For 4 years, Marty Rathbun’s Blog – Moving On Up A Little Higher – has provided an invaluable service. It has been the best source of news on the current goings-on in the world of Scientology, exposed truths about what has happened in the past, provided a venue for those newly emerging from the bubble of the Church to announce themselves to the world, given insight into squirreling of the tech, offered helpful advice on sources of wisdom and became a place to find new friends or reconnect with old ones.
Marty has always said that it was his desire to help raise spiritual awareness, to move on up a little higher. If you are a regular reader you have probably noticed his blog evolving away from the daily news into higher concepts and discussions. This is something that is important. And it is a message directed to those who have well and truly left the church behind and are moving onward and upward.
But I feel there is still a need for coverage of day to day news and activities. And a place where those who may just be emerging from the bubble that is corporate Scientology can find information to help them to break free once and for all. And perhaps a place where even the seasoned veterans of Moving On Up can keep up with current news.
Tony Ortega’s blog covers a lot of ground, but I don’t see everything from the same perspective he does, and no doubt anyone inside the church, or “under the radar” or recently stepping away would reject a lot of what he says due to his clearly expressed skepticism about the entire subject of Scientology. That being said, there is no question of the service he continues to provide, standing tall and strong in exposing abuses as a journalist rather than a former insider blogging for a different public.
Sinar Parman recently began a Facebook private group where he keeps everyone abreast of current media, but Facebook doesn’t lend itself well to any in depth articles, and it is fleeting, unindexed and unwieldy to use as a reference source for information even a few hours after an initial posting, let alone weeks or months later.
I assisted Marty moderate his blog since the early days. We agreed that he will continue Moving On Up A Little Higher and I have started this new blog Something Can Be Done About It that will hopefully help fill the vacuum on the “daily news” about Scientology. I would like it to be a place where those “sitting on the fence” or “under the radar” as well as those who want reassurance that progress is being made towards ending the abuses in the church can find information of value.
I intend to share the latest news about the Ideal Orgs and events in orgs. About who has announced their departure from the church. I plan to cover current news and pose questions that should be asked by those who are still in the church.
As has been the moderation policy on Moving On Up since its launch, a lot of leeway will be given to people who are sincerely expressing a view. But if it becomes clear their only intent is to stir up trouble and distract from the discussion, they will be told they can go somewhere else. It’s simply a matter of deciding whether one person demanding their “right” to yell “Fire” in the theater trumps the right of everyone else who is there to watch the movie. Anyone who feels aggrieved is welcome to start their own blog. It costs nothing and WordPress makes it very easy to do.
I have tried to make this blog seem relatively familiar to readers of Moving On Up, but I have also added some features. You will see on the right side there is a menu that shows the 10 most recent comments as I know it is sometimes difficult to navigate through the comments to find what you haven’t read if there are a lot of responses. I have also included several fundamental articles – the 31 Factors, Debbie Cook’s Open Letter and The Letter from Garcia.
The earlier posts I wrote that were published on Marty’s blog (see the button at the top of the page “All Posts”). And recommended books are also included.
Not all features and aspects are fully finalized, but its operational enough to get started then fill in all the blanks and iron out any bugs as they arise.
If you have an article or information you think may be of interest, send to me at
I look forward to hearing from you.
I’m sending love and prayers
for your recovery & also for Christie & your boys. As a caregiver to a catastrophically ill husband (severe Guillain Barre in ICU for 5 mo’s) 3 times) I know it’s exhausting for the caregiver too. Please keep getting exact medical treatment & don’t be too proud to ask a friend to take Christie
to lunch and/or the movies or even just some time to rest. Hang tough, Mike. You are a strong, resilient individual & I’m proud of you and yours. I’m also a Jehovah witness survivor. Please keep us updated. All my love from one concerned. God bless to you and your family. — Christine Rossi 

Hi. Scientology played fair game with me and paralyzed me because I spoke publicly.
I want to speak.
My Dad almost got recruited after reading Dianetics. But I remember my Mom telling everyone that they wanted them to sign their life away. So glad they didn’t. I was probably 10 at the time. Good show. Great job! Happy you guys got out.
I would like to know who is in charged of Scientology around the world? Does David have the saying on what goes on other location other than US?
David Miscavige is in charge of ALL Scientology everywhere. He is to Scientology what the pope is to Roman Catholicism. He calls all the shots worldwide.
Hi Mike,
Thank you for this blog, your podcast with Leah Remini and the “Aftermath” series. It takes a lot of courage and perserverance to do what you guys are doing. My name is Tracey Wiltse. My sister is Laurie Engelhart and she is in the Sea Org at FLAG. She entered SCN in the ’60s and her name was Laurie Noonan then. She joined the Sea Org and got onto the Apollo. She married Mike Douglas. They divorced (we never met him or knew why they divorced). She was part of the Apollo Players (not sure that’s the right name) and sang with their rock group. She went to Flag when it was first built and has been there ever since. She married Dave Engelhart and had their daughter, Jessica before it became illegal for Sea Org members to have children. She and Dave divorced and we were never told why. Dave had to leave Flag for a bit to handle his dad’s trust and property sale after his death. Laurie told me that she and Dave no longer shared the same focus in Life.
While Laurie and Dave were still together, we went to Flag for Jessica’s wedding. We all had dinner the night before and then we got an early morning call. Laurie said Dave was sick, had “food poisoning” and could not walk Jessica down the aisle. Laurie asked if my husband, Robert would do it. He did of course. Laurie told us YEARS later that Dave wasn’t sick; that he wasn’t allowed to be in the same room with some SCN execs at his own daughter’s wedding.
I did courses at the Santa Barbara CA org in the ’70’s, got a loan from their internal lending company for auditing and then joined staff part time there. No pay but “free” courses. I attained Clear and got my “Clear Cert”. I moved to San Fernando Valley and went to work at that org until I left. I was then threatened with a Free-Loader debt and hounded for years. Every time Laurie called me, she’d try to handle me. I finally had to tell her that I would not speak about it again.
I pray for Laurie, Jessica and Jessica’s husband every morning and bedtime. They are so entrenched. Laurie was the CO of Flag for a long time. Then she was suddenly taken off that post and became in charge of the staff Canteen. No explanation to the family. I still wonder if she got taken off post and sent to the RPF. She missed our mom’s 80th birthday and when I got upset at her, she said “why are you speaking to me like this? I feel upset!” I told her that’s what happens when people share their feelings.
She came to our house for our mom’s 100th birthday last March. She saw that I had watched “SCN the Aftermath” and asked me why. She said she would never watch things attacking my religion (I told her it would be OK if she did) and if I had any questions to just ask her. I of course knew I’d get the”party line”. She had me watch a piece about Dave Mescavige (spell?) to show me what a great guy he is. After seeing the “Aftermath”, listening to SCNtheFairGamePodcast wtih you and Leah and reading several books by former Sea Org members, I feel I have a pretty good idea of the kind of person COB is and he is absolutely not a great guy.
I’ve been praying for a way to plant seeds with Laurie. My idea so far is to say how grateful I am to have a God who loves me unconditionally. That every day I feel joy, peace and Love from a God who doesn’t ask anything of me other than loving Him and others. That I don’t have to earn or work for that Love–it is unconditional and will always be there. That I am free and that I don’t have to carrry my problems and challenges alone–that God is eager to share them.
I’m trying to think of ways to use words that might trigger her so she may ask herself if there’s a better way to live. What do you think about these ideas?
Mike, did you ever work with Laurie? Did you know of her when you were in?
Finally, I also just want to share that you look so relaxed and genuine in your pictures now and your voice on the podcast is calm and happy. I’ve seen some SCN event videos. Even though you smiled as you took the stage and shook Dave’s hand, I sensed that there was so much stress for you. What a blessing that you’re living a second, happy life.
I hope this email isn’t too long. I’ve been thinking of writing you for sometime.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read it. And thank you again for all you are doing.
Tracey Wiltse
Hi Tracey,
I was reading your comment and was floored to hear about Laurie and Dave. I am an ex sea org member and was Laurie’s communicator, I worked hand in hand with her for a long time. I was a teenager when I worked with her. She was in a way like a mother to me. This was over 2 decades ago. I’m just now finally opening my mind up to reliving and healing from the entire experience while being in the Sea Org. Anyways just wanted to reach’re the first person I have seen mention someone I remember being close to during that time.
Hi Alex, thank you so much for this. I replied via email but it said it was full. I got emotional reading your reply, since you knew Laurie and Dave. I’m glad Laurie was a support for you. I hope you’re doing well. Sending prayers for your healing & serenity.
That is so strange! It’s definitely been a long time coming to finally think about the Sea Org and be open to healing the wounds. I appreciate your support. I’ll try to get my email cleared out and maybe yours will come through. Would love to connect further.
I’d love that too.
Dear Mr. Rinder:
I watched your show “the aftermath” on Netflix. Actually, I just spent three days voraciously binging it, and am now doing the same with your podcast. At first, I couldn’t really understand why it captivated me so much, as I only have ever known 3 people who are Scientologists in my life.
I was in a Christian sect that resembled a cult in many ways. Initially, I thought I was relating to the show because of that. However, after watching the entire series, I now realize that there was much more that was resounding with me.
I am an adult survivor of CSA – my father was the perpetrator. I was raised by two narcissist parents. I wound up marrying twice – both times to abusive narcissist men.
The destructive tactics that the “church” employs are almost exactly like those employed by narcissists. I have no doubt in my mind that Hubbard was a malignant narcissist, a sociopath, and a psychopath.
His actions, philosophies, and POLICIES indicate this, and his tactics for running the cult are parallel to the way narcissists abuse their victims. The effects on the victims are also similar – depression, learned helplessness, paranoia, and suicide.
When, at the age of 50, I found myself single and decimated in my spirit, I studied narcissism in all its forms. I had a moment of “waking up” from all the programming I had received since I was a small toddler. “Paradigm shift” doesn’t even cover it.
I am writing to humbly suggest that you spend a show on your new podcast that shows this parallel of Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome and the effects that the cult of Scientology has on its followers.
Thank you for your bravery, willingness to help others, and continued fight. Please let me know how I can help your cause above and beyond donation.
Most sincerely,
Catherine M
Thank you so much Catherine. You can visit the Aftermath Foundation website if you want ways to help. Click on the button at the top of the home page “Volunteer”
We all need to be awaren how dangerous cults religious sects doomsday day cults and UFO Religions have become since Covid 19 lockdowns .A lot of are more vulnerable . To be sucked into pure evil . We are all hoping Protests will start against Scientology in June onwards 2022 . Most likely it will be worldwide scent all does who against cults UFO Religions .Everyone is welcome to organize leaflets and protests near them.We are hoping cult watch will And Famous Pete Griffith Irish Greeks Project Chanology 2 .
Catherine: I relate to your experience on learning what a narcissist is. After my divorce, I couldn’t make sense of what I’d just endured for 14 years and why my ex was the way she was. When I looked up the definition of narcissism, it all came together. That was her exactly. There are decent people who exhibit some of the traits, as we all likely do, but to be a full blown hard core irreversible one, those are tragically special cases and those of us unlucky enough to have been sucked into the world of one, i sympathize. When it’s family or when its your children involved, the choices are terrible. Lose your family and live with the guilt or keep enduring the misery because those awful people always seek you out and create artificial conflict out even if it’s over nothing.
Like you, coming from an extremely controlling and manipulative relationship where the perp would do anything to use you for their own vanity, I recognized every detail of it in the way Scientology treated their members and former members. i mean, it was uncanny how every knowing nod about the horrors of this cult, I understood even though I’ve never spent a single second with that religion. I felt every alienating pain. I felt the trap of endless resetting of goals no matter how hard you worked, I felt the helplessness of being forced to chose between my children or my freedom. I felt the loneliness and smallness and shock of what lies can do to good people. I felt the gut-wrenching heartbreak and intense pain of watching your own child avoid you in public and walk to the opposite side while ignoring you because the public humiliation based on lies the ex has made you out to be for the terrible things she was actually the one doing. I felt like a failure but didn’t know why. I wanted to die to stop the heartache that seemed impossible to overcome.
I reported the time my daughter was dragged out of a car by her hair, thrown into the garage door and then threatened not to tell. I reported when the same daughter showed me a picture of a small bruise with the caption, “Mom hit me”. Both times, Goodhue County social services in Minnesota refused to investigate, the second time, the lady telling me next time, I should hope my daughter be beaten more severely, report it right away and report it herself. My god, who the hell would ever wish that for an innocent child!? It makes me angry to think these are the fools in charge of protecting our children and then I get looked at as the suspicious one! Very frustrating. You know it. Both times, my ex retaliated. Both times, it was severely damaging to me and even the kids.
I have survived. I will not become the same monster.I will continue to do what I need to do to protect and be there for my children and most of all, love them in a manner that is good for their well being.
I’m pleased to see you taking your experience and willing to help others. I’m grateful people like Mike and Leah are brave and strong and able to make a difference for the better.
I am from Minnesota as well ; same thing when we reported my ex dragging my oldest down the steps — reports said “disregard any reports of abuse by this person unless witnessed by several credible witnesses” they then (I believe recruited this victim into scientology and trained her how to (handle ) ie abuse and scream at all of us
I am an avid listener of your podcast and was hoping you could help answer a question for me. Just prior to Hubbard’s death it was said he wrote a memo stating Pat & Annie Broeker were to succeed him. Miscavige later claimed the memo was a forgery and claimed the leadership position for himself. As Miscavige is getting up in years, do you know if there is a front runner in who is expected to succeed him once he dies? Do you foresee any type of take-over of the leadership position in the way Miscavige did? What do you see happening when he does die? Will scientology die off or get stronger? Thoughts?
Thank You
They are good questions but i feel Mike may have missed them (probably due to watching the Aussies win the Ashes) – anyway why dont you email him or ask again on a more up to date article. Ild also be interested in hearing the answers – a great inclusion for the Q&A podcast with Leah Remini.
My 2 cents, Scientology could get a lot stronger when Miscaviage is gone as it does offer some positives and does have some benefit but to do so they will have to get rid of their harsh, unfair and merciless ways.
Sorry but I must point out that Scientology can NEVER change regardless of who is the “leader” because they must follow the writings of LRH to the LETTER. Not one thing can be changed. The policies of disconnecting, FairGame, and countless others make Scientology a dangerous cult.
Thanks for your post, you may be right. I guess i was thinking that it may be beneficial to Scientology for Miscaviage to go as although those things you mentioned were a part of Scientology prior to Miscaviage they have grown in harshness and heartlesness. I think they could also benefit by being a little more charitable and offer genuine free help to those in need but that is unlikely to happen.
Hi Mike
I am a “never been in” but I listen to the podcast and find your blog informative. I would like to let you know that I truly admire how you face all your actions from your position in Scientology over and over again. There is a really powerful lesson in that for all of us. The work that you do benefits more than victims of the abuse of scientology.
I have a specific question- I googled Valeska Paris after the podcast episode featuring her story and was disgusted to find the scientology page dedicated to directing hate at someone who was a child victim of human trafficking and appalling abuse. is there someone that I can write to objecting to this content ( a service provider or something). I know that these pages exist for many people but this one in particular gets me!
Not sure who to complain to… Maybe someone else here has some idea.
The site is maintained by
Email address is
You will need to include the following info below (just copy and paste in email) PLUS the website address of problematic site, and details of why it is abusive and/or violating. Good luck!
Registry Domain ID: 2362655728_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2021-06-30T02:53:45Z
Creation Date: 2019-02-21T06:26:22Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2022-02-21T06:26:22Z
Registrar: MarkMonitor Inc.
Registrar IANA ID: 292
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.2083895740
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
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DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form:
>>> Last update of whois database: 2021-11-06T06:29:25Z <<<
PS – you can and should also include screenshots which demonstrate the violation of an abuse victim when you email the hosting company – just FYI
Last bit of info after digging further…
Proceed with caution…this company is mainstream and legit…but also happens to have the entirety of allllllllllll of the sites of several large entities… if you catch my drift…
Not saying nor implying any direct connection between a legit tech company and any singular entity…just mentioning that 100% of a s#*t ton of websites is a LOT of profits, and may or may not influence responses.
Ok – I’m outties on the 411!
latecomer to the show however, a definate supporter. Coming in from whats considered Scientology “Lite” – Avatar EPC though different, similar abuses at upper echelon levels – Masters, Wizards, Pro Course, Thought Storm. Harry and Avra – lies, lies, lies. The “technology” L Ron Hubbard chips off the old block “Puppeteers”
Just found your blog via a twitter post. It’s excellent, and much needed, thank you!
As someone who was briefly captured by them in the early 70s, I am horrified by how much worse they have become, and they were bad even then.
I was at University in Glasgow, Scotland at the time, aged 17, and during the summer break just kinda gradually got interested, enough that I agreed to go with the group on a “free” weekend break to Saint Hill. Turned out it was a one-way train ticket.
Persuaded to join the Sea Org to “earn my keep”, and yeah, it was fine for a while, then the demands for payment started coming in.
One night I just sneaked out and hitch-hiked the 400 miles back North. I don’t think I realised at time how lucky I was.
I have great respect for you Mike.
You and your family fell under a spell, you took actions based on this (false) faith with honest intentions. Now the spell has worn and you have revealed your inner most truth and have publicly apologized personally to those your actions effected, You tell the truth about what a monster Scientology is and its abuses to its own members those associated by birth or friendship or public concern when their (COS) motive is questioned.
Your are a great man, be proud of who you are.
Respectfully in admiration,
Gary Borker
Thank you for your kind words Gary
Shame on the Federal Government for not doing the right thing to protect its citizens.
I agree. The more i research this cult the pissed i get. I wish i could help Mike.
Dear Mike,
For what it’s worth, I think it’s so amazing what you’re doing. Every time I listen to your podcast, I’m forced to ask myself if I would have the courage to put myself on the line the way you have if I were in your situation. Often, I think I would just want to hide under a rock and disappear. I don’t know how you find the strength, but I’m glad you do. I listen to the podcast every week. Keep fighting the good fight!
Oh, and as a Brooklyn native living in Germany, listening to Leah curse up a storm in that accent is something that brings me great joy every week
Best wishes to you both.
Mike and Leah,
I grew up in Clearwater and I remember all to well seeing the people in the funny outfits as I called them as a child. But when I got old enough to understand that they were in a cult it made me very sad, none of those people ever looked happy and I never understood why because in my church just down the road from Flag there was nothing but happiness. I have seen the “church” (using that term loosely) evolve and move into downtown and it is a place that no one wants to go to now. I have watched your show on A&E and now re watching it on Netflix and listening to the pod cast. You all are doing an awesome job of getting the word out about that cult.
Thank you so much
I recently received a copy of LRH’s death certificate. Interesting reading. Have you seen it, or do you even want to? I’ll send you a copy if interested.
Thanks. Yes I have seen it. If you want yo send me a copy I will email you the address to use
I sent a letter to your home address. Is that what you had in mind?
No it wasnt, I thought you should post whatever information you have here. Why just send it to me? Let everyone share it.
I was just thinking that this morning. Death certificates are public record aren’t they? Would it show what he really died of? Or maybe it says,” no known cause of death.”
It appears patient was done with this life and decide to move on. LOL
I was so happy to see Aftermath on Netflix and I have watched the entire thing, loving every minute. When I heard the comments about LRH talking about children being adults in small bodies and that there is nothing wrong with giving a child a full kiss on the mouth, etc…did it cross anyone else’s mind that LRH was a raging pedophile covering up his twisted desires in a “religion”? Disgusting!!!
Mike & Leah,
I am not in scientology thank my god,
What you are doing is amazing, I have watched the a&e tv show. Twice.
It is so disgusting that they are getting away with all of the things they are doing.
After & during every episode you have footnotes
That scientology says both of you & everyone else’s testimony is false but I want to know is if everyone’s claims are baseless
Why isn’t at least a representative, of the church is not on the show to refute these claims.
Please keep doing what your doing, I know you cant stop what’s going but hopefully, someone of influence will stand up for these people & this abuse.
Hello Mike.
I’ve just watched you and Leah’s show. I congratulate both of you and all who have contributed. I am not a Scientologist yet I visited once and bought the 1st books. I was curious and now that you guys are speaking out and actually informing of what it actually is I am thankful I was not hauled in.
It hurts my heart for all the families suffering and being torn apart or that ARE broken. No “church” nor “religion” should cause so much harm and suffering. No church should have “the rights” over no human being.
I wish much health and blessing to you and your family. Please continue the mission until this inhuman organization no longer exists.
Hi Mike,
I am not a ex-$cientologist, but have been watching your show w/ Leah since the first episode (so inspirational and earth shattering to watch. How is this still going on?) as well as reading your blog… I was wondering a bit about the use of “winning” so much, and the Co$ habit of suing and dragging out lawsuits.
It really reminds me quite a bit of the current occupant of the Oval Office. He seems to use quite a few of Co$ tactics – the lies that are repeated as if they are truth so much so that the followers believe it – even when the truth is right in front of them, the never ending lawsuits, the bullying lawyers with their “fair game” (Michael Cohen threatening people over the phone, alluding to physical threats, etc) and the constant obsession with “winning”. Lots of it also cross over with mob tactics, but with every article I read, I keep thinking that he MUST have taken lots of plays from RH.
What are your thoughts on this. Did he ever engage in Scientology?
I too have had repeatedly, thoughts about “Agent Orange” , maybe having been influenced by the tactics of the CO$ and I am a former member. Many of the early teachings are still embedded in my consciousness, and for both good and bad, guide my perception of the world. Needless to say, the current regime is so far removed from anything that I would have tolerated or believed could happen, half a lifetime ago……I’m curious if anyone responded to your inquiry, especially with any ‘hard knowledge ‘ of Trump having ever been influenced by the group.
I’m also not an “ex-Scientologist,” but as a born and raised Texan, I’ve seen numerous “cults” who make BS claims about being, essentially, the “voice of God” or god, depending. The first time I read something that L. R. Hubbard wrote about the “religion,” which was decades ago, I remember thinking “what a load of BS….who would believe this crap?” Hey, I’m not throwing you or any other former Scientologist (and know that it pains me to capitalize the name as if it’s a “true” religion) for believing in what you were fed. I’m sure that you and most others were either looking for something to fill a void or were born into it, so knew nothing else. I simply wanted to say “kudos” to both you and Leah Remini for outing those a** holes (and worse) for what they are and keep up the good work!!! By the way, I am committed to not watching (and thus endorsing) any movie or TV show with a known Scientologist, which I find a little sad on my end because I just discovered that Elizabeth Moss is 1, so no more Handmaid’s Tale for me.
Hi Mike, loving all that you are and do especially being an original Aussie.
Just happened to curiously look up if the church had a creed….of course it does.
Knowing if course that it’s complete dribble, but particularly reading the lines below….
Scientology Creed
(last paragraph)
And we of the Church believe that the laws of God forbid man:
To destroy his own kind;
To destroy the sanity of another;
To destroy or enslave another’s soul;
To destroy or reduce the survival of one’s companions or one’s group.
Oh my goodness…LIES!!!
They are all about setting to destroy peoples lives, sanity, freedom, safety and souls. I have had nothing at all to do with Scientology and being the pretty basic thinker that I am….BUT THIS IS CREED IS IN COMPLETE OPPOSITION TO WHAT THEY THINK THEY BELIEVE.
Don’t have to be Einstein at all.
Once again, I am so glad you are free from this and so proud of all that you are and do. Take care.
I forgot to add the link to Jeremy Perkins court file and that he was self medicating and she was giving him only vitamins Instead of helping a severe mental condition..This whole mess,awful incident could have been more than likely avoided. The Perkins family might have had a chance instead of becoming an unfortunate statistic.Thank you.
This is the link a month after he was arrested and properly diagnose and medicated,unbelievable.
I commend you for all the efforts and the guts to expose the insanity of this organization.I was extremely impressed by the episode about Lisa Mcpherson and the LMT and the insanity launched on them. I had heard about her case a while back and was puzzled that this case did not get more exposure. I was curious if you or Leah have looked into one particular incident regarding a Scientologist and her son? Buffalo.N.Y., Elli Perkins and her unfortunate demise due to her son Jeremy and the ramifications because of her Anti mental health stance and the fact that her interventions obviously failed her son and she payed for it literally.It’s sad that a real and court-ordered evaluation went on deaf ears,This kid the Sea Org. did not help him at all.Keep on fighting this bully organization,thank you!
Mike I have been watching the A&E show since it started and I have also left comments on your old page. Again I commend you for your courage, bravery, and persistence in doing what you do. I have never set foot in a Scientology property so I cannot truly understand but I have had my own life struggles and been a victim – so I thank you for showing me and the world that one person can do so much. Leah is also to be commended and I wish you both all the happiness and love you can handle.
I am so glad of the work that you do I was 11 year old girl living in Davis California it’ll it’ll Scientology center back in the 80s my mother had sent me away because I was at an unruly child and my cousin he was in Scientology she put me with her and I remember is walking down the street with all our stuff cuz we were always getting kicked out of apartment cuz my cousin I guess would never pay the rent she always give the money to the church and I remember I was one of the few children that was started into the Delphi academy I never now or to this day they knew how big the school got but when we started at there was maybe 20 of us kids and it was like a little trailer and was called the Delphi academy and I’m just glad I got out when I did the stories are horrific I still don’t know where my cousin is her name is Debbie scanlan and I don’t know where she is or whatever happened to her I’ve tried to find her but never have thank you
I was in Scientology in Davis too but in the late 70’s. I remember Debbie Scanlan. i havent seen her since i left. I got out in 1981 and never looked back.
Discover a single lie well exposed and demonstrated and everything else collapsed like a house of cards:
indeed great strenght and courage
I read the letter to your first family….Whew, I feel so much compassion for you–did not know the hell you went through….Thank God you had the strength to start over and that baby is too cute for words…..well, I will be back because I think current news is a must. Very much want to know the public response to Jenna’s book and how the Luis Garcia case is going. Have read Tony Ortega when Marty points to it, but would prefer you.
Thank you for what you are doing…..
This blog is a step in the right direction. Keep it up, please
To the intended audience: believing that keeping quiet is in your own interest and in the interest of those “inside” who are not yet reading this blog is only true if you are in a minority. Countless stories of breaking free from the grip held by the scientology organisation have passages along the lines that after finally talking to other members the ex-member found out that doubts were shared but kept silent.
Silence might keep you connected to other victims, but it cannot do a lot to set them free.
Mike forget the previous comment since I found the subscription was sent and basically I goofed. Please delete, thanks
Great Blog Mike. I haven’t been receiving any follow up comments or new posts by email, since posting.
I checked both and will again. Thanks.
Hey, Congrats on your new blog, Mike! Look forward to reading it!
This blog makes me happy. I always love reading you, Mike.
Did you get my response to your recent email?
Hello Mike!
I’m really thrilled that you have ventured into this big step. It will impact severely on your life, for sure – but I’m sure you already know that only TOO well! If I may say so, your willingness not to take things too seriously, coupled to your razor sharp wit, stands you in good stead and is something I find irresistible. It’s contagious mate, and it would be great to see more people catching ” The Disease ”
No pressure on you Mike, but I have to say;…Roll On Rinder!
Best wishes,
Yesssssssssssssssssss this is great Mike. I’m happy to be here. Poppycock that I wasn’t one of the first to acknowledge you for this. But I do so now.
Thank you for putting up this blog. I will look forward to following it in the future.
I’m really glad that you put up your own blog, Mike. Since I first began reading at Marty’s blog, I’ve always looked forward to your contributions and comments there. It’s a real delight to see that there’s a place where I can go to get a regular dose of your keen insights and outlook on this evolving scene.
Being the residential wog. I am sure most people that are at this blog, have been to Tonys or Martys, as well. So most of the folks will know me & my story. I have always had an affinity for Rinder, I have watched him as a spokesman for the cult, (best Co$ spokesmen ever, that is not debatable). I have followed Mike from the times, most of us thought he had died, to his reemergence on Martys blog. Rinder and I could not be farther away, when it comes to thoughts on LRH & Scienotlogy and its application. But, Rinder also knows, that I dont care even one iota about such differences. I think he would attest, that he and I have been very welcoming of the other and their views and that not once, has either of us had a cross word.
As someone who followed Martys blog daily, and now Ortegas, I still had a sense that something was missing. YES, these blogs allowed us to see behind the curtains & for Co$ watchers like me – they were astonishing.
While Rinder & Rathbun are two guys, anyone would want to have a couple of shots with. Rinder is someone who I think I could hand over a bottle of Merlot & then close my mouth for the next 3-4 hours and just listen.
Marty has something about him that rubs people the wrong way. He will quite often show a petty side & almost bully mentality where none is needed. ( I feel very comfortable saying this, because I know its the exact same thing people same about ME)
But, finder…. Rinder is something else. Cool as the other side of the pillow.
Maybe it comes from all of those years defending the cult and Der Fuhrer – dM.
Maybe, its just natural to him.
MY point is – Rinder has needed a blog. I think he can get across to those fringe people, who think too badly about Rathbun. The people inside, who see my comments and countless of other AntiCo$ wogs & then think to themselves “See, the world IS against us” – “The world IS trying to destroy me and my religion”
I have ZERO doubt that Rinder will save, at the very least – ONE person who is currently in the cult at this moment. He will also prevent others from falling into its clutches.
Knowing so much about what you had to endure, all I can say is that I smile daily, when i see the pictures of baby Jack – it lets me know that Rinder is in a better place. (no matter how hard dM tries to prevent it)
My first post on here said it best:
Its about damn time.
All the best with your blog, my internet friend.
I have the bottle of Merlot waiting.
Michael Brown – free thinker & Bed Man in Okc
Can I ask, how come a residential wog, have such an interest (and insight) in Scientology?
Another residential wog here – from the Netherlands..
I’m now 45, and ever since I was 16 or so I felt interested in COS. In those early years I never went to the (Amsterdam) Org, as I was afraid to get sucked into a cult. Followed OCMB, ESMB and in May 2008 I decided to register at WWP, then Enturb, to actually do something. In 2009 I eventually did a short visit, just out of curiosity.
And I really never knew a good answer to the question why I am interested in COS in the first place. (You should know COS in the Netherlands is really small, a few hundred members at most.)
I can only guess why.
What does keep me going is helping against the abuses etc. within the church and having fun outside of the church, especially on critics’ sites, but also on exes’ sites like this one.
Thanks for enhancing a safe environment.
Dear Mike,
we really like what you are doing.
We appreciate the fact that this Blog was born in coordination with Marty that did and is doing SO much for the Independent Movement and for Scientology in general.
We are sure that this Blog will be a great factor for the recovery of the subject of Scientology as L. Ron Hubbard, his Founder, wished it to be and serve.
Freedom and better conditions and NOT slavery!
I’m greatly enjoying your blog and it’s focus Mr Rinder. I wish it and you every success.
Moving up in the world yourself, eh Michael? Well. Its about time, my boy – its about damn time. 3 Cheers for you.
Wogs in the *******r *****n house ! Rinders “unofficial car waxer, has arrived”
I’m a non Scientologist
Hey Mike,
Yours is a great move! Congrats. I believe it’s important to keep the “skinny” line alive and I also believe it’s important to continue exposing Herr Midget Fuhrer Miscavige’s scam (s) for the benefit of the general public and hopefully for those who are still under his spell. I hope you don’t mind having me around your new blog. BTY, I always remember that day in London when we gave Miscavige’s expensive PIs the slip at that cafe!
Alex — yeah, they may have been expensive but they were hired from the Keystone Kops PI Agency. It’s always fun to mess with them. To see them frantically running up and down the streets trying to find us was great entertainment. Be well my old friend.
Mega kudo’s Mike. This blog and Marty’s will compliment each others nicely in covering the broad scope of this reformation. Cause over life in action! Here’s a cheeky suggestion if you ever want to consider a theme music for this blog; the “Boniadi Rap” video that you were a part of. I know, I know that’s probably a bit much for the tone of this blog:) Peace&ARC!
Thank you , Mike.
I look forward to reading your articles.
Your blog will now be part of my morning coffee constitutional. Thank you.
This is a real needed and wanted. Keep it up.
Congratulations on your blog, I’ve always enjoyed reading your posts.
Mike thank you for stepping in and developing a middle way regular scientologists can interact, share resources and basically restore a sense of normalcy at. I suggest that maybe a hub of resources be developed you know unified i.e. where can people get auditing, supplies,training or c/sing. I myself have been looking for information but all I’ve been able to do is get info on training in Florida. I’m in Maryland. I can help but I don’t have that kind of background but willingness is the beginning of the postulate. Without the a fore mentioned info I have been unable to attain a lot of what is discussed on Marty’s blog. ARC Bill Dupree
I’m in Maryland too (Cecil County). I have materials and a meter and am looking for someone to train with.
So there’s a connection already. If you’re interested in following up let me know.
Hey Vic mea culpa on getting back with you. I hang out usually at Marty’ blog and I just happen to peruse Mike’s and saw I had a reply. I live in Columbia near the Howard county hospital I am 58 and retired, I never joined staff but was audited and trained equally up until I was to start my internship. FCDC said I was pts from my girlfriend now my wife of 35 years because I would not join staff so I left the “church” but not the philosophy. I monitored what has happened to the Orgs since the seventies and although I knew I’d never have to worry spiritually It still bothered me what the “church” was doing more to the point what COB was doing. I am at 10969 Eight Bells Lane Columbia MD 21044 301-717-3802. I occasionally get up above Bel Air to see my daughter and family so where in Cecil county are you? I too have a lot of materials and it would be good to make a plan and see what is needed for a start point. The Indies have been an immense help in answering questions and steering being in the right direction so I feel good about that. Please contact me at your convenience by phone or email if privacy is an issue. ARC Bill Dupree Indie 335/500
cit was nice to wake up and see you started a blog,congradulations, i look forward to read what you post.
Mike, the avalanche of support and good wishes for your new blog says it all. Perfect action at the perfect moment. Absolutely spiffing. Proud to be considered amongst your friends. Thanks. Martin.
A new blog… dedicated to news and real stats… nice. Good luck with this new venture. I shall check in frequently, I do quite like to read of your viewpoint on matters and appreciate your take on the up to date position in which the CO$ currently stands …
I’m so happy you established this much needed blog. Thanks for all your efforts.
Thanks Mike for this valuable new blog. I believe it will fill a vacuum that has indeed developed over the past months. I’m incidentally a critic who runs his own little site in the Netherlands. Even though I am a never-been-in and sceptical about Scientology as a subject, I’ve restricted the content of my site to issues within Corporate Scientology and refrain from discussing the content of OTIII. This way, I hope my site can be a useful resource for any Dutch Scientologist once they are ready to look. I’ll make sure to include a link to your blog under the further reading section in the next update.
(Sorry if double post)
Happy to see your new blog! Congratulations!
This is wonderful! Congratulations, Mike – another one to add to my bookmarks!
And indeed, censorship never works, word spreads anyway, and the Internet is now THE vehicle to get word out, to communicate widely and express oneself freely, thus bypassing the stranglehold of corporate control and domination. So happy for you, Mike, and thank you.
Such a great and worthwhile concept. Your blog has been bookmarked next to Marty’s at the top of my browser. Your entry into the blogosphere must really be soiling the shorts of OSAbots. Keep up the good work.
Mike, your new blog is beautiful and I am honored to be featured in it.
We are expanding, we are doing the right thing as evidenced by Dror Center’s steady growth. We have been helped by both of you and by dear friends, Claudio and Renata Lugli, Jim Logan, Dan Koon, Steve Hall and now Silvia Llorens is here adding her expertise to perfect our AO.
We are now free to move UP the Bridge to Total Freedom. I wonder daily how the slaves of DM’s tyranny can delude themselves they’re on the Bridge to Freedom. Quite fascinating, Man’s ability to use his intelligence to explain away fraud and hypocrisy. But this is just a comment on the sorrow state of a dwindling few.
We, as true and loyal followers of Ron must unite, overcome our minor, yet sometimes noisy, differences. We continue to preserve the Tech and make it available to all. Auditing can be a rewarding career. Helping our fellow Man reach heights of ability, awareness and immortality is most gratifying. And Scientology is still “new news.”
Ron is proud of us and thankful that we are keeping the road open and it’s getting busier with traffic day by day.
Mike, what a great idea. Your wit, intelligence and perspective will make this new blog a great success.
Thank you for taking this on! Thank you for all the work you do! Don’t forget to add a donate button, some folk get to feeling out exchange or left out if they can’t help you. XXOO
Hi Mike, This is brilliant! This way Marty can freely pursue the direction his blog is going in-and we can get all this data too. A total needed and wanted. Will be reading both blogs for sure. Well done!
Excellent! I will be readng this blogg regularly.
I love this idea. Your post makes perfect sense. Thanks so much!
Great news! We need different viewpoints and gradients to help scientologists to open their eyes. Marty’s website and some others, while being fantastic, are probably a bit out gradient for those still inside. I just discover on your links The true Scientologist website, which seems the best gradient for relatively uninformed scientologists. Thanks for all you are doing!
Congrats Mike, this is something we definitely need. It’ a lot of work and I admire you for taking it upon yourself to do it. Marty’s blog was an important part of my separating from the church because it was there that I could see that the craziness wasn’t just local. It was clear that it was a world wide pandemic. So this blog will serve that function for people making progress on their journey to a free Scientology.
Congratulations and the blog looks great! Just for the record, I agree with Luis on the fundraising button. And now my 2 bits. Thought about writing a book? I have always enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to reading more!
Happy Equinox! An auspicious day to start something new. You aren’t Marty, and you aren’t Tony, you’re you, so keep being you.
Very needed and wanted Mike!
This is going to be fun.
More than hearing news of the C of S’s fast deterioration, I hope to hear news of the wins of application by Independent Scientologists. The world of field auditing within the corporate church has been in a no-win situation for many years, with fewer and fewer auditors being willing to even attempt it. The church has done it’s best to put a stranglehold on this and they just about pulled it off.
Now there are so many who have decided to audit and they are auditing. They are not reporting stats to anyone, they are not videoing their sessions, they’re not doing Liability conditions for calling FNs that did not manage to go three swings, they’re not propitiating at events or cringing at the site of a visiting Sea Org member. They are just auditing and winning.
I hope these winning, communicating, persisting, living, vibrant beings congregate here with their pcs and tell their wins and show us that the old dreams we had for this subject did not die but are actually real and alive. The church is in inevitable collapse and there’s nothing that can be done about it; the momentum is just too strong.
The classic LRH lecture that became colloquially known as “Something Can Be Done About It” was, as I recall, mainly about individuals being alive and communicating and Scientology Zero applications bringing about a more and more safe environment. I hope to hear plenty of that here.
Thanks for doing this!
I too have always enjoyed your posts on Marty’s blog. Looking forward to reading your new blog regularly. Thanks, Mike, for doing this.
Mike, I have always enjoyed reading your posts and comments. You will definitely have a regualr reader here. All the best to you.
Mike, congratulations on the new blog. I’m sure it will be an ongoing valuable source of information.
Mike – Congratulations on another free and open comm line of truth. This will be a very valuable location and I look forward to this journey. I always enjoy your stories and postings. Thanks!
Great looking site, great purpose and great name as well!
However, you are missing a very important button/tab. I’m referring to the DONATE button. Writing this blog is a huge commitment and lots of work, which will demand much of your time away from production. You are not only willing to take on this enormous doingness, but in doing so you are willing to, once again, put your neck on the line. You are subjecting yourself to the potential crazy reactions of His Majesty POB (pope on a box).
I think it is only fair you give us the ability to support you and flow energy to you whenever we feel the urge.
Please consider adding a DONATE button.
Thank you,
Luis — thanks. I will consider it. I think I will probably do a post in the not too distant future about what people can do to contribute to ending the abuses. There are many avenues….
Amigo Luis,
I don’t think Mike is doing this expecting to get donations for what he’s doing. I know him from our old days at Flag and I know what his commitment is. I know it would be nice for him to receive financial support for keeping his blog on line, but maybe such support should be done privately. Besides, IMHO, a DONATE button would smack of RCS (LOL). Again, in my opinion, considering Mike’s aims, ACTION (like what you have done recently) would be more fruitful and important than donations. I wish many more would follow what you are doing, which, pardon my French, takes a lot of balls
No offence Luis, just my opinion.
You’ve been bookmarked and I think this is a great idea, although I’ll probably have to start my day with two cups of coffee now, to last me through your blog as well as Marty’s. And I like your listing of the 10 latest comments. Whenever I check back and see that Marty’s has gone from 350 comments to 360, I know I’m in for some digging.
Awesome Mike, looking forward to visiting this site!
Nice blog, Mike! GLad to see this.
I’d like to know the specifics of GAT II. Haven’t seen any leaked vids of the Freewinds events of last summer.
Hmmm, I dont think there are any specifics of GAT II. It’s like asking for specifics about the WMD of Saddam Hussein…. It’s hype piled on top of lies frosted with bs…
But you raise an interesting point. If you have information about current activities of the RCS, including being on the mailing list or email list, forward what you get to me. If its magazines, you can email me for the address.
Wonderful Mike! Thank you for doing this! And I love the pic!
Hi Mike,
Great to see you with your own blog! I look forward to reading your unique voice and perspective on things.
Mike, I just learned of your blog and am so glad you chose to do this… for all the reasons you mentioned in your introduction. Looking forward to your posts!
Congratulations Mike.
A site for those “Under the radar” and “on the fence” is a much needed and wanted. Great opening post
Thanks K#1. And to Haydn and Graham and Marsha and Scott and Mark and everyone else with words of encouragement.
One thing is sure — the internet has truly created a “community” and when you become part of it you gain a LOT of real friends. These days you can travel all over the US and around the world and meet up with people who frequent FB groups and blogs and sites. And its not just nice to have friends, it is also nice to know there is strength in numbers. While we are going up the RCS is going down….
Congratulations and best wishes with your new website. I look forward to following the news and comments.
Ive been looking around your blog and it is very well done.
Seeing Jenna’s book on the blog reminded me that I would love for post regarding her book whereby people can comment on it and share stories. I personally thought the book was one of the best that has been published and was able to give my copy to a non-Scientology friend who zipped through reading it in 4 days.
It really helped give an understanding to what many of us have gone through. Everyone can relate to Jenna’s story of a young girl born into Scientology and the Sea Org and having her world continually manipulated until she finally broke free and now is leading a happy life with her new family.
Anyway, just a suggested topic!
Congrats, Mike. Great move. I love Sinar’s Facebook page – it is a great place to hang out without having glass windows. And I love Marty’s blog. In a world of people posting the most inane and outright idiotic opinions of Scientology, not to mention wallowing in the salaciousness of whole track materials, Marty put rational discussion of Scientology on the map. And continues to do so.
I think you are understating Tony O’s opinion of Scientology. He is not a skeptic; he outright considers it completely without merit. But, he is tenacious, and it takes a pit bull sometimes to unearth the rotten tidbits.
Independent Scientology and post-Scientology is expanding. We all know that those locked inside by fear need to be free from it. Now there is one more place they can be free to. Thanks! I look forward to this!
Fantastic Mike. Definitely needed. Another place where we can keep up to date on what is happening Couldn’t be happier and I intend to contribute as much as possible. Thanks for starting it!
Mike How very exciting…this is great cant wait to read your posts.
This is a wonderful development and means I will be able to enjoy your priceless prose even more frequently.
Thank-you in advance,
I just read your “Open Letter to My Family” and suggest everyone take a look.
The letter clearly shows your integrity, hard-fought-for insights and willingness to state and repeat the truth for everyone to see.
I can’t even begin to tell you how much I admire you.
Seriously, man. You make me proud to know you.
Vic, the feeling is mutual…
BTW the date of the letter is omitted. It was posted on Marty’s blog originally in May 2010.
Great new blog Mike! Definitely another daily stop for me!
Thanks Sinar. You are the Walter Cronkite of independent Scientology — so I am glad you will be visiting, as I always look out for your news alerts on FB.
“Thanks Sinar. You are the Walter Cronkite of independent Scientology” lol True, so true!
Great, Mike, well done. At last, your own blog. Wishing you success.
Love, Rich
Thanks Rich. Got a backlog of things to cover, hope to get something new up each day, at least to begin with….
I just want to be among the first to congratulate you on your new blog. It looks great and I will be checking in daily! I think the new features are great.
Thanks a lot John….