallible system that Elron so generously gifted us! And how dare you remember the history of how $cn changed over time, with each new change supposedly correcting what had previously been sold as 100% standard tech. If still-in $cilons every get hold of such blasphemous stuff, they’re all headed for the RPF..and it’s all going to be YOUR FAULT!
Speaking truth and logical reason to power from a distance is so much easier than doing it when you’re in the belly of the beast. But until the cowed and craven folks who are directly supporting the reign of terror that lil davey the despicable has visited upon his subjects, his crimes and abuses will continue until outside forces hold him to account. He can alter-is the tech to his heart’s content, re-tread folks who’ve topped out on the grade chart on whatever he likes, then dare anyone to say boo about it…that’s how in thrall to evil and in fear these poor $cilons are!
The fact that $cn now protect itself from future lawsuits by having all who purchase it’s services sign a disclaimer stating that no promises of results are being made or implied, is the ultimate admission that $cn is not 100% standardly effective as Elron claimed for decades. Now, when you pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for auditing services, you may still be required to attest to whatever EP or attained ability that’s on the grade chart, but the fine print says that you were never promised or guaranteed that result, so you can’t sue us for breach of contract or even ask for your money back! $cn now promises nothing at all and and any idea that you may have gotten to the contrary is your own misunderstood for not looking closely at exactly what you signed.
The entire history of $cn traces the transition from making very specific and objectively verifiable claims of efficacy concerning the delivery of it very expensive services (e.g. Book One Clear abilities, such as eidetic memory recall, immunity to communicable disease and corrected vision) to backing off those manifestly unachievable claims and substituting vague, general and objectively unverifiable ones in their place. It’s a very long-running bait & switch scam in which, not only are the promised abilities no longer what they originally were, but now the cult has the audacity to try and re-write it’s own history to claim that those promises of standardly achievable abilities gained were never made in the first place.
Quite the scam if you can get folks to chump for it!
Well Done TC, this is a good one.
Hey Dave….Bubba is absolutely giddy with anticipation. He just hung the mistletoe in his cell. We told him him it won’t be long now. Pucker up little man.
There will always be a core group of Scnists that will buck up for whatever the church demands, whether its new Academy Levels, a new meter or some IAS status. They would have parted with that 5k, 10k, 20k one way or the other. Eventually they will die, their numbers will dwindle, and so too the church.
When told that I needed to repeat Grades 0 and 1 I was holding the cans thinking I was about to begin my auditing for Grade 2. I asked my auditor “Did you guys do something wrong?” He said “No”. So I asked, ” Did I do something wrong?” and he said “No, not wrong, but you have to repeart the grade”. This went on for about 10 minutes as I tried to get a WHY. My auditor ( a really nice guy) was squirming in his seat but could offer nothing better than to let me know that this was decided by the Case Supervisor after an extensive review of my folder. Long story short; I repeated the grades and before moving on on to Grade 2, they threw in The Happiness Rundown. I was not happy about that at all. I had saved enough money for what I thought was going to be the completion of my grades and all I got was a repitition of Grades 0 and 1, The Happiness Rundown and half of grade 2.
The good news was that my auditor blew soon after auditing me and moved with his family to another part of the country never to be heard from again. It all makes sense now.
The fun part was that after a year of saving more money so I could at least finish my Grade 2, I finally picked up the cans and my new auditor told me that we were going to run the False Purpose Rundown. I said “No, we’re going to finish Grade 2”. We went around in circles with this for about 15 minutes till I got tired of it and told him “Ok, I’ll do it, but lets start tomorrow.” He went VGIs and asked me “Why wait till tomorrow?”
I told him “Because neither of us is going to back down and I don’t want to spend any more time kicking this around. I think it’s best that I just lie to you and tell you that I’ll come back tomorrow when I know I won’t.”
He asked, “So when you say you’re coming back tomorrow, you’re lying?”
I answered, “Yes.”
He asked, “So are you really coming in tomorrow to audit the FPRD?”
I answered, “Yes.”
He commented, “But you’re lying.”
I answered, “Yes.”
I went home and was called in the next day to be told that I did not have to audit the FPRD and could continue with the second half of Grade 2.
I wasn’t surprised.
The only good thing that came out of all of this was that I reached the EP of the State of Regraded Being.
That has given me many wins.
Beautiful comment, RB. I can relate. I asked the same kind of questions about re-doing actions on my Bridge and got the same non-answer answers, “No, um, nothing wrong, you just gotta redo it”. I watched them squirm. I saw how uncomfortable they were and pitied them and was inclined to let it go because I liked them, the staff at my org, and I was grateful to them also. But I needed to know so I pressed and they squirmed and squirmed and obfuscated and non-answered and even tried high volume “anger” to get me to stop pressing but it didn’t work because I knew they were just using this tone level on my as a ploy to get me to back down. LSS, I found out what I needed to know, and very soon afterwards I was out of the cult.
And how soon after all that nonsense did you have the REAL Clear Cog (i.e., “This is a complete scam and if I stick around for another minute, then I’m the biggest fool on the planet”) and say good-bye to $cn for good?
I’ll admit, I did linger a while longer. The kool aid stil held an enticing sweetness that kept me drawn to it. Then it turned bitter, then it went flat.
My breaking point was that i had to redo solo Nots including superseized sec checks 2 times a year.In other words it looked like a way to scam me for say $75.000.
Lose $75.000 and get more introvered and stupid because I was always trying to hunt down non existing cooties I hated solo nots.
I have released half a million space cooties.Oh wait that is not enough?Only $75.000 and years of misery taking time and money away from my family.What a deal.Hiphiphurrah!!!!!!
Re: “LRH was so certain of the efficacy of his methods that he stamped all his course and auditing levels with guaranteed end phenomena (EPs).”
I spent thirty-seven years in scientology (1977-2014), yet didn’t progress very far up the “Bridge to Total Freedom” because, early on, I found myself in the “Non-Interference Zone.” Needing the Clear Certainty Rundown, I had not the money to pay for the auditing and could not do any of the auditing actions a student could under ordinary circumstances. Without the cash and the incentive to do the training, I spent years, instead, working for scientology organizations (the Freewinds, the Office of Special Affairs) and for many of their Front Groups (including WISE, Narconon, Applied Scholastic, Peter Gillham’s Nutritional Center—the list goes on).
Just two months into scientology and during Opening Procedure by Duplication (“Op Pro by Dup”) on the HQS Course, I had my greatest scientology win: I exteriorized. It lasted but for a few moments, but opened my eyes to the possibilities of scientology. That win became my carrot, my hope for future wins through scientology.
The years progressed; I did not along the Bridge, and one day, I excommunicated myself from scientology. I learned that L. Ron Hubbard might not be “Source,” which pointed me in the direction of the Theosophy of Helena P. Blavatsky and William Q. Judge. LRH didn’t do himself (or future scientologists) any favors when he altered and misused some of Theosophy’s basics.
I’d like to know how LRH knew what the EP of Op Pro by Dup would be. The wins that Tom Cruise had on that auditing process are like the ones I had.
I didn’t however, experience any of the challenges that other scientologists have gone through: having “Clear” certificates yanked; being forced to redo parts of the Bridge at one’s own expense. When David Miscavige altered the definition of a floating needle, I happened to be finished five hours of free (yes, free; somebody somehow found five unused hours of auditing in my pre-clear folders) review auditing at LA Org. As I sat at the Examiner for an after-session meter check, I sat there waiting for the Examiner, who waited for something else. He kept staring at the e-meter for the longest time and I couldn’t quite figure it out. The Examiner’s attention was not on me, but on the machine between us. Suddenly, I knew what he must be waiting for, so I quickly relived the auditing session which brought about the result the Examiner needed. Mind you, the Examiner said absolutely nothing except, finally, “Thank you, you’re needle’s floating.”
Spiritual beings, man, we can be such a delicate bunch!
Ho, Ho, Ho, “Scrooge McDuckavige”!
Fred G. Haseney, an “extremely bitter ex-scientologist”
Like many things in Scn, it all starts to unravel upon closer inspection. This includes The Theory of the Grade Chart. My suspicion started when I saw many of my OT5 & 7 friends be called into the AO to be R-Factored they were not Clear. Most bought one intensive of NOTs, then secretly re-attested to the State of Clear. I had loads of questions, like:
“Given the dangerousness of the OT material, how can a non-Clear make it through the First and Second Wall of Fire?”
“If all it takes is one intensive of NOTs to go Clear – then I want to do THAT alternative route.”
It appears any ol’ Joe Scnist can jump onto the OT Levels and audit away. The whole concept of gradient levels, each building upon the previous, goes out the window. The Bridge is simply a thing to get people to “get on” and “stay on”, for a price. It provides order and structure, if you want to shepherd your paying customers on a lifelong journey. There certainly isn’t any science behind its development.
Needless to say, my D of P didn’t have much to say about that.
I’ve never attested anything in 1.200 hours .. okay once I attested Clear .. after 160 hours, but it became canceled .. allegedly I did not reach this level .. was 1977 .. and there was no Miscavige in action .. my Clear State was very simple, I said nothing was delivered .. I am the same like before, but without suggestions from Scientology .. and the suggestions from Scientologists did create a case which I had not ..
I was with this statement not a Clear ,, because I had no wins .. and was as a result PTS or a SP .. 1.040 hours later .. the C/S told me .. you are already Clear .. I told him, you must be somewhere nuts – okay ..
The promise was to help me basically .. not to fool around with me about meanings of others ..
My final meaning was .. if you go not in LRH valence .. you will never be accepted in the Church as a winner .. but the valence of Ron says Yea and No at the same time .. and in such a game nobody will never be a winner ..
We deliver what we promised is an idiocy .. why, it is because you would be in LRH his valence when you reach it .. you would have two or three ideas at the same time .. and would agree somewhere to stay with this stuff .. although it not really work ..
Long ago in this blog I said that LRH tech brings everybody into confusion. Basically into the condition below Confusion. As described on Super Power. So LRH has grasped to some degree that he brought everybody in his valence .. so this may be the cause of his unfortunate death .. maybe ..
The sentence: We deliver what we promise .. goes only over to the point that you must believe what LRH thinks .. if not you cannot win the promise .. you are PTS or SP ..
Note: I ask me since years why all wordclearing and whatever came never to the point that Hawaii did not exist 70 Mio years ago .. it was deeple underwater .. it came up in about 2 Mio years .. so why had Xenu fished out an underwater world for his tragedy,
Friend said,
“Note: I ask me since years why all wordclearing and whatever came never to the point that Hawaii did not exist 70 Mio years ago .. it was deeple underwater .. it came up in about 2 Mio years ..”
Because OT3/BT Freudian Therapy is make believe. And truth is considered dangerous to those lost in the prison of belief. So they stay away from truth.
I think out of all of the serious delusions that Ron was successful in perpetrating on us was the OT3/BT hypnosis.
People are certainly running something. But I believe they are running their own thoughts and feelings dressed up in a Ron Sci Fi book.
And the meter is the delivery system to the make believe.
LRH wrote more on justification. “…when a man or woman has done an overt act, there usually follows an effort to reduce the goodness or importance of the target of the overt. This works on all dynamics.”
Right on the money El Con! And when a man or a woman or Dave (Sorry Dave but you are a special case of SEE OH BEE, being neither man nor woman) has done an overt act to a public, there usually follows an effort to reduce the goodness or importance of the target of the overt.
Geeze Dave, ya think this might be the why behind You and Your attorneys letters and memoranda on the A & E show regarding Leah?
BTW, she is going to singlehandedly dismember what remains of your crappy Cult. And the good news, it will happen slowly and painfully so You can get the full benefit of the process …… Dave.
One more thing Dave. I received an email from Alexis Genung this morning about a new brain supplement pill that will help increase your causativeness and ability to make more money. It looks like it went out to a number of Sac area Cultologists so I was wondering if you had tested it out recently? She has been auditing on Oh Tea Sevin for a number of years now and I was wondering if maybe Your GAG II now requires supplements to get through to the final E PEE of the level?
I think you mean Leah will be on 9:35, right?
Thanks for your essay TC. Always enjoy your essays.
and 6:35P out here where the sun sets into the ocean!
The Megan Kelly Interview with her will be around 6:35 pm tonight on Fox News (Pacific Time). The show, “Leah Remini: The Aftermath” will be tomorrow, the 6th at 10:00 pm Pacific, 9:00 Central. Check your local listings to make sure of the time. It will air on A & E Channel.
Thanks, Cooper.
Also, your comment above is priceless. You crack me up every time.
Hi TI,
Have you considered doing a segment on the A &E show. That might get you on the select list!
Thanks for another great article on life inside the bubble.
“What goes through a Scientologist’s mind when he learns he really didn’t achieve the action to which he’d attested? That suddenly, they’re no longer Clear?”
…what happens are some of the 9 circles of hell…. you can only protest the smallest amount before capitulating in fear and apathy. Sunk cost basis and the constant desire for that magical spiritual carrot of freedom.
can you imagine – having just finished your academy levels and onto the internship, you’re told with GAT II release you have to do the entirety of your training over again?
You’ll do the NEW student hat, the NEW pro trs, the NEW upper indoc trs, the NEW meter course.. the NEW level one… and so on.
and you get to pay for all that training AT FULL PRICE. (minus IAS discount, of course)
No special price for having already done all of these. In some cases perhaps you’ve already paid for and completed 3 pro tr courses over the years. (streamlined! on source! now with clay table processing!)
Nope. Just start figuring out how you’ll pay for it all. AND you get to buy the new 5.000.00 sooper dooper ugly new meter too. Your “old one” won’t work in the course room with the new simulators and playback gizmo. You are actually told to just throw your Quantum Mark VII deluxe AWAY. Garbage. Yep. Yesterday’s 3500.00 teck miracle is to be shit-canned. (along with all of your old packs and the teck vols and and)
At Flag each of those courses were 5 grand I believe. 4 or 5.
(and anything previously paid for and “locked in at that low rate” was gone, and that money was just re-named as money on account, so you get to pay the new prices too, because that student hat doesn’t exist anymore, you have to buy the NEW student hat)
and if you kick up a stink? Because … some of us did…..
you’re asked with gimlet eye…
don’t you WANT standard teck? After all that was done to make it 100 percent LRH, don’t you WANT it? You WANT squirrel off policy teck?
only really really really badly brainwashed people who wish for all the magical promises to be true…. carry on.
It’s great! It helped bring me to my senses. I love GAT II. 🙂
I was deeply disappointed when gat 2 came out, they kept it all very quiet, so you didn’t know what to expect, when I learned it was just a rehash of all the same old courses I was not impressed. I’d already made up my mind to go before it arrived but this sealed the deal, no way was I doing all that shit stuff again.
Your description of the process of how it was enforced is superb.
“…doing all that shit stuff again.”
What you posted is how I view the cult. All that SHIT stuff again.
Nice post, Gimpy!
Why thank you, it was actually a mis-typing but I can see it sort of works.
secret for now sales:
“It’s great! It helped bring me to my senses. I love GAT II. ?”
Prior to GAT II, many scientologists were afforded the opportunity to come to their senses and wake up. There was GAT I, Basics, IAS Statuses, semicolon debacles, dianetic clear, natural clear, real clear (finally), KSW, theta clear, clear theta clear, book one clear, etc. etc. etc. It doesn’t really matter what vehicle one uses to get the hell outta the cult, the main thing is to just do something to wake up, get your life back and realize you have been a mark in a truly world class con. OUCH!!! That’s a bitter pill to swallow but swallow it we must to get out from under the thralldom of scientology. Hopefully it won’t take GAT III or IV or V to empty the cult completely.
I gave 28 k to AOLA for my Solo setups through OT III and I received a sec check as I did 23 years in the SO and then almost died of AIDS. I received no sec-check when I left; they were sure that I was going to die so I guess they just figured that they would save themselves the work. I also had no freeloader bill because one cannot get money out of a dead man. At AOLA my wife and I had to sign a paper saying we understood that we would be declared if we said anything negative about the SO, the Freewinds or AOLA. For a long time I was not scheduled for sessions at all, but I was never told that I was an illegal PC or anything. I just now realized that the delay is because they do not want faggots in their HGC. I trust that I am not offending anyone by using that term; probably the only faggots that will read this are the ones that work for OSA. I finally went to the LRH Host and said ” What about “We always deliver what we promise?” I was told by the Public MAA that I had to wait in Dept 3 (though I was under no ethics action) for my sessions and not in the HGC. Finally I got into session. I had a good auditor and the sec check went OK, the worst overt I got off was that I drank so much 151 proof rum at the 81 bosun’s party that I could have died ( I was a bit suicidal at the time) and this would have been a PR flap had I died. I received a short Progress Program and then told I had to redo the Purif. I had to come up with another 1500 bucks to do the Purif because of the SPD that says no-one with HIV can use the org’s sauna. What they were really saying is that no faggots are allowed in the sauna. (The majority of people with AIDS are homos. Of course, the fact that they knew full well that I had never been a homo didn’t count. After I finished the Purif again I had to 8c them like mad to get the folder back and then they told me that they no longer deliver OT Preps at AOLA, you have to go to ASHO now. Since my money was at AO, I had no money at ASHO. This was just at the time that the Basics had gone psycho and I was being harassed 5 times a day to give my APs so that some gook in Vietnam would get LRH tech even though I, a 23 year vet of the SO who almost died twice in the SO would have no chance of making it up the bridge. They ended up taking all of my money and I got nothing except peace as they no longer harrassed me once it was all gone.
So I could not go up tje Bridge in the SO and I could not do it as a paying public. I have a much better chance as a declared SP.
And If I have screwed up and there are any homos reading this, know that without millions of homos who have died from this disease, they would not have come up with a treatment for it and I would be dead too.
That’s exactly what happened to me. Had just finished with all my levels and ready to route onto the internship and “oh, you have to redo levels with this new GAT1 and pay full price”, oh yeah? well I walked away. This why I can’t respect or feel sorry for any of these idiot still in’s (old timers) that have redone all of what you stated and to boot bought the “new” wonderful e-meters. This is insanity at its best.
Another reason the tech didn’t handle what you wanted is that it was only a state of release. This means that a portion of your bank ceased affecting you, but wasn’t permanently erased. Thus it could return at a later date, to put you under it’s sway and knock your case appetite over teacup, with the desired End Phenomena of you running reach and withdraw with a credit card on the registrar.
And since you mocked it up in the first place, you could just do so again, right? But why would anyone who is now in a clear and supposedly completely unaberrated state choose to do such a foolish thing, a logical-minded person might ask.
Well, that’s easy: Shhh…I’ll let you in on the secret right here, and for a whole lot less money than you’ll pay to hear it from the cherch too. A whole bunch of these nasty sticky space alien spirits have taken possession of your body and, unbeknownst to you, influence your thoughts, emotions and actions in ways that are, umm, very much like before you went clear. So, it’s not YOUR reactive mind that’s making you feel like shit or screw your BF’s girlfriend, it’s all these demonic spirits that possess you that are at fault.
I hope all that made sense to you; some folks have a very hard time distinguishing their own aberrated thoughts from the ones that these space alien spirits are having. But not to worry, all of this gets completely sorted out and you finally get totally clear of everyone and anyone’s aberrations on OaTy 9 & 10, so advance pay now and we’ll send you a card when those levels are finally released, k?
IMHO, this is the best take on this topic:
“Per policy, Scientology always delivers what it promises. Per policy, Scientology promises nothing. Therefore, Scientology delivers nothing.”
HCO PL, 21 November 1968, SENIOR POLICY
Having done all the original OT levels — up to full OT7 — I was stunned to learn there was a “new” OT4, 5, 6, and 7. That announcement was made with no explanation about the status original OT4, 5, 6 and 7. Were they ever worth the money paid or the promises made about them? It was as if those levels hadn’t existed.
There was no refund for the OT levels that had been replaced, and no credit applied toward any of the new OT levels (I tried). In my case, I’d also pre-paid for (the still unreleased) OT8, was told my pre-payment wouldn’t count either. Why? Because my pre-paid OT8 was different from the new OT8 … as if anyone could prove that, since the new one wasn’t released then either. Adding salt to the wound, the money I’d pre-paid wasn’t credited back to my account because I’d bought “a package” which was no longer part of the Scientology inventory.
That was a long time ago. But there were promises made about OT levels that were around for years and then vanished. You’d think I’d have left then, but noooo …. I had to find out what the “new” OT levels were all about. My conclusion: BORING!
What a scam.
Maybe not THE biggest scam in the world (Enron, etc), but, certainly up there with the big boys.
Give the poor guys a break! They have virtually no new people coming in the front door, and a steady stream quietly leaving, they have to make money some how, apparently this involves getting the remaining die hards to do the same things over and over again. The staff member I’m in contact with has earned about $40 for the whole of last year! The previous year it was about 10x this so its fair to say they are not expanding.
Whilst I was ‘in’ I did the Putrification run down twice, Pro Tr’s 3 times, and Student hat twice, if I’d stuck around for the wonderous GAG it would have mean’t doing all of these actions yet again.
Doing the same thing over & over again and expecting a different result? What’s that called now…it’s right on the tip of my tongue. I think it starts with an ‘I.’
It’s what permeates the cult through & through….
Confirmation bias:
“The confirmation bias refers to the tendency to selectively search for and consider information that confirms one’s beliefs.”
From Many examples on that site as well.
Confirmation bias is the death knell of any search for truth. You have to be willing to be wrong before you can try and test enough hypotheses to find one that is right. Even with a confirmed hypothesis there is a measurable chance that some part of it is wrong. In real science this is considered to be a good thing. There is no forward progress possible if everything is considered to be already known.
In the 19th century they thought Physics was all wrapped up. Nothing new to learn. This was before Einstein, before quantum physics. Physics was not “all wrapped up” and it is not all known today. But that is hard science, where hypotheses are testable with experiments large and small that do not depend much on statistics. The “social sciences” have a much harder hill to climb.
Scientology is rife with confirmation bias. Every action, small or large, is “tested on the meter”. No action can be considered complete unless the subject is wildly enthusiastic about completing it. So there is no way out of any Scientology action except to find something in it to be wildly enthusiastic about. You go in with the expectation that it will be great, life changing, ooh wee zap bam OMG. Like the video.
When you are doing it the chances are that it may be boring, uncomfortable, horrifying or you may get no reaction at all. But the auditor is right there with “the way out is the way through” and “what turns it on will turn it off” At some point you feel better for whatever reason, maybe you remember something from your childhood or come up with some insight or other. Smiles and grins, off to the examiner, it “worked!”
Confirmation bias is right there to assure you that you now have “the ability to see problems and make them vanish” or whatever. On a natural high you proudly attest that this is so. But it is no more valid than the folks who drink bleach or refuse to get their kids vaccinated. It is all in the mind of the believer. They want so desperately to be right that they are blind to the harm they do.
Hubbard pretended to do actual testing of his techniques, to have “empirically taped the path out of the abyss”, but he never did any real testing. His idea of a “pilot” was to try something on a bunch of folks who were primed to believe it was great, gather statements about how great it was, and release it on the world as “tested”. Confirmation bias all the way, from the 50s to his last breath.
“Even with a confirmed hypothesis there is a measurable chance that some part of it is wrong.”
Or that it was right for different reasons than the causal reasoning that the larger theory presupposes.
And this is exactly why serious scientists set up experiments designed to attempt to falsify, or invalidate, their hypotheses, rather than to confirm them. It’s a counter-intuitive, but completely genius approach to searching for closer and closer approximations of the “truth” and avoiding our very human tendency to have our own confirmation biases blind us.
Some otherwise very sharp indie folks who regularly post here, like Marildi, just can’t seem to wrap their minds around the value of the scientific method as it relates to neutralizing that very strong human tendency towards confirmation basis.
More specifically, for them the fact that some of Elron’s auditing methods and procedures have proven effective for them in counseling others and in receiving the same type of counseling themselves PROVES that Elron contributed something valuable to the field that deserves to be preserved and carried on as a unique and effective model for generations to come.$cn is, for them, uniquely valuable and constitutes an original approach to earlier counseling methods that yields positive results for its clients that are different then, or superior to, other counseling methods.
I’d say that’s certainly a possibility, but until more critically minded, unbiased investigators rigorously investigate it without confirmation bias acting upon them to cause them to see proof of exactly what they already believe to be true, then it’s just not possible to sort all that out.
And given Elron’s demonstrated penchant for exaggerated claims, re-definition of the states and abilities that are claimed to be standardly attainable through his counseling procedures and his flat out lying, it seems obvious that folks who haven’t already guzzled the Kool-Aid that he deceptively pushed should be involved in evaluating its claims and objectively contrasting its efficacy relative to other counseling practices.
Here’s a very short primer on the concept of falsifiability and its history of development as a valuable tool of science that I’d love to see some of our brighter indie contributors take on board fully, then bring to our continuing discussion concerning what the future of $cn’s core methods and practices of auditing will be in the aftermath of the corporate cherch’s collapse or (less likely) its wholesale reform.
A nice succinct phrasing:
“The real purpose of the scientific method is to make sure nature hasn’t misled you into thinking you know something you actually don’t know.” Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Quoted in the thoroughly excellent “Bad Science” by Ben Goldacre.
“I’ve never heard of anyone insisting they not have to pay for a service that had to be redone”
I believe Jason Beghe did.
Yeah, I hear you.
I attested to “Clear” while a staff member. Had some literally ‘out of this world’ wins, and after I disconnected (and was causatively declared…another story) I searched out the ‘ot material’ that was made public back then, read up everything I could about it, and commenced solo auditing. No C/S, no sec checks, review auditors available if needed. I will admit that it went a bit into ‘endless OT III’ (after roughly 7 years of solo) but the gains and awarenesses were (and still are) ‘beyond my wildest dreams’. Today, I would like to acknowledge a win that occurred to me in solo, but apparently impinged on other universes as well: Today the US Army denied an easement for drilling through sacred Lakota land! (It has been a side project of mine for quite a while, after running head first into the massive BPC of the massacre of Wounded Knee, and the cowardice of the 7th army (still want them to remove the victory pennant from their d* battle flag….grrr).
My point being you get out what you put in, and there is nothing wrong, per se, with ‘number of times over = certainty and results’. Endlessly paying for it? Lol, why? If they didn’t get it the first time……do you really expect they will get it right by removing semi-colons?
Ok, back to the fear, uncertainty and doubt….
Tom: “Today, I would like to acknowledge a win that occurred to me in solo, but apparently impinged on other universes as well: Today the US Army denied an easement for drilling through sacred Lakota land! (It has been a side project of mine for quite a while, after running head first into the massive BPC of the massacre of Wounded Knee, and the cowardice of the 7th army (still want them to remove the victory pennant from their d* battle flag….grrr).
Awesome win. I for one thank you!
With regard to what you wrote here:
“I will admit that it went a bit into ‘endless OT III’ (after roughly 7 years of solo) but the gains and awarenesses were (and still are) ‘beyond my wildest dreams’.”
It sounds like you carried over into the NOTs area. Dan Koon stated that LRH had wanted to have a pilot done where pcs would go straight from OT II over to NOTs, skipping OT III (which I is essentially the same kind of auditing). Of course, DM never got that pilot done.
” No C/S, no sec checks, review auditors available if needed. I will admit that it went a bit into ‘endless OT III’ (after roughly 7 years of solo) but the gains and awarenesses were (and still are) ‘beyond my wildest dreams’.”
Wow, that’s a very interesting story! I’d love to hear more. Did you take the whole Xenu, volcanoes, DC8 spaceships, frozen thetans story as literal, historically accurate truth or as a metaphor which, somehow, provided enough guidance for your solo auditing to make those huge gains with?
If it’s the former, then I just don’t understand how folks of reasonable intelligence and who are not seriously mentally ill can reconcile that space opera tale as if it were the literal truth with the massive weight of scientific evidence against it. For example, we know now that 75 million years ago the volcanoes that Elron specifies as the sites where all of these billions of souls were exploded by Atomic bombs didn’t exist.
If it’s the latter, then how did that myth help to guide you to those valuable gains and what insights to did you take away from the experience that have stuck with you?
marildi – Thanks. Yes, it portmanteaued into the Nots band nicely.
Harpoona Frittata – The focus on the ‘Xenu story’ rarely came up with the beings and clusters I encountered, OT II Flat, flat, flat was key to the level running as smoothly as it did. Take it as a metaphor for ‘mass genocide as a solution’. (I.E How do you kill a thetan? DM has a lock on that, it appears….) Once the basic on something is run, obviously the locks nearer to PT are going to blow. And the procedure for the solo auditing is covered but rarely commented on. I may be more forthcoming at a later date, ……right now we are in the middle of a major TA rocking process, with 6 more weeks to go. Glad you (and everyone else) are here for the ride!
“right now we are in the middle of a major TA rocking process, with 6 more weeks to go. Glad you (and everyone else) are here for the ride!”
I just watched the segment with Leah Remini on The Kelly Files, and I am sure it got some good TA. Leah didn’t miss a beat in her responses – clear and pointed. And at the same time, her wording was like an experienced spokesperson.
Mike, I would say you are the perfect addition to Leah’s crusade – talk about a dynamic duo! You undoubtedly learned a lot from your rigorous experience as the spokesman for the church, and now your abilities are being used against its crimes – what poetic justice.
“We Deliver What We Promise”
The single biggest lie told and promoted by L Con Tubbolard. The KEY lie to making tons of money off of suckered followers. The lie that people who still cling to scamology (in or out of the church) CANNOT yet confront. (or they wouldn’t still be scamologists)
+1! YEP!
Between the false attestations one is foced by LRH to do, there is the OTIII “fantastic” thing, since, as soon as you think no BT is still there and are sent to exam, the D of P takes you for an interview and explains you’ve got to make OTIII explanded… then you learn that’s the same exact tech as OTIII before. And later, you know what? You’re sent to NED for OTs… where you’ll have to treat BTs again and again till you are on the bizarre OTVIII level, a sort of L&N of past identities or valences or thetans or clusters if body thetans you could have fallen on during all your past auditions.
And this constant introversion into thinking that our thoughts and feelings are alien tortured beings drove L Ron Hubbard to madness.
It also brought my x wife to become a crazy homeless person.
Isn’t it simply insane, that L Ron Hubbard said that when you free BTs they become a clear.
How did Ron know that his alien make believe demons were clear?
Ron apologists and the Ron says people have quite an uphill climb out here.
Good news on the Kelly File interview. Leah is simply tearing them apart. Can hardly wait.
Some excellent comments today re delivery. I never had to redo anything, but would have balked at paying for it again and would have quoted that policy vehemently.
I worked in a West coast mission in the 70s that used “We Always Deliver What We Promise” as their only working/workable policy. If the auditor screwed up, s/he redelivered the session at no pay. The same went for the C/S. It worked beautifully.
Thegman you understand “We Deliver What We Promise” the COS does not. As an Independent auditor I
will not let a pc off a grade unless he can totally attest he has the E.P. and I can actually see it in his life.
I take responsibility to see the PC makes it. I would never lay that responsibility on a PC like the COS does.
No wonder anyone would think the COS is a scam.” Its your fault that you didn’t get it not ours sucker.”
The COS talks the talk but does not walk the walk.
Good man. You are one of a few ‘applying’ what is there to apply.
I attested clear and later on I was told I wasn’t. I decided then that I had failed and that I would wait until the next lifetime to get back on the bridge. It took me three decades and 10 years on staff to open my eyes. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I think Mike Rinder is doing an excellent job in sharing experiences and different points of view and in helping people understand the path they have been through. This possibility to share and communicate is precious.
Yes, Alex De Valera, Mike Rinder is providing an excellent service: this blog, where we ex-scientologists, in particular, can compare notes.
I read what you wrote twice (“I decided then that I had failed and that I would wait until the next lifetime to get back on the bridge”), and knew I had to respond. I just want to say I hear you, I feel for you, and sat in nearby trenches, head held high and always plugging forward.
We’re so much freer now. I have so much more hope now as a self ex-communicated bitter ex.
Fred G. Haseney
Nice clear write up.I wished I could have read your writeups when I was sitting on the fence slowly waking up
out of a cult induced upper status as a ot8 l10,l11,l12.
I had done it all.ktc,loc,you name it.
My cerificate induced selfrightousness had blown up.My abilities however not.
Not to say that the bridge is totally worthless.
Large parts of it are especially if they go on forever.
Sounds strange but part of blowing off the space cooties or whatever it was on nots(new ot5)were beneficial.
Blowing off space cooties between 250.000 to 525.000 was pure misery.
Looking back there is very little of what I learned that I can still use.
Only thing I can use is self determinism.But I already learned that from my grandma.Every monkey likes to peel his own banana.