Here are some photos taken by our good friend Terry Brawley. He is not just a talented stained glass artist and wildlife guide and kayak explorer, he is also a great photographer. He is one of many we have to thank for making this such a wonderful day.
Congratulations, Mike! What a distinguished groom you are and with your lively, radiant bride – beautiful.
May your road be blessed with love.
What a beautiful wedding!
What a beautiful bride!
What beautiful children!
What a beautiful groom!
What a beautiful family!
This is such a beautiful and loving second dynamic which you all are creating!
And may you continue to do so every single day!!!!!!!
Beautiful Mike and Christie! And such cute boys! All the best to you all !
Mike and Christie,
Congratulations with all my heart to you both! You are a beautiful, blooming family and your glowing happiness just radiates. I am so happy for you !
Congratulations to the Rinders. May a lifetime of happiness be yours. Love the pictures.
This is so very beautiful – in every way. Congratulations.
Looking ten years back – who would have thought that this is where Mike, Christie and Marty would be on this day? Love it!
Congratulations to you all! What a wonderful union.
Beautiful pictures. Congratulations and all the best for your future. I am very happy for you.
You two look absolutely radiant! It warms my soul to see you two being able to have this special day and share it with us all!
So happy to see you happy, Mr. Rinder! I have a very strong feeling that you are totally there on your own determinism, as opposed to situation of the years prior to 2007. (tongue in cheek) Who wouldn’t be? What a lovely family. Smiling with you. Indie8Million
Congratulations, Mike and Christie! What a beautiful wedding it must have been! You have my very best wishes for a long and wonderful life together! Thank you for sharing the fabulous photos with all of us. Your love and happiness radiates throughout the universe! Very, Very Well Done on overcoming all the obstacles (which had to be formidable), so that this glorious event could happen!!!!! Continue to Flourish and Prosper!!
All my love,
Congratulations to you and Christie! She looks beautiful, just as I know she is as a person. Thanks for sharing the wedding pictures which are great!
Good times were had by all!
The support that Mike and Christie received in order to have this wonderful celebration mirrored the care they each have for others. It was a beautiful thing to see. Best wishes to you and your family Mike and Christie.
Many congrats Mike and to your wife Christie for a beautiful wedding and special day for you both….
Mike, Congratulations to you both and thanks so much for sharing such wonderful photos!! You both deserve all the happiness in the world!
Outdoor weddings are somehow more moving. Beautiful photos, thanks. Looks like a very happy family there, husband & wife & kids! Congrats!
My very best wishes for you. Have a wonderful time together!
Much love from Berlin
What a beautiful family.
Thanks for sharing the theta.
AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!!!!!!, there are no words to describe the joy I feel for all of you,,,, Marty Looks so proud and happy, as well you both look great!!! great a thousand times… what a beautiful family you have and wish you the best for many years to come…. it’s a new begining already started and that is going to be wonderful… The pics brough tears to my eyes, joy tears…and as you say.. something can be done about it… yes always something can be done about it and you did… thanks thanks thanks was great to see too many
firends enjoying that special day with you…!!!
love you all..xoxoxoxoxo
The look of joy on your face, Mike, watching your Bride come down the aisle is absolutely priceless. And Christie… oh my goodness, you are so gorgeous! What great photos and a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing them. Here’s to many years of happiness!
Mike and Christie, it was an honor to celebrate your union. We truly enjoyed the ceremony and reception…perfectly beautiful ♥
Congratulations! Beautiful day!
Mike and Christie, I am so happy for you. You both deserve this. Thanks for sharing this joyous day.
A happy family with friends – congratulations!
Beautiful photos. Thanks for posting them. I am very happy for you.
Beautiful! Congrats Mike 🙂
Congratulations Mike and Christie! You both look joyously happy! Thanks for posting the pictures. It was obviously a wonderful day. Very best Wishes!
I’m gonna admit to getting somewhat teary-eyed.
Beautiful you guys.
Live long and prosper!
Wonderful! Glad to have been able to be there. Like all good epic adventure stories, Mike– at the end, you get the girl too!!
Congratulations again and thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures! So theta, so real!
CONGRATULATIONS 🙂 What a wonderful couple
No one can accuse you of not being one of the best looking families around. Looks like these should be on the cover of People magazine! You’ve upstaged most of Hollywood! Thanks for the blast of THETA!
Beautiful ,you all look stunning ,Marty looks so proud! And happy.
Fantastic. Congratulations to the both of you.
Beautiful photos!! Thank you for sharing!! Congratulations !!
Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Rinder. I wish you guys the very best.
You guys are the most beautifulest of families. We luv ya! Mazel Tov from your friends in the Holy Land, TamiDani
Congratulations! Beautiful ceremony!
Mike, again Thank you for more pictures and for letting strangers like me have a view of a Very Happy day for all.
You are truly a Stand-Up guy open and honest with your short bio. As well as the great stories on what’s going on by someone who would really know what is what. I’ve read your postings for quite some time watched your television interviews. You an Marty at the dock fishing the two of you were in good spirits. I thought the utube video was quite entertaining even though some of the times must have been difficult, you just have a Great outlook on life.
Yes I’ve said it once already however I’ll hope/write out loud once more that maybe in the future you will consider putting your gift of gab, knowledge and story telling into a book format.
Think of it you are an inspirational human being with a Great story to yet be told when you feel the time is right. It doesn’t have to deal with religion unless you choose to incorporate that into your tale whatever you write I’m sure others will find a great story. Your childhood in Australia, jaunts across the globe your over coming all obstacles, the stories seem to just have limitless potential.
Your former job tells me that there is a story teller inside you and that your writing on any subject could be quite engaging and entertaining more so than your posts if you so desire. As you effortlessly impart a little wisdom along the way. I think for some it just comes naturally for some writing is a gift from birth I believe you have that gift.
I think those that would read your words would find hope, happiness, strength and wisdom along with comfort with what you may decide to write should the time come.
Christie looked radiant in the photographs I’m a photographer myself so I really enjoyed looking at the pictures you so graciously posted. Jack is a good strong name having you as a Father will be a treat for the young lad along with his beautiful Mother, yes it’s getting better everyday.
So in closing I do apologize for imposing I’m quite sure it was a Spectacular Day:)
Best Wishes
You are radiate love, happiness and life. Congrats! Cheers
.Beautiful pics of a beautiful day, Mike. Beautiful wife. Beautiful Kids. This is how it should have been, all along, right? The past is behind you now, and you are free to get on with creating some REAL flourishing and prospering for yourselves. BTW, thank you for being a shining example, of just HOW to straighten one’s life out, after the madness of the cult of CO$, with your irrepressible sense of humor intact! (I’m sure it must have helped, to keep everything in balanced perspective, hey?) .
You are a beautiful family! These photos make my heart sing! Congratulations on all your successes!
Very happy for you both! Congratulations!
Congratulations Mike.
What a wonderful family you have. We are thrilled for you both. Congratulations from Murray & Exilda. Mike I think Christie has taken 20 years off your life you look like a svelte 35 yr old
Nice. Really sweet captures.
Much love to you both and family.
Wonderful Pictures. Christie you look beautiful!!! And Mike looks so handsome!!! This is so theta!!! The picture of Marty giving you away brought tears to my eyes. I’m so happy for all of you!
What a gorgeous family.Best wishes to you for a long and joyful life together.
Beautiful! Congratulations to you both!
Beautiful photos and Christie looks absolutely gorgeous!!
Beautiful couple and family!
Very nice pictures. It was a very smart decision indeed to leave the insanity of the Int Base 6 years ago, and start a new life. A night and day contrast. The ultimate revenge is to live well, and that certainly seems to be what’s happening. Flourish and prosper.
Beautiful!!! Congratulations
So theta!
MIke, I don’t know you, I’ve never been in Scientology, but I’ve followed your transition to “civilian” status through the media. You have an exceedingly beautiful wife, and what looks from here to be a fine, satisfying life these days. Sincere congratulations to you and Christie, and best wishes for even greater successes in the future.
Congratulations Mike and Christie! You two are a great couple. The wedding looks beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful!!!
Beautiful photos of beautiful people!!!!
Awww, lovely, very nice!
Really beautiful shots. Congratulations once again Mike 🙂
Simply very theta and beautiful, thanks for sharing!