How sad is this. “AJ” from Minneapolis just arrived at Flag to join the Sea Org. He just graduated high school. No doubt the child of some long term scientologist or staff member.
This is the age I joined the Sea Org — wide-eyed and enthusiastic to save the world. It won’t be long before the promises he heard when they were recruiting him are forgotten and he becomes another drone in the money machine that is Flag. He will soon find out that he now belongs to the organization and his free will is meaningless.
It used to be a thing to say “A mind is a terrible thing to waste” — for people like AJ, it’s more appropriate to say “A young life is a terrible thing to waste.”
And what about that banner “Welcome Home”… They really are so delusional. As I have pointed out many times before, there is not a documented case in the 50+ years of the Sea Org of anyone “coming back” but they keep the pretense going because that’s what Ron said.
Mike, I am very impressed by the show you and Leah did on A&E. Unfortunately I just found out about it recently. However, the show and its contents make me very concerned about why no one is taking this seriously enough (on the Federal level) to do something about it. Like you say in your series, the first step is getting them out of the 501(c)(3) status. I think the fact that people are kept in the program, and not allowed to leave without going through a process where they male you sign NDAs and Indemnification agreement, is a gigantic form of denial of civil rights. Mike, why won’t the FBI and other agencies not listen to people like you and Leah, and many of the people who left the church which has been on your excellent program? Take care, and I wish you best. I feel for all of the people being duped…But I especially feel for the children who really had no say in them joining the cult. God Bless you, Mike
There is one important thing to keep in mind about this cult. It is timeless.
The founder decreed that he laid down the precepts in written form and they must never be changed.
IMO, this is one of the most interesting and most laughable things about this stupid cult – built-in obsolescence. During the past decade or two, there have been incredible advances in technology – like the Internet. But because of the terrible lack of foresight of the founder of this cult, it can never incorporate those advances. This cult must operate as if the Internet does not exist and has never existed. That is enough to doom this cult to forever be a laughing stock and to act like a house of cards that is crumbling into dust.
It is to laugh. For the many people who despise this criminal enterprise, this is one of the greatest sources of entertainment about it. The leaders of this cult do whatever they want and get away with terrible crimes. But for some reason – and thank goodness for that – this cult refuses to do anything more about recent technological advancements but just to bury their heads in the sand and never do anything else. IMO, this one act of stupidity sentences this cult to impending doom. I hope that everyone here will get as big a kick out of that as I do. I find it incredibly hilarious and completely well deserved.
I am reminded in today’s responses that no matter how long ago we got out of that mindfcuk, it would have been better in the long run if we’d bolted far sooner. scientology is dangerous to your physical and especially your mental health.
Jere, When I became a course supervisor for Hubbard cult bureaucrat staff training, one time an “outer org” student pointed out to me the Hubbard Keeping Scientology Working, “….if they are going to quit let them quit fast….” phrase by Hubbard. He meant it as a charade false dare, but the student pointed out that his org used that line, to indeed, let newbiews “quit fast.”
Truly, what you say is just gold.
Sadly, people’s personal reasons for staying and falsely hoping Scientology is going to do what they wishfully think Scientology is false promising to them that it will do, of course is what lures people to stay way longer than they should.
I liked the “Hip, Hip, hooey ” comment I think I saw earlier … or am I suffering from delusions again, after thinking too much about scientology recently?
“Welcome Home.”?? I got that 40 years ago and am currently enjoying being back at HOME after a detour in my life through Flag’s unrelenting punishment on all Dynamics.
The greatest greed for the greatest number of dynamics.
Thats the truth. And we have freedom of religion in spite of Mike!
Why do they need to wear masks if Scientologists never get sick?
Kaaren asked:
“Why do they need to wear masks if Scientologists never get sick?”
Because that was a false claim. scientologists, particularly SO crew OFTEN are so run-down that they succumb to common illnesses. Even worse, they’ll TRY to work no matter how they feel. That leads to colds and Flus running rampant.
I expected Coronavirus would have made the rounds, but nothing about that has leaked out, not even as a side-effect of DM crowing how his leadership “BEAT” the “planetary bullbait”
Oh yeah, I get that it’s all BS, I was being kind of sarcastic but also wondering why they’d have them wear masks in a photo when you’d think they’d want to uphold their image that they don’t ever get sick.
Yawn. I don’t care what Sister Nayyirah is doing.
Jane Doe 2 said:
“Yawn. I don’t care what Sister Nayyirah is doing.”
I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that even the NOI didn’t much care, either. Only DM would care as the money flowed into his pocket.
Just more raw meat for the grill.
The pair of slim SeaOrgettes with the swords look like they’d be awful cute, though. Maybe that’s what helped most to bamboozle the kid in.
Right, Snake. Those uniforms were filled with pretty interesting bodies, AFAICT. scns will do ANYTHING for the stat, including “flirty fishing”, as we’ve seen in the past.
Don’t let these bastards grind you down! You are doing great work Mike and Leah. We applaud you and love you. It’s not easy to do what you guys are doing and it’s a long road. Just know that we are with you.
Or as former CMDR Wally Burgess, a former Captain of the Apollo and long time LRH Host of the Flag Land Base told me in 93 when I was Comm-Eved for writing a KR on COCMO Ship Jennifer (Rostig) Alpers : He said ” Don’t let the bastards get you”.
The “Bastards” he was referring to were the same one’s Mike is up against.
Success is the best revenge. ENJOY your revenge on the hateful treatment you got on the “Fartwinds” and enjoy your success, itself. Luxuriate in it, in fact. You earned that, and more.
Thank you , Jere.
Every day that I breathe air is a F.U. to the Freewinds after I was close to Death from having HIV AIDS and no treatment for 13 years on the ship.
I have heart failure and a pacemaker/defibrillator in my chest as my heart’s electrical system was destroyed by 13 years of untreated HIV.
The current stat is 10-15 years from infection with HIV to death from full blown AIDS when untreated as mine was.
About 2 months ago I happened to be in a hospitals Emergency Room when my Defib fired for the 1st time sending 840 volts through my heart. I was standing next to a gurney and so thought I had better lie down on it. The schocks continued. After the 3rd one I was screaming at the E/R doctors to “Turn this fucking thing off and let me die”. I got 20 schocks, the last 3 being at 890 volts.
When the schocks stopped for about 30 seconds I was relieved, thinking that I was dead.
Last week a pacemaker doctor examined me and downloaded the data from the pacemaker into his laptop.
He stated that in 35 years working in this field that he has only seen 2 or 3 people get that many schocks. I thought that “No, he must have seen more than that.
Then I realized that he was only counting those patients that were left Alive.
You see, to know how many shocks were given, you have to connect the pacemaker to a computer to get the data.
But there is no point if the patient has been already pronounced DEAD.
I just read online that a person getting say 10 schocks has only a 5 percent chance of survival.
Without the shocks the odds of survival are 0 percent. As my heart was no longer pumping I could have been technically pronounced dead before my heart got going again. All they had to do was to pull the sheet over my face. I was conscious the whole time. It must have been similar to “Riding the lightning” sitting in “Old Sparkey”.
The medical care was good, though the 2 E/R doctors didn’t really do anything. They did tell me to “relax” a few times when my body flew a few inches into the air several times from the electricity. One was telling me You’re OK. I know of no-one likely to “Relax” with 900 volts ripping through his chest and I don’t know how the doctor thought that I was “OK” when I was clearly in cardiac arrest and it took another 17 schocks to get my heart going again.
Bill, I’ve been wondering:
WHAT charges they could bring you up upon for writing a KR?
Nattering or similar? I’m assuming that you wrote truthfully.
Dear Jere:
I wrote the complete truth which is much worse than nattering or J and D. If one is merely nattering what he says can be discarded. But if it the truth and is backed up by overwhelming evidence, all they could do was declare me so that no one would hear the truth.
CHARGES? They don’t need no stinking charges. All
the need is a rope.
It’s what is lacking in the cult or cult like environment. Spoon fed from infancy to see only ONE side of the coin, forbidden to read, see, view anything else you do not get a chance to compare what you’ve been indoctrinated into to anything else.
You can make a pancake as thin & flat as you can but it still has TWO sides. Like a coin..two sides, a window pane…two sides, a door…two sides. If you are told that everything else outside the realm of the bubble is going to do your harm physically, mentally, emotionally you are likely to stay away from it. Curious as a person may be….the fear of eternal damnation can be frightening.
Lacking a real education, the only “job” you know is the one you are trained for within the realm of religious belief, no LIFE experience on the OUTSIDE….terrified to leave the safety of the cocoon where one feels secure…you stay in stay in stay in.
You cannot force someone to leave who does not WANT to leave. Yes, possibly you “brought your kids into this”….BUT they are no longer kids. They have FREE WILL to choose to stay or leave. Brain washed into FULL OBEDIENCE, threatened with disconnection, no money since it’s all been taken…….hopelessness prevails.
MORE billboards are needed with the Aftermath phone # & internet address……I truly want A & E to bring back the AFTERMATH……NEW & RERUNS PLEASE.
Balletlady, Netflix already brought back “Aftermath” reruns, and there are more Netflix subscribers than there were A&E, even after the big bump “Aftermath” and its Emmies gave them.
The important thing is that MANY more people are learning the TRUTH of the tiny little fiefdom Davey-Boy™ has carved out of what once was scientology.
Balletlady, I fully agree that More Aftermath Foundation billboards, etc are needed. I’m already supporting them and their work the best I can. How about you? 🙂
That didn’t turn out quite right:
That’s not intended to be snarky. I just want to remind ALL around here as often as I can.
I have live in the midwest my whole life and I have never seen a scientology church. I was just wondering how somebody from Minnesota got into scientology.
There is an “ideal” org in St. Paul. They have had a small presence in the Twin Cities for 40 years or so.
That is crazy because both my brothers live and work in twin cities and I never knew that.
Joann, that’s because of the phenomenon that Scientolology generates publicity way out of proportion to its tiny size.
How many little religious, spiritual or self-improvement groups do you think there are in the twin cities with a building and fewer than 50 active members, that you’ve never heard of? Probably hundreds, including some larger than even that which still exist mostly under the radar.
Scientology both seeks publicity, such as through its recruiting of celebrities, but also gets attenion because they are among the most exteme cults, and perpetrate an outsized amount of harm and abuse not only on their followers, but on relatives and friends who suffer “disconnection,” and others like critics and legal opponents who are subject to “fair game.”
I believe that most of the people who might care about scientology are here, reading and responding. Those who are IN won’t be here, except for the OSA operatives taking notes as they read; mostly not reflecting on the content.
Joann, you haven’t seen a “Church” of scientology because scientology isn’t a religion, except in a sense that would also include the KKK and Mafia as “religions”. It’s been mostly dismantled by the guy currently acting as the self-proclaimed “pope” pf the non-religion.
Joann, Mike did say “small presence in the Twin Cities ….” He IS capable of understatement … at times … in small ways.
Do you own a microscope?
Right, Scribe. You might need a microscope and tweezers to discover “scientology’s” presence anywhere in the world. As far as I’m concerned, it’s been deep-sixed, abandoned as the “Fartwinds” sailed away.
The only thing that remains is the smell.
Joann, Scientology is almost non-existing in the heartland of the US. Between the coasts there are around 2 dozen org “churches” with probably an average of 3 dozen active members left, plus a handful of missions with hardly enough adherents to count, for a total of a thousand adherents if that. Wisconsin used to have a mission in Milwaukee but that seems to have met its demise like so many others, and then other states like Iowa and the Dakotas have never even had an official presence.
At this point Scientology is mostly a California thing, which was always somewhat true, with an outpost of their LA headquarters in Clearwater. The Tampa Bay area probably has around 2,000 public members because of that, and then in the entirety of the East Coast states to the North there can’t be more than a couple of hundred more.
I am curious how anyone obtains reasonably accurate estimates of the number of scientologists in the US.
Some of the numbers are based on census results and then more recent escaped Sea Org members who had access to their databases of active/current Scientologists have confirmed what they saw.
Thomas, I watch ‘org’ event photos and count heads, and it’s pretty obvious that most of them are down to 30 to 50 active members who actually show up, some less and probably a few in their stronghold of California with more – and there are only around 40 orgs, plus concentrations of members around advanced ‘orgs’ at centers in LA and Clearwater (and international sites like Saint Hill). That estimate of local org size also fits with other accounts, including some detailed lists of names provided here in the past by people with inside knowledge of the St. Louis org.
Mike has covered the subect a couple of times, using other pieces of information and estimates, including:
The journalist and blogger Tony Ortega follows the topic most closely, using many different sources he monitors and has cultivated, such as at:
Note that he (and Mike, as well) also look at the size of venues used by Scientology for “must attend” annual events in their major centers of LA and Clearwater, adjusted for accounts they can no longer fill venues like the Shrine.
Tony Ortega has done several posts about estimates.
Mostly worldwide though, not just the US
Jonny Jacobsen did an overview several years ago.
And the big list of exes speaking out has been instrumental in giving more statistics. Here’s a story about what the big list is’and how it has been used.
Thomas, most of the scn-watcher’s sites describe their methodology, unlike scn, which seems to throw up any number of any magnitude that strikes HIS fancy at that particular moment.
I believe a few of the essays offering estimates were offered in others’ comments here.
Thomas, reading the essays detailing the estimates would be the best way to answer that. The ones I noticed mentioned are:
The ones from Tony Ortega’s site, as I recall, were the best estimates as they included and referenced Mike’s work.
peacemaker, they CLAIM maybe 2,000 in the Tampa Bay region, but that wasn’t even true when we/they first moved in in 1975. I was in the first van that arrived from Daytona’s temporary land base.
Jere, interesting anecdote about the region. Accounts tell us that lot of long-time members have moved from other places to be near flag, both to do upper-level services and because the local orgs are now in such sorry shape – comments from St. Louis, for instance, said people were moving because they’d come to believe there were SPs on staff because the scene was so awful! However, Scientology seems unable to increase its membership in the area, I think because many of those who do move there eventually find that the dysfunctional hothouse environment around Flag, with all the regging and snitching, is unbearable, and so there is the endless turnover long typical of Scientology.
That Scientology can still more or less fill Ruth Eckerd Hall, capacity 2,180, for big events, I think tells us that they at least have north of 1,000 public members taking into account their pulling in hundreds of Sea Org from Flag to bolster attendance; in the past they even had to have an overflow tent. To be more precise, I’d estimate that they have 1,000 to 2,000 public in the Tampa Bay area, a number I’ve seen used by some of the prominent ex-members who live in the area.
I think it’s particularly interesting that you have to go almost a thousand miles North to find another org, in D.C. There used to be some missions along the way, and then in the greater D.C. area itself, but they’ve all collapsed, and reports are that the D.C. org isn’t doing all that well, either, in spite of being left to serve a vast (and wealthy) area. Then North of there the New York City orgs don’t seem to be particularly large or prosperous; Long Island and New Haven are definitely small and failing, and Philadelphia and Boston are also foundering, or at least not doing any better than average in spite of the size and prosperity of the areas they serve. So I think it’s safe to say that there are fewer than a thousand active members on the who rest of the East coast North of Florida, and it may be more like half of that.
I’ve seen them lie SO often about these things, when they claim “maybe 2,000”, My first thought is that it’s TRUTHFULLY somewhat south of the number claimed, maybe FAR south of it.
I suspect they’re counting an old tally of all the sea Org staff, and as a recent S.O. advertisement pointed out (if you did the math) there are something like 660 S.O. staff worldwide, including the ones manning class V orgs, which leaves VERY few in the CW or LA areas.
All reports I’ve seen indicate VERY few scns, certainly too few to actually affect anything in the REAL world. Of course, in their Bubble, ANYthing is possible if they only BELIEVE hard enough and follow Ron’s instructions perfectly.(not sarcasm, the truth of their delusions.)
As far as “filling” Eckerd hall, how many of the seats were filled by busloads of staff from miles away?
BTW, I SHOULD be inundated with PR,letters & mags from Flag, Philly, D.C. & NY, but am not.
Thus, I don’t believe there are ANY fully functioning orgs on the East Coast except (maybe) for Flag.
D.C. at least called me one NY’s Eve to see if I would drive 3 hours each way for some party they were having. I couldn’t have made it to the party on time with a helicopter, so I obviously didn’t try. They, as a class V org, have NOTHING to offer me I haven’t already done at Flag. And “clear” ain’t no big shakes, so the “OT” levels would likely prove to be another “nothing sandwich”, not even having any bread.
This post and photo reminded me what I was when I joined the Sea Org in 1974. Wide eyed, love bombed to the billionth degree & swept up into Ron’s World without honestly knowing what I was getting into.
Those crossed swords are a complete rip off of the Military and all the medals david struts around with when he wants to play the part are totally bogus. Yes in 2020 join the SO and lose your body your mind and your soul,all for a tyrant whose cruelty and High Crimes know no boundaries.
Hello to any of my old friends here and Hello to new ones I have not yet met. Love y’all & big hugs to Mike & family.💛💛💛💛
Hi Ann — nice to see you back here commenting!
Thank you Mike. I was walking about & totally forgot my way back to your wonderful blog! My compass has now reset ! XO 😘
I second Mike’s comment. Very good to see you back. We (or at least I) need you.
Thank you so much! I need you too! 💛
GOOD looking girl in your avi, Ann.
Thank you Sweetheart! 69 yrs in body trying for ageless in spirit.❤️
(((HUGS))) Ann.
Hugs back! ❤️
You’ve been missed! Hugs to you, lovely!
Hi Sweetheart! Thank you so very Much! 💛
Poor kid. This is why we want to see an end to this sick con. That young man should have a life, not waste it mired in a cult like scientology.
Poor AJ.
Quick AJ, get married!
Impregnate your wife!
Get banished to an Outer Org!
Insist on San Francisco, where the Org is next to Chinatown and it never gets hot or snows .
And plan your and your wife’s escape …
Great plan, Joe. But I doubt AJ will be able to see it until AFTER he’s gotten untangled from it all however he accomplishes it.
Joe Pendleton suggested:
▪ Quick AJ, get married!
▪ Impregnate your wife!
▪ Get banished to an Outer Org!
▪ Insist on San Francisco, where the Org is next to Chinatown and it never gets hot or snows .
▪ And plan your and your wife’s escape …
I add:
▪ save every penny you can in your “escape Fund”.
Have multiple notes of the Aftermath Foundation’s contact info.
BTW, did they REALLY abandon forcing wives to abort to avoid banishment? I find it hard to believe Dwarfenführer would pass up a directive that destructive to the crew’s Dynamics. If he has, it must have been during a weak moment in his life (such as it is).
Some intel from person in city of origin of this young man. He is a Clear and interned auditor, active and successful in the org, dedicated and well liked, including active with OT Committee.
Peridot, thanks for the insider information. The piece says he just graduated from high school, so if he is a “clear” and an auditor then he has to be a 2nd generation member, and one who has been put to work in the org from a young age.
This is starting to remind me eerily of child soldiers, pressed into service in their early teens.
Peacemaker observed:
“This is starting to remind me eerily of child soldiers, pressed into service in their early teens.”
The damage to their psyches is equivalent, as they succumb to peer pressure to commit heinous, unnatural acts during their service.
Those butt ugly Sea Org shoes would be enough to keep me away!
Why are they all wearing masks? Have they not crossed enough of the bridge to never get sick again?
Well said. Many literal holes found when anyone is willing to take a closer look.
Hi Mike. My adult daughter and I have been binging on Leah’s / your show on Netflix this week. So when I saw you posted about that I was excited also.
Now I understand why my father got so angry when ever Hubbard or Dianetics was mentioned; but at the time I had too many other things in life to deal with. In watching the shows my heart is just absolutely sick about your experiences and the other people’s experiences and abuses. I am searching frantically now for all the names of the other initiatives that are actually Scientology arms so as to educate other parents and grandparents about it all. I will be praying for you and Leah and all who are survivors!
Hi Dawn be sure to check out Tony Ortega’s blog on Scientology. Mike and Tony’s blogs go together like peas in a pod. Ortega has listed the front groups as well as the celebrity’s that are part of Scientology. Groups like Youth for Human Rights, Drug Free World, Way to Happiness, Criminon, Narconon, CCHR and WISE, just to name a few, are all part of the Scientology front groups. There are many more. Between these two blogs (and some more excellent webpages) you will find out all the Scientology front groups. Here is a list to start you off:
– Wiki on Sci Front Groups
– Tony Ortega’s official site. Beware Scientology has a fake site for him and Mike (different but similar URL’s) that looks like it’s their blog but you can tell right off it’s hate propaganda.
– This is a pretty comprehensive list as well from a site that is no longer updated but is archived since the owner is no longer with us ( a long story that you will find on Ortega and Mike’s site. Search Arnie Lerma. A man destroyed by Scientology demons).
– Operation Clambake. One of the original and best informative Scientology websites.
There are more but these should start you in the right direction.
Cool. Thanks for taking the time to post all this.
Blessings to you.
Hello Dawn. Glad to hear from you. Actually, at my age, I am glad to hear from anyone.
One thing you should know about is a wonderful organization called The Aftermath Foundation. It is named after Mike and Leah’s show (I assume that much at any rate). This organization is dedicated to helping people who have escaped from this cult and need help to rebuild their lives starting basically from scratch.
If you search for “The Aftermath Foundation”, you will find their home site and you can read about the work they do. If you are interested, I’m sure they will send you some more info.
To be real clear however, this is not some scam related to the cult or that fronts for the cult like the scam called “Narconon”. It is an organization that helps people escape from the cult and then helps them to rebuild their lives after they escape.
Their web site is:
Alternatively, you can just use Google to search for them.
Thanks much Skylar!!
ABC Mouse. Scientology owned. Huge donors to the cult.
That one is a little surprising, but that is what I was expecting also. Like so many ‘programs’ or ‘initiatives’ that I have come across just within the public school system!
Dawn related:
“Now I understand why my father got so angry when ever Hubbard or Dianetics was mentioned;”
?? Was he an early adherent or critic or something?
(Sorry if I should know you & your story.)
No worries. There’s no story, but my dad was a Christian church board member and traveled alot in the 79s and 80s…apparently he knew enough about Hubbard and his teachings to be very protective of us where that was concerned.
It never ceases to make me shiver at how seriously creepy it all is.
I’ve always gotten a real kick out of the uniforms and swords. It’s like little kids playing dress-up.
I’m surprised they’re wearing masks, though I imagine they took them off as soon as the pics were taken.
It’s not like kids playing dress-up, it IS kids playing dress-up and “soldiers” at the same time JUST like LRH.
When you enlarge the pictures that really looks like one sad or mad kid. In the first the hands looked clenched in half fists, the second there is no emotion showing, and the third one I am looking at the right side of his face right above the mask. Looks like someone whacked the hell out of the side of his head. Last time I saw that somber a look was when we were all told to get ready for transport to Vietnam in 15 minutes.
Wow. Can’t understand how Scientology deceives people. L. Ron Hubbard’s son and David Miscavige’s father both wrote books severely criticizing Scientology. Maybe they target the young?
I was 22 in 1970 when I joined the San Francisco Org. I landed in the printing department as an assistant. Obviously I was able to read the HCOBs and HCPLs I was printing. The Fair Game policy struct me as being immoral. Strike one. I found out about the Zeno story. Strike two. I lasted four months because the early courses and auditing were a “clear” benefit, but cabinets full of folders all stamped in red as “entheta” was strike three. I was lucky. Unlike my boss, I was not born into the cult. I was a Talmudic escapee. Moral, spiritual base: Theravada Buddhism. Educational base: a degree in the social sciences. Prior to joining up, friends from Germany told me about the ban in that country, which perhaps kept me from ever entering the prison of belief.
Oh sorry. Didn’t realize this comment was directed to me. I don’t normally ignore people. Glad you escaped Scientology.
I hope you bother to read some works by people who actually thought critically enough to seek out God though He says He is not far from each one of us.
Don’t let anyone cast false burdens of proof on you that didn’t bother to seek themselves because these people usually never sought but like to reserve the right to judge proof for themselves when the truth is judging evidence always has a subjective quality. All people judge for themselves and what one person considers evidence another won’t. Plus they could have already rigged the game to deny all the evidence no matter what you bring because they’re in a state known as rebellion to God.
So seek and think critically for yourself. Don’t fall for other people’s pat answers without really weighing them. Lee Strobel did an amazing seeking job when he journalistically investigated for his book The Case for Christ. I especially liked that medical evidence chapter and the probability one.
Taking off now as I learned more than enough about Scientology. I always knew not to fall for any cult no matter what any man says because the only one worth following spiritually really is Jesus.
Right you are Susan: They target the young, impressionable, and idealistic. It’s not for some time that reality bursts THAT bubble because we/they didn’t WANT to break the “high” we were experiencing.
Don’t know much about it but suspect Scientology borrowed from the idea of the Hitler Youth camps.
Susan suggested:
“Don’t know much about it but suspect Scientology borrowed from the idea of the Hitler Youth camps.”
Or he stole it from an earlier totalitarian movement. He did have an evil genius for figuring out how to enslave people. It’s a shame he didn’t work that hard to deliver on his promises.
Welcome home indeed, but don’t expect any family here motherfucker.
Scribe dropped in:
“Welcome home indeed, but don’t expect any family here motherfucker.”
Right Scribe! vulgar, crude put-downs are rife and paranoia appropriate for crew/staff because they ARE all out to get you. Every week, you can merely do just well enough to get by at best. No matter how miraculous you did, you’ve got to do BETTER next week by a significant amount, even if you’re pulled off to other “more important” make-work. That’s a hamster wheel to breakdown sooner or later, and NO one will give you a break. It’s verboten if your stats aren’t “highest ever”. Best thing to do is quickly and catastrophically fail at the simplest tasks no matter how that hurts. You’ll be better off after they FIRE your butt, likely after ripping you a new one.
After the mark has had a lite version of the kool-aid and likes it, he’s ready to swallow the stronger stuff and join the ranks of the obedient slaves of Dave.
O/T. Nation of Islam Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad is delivering Group Processing (Auditing) today, 11/8/20, online via Zoom. No entry after 4:15 pm EST as the session will be in progress.
See also:
As I said previously, delivering Group Auditing online is out-tech. For example, the relevant policy requires that an Assistant Group Auditor be present in case anyone “dopes off” and to make sure that the preclears do the commands. With online Group Auditing, there is noone physically present to help a preclear who has problems
I also didn’t know Sister Nayyirah she had completed the Group Auditor’s Course (Yes, it is a separate course.)
Scientology is pseudo-talk-therapy training and delivery of this pseudo-talk-therapy to one another.
Then, upper Scientology, has 5 extensive levels of exorcism.
Scientology is simply talk pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
Organizationally Scientology is staffed and organized by Hubbard’s massively enumerated detailed staff bureaucracies that deliver this talk pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
(With Sea Org echelons doing the exorcism stages of the Scientology quackery.)
Sea Org members have little clue, most of them, that their “upper levels” of Scientology are even exorcism, since Scientology fails, since Hubbard failed, to be upfront with how extensive the exorcism steps of Scientology take up so much time and money and activity to finish all the exorcism.
Talk pseudo-therapy and exorcism, that’s Scientology. With a prolific amount of rules and regulations and staffing required per Hubbard’s tomes of bureaucracy regulations (policies) for running the training and delivery of the talk pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
Young Sea Org members are hopelessly woefully clueless what they are getting into.
Chuck, excellent summary of Scientology.
Just like to add that my mind was blown away when it became so very clear that Hubbard was a fascist.
I spent $120,000 and seventeen years chasing his demons. Blavatsky made a point when she declared that science has weaknesses and that the human mind had power. Hubbard developed pseudo science to try to prove the reality of entities, demons and tiny spirits. His efforts failed but it took thousands of us to travel his false road and untangle his lies.
Other than the BTs, clusters, Hubbard’s repressive polices, and Miscavige’s tyrannical reign, I found Scientology was not totally without merit.
Scientology is such an “acquired taste/habit” voluminously detailed wringer subject.
Scientology and Hubbard are so deserving of criticism and dismissal and the detailed dry humour people give it all.
Prof Dave Touretzky referred to it once as a “chew toy”.
It’s a toxic chew toy.
On the other hand, there are snippets and sections of us that are enjoyable, amid the wreckage and horrible predicaments that befall inevitably anyone and everyone who stays long enough.
Chuck opined, in part:
“It’s a toxic chew toy.”
a slow-acting poison chew toy with a sugar coating of love-bombing.
Of COURSE Hubbard and scientology can’t be upfront and honest about what they’re really doing. If they were, people would run away in droves. He/they MUST lie, can’t not lie, or everything will disintegrate, (Not that there’s any true integration of the subject in the first place.
One lone Sea Org recruit deserves an honor guard of sorts. There are two people in full dress faux-naval uniform, but one of them can’t stand up straight. The master of ceremonies in a suit and tie holds the long ceremonial contract, which no doubt leaves off the five Contracts of Adhesion the guy must sign. The victim, err, recruit, peers as if in wonder at the paper before him, perhaps wondering who forged his signature on it.
Then there is a fourth in a waiter’s vest taking a phone video, and in the background a person hot-footing it out of there, trying but failing to get out of the photo. And of course the anonymous photographer who stands back far enough to capture the entire exciting drama.
Whoo-ie, things haven’t been this exciting around the old Org since Miscavige tripped over his high heels and his toupe fell off. Allegedly, of course.
This is outstanding, a true sign of the state of affairs in Scientology, 2020. They are proud to show their own decline, and need no assistance from apostates, critics, whistleblowers, or law enforcement.
Hip hip… err, what was that next word? I forgot, ’cause it’s been so long since a new recruit joined up. Hooie? Hoo Ray? Something like that, anyway. Well, it’s off to the EPF for you, young man; no freeloaders allowed around here.
OK, gang, who’s got a smoke? What? You owe me two, you welcher, whattaya mean claiming I owe you one? Someone grab the sucker back, I saw a bulge under his jacket, looked like nearly a full pack. We can love-bomb him into giving up his ciggies. I just hope it’s not those damn unfiltered Kools, they nearly choke me.
We used to smoke unfiltered Guillouises or Gitanes (French). They were the most brutal and the ones most likely to cut a few years off of the torture in the SO. I (incorrectly it seems) thought that the only way out was DEATH.
All that folderol for ONE recruit! Just goes to show how UNUSUAL an event it is. No one’s taking the bait any more. It’s been stuck by the fork and is done, perhaps over-done, likely WELL over-done and slated for composting or feeding the worms. Time for me to go fishing, or as we used to say: “drowning worms”. These days, fishing is merely an excuse to drink more beer than is good for us. 😉
Saying the phrase ‘welcome home’ would be up to the boy’s parents rather than the SO.
He has about 2 months ahead of him before everything starts to take true shape and not the silly welcome fanfare useful for just PR.
One month of Estates Project Force. Then he arrives on post and has a month of Ethics calm because hubbard gave him a month of immunity per policy
Then it starts to pop out as everything is. No more pats on the back and love bombs. But only bombs.
But the ship will have already sailed. So if he wakes up then he still has time to dive and swim to the shore while being canonized by Hco.
Otherwise, have a good trip in your delusion of saving the planet in company of your 10 room mates.
Right, LmR. The Sea Org ain’t nuttin like any “Home” you want to be welcomed into, only misery loving company; shared deprivation bringing the sufferers closer to each other. “What doesn’t kill us leaves us maimed and wounded.”
Lmr, when you said “… dive and swim to the shore while being canonized by Hco.” did you mean “being declared a saint” or perhaps that HCO would be shooting cannons at the swimmer? I’m thinking the latter.. 😉 But I’m willing to be wrong.
Jere. Lol. Sorry for answering late. It was meant sarcastically that Hco would have issued something on them declaring their condition with the cult (like catholic church gives labels to specific people who did good things before be declared saints) but also shooting cannon balls to the guy swimming home. Do well.
So heartbreaking. As a person who grew up in the cult of scientology I’ve seen many young people join the Sea Org, but I was young then too. I’m old enough now to see the long view. I also have a child close to AJ’s age. Thinking of how the SO will waste his youth, and chew him up then spit him out makes me so sad. 😩
Can I assume that your child is NOT going to be sacrificed to the Sea Org? Is he/she in what’s being CALLED scientology these days?)
Obviously, I don’t much respect what Davey-Boy’s done to the organization since I left
You’re in the Sea Org now
To Davy you have to bow
You’ll never get rich
You son of a bitch
You’re in the Sea Org now
You have a talent, Scribe.
I hope he does not end up with the homeless people in Clearwater. That population is growing and extending its coverage all the way to East Tampa. If he gets to East Tampa, he will join NOI.
George, at least the homeless of Clearwater are free to wander the streets and talk to others. The crew can’t get away from the others for even seconds, it seems And there are fewer bugs and vermin crawling over you as you sleep under the bridges. SO “berthing” was awful even 40 years ago before they started letting the buildings deteriorate.
I should have added that RPF berthing in the Garage was pretty much identical to camping under a bridge. At least there was air when a breeze was blowing and we had mattresses of a sort (V. thin). No privacy to speak of but we weren’t likely to be rousted by the police, only the chief torturers. It was kinda neat when it was raining and we were out of the direct sun so weren’t so overheated. Standard Berthing wasn’t allowed air conditioning, so it was HOT overnight. Best part of RPF berthing: not having 6,7,8 others’ scents wafting past all night. Only (rarely) some exhaust fumes. The “homeless” under the bridge MIGHT have superior conditions to standard Sea Org berthing. One woman’s “dorm” was 8 or so women in bunk beds in a standard-sized motel room, with ONE bathroom+sink+shower for all of them to use in the morning. Twas cruel and unusual punishment as far as I’m concerned. And impossible to keep entirely clean, so most of our berthing was overcome by little beasties of many legs.
Soon that mask will cover his eyes.
Soon that mask will cover his eyes? Well, that is only appropriate. After all, “See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no truths.” Isn’t that the way it goes?
Skyler summed up:
“See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no truths.”
Yeah, that’s their SOP.
“A young life is a terrible thing to waste.”
That is one area where $cientology really has stats in a stellar range. I say give Aj until next Thursday at too ……………. after that the pain and heartache should begin it’s exponential upward curve. With any luck he will be offloaded within a year.
I second Mary Kahn’s emoticons.
Had he been even a tiny bit smarter, the originator of this stupid lie would have added one small stipulation that no one who comes back is ever permitted to admit to their prior lives under penalty of Xenu the Galactic Evil Doer who will wreck havoc upon the Earth and everyone’s eternity would be destroyed should anyone ever break this law – this highest of the high laws.
Is that so difficult? Fucking morons!
P.S. In the case of this scam, the masks everyone wears in these swearing in ceremonies are so hilarious. Not because the represent protection from COVID – but as a sign that no one in this scam is ever permitted to tell the truth as to how it really operates or to reveal all the criminal laws broken by the rapists and pedophiles the scam choses to protect from law enforcement.
Skyler, that was pretty much done with “No case on post”, not talking about such things out of session, and so forth. Xenu, being unknown to the majority of scns, wouldn’t have entered into. AFAICT the only folks who know about Xenu are reading here, out and free of the Dwarfenführer’s control.
Strange thing just now: I looked Xenu up in my computer’s dictionary and it came up with the RIGHT definition. Computers ARE learning.
Poor A.J. Now he’ll be sent to the EPF (estates project force) to perform menial labor for 14 hours a day for many months just so the Sea Ogre can decide that he is truly fit to have joined. And if not he’s kicked out with orders from a Fitness Bored of how to truly qualify to come back.
Hey! Maybe if he makes it they can finally show someone has actually “come back” unlike all others who have died and not been seen since.
I wrote a couple of weeks ago that I walked around Big Blue and saw three young people picking up grass with their hands from a lawn that appeared to have been recently mowed. They appeared to be looking for individual blades of grass that were slightly higher than the rest of the lawn and were removing them by hand. And they were working hard also, no goofing off. I assume they were on the Estates Project Force?
Doug, I’ve been meaning to thank you for your recon work – it really helps add to the picture of what is going on in Scientology. I used to do some myself but now live most of the year in one of the many place where there’s nothing to be found within reasonable driving distance, and needless to say I am not traveling much this year, either.
The grass blade picking is a reminder of how sadly pointless much of the work done by people in the Sea Org is. There is a point to some of that sort of exercise in the initial training of new inductees, but in Scientology it continues on for the rest of the careers of some of these people if not their lifetimes, with enormous effort expended on make-work that has no impact on others and no meaning in the real world,
Thank you
Yes, Doug, very likely they were on the EPF.
Big jobs with small tools.
Cleaning toilets with tooth brushes.
Clearing the planet with David Miscavige.
Hey, Doug: Why not ask one next time? The response might be amusing. You might even get an answer, perhaps even a true one
In retrospect Jere, I wish I would have offered to drive them out of there if they wanted to escape but I highly doubt if they would have spoken to me. I actually did try to strike up a conversation with one of the staff members on the sidewalk and he didn’t want to talk at all, I kind of get the impression they are afraid of wogs. The only person that wanted to talk to me was the security guard on the bicycle, did not seem like a friendly place at all.
Those who believe delusions will commit crimes. (Wait a minute, I already said that!)
Otherles originated:
“Those who believe delusions will commit crimes. (Wait a minute, I already said that!)”
It bears repeating.
I hate all the fake pomp and circumstance, the raised swords to walk under, the big navy uniforms etc. It is part of the con to get the young to join. And the young teenage girls who are wearing the male navy uniforms is very sad too. I wish this young man luck. And I wish him his freedom.
There was a very prominent FSM I knew in the 80’s and on The first Maiden Voyage of the Freewinds was coming up and everyone who was anyone was going on the maiden voyage. But at the last minute Pat was denied passage. He was told no you can’t join your friends and colleagues on the Ship. Why? Because his step daughter had joined the SO at Flag (the roughest place to join), and blew and came home to live again with her mother and step father. Because he didn’t rat her out and force her to go back to the SO, he was denied passage on the Maiden Voyage.
Cindy nice picture of what scn really is. Brava.
People with swords to welcome the guy is an improvement. When I arrived for the Epf I slept on the floor for several days. No matress. Just floor and a bedsheet. It was November. And the answer to my concerns was to increase my confront – “this is the SO! “. A madhouse living of delusions incapable to organize bedrooms imagine to clear earth.
Wow, you really endured bad conditions. So glad you’re out now! Just a comfort like a warm blanket means a lot when you’ve been through what you have.
Of course. Anything to be the cruelest religion in the world.
Status (well and money) is EVERYTHING in this cult.
I once went to an Scio event at the Ruth Eckhart Hall in Clearwater. I took a girlfriend along but we were told she wouldn’t be allowed inside and we would have to “attend” in a tent that was erected outside. We’d watch the event on TV there. Why? Because Id recently donated to the IAS and she hadn’t.
Oh and guess what. Blood sucking registrars roamed the tent too.
So, so glad I woke up and walked out years ago.
Glenn, Wow, so your big donation to the IAS would net you a warm spot in Ruth Eckert Hall with no registrars for one night out of your lifetime, yet your friend who didn’t give to the IAS had to go to the 6th level of Hell, the tent with roaming bloodthirsty registrars. Par for the course in the church. So glad you’re out.
ME TOO!!!!!
Hip, hip, Hurrah to us both.
Glenn, your answer demonstrates that Money and status are the same thing to scn … most times. sometimes you don’t have the money or opportunity to buy the status, or indulgences, or whatever
Yet those young ladies made even those ridiculous outfits look almost presentable, a high challenge.
Jere, your name and spelling of it could be a woman’s name or a man’s. I’d guess from your comment you are a male? Nice to see that even in those boxy man-imitating suits, you can see the subtle curves and appreciate it. Vive le difference!
Cindy, AFAICT, my name is a shortened version of Jeremiah or Jeremy or something similar. I doubt my mom even knew its derivation, only that it was the name of an old friend, maybe an old boyfriend. I’ve run across 3 or 4 other Jeres, all guys
I’m very much male and happily married for 22 years, despite my tendency to flirt with pretty ladies. My wife says I’m a HORRIBLE flirt and I’m not improving with practice. She’s the person I most flirt with, keeping us in the “Honeymoon” phase of our relationship. We have fun.
Jere, So glad the church didn’t break you and your wife up. They try hard to break up couples and families. You showed them!
Right, Cindy. All that fakery , which is EVERYTHING about scientology is at least tiring, if not disgusting.