Honestly, it has reach the point where these people will say ANYTHING.
These are the “PR Professionals” who will be preaching “Never use lies in PR” to anyone foolish enough to show up for their convention.
They are actually saying that “LRH PR tech” (this is the reason this time, normally it is distribution of WTH) has created the following in Colombia:
- A 60% drop in crime
- A 60% drop in drug production
- 8X increase in tourism
- 7X increase in national economy.
This is patently ridiculous — but it does not stop them from publishing it.
And what is worse, it does not stop sheeple from believing it and repeating it as if it were fact to others.
Would love to know what the government of Colombia thinks about scientology claiming they caused all improvements in their nation…. And exaggerating them beyond recognition to boot.
Clearly, the PR genuises in scientology have not got a clue.
They have truly become a parody. SNL underplays the foolishness.
If you study PR hat you know it encourages you to lie in every given place.
The challenge is how to increase the awareness enough that the person can recognize his idiocy himself. Telling him to be a fool does not cure the foolishness. As that does not take into account that there is a “group mind”, an group influence. When you are born into a culture you learn your role by attaching yourself to the group mind. That is more or less on an automatic. First thing Scientology does with a new member to detach the person from his current group mind and attaching to the mind of the new group. L. Ron Hubbard did not issue very much about that group mind thing. But that is essential in forming groups or destroying groups.
Probably the 5 scientologust in that country are just super duper ot.
60% drop in cocaine production? A false report.
In today’s fast moving, ever changing media driven landscape, Scientology PR is quaint at best. Public Relations thrives best when it moves deftly with the perceptions, behavior, and demands of the public. These things are not static, and smart business people know how to adjust accordingly. Sadly, for the Church of Scientology, their own policies prevent them from doing this.
David Miscavage is the reincarnated soul of Josef Goebels The national Socialist master propiganda minister,master of mass control. Small,puny,insecure,sociopathic,ruthlessly selfish scum.
The cuolt did always act that way. Décades ago, pretending a decrease of 50% of the criminality in South-Africa, or similar ridicule things for Mexico etc, while the reverse was true. The cult nourishes crime by adding people “good scientologists” selling frauds to enrich Hubbard, then miscavige.
Maybe they define “If” differently.
There was an English movie called “If” once – radical for it’s time. It means many things.
The movie Taps, which gave an early break to Tom Cruise (and Sean Penn), was in part a subversion of If (the kids loved, rather than loathed, the authoritarian school regime)
əbˈsərd,əbˈzərd/Submit adjective
(of an idea or suggestion) wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate.
“the allegations are patently absurd”
synonyms: preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous, farcical, laughable, risible, idiotic, stupid, foolish, silly, inane, imbecilic, insane, harebrained, cockamamie;
Pretty much sums up Dave, his ship, his group and his PR.
Given that Scientology’s PR is utterly toxic, I guess their PR “Tech” is bullshit.
No the pr tech is no bullshit, they brag to apply it but they dont.
Fist policy is never lie in pr. The missapplication is gross, like anyrhing Miscavige is doing with the tech.
It´s a travesty of pr tech.
They sould be retrain on the subject (if in fact they ever read it ).
Mike, has the OSA or DM ever paid any attention to the Church of the Subgenius?
LRH and J. R. “Bob” Dobbs were drinking buddies back in the day. It is said that “Bob” once wrote to Ron: “I always lie, AND I’m always right!” which is where LRH got the idea for the PR Series.
60 % Increase in drug production.
Excuse me but a Cocaine submarine washed up in Florida
last month empty ! It had made it’s delivery and was abandoned.
The design was Colombian . Swimmer from beach went out
to it and hatch open had a look inside and reported sub to Coast Guard.
The Church of Scientology in Bogota Columbia has 1,149 likes. Strangely, from 292 visits. https://www.facebook.com/scientologycolombia/
Cocaine production in Columbia did indeed see a marked decrease from around 2007 to 2012. However, in recent years, it has risen again dramatically. I guess some SPs infiltrated the government and knocked-out all that super-effective PR Tech.
Quick, get an IAS mission fired into the country! Time for some more fundraising…
“Is Colombia Again the World’s Top Cocaine Producer?
Colombia has likely reclaimed its position as the world’s principal cocaine producer, something with profound consequences on the drug trade and the ongoing peace process with Marxist rebels.
According to a new White House report, coca cultivation in Colombia rose 39 percent during 2014, a pattern that various sources on the ground have told InSight Crime has continued, if not accelerated, this year. The increase in terms of hectares of coca was from 85,000 in 2013, to 112,000 in 2014. (See White House graphic below) For drug production that means a jump from 185 tons to 245 tons, which, as noted in more detail below, InSight Crime believes is an underestimation of the true amount of cocaine produced every year in Colombia.”
Ooops – should have spelt it ‘Colombia’. Freudian slip? Anyway, I’m playing the Pants on Fire card.
And while I’m about it, here are some figures regarding GDP growth in Colombia (select the ‘MAX’ tab). Doesn’t look like a 700% increase to me.
Must be some pesky SPs with a transcription error or two…
Oh, why do I bother? Like 94.3% of all The Cult’s stats – it’s just been made up. 😉
Nice job on the numbers. I started to look up Colombian GDP growth and it looks like it jumped pretty strongly starting in about 1980 after being pathetic for most of the previous decades. Didn’t figure out what the growth driver was — they don’t have oil wealth like Venezuela, for instance — but the growth of 7x over a period of 35 years is possible. The few years that the cult has been there, the notion of 7x growth is a ludicrous, obvious lie.
Also nice that you got the numbers right on coca production… don’t know if that is counted in GDP but it very possibly is…
And the 8x increase in tourism is just utterly laughable. I am unaware of any compelling reason to prioritize a tourist visit to Colombia above visiting Machu Picchu, Argentina and Chile (especially Patagonia in both), Brazil, or the Bolivian Altiplano. I know there are nice places in Colombia but no matter how nice they may be, they just don’t have the reputation to attract tourists that some of those other places do.
In the Scientology Affinity Magazine they once told a similar story about a town named Dorado in Puerto Rico. They say because they give away these magical Way to Happiness little books the crime rate goes down and the drug problem goes away and many other wonderful improvements happen to that town. No one in Puerto Rico was aware of these wonderful improvements except those that received the Affinity magazine or those or those who went to the fundraising events where they tell you these stories so you will give more money to Scientology.
The funny part is that there is no Scientology Mission or Org in Dorado. There were Missions and an Org in San Juan for nearly fifty years but they could not create these improvements there in all that time. After getting very much behind on their rent the Org moved to another town called Bayamon and that town’s crime and drug problems has not shown any improvement there either.
I think the Scientology religion is very good at making things go right somewhere else. I have been to many Scientology places an I always hear stories of wonderful things that are happenning somewhere else. I think that most Scientologists have come to accept that the technology works very good where you are not at. If you want to see the very good results of the application of Scientology you must go somewhere else.
Maybe the COB should move with his headquarters to Bogota and then he can send some people to give away these Way to Happiness little books in Los Angeles and they can solve the crime and drug and gang problems in that city.
Now I am having a cognition about how the Scientology communication works with solving the problems for mankind. Cause-Distance-Effect. The distance appears to be the most important part for this to work.
I now understand that the people who complain that Scientology is not really helping society do so only because they are looking too close to home. They must look somewhere else.
Scientology works there!
Amusing and insightful comment. For many years I had this mindset, i.e., Scientology’s programs were “obviously” working except not in my own org, which was shrinking before my very eyes. Yet somehow it was all working so effectively elsewhere. “What’s wrong with us?”, I used to wonder.
Amazing, how orgs must not actually compare notes or possibly communicate at all with one another unless the comm is ordered from above. I’m not sure how this works as I was never staff or SO but it amazes me that orgs would be and possibly are these virtual islands with very little clue as to what is really going on with one another. What a con!
And yet, dummy that I was, the poster person for gullibility that I was, it never occurred to me once to send questions to other orgs, to query the stats of other orgs. Not me! I believed everything I was told at Int Events, all the lies about world salvage spewed by the IAS. I never doubted any of it, not one, single datum! It took the internet for that light bulb to go off.
Until I started reading the blogs it never even occurred to me to doubt that Scientology was doing gangbusters pretty much everywhere except in my own org. Until the becoming au fait with internet Scientology, the possibility that my org was contributing to this “everyone doing well but us” never occurred to me either, which meant that other orgs were laboring under the same delusion about us that we were under about them.
I’m telling you, a simply amazing con. My hat is off to Miscavige for this. Yes, I do think he’s quite intelligent. Its simply a shame that he hasn’t applied his intelligence and ingenuity to helping people instead of suppressing them, because the latter is always a losing game.
And then, the cult is doomed because it has made the internet its enemy, so maybe Miscavige is not so intelligent after all.
Aquamarine, please stop being so hard on yourself. Not “a dummy”, you were trusting. Not *too gullible*, you were a good person, so you believed others were like you. It’s not wrong, you weren’t stupid, you were human. 🙂 It’s hard to read you beating yourself up over your being deceived, it happens to good people all the time. You didn’t see what was happening at first – but now you do. Just be glad that now you are out, (yay) now you see clearly, and are able to live your life without those restrictions. Bad things happen to good people. That’s life. 🙁 But we experience whatever happens, we learn from it.. and we try to help others who are having similar experiences. Please don’t be so hard on yourself, we all have those moments of.. why didn’t I see it sooner? Why didn’t I react this way or that way… you are human, as we all are, don’t fault yourself so heavily. Can I offer you a *virtual hug*? :p lol.
Aquamarine, I agree with TJ. He’s right. Can I offer you a virtual hug too? I guess that makes it a group hug.
TJ, thank you so much for your kindness and understanding, for caring about how I would feel. I don’t know if I was such a good person but yes I did place a great deal of trust without any inspection, but you’re right, what the hell, and so what? I’m fine, I’m comforted, and I’ll gladly accept that hug from you, and from you and Cindy. OKAY, all together now: 1..2…3..Huuuug. Feels good.:)
B.Y. You conveyed my sentiments so well. Thank you!
Dorado Beach is the name of a legendary beach resort. It’s west of San Juan on the northern coast of the island. We in Global Capitalism HQ have attended conferences there rather frequently for many years. I don’t think there’s an actual town named Dorado.
Bayamon is basically a heavily urbanized close-in suburb of San Juan. I think most of Bayamon these days is relatively more affluent than other surrounding areas. It wouldn’t surprise me, given the cult’s real estate skills, to have a mission in Bayamon in some strip mall with no foot traffic, instead of having one in Old San Juan with tens of thousands of tourists passing by, or somewhere in a hotel in San Juan’s “Condado” section along Avenida Ashford, which is kind of like the Las Vegas strip of PR.
Incidentally, some family members had a vacation place in PR back in the 1960s and 1970s near Luquillo Beach, so I am fairly familiar with the island for a gringo. I don’t think the drug problem was that severe in the early 1980s when TWTH was first published. It is extremely bad there now, however, which is why I haven’t been back for anything other than work in quite a while. Scientology’s straight up and vertical expansion globally is in perfect inverse correlation to the island’s dismal economic straits.
Good morning Mr. Capitalist.
Yes, there is an actual town of Dorado. If you’re driving from San Juan you must drive through a small part of it to arrive to Dorado Beach.
There is also the other town of Dorado which was saved by the Way to Happiness Foundation. That town is the one described in the Scientology Affinity Magazine.
The evidence that the other Dorado exists is a photograph that was presented in the magazine that has some of the Scientology opinion leaders posing with the Mayor of Dorado. The caption says it is the Mayor and has the actual Mayors name but the person in the picture is not the actual Mayor of the Dorado that is on the map. It is someone else.
So Puerto Rico must have two towns of Dorado. There is the actual Dorado which is about 24 miles west of San Juan and there is the town of Dorado that was saved by the Way to Happiness little book.
That town has a Mayor with the same name as the other town but with a different face.
That Dorado is somewhere else.
If any of these claims were true there would be a World Rush
to the Freewind’s. Europe is having a mass exodus of millions of refugees not seen since
World War 2 , terror attacks by suicide bombers on civilians, you think these
countries don’t care ? . They know this is a scam.
Are those people all actual scientologists?
If ANYTHING got even close to 10% (let alone 60%) shutting down the cartel from their income sources they’d likely have a fresh pair of personalized concrete loafers and a one way ticket to Davey’s Locker. (wait, now isn’t THAT ironic!?)
The C of S could actually be putting their faces out there and then helping the cartel eliminate their pesky problem. I’m sure the WTH is more of a pimple of a problem, if not a mosquito bite.
This is the same mindset that Donald Trump is exploiting.
A “60% drop in drug production” in COLOMBIA !?!! Are you kidding me?! I guess someone forgot to tell the Colombians.
Considering the Church’s legal woes, and the fact that their “leader” (still looking for that check sheet / full hat) has a restraining order on him, I would say crime has increased in the Church of Scientology 478% this year.
Good point. The scientology organisation has developed into quite the crime creation machine on auto. It’s straight up and vertical criminal statistics are impressive. The mob must look on with amusement and a tinge of envy, how they wish their marks would be so accommodating stupid with their money. Then again, it gives standover thugs a line of work, being more traditional and all.
It looks like old Will Smith – sorry, Guillermo Smythe – is rocketing up the seaborg chain of command, hanging onto the LTjg rank for so long. The designer tie tells you there’s some rebel in that boy, or perhaps it was a special gift from a special friend, like JT.
How come lieutenant commander battleaxe who runs the fleecewinds has been able to hang onto her job for so long? She the only one with a master’s ticket?
The bubble dwellers are rapidly running out of excuses for ignoring reality. If they can keep lapping up the kool-ade in the face of the onslaught of exposure in the press and pop culture, they probably deserve to get fleeced of every last dime.
Increasingly, every time I come upon a plug for courses on the Freewinds, I become more and more afraid that, in the future, we will all be reading an NTSB accident final report of the loss of ship and all hands under mysterious circumstances. Of course, the bullet points include neglected maintenance, altered records, and secrecy…
(…and maybe LRH hailed them to fly out to Target Two via DC-8 styled UFO’s?)
Yes, those “statists” are absurd. How could you even begin the measure the percentage of change in such a broad category, and what proof could they possibly show? It’s just plain silly.
I saw this today:
a link to an article talking about Leah Remini’s “Dancing with the Stars” Partner talking about how Scientology agents followed him:
The CofS makes some really negative comments about Leah. I am amazed that a “church” says something like this about a member who chose to quit: …” she is showing herself to be a spoiled entitled diva who obsessively complains about petty matters…” ..”she inserts herself uninvited into the family matters of others.”
What ridiculous things to say! What other church would make this kind of statement and engage in character assassination against a person simply because they decided their “faith” was no longer a good match for them…? a “spoiled diva”? I can’t imagine my church putting out a statement like this if someone ended their association with them. I have NO respect for the CofS due to this.
and… one word: DISCONNECTION. The church inserts itself uninvited into family matters of others, forcing parents and children to disconnect.
are they joking? according to the CoS, Leah: “refused to abide by the high level of ethics and decency Scientologists are expected to maintain” and engaged in “callous treatment of others”.
This is what the CofS is known for, their callous treatment of others. High level of decency and ethics? where? in what? Where are your charity programs that pass out food, water or clothing to the needy? Where are your programs that help the homeless, disabled, veterans? What do your yellow-shirted ministers do other than pass out “way to happiness” brochures and give “touch assists”? I want to see an accounting of how the donated funds are used! Anyone who gives to the IAS should demand an accounting.
In case the link isn’t working, here is the whole article:
Dancer Tony Dovolani told TMZ that the Church of Scientology followed him to get information about Leah Remini, who was his partner in Season 17 of “Dancing with the Stars.” Earlier this month, Remini released a book titled, “Surviving Hollywood and Scientology” that led to a feud with the church and Tom Cruise, who she slammed in the book and in an interview last month.
According to the TMZ report, church members were after Dovolani in 2013 to find out anything about Remini that would discredit her, even by association. The dancer was reportedly at Los Angeles International Airport, looking through Remini’s book when TMZ caught up with him.
“She (Remini) informed me a lot about scientology,” Dovolani said, according to TMZ, adding: “You really want to read this book because it really does open your eyes about a lot of injustice that’s been done.
“I was followed a few times. They tried to find anything they can on a person and try to use it against them,” Dovolani also said, adding: “They were trying to create any type of thing they wanted to — like a rumor or whatever. They could not find anything because I’m a happily married dude. I didn’t do anything wrong.”
Remini has been involved in a bitter war of words with the Church of Scientology, after her 20/20 interview, in which she slammed the church and criticized the way they operate. Remini also criticized the “Mission Impossible” star and his former wife Katie Holmes for the way they treated her and revealed how much the church mattered to them.
The church responded to Remini’s accusations in a statement saying: “Bitterness and anger are common threads through Ms. Remini’s life. Ms. Remini is showing herself to be a spoiled entitled diva who still obsessively complains about such petty matters as her seating placement, limo ride, five-star hotel accommodations and the paparazzi’s failure to recognize her nearly a decade ago. She also inserts herself uninvited into the family matters of others.”
The statement from the church also said: “The real story is that she desperately tried to remain a Scientologist in 2013, knowing full well she was on the verge of being expelled for refusing to abide by the high level of ethics and decency Scientologists are expected to maintain. Her repeated ethical lapses and callous treatment of others led to an ecclesiastical review which resulted in her being expelled,” adding: “She now regurgitates the tired myths the Church has repeatedly debunked, circulated by the same tiny clique of expelled former staffers bitter at having lost the positions they enjoyed before their malfeasance and unethical conduct were uncovered. Ms. Remini is now joined at the hip with this collection of deadbeats, admitted liars, self-admitted perjurers, wife beaters and worse.”
ooppss… mis-type: should be “statistics” not “statists” :p lol
Hi T.J., I love your post. How the cult-church keeps trotting out these old rotten stories that ,Paulette Cooper, Jenna – Miscavige Hill, Leah Remini, Mike Rinder and all of us who were mentioned in cos’s diatribe against us, are spoiled, bitter, liars who never understood cos. Ha ha wrong, wrong. We understood it too well. We lived it, loved it and were burned and betrayed by Ron and now dm. Is it a wonder that all of us here, come with the truth about what happened to us, and still the tired old faint drumbeat of the same old same old from the cult. Heartless, black and negative it all is now. I feel this, I know this. Love you T.J. and your family. You are one of my anchors. XO Ann.
Right you are, Ann B. It’s hard enough to come to the conclusion that you have been walking down the wrong path and need to make a change in direction, without having your former group decide to badmouth you and sling insults your way simply for deciding it isn’t the direction you now choose… Thank you for the kind words too, I’m glad to see others feel similarly to me… and I’m just plain glad to see you here! 🙂 I hadn’t seen you in a while and was getting worried. But there’s my ray of sunlight peeking through now.
Hi T.J., I missed you! I was ” obscured by clouds” (smile)for a little while. But I just had to come back because there is so much energy here. Helps me to be positive too. I never want you to worry about me.If things ever get super bad I will tell you. Love all your posts always! ?☀❤️ Ann.
Ann B! Where ya been?! We missed you! Hope you are doing well! I’m happy you’re back…my day is not the same without one of your cheery posts!
Hi Chee Chalker, I really missed you! I was wandering for a few days along a foggy shoreline in my mind, wondering if I had been wrong to tell my SO story and my experiences here. You know, one of those soul searching times. Well I soul searched and decided I was absolutely right to follow my heart and post here. So I will continue to do so. Love you always, Ann.
Well said T.J.
Thank you, “Just me” 🙂 I tend to impulsively say what I feel, and then usually wish I had given it more thought before posting, so it’s nice to get positive feedback, thanks so much. *hugs*
You’re great, T.J! And your posts are wonderful!
Thank you so much OSD! 🙂 Wheeee, I get all kinds of love today, yay! I have to say I really enjoy your posts as well. Your recollections of time spent in CofS are so interesting and the witty remarks you post make me laugh. Glad you are here.
“If this vital LRH tech could change the stats for a whole country…imagine what it could do for” you!
Yeah, IF it could change those things, it might be able to do amazing things for someone’s life. And if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. But since it can’t…
It could turn you into a sociopathic liar who gets his money any way he can without the slightest twinge of conscience?
THIS is something I wish other news outlets like CNN etc., would pick up and run with.
Mike sees and brings such great information to the table. For those of us who Sciwatch it is to be expected (but are still nevertheless amazed at the temerity of such a void of fact negative assertions) but these foot bullets would have much more effect to the GP if Sci was called on them more frequently. Many of their statements made are easily dismissed and ignored, but this gem should not be ignored by the press. Particularly when the drug situation, which claims many lives in and out of the country in question, travels over country borders and has large fiscal repercussions across the world in prevention and attempted eradication.
Where are the major networks on this? I wonder if the Catholic Church, a reputable NPO or even the Colombian government claimed this…if it would go unchallenged or unaddressed?
Me thinks no.
The only thing PR Tech produces is “PR Personalities”
Spread those good News to the Columbian News outlets:
You can contact the Editors with a simple E-Mail:
It’s simply embarrassing. And, it’s why no one admits they are Scientologists anymore. Goofy and delusional. A certifiably insane organization.
How could simple PR raise the economy of a nation? Telling people “stuff” cannot change exports, imports, factory production, etc.
This poster is INSANE. Does the Convention have a “check your brain at the door” policy?
I don’t see how they tie PR tech to these stats. I could see Ethics, Auditing, and even possibly admin tech. being claimed to create theses changes, but not PR tech. However I could see PR tech being responsible for the falsifying of these stats.
So, who exactly wrote up their PR Tech? Was it L. Fraud or Baghdad Bob?
This stuff can be so easily disproved using what we would consider unbiased sources, like the CIA Factbook or data from the UN. Of course, to Scilons, the CIA and the UN are utterly evil and would spread entheta like this just to discredit Scientology. The amount of sheer blindness and ego required to accept such a judgement is so staggering that there’s no way to measure it.
Silly cult.
…(channeling my inner Yoda)… Speechless, am I. CoS has never been subtle in their claims about the benefits of LRH’s “tech” but this truly sets a new low (or high, depending on how you perceive it) for shameless hucksterism.
Well, I guess it’s quite easy to lie about foreign countries (or anything, really) to people who won’t watch or read the news because it’s entheta.
I wonder if anyone in there ever thinks about this habit of not getting informed, and how easy it makes it for anyone to control them.
actually,they ARE being informed.or misinformed.(mis)information is the primary tool used to control people.
and that includes the news.
it would be impossible to control anyone who rejected imformation.
Those guys have a lot of nerve making stuff up and passing it off as truth. Haven’t they read KSW? Hubbard was the only one allowed to do that.
All that BLUE ASBESTOS dumped in our harbor
how about telling the truth about how it is killing Columbians
big time !!!
fucking Sea Ogre liars.
The blue asbestos was not removed, it was sealed in
The church of Scientology, scientology the subject, and L Ron Hubbard currently are enjoying the lowest regard for them held by the general culture they profess to be saving from itself.
“Scientology currently has the worst PR in at least the last 40 years” is a statement I’ve made even to active church members, who furtively agree with it.
This is an unprecedented, epic milestone of LRH PR technology FAILURE. But wait! Since the Tech never fails, if correctly applied, then the failure is with the entire management hierarchy of Scientology, and the entire Sea Org, who are responsible for protecting and furthering the subject.
No wait! Management and the Sea Org are more on-Source than ever before! It’s the fault of all the dilettante thetie-weetie out-ethics PARISHIONERS who aren’t giving enough to the IAS or joining the Sea Org in enough numbers to counteract the multi-billion-dollar Pharmaceutical Industry-funded Psych campaign intent on destroying Man’s only hope for spiritual salvation.
Ok, there! Glad we’ve got that figured out. What are my three choices for lunch today?
Gosh, when you put it that way, John Doe, I feel terrible! I guess I’ve been a dilettante thetie weetie out ethics parishioner. Do think if I send them $25 (IAS), they’ll let back in?
Pablo Escobar is laughing his ass off.
With all of the amazing things that Scn has supposedly done for Colombia – would you be surprised to know there hasn’t been one article in google news about it – EVER. One would think an economy that has increased 8x would get some news. Well, I call BULLSHIT.
For a datum of comparable magnitude – the US economy which isn’t doing too badly, increased 2.1 percent in the last quarter. Compare that to Colombia’s alleged 800% in who knows what period.
To add to the deception – the guy in the official looking uniform in the upper right corner is the Ship’s LRH Host.
He was a security guard, last time I saw him.
PR tech? Considering how scientology uses its own “PR tech,” how did they manage to attain the popularity of a piranha in a hot tub? How are they managing to deteriorate while Colombia allegedly thrives?
This disparity would suggest that even if Colombia were experiencing the epic renaissance claimed here (sure, Pinocchio!), we would have to go looking for factors other than “PR tech” to discover the secret of their success. After all, “tech” is tech. That means, if applied correctly it works dependably. And surely, if anybody, the “church” of scientology would know how to apply “the tech?”
Here’s an article about Jamaican lottery scam artists. Analogous to CoS: http://feedly.com/i/latest
“‘Goodness gracious,’ said Brother Ignacius, ‘I didn’t know the bishop had…'”
Could the old QE2 Replace the Freewinds? Well she may be up for sale soon but will need work: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travelnews/11635592/Can-the-QE2-be-saved-from-its-filthy-state-in-Dubai.html
And you know, perhaps everyone still inside should take a day off from saving the planet: http://www.gocomics.com/nonsequitur/2015/11/30
If that 60% drop in drug production were true, the drug cartels would have sent Miscavige up to target two by now.
“If that 60% drop in drug production were true”, I wouldn’t go anywhere near Int. In fact, I would stay several blocks away from ANY Idle Morgue. Hey, in South American business is, well, business…
But it is an act of desperation – look, the poster promotes: 1,590 for 8 nights, all meals, a Course and the Convention. Is practically about 200.00 a day with all meals and afternoon tea, etc.
This won’t cover the expenses the freewinds incurs such as diesel, food, etc. They are running a red book and I wonder for how long next year they would be able to last.
The PR of the reduced crime, WTH and all the other blah, blah is promoted as it is the ONLY thing the sheeple understand, otherwise the freewinds will be absolutely empty.
Yeah, but, what about all the great times they get to have with the staff? I mean, these people cater to their every need! I’m trying to remember what they’re called. Ummmmm….OH! I got it! Their called Regges! I’ve been told that they’re the friendliest people on the ship and really make you feel welcome…
Yeah, I guess it’s like running a loss leader – you know, the way Costco sells those big roast chickens for only $5. You have to walk all the way through to the back of the store, past all the aisles and displays, to get to those plump, tasty, $5 birds. Before you know it, you’re outta there with a $5 chicken and $400 worth of toilet paper, paper towels, tuna, Famous Dave’s pickles, and maybe a flatscreen TV! (oh, and a hot dog on the way out)
Well, for $200/night on the Failwinds, you have to run a gantlet of regges that’ll set you back wayyyyy more than a trip to Costco!
So why aren’t they distributing Way to Happiness and on-Source PR-tech in Syria? Isn’t that where they’re needed most right now?
They’ll go anywhere, EXCEPT, a war zone.
Bullets absolutely hurt and really put reality first. That’s something a scientologist can’t ever be associated with and that’s honesty, it hurts too, just like a bullet.
This is a good thing. Those who profit from that crap certainly won’t set a foot there, but I have a feeling there are young born-in deluded enough to attempt such a foolish thing. And somehow I don’t think the church would spit out the cash to free them. Use the occasion to beg for money, yes, but pay, nope.
It’s such a critical mission that it would only work if Da Midget goes there to distribute them in person. Alone. (Wink, wink, cough, cough)
You know, I wonder if anyone left in there would actually pay for Miscavige’s ransom.
It would be the ultimate payback if they told Shelly Miscavige that her husband is being held for ransom by ISIS and she would say, “let him rot” or “David who??” LOL
You’d think it would make the sheeple wonder why there very own Ideal Orgs are not seeing such marvelous results. Could it be that the government of Columbia is more on-source than there own org?
Cog Dis extraordinaire!
They would have to be foreigners in this photo because if you are in the US military you cannot wear your uniform and use the military as part of a publicity campaign. Otherwise it looks like the military is sanctioning Scientology in these photos… But I don’t suppose the “shepple” as you call them (I love that phrase) would even be aware of that!
‘the full Freewinds experience’, doesn’t mean the same thing to anyone who has ever been there. The regs don’t let anyone off if they have available cash or credit.
Internet marketing and other clam scams have had a recent home on the Fleecewinds. I guess that the home of OT 7 and 8 doesn’t have enough OTs to keep the place afloat. Hell, Bob Duggan and Grant Cardone did a ‘prosperity’ seminar there not long ago. What’s next? A cake decorating ‘seminar’ led by Gavin Potter? Time keeping with Flavor Flav?
Now, if only Bigfoot and those little gray aliens from Rosewell show up, will the stage be set for the release of OT 9 and 10.
Hi zemooo, I love your post! I I am waiting with bated breath for the release of OT9 & 10. The sounds I will here are the thuds as the skyrockets announcing the epic event refuse to light. Another helping of falsehoods please. Love,Ann.
They could sell timeshares, hold herbalife seminars. Or invite the Sham Wow guy.
The possibilities are endless.
Great point, zemoo. If Scientology were really expanding 47X there would be many ships delivering OT 8, possibly a dozen ships delivering it full time.
If you google cientologia in tne news of google in Columbia you just get entheta:
You are right to call it rubbish. Columbia doesn’t know anything about the help it is getting from Scientology……
And all 4 people can’t neither be found in Columbia on google.
As painful as it is to hear, some of the members really do believe this doo doo.
We were once one of them
True dat, Brian. While we’re out and living life on OUR TERMS, too many are still being abused by the cult. They’re victims too…Nice post.
So true Old Surfer Dude
Oh, come on, you guys, be fair. You know that Paris is all calmed down now because of quick IAS action. All those WTH booklets distributed really made those terrorists skedaddle in a hurry.
laughing out loud!
Just another day at the PR Office for scios.
Surely they must qualify for some sort of Guinness Book of Records entry. Most amount of bs produced per calendar month or maybe holding the most genuine looking smile or stupid grin when you haven’t a clue what you’re doing.
Oh! I know, they qualify for the most amount of lies put forth in legal defence without prosecution.
I’m going with “…the most genuine looking smile or stupid grin when you haven’t a clue what you’re doing.” It’s pasted on their faces. And since all the smiles and grins are false, it must take them hours to rub the soreness from their faces at the end of the day.
2 big glasses of calmag will handle that, mmm, yummy too.
Calmag: We don’t have a fucking clue what it does, but, you are required to drink it.
Not to mention the maddened glint and rigid smiles that tells US that cognitive dissonance is a work, whilst the Scilons read it as absolute, validated JOY!
At least they’re upstat on BS.
Despite the smell.
And why not lie? L Ron Hubbard is their teacher:
1) cures arthritis
2) cures needling glasses
3) cures leukemia
4) will deliver stable exterior with full perception
5) Ron is Buddha
6) critics are criminals
7) Ron is the anti Christ
8) karma is a control implant (consequence for action can then be denied)
9) heaven is an implant
10) Christ a pedophile
11) Mars and Venus are implant stations
12) Scientology can clear the planet
13) Ron was Cecil Rhodes
The list is endless.
Lying is Scientology’s bread and butter. Making false claims is Scientology. The essence of water is wetness. The foundation of Scientology is lies.
All for the “greatest good” of course.
Continuation of accepted Scientology lies:
14) BTs are the major source of his man problems
15) society is a dramitization of R6 and other implants
16) psyches come from Farsec
17) Ron is man’s best friend
18) orgs owe me money while suit cases of cash to off shore accounts
19) writes about ethical 2d tech while banging other women
20) love is a Marcab control mechanism
21) all homosexuals are deviant 1.1 more dangerous than sleeping with a snake
22) meditation is a trap designed to keep you in a body
23) angels are implants
24) the only after life experience is electronic torture
25) the spiritual inner light is an implant
26) all spiritual leaders except Ron were either stuck in an implant or only keyed out or were inverted 8th dynamic
27) reasoned question are an attack on Scientology
28) reasoned questions are a revelation of evil intentions
29) reason itself has been defined as being “reasonable.” (That one’s a true mind fuck)
30) redefining open minded as being a bad thing
31) hate above sympathy on the tone scale
32) all grief is based on an engram and grief is a low toned emotion not a normal human expression of love, bonding and healing.
33) 3rd party tech is a LAW (I’m sure this piece of ideological rubbish has caused some pretty false accusatory outcomes where blame is revelation of “the why.”
34) Ron is the only human to “really” find the truth
35) the OT levels makes OTs
36) clears don’t get colds
37) if they do they are PTS
38) What is Greatness (that was a PR lie. Fair Game, ruin utterly is the truth)
I can continue but my day beacons.
Teachers teach and students learn. Lying in Scientology is an acceptable “truth.”
To a great degree this doctrine of lying comes from Ron’s philosophy that we are the creators of truth. Truth is a consideration. We make up our own laws. There is not cosmic imperative, Dharma, that requires a respectful acknowledgement and application of truth.
Interviewer: Mr. Hubbard, I understand you have a Swiss bank account.
Hubbard: No, I don’t have a Swiss bank account. I have a bank account in Switzerland, but, there’s not much money in it.
This was from one of the very early films that Hubbard sat for. And the above is what he said. Almost word for word.
Indeed. That was from the “Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard” video on Youtube. One of my favorites!
That was it! “Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard.” You could see his lower teeth rotting away. Hey! At my age you can’t expect me to remember much.
This link below is that movie OSD. It’s called the shrinking world of L Ron Hubbard.
Besides revealing Ron to be a liar, this video is also an aversion therapy that illustrates the horrors of bad dental hygiene: Ron’s paranoia of doctors.
BTW, is anyone as creeped out as me when Ron says of Polly,”She’s dead!”, while this creepy smile comes over his face.
That smile to me is psycho.
Who’d grin from ear to ear while proclaiming someone’s death?
OMG!!!!! The teeth, Brian, the Teeeeeeeeeeeth!!! And to think we once followed this gent…
The teeth……………. please make it stop!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Brian, is that a real video of LRH ? Or is it possible that it is faked or manipulted ? I am only curious, by the way. What’s the story behind that video, if you happen to know that ? Thanks in advance.
Dear Mike, what do you think of that video ? Do you think it is completely real, or do you think it has been manipulated ? Sorry for the off-topic question ; I am just extremely curious about it. Your reply might help me settle a few personal issues. Thanks in advance.
That video is real. Even more startling is the outtake footage from this program Alex Gibney dug up that appears in Going Clear. This interview is VERY reminiscent in tone and attitude to the Hitchman interview — though the Hitchman one was completely scripted and edited beforehand. But done in the same era. The Hitchman one was colorized and Hubbard’s teeth were whitened and all blemishes removed. But if you look at the two you will see how similar they are in fact. Just not scripted questions in the Granada interview.
Thanks a lot, Mike ; I really appreciate that you took the time to answer my questions. My God! ; I had always dismissed that interview as faked and altered to the point of never having watched it for longer than a minute or two. And this was several years ago.
I have always had this “gift” , since early childhood , of being able to spot hidden insanity in others by looking at their photos or not-scripted videos. Strangely enough, two individuals had been the exception to the rule ; LRH and DM. I just don’t seem to be a able to spot DM’s insanity by looking at his scripted videos ; a fact that resulted in my dismissal of his alleged wickedness for quite a few years. The same exact phenomena happened in relation to LRH when I looked at his photos and two available videos ; his Hitchman interview and the Clearing Congress. But on this Granada interview , wow! , I was able to spot an insanity of great proportions. So much, that I am still in shock. It isn’t even what he says or not, is what emanates from him that I perceive.
For me, this has become a certaintly now, and I am really sorry my Indie friends , and specially Sheeplebane, Marildi, FG and others as well, but on that ship there was a lot of death feeling and insanity. As silly as this might sound to many here, it won’t sound silly at all to the ones familiar with psychic phenomena and manifestations. How could I be so unperceptic before ? How could I have ever missed it ? This explains so many things about the past, about my own past as well. All pieces of the puzzle just fit perfectly together now ; nothing is missing as last. I certainly have a lot of self-evaluation to do now. Decisions to make. I am glad that I took the opportunity to take a look at this thread.
Hi Theta Clear, An amazing post. Thank you. I always thought even when I was bilnded by Ron’s light, something felt odd or off about him. From the gigantic photos of him at Asho, now I see that behind the smile was an unbalanced person and thetan.. Love, Ann.
Thanks for the validation, dear Ann ; Yes, I can imagine that you felt something odd as well. You are quite a perceptic individual as well, and I know that you are one of the few that actually understood my comments, as you also have it in you , I had felt it since the first day. We are strange creatures you and me, aren’t we, dear ? We are totally invisible for most people. Pretending to fit is not easy. One is alone even when sorrounded by thousands ; the paradoxes of being human.
Hi Theta Clear, Dear forever Peter, Thank you so much for your post. Absolutely, positively every word you wrote resonated with me. I have felt the same connection with you since my first post to you. I did not say anything because I wanted to make sure I was not reading the connection into my mind, that perhaps it did not exist. With your validation, my heart knows it does exist,very much so. I have felt exactly what you wrote concerning the paradox of being human this entire life.I have sent you and your Princess a card for 2016 and enormous love and care for you. Ann.
Peter, your clairvoyant gifts are possibly non-existent. If this is the case then self-evaluation is contra-indicated if not forbidden by law. Like everybody else on this planet, you get fooled by people now and then. What could be more ordinary?
Perhaps you are right about that, dear Roger. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on that.
A reporter from Granada TV tracked down the Apollo and Hubbard was quite certain that he would charm the man and get some good PR out of it. See the outtakes in Going Clear where he is talking to him like they are basically “working together”, almost like they are engaged in a conspiracy to hoodwink the viewing audience. It is one of Hubbard’s immense failings that he wrote extensively about the subject of PR — assuming like he did with so many things that he had mastered the subject — and yet he was really incapable of getting good PR. ANd he lied numerous times in the media (including famously in this interview saying he never had a second wife) and many of those lies have been exposed. He was right about how dangerous lying is in PR, he just didn’t follow his own advice, like the church today doesn’t follow that advice either.
Regarding the “The only filmed interview in color” that got “restored” and
everyone can now feel how it was to be with Ron during that interview…
Has anyone noticed, that the Co$ has even gone so far nowadays to let even LRH S-A-Y something different, than what he said in the previous “un-restored original” version???
It’s towards the end of that interview.
One has to listen to BOTH of the interviews AT THE SAME TIME to figure that out (…or use a computer sound analysis program or so.)
But it’s done “cleverly” – during THIS “restoration-project”
[being one of many per DM];
they did use a voice, that sounds like LRH’s!
[Assumption: most probably it is]
It shows that Co$ HAS nowadays the abilities, capabilities and guts to change even what LRH said himself.
Most probably they don’t want to have all the fuzz again about whether it’s Ron’s voice or not as in some of the previous Journals… 🙂
With all the computing power they have at Golden Era Productions/RTC,
they can come up with some more of “newly discovered and never before
released” LRH audio material.
As a result of that [really] huge restoration and digitization project
(Congresses, ACCs, SHSBC, Class VIII, Classic Lectures, Films etc.) they most probably now have a huge audio-collection with every single word, that LRH ever said at their fingertips and can use it to “compile” audio-snippets into whole sentences and provide them to the still-ins as “LRH Quotes”.
When you look at all the presentations of the last couple of years, you will find
It took some time to get the still-ins used to that kind of LRH-Quoting.
When now someone is insisting badly [i.e. a big donator, celebrity] they can at least play that “new quote” to that person and argue, that due to “confidentiality” reasons one can’t hear it all or have a copy.
Got it Mike, thanks for the information. And I agree ; LRH seldom followed his own advices. I always had enough evidence of LRH’s lies , but I had never actually “felt” his insanity, which was something I was heavily stuck at as I tend to err more in the direction of assuming that others have honorable intentions instead of being wicked about things. For me the “feel it” part produce more certainty than a million words. Perhaps I am not making much sense here. Anyway, thanks for the data and insight.
You’re welcome Peter. But don’t take my word for anything. Observe and come to your own conclusions (not saying you did anything other than that, just a note as a reminder that the days of accepting things because any “authority” says they are true should be over for everyone here).
Thanks, dear Mike ; I fully know what you mean. In fact, one of the reasons that it took me so long (as compared to the ones that had already left the CofS) to realize about the wickedness of DM and LRH’s policies was mainly because of my decision to never have any “authority” other than myself. My tendency to look for the goodness in each one of us, prompt me to give others the benefit of the doubt just too much as I hate to be unjust and unfair in my assessments. But I did got you, and thank you for reminding me.
It is not that Mike Rinder says it , it is that I can “feel” Mike Rinder’s character, and that is an excellent starting point from me. Then I go from there and verify things by myself.
I’m glad you have come to that conclusion Theta Clear.
Something resolves on a very deep level when we “as is” Ron.
My resolution came when I read and re read Ron’s writing “Altitude Instruction.”
You should read it and then ask yourself that question,”why couldn’t I see Ron “as he is.”
Here is a copy of a previous post regarding Altitude Instruction:
Here is how Ron did it; overpowering our reason and clear seeing.He explains it himself. He has hypnotized us.
SO THE FIRST TWO SENTENCES SHOULD READ ““In altitude teaching, “I am the” ‘great authority.’ “I am” probably teaching some subject that is far more complex than it should be.”
That’s how this should be read. He is actually talking about himself and how he controls people. The people being us.
“In altitude teaching, somebody is a ‘great authority.’ He is probably teaching some subject that is far more complex than it should be. He has become defensive down through the years, and this is a sort of protective coating that he puts up, along with the idea that the subject will always be a little better known by him than by anybody else and that there are things to know in this subject which he really wouldn’t let anybody else in on. This is altitude instruction … It keeps people in a state of confusion, and when their minds are slightly confused they are in a hypnotic trance. Anytime anybody gets enough altitude he can be called a hypnotic operator, and what he says will act as hypnotic suggestion. Hypnotism is a difference in levels of altitude. There are ways to create and lower the altitude of the subject, but if the operator can heighten his own altitude with regard to the subject the same way, he doesn’t have to put the subject to sleep. What he says will still react as hypnotic suggestion.” (Hubbard, Research & Discovery, volume 4, p.324)12
Ron was an expert immoral Hypnotic Operator, with interests in the dark and light side of metaphysics, capable of deceiving the greatest of minds
That’s one big understatement, dear Brian. :-)))
Thanks, dear Brian ; I feel like a fool. My “gifts” certainly didn’t help me to become cognizant of the wickedness of it all. I was vulnerable because of my desire to fit in life ; to find meaning to the game ; to experience realities which humans seldom seek. And I believed him w/out properly evaluating the data at hand, as one tends to trust our friends, and he was that to me. He was never a god to me, just a friend. I trusted that what he told me that I could achieve, was actually reachable. I believed in the lofty goals , and even though that I have been criticizing his suppressive policies for quite some time now , and that I was fully aware of the lack of real products in processing , I still wasn’t certain of his desires to deceive and entrap others. I was still giving him the benefit of the doubt.
The reference that you posted is quite applicable, thank you. It was always some kind of hypnosis, all right ; some sort of suggestion with the sole idea of power. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I shall master hypnosis myself (which I alredy began to study, specially Self-hypnosis) so that I can be prepare to defend myself and others from one of the few tools that becomes invisible to the eye and to the mind. I shall see Scientology utterly destroyed as a subject. Stay tuned.
Thanks for the insight.
Of course. It’s ALWAYS for that “greatest good.” Nothing else.
Scientology: We Take Lying to an Art Form.
Hi Brian, How I love your post. Thank you. If you do not mind may I say here Mike & his gang of SP rascals have me around for another six months! So no wake parties yet! I did not post for awhile to wait for med results and also to let others who know so much more about dm tell their stories. I’m still up for any round against the cult and dm! Love for you two always.Ann.
Happy to read your Great news, Ann. Looking forward to more of you.
You’re not going nowhere, Ann B! Nope! Not going to happen..until it does, I guess.
Well, with whatever time you and the rest of us have, let’s make a party of it!
Sending you thoughts and blessings of complete and total health. We all love you, Ann B!
Hi OSD, XO to my Angels! You both! And remember if I cross first I’ll be right there sitting on a nice rock by the Sea, waiting for y’all. For now, love the idea of a party and also being married to a Scot, he is too cheap to let me die yet! ? Always, Ann.
Arrrrrggggg! It’s good for you to be married to a Scot! And, yes, if you go first, PLEASE wait for me. What I believe happens is once our body dies, we all take a step into a wonderful and beautiful world. And by the Sea is perfect, Ann B!
Thomas Edison, right before his death, said, “Oh, I’m quite surprised! It’s very beautiful over there.” In my dream state, I believe I saw the ‘other side’ twice. It was extremely bright but without a sun and it was expansive. It was like it went on forever…
Hi OSD, Thank you for your post. I promise I will wait for you. As to ” the other side ” I am right with you. I saw a similar view in recovery after colon cancer surgery. Just think! That beautiful place is everything the Sea Org all the Orgs etc Flag etc.were and are not! So glad we can walk in the light! Walter wants you to know we are having oatmeal for dinner! Love, Ann.
Hi McCarran, Thank you from my heart. I always love your posts. XO Ann.
Welcome back Ann. 🙂
Hi statpush, Thank you from this old heart! Always read and love your posts! Very good to be back too! XO Ann.
HI Ann! Nice to here from you. Sending you love and healing from Southern Cal.
Hi Brian, Thank you sweethearts. I was just picturing those amazing Southern California sunrises and sun sets, minus the bars on the windows and the lies that flew like a winter storm.Love you both so much. Ann.
Hi Ann. Do well OK? Thinking of you kiddo…
Hi I Yawnalot, I will do well for you always. Thank you for thinking of me. Love Always, Ann.
Ann, have you ever read the book Autobiography of a Yogi? I know you are going through some tough things.
With all my heart I suggest reading it at this time.
George Harrison kept a stack of them at his home and gave them to friends.
Steve Jobs read it once every year since he was 18
At Steve’s memorial he had one gift in brown wrapping paper that was given out when people left the chapel: Autobiography of a Yogi.
It is more of a portal into another world and blueprint for human/spirit evolution world than a mere book. It has been an inspiration for millions of truth seekers on diverse paths.
Yogananda was one of the special ones.
Much Love Always,
Hi Brian, Thank you so much. I will get a copy and add it to my library. Will read with great interest. You and I have known so much of the bad side of spiritual “leaders”, it is a cool breeze to find a special,one. Much Love back, Ann.
PR Technology can help save your marriage and family…that’s rich.
Earth to COP…there is help out there for both your marriage and family issues…sign up now!!
‘the full Freewinds experience’…
That’s a PR mistake right there.
Reminds me of the ‘Chainsaw Massacre’ experience…
I hope some of our Colombian friends can forward this info to a few leaders in the Colombian government so that they can respond to these claims.
I’m sure the Columbian authorities will rejoice upon hearing the news they were successfully bypassed and their countries problems were handled by an American based religious cult with tc, JT & Kirsty Alley as their leading spiritual guides. Plus, they must be ecstatic to realise the voice of Bart Simpson will be available to give them religious sermons on better and more ethical living practices whenever life gets them down.
Scientology has accomplished milestone after milestone for Columbia and has much, much more to offer.
The, “…much, much more to offer” is frightening!
This is so ludicrous I’m at a loss for words……I really can’t see this doing anything but totally backfiring on the cult.
Well, amy, you’re are correct! I just can’t stop giggling when the cult does these overly stupid thing! We’re all going to Backfire City to watch the show!
Joseph Goebbels would be proud!
That’s pretty much what I thought. One would get that LRH PR Tech is actually right out of Goebbel’s playbook. The bigger the lie … and what’s worse, the COS sheeple will repeat the lies ad nauseum without inspection or evaluation.
The difference being that Goebels propaganda worked on an entire nation and Scientology is propaganda can’t even work on a single town.
Goebbels would have been a Scientologist if he lived in the 70s. And, he would have won the Medal of Freedoml award for being “…the most dedicated Scientology I know.” The Uber Scientologist….
In Germany you see very often in TV the last words of Goebbels Sportpalast speech “Wollt Ihr den totalen Krieg” with cheering yes of the crowd. Then you wonder how that could have happened and the explanation is also provided: good propaganda. Some day I wondered how that could happen and I did read the speech myself. Then I had a better understanding of how propaganda works.
Read it yourself http://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/goeb36.htm in case you want to know.