This quote from L. Ron Hubbard encapsulates what fundamentalist scientologists believe as an article of faith. They are literally the only people on earth with access to ALL knowledge and without scientology, every wog is ignorant and blind.
This is not really unusual in the world of the fundamentalist – so too go the fundamentalist Southern Baptists. And Jehovah’s Witnesses. And Muslims. And on and on.
The interesting thing about scientology is that in order not to appear to be what they truly are, they pretend that theirs is a faith of inordinate tolerance, of scientific proof and certainty and most of all, containing no dogma. For in scientology they proclaim, “only what is true for you is what is true.” You do not need to believe anything. Unless of course your truth does not match with what the church proclaims to be the truth — then you are a squirrel. Or an SP. Or PTS. Or have unhandled case. Or are “out-KSW”. Or “CI.” And at that point, you are no longer considered a “true” scientologist for you have strayed from the path of righteousness. So the only true scientologists are those that agree with everything that is preached in the church. You DO have to believe. If you have not found by your experience that disconnecting from your family is “true for you” (that is, it doesn’t work) you can see how far it gets you in the fundamentalist church. You will be found “guilty” of a “High Crime” for seeking to live with your own truth.
What is true for you is what is true holds up for precisely as long as you agree with the church’s truth.
That to me is the defining characteristic of dogma.
And even quotes like this are not seen to be contradictory. Though on it’s face — taken simply as it is written — it is about as dogmatic as one can get.
proverbial pearls of wisdom here, thank goodness a few showed up before my fingers froze, particles of Knowledge i mean…
These become the stories to tell your grandkids sitting abundantly on your knee. I should be a fat grandfather, but i digress. We were talking about ownership of knowledge, and whatever else of consequence that god could possibly bestow upon man. Bunch of fools here, question mark. God’s only gift is the entire Universe and the time awarded to experience it, otherwise, I dont think so. Time is short enough to register a complaint. But, like Scientology this is no such dept. This is a regular classroom boys and girls. Do you have erasers? ok lets get started or we’ll be late. Christmas Eve waits for no one. Where the [____] is the professor?
“You deserved to be in the hole its a shame you didn’t stay there.”
Narco – A bit of a slip there. So you are saying the Hole is indeed a place where people are held…and Mike was there? Or are you just a troll sayinmg evil things?
Either way – it isn’t looking good on your part.
It’s quotes like this that gave believers the impression that LRH certainly must have risen above such pitfalls of the MEST universe. I tend to agree with what Pam and Ray Kemp had to say on the the subject and their assessment of him as a person. Quite eye opening in my humble opinion.
I stand by what I said as its true. Mike was an OSA thug, and did a lot of things evil to a lot of people.
Just because he is now “a changed being”, and so perfect does not remove his unethical past.
And no amount of crap from all the queers, druggies psych cases and totally failed beings in here will change my mind. I wish Mike a happy xmas anyway but he will never be able to move upward and onward. Down is his only route as is most of the loonies in here. Its just a matter of time
Only a scientologist would put together a list of those to be despised consisting of “queers, druggies psych cases and totally failed beings.” It’s a characteristic shared by fundamentalists of every stripe.
While Narco is nursing his grudge against Mike, Mike is out having a good time.
Well, as we all know, living well is the BEST revenge! And Mike is doing just that!
Narcolepsy to tell the truth i still haven’t figured out, again help me –
which is the ShineOla and which is the crap? thx
They forget to put sugar in the koolaid today?
Using amphetamines to enhance the dedicated glare.
“…but that stuff does actuallly get you high, right?”
[ x-tra “l” to create that animated talking-head effect. Think Max Headroom.]
[ahem, take two aaand, snap]
“You know, the kool-aid. With or without sugar. Not that anythings wrong with medicinal-grade pot. I admire the therapeutic temporary effects. Don’t particularly recommend it, as the brain receptors must already be a little off somehow to register discontent, discomfort, in the first place. Smoke. Thats a drug for god only, i would say. Then again, there is no denying anxiety when it strikes. The brain is set up to handle that but only for a rather specific duration, namely short. If it keeps up past a certain breaking point? Who clogged the pressure cooker, again a Q for god. To the rescue is mommas own grade A smoke-ables. She’ll even give you the same recipie special ingredients unburnt prepared for the specific action of oral con-supt. I hope I don’t need to describe that further and of course would never be so irresponsible as to actually sample, as some sort of tactic, such flavor-full, mind-bending plastic reality extascy, what, for the fun of it? Did I explain how cults work?
Cripes, what kind of person did you think I am? May I call you Jeff? ok Jeff, how may I love you? Sorry, I got off track there a2nd. How can i have reason to love you? Answer please as a person who knows, and forget the rest of this natter. -agent mm, just call me Mark.
Narco, you’re back! How very magnanimous of you to wish Mike a happy xmas. And thanks for your judgment that the only route for him and most of the posters here is down. It’s not often we get someone playing God on this blog.
thats dam RIGHT gadfly! my equations are all missing god, the god particle if you will, and in this doctor’s humble opinion, he owes me a question, god or whoever speaks for him…speak, god-player. SPEAK so that we of feeble minds could be if only one thought wiser, or just FEEL like we are wiser, momentarily, even. I’ll compromise Eternity for a word here. I love gods. I’ve always been easy that way. Ok, im on my knees and begging now just like gods love and pray…for a particle of knowledge. Pick one? ok…
(cripes, do i have to do ALL the thinking around here? This might be worse than i thought, toil-wise, human suffering wise, little one-on-one, um, I should have maybe thought better, ok ok…ahh…)
How do we sort out the rest of the worthless ones, and
are we in a hurry?
does scn make mistakes in the auditing room if we go too fast? no, thats what i thought, thanks god, thanks.
“all the queers, druggies psych cases and totally failed beings in here will change my mind”
Oh man, where did we meet again? Shouldn’t have let you know all that stuff about me, eh. I am far too trusting. Hope you have a lovely holiday season!
Hi gtsix, I was waiting for a post from you and it is perfect! Thank you my soul-and birthday mate. May your Holidays be as bright as you shine here. Happy 2016! With Love, Ann.
Hi Ann! Glad I could make you smile today. Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season. Keep up the joy you bring here, it is a welcome relief.
xx darling bithday mate, see you in 2016!
hi ann love always watch us play bat the bozo and get ready.
youre gonna need yr party hats!!! 🙂 happy boy aka -mm, o man is this fun or what. ps thx for cheering me up, b4, im so slow sometimes, man!
(not) ok b a good girl and go play, maybe good idea to ask the kids leave the room… just in case someone (me?) gets nasty. (no again) You know me, i don’t mind pissing off a commander or two if i have to and gripes, for so long now i aint got no commanders doin nothin, like, AT ALL, you know to play with and play spys? Yeah, lets play spies…when else do i get to have fun? Now, right? well, here goes then…put the kids to bed on time, not too much TV-mark out all love and nothin but=mm, its a miracle.
Hi mark marco, Your post is a miracle, thank, Ann.
“…all the queers, druggies psychos and that certified lunatic hunnie bunnie also going by mark marco…”.
[spoken on behalf of all those beautiful people, the transgenders.]
A donation to fund our cause to end intolerance, thank you for your support, Jeff.
On a personal note, (at your insistence to be personal and less scientific) i am a beautiful man, but i didn’t always used to be this way… Lovely day, on this side of the universe, anyway. merry xmas anyway, back at cha. Guys who use be the other ROCK!!! mostly on account of their solid minds.
So, “queers, druggies psych cases and totally failed beings”, huh? The whole problem with you vis-a-vis me is that I’m only the first three. It must totally frustrate you that I’m winning as a queer druggie psych case. I’m a living, breathing contradiction to L. Fraud’s assessment of humanity on the Tone Scale, and you can’t stand that. Well, you’re going to have to live with it. Stew in it like a Christmas turkey basting in its own juices.
Hi Espiando, Happy everything to you. Always, Ann.
…thanks again, espi, thats just exactly what i was trying to say. Te gusto.
(b4 the dude puts us all to sleep with rhetoric, unadulterated pointlessness)
Aside from all that, aren’t you here too, Narcolepsy?
nope, just stopped by to piss
Mike is proof that there are brave, honorable, and moral people in the church being degraded and abused at the whims of a psychopath. Mike knows what he had to do while in it. Look at any video of him while still in the church. You can tell that it was eating at him. Now, he is doing the bravest thing a person in that predicament can do. He is bringing to light the injustices of that little sociopath and making things right with people. Narcolepsy, If you are still in, people like Mike can help you! And be clear about this……you WILL need help someday. It’s not a matter of ‘IF’, it’s a matter of ‘WHEN’.
The face of the beast always becomes known……and the time of the beast always passes.
Thanks for wishing Mike Rinder a happy Xmas. Considering your bitterness toward him for whatever reason, this was a civil gesture. I’d like to wish you a Happy Christmas also, and to acknowledge that you returned and responded to us, albeit bitterly and resentfully – still you DID respond, and I don’t think any of us expected that, so thanks.
For my part, I’d like to post a quote from LRH which helped me feel better about myself and heal, which reminded me to get out of the past and back into present time, during those instances when I was keyed in big time, swamped with grief and frantic regret for mistakes I had made in the past, or when I was boiling with anger about the past misdeeds, the mendacity of others that had hurt me.
“Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow”. L. Ron Hubbard.
There really is only “now”, Narco.
All life is just one string of instances of “now”.
The truth is that “now” is all have.
Any point in time in the past is only a “now” that has past.
The future is a “now” that has yet to occur.
What you’re doing now, what I’m doing now, is just creation of a future.
We, each of us, have the right to learn, to have realizations, to be who we think and feel we should be NOW and we have to grant this right to both others and to ourselves, because, appearances possibly to the contrary, now is all we can ever have. What we do now, what we don’t do now, these actions and inactions lay the groundwork for what we will be able to do or not do in some future instance of now. This applies to you, to me, to Mike Rinder and to everyone. There are no exceptions.
This is why, to regret yesterday, is futile and a waste of time. And all ancient wisdom says this, in varying ways, but its all the same concept and it fuels a lot of modern quips also. What cinched this for me was reading what the comedian Buddy Hackett said:
“Don’t carry a grudge. While you’re carrying a grudge, the other guy’s out dancing”.
Narco, I think we are all very flawed and really the only thing to do about is go out dancing.
All the best to you.
wait wait
(thanks Aqua, you got me kick-started again…)
Affectionately, Narco? How should I really address you?
And why is YOUR real name a secret? WE don’t want thugs chasing us whatever, YOU are already inside the bubble, right or wrong, and so I guess my first Q would be
“Do Scientologists scare you, in any way?”
Cameras rolling, say something.
“Ok, no answer. Next one might be easier for you; it is a why-question.”
-you wish Mike a happy xmas, why? We all missed that part.
All those reasons why he is evil AND worthless as human being, got it. But why would you want to wish him a gift reserved for the good boys? Is that justifiable, by your belief-system? Or, would you have to say that you are being less than forthright in your expressed desires. This is an open format, man. Speak. No reasons to lie here…
And when will we end the pointlessness, take out the personal opinions and offer a sentence or two on how “tech” works, perhaps there’s a change, or SOMETHING THAT MATTERS.
Have you any science added to your methods?
You do own the methods, your methodology, am I right on that one?
Sorry about evil Mike and his worthlessness. Make yourself happy and say something of relative importance, let’s start with… anything. Please, seriously, may I struggle to fashion the question another way? There is only one source of knowledge, am I right? Just share one particle of knowledge and answer that one question, yes or no, and you are free to be free and great as you see fit. Otherwise, you are the worthless one of this group. Point. -unless of course you have a question for me, at which point I get to decide whether to ignore you. My turn. I will judge you, naturally, if the question is pointless. For simplicity’s sake its YES Scientology matters (we will need a thesis statement to follow, I’ll allow a synopsis, of course) or NO it doesn’t. Your job appears to be done here, your real job that is, the one requiring you to say nothing but jibberish. Glad to see you moving on. Hope the rest of consciousness kicks in at a similar, astonishing rate.
I just received this latest missive from Narco picked up from the airwaves of KCOB: “Fuck all you motherfucking fucks. You can all just fuck off.”
Wow. That’s almost as profound as drawing a smiley face on the wall using feces! LMAO
In Scientology its not important as to how unethical you are. That is just your case and can be handled. There is only one high crime in Scientology. That is to ask for a refund. That is their level and their button.
One year ago this month you guys (OSA) were handling Wendy Ettricks.You let her die and covered it up.Where’s the compassion,the spirtuality, the love in that!Not a “church” I want to be part of.
Never forget Wendy.
Hi Lola, Wendy Ettricks passing comes as a shock. She was a good friend of mine for many years. She was an amazing and unique woman that embodied the New York spirit in every way. The red carpet will always roll out for her.
WoW! It looks like Wendy spent a TON of money! Check this out.
Her and Richie had the cutest kid EVER! That little boy was just the cutest kid I had ever seen. No kidding there. He looked like a tropical cherub. And he was so manly at (six?) years old! Came into my office with them, climbed up on my desk and took command of the room.
I did not contact her (and many) when I left, as I did not want to give anyone a problem. Some tracked me down, and I had to hear the false reports being issued about me. I didn’t dispute them because I still did not want to give anyone a problem.
I met a lot of really incredible people in Scientology. When I lived in Vegas my girlfriend there, took me to the Hari Krishna Temple. I met a lot of incredible people there too. Came over to Utah, got adopted by the Mormons and they even overlook the fact that I’m not Mormon.
I have found, 99% or more, of the people on this planet are really well meaning, and full of good will, even with the burdens they carry. I know Wendy is in a good place. Maybe a better place. If you were her friend, your paths will cross again.
She left me with nothing but good memories. You say, “Never Forget Wendy”. I only tend to forget the people that left me with me bad memories. Pleasure moments can not be erased. Even Hubbard admitted it in Dianetics. The good memories are what you really carry forward through time. This is how we become immortal, making good memories for others. It is really the only way to be immortal. They are more potent than engrams. All one really needs to do, to guarantee their own immortality, is to leave others with pleasant memories.
The Church of Scientology is a very busy place. Busy busy busy. All they really had to do, to guarantee their survival, was to leave others with happy memories. And when that place was booming, that is exactly what they were doing.
Everything that has recoiled on them, is a bad memory they placed on someone else. You can throw every policy out of the window. If it did not result in a good memory for another human being, it has no value.
Excellent comments as usual Oracle. Love reading your stuff. Merry Christmas to you and all who write here, except for the Trolls.
All religions including my own (Judaism) have sects or denominations that are dogmatic. Even liberal religions like Unitarian or Reform Judaism claim that they are right and the dogmatists are wrong, which is just another kind of dogmatism.
CoS attempts to obscure its dogmatism however. Paul Haggis said that was one way he got suckered in to CoS. He really believed at first that he was free to accept or reject whatever he wanted. Later on came the sec-checks and the other high-pressure tactics to believe and obey.
Hi Johnathan Mark, It is good to meet you. Your post brought up a point I had not considered.The Dogma of cos is very cleverly hidden. In the very beginning of Sea Org love rocketing, I did not catch a whiff of what was to come down the road. I felt loved, appreciated and I really wanted to help mankind. However what I believed to be the Truth became obscured by all the horrors of obedience and false accusations that became commonplace for me. I owe my existence here to Mike and all of you who have paved the way so I can learn and grow in freedom here, rather than in fear.Always, Ann.
Dogma of any kind is anathema to the ideals of a better human civilization. it makes it impossible to listen, to have a conversation and to understand. and Hubbard is right about one thing – it all comes down to knowledge of the world around you – knowing who is preying on your fears and why, who is making money off preying on those fears, and the very cynical nature of those who claim to be all knowing.
This is really real to me (Scientology 8-8008 tech). I believe exactly what LRH wrote.
I have a brother that in my whole life I have never discussed Dianetics and Scientology with. Instead he makes jokes that I involve myself in witchcraft cults to gain knowledge in life. The last “noble” thing he did in our former home was punch someone and kick my parents phone off of the kitchen wall in front of them. He is now married to an SP and never speaks to me. My first older sister is the one that brought a Dianetics book home in the first place that I stumbled upon and read. She had put it in a pile of books destined for the garbage in the basement where we lived. She was placed in a psychiatric ward last year and the doctors there are trying to avoid amputating both her legs below the knees to save her. My oldest sister and last of my siblings threw the Dianetics book I gave her ex-husband in the garbage and indicated to me the several why’s behind this action. My parents are both dead. The Church of Scientology needs to be arrested for the “services” they delivered to me, not praised. But yet, according to all these people and this church I am the bad guy they went after. When someone outside the church passed the OT levels on to me for free a while back without the knowledge of the people above it did indeed Open the Gate to Knowledge and the door to a lot of other things in life forever, me, people like me and people not like me might never get to see the light of day of but deserve like anybody on Earth has the right to know. This is how some people handle knowledge differently than others. I am glad I chose to be different. Happy Holidays! 🙂
Hi Lawrence, Thank you, your post spoke volumes. Happy Holidays to you also. Love, Ann.
I guess I’m confused about this “theta clear” thing.
Per the Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary there are 12 definitions of “clear” and 9 definitions of “theta clear”.
Which is which and what is what?
It doesn’t really matter as none are real anyway ; not in Scientology. A “Theta Clear” is an individual who knows isn’t a body, who is stably exteriorized from it with full perception, and who doesn’t need a body to experience life. He is also able, allegedly, to have full mobility as a spirit.
LRH attempted to create such as state since early 1952 with what he called SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) with started with SOP III. SOP V is what the PDC lectures are all about, and the ACCs from 1-3 covers SOP8, SOP -8C , SOP 8D , and SOP 8-0. ALL OF THEM failed to produce ANY Theta Clear, and LRH just abandoned that route and concentrated on Objectives type of processes many of which can be found at the “Creation of Human Ability” book (Route 2 it was called) including the well known (from old timers) Route 1 , which is an exteriorization routine.
NO Theta Clear has ever been produced in Scn, and I know of no practice that has, at least not stably so in every case. It doesn’t mean that it is not reachable though. The sky is the limit is my motto.
It sounds like a theta clear is similar to a ghost. Would that be accurate in your opinion?
TC you know i love you to the bone but youre motto is all dream and imagination. I’m fine with that until the line between them and the observable gets blurred and fact is the deal you’re describing is way way too similar to the very same fantasy scn depicts, the spittin image for crissakes, and we all already know that that is a ploy, a con, a sweetened and disguised poisened pot of bullshit designed to confuse your mind and humiliate your senses into thinking you have EVERYTHING wrong, such as thinking LRH has a single answer, answer that swerves human consciousness to some place higher than where the world would be if nobody, ever, heard the word Scientology much less of the rest of the fantasy, such has spiritual salvation, etc. Put me to sleep with fairytales and lul-lul byes or wake up, but don’t try to sell me anything that sounds like that fancy rat-trap, scn “tech”. That cat has escaped the proverbial bag, my friend.
“If any lesson is contained in Scientology, it is the lesson that the gates to all knowledge are open.”
Clarification to above: As long as you use the designated gates of Scientology, and satisfy the gatekeepers that you’re worthy of such knowledge and don’t try to invade COB’s gated compound.
Yes, don’t you just love the way LRH talks about all the stuff he knows?
The sky is the limit, and that is the lesson to remember…
Notice how LRH called his book “Clear Body, Clear Mind” but not, “Clear Conscience” ??
Not until now! Nice!
“You will be found “guilty” of a “High Crime” for seeking to live with your own truth.” MR
It doesn’t get any plainer than that.
Indeed very dogmatic, which entails a knowledge held by ‘authority”.
Compare that with Wikipedia, which I happened to use yesterday and they kindly request 3.00 USD donation to maintain their mission, which is: “We believe everyone should have access to free knowledge without restriction or limitation”.
And as Wikipedia says, they have millions of articles about anything and the purpose is to have that knowledge accessible to every human being.
No dogmas, no enforcement, no judgment…completely opposite to the ‘church’ of scn.
(PS If you want to contribute to Wikipedia, just open their web page and you can choose if you want, or not, to contribute to their mission)
With one exception: Wikipedia banned CoS from making entries a few years ago because they were editing out ‘entheta’, or what the rest of us call ‘facts’.
Wikipedia has had MANY issues about bias in its articles, refusing certain people the right to edit their own profiles, and refusing to allow posts that contain peer reviewed and journal published articles that run counter to its ‘skeptical’ philosophical slant. Its got PLENTY of dogma, enforcement and judgement. Don’t believe their own self promotion.
Poor old ESP. After all these years, it’s still a load of shit. If it was real, it would have transformed the world, and its veracity would be self-evident. Instead, proponents have been reduced to whining about how mean old Wikipedia is suppressing their fantasy.
The problem with SRI is that its “results” cannot be replicated That’s because it was not science, but instead a con job.
What are you offering us in terms of spiritual guidance, or is it just more criticisms and natter?
It must be sad to be you, no hope, no faith, no belief in anything, that is what happens to you after all your overts as an OAS thug. I wonder if there is a blog listing all the rotten evil things you did to others for COB, and what would your victims say about you?
You deserved to be in the hole its a shame you didn’t stay there.
Dave had a bad day yesterday? Seems to me that my spiritual guidance is simply to look for yourself. Be your own counsel. Never seek approval from others. Do what you believe is right.
And yours?
Dave’s had a bad year, poor boy, and it’s only going to get worse.
In fact, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Hey, I’m sorry! I kind of got in late. So, who the fuck is this Dave character? I mean surely this isn’t Corn of the COB is it? Posting under that name Narcolepsy? Really? Pathetic….just pathetic.
Hey OSD, there’s one just like him on Rathbun’s site saying similar shit, only worse. He went by the name Tom Scien. I’m wondering if they’re the same person. And if so, why doesn’t he just come out with exactly what bug is up his ass? ‘Cause I’m so very sick of scifi bugs and innuendos, whether they’re true or false!!!
This ‘Tom’ talked about Marty having no balls and called him a pussy? Accused him of the same things. And now Narc, too? Well, where are his/their balls, instead of hiding behind fake names? If you, Narc/Tom, want to blow the lid off this scientology bullshit, once and for all, then say what you know, goddamn it. You might even give others the courage to speak out and join you as well!
Who knows Narc/Tom, maybe these guys can help you, or perhaps someone else here can, if you just ask for it, and the truth, while you’re at it? Don’t you understand that we all had to do what we needed to do to survive, while being a member? And don’t try to tell me you didn’t! — Don’t even think about it!!!
In the end, all you have to do is speak out what’s really on your mind. I know I’ll never stop looking for someone I can finally trust to get much needed help from, for me and my kids. Just “trying” helps, you know! I lmao every time I publicly get to call dave miscarriage a chickenfetus, a little dick or a pinkydick because that’s the root of all his problems — his miniscule male penis. It’s all common knowledge. He’s so small in stature, it leaves him so small of mind, too. The littledick was so small (C’mon, folks, how small was he?) He needed to knock off lrh flufferpuff hubbard and rob his religion from him, just to make himself (and prove to his parents), that he really was a BIG man. (Ha, what a joke! … We all know better. He’ll never be perceived as a large man or get the respect that goes with that state of greatness.)
Whoever is sending out this propaganda is simply a coward! Too afraid to reveal him or herself. Hiding behind fake names. Hey, you know they’re in real trouble when the they attack Mike & Marty. I guess it’s all they have left…..
Hi Pat Wog Winner, It is good to meet you. Your post helped me to navigate dm’s twisted world. Ron’s was one branch my long ago Sea Org time etc.Dm’s World is becoming the eternal Prison as each day passes. How those who are his inner circle can stomach him, well a very tough job!Always, Ann.
Hi Ann,
(This is the fourth time I’m trying to reply to you. LOL Don’t know what’s wrong with this computer.)
Anyway, it’s good to meet you more! I luv, luv, luv all your comments. You’re so very sweet and kind to everyone here; even after all you’ve been through.
Hi Pat Wog Winner, Wonderful to see your post! Oh I have ” gremlin trouble ” too. I tried swatting them, but they just bounce back for more! I find I have to resend stuff because some of my posts zoom off far beyond target2 thank goodness! Thank you for your validation, I need positive waves so I can continue on my path with strength. You are sweet to acknowledge all the crap,I put up with. Love Light Laughter and I will see you in 2016. Love, Ann
“The difference between education and indoctrination is vast, but it is often subtle when the mind thinks of these two subjects. Education involves the seeking of facts, and learning about what is the truth, and what is not. Indoctrination is aimed at influencing people to believe in facts, without being able to back up these newfound facts with anything but opinion.
You can be indoctrinated into a political party, a cult, or a belief system. In fact, all of us are indoctrinated into a belief system as we are growing up. Whether our parents or guardians are open and understanding people, or if they are bigoted, and want nothing to do with anyone outside of their own race and affiliations, we are subtly indoctrinated into their belief system. As we grow, many of us seek education in order to develop our own belief system.”
I think, Mike, that Narcolepsy’s indoctrination is very precious to him.
Damn it, he got scared away! Reminds me of that old song ‘What Kind of Troll Am I?’
Hi Gadfly, Your post is great, had me laughing.Thank you.Always, Ann.
LDW, It just may be that Narcolepsy’s indoctrination is very precious to him. Or maybe he’s just looking for the right time to explode and get some very important things to him off his chest?
Woe. Man. Is Narco for real? I mean, i thought such creatons ceased to exist.
(sort of like boogie-men, except scientologists used to be a real thing, a threat to the “civil” in civil society and such).
He certainly talks like a real scientologist, what with all the hatefulness and that distinguishable snark, addressing another human being, particularly making clear that notion of being inferior, culpable and really sub-par as a human. Yeah, that thing, that attitude. Ironic that such a way of thinking can be so ignorant, such a waste of emotional energy, feeding the self-ego in order to keep it deluded, at the very same time as professing to hold the key to higher knowledge, comma, all of it. Now. Didn’t used to be, perceived that way, I mean. Once was, scientology was a real thing and so many of us didn’t have time to think about how things really were, because, thanks to the guidance and leadership of scientology, again, all we had time to think about was the miracle that had to come next week, when we had a very clear choice:
Improve your monumental stats from last week, you miserable and sad, hopeless, faithless non-believer –
“…prepare yourself for a prompt and lengthy return to the hole.”
Yeah, I remember. TenThousand maniacs, just like smiling Narcoleps, see here…
[the promise of theater reveals itself, the actor turns and draws firmly and steadily away the belt above his plumb derriere coming then into full, truly beautiful view]
You really need to take at good look at yourself, at least once every few decades,
I don’t care who you are.-mm
“Narcolepsy is currently being sec checked for botching the cycle.” OSA
no ass check stuck like that, just skip it, i do not care how fundamentalist you may be. Neither does any body else, btw,
some dipstick-heads get stuck right where they belong and just stay there… nothin you can do.
Unless OSA wants to come do it themselves, never question authority, i’d be happy to say at least once in this case. My civil advise is just feed him a fat wad of oatmeal, wait till he has to take a big fat nature call, then check what you like while his head is out.
I hate cigars for pretty much same reasons, just nasty things.
Hey Marco, DITTO! I hate the kettle calling the pot black, too! Why are Narc’s types here then? I used to think some of his comments were funny, but honest. Now, I wonder … The message of Mike’s blog is, “Something Can Be Done About It,” so why the sudden hostility? What is Nar hiding or provoking or trying say? BTW, What are his crimes, so I can call him some real nasty wog names? (I’m good at that, just ask pinky dick! haha)
I don’t know as much as any of you guys do, as I wasn’t a member (in the terms of ‘on my own freewill’ member) for too long, but I catch on very quickly. I’m so ecstatic I retained my ‘natural danger/warning’ instincts, especially the third or fourth time I was there. After auditing me 3x in one day, they wanted me to put my very woggy, super strong-willed kids in the SO (ha! as if my kids would–they’d laugh in their faces, and then have me committed to a nut house! LOL), and have me to live there, audit suckers, and do house cleaning for forty or fifty bucks a week? Haha, they lost me right there for the second time that day! 😉
say hey, Wog Winner!
I’d join up with your clan anytime, feel safe knowing the kids are around, honestly, they sound a lot like super-heros, no kidding, like they’ve been brought up right, and thanks for sayin hello. Very many merry days to you and yours.-mm
Hi Pat Wog Winner, You were one very smart spirit to have your alert to danger signals come on so strongly and you followed them. I had moments in Sea Org where my alert flags turned very red, but I ignored them at the time as they were not On Source! Whoops not good. Love, Ann.
Do what you feel is right. Follow your heart. I can’t think of anything more spiritually sound than that. Merry Christmas.
I was waiting for the dude’s comeback but alas, he has run for the hills. That always attack strategy doesn’t fare too well when the recipient is not intimidated in the slightest. That’s a big FAA-LUNK OSA!
Hi Gad, and it’s a really huge FLUNK for pinky dick! LOL … Could it be that they are really only the little twirp, himself, hiding behind these names? I wouldn’t put it passed his EGO. 😉
Very nice, Jo. I love Christmas! Wishing you a very blessed Christmas and New Years’! May 2016 be your best year yet!
o Jo,…Jo….(i can’t even catch my breath)…Jo!
That post! golly thanks, that’s a Christmas present worth about one million dollars you rat, now i owe you… i cant give enough gratitude, merry holidays baby, back to you!
Dear Mike,
Narcolepsy Man is no Super Hero. In fact when I get a shot fired over
my Bow I’m satisfied my efforts are pushing the boundaries of enemy territory.
Galileo said “There is no man so ignorant I cannot learn something from.”
D.M. is two things:
The Napoleon of Criminal Think
The University of Stupidity Incorporated
This makes hi too dangerous to ignore but worth the study like Galileo.
Merry Christmas
Hi Jose Chung, Thank you for your post. Where you talk about having a shot fired across your bow lets you know something is going right, struck me particularly. I am learning so much from this blog, and how to deal with shots across my bow is one lesson. Part of the answer I am learning is to be true to myself and keep on my course. Do not let my emotions and feelings which are hair trigger anyway, blind me to reality or prevent me from listening to another viewpoint.I know we are stirring the pot,this blog on the fringes of the Internet…Mike, RB, Tony all of us are telling our story.That is very powerful over time. Love, Ann.
I was beginning to think the trolls had all died out so it is nice to see that a few pieces of fermenting Cult Stew are still around and able to float to the surface.
Yo Narco,
Is that you Dave?
More likely to be Larry Byrnes. Reads like him….
o, well, thank you for this post.
to confess, i thought you were making up these lines, you know, like what a knee-jerk would say. I just never thought a functioning brain in real life could post like this person-apparent, Narco… that still seems too far-fetched even for this mis-firing and seriously flawed non-conformist. Thing is, ‘who is narco’ is like wondering what the name is for a grain of sand.
Hi Newcomer, Love your post- love you! May you have a shining and bright 2016. Love, Ann.
Hey, Narco, Jimmy Hill did more good for the world and brought more joy than L. Fraud could have ever dreamed of. That’s why he’s being mourned today and L. Fraud is a forgotten failure. As the song goes, no one mourns the wicked.
Care to have the balls to respond to Mike? Or are you just going to do a drive-by damp squib like you normally do?
“ damp squib..”
I had a “…drive-by damp squib” once. It tasted a bit salty…
You’re right Narco, there really is a Santa Claus.
drip drip… drip.
sings like raven calls sirens on the beach
the irony clashes round here like marching bands, really.
Ha, like victory. Yeah, so this is what winning is. Like it.
He speaks and
there it is again
and each time the element hits its own water, tears on tears,
oceans every one
– there is yet laughter again, so very sweet and healing laughter
Oh, and merry christmas too.
Narcolepsy /ˈnɑrkəˌlɛpsi/ is a chronic neurological disorder involving the loss of the brain’s ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally.
That’s what happens when you get woken up in the middle of the night too often to lick toilets with your tongue. Sadistic tyrants are wont to do such to their minions. Keeps them in a constant state of fear and hypnotic obedience.
narcolepsy, yeah, that’s right. I knew this was something pretending to be serious, like like getting hit with lightning. Compassion i really don’t think is going to do the trick for you. I can’t even find a particle of optimism, in your particular case, whatsoever. Never really thought a guy could be so bad off as you and not be, you know, on death row or something. Condemned. Seems to be a notorious imbalance, somewhere, and probably being weighted way to heavily by you. Not that you would have a knack for numbers, measurements and that stuff, the flagrant fact is that you just never enter into – science.
If only.
The Source of Knowledge, as in knowledge of the single source of my unmitigated indignation, your founder.
“Knowledge, all” being of one source, as your dogma dictates. The hard-and-fast sacred word of a single, solitary person. Or, punish us and make us face the consequences, as they say, oh those silly scientologists, at it again. My, but they do like to play rough. Everything does not appear to be quite enough for these boys. There’s Eternity for ya, if anyone is still keeping track. How long before your retirement package kicks in? You win Double Jepardy, forever! How many other major, fastest growing, religions can claim that? Seriously, I want the list, NOW. Excuse me, again grant me decorum and will gather my dignity.
Whatever, if you do care enough to actually weigh in on your philosophy, kick it into gear at will. We have been waiting for the moment, truth delayed so long, all these decades, since day one really, please please do, …speak. How could i not love the sacred you?I beg one point of reason, just one, be my hero, be generous with this one, small task in my favor and say:
why should I love you?
no Narco here…
no wonder
You’ve chosen your non de guerre well because if you still buy into ANYTHING that L Ron Hubbard said, baby, you are asleep at the wheel. Last time I checked Mike hadn’t set himself up as a guru of spiritual guidance. If you’re here for spiritual guidance and you’re looking to Mike to provide it, you’re still in the trap L Ron Hubbard created for you. And just what exactly is wrong with ‘criticism’ anyway? L Ron Hubbard couldn’t tolerate criticism because his claims couldn’t stand up under it and so he made up a rule that criticism was bad and anyone looking at or speaking it was bad. Criticism, critical thinking, is crucial to making good choices and only total fools would say anything different.
Far from having no hope, no faith and no beliefs, it seems to me that Mike has beliefs, strong ones, as evidenced by this blog, and that he has hope and faith that the Scientology money scam might be brought down. If you still believe in a proven liar and shyster, then it must be sad to be YOU.
Finally, if you think ANYONE deserves to be imprisoned and emotionally violated for ‘religious’ purposes, have a think about exactly what sort spiritual enlightenment you’ve gained in Scientology my friend, because the hole is the antithesis of true spirituality.
“You’ve chosen your non de guerre well….” Actually the name, and the attack, was supposed to reflect on someone this poster hates and has had a long standing war with. More unholy injustice and mis direction.
Hating is a kind of faith, is it not, Oracle?
First of all, it is a sort of fiction, just a completely subjective idea, hate.
Does not really exist, in terms of the big picture.
Not to invalidate feelings. In fact, i propose to theorize that WE ARE the sum total of our emotions, identity, who and what: You are what you feel, is another way to put it.
But, thats what i mean, when i say you dont hate anyone, Oracle, not if I were to know anything about anything, at all. A personality can hate or be hated. Personalities can certainly do hateful things. Can’t really hate a person, tho’,
-without holding out some invalid credential for having believed in hate, conceptually, in the first place. I’m only talking like this because you are the quite admirable Oracle, and so im inspired. sweet dreams and keep sharing and ill promise too, mm.
I’ve known some people that love to hate. And those are dangerous liaisons.
At the end of the day, hate is a form of intolerance. But the idea of me tolerating some things, would make me hate myself. And I think it comes down to a choice sometimes.
I think the key thing is, when you are reviled or repelled by another’s act, that you hate the act and not the person.
I am so impressed.
Honestly, …
at the end of the day, and for me thats as I approach the sunset of this human lifetime, you know I find a few jewels in my pocket to keep.
These are things that are truly mine, these things of beauty.
They did not come easy. No god ordained them to become my possession, not that I would know.
But these jewels are true.
Each one earned through the toil of human experience and nothing at all real until that magic moment in which I was given the honor, the real privilege to bestow them all to the likes of you, and those who have finally found a way to step gracefully away from the mind just far enough to gain a perspective on the big picture, whats going on. There is so much greatness here, and knowing serves such greatness well, all for your eyes.
These jewels pure are made of knowingness, and they are yours. Look how the fog lifts above my sunset now, revealing colors and light that took all of time to create.
Merry Christmas Everyone
Hi mark marco, Merry Christmas to you.Your post was like watching the colors come back on and the fog roll on out. Ann.
Merry Christmas Everyone! XXOO
Excellent post.
@narcolepsy I refuse to be lumped into your “us”.
I had no clue Mike was supposed to be offering me spiritual guidance. I come here to find out the truth about the crimes being committed by Miscavige and crew. I search for and have discovered my spiritual guidance elsewhere.
It is sad that you seem to believe that all readers of blogs are searching for spiritual guidance. I have never once had an epiphany at yet still go there to get recipes. There are other reasons some of us use the Internet.
As for the hole, remember David Miscavige claims it doesn’t exist. Be careful mentioning Mike was in there, it might bite the person who forced you to make that nasty post in the ass.
Natter is negative and destructive chatter. Lies, especially those you are ordered to tell by your superiors are natter? Reporting the truth is not natter. Please clear your MUs.
Hey Numbnuts! Yeah you! The dwarf! The entire world is laughing at you. Your cult is a joke. All of the OT levels are out there and accessible. Pretty much, everything is. And the really great thing is, you KNOW that new people are not coming in and there’s nothing you can do about it!
In addition to what OS Dude said, merry Christmas dipstick!
Oh, shit! I forgot! Thanks, I Yawn! Merry Christmas you fucking dipstick!
it is possible to push a dipstick too far,
Jez, I really hope so! 😉
That’s not entirely true OSD, the Denver Ideal Org is across the street from sports bar. Sometimes a bar patron gets really drunk and mistakes the Org for a movie theater.
I would pay good money to see a bunch of Broncos fans, shit faced to high Heaven, come in to the org thinking is was movie theater! You can almost see the look on the staff’s faces….
Another enslaved cuckoo heard from.
It’ll probably fly away soon…
Damn, another plant. Say hi to Gavino.
Just don’t water it and it’ll die….
Narc, what do you offer, ser facs? Generalities? False reports? You aren’t exactly a shining example of Scientology product. What is your post but criticism and natter?
a violent person, especially a criminal.
What vicitims? What thuggary? What rotten evil things? Mike has been forthcoming with information about his past.
You issue wrong items and wrong indications, false reports on public forums. How are you contributing to spiritual enlightenment?
Was there some part of the ten commandments you could not think with and apply? Like bearing false witness?
Was there some part of the Hubbard memo, about injustice recoiling that you could not think with?
Do you think if you dabble in injustice on the internet, it isn’t going to recoil on you?
Natter?? Are you joking? You mean that ridiculous made-up word by the conman known as Hubbard? Spare us, please.
You’re clearly disconnected from reality. Why would it suck to be Mike? He escaped the cult. Nothing could be better. Why does he need to offer you anything? Having doubts about your criminal organization?
I thought it was standard for cult members to deny the existence of the hole? Interesting.
Actually, a lot of people have a mis understood on the word natter. I think Hubbard had an MU.
From the tech dictionary:
NATTER, Sometimes p.c.’s who have big overts become highly critical of the auditor and get in a lot of snide comments about the auditor. Such NATTER always indicates a real overt.(HCOB 7 Sept 64 ll )
I guess auditors that have big overts can become highly critical too. But natter has nothing to do with criticism actually.
talk casually, especially about unimportant matters; chatter.
“they nattered away for hours”
a casual and leisurely conversation.
“I could do with a drink and a natter”
Hubbard actually mis used the word.
In British English:
› to talk continuously for a long time without any particular purpose:
Once he starts nattering you just can’t stop him.
My mother and her friends natter away on the phone all evening.
noun [C] UK US
We had a long natter over coffee.
Hubbard was new to Britian in the 60’s and it seems he did not have full understanding of this British colloquial expression.
So the word has been violently mis used in the Scientology culture.
Webster’s New World College Dictionary, second definition, shows that Ron was not incorrect.
natter [nat′ər]
[Chiefly Brit.]
[[var. of dial. gnatter ON gnata, to crash noisily & Ger knattern, to clatter]]
1. to chatter idly; talk on at length
2. to find fault; scold
a chat or talk
Thanks Gadfly. I did not find that definition! “To find fault with or scold”. LAUGHTER! So, I guess every comm ev is a natter session? Knowledge reports are natter? Scientologists natter about psychiatrists?
You got that right Oracle!
Well, my bad then. I just assumed that it was another one of Ron’s silly made-up words. But like Oracle mentioned, it seems Ron didn’t even use the word properly. Cheers!
Well Katherine, I always enjoy a good natter between friends.
oooooh! Then it is an actual word, natter, from the kings’ English?
How ’bout that.
I actually kinda liked that word. I think I just might take it back.
(avoiding the scn language altogether, marking it as toxic, you know, that same old annoying back-ache, called scamology? never really seems to go away…until then its no scientologeese, please. Do not feed the trap.)
Hey, knock off the natter-chatter, lugs, I’m trying to be serious here.
Yeah. Works fine. Thanks again Oracle. Love the fancy way you, and Gadfly, do definitions, its just the way i was brought up. Can you believe i was once a crazy scientologist? Yeah, thanks for not freakin out, not that im so sensitive or anything, just glad its over.
You appear to be a drive-by, hit man so probably will never read my response. I would only hope you would though so maybe you would be enlightened. Mike is not trying to enlighten us spiritually, the fact that we are reading his blog and out of the cult means we are already enlightened. No, he is exposing the crimes of, what appears to be, your church (cult).
Destroying family thru Declares and hence, forcing disconnection affecting 1000’s of families.
Enforced abortions
Enforced divorces
Fair Game policy – that attempt to ruin people that object to your cult
DM – physically assaulting staff; enforcing slave labor with long, abusing hours and little pay, far below minimum wage. Totally violating and altering your precious LRH tech and LRH policy.
The cult has gone from a well intentioned organization attempting to perform some form of spiritual enhancement, to one that buys buildings thru ripping off their public of millions and millions of dollars.
I could go on and on.
Keep drinking the Kool-Aid Narc! Oh, and every once in a while, try opening your eyes.
and closing your mouth Narco until you have something beneficial to say.
Well…that’s it then it. There’s nothing beneficial coming out of the moron’s mouth.
So mere conversation is noise?
What you wanna natter ’bout, Bates?
Let’s see? I’ve taken the premise of H. Beam Piper’s first published story, Time And Time Again, and started writing a novel on it. I’m about 11K words into the 1st draft and one problem the protagonist has to is having to no to a girl he grew up with. She’s 15 in 1975 and mentally he’s 55.
your natter fascinates me, miss Bates
BTW, my protagonist has the gender neutral Evelyn.
im bi, technically, and im a little bit excited. Don’t stop. I love the way you say protag-ga-gaa…. o my dear.
Look at yourself in the mirror this morning narcolepsy?… Just saying
I do believe young narco would never remove his mask
long enough to be recognized in a mirror.
That sort of thing does go against the grain of his religion, which,
once adopted, sucks identity right out of you. With that gone (or, more accurately stated as: “with that identity placed in the hands of the controller”) all you can ever see then is some form of a mask of conformity, never comes off, even for your own eyes. Especially your own eyes, silly me, that’s what cults are all about. Obsessive about control.
Of course, there is the possibility of turning… You could call it an eventual likelihood, for anyone to turn, no matter how dark, oppressive and secretive the cult, if you are from the camp of thinkers that says truth endures and reigns supreme.
So, what you’re saying is is that a vampire would have more use for a mirror than a Scientologist?? LOL
yep, pretty much equal
Narco, I know you’re afraid to read this, but common sense dictates that you don’t mention spirituality and tell someone they deserve torture (the hole) in the same comment. Maybe you should think on that one if you ever stop guzzling the kool aid.
I am grateful to Mike and other higher-ups who defected and now tell the truth. Perhaps some still haven’t told everything they know. I have a feeling Mark Rathbun doesn’t. And probably Debbie Cook, who’s gone silent.
When Mike or Mark or Debbie said something we can see from the 2000-era official CoS videos online that they were indeed higher-ups who would know. CoS can’t say about them what it claims about Leah Remini or even Paul Haggis, that they were nebbishes who didn’t know what was going on anyway. If Mike Rinder, the CoS spokesman who addressed 1000s at CoS events, didn’t know who did?
It’s funny how you go from that self-righteous talk about faith, hope and spirituality, and railing about a person’s lack thereof, to wishing that someone be kept in conditions which civilized people don’t even tolerate for people in jail.
Your “spiritual” experiences do not seem to have provided you with even a basic acquaintance with forgiveness and compassion.
I guess it shows, like your nasty habit of telling people to kill themselves, just how noble and spiritual scientologists really are. Truly charming.
Hi Kemist, I enjoyed your post. Thank you. Truely charming indeed those Scientologists! Charm one out of all their money, charm one into The Sea Org, charm some into the grave and call it the decision of that Thetan to drop the body! Lovely.However we are here and I wish you and yours the best in 2016. Love, Ann.
Punching Pontiff: Just produce one – ONE clear (or as Jason Beghe says, “one motherfucking clear”) with total recall and control over MEST, and some of us will stop giving you such a bad time, Yo.
I think it’s: “SHOW ME A MOTHERFUCKING CLEAR!” Either way, there is no state of so-called clear. It’s all Science Fiction.
jive natter-baiters,
-clearly experiencing a state of delusion, which is more than a little sad.
I prefer real Sci-Fi,
By guys who actually call themselves science fiction writers, and to hell with “I AM THE SOURCE” lunatics harping about the miraculous answers, enough natter already, or you’re doomed to sound just like good ol’ Narcoleps, like, the rest of your life. You all see Star Wars yet? Do it.
Finally did a good one, they did.
We are on Christmas Day!
Narco, if you love Scientology, be advised that anyone still in the official church is effectively not allowed to practice it anymore.
In fact, practicing Scientology – walking the walk, and not just talking the talk – is the reason why Mike and man of us Ex- Scientologists posting here got booted out of the church. Practicing Scientology is guaranteed to get you kicked out of Scientology, Narco.
Or it will get you silently “declared”.
Is that Scientology?
Narco, there are many people here whose children disconnected from them when the Church ordered them to do so and these people who were disconnected from never even got a Comm Ev.
Is that Scientology?
I could go on with numerous examples of how the Church of Scientology no longer practices Scientology but space would not permit, and its only a matter of time before much of the truth of what appears on this blog becomes apparent to you, and you’ll be one of us.
Good luck, Narco. Whether you’re an OSA troll, or just a Still In OSA helper sincerely defending your religion, either way, here’s wishing you luck, because you are really going to need it.
And, when you’re finally ready, willing and able to look and obnose (observe the obvious) and if you then further apply Scientology and communicate about it, then the Church of Scientology will immediately if silently brand you an SP, and you’ll be shunned, or they’ll just boot you out altogether.
What it boils down to, Narco, are 2 choices as follows:
1) Do as you’re told always, be a good boy/good girl, stay “in good standing” and get your “spiritual guidance”. or,
2) Apply Scientology, and be kicked out of the Church of Scientology.
Again, good luck, and Happy Holiday, Narco.
Unfortunately (for Narcolepsy), he is now on the RPF for increasing the number of postings on Mike’s blog instead of shutting it down which were his mission orders.
Hi Gadfly, Thank you for my Christmas present. Great post. I look forward to 2016, Love, Ann.
Love to you Ann. Have a glorious Christmas!
Aquamarine, I added to the “meaty” bit. Check it out, I finally worked s/g out. Cheers…
If you feel the need to have a holy trinity of nouns that comprise understanding you can do just as well if not better than Hubbard with his ARC: affinity, reality and communication. You are equally qualified to make up your own Triangle of Understanding. For instance, scrap the “C”. Communication isn’t necessary to understand somebody. They might only tell you lies. You simply need observe them to understand them. Perhaps what Hubbard meant was, “human amicability” rather than “understanding”. In which case, yes, communication is indispensable. He wasn’t very precise with his words, was he?
My point is it doesn’t matter what scientology claims it is or what it claims reality is. The problems arise when people accept what they’re told instead of looking at it analytically and critically because they want to cater to their emotional likes and dislikes. Especially, as in the case of Ron Hubbard, where very little he ever said passes critical thinking muster or even common sense muster.
My 1974 Scientology Dictionary does not include definitions for “critical thinking”.
Also missing is the word cult,
but we could have assumed that, knowing that LRH hated the word.
There is no reason inside the bubble, but there is a reason for that…
Hey, Scientology, my karma ran over your dogma. I’m a 1.1 psych-drug-using SP who’s winning. Deal with it.
You da man!
he da man!
And my dharma doesn’t fear big pharma.
And that’s what I call, Karma!
Bumper sticker on Miscavige’s car says, “Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you’re an asshole”. LOL
That’s funny!
I really liked this post. It reminded me of a book by Robert Thurman titled ‘Infinite Life’. He was the the first american to be ordained a Tibetan Buddhist monk. In the book he has a spectrum for human evolution. On one end he puts religious fundamentalists. On the other end he puts materialist nihilists. The middle being the ideal for human spiritual evolution.
So by abandoning,or at the least, pushing your own sense of what is true and makes sense to the side until it is rediscovered or is painfully in your face where you can no longer tolerate living that way — people absorb these word soup Hubbardisms, even though the walk they see doesn’t match the talk in the beginning or shortly thereafter?
Because they wanted it to be true or all they were promised or believed? Because they seek, and on the surface it seems they have found, until such a time that they are inextricably tied up within the organization with open eyes and mind and willing to acknowledge and walk away at potentially great emotional, personal cost (or both). Or kicked out because they are no longer of use?
To me – this sounds so very sad. CoS isn’t the only one out there who may fit this bill (think an abusive relationship with a spouse, friend, partner, etc.,)
If what I wrote is indeed an accurate description (though I know it might not explain every situation/personal experience), it does add another layer of understanding.
One of the biggest contradictions in Scientology, and this is from the pen of LRH, is that he says repeatedly, “What is true for you is true. If it is not true for you, it is not true.” PLOT TWIST: Meter checks inevitably include the question: “Is there anything you disagree with?” and if it reads, you are told to find your misunderstood word. How can “What is true for you is true and what is not true for you is not true”, and “If you have any disagreement, you will find misunderstood words and restudy until said disagreements don’t exist anymore” exist at the same time?
Excellent post! The vast amount of contradictions in Scientology dogma, and the oblivion adherents have for those contradictions. has always amazed me. In some ways, it explains why there is such harsh punishments for questioning anything.
But in other ways, I think it also reflects what could be taken as the real inner secret of LRH’s teachings: the downward spiral of the organization as a religious institution is a path inherently built into the framework of the system of beliefs. Because when you get right down to it, the contradictions are essentially lies and the vast amount of contradictions paint a framework of lying. In Creation of Human Ability, circa 1954, Hubbard stated Lying is the alteration of time, place, event or form and it becomes alter-is-nesss and represents stupidity. He also stated that lying is the lowest form of creativity in Fundamentals of Thought, circa 1956. And these were no passing off-hand comments, these statements were captured for all of posterity in the 1970s Tech Dictionary has THE definition of lying and therefore a fundamental principle of belief.
So from the beginning, LRH’s philosphical teachings established that the contradictions or lies in his own dogma were a manifestation of stupidity based on a lack of creativity. Yet his works are heralded as the be all, do all, end all of all systems of beliefs. But the way I see it, to blatantly ignore all of those contradictions and never question them, is to embrace ignorance itself. One cannot truly “know how know” if they embrace ignorance. To embrace ignorance is to set a radical path where the ends justify the means, at all costs. And this why there is never a defense or debate given for the contradictions in the dogma. There is only an attack, and radical reactionary responses whenever any rational questions are raised. That is the true nature of the path of enlightenment that is supposed to be a “bridge” to greater form of existence where all the things in life that should be cherished are treated like a game and trivialized as being insignificant when it comes to pursuing the greater good.
The only times I felt trapped was when my brother threw me into the closet and jammed a chair under the door knob. I also felt trapped when I found myself at the bottom of a pile of 220+ pound football players. I couldn’t move and it was very smelly. For the most part our planet earth has provided me with many moments of freedom and feelings of happiness. Like watching the sunset over the ocean/gulf as I sat on the beach having a beer. Or roaming the Rocky mountains or Sierra Nevada mountains or the Wasatch Range seeing the beauty and splendor and experiencing a calmness that is there for the asking. Sitting in the middle of a California desert by myself, no sounds aside from a small breeze blowing across my face. A clean crisp fall day as my dog and I walked across a field to a woods where I would sit and listen to the sounds of the animals, watching the leaves fall when a small gust of wind came up and felling the chill of that crisp fall day. Or going to the top of Haleakala on Maui to watch the sun come up. I could go on but I think you get the point. How can one feel trapped when they have this beautiful Earth to experience space, freedom, serenity and happiness? Those who are trapped are the ones who choose to be involved in activities that take away the simple freedoms that our Earth provides us.
Sunset or sunrise, Haleakala is ALWAYS a beautiful place to be. As is Muir Woods in northern Cal. But, my all time favorite place is Iao Valley just above Historic Wailuku on Maui.
My Aunt made us kids learn the everyday words we used in English, in Hawaiian too. Which leads me back to Iao (pronounced E Ow) Valley. In the 1700s, two Hawaiian tribes fought a very pitch battle in Iao Valley. The used spears and machetes so the Iao Stream ran red with blood. The story goes that some of the beings who were killed, never crossed over for whatever reason. When I used to take groups on hikes there I would educate them along the way. Towards the beginning, there’s a very large rock, about the size of VW beetle. I would take a small rock and wrap it in maile leaf. Then, I would ask for permission & protection to hike in the valley. It’s a natural aqua qualifier and rains up to 600 inches a year. Tourists have been washed away and killed in the Iao Valley.
Coffee and strawberry mangoes grow wild there. There are also ancient ruins in this valley. Once there, you’re in a completely different world. The energy the Valley creates is THE most positive I’ve ever experienced.
Potpie, maybe someday, we can both be on Maui at the same time. I’d love to show you the wonder that is Iao Valley. You may never want to leave….
OSD my favorite island was Kauii. It broke my heart to leave there. Such simple times.
I know Kaua’i well. I’m sure you know about Hanalai. Wish we could pull up roots and move there. Nice lifestyle. Mo’ bettar dan here.
My dad spent time in New Zealand. I knew the Maori war chants well. Still do sticks and poi with the grandchildren. Let’s go. Maybe we will stop there after the 2017 Kenya safari and forget to leave?
The 2017 Kenya trip is will be taking down payments in late ’16. The ’16 trip is already booked.
And I like your thinking! Go to Kenya, stay on Kaua’i and put down roots…
Sounds really nice Dude. Did a stint on Oahu once in exchange with US army. Geezers didn’t we drink but we played around in the bush over there and it was breath takingly beautiful. I have no idea where on the island we went but those knife sharp ridges and lush jungle was as pretty as a picture. We went to an old firing range and there were a zillon spent 50cal aircraft shells, dating back to WW2.
Did a bit of abseil training from helicopters there with some really strange para military/police types who bust dope plantations (among other things). Cowboys extraordinaire they were. Armed to the teeth, as least two pistols a piece and they said every time they actually find dope (not that often) they have a shoot out. I think the guy was BSing but they meant business none the less. Interesting place Hawaii.
Hi I Yawnalot, Thank you for your post. Yes, Hawaii will always be in my heart. I have deep ties to that Paradise. It is so good to see others here have memories of those islands too. I plan to go back one day.Love, Ann PS But without that particular volcano on DMSMH tagging along!Laughter! XO.
OSD, I would love to experience Iao Valley with you as my guide. It sounds beautiful.
It’s beyond beautiful. It’s magical! My family was rooted in Hawai’i from 1890 until about 7 or 8 years ago. Would love to move to Molokai’i. Talk about your extreme laid back lifestyle!
One of the high points of my life was hiking up to the base of Hi’ilawe falls in Waipio Valley on the Big Island. That chain is full of glorious places.
I’ll go. I’d love to go. And thanks for mentioning Muir Woods, too.
Very cool.
What a beautiful life.
And yes, I hugged many, many trees! The positive vibe in the Muir Woods is just incredible! You feel so alive and yes, keyed out, in nature. And of course, nature doesn’t charge you money to experience it.
Remember, you’re part of everything and separate from nothing…….
Well stated Potpie and all those ‘keyed-out’ moments were for FREE.
Yep. We all can all have very keyed out moments in our lives. Living in Hawai’i, I was almost always keyed out! I’m gettin’ keyed out right now jess thinkin’ of it! Whew! And that’s the exact feeling I get when I’m surfing. Oh…….and it’s free. Yep, these incredible moments that we all have, are, in deed, FREE!
BTW, we all have a choice when we wake up in the morning. We can either CHOOSE to make it a great day, or, we can CHOOSE not to. The choice is yours. It really is all up to us! And thank goodness for that…….
When I was in my teens I would smoke dope and then come up with profound ideas. The people I was with would write them down so we didn’t forget them. The next morning, they were incomprehensible gibberish. We couldn’t decipher what we had been thinking that made us think they were so profound.
When I was in scientology, LRH writing seemed profound to me. Now I read writings like the quote above and it’s gibberish.
I think the moral to this story is that most of life is NOT profound. It is the simple pleasure of being alive and living in the moment that makes life what it is.
Although I am by nature a planner and have enough food and eemergency supplies to support a small nation, I enjoy spontaneous moments best of all and refuse to be tied into what someone else tells me I should think or believe, or care about or the people I should know or see.
When you attempt to reduce your life to philosophies or profundities, you destroy the pleasure of being alive.
I found that the best time to think is when I’ve gone out on a looong walk.
Ok, Leslie! We are so glad about the gains you got from the “Loooong Walk Rundown!” We will need a Success Story from you. And don’t forget to completely fawn over COB and thank him for everything he’s done for Scientology, including save it. Leslie, was that not the best $5,000 you ever spent! And that’s because Scientology is precious…
Oh dear! I going to have to think about this.
The first problem is as far as I’m aware there’s no LRH doctrine to serve as the base for the Loooong Walk Rundown. Nor is there any provision for supervision. And, of course, it doesn’t work 100% of the time. There’s also the Breakfast At The Ideal Diner Rundown. ( Here I usually bring a notebook and write down my thoughts as I wait for the meal to be made and served. This has served as the base for blog posts or parts of the novel I’m working on.
“When you attempt to reduce your life to philosophies or profundities, you destroy the pleasure of being alive”
I love that one ! Well said….
“…it is the simple pleasure of being alive and living in the moment.”
That is beautiful. I had to say it again.
Hi Leslie Bates, Breakfast at The Ideal Diner sounds perfect. I have a notebook too because I just can’t give up pen & paper for company with my IPad all the time! I enjoy your posts. Love, Ann.
leslie bates got keyed out joyful and i wanna be a part of it
leslie bates got keyed out joyful, and aint nobody gonna take it away
And Surfer the Dude, too! and surfer dude too…
ann, macarran, aqua and joe.
valerie and artoo too
peter and roger and mike, come on mike! bring the girls please please please
we’re all on safari to stay.
[hey! get back to work narco. not you, you got some catching up to do first, see, it all depends on where your head is at.]
Nicely said Valerie! Have a wonderful holiday season.
Wow, now that was PROFOUND!
“PROFOUND.” Ummmm, is that when a professional finder finds you?
This is just a lovely little piece of writing. Thanks so much, Valerie.
Very nice…
What grabbed me was how I, also, was thinking back to day…
in which I was first being approached by the scn-gist recruiter, and the totally fake line i was being presented with, you know, to get you to come in for that first “big breakthrough”, solution to all your woes and problems, THE communication course.
And that [totally fake] line, i do remember that:
“What is true for you…blah blah blah.”
What a load of crap.
And, in line with everything else scientology says and has said about itself, ever,
it is ALL a load of unmitigated balogna. All-knowledge my happy derriere.
Amazing, that we all fell for it, all of us that did. We really, really wanted to believe…
I mean, the guy selling it to me undoubtedly believed in what he was saying, and did so without even realizing that he was already sacrificing reason for faith, without realizing that he was being forcefully pushed into thinking that way, no clue that he was being manipulated, literally having his own process of cognizance deconstructed in order to have the new process of “thought” supplanted by the same, notorious, god dammed “church” for crissakes. I had a moment of sanity, i do remember, in which i was thinking like:
No, this can’t be right, what this guy is telling me, about problems being solved and everything, i would have heard about it already, come on, if this was all figured out already, how could i not have heard about this? Why don’t they teach this stuff in school?…
My god what lovely questions. Too bad we all forgot to keep asking.
But all that kind of reason is soon squashed because that’s what the “science” of scietology is honest-to-god really about:
How to make scientology get rich and stay rich starts with making you BELIEVE what we say is true, true as true can be, and you don’t have to think one second about all the reason and logic you are unwittingly throwing out the proverbial window, bye-bye to the rest of your life, and welcome to scientology. That’ll be about $300,000 and the entire rest of your life, thanks. Don’t worry, we’ll pay you back, suckah. (no…that’s the part they DONT say… along with some 50-thousand other nasty little secrets, like what really happened to LRH. Just like that “money back” line, just as equally fat, that lie, as all the rest of it) That’s how good the technology actually is, consistently throughout, actually making you believe in a big bunch of intellectual lard.
What memories.
Actually, the organisation of scientology is guilty of intellectual theft. They take the intellect off people.
They apply nothing but nothing itself. They live in dream world where everything is related to the acquisition of money and mest for the group and in return some weird status craving ego is bestowed on the individual. They wallow in the self belief all is well as they have “the tech,” yet give me two minutes with any corporate scientologist and I’ll prove to them they have no idea of what their subject is allegedly based upon. But I’m an SP and an evil apostate, a true enemy, what would I know? You’re either one of them or you’re agin them.
Scientology presents a unique problem really, the only analogy that comes to mind is the ‘the Piped Piper’ except adults are swept away too. I wouldn’t give two hoots for them except they have imprisoned a couple of my family – I want them back!
Outstanding, post, I Yawn! I know the feeling. When you’re in, you feel your group, and ONLY your group, has all the answers to the universe. It’s a heady feeling. When I got out, I realized I didn’t know shit from shineole! And you know what? That was fine by me. It sure beats being in that fucking cult.
I don’t yawn alot when you’re around, yes, “outstanding” i must and do echo,
just because its so real.
thx, good to see you having a great day! Merry Christmas, too, everyone.-mm
[correction: THAT is SHINE-OLA and that is shit. Don’t you know anything?]
Ditto Mark, 2016 awaits…
Yes, I Yawn, 2016 does, indeed, await us. I always love the whining from the cult in the morning. It sounds like victory. Once again, we’ll all have a fantastic 2016 and the cult won’t. We’ll be able to do whatever we want, and the cult members won’t. We’ll be able to own homes, and the slaves won’t. We won’t have to work 112 hour weeks, and the SO will. We be able to go on fantastic vacations and the slaves won’t. We’ll all actually make money. Real money! And staff members won’t. We can have gay friends! And the cult members won’t (on threat of being RPFd!) We won’t be working on Christmas. But the slaves will (AND GOD DAMN IT, THEY BETTER BE PRODUCTIVE!). I can go surfing without filing out CSW! We don’t have ‘spies’ in our family. With cult members, all the other member are, in fact, spying on everyone else. This group that posts here makes my life so very, very interesting! With staff, they’re always looking for the FUCKING SP, that’s suppressing the GI and ends up creating a very, very toxic atmosphere. In other words, ALL OF US HERE ARE OUT AND LIVING LIFE ON OUR TERMS. In the cult they’re living lives of brutality & fear.
So…what do you say, posters, are we lucky or what to have Mike’s blog and the incredible posters here to enlighten all of us or what? Just thinking about when I was still in gives me the shivers…..
OSD, you are so right everything you say. We are living the life that we used to dream about, while in the S.O. DM is the ultimate “SP” or in my terms – ultimate dickhead, a-hole, Napoleon-like dictator. And OSA can kiss my ass.
Have a great Xmas and New Year OSD.
Right back at you, CPO! The best revenge is living well. Can you imagine being in the SO NOW? The insanity? Whew! So glad we’re all out.
Hi OSD, A great post. My teeth are still chattering and my bones are cold. But we have sunshine to warm me right up! XO Ann.
Thanks so much, Ann B! We had a cool but sunny day here at the beach. Around 64 degrees. Our kind of weather…
Thanks for that, surfer.
Lovely contrast. Yes, it is so very good to be OUT.
Outside the bubble of belief.
Here-here, and hurray.
Happy Holidays are here again!
You know, mark marco, you really don’t know what freedom is until it’s taken away from you! I was playing guitar at a place called the “Beach Ball,” in Newport Beach in ’82. Everyone bought me beers as I played. It finally became dark and I was waiting for my friend to pick me up. Well, some ladies dared me to ‘moon’ the bar. So I did. Almost in front of the cop that arrested me. Spent the night in Newport and then transferred to the huge inmates processing center in Santa Ana. I spent the day there. Got out on OR. A friend came and picked me up. When I got home, I had a huge sub, beer and a football game on TV. And doing just those simple things, at that very moment in my life, was the greatest thing I’ve ever experienced! The euphoria was just over the top.
The charges were dropped. I went back and played “The Beach Ball” for many years. My shorts never again left my mid section…
You know I got thrown in jail one Friday afternoon. The jail for the week-end turned out to be the very same old internment camps we set up for US Japanese citizens in WW1, somewhere in the Oakland Hills. The wings got segregated, White, Black and Other by the time I showed up. But the whole experience did tune me in to certain things, in vivid ways, like what freedom and oppression really means. And a little Jail in America.
mark, it was WW2, not 1. My mother and father-in-law were forced to go to the camps. My mother-in-law was just a child. My father-in-law was about 12.
That just about sums it all up Dude.
Surf’s up! It’s Christmas time!!!!!! ENJOY…
I’ll be paddling out on Christmas Day! Wow, Christmas and surfing together! It just doesn’t get any better! We are so very blessed to live in a beach town! Once you’ve lived by the ocean, it’s tough to live anywhere else.
I Yawn, thanks for all of your posts. And, really, thanks for being you! You’re awesome!
Ditto Dude. It’s been fun.. just wait till next year. Scios will be placed on the endangered species list. David Attenborough is rumoured to be doing a documentary of his own. It’s entitled something along the lines of, ‘Scientologists one of Life’s quirky mistakes’.
Paddle friendly Dude…
isnt that hilarious?
It was coming out as ww eleven and i knew THAT couldn’t be right. Then my binary mind saw the other one, just sitting there on my screen and i thought thats gotta be the right one, the other one of course. Bam! Flat-out the wrong World war for crissakes, print and carry on, thinking it was absolutely right, again the danger of assumption rears its ugly head. In a court of law, you can now argue that i am a idiot and have thrown, as in legally discarded, the rest of my testimony. I swear im innocent, guilty again of always digressing. That’s how OJ became the symbol of getting away with murder instead of a nice way to start your day and hydrate at the same time, coming now to the real difference between shineOla and exotic bullshit.
also why great lawyers make great scientologists
The best Christmas gift one can get is freedom from organized religion.
Wow…I could not have said that better. Freedom from organized religion is one of THE best feelings in the world! Great post, Willie! Very well said.
Willie – I totally agree. Thank you LRH for showing me “radicalized religious zealouts” who will kill their own to be right. Scientology really is a harsh form of radicalization of members who can’t and won’t think for themselves. The ones left are robots. How sad and pathetic but if Scientology did not grab them – some Christian, Muslim or other cult would.
Well said Wille. That’s one big present for all who frequent this site. Unless of course you’re under the radar or troll or some such and we just missed your withholds, Merry Christmas to you too, your pressy in under the tree and make 2016 a year to remove the cult from your life.
The blind greed of Scientology and the thickness of the bubble in which they live is made clear in the last frame, when the reg complains that the other guy gave “only” $200K this year. The average salary in the U.S. is something like $40K.
What’s that word…’s on the tip of my tongue….damn, what is THAT word! Hmmmmm….OH! I got it! It’s EXTORTION! Yep, good ‘ol fashion extortion.
Good one, Mike. Above quotes like this from Hubbard immediately had me down that matrix without me realizing that there is a basic premise in it that I don’t actually believe.
I don’t know who said this but somewhere in my mind I felt a bungy cord snap when I first read it. So, I will share it here:
“It is simply not true that we are trapped in this universe. There is no way out of this trap for the simple reason that it wasn’t a trap in the first place. Therefore, any signpost that purports to point to ‘the way out of the trap’ must either be meaningless or else point the way into a trap.”
Appreciated here. Succinct.
You related to John? Something about that name just sticks in the mind.
Tell him i said happy holidays and hope his life is filling up with good people
and abundance, good cheer. That goes for everyone, be healthy and don’t forget to floss your mind to remove unwanted build-up, once a day is recommended by your professional.
-mark marco
I had a boat once, Dan, but it su-sunk…
Hi McCarran, Your post had me thinking along the same lines.When I read Ron’s quote now, I felt as if I were being led into a huge trap from the universe. When I joined SO I felt exactly the opposite. That the universe was the trap and Ron’s World was the heaven! Whoops I feel very differently now.Love, Ann.
Thanks for sharing Mary! A friend of yours and I were discussing that very theme recently.
‘The trap is triggered when you believe it is a trap.’
We have snow in the mountains this morning and the day is wonderful. Merry Christmas!!!
So happy for you Coop. I had many white Christmases in my youth and that, along with Carolers and hot chocolate, are my fondest memories of the Season.
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you and your family/menagerie.
Really? You were young once? I mean, you get up our age and we………….
keep it simple
Interesting Mary. Why do we all assume we are trapped? Maybe its a handy justification to explain why we are not kicking ass in life?
I have yet to see someone in Scn, who is either escaping or has escaped, operate any differently than those “trapped”.
I think it’s called the human condition
There is a lot of talk about being trapped in Scientology, usually when a staff or SO wants to sell you something or is begging for donations.
I don’t think of the body and the planet as traps. There ARE traps that I wouldn’t want to get into, and that if I were in (and I have been) I would want to get out of, but IMO these 2 items are not traps. The traps that scare me are not physical.
I have never felt like my body was trap. Having a body is sometimes a bore and a chore but also can be fun and pleasurable and interesting. Not having a body has never been a goal of mine. I like having a body. I guess I must like being entrapped!
I’ve never thought of Earth as a prison planet but as a place that contains nature that is enlessly marvelous and beautiful, and civilizations current and extinct which fascinate me and are beautiful. If Earth is a prison, then I guess I must like being imprisoned, because I like Earth!
What can I tell you? A chacun a son gout, as the French say. To each his own.
The concept of CI..(counter intention to command intention)… has been used by DM to stop staff/public from thinking altogether or get “out”. No one “inside” can save Scientology from crashing into a wall. Scientology is not only shrinking, it has horrid PR and it has become “ethics bait” for legal institutions around the world… The worst situation for any individual or organization to have is both bad PR AND legal problems. Tick Tock
This made me remember that in my childhood – many, many decades ago – whenever someone loudly proclaimed that they had the inside track on knowning the answer to anything, they were loudly proclaimed “KnowItAlls”. I think that phrase has long ago left general useage, but it sure seems to fit here!
Gman, I sure hope you are off about “Know-It-All” being out of use, because I disparagingly refer to myself as one to help keep perspective, but with your assertion I now fear that when I do so I sound to someone a bit younger as If I were saying I was going to “send a wire”. Thanks a LOT.
This dogmatism point reminds or makes me think of the Hubbard “stable data” point as Hubbard writes in the Problems of Work book by him.
Hubbard advises to change a person away from their stable data, you have to gently offer them a new stable data to replace their old one they will be losing.
That seems to apply to them.
To get out of their Hubbard stable data ruts, they need to gently gets some new stable data so they aren’t all in a loss about losing all their Scientology tiny world status they give to one another.
Also – give up the idea that Hubbard found out all of the good stuff. Others did and he copied them…then he mixed his poison of hypnosis and mind control tactics – like Big League Sales by Les Dane.
Hi Idle Morgue, Please do not remind me about Big League Sales! Laughter.The go-to book that my Div head forever threw at me,literally sometimes,because I was supposed to not just communicate as a reg, but get that money flowing in! Sigh I still kept dreaming and scrubbing toilets at the same time.Love, Ann.But seriously Ron did mix hypnosis and mind control tactics.I firmly believe this in my experience.
The thought occasionally passes my mind that things “weren’t so bad” back in the 1970’s and early 80’s. Even then the only reason for disagreement had to be my own misunderstood word(s). The hypnosis and mind control was subtle and hidden, but even then was in full force as Ann agrees. The subject was rotten from the beginning. No more thoughts from me that it wasn’t that bad.
Hi Richard D, I totally agreed with your post. I have enjoyed all your comments & viewpoints. Thank you for picking up on the fact that, yes, my almost three years in Sea Org with Asho F were 74-76, some amazing, bonding, experiences with a very small group compared to Day Org. And in the beginning I really really felt I was home for life and Ron was my safe harbor. Of course the screw turned inward and backwards and by 78 I was still clinging to some shred of the Sea Org family, yet I began to see I was fighting for my body( tiny bowls of food and hardly any water, my mind constant sec-checking, lists, and evaluations and my spirit that was in danger of leaving the scene altogether). So all you posted resonated for me. A wonderful 2016 to you and yours.Look forward to next year. Love Always, Ann.
Wow, Ann – I didn’t realize the sea org was grinding people up that badly way back when. I was mostly a public person with 2 years of mission work interspersed so I didn’t receive any abuse.
Like yourself I like to look back on earlier posts to see new comments and reflect again on what wise persons like you and others have said. There is a collective wisdom here that I find very fulfilling and illuminating. Love to you, Richard
Hi Richard D, Your post got me thinking how isolated I was in The Sea Org, as to what lower Orgs & Missions were like for staff there. We knew stats up or down but way back then I do not recall being sent to any Org on a SO mission, except to clean the old Children’s Org, which brought tears to my eyes it was so filthy! Of course moving FOLO to the Hollywood Inn was more in house as it were.
And Richard you are correct about not knowing what was happening at Asho back in 77-78. Let us say that somehow an offshoot of the Guardian’s Office decided some exec at Day or Fdn was up to no good regarding both Orgs. So there was a unique urgency to find and root out the individual or individuals responsible.Unfortunately I was tapped as part of this particular ” game “. I sure learned survival techniques in a hurry after that! Thank you for giving me new views in your posts. Love, Ann.
Indeed, the gate to any knowledge from Hubbard is a closed door unless you become a slave, if a staff, or a pig-payer (un cochon de payeur, en France). Untill then, no rights to anything from the books or “processes”, unless you’re one of the naive believers that “knowing” shall be given… but then what’s “given” by scientology is only “a mystery”, according one of the LRH’s Fundamentals “man is mystery sandwich”. – Certainly, one more arguments used to force staffs and hardsellers to never decipher the main bases of the cult to the “prospects”..
I was a Southern Baptist for a couple years before
discovering Scientology. All I had to my name was
a BSA Motorcycle , Levis,T shirt, boots and leather jacket.
It did NOT fit the MOLD for going to Heaven as a Baptist
so I moved onto NOT fitting the MOLD in Scientology.
Now I own a company that does NOT fit the MOLD
what I changed was instead of wearing my Silver Star
on my leather jacket it’s in a picture frame in my office.
My name is carved in stone at an Altar in a Buddhist Pagoda
and Monks pray there every day.
No particular message here except maybe cut back
on girlfriends who drink too much. Never seek much of what
you want because those things you need will find you
despite all odds.
The Marine
That’s cool…
Thanks for serving…
May the best day of your past be the worst day of your future, Jose.
It cracks me up when I read this stuff. It is just jibberish to any regular person.
Does anyone actually keep reading the entire quote to try to make sense of it?
I can get more out of a FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT like this random one in our newspaper.
FILE NO. 20151117-10022139-0
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: AIM CORPORATE WELLNESS, 2393 Townsgate Rd., #202, Westlake Village, CA 91361, Ventura County, State of Incorporation / Organization: CA, Denise Noyer-Erez, L.Ac., Inc., 2393 Townsgate Rd., #202, Westlake Village, CA 91361. This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 11/17/15. I declare that all Information In this statement Is true and correct (A registrant who declares information as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1.000).) /s/ Denise Noyer-Erez, L.Ac., Inc., Denise Noyer-Erez, Denise Noyer-Erez, President. NOTICE – in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see Section 14411 ET SEQ., Business & Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura November 17, 2015. PUBLISHED: Ventura County Reporter; 11/25/15, 12/3/15, 12/10/15 and 12/17/15.”
You are so right, Toot. I read that LRH quote above, about 3 or 4 times. I still do not have an effing clue of what he is talking about! But, it really does sound epic and there are so many theta words that he used… I think my needle is floating!
thats just laughter
as the needle disconnects from all reality at the presence of laughter
not what you thought, exactly, right?
and thats because a floating needle is a real life thing just as the easter bunny,
real as the planet superman came from
and the dream you had while sleeping just last nite.
A floating needle tells a story like what the CEO of ENRON told, and all the folks at Morning Star believed
a floating needle needs only one thing. It craves only one thing, it justifies its existence by only one thing.
a floating needle needs only to be believed.
thats just laughter
and yes i believe my needle is floating indeed
“What is true for me is what is true for you.” David Miscavige
“What is true for me better be God Damned true for you, you CICS!” David “LET HIM DIE” Miscavige
If Scientologists don’t believe in Jesus or Christianity, then why do they celebrate Christmas?
‘Tis the season to be giving.
‘Tis the season to be giving, and giving, and giving, and giving, and giving, and giving, and giving. And that’s just the first IAS reg. There’s 5 more waiting for you!
To make it appear that they are “all inclusive” and “respect” all religions. But the motive is PR.
Like all things Scientology the calculation and motive for action is based on sales of Scientology products. Not selfless service.
Scientology’s PR association with other religions is to create the impression of being mainstream. It gives Scientology an air of credibiliy.
In truth, Scientology has a condescending disdain for other practices. But it does not reveal this attitude publicly.
What the public in the past has seen as Scientology, was a well crafted sham of benevolence and religious tolerance. That mask has been destroyed by time and the Internet.
When we look past the curtain of lies and deception it is cesspool of arrogance, self righteousness, false knowledge, condescension for other religions and an extremely closed philosophic system whose boundaries are enforced by punishment.
This punishment is totally accepted by the Scientologist. It is called Ethics.
Scientology uses other religions for selfish reasons while arrogantly being condescending towards them in truth.
Allowin oneself to investigate other teachings, first the Scientologist has to see Ron as he is. He booby trapped our reach to other practices.
By claiming that other practices are a a trap, while agreeing to Ron’s unique messiahship, Scientologists are in fear of studying and practicing other valid paths to spiritual liberation.
I hope and pray that Scientologists have the courage and intellectual sovereignty to dissolve that well studied and word cleared investigative limitation that Ron put on us for selfish reasons.
The sky is the limit. But first Ron must be cognized for who he is, not his alter ised PR image that was enforced through sec checks and threats of punishment.
It’s fun. Even scientologists have past pleasure moments of expectation and getting presents as kids etc, plus all that good food and drink. It’s kind of good to see some relationship with society but management uses it for money acquisition purposes and so allows the festivities (controlled of course). It’s the humble rank and file staff members that I feel for at this time of year – it’s tough on them.
Yes, Scientology public parties were always fun. Lots of cigarettes and alcohol. Good friends until Scientology policy destroys them.
It’s quite fascinating how students follow their teacher:
Chain smoking and alcohol.
Back in the day none of my students, PCs, auditors or supervisors chained smoked or drunk alcohol to excess. Which scientologists are you referring to?
At $50 per week it would be really difficult to be addicted to tobacco and/or alcohol. Even if they were buying generic brands.
Hi angryskorpion, I liked your post. $50.00 today a week is ridiculous. In my Sea Org time it was $11.50 a week and slowly inched up to $17.00 the last years. I smoked horrid Kools then because Ron did but I made one pack last a week or two. I used to stay alone at The Hollywood Inn while a lot of Day & Fdn members would go to the mountains San Gabrielle I think or to gatherings with other SO members at a public person’s house at Cristmas. But an exec would leave me a bottle of wine & a rose for my little Christmas! Crazy but sweet. Love, Ann.
Back in the day for me IYawn, smoking was ubiquitous. Most all Scientologists I knew smoked. And drank to that happy wobbly state at parties.
Not before a session of course.
I would request a drunken auditor. My needle would always be floating! LOL
Hi angryskorpion, Your post gave me a laugh,thank you. Jingle on, Always Ann
ha ha ha
Choose your prison of belief (system) — or just skip it.
It doesn’t matter what anyone chooses to believe, Reality is always there.
Or as I like to say, “Now is.”
but i thought EVERYTHING is what you choose to believe, and what you choose to believe actually displaces whatever reality happens to actually be, pretty much without fail.
Happy Holidays, Leslie! (-Love all yr stuff)
Reality? CDEINR, it has a few flavours.
As it is.
What raw? Not even ketchup?
Must sushi……
Hmmm. From reading the actual quote, I’m thinking along the lines of Gnosticism rather than fundamentalism. If you are speaking of the actual ‘ism’s here.
I’m thinkin Dave should correct the basic triangle to conform with the current scene.
How about an ARD Triangle where Actuality, Reality and Delusion equate to Cult Thinkingness?
oh man,
i just had to add this, that i had a “cognition” i was so very proud of…
back in the day (mid 70’s) as a devout and devoted scn-gist…
A THIRD Triangle,
fits over the first two, so fittingly, so sweetly. Goes as:
Ethics, Tech, & Admin.
(god, i’m getting chills now, thinking about how this could be applied to improving productivity. I can see the policy letters coming out now…)
We were encouraged to write Ron, but i never did. Just chicken shit, really,
– to actually write god to tell him about his own game? Huh. I mean, really, huh.
The way things change, perception-wise…
It’s take all your $ism.
you mean i should be charging for this?
Scientology is ALWAYS about the money. ‘Take advantage of the holiday materials specials!’ They cannot have a simple Christmas message without trying to sell you something. I am so happy to be out.
Scientology is hard wired to ask for every single penny you have. At this point, it might be woven into their collective DNA.
It’s the only game in town for them.
They have no other statistic. They cannot and will not do anything concerning the welfare of another, they engage in no goodwill or anything constructive to aid the sufferings of life. It’s not that they are part of the problem of life, they are product of the darker side of life. Even sunshine doesn’t have much effect on what’s left of them now. They have sealed their own fate and are recruiting their own executioners. The future is anything but pleasant for the Cof$.
Now that’s a happy thought. Good nite and sweet dreams.