Ah, the pride of a false sense of accomplishment!
My daughter and her OSA handlers put out this happy message of Christmas Cheer. “We Did It! I got my father fired.”
It is pretty incredible how blatantly they follow Hubbard’s dictates to cost “enemies” their jobs. Such a cheery “holiday” message from the “church” that believes “there was no Jesus” and that those who believe in him are the victims of psychs who “implanted” them.
Scientology claims they cost me my job, and they are proud of this. It’s not a true statement, but then again, most public utterances from scientology are not true. But it is remarkable how happy the thought of this makes them. Like everyone else in the world will agree that this is a “good thing” and a sterling accomplishment. Scientology lives in a bubble world of their own reality. Nothing pierces it.
To think that a daughter promoting “I got my father fired from his job” is something to announce to the world is hard to fathom. It’s illogical — it has nothing to do with “being the change for women” or “justice for mom”. They THINK it makes sense because what they are trying to do is prevent me from exposing abuses in scientology. It really has zero to do with getting “justice for mom” because that would entail a very different approach. If I was in fact a terrible abuser as she claims, then the thing to do would be a criminal prosecution. The Sheriff’s Department were there and reviewed the events (I called them to the scene, not Taryn or my ex-wife who stalked me). The Sheriff’s concluded there was “incidental contact” as I was trying to walk away from them and they pursued me. So much for a criminal prosecution…
And if they couldn’t get law enforcement to act, then why not bring a civil suit? Scientology has all the money and lawyers in the world to sue me? And I am not hiding from process servers like Miscavige is.
The simple answer is because it is all just a sham. They are using this as a vehicle to “do what Ron says”. And he says to shut down “enemies” by costing them their job.
So, if Hubbard says it and you can even falsely claim you did it, that is then something to be proud of.
Below is exactly what Hubbard directed OSA to do. It is contained in a writing entitled COUNTER ATTACK TACTICS.
Here are some pertinent sections where Hubbard lays out what he expects of the Intelligence Bureau (see: Ideal Scene), his direction on how to remove these enemies (Bright Idea) and his “laws” on the subject (Evolved Operating Principles) and then the steps to take (Plan). The objective is to cause attackers to lose their job so they will be “muzzled.” Emphasis is mine:
IDEAL SCENE: (For Information Bureau) Attackers against Scientology located and removed from their positions of power so that Scientology can get on with it. And any threat of attack restrained, leaving Scientology a clear field.
These persons can always lose their jobs. These jobs, permitting them power to destroy, are valuable to them. This is A POINT OF VULNERABILITY.
If the person’s job is also not valuable to him or if he cannot be made to cost his job, something can be found which he is seeking to protect and it can be threatened.
D. Where A and C fail, use B.
(a) Wherever an attack is in progress (and even when being held off by counter-propaganda from PR or actions from Legal) at once swiftly draw up a precise program using Intelligence principles and cross filing to isolate the attacker.
(b) Identify the instigator.
(c) When identified or even suspected as the instigator, draw up a project which includes at least three channels to cost him his job.
(d) Draw up a second project at once to survey and discover what the person really is defending and threaten it effectively.
(e) Execute the projects rapidly.
(f) On achieving success inform PR so that PR can call off the PR counterattack and capitalize on any information gained if it does not expose Intelligence.
(g) Inform legal so Legal can replan and utilize the information also gained to mop up.
NOTE: Intelligence in these regards is not feeding PR and Legal as the only fruit of its endeavors. It is OPERATING INDEPENDENTLY of these two functions with ITS OWN PRODUCT: I.E. A DISMISSED ATTACKER or its secondary product: a totally restrained and muzzled attacker.
It could not be clearer.
And they are announcing it to the world.
I have written more extensively on this line of attack. If you have not read these earlier posts, I think you will find them interesting:
I suspect the sense of accomplishment OSA feels is going to be short lived….
My condolences, Mike.
There is no such thing as a father, mother, or child in Scientology.
We are all ageless spiritual beings playing games on planet earth whether we know it or not.
A thetan is not male or female, can’t have a husband, wife, or child, except by decision. ( “consideration” )
Therefore it’s a simple thing to dismiss or attack a family member. They’re just thetans in bodies which have similar DNA.
She may even be glad to have the apparency of familial relationship to you so as to use this WOG device to attack an SP. She’s hoping being “your daughter” gives her lies credibility.
It’s impossible to really convey to the non-cult world the panoramic truth that children raised IN the SO were raised BY the SO.
And thus, they have no family, they have the third and fourth dynamics and a planet to clear.
I’m sorry, Mike. I thought all this stuff too. I was this indoctrinated and my decisions in life reflected this.
She can do this because she only knows this.
you already know this…… You’re second gen yourself.
Love and peace.
And I’m still a Jedi Night…. I mean Knight.
Dear Mike , I know what the Sea Org kool aid tastes like so wasn’t too surprised Taryn might do this.Thanks for sharing such a personal moment in your life.
I’m so sorry. Such evilness and so many followers.
This is beyond a foot bullet,, It’s pure self destruction on their part. Just gives me further cause to assume that DM is intent on creating and maintaining an enemy line for reasons best known to himself and his ‘seniors’ ,,, Completely un-intellighent from a brand perspective.
Ironic that this was done at the behest of someone (Miscavige) that wouldn’t hesitate to physically assault, imprison and torture anyone in the C of S who did not comply with the order to get Mike Rinder’s daughter to make this hatchet job video.
ACTUALLY Scott is an unbreakable order by Hubtard.
Mike, for whatever is going on behind the scenes, l’m sorry. You and your lovely wife are good people who have gone through so much to stand my their truth. And it must cut to the quick to see what your offspring has turned into. The perfect automaton for scn. With the bold pronouncement of this type, l have to juxtapose it with the sad, woe is me face shown to the public when the MeToo movement was in the media and she sided up with them to off-load her brand of Bandini onto the world. Most “normal” people will look at this dancing on the grave move of hers and think “whack job”. The show had and has far reaching consequences, and she played right into them.
Merry Christmas Taryn, you just found yourself as poster child for the delusional cult member. SCN is not the only way to happiness now or finding yourself anymore. Sorry. So many other paths have opened up that don’t involve bankrupting yourself or surrendering your common sense. Or take joy in making another person’s life miserable while you scream foul from the high test mountain tops if you get half a chance. Grow up.
You just PROVED everything all the detractors have said and have the documentation for. Great PR move there girl!
Mike, l’d five you a hug if l could. You and your whole family. You have more supporters than they have members. Just take care of you and yours, the rest will fall into place.
They did all this to stop the Aftermath from exposing their crimes. so, obviously more “Aftermath” or something like it is needed.
Maybe a Crusade like the Church did earlier, except with signs asking “Where’s Shelley”? “Where’s Heber?”.
I would love to be a part of that. I worked on Crusades for the cult.
Maybe I should be glad they do not consider me a high level defector.
Otherwise you would see reports of people celebrating my demise. (My imminent Death was predicted and actions were taken by the Church to ensure my demise. They very nearly suceeded.)
Mike, pay no attention to this cr@p, you are leading the good life and winning.
What Spike just said, Mike! “The best revenge is living well”. You are out of the cult and free AND you’re “flourishing and prospering”. That has to be killing them – LOL!
IMO, anyone who has escaped this cult is winning by virtue of the fact they are no longer suffering in a life of slavery and they are free to make their own life choices instead of living in fear of the Gestapo-like Sec Checking of which most members must live in fear.
Ugh! What a horrible dirty rotten way to fall into a waste of life.
If anyone reading this knows of anyone who is associated with this horrible scam, please let them know The Aftermath Foundation exists and will provide help to people who want to escape.
i don’t believe any sane person entertained the notion even for a second that the end of Scientology and the Aftermath’s run on A&E was due to Mike Rinder having been “fired” and the show “cancelled.” i haven’t checked the stats but, i’d bet the show got A&E all kinds of views they otherwise wouldn’t have gotten, such an amazing and engaging show… award-winning, popular amongst just everybody. i remember during season 1, mentioning to old friends “hey, have you seen this new show on A&E…” and they all answer “yeah, I’ve been watching, it is crazy!” everyone from buddies from school to my mom and dad to randoms at work, everybody watched and everybody was engaged. scientology isn’t fooling anybody that isn’t pulling the wool over their own eyes with this
Lies and sleaze and baseless attacks is all the Der Shortendorker has left in its arsenal. He’s a tiny yappy toothless dog barking incessantly through the closed doors of his of his little kennel.
On a side note regarding Shelly: I believe more strongly than ever that she knows he’s gay (also my view) and that he CANNOT ALLOW it to get out more than anything else so she’s kept locked away. The damage to his ego would be shattering and could drive more of the sheepbots away and (what a pleasant thought) possibly drive $camology off the high crumbling cliffs of extinction and oblivion.
OMG! Kronomex…. My husband & I were in tears laughing at your comment Der Shortendorker!!! Epically funny & suits the little shite to a tee!!!
I’be been leaning awhile on that same theory with re: to Shelly! I wish so badly that she would bust right out… Like “I’m here! Save me” or “I’m here. Leave me alone.”
How sickening and what a bad PR for the church! It reminds me of the children brainwashed by ISIS. Just pure evil, no style whatsoever, that is what the c of s is all about today. Mike Rinder i know it is tough but bear with it, one day your child will be free. My love and my best thoughts to you
Hi Mike…
To me, my family & friends who’ve watch The Aftermath series’ you, Leah and ALL the survivors are heroes to us! Not one person I’ve spoken with believes for a moment that you were “fired” by A&E. Each & EVERY one of you are inspirations to us in our own lives! Lives of folks who’ve never even remotely knew just how manipulative and monstrous a so called “church” could be. I hope you realize with your entire heart that people like us are out here for you! Your wife and boys are SOOO lucky to have a father such as yourself! Having said that I know how difficult it must be to have your own flesh & blood find cause and the TIME (so many better things to do in life) to assault you verbally, emotionally and mentally at every turn! Just remind yourself that it’s for their own “fair game” and makes them look horrid in others’ opinions.
In closing, I wish you Godspeed in all your endeavors. Peace & love to your family!!
I can barely imagine how it must get to you at times.
*Raises Hand* (Get’s called on)
Uh, Mr Hubbard, instead of wasting so much time on these hateful destructive activities, wouldn’t it be easier to show the world the value of what you’re preaching? You know, like Jesus did – healing the sick, feeding the hungry – He seemed to have convinced a lot of people because here we are 2000 years later and he still has a lot of followers. Wouldn’t that be better than spending our time trying to ruin others?
For instance hold a demonstration of the power “clears” have.
Or maybe have a small group of OT VIII’s run out to Jim Cantore while he’s covering a Hurricane and have them dissipate it just as it’s making landfall.
Don’t you think this would advance our beliefs so much more than trying to hurt people?
I’m sorry, what? . . . . Sure I’d be glad to go with these burly looking gentlemen . . . . maybe we can pick this back up tomorrow?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I won’t be coming back tomorrow? What about the next day? Wait a minute, mmmmetmegommm. Unmmmmandmemmm.
This is outrageous on a whole new level. It boggles the mind that a group of people could do this.
I think the lady(mikes daughter) is the biggest victim and the biggest loser in this whole thing.
Her life revolves around all this stuff and its a fantasy. What the church or higher ups are making her do is wretched.
May god have mercy on their souls and may god bless mike and his daughter.
The aftermath foundation was made for just this type of person(someone being manipulated by the church)
Now that the Church of Scientology has posted this video, I can send e-mails to the women’s groups Taryn tried to infiltrate and use for Scientology’s true purposes.
This video confirms Taryn cynically used rape survivors and Gretchen Carlson to accomplish a goal that had nothing to do with rape survivors or the #MeToo movement.
USC’s Dr. Cecil “Chip” Murray was also cynically used in the campaign against Aftermath.
The real story is now out. Scientology has openly admitted what it was really doing. I’m already preparing a companion piece to Mike’s article for my blog.
Awesome! Thank you, Jeffrey Augustine!
Now, this is a brilliant idea! Thank you for your efforts in setting the record straight. I agree that this video is proof of Scientology’s false purposes in using rape survivor and women’s rights groups in an attempt to bring harm to Mike Rinder. What incenses me the most is that false accusations like the ones against Mike Rinder demean and minimize the real pain that many women have endured from real abuse. I may be a “never in,” but as a woman, feminist, and staunch supporter of truth, I appreciate your efforts to expose the fraud.
It is a true testimony to the “TECH” of Scientology that a girl Taryn, born and bred in the cult can be turned into a hater of her own father.
Taliban Scientology.
Yes, Karen! She who was once an innocent, trusting child, born and bred in the cult and knowing as well if not better than anyone what goes on there, a soon to be middle aged woman who probably more than anything in her heart of hearts yearns for her father’s (not to mention her mother’s, who is right there on the base with her) love and support and understanding – yet turned into this – person who hates her father. It is tragic.
By the way, I promised not to be insulting to Taryn out of respect for Mike, and have mostly kept my word, but full disclosure: Calling someone a “person” can sometimes be an insult in Wasp Land ( where I grew up). In WL, there are times when one would not want to be referred to as a “person”. Sort of how Southerners can sometimes say, “Bless your heart” and mean it kindly, or possibly, at other times, something quite different.
Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, head of Stalin’s secret police said, “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.”
I’m so sorry this is happening to you, Mike. I pray that after a time, your children will wake up and see what’s really going on. I’m so happy that you have Christie and the kids.
The best revenge is a life well lived.
THIS! Yes!
So happy you are blessed with a great new life, and grateful for all you are doing.
Mike, I am sorry this has happened to you. I listened to the John Sweeney recording of the attack on you by your ex-wife, daughter, brother and others. I also read over the reports from that day. You Mike Rinder are far from being a wife beater!!!!!! I don’t know what it will take for your daughter and son to wake up and see the truth, but I pray it happens!!!!
Continue to love her as your child but not as the hate filled adult she has been programmed to be. Continue hold out hope but do not build your dreams on it. Continue to love your wife and boys and put your hopes and dreams into your relationship with them. Get up each morning filled with love and look to the future not to the past.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ― Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches
Omg, omg, omg. OMG!
Please God and all the patron saints of diplomacy, send me the self control I need right now!
This article…how do I say this? – this article presses EVERY button on the console.
I’m brimming with covertly hostile sarcastic retorts and itching to lob them right over the net to this…person.
But I won’t. She’s your daughter, Mike. And underneath my personal fury and resentment at the lies, the injustice and cruelty of her actions, underneath how I happen to be reacting, I know that you…love her. And understand her. Her, and the whole fucked up situation.
Mike, THANK YOU for sharing this. Its all part of what you do; getting the truth out there.
One day , Taryn Rinder Teutsch will awaken from her dream bubble world. She will wake up to the truth. In horror. It will be rough for her then. Very rough. When this happens she will be fortunate indeed if you are still alive, so that she can come to you for forgiveness. This will help her, somewhat. Not much, but somewhat. What she doesn’t know is that you’ve already forgiven her. One day she’ll realize this too and unfortunately that will make it even rougher for her to forgive herself.
In my little imaginary “perfect world” Mike rents one of those flying signs.
“Taryn, I forgive you. Love, Dad.”
You know it would irk her to the highest degree (now) but somewhere down the road she might actually shed a tear over her Dad’s generosity of spirit towards her.
PLENTY of tears, Phillip. A river, and it won’t help. Because its not her father whose forgiveness she’ll desperately need, its her own. Once she realizes what she’s done, if she’s a good, decent person at her core, which I believe she is, then she’ll be swamped with guilt, shame, self-blame and frantic regret. Furthermore, overwhelm like this doesn’t dissipate when the person one has wronged says, “Don’t worry, don’t blame yourself, you didn’t know, you couldn’t help it, it wasn’t your fault.” Uh uh. Nope. Once self awareness and integrity to oneself kicks in, someone ELSE’S forgiveness does not necessarily cut it. Its that “Man In The Mirror” thing that Michael Jackson sang about. Truly, I pity Taryn and I say that without a shred of sarcasm.
That is the face of a tabula rasa robot in hiberbnation mode.
Only Miscavige would think a girl celebrating getting her father fired would be good PR for any group or “church”. This is nothing but BAD PR for Scientology and yet another huge foot bullet. This girl was born into the Sea Org and wouldn’t know her ass from a hole in the wall. She knows that she is lying. She was sent with her mother and a half dozen other Sea Org members, from California, to ambush Mike when he was in Clearwater. Mike was coming out of a doctors office where his wife was getting a check up during her pregnancy. The gang of Sea Org members assaulted Mike by screaming curses while Mike’s ex-wife tried to take his keys out of his car. That is how she scraped her arm. Mike’s daughter also knows that her own mother was kept in The Hole at the international base for over a year. She allows herself to be a tool of Miscavige and his cult because is brainwashed and fully controlled by others. Very sad. I hope every Scientologist gets to see this disgusting reflection of what Scientology has become.
Ive lost 2 jobs due to these tactics. Lies and. Deciet unfortunetly our gov supports this dirty dogma.they are/were holding an ocupational lic I had with the city for 25 years.on a false narritive They have been &still R destroying my livleyhood to render me homeless. Now through noise pollution.&a caoitic circus street theater surrounding my small property .I have no were to go.but eat thier dirty shit.
Mike I am so sorry Taryn is doing this. I’m sure it is very painful for you. I wish she would understand that you are her safe place to fall should she choose to leave. But I imagine she has a lot to lose like you did when you left.
Mike had little left to lose when he left. The Dwarfenschnorker had already taken it all.
Today’s post brought to mind something Mike said in one of the episodes of Aftermath.
He said words to the effect, “There is one word that characterizes The Squirt more than any other and that word is, “cruelty”.
After reading what Hubtard wrote about how best to make use hatred, it seems pretty clear to me just where The Little Rat learned how best to operate and how to run this cult. With any luck, he will continue to run it into the ground until such time as it become entirely subterranean. In that way, we will no longer have to see it or smell its stench.
I’d like to say more. But I have come to the conclusion that it simply is not worth spending any time talking about this cult so long as there is anything better to do and … today is a lovely day – so I’m going to go out for a walk and enjoy the crisp winter air and sunshine.
Best wishes to all and to all a good night!
Sorry to have to endure hearing these things from your own family…
Goebbels would be insulted. The Cherch of $cientology does some of the worst attack propaganda, transparently lame, over-the-top sensational misrepresentation and deception. But we can be thankful for that. I’m not sure even Scilons would believe it, it is so outrageously twisted and ludicrous.
Good job CoS. Great work. Keep it up.
Goebbels is a 73 million year old body thetan of miscavige which is now in his head as a twin.
By the way: the similarity of both is really astonishing. In character and statue.
Also fascinating is the similarities of Hubbard and Trump.
The best description of narcissists is written in the SP courses. These narcistic personalities are really dangerous.
Here we go again. (joke – lol – 😆)
I doubt that even the Scilions believe it.ppp.
I knew that a lot of them were lyin cockaroaches when I was still in the SO.
On the Staff Notice Board of the Freewinds in around 1995 there was a “Confession” posted there by Jenny Lowe, then a CMO staff member Jenny looked to be about 14 and the confession wasl all about 2D stuff like her enjoying pain when having sex. I was about 35 years old and it seemed that my eyes were a little too tender to read the whole thing.
It was witnessed
by the COCMO Ship Jennifer Rostig (Scott Campbell refers to her as ” Roast Pig” Alpers. It looked as if most of it was made up.p
In my opinion, Mike’s daughter actually believes the things she’s saying. That doesn’t justify her propagating these lies, and allowing herself to be manipulated, but it is a factor in dealing with cult members.
Dave — I am sure you are right. The mentality of the Sea Org is all she has ever known. Anything that does not comport with that mindset is dismissed as rantings of SPs and fake news.
Sad that she believes the lies, Mike. I’m sorry you are going through this. Would suing her for slander be out of the question?
I admire your courage and determination. I know in your head you know why she believes this but it must still Hurt in your heart. I’m sorry for the pain you must still have. Glad you are living your best life now😊
She knows what happened the day of the incident because she was there.
She knows her mother was not grievously wounded. She knows 7 Sea Org members followed Mike to the parking lot and instigated the attack.
She knows this is not “justice” for her mother.
She knows this “campaign” is paid for by the Co$ – or she at least knows she is not paying for it.
She knows but is too afraid to admit she knows
In her heart she knows all of this. The tragedy is that from infancy, unquestioning obedience to orders is baked into her personality. and character. And no less a tragedy is the fact that Taryn is not doing ANYTHING that ANY Still In (in good standing) would NOT do. Any one of them would viciously and publicly malign and attack a parent, child, loved one or friend, as ordered by Miscavige and the cult. The ONLY reason there aren’t a lot more “Taryns” is the low profiles of those disconnected from. Mike Rinder, together with Leah Remini, are high profile dissenters. Make no mistake, Taryn could be anyone’s kid, anyone here, or on Tony’s or elsewhere whose speaking out was high profile enough to “impinge” negatively on the cult.
I now have more reality on the saying, “To err is human, to forgive divine.” I don’t have children, but I cannot imagine dealing with the pain of a daughter or son doing this to me, or, knowing that, upon being ordered, he or she could, and would do this to me. Wow.
My wife’s adult daughter disconnected from my wife two years ago and it had nothing to do with any type of belief. The daughter got in financial difficulties and my wife bailed her out. The daughter was skating on repaying and I think my wife got too accusatory about it. They’ve also had some other issues but maybe the point I’m making is that family or blood ties don’t always prevail.
At least the daughter’s reasons for disconnecting are all in her head and not tied to some religious or cult beliefs so hopefully at some time she’ll soften up and reconsider .
She’ll “reconsider” when or if she pays her mother back what she owes her as they agreed.
You see, this is why I like dogs, Richard. You can commit the unpardonable sin of helping them, and they’ll still love you 🙂
David Miscavige hates that you escaped. He hates that you are smarter, that you have a new family, that you are doing well, that you have friends. He hates that you have a successful blog, that you are an Opinion Leader regarding Scientology and that you know so much, also about him. He hates it that you are analyzing him and his doings and his failours.
He hates it that you formed a powerful team with Leah Remini and that “Scientology and the Aftermath” was so successful, very effectively informing the public at large about him and the COS.
Of course, the coward doesn’t dare to challenge you in the open but instead is using your own daughter as an attack dog via OSA to hurt you somehow. He is not the “Big Being” he is pretending to be in his cult-show but just a pathetic little man. If he wouldn’t be so vicious, he would give reason to pity.
Hello Pluvo. You display some very good insight. I would like to add some remarks about his mindset – the kind of mindset that enables him to behave in the way he does.
Of course it must wrankle him to no end that Mike escaped and that this punk was too inept to be able to hang on to Mike because he was one of the most capable slaves he ever had.
Mike was able to accomplish a huge amount of shit that Mr. Pinhead wanted him to accomplish. When Mike escaped, the pinhead lost his most capable slave. I can’t believe that he ever found anyone else who could accomplish his hateful escapades as well as Mike could.
In fact, I would guess he must have thought about how his stupid and hateful escapades must have contributed to Mike finally realizing just what a waste of life this crazy cult was.
Seems so clear that it was all his crazy bullshit that caused Mike to escape and the same goes for many other high functioning executives that MisterCabbage has driven out of the cult – either by his own cruelty or his own stupidity.
It is to laugh!
Pluvo, what a great comment you made. Spot on!
Superb comment, Pluvo. Right on the nose, I think. “Of course, the coward doesn’t dare to challenge you in the open…”
I just had the thought that Taryn isn’t doing anything that any Sea Org member would not do, if so ordered by Miscavige.
What Mike’s daughter is doing is not exclusively a Sea Org thing, I think.
Any Still In, be he or she Cl V org staff or public, would immediately obey and viciously, untruthfully and publicly attack anyone, if Miscavige gave the order to do so.
Miscavige hates his loss of control of another human being
Yes, he is a heartless, vicious, vengeful sociopath. Makes me wish I believed in Hell. Makes me wish there really were a Hell, with everlasting fire and so forth, waiting for him when he dies.
Makes me wonder how anyone could be filled with so much hate. What we’re observing emanating from Miscavige is pure evil. How does a supposedly vulnerable and innocent baby get born, and then grow up and become…this? So much hate. How is it possible? Just a Bad Seed, maybe…I don’t know. I really just don’t know.
From a “never in’s” point of view…..Mike & Chris were FOLLOWED by his former wife & her COS hounds in an effort to confront him during what was a PERSONAL visit to a physician all done on PRIVATE PROPERTY.
The entire scenario was filmed..with his former wife screaming at him at the top of her lungs…to try to embarrass Mike when all she accomplished was to entirely embarrass herself.
As noted by Mike “The Sheriff’s concluded there was “incidental contact” as I was trying to walk away from them and they pursued me. So much for a criminal prosecution”…..what his former wife did was basically throwing herself in front of a moving train & then try to sue because she herself “brought on accidental contact with the train”.
Ahhh….Taryn….a sad angry daughter punishing daddy for abandoning her & mommy & her brother because Mike HAD ENOUGH of COS & wanted out…& as we all know…his former wife & kids were NOT going to LEAVE no matter what. No doubt she would have reported Mike on a Knowledge Report & he would have been sent to “the hole” or to a lock up in another country.
Anyone remember SHELLY MISCAVIGE…no doubt Mike Rinder would have been placed right next to her…wherever the HELL THAT IS….
Bring on more AFTERMATH….PLEASE.
Hey there Balletlady.
I just want to echo your sentiments, “Bring on more AFTERMATH….PLEASE.”
The subject of all the criminal cults active in America is surely worth some kind of permanent TV progam that shines light on how they operate and serves to convince parents to explain to their children how important it is for them to avoid any and all contact with any of these crazy cults.
Surely it would be worth having a dedicated TV program that shines a light on all of the crazy criminal cults that operate in America today.
And I can’t think of anyone better to host such a program than Mike and Leah.
I hope and pray someone will soon initiate another season of a program similar to Aftermath.
You tell it, Balletlady!
They did all this to stop the Aftermath from exposing their crimes. so, obviously more “Aftermath” or something like it is needed.
Maybe a Crusade like the Church did earlier, except with signs asking “Where’s Shelley”? “Where’s Heber?”.
I would love to be a part of that. I worked on Crusades for the cult.
Maybe I should be glad they do not consider me a high level defector.
Otherwise you would see reports of people celebrating my demise. (My imminent Death was predicted and actions were taken by the Church to ensure my demise. They very nearly suceeded.)
My Dear Skyler & Bill
Every time I knew the Aftermath…including the reruns, was going to be on A & E…I prepared a snack ahead of time & cozied up to watch, listen, and take notes. I watched several times each episode in case I “missed something”.
Hearing Mary Kahn say “they owned me”…OMG…I cried…the look of pain on her face was unbearable to watch. Seeing the last few days a mother was living while battling her illness, then to finally HAVE her daughter at her side before she died…more tears.
Each story brought out more and more of the horrors of being part of this so called “religion”..like Ramina said “no church should separate families”…yet many DO just that.
Mike damned well knew what was going to happen to him IF he willingly returned to “the fold”…punishment…a beating, locked up, sent away. Yet his “former wife” obviously KNEW something like that would happen & SHE WANTED TO STAY IN & keep their kids in as well.
To me, I STILL can’t believe the4 LEGAL AUTHORITES did not PUSH to SEE Shelly M…WTF???…seriously…take the WORD of someone from COS that she “wants to be left alone”…..Yeah sure, like Lisa McPherson “wanted to be left alone…….to die”….
We damned well know that Heber will be “gone” and no one will be told…..like Mike’s mother’s passing away…he had to hear it from SOMEONE ELSE?
Mike’s now adult children’s minds have been poisoned against him by their own mother & her “cohorts”…like the ones who accompanied her when she confronted Mike in the Dr’s office parking lot. Obviously, SHE purposely advanced herself in close proximity to Mike so she WOULD have something to “show how abusive he is”….a “badge of honor”.
A FOOL, she is an utter & complete Fool…Karma is a bitch…one day everything Is going to come crashing down……the RATS will desert the ship….the cockroaches will ALL run to cover their own asses…..BUT by then David Miscavige will be SAFELY IN A COUNTRY WITH NO EXTRADTIION TREATY…LIVING A LIFE OF LUXURY ON MONEY he’s got in dozens of secret bank accounts….
What would be if it could be that is needed…MORE AFTERMATH….more people to step forward….like Bill & Skyler so many others…PLEASE A & E…DON’T GIVE UP.
BTW TARYN…YOUR DAD…MIKE RINDER…DID NOT GET FIRED….It’s so embarrassing that you’ve made such a FALSE accusation…you must feel so stupid.
I agree totally about the incident that took place in the parking lot at the doctors office. Sadly, a group from co$ flew from California to Florida to stalk and harass Mike. Lucky Mike was on the phone talking to reporter John Sweeney and the whole incident was recorded. It wasn’t just his ex-wife, daughter and brother Andrew but others, including a High ranking official of the “cherch”. Jenny Devoch could also be heard screaming and yelling at Mike using verbiage that would embarrass a sailor. The 6 minutes were recorded and can be easily found by anyone. The bullshit keeps building for co$.
Mike spent a spell in ” the hole” prior to his departure from the “cherch”. The little dictator lost the best when Mike cut ties. Mike deserves the best, he deserves the happy life he has now. And thank you Mike for continuing to educate people about the abuse and negativity in co$.
Poor Mike.
Now how can we help to get you a job?
I’m not someone easily insulted. Most of the time, aspersions thrown in my direction are too stupid to warrant comment. But there’s one thing that peeves me no end–getting my intelligence insulted. Now that exasperates me like nothing else. Touche Taryn, touche.
As a group, I don’t think Scios are inherently stupid, but they do genuinely believe their own crap. Taryn’s tortuously twisted PR spin is a glittering example. Is it wishful thinking? Delusion? Mindless adherence to Hubbard’s crackpot policies? All of the above?
When I was a scientologist in the 1970s I was aware that there are was a branch of the organization called the Guardians Office. It seemed logical that any large organization would want to defend itself from attacks or false allegations. Little did I know the extent to which it went.
On Aftermath 3 I thought one of the most powerful and easily understandable criticisms of scientology was, “What type of church tries to attack and destroy its critics?”
Sorry you’re daughter is suppressive. I am sure it’s hard on you! Here’s hoping that someday she will see the light, family wise…..
My heart so goes out to you as I read this vicious paean of lies, obviously intended to wound you, the perceived “enemy” of Co$. Their twisting of a father’s love for his child into a soulless pantheon of Hubbardian Fair Gaming but reaffirms the inhumanity everpresent in this ruthless cult of enslavement.
Scant consolation, I know, but still true today, for you and the other ex-sci Heroes of the Heart speaking out for truth and justice, is the echo of our words as we stood on the grounds of the Washington Monument, a hundred thousand strong against the war in Vietnam, our voices joined as one:
“The Whole World is Watching, The Whole World is Watching…”
It is indeed as today our hearts join with yours.
…and the cruelty of getting your daughter to be complicit in a crime like this video. Scientology is not only a very cruel religion, it’s an absolute truth that one can count on it to lie.
Have to say I got such satisfaction reading your last line. 🙂
Well Mike, there’s little left for you to do except keep on living a happy life with your beautiful wife and children…sigh. It just has to frost your ex’s buns go know you are doing so well and she’s left to carrying DM’s script of lies.
(Is this one of those POW things your daughter is doing?)
We are in the age of the false victim. This is not to say there are not real victims, as there are plenty. The false victims not only attempt to destroy the lives of others who do not deserve to be targets of their vitriolic screeching, but they also do a disservice to the real victims. Scientologists seem to have forgotten the pronouncements of their own founder regarding this very phenomena. Or maybe they just misunderstood and thought it all meant they were supposed to play the victim when it serves their purposes.
Scientology has totally sick, twisted non-values. She considers herself “blessed’ because her father is not in the same job. WOW.
There is no doubt now that Scientology is a Satanic cult. Satan perverts “blessings” into curses. The OSA “technology” are methods to form and enforce curses. Hubbard was such a fool. He is using ancient evil methods and bringing them to use in his ‘religion”.
She is Miscavige’s puppet, the Mean Girl Charlie McCarthy that he’s put out there to wound Mike. When I watch and listen to her I get the concept of an angry, spiteful child in an adult female body; a furious little girl doing her brave best to fool everybody and be tough and not cry, in the body of a middle aged woman.
A daughter is proud that she allegedly helped get her father fired? And she clearly has no scruples about lying. She is indicting herself and her miserable cult. The proof is right there. Scientology creates delusional, disfunctional people.
Aftermath was a complete success. An award winning show.
All the more reason to expose an organization that creates cannon fodder to senselessly attack its enemy’s.
This is sick.
Season 4? Bring it on!
Any corporate CO$ shout of ‘victory’ should be taken with a truck load of salt.
The CCHR claims to have had hundreds of ‘psychs’ fired or criminally charged.
The Way to Happiness clowns claim to have reduced crime rates by huge percentages.
NarCONon claims a better than 70% success rate.
Criminon doesn’t seem to exist in any real sense, anywhere. On very rare occasions you might see a testimonial from some current or former convict extolling that program, but it is just window dressing for some trying to ride that into early parole.
Youth For Human Rights gets an occasional meeting with some clerk at some 3rd world county and counts it as a ‘victory’ for them.
All of the front groups are just following in Lron’s footsteps. Like that time Lron escaped Borneo with Japanese machine gun bullets in him. Or that time he was Commodore of Corvettes in the Atlantic Sub war. Or that time he sunk 2 Japanese submarines near Washington state. Or that time he and a Coast Guard officer talked the ‘nuke lee ar’ scientists from taking over the US government.
Blowhards have to blow hard, otherwise everyone ignores them.