The latest not to be shared email about the events in PAC next week.
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014
From: AOLA <[email protected]>
Subject: – From:JIMMY BENNETTDear Xxxxx,
Please let me know that you are coming to the Grand Opening of the AOLA and ASHO.
This is on the 1st of March 14. The time that it is looking to be at is around 1:00 PM.
It was going to be at 6pm but its possible that it may change to 1 pm.
Keep your ears open for the final time.
Jimmy Bennett
Confirm your attendance even though we cannot tell you WHEN it will be. Do you need a babysitter or not? Dinner? Lunch? Anything else at all happening on Saturday? Don’t worry about all those MEST considerations. Just make it go right (like we aren’t able to do to even give a time) and BE THERE.
And by the way, keep your ears open. So you can hear more announcements about how we don’t know when it is really going to be.
Miscavige’s personal staff are desperately trying to finalize his pedicure, massage, tanning bed session and TV watching schedule for that day and when they get that nailed down and presented to him and he has approved it he will then let everyone know when he will be available to appear before the adoring masses to re-re-cut the ribbon and bask in the glory he so rightly deserves as the leader of the fastest growing religion in history. There is also the problem of when they can get permission to close off the street and erect a barrier so none of the unwashed can get a glimpse of His Awesomeness. And scheduling the armed guards, bomb-sniffing dogs and armored vehicles to ensure His safety (after all, Pope’s have to have protection).
Oooooh. The anticipation. The excitement. It’s almost palpable. Dear Leader is making an appearance in PAC.
Prepare to be underwhelmed.
Mike et al – my understanding is that, along with making ASHO and AOLA “Ideal Orgs,” they were also set up with the latest in video and audio surveillance equipment. Maybe that’s the reason they’re ideal to his lordship, the Pope. (no offense to the real Pope and to Catholics worldwide.)
Well, if you can’t postulate when it’s going to happen, then you’re not OT material!
Lol Mike!!
Be prepared to be underwhelmed. Yep.
As an aside, who says; “This is on the 1st of March 14.”
I can’t recall anyone ever saying “it’s on the 12th of April 63. Small point but rather odd.
On another note It seems Bruce Wiseman has changed his name.
Is this him or not?
It’s him. Its one of the pseudonyms he writes under.
“Who’s on the design of this ribbon! It too thick! It can’t be Valentine’s Red, who the hell got this ribbon, it’s out, get the right ribbon!!!! Why wasn’t I shown the ribbon earlier!!”
“Where’s Lou! Lou, the ribbon is, it’s too wide and looks like a Valentine ribbon! Get it fixed!”
He said.
“Keep your ears open for the final time”… as your brain slowly shuts down.
A little off topic, but here’s a group of individuals who are really helping their communities:
Dave Eggers: My wish: Once Upon a School #TED :
The funny thing is – Mike you will find out what time it really is before any of the members do! God Bless your moles!! Excellent work everyone. You are suppressing Scientology and Captain Miscavige. Well done … continue!!
I am much more interested in the photo that you used for this article than I am in another reopening of AO and ASHO. Who are those two???
Thinking about it though… If we clear the word “re-opening” it means “to open again”. In order to open something it must be closed. Now it’s at least starting to make sense… I worked at ASHO for some years across the street from the AO and I knew a fair amount about both orgs.
I guess, in a sense, both orgs have been, by and large, closed for some time; primarily closed through the implementation of a few dozen arbitrary policies and directives… the primary ones being directives and policies that alter the real importances of Dianetics and Scientology.
There have been times where the subject of Scientology really thrived. (Oh! The good ol’ days!) During those times, the wins of pcs and auditors were what was most important, and you heard these every single day. In every staff member there was hope and a sense of purpose that made being on staff a pleasure.
Now, though, and for a very, very long time; those things have taken a far back seat to bake sales, talent shows, casino nights, event attendance and IAS and building donations (note please that I have listed these in pretty much a correct order of actual value. I think that an occasional cupcake or talent show might of some actual benefit to someone.)
So, there will someday, I hope, be an actual grand re-opening of all these orgs. But it won’t be to listen to a boring speech about new furniture to numb, half hypnotized attendees. I hope that, one day, DM just walks, crawls, limps, runs or is gurneyed away. When that occurs, everyone at Int is going to probably just blankly stare at the walls for a bit, but then they’ll wake up, one by one.
I know that by the time I left staff I was so, so, so tired of no wins for anyone with real Scientology. I was so tired of the pretenses that we were validating as real. I can’t but think that all the staff still in are also so tired. Such a heart wrenching experience for any staff member to look at nearly empty academies and auditing rooms. But they still stick with it due to their programming to be dutiful and respect Command Intention, no matter how crazy.
The Sea Org always had this reputation for “tough and unreasonable”. I always objected to that, even as I was a part of it. For that, by some, I was thought to be a theetie wheetie. But now, I think, we’ve let that stable datum run it’s full course. DM and friends have been the ultimate in tough and unreasonable for so long that the orgs have become tough and uncaring and are unable to reason, only able to demand. A life lived that way is not worth living. I remember living that way and hating it. I think we all remember that. I think that those in it are hating it, but I also think that they are not giving up, in a way, and I think that, when this tyrant steps down, or is dragged down, there will be kinder beings who step up to run that show.
When the whole debacle that occurred in 82-83 went down; I stuck with the orgs rather than go to the field for two reasons: I figured the old man was still in charge of the church and that he was the sharpest tack in the box and knew better than anyone. I also figured the most important stats were WDAHs and Auditor Course Completions. And I knew that, even though it was not so good then, that a lot of the orgs were still managing some of these; I figured that there might be more good in a badly managed group that was still getting things done than there would be in the field. So, I thought that I was in the greater good.
But, if I were staff now and really did a doubt formula in looking at the stats of WDAHs and paid comps today, I think I’d turn blue and die. There’s just so little auditing and training in the orgs these days. So, being a staff member in this day and age has got to be a very sad thing to be.
(I am rambling here… a lot of this seems a bit disjointed. Just wanted to say, I still hope!)
Unfortunately WDAH became Sec Check hours! It’s all about suppression now
Dan Locke, no, you’re not rambling. You’re correct. And also know that there is an implant about “you made a promise.” and “got to keep your promise” and “honor and integrity”. These implants were done long ago on the track so that it would keep thetans trapped and onboard working for the suppressives. So I think that the SO members who are still there have that implant in restim and are dramatizing it. And maybe Davie keeps it in restim.
With a cult becoming more and more concerned with secret information and leaks, the next step is they will begin sending different versions of the same email with changes to wording to find the leaks. This email looks exactly like one of those.
“The time that it is looking to be at is around 1:00 PM.” What an odd wording!
I haven’t been following this blog as much lately, but has anyone else considered this possibility?
Perhaps you could change some of the wordings of these, Mike, to protect sources?
They say it’s not paranoia if everyone really is out to get you. There should be another saying that it’s not paranoia if you’re dealing with a paranoid cult.
I’ve been thinking that’s the case…hopefully th senders are aware.
Pathetic fools….
Well, they can always resort to the age-old method of communicating by smoke-signals.
I don’t get invited to events anymore but these leaked ones are so amusing I almost wish I would get one again. It would be fun to be able to respond in the manner deserved..
Never Interrupt an Enemy when he is making a Mistake
Napolean Bonapart
“And by the way, keep your ears open. So you can hear more announcements about how we don’t know when its really going to be”.
Mike, you are funny 🙂
I just made known my Photobucket account is called L_Ron_Hubbard for over 5 years now (with content) And all the trolls stopped on WWP
Imagine my password
Exactly. Governments are busy doing it right now and it seems that DM is taking his direction from them at the moment. “If THEY can do it, why can’t IIII?”
Miscavige found the answer to that question in 1993.
Government is the term for an organization or group of people imagined to possess the right to rule over and control others. Every statutory law is a command backed by the threat of retaliation against those who do not comply. What might be called extortion if done by an average citizen is called “taxation” when done by people who are imagined to have the right to rule. What would normally be seen as harassment, assault, kidnapping and other offenses are seen as “regulation” and “law enforcement” when carried out by those claiming to represent the authorities.
In 1993, Miscavige became a member of that extortion gang. It meant he was allowed to maintain the sole discretionary right to decide what goes on in the Church. The other gang members would not interfere with him. That means IRS, FBI, CIA, State Department etc etc will never be going after him. There is no and will not be any follow through from U.S. law enforcement agencies concerning “Church” matters. Individual stooges (Church members) are the property of Miscavige and can thus be thrown under the bus at any time.
Jimmy couldn’t just say “The expected time is 1pm” or “The tentative time is 1pm.”, but this grammar-twister: “The time that it is looking to be at is around 1:00”. Even drop-out Davey could do better than that!
Yeah, I had to read that really slowly to parse it…sleep deprivation combined with being given 30 seconds to write the email does a number on your language skills.
“Keep your ears open”, not “Watch for another email from me.” So the announcement will be made via rumor lines?
“This is on the 1st of March 14”. Huh? Tell me you didn’t have to read that twice to know it meant March 1st, 2014. Those super-duper communication skills are something.
Sounds like Davey is gonna be standing on the steps screaming at a few dozen SO and a bunch of empty chairs. Assuming they manage to get the chairs there at the right time.
We have millions of members. But we also have terrifying albeit inconsequential enemies, so we must keep our events secret. We are expanding at a never-before-seen rate and 50x more in the last 5 years than the previous 50 years combined! That is why we’re opening the same org again the third time. It is also why we’re on a project to open every org that already exists again. We will then create a day and foundation for every building and practically double the number of orgs in 2 years! We are the world’s fastest growing religion in terms of square inches of plaster and tons of MEST. True, the count of souls is dwindling, but isn’t it a fact that there are no more than 500 real people on the planet anyway and the rest are just copies?
Verily, we exist in a golden age.
Hi DM, I have heard of some reference like this “only so many real people” before.
Any idea where the reference can be found?
Verily, Dollar Morgue! You are in fine form today! Thou dost speak truth!
I think you must have made that email up. It can’t possibly be a proper scn email.
The give away tiny detail is . . . . no ! anywhere.
Plus, nobody could be that stupid, or badly organized . . . really?
You will be there, won’t you? You do love David Miscavige, don’t you? You aren’t thinking of leaving Scientology, are you? We are still a fast growing religion, aren’t we?
David Miscavige is a loser of epic proportions. And here’s why.
1. He’s hated by the world. No, really. The world hates this fucking guy.
2. He’s immature. The world hates this fucking guy.
3. He throws temper tantrums. The world hates this fucking guy.
4. He’s selfish. The world hates this fucking guy.
5. He’s a liar. The world hates this fucking guy.
6. He has zero sense of humor. The world hates this fucking guy.
7. He’s greedy. The world hates this fucking guy.
8. He’s arrogant. The world hates this fucking guy.
9. He’s loud. The world hates this fucking guy.
10. He kidnapped his wife. The world hates this fucking guy.
Nobody likes this prick. His days are almost over. And the world hates this fucking guy.
LMFAO!!! Perfect and well said!
Brilliant! Read aloud, that’s a poem worthy of François Villon.
Doesn’t his mother love him?
Didn’t I read in one of these logs that he took his mother aside and insisted she divorce his father?
Jeez, sounds like a rough family life. Does he still talk to his brother?
“Doesn’t his mother love him?”
He has one? Or had? Wow! And here I thought he’d simply sprung forward from an abandoned rotting coconut!
He was knitted
Darn! Lol
Regarding DM being ‘knitted,’ me’thinks the knitter dropped a significant stitch or two with that guy. There are some gaping holes in the fabric of his character.
+10. No, wait, 11. Turn it up to 11.
His mother may have loved him but didn’t she pass away?
The world hates him. His mother and dad left the SO and him, and his brother too, and his niece left him and wrote a tell-all book, and his sister is in and out of jail. And my guess is the only reason you don’t hear from any of his “estranged” family members is that he paid them handsomely to gag them and also threatened to spill their pc folder contents to the world, and to harm them in other nefarious ways if they were to talk. Thank you Jenna, for having the guts to write your book!
Amen, Cindy.
I remember when AO opened again. It was raining, not raining MONSOONING, that day. I had no raincoat and CCINT had just gotten our new uniforms. The shirt was made out of some new fangled material that when it got soaking wet I literally had to be cut out of it. It shrunk onto my body so tightly that I started loosing the sensation in my hands and I got super light headed. I got pneumonia but I just powered through it because you know dying would be better than having to do ANOTHER fucking PTS handling. Man those were the days.
LOL! So much laughter, it brought tears to my eyes. Funny, how both seem entirely appropriate.
Yeah, ex RPFer. I rember that too. I was doing a stint in the RPF then. Was working on the Atrium.
The RPF should have been validated for all the work it did. I’d like to see Mr. High and mighty get in there with his sleeves rolled up and do some honest MEST work, but I know he would probably consider it beneath him. What’s missing in this individual is a love and appreciation for the common foot soldiers. He could learn loads from someone like Gandhi who had real power – the power of spirit.
I would laugh if it weren’t so sad. Here he has people getting pneumonia because they saved a buck on the uniforms while he has tailor made suits at $1,500 a pop, hair and makeup done, tanning bed, special food and chef, need I go on? But one thing is for sure, AO is spinning out of control just like South African with more being declared and kicked out than there are comps on anything. He’s here for yet another “grand opening” of AOLA just to try to grab the reins again. Mike, I’d love to see you do a fly over at AOLA. Pretty please! With sugar on top?
Underwhelmed is a good choice of word to describe this monumental non event.
All I can say is that the powers that be are worried that like SA, LA is spinning out of control and it’s once again time to assert regal authority over the realm of malcontents in Tinsel Town.
I’m so happy that once again I’ve been dead filed.
Too bad he is not making an appearance on “America’s Most Wanted.”
Again? Got to get those sea containers along the street side of the car park and busses on the street to block the birw of the plastic walls so people can not only not see nut not hear well. The view from the upper floors of the building over the road works great with a 120mm lens and a parabolic microphone PAC security will be apoplectic looking for the one with the gear……lol
Shhh…don’t really this. Black Heart is so scared that he is placing disinformation in the field as to when exactly the re-re-re-cut of the PAC ribbon ceremony will occur.
Heaven forbids that the defrocked fringes of the internet find out about the real schedule and send another helicopter to disrupt his magnanimous speech.