Well, I have to ask.
Where IS the big, booming org in London? (Or anywhere…)
And what does a staff member completing the PTS/SP Course have to do with a big, booming org? Now she is going to be able to confront and shatter the suppression that is preventing the org from expanding?
In fact, this course teaches scientologists to stay the hell away from “suppression” — they cannot confront nor handle it, let alone shatter it. So, that isn’t going to help…
Once again, this is the blind sheeple demonstrating their cognitive dissonance.
40 years ago, Hubbard said in an LRH ED “we wanted a big booming org and we got one” — along with SOME OTHER “stable data” like hiring “wogs” to man the place up and that staff had “no other fish to fry” and best of all, it will only take a few weeks to get above the Make-Break point of an org.
This is just 3 paras of the 4 pages of BS:
Merely because Hubbard said it, scientologists think it makes them cool to repeat it. Despite the glaringly obvious fact that it is a lie, they don’t even realize that Hubbard was telling them the ONLY reason their org is not capable of paying them anything to live on is that they are off-purpose fuck-ups who have other fish to fry and are aberrated on the subject of how long it takes to build an org. Nothing to do with Dianetics and Scientology not delivering what it promises, or the massive abuses of the organization being all over the internet, or the arcane administrative nightmare that makes even the worst government bureaucracies look like models of modern, streamline efficiency. No, it’s all the fault of the staff who just don’t get with the program.
Yet, they seem PROUD of announcing this to the world. And always hopeful that by simply repeating the bs, somehow it will come true, because Ron said so.
As I keep saying, the delusion in the bubble is astonishing.
I feel sorry for these lives being utterly wasted. Chloe thinks she is building a better world. I bet she is a genuinely nice person. I look at this and all I can think of is that old slogan “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”… It’s probably more correctly stated for scientology “A mind is a terrible thing to steal.”
“We wanted a big, booming org” – and we don’t have one.”
Mike, how do you manage to crack me up without even trying?
Still laughing!
Mike, I’m really liking the “Important Quotes” section. Some important thoughts in them.
And Dwarfenführer has no clue. everything he touches turns toxic.
scns avoid cognitive dissonance by just not-seeing anything that disagrees with their very fixed ideas. If it looks like it MIGHT be ‘entheta’, they skip on to something else
In the end they need out side help,whether it’s PIs , underage youth , immigrants to tap on ” Suppressive People” .
Insult to injury , those who are sought for help, on less then minimum wages ,don’t know for whom they are working and why they are doing : what they are doing .
Very sad and difficult state of affairs , with all this Tech nothing works for their own
At least they have iPhone and Android to rely on.
Cult is obsession of a Mad man , making ordinary people mental slave .
Now the war got reversed as the Mad man underestimated the power of ordinary man with advance technology.
Tubby hardly understood the technology of the ’40s and couldn’t have anticipated ANY of what we take for granted these days. He didn’t have that sort of imagination.
Scientology ,having feet on two boats same time : text of 50’s and challanges of new mellinium.
The ” know all” founder was ignorent about the computer and internet technology emerging in next 2 to 3 decades but had exact details next trillion years of Universe future.
As a staff member and even long after, I thought I was doing the world a favor in sacrificing my life to scientology. I came to find I had sacrificed unknowingly to a scam.
A friend in CW that was in staff in Atlanta, is embarrassed by the bad PR Atlanta now provides to people inside the bubble. Recently an exodus of public to flag, which does happen. The deafness of the local org is bad news to those still in.
There IS no “good” news about the enterprise representing itself as scientology these days. The closest it gets is the alternate facts which directly contradict the reality that the remaining clams see with their own eyes.
Dotey, insiders from St. Louis have reported a similar exodus of locals to “mecca” after they concluded the org was run by SPs – long-term executives there are, from reports, exploitive, though i would think that should raise the question of why international management allows the situation to persist unless the underlying problem is even larger.
I wonder how much of that is going on at other local orgs, as the CofS falters and shrinks. It may also be a symptom of their having lost, and no longer being able to attract, the sort of good, capable people who once made it what it was.
And will the aftermath of the pandemic accelerate such trends?
There is no doubt that the pandemic gave them a gut punch in regards to what was “normal” operations.
In Atlanta, day staff is now at five shills. One has a wife that supports him, the ED still lives from her deceased husband’s dental practice, I am insure how the others pay for food.
The foundation ED and her husband that is on staff have paying jobs outside. I don’t know how many foundation staff there now are.
Atlanta’s plight is known broadly by those that wish to look. It went from a “glorious” grand opening in April 2016 with +200 day and +100 foundation staff to 5 day and who knows foundation.
I know of four Atlanta parishioners that moved this year to CW. One was Atlanta staff and his wife, the two others are trying to make it up the bridge past clear.
Div 3 used to win the birthday game often in the 80s.
I’d be given 300$ and the 4 of us would go have us a seafood dinner some where nearby on Vermont. I let them have the rest of the evening off if they wanted.
AOLA wasn’t the same as the rest of the SO it seems. I always thought this was because of all the OTs.
Now I think it was because Ivan fought off the bull coming down from management as best he could … till he couldn’t and blew in the night with the FBO.
Yah, winning the birthday game and going saint hill size meant nothing to management really. Management sure went down the tubes with DM. He perpetrated mistrust and it spread through out.
I still have to remind myself #igotout
The Birthday game was just a sham inside a sham.
Whenever you’re down, remember:
then everything else fell into place.
Another thing Hub said was that you have to agree to be suppressed. But they never publish that little nugget as it challenges the need for enforced disconnection, fair game, hunkering down during protests and all other information control efforts.
It should be noted first of all that the conditions that brought the old SH to those levels were that they brought people from all over the world to study what became the SH special briefing course.
A stand-alone event that cannot be repeated (and never happened again).
Another point, even in Saint Hill with lrh did not last that long.
In my opinion to make an org stably SH size you must have a mega division 6 which already is Sainthill size before the org. I am talking just about science fiction.
LmR, it WAS repeated; on the Apollo doing just the same thing as old SH, and later at the Flag Land bases– there were two in Florida in late ’75.
Slightly earlier, Hana pulled off miracles establishing AOLA IIRC. Whichever org, it was quite the happening place while she was running the show, as I heard it.
Jere thanks a lot for these informations. For them those “good old times” are definitely over.
It always comes back to the source, Hubbard. It is amazing that these $ci who have dedicated themselves to $ci and have giving mucho $ have never taken the time to look into Hubbard’s life. If they did they would find he was “the source” of lies, pain, misery and financial ruin.
Yes, and Chris Owen is writing a book about it all.
I’ll have it handy whenever I get to sit down again with the other side of my family. Along with Jon’s.
Chloe is a beautiful young woman. All I can think is “how many times has she been molested, and still she smiles through it because she has to?”
Because THAT is not a happy smile, doesn’t reach her eyes. It’s a “I am trapped and I have to smile or it gets worse” smile.
Hubbard created a whole new genus and species of evil.
That species was “Homo Nervous”
Good one.
The novel Yankee Dawn by Michael Cumiskey is about Scientology. The book will be published on 6/28/21.
Kindle $3.99
Authors Press; 1st edition (June 28, 2021)
251 pages
* * * * * BEGIN DESCRIPTION * * * * *
Would it be so easy to successfully challenge our democracy and alter our value system?
Imagine a wealthy American determined in his belief and practice of the cult of Scientology, landing in Great Britain with the intention of pursuing a wholesale conversion of the country to a very different economic and belief system…
In this instance, two serious criminal events presage Stanley Groom’s arrival in Britain and signify the start of a well-planned campaign (if not an invasion). Initially, it is via the adoption of an established criminal empire that Groom seeks to finance his operation. In the beginning, his influence and his progress are due in part to the lack of a proper moral dimension.
Although the American’s background is drawn from a situation of extreme penury and petty crime, he is a high achiever and quickly surrounds himself with those of similar ilk. His plan is opposed in England by two senior policemen and later by the leader of the original Scientologists movement back in America. In both instances, both opponents eventually feel it necessary to resort to extreme measures to defeat Groom’s intentions employing similar measures to those he has already demonstrated. Given the political implications, there is no easy answer or convenient resolution.
* * * * * END DESCRIPTION * * * * *
Memorialized with the book cover on ESMBR at:
Another variation on this riff: “A mind is a terrible thing to hold prisoner.”
[nod to author Lawrence Wright]
I remember Jeanie (and a couple of other HAS’s in Pac) setting up a WOG recruitment line LONG ago. Even AOLA participated for a bit. HORRENDOUS failure of course because no org has ever been able to pay staff even minimum wage. Flag Crew also tried this once with similar results plus a wage suit via the State gov.
Since Scat-ology, Scamology (dang A.I. auto correct!) has NEVER EVER produced the results Tubbo claimed on the Bridge to Total Bankruptcy, actual pay has never been possible and even 99+% of Oat Teas refuse to join staff because they know the truth deep down and realized if they joined they would never get paid because of that fact.
Even without the evil DM and his “squirreling” of Tubbo’s Tek nothing in the subject werks. Hence the almost total collapse of the “Indie” movement in the last decade. They could call it something else and remove all connections to the past and it just doesn’t produce the results claimed so it has died for all practical purposes. Just like the Orgs. All dead except for a few remaining pickle brained zombies and some kids of those or former members they have disconnected from.
I thought a Hubbard edict was to never hire non-scientologists to work in the orgs, precisely because they won’t be ardent believers in Hubbard’s writings as the word of god.
Mike posted the instructions from Hubbard to hire wogs at the top of this page.
Exactly! Just typical of Hubbard to make contradictory policy and try to pretend the old one never happened.
Bridge to total penury, which could be considered a freedom of sorts.
The only folks Able to join staff are of independent means; rich or retired with their own homes, AFAICT. A common situation I saw 40-45 years ago was having a spouse with a good steady job. Combine that with living like illegal aliens in a tenement of some sort, and they/we could just scrape by.
The only folks able to join staff are of independent means; rich or retired with their own homes, AFAICT. A common situation I saw 40-45 years ago was having a spouse with a good steady job. Combine that with living like illegal aliens in a tenement of some sort, and they/we could just scrape by. The Sea Org had it just a little worse, living as “boat people” in overcrowded and filthy cargo holds.
Hubbard rigged it so NO org could/would pay staff a semi-living wage even in the best of times. Miscavige took it to the next level of depravity.
“or a mind is a terrible thing to abuse.”
Hubbard’s losing proposition Scientology quackery pseudo-therapy/exorcism-of-Xenu’s-“body-thetans”-sales-machine organisations have very few upsides.
No amount of bureaucracy and efficiency dents the fact that Hubbard’s quackery is quackery.
Hail Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” (surplus souls without bodies) which infest all humans and which take five secret “upper levels” of Scientology exorcism to rid a Scientologist of all their Xenu’s’ “body-thetans”.
Scientology is an exorcism snipe-hunting faux “religion” scam.
It’s taboo for Scientologists to even say the words Xenu and “body-thetans” publicly.
Scientologists are indoctrinated by Hubbard’s rules and regulations to be mentally crippled and incapable of explaining their own core practices.
Lower Scientology is psychosomatic pseudo-therapy. Upper Scientology is 5/8’s exorcism (OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the five exorcism stages of Scientology’s core practices).
It’s secret snipe-hunting for Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans”. Expensive, long and drawn out, and Scientologists aren’t even allowed to simplify and explain what they are doing.
I’d say it’s taboo to even think of Zenu & body Thetans outside of a proper, PAID session. Ya gotta PAY for the privilege of getting your brains scrambled by Tubby’s “tech”.
Don’t know if it is the same person but a Chloe Milton in 2019 did OT VI.
I DID understand that due to lack of paying customers to be audited staff are now auditing each other, so they’ll make big jumps on the bridge.
Staff getting audited? Well, it’s about time !!
I remember when the Universe Corp. carrot was dangled in 1983 & ’84. Are they now just getting ’round to it, lol
That always was the only way staff got audited: No one paying for service and newly-minted auditors needing warm(ish) bodies on the cans.
Yes, it’s telling that we see staff getting certs – along with old-timers going “clear” or even joining staff themselves, presumably because they’ve reached a point in their lives where they have some time and money to spare. that helps them stave off collapse when there’s almost no ‘raw meat’ and even born-ins often don’t seem to be too interested in going up the “bridge”.
I could go on and on about what Hubbard said, but why bother?
Right, otherles; it’s not worth the effort. The enterprise representing itself as scientology will implode all on its own sooner or later. Soonest, if Dwarfenführer® has any say in it.
It may already have done so and what we’re watching is just its twitching limbs
A booming org will hopefully never happen again. Scientology in the public opinion stinks to high heaven so recruiting has been all but choked off in my opinion.
Xeenu, I somewhat disagree. IF, and only if scientology actually begins to work as advertised, they could experience a renaissance of sorts. That would be a GOOD thing that I could support, might even join IF I believed it to be real.
The enterprise representing itself as scientology these days?
Not so much.
In fact, not at all.