The most common question we are asked is “What can I do to help?”
First, understand that your support of our show and on social media is tremendously valuable. Both to us and to let the contributors to our show know there are people out there that support the cause.
Second, if you want to offer help in terms of professional counselling or you have job opportunities or a place for someone to stay, please contact The Aftermath Foundation which is established to be a clearing house to connect those who are trying to leave scientology or have recently done so to a network of people who have graciously offered to help.
Everyone can assist by making their voices heard to the government. We need help from government agencies who have a duty to protect our citizens. We cannot change laws or enforce them. But those who can often only act when there is a public demand for it.
I have compiled information on how to contact relevant Federal Agencies and elected officials. I recently did a posting with the contact information for Riverside County (where Golden Era Productions is located). It is easy to Google the police or Sheriff Department and the District or State Attorney in any area where abuses may be happening. Those people and the Federal agencies and elected officials should be contacted by as many people as possible.
Here is the most important contact information:
The FBI have an FBI Tips Form online:
You can also contact their field offices — FBI Field Office contact information
On Twitter the FBI is @FBI and @FBILosAngeles and @FBITampa (those are the two field offices responsible for the major scientology outposts in the US).
Internal Revenue Service
The IRS provides a list of various types of tax fraud:
This is the form to fill out and submit: Tax Exempt Organization Complaint
On Twitter: @IRSNews and @IRSTaxPros
Justice Department
Generally, the Justice Department defaults to the FBI for complaints, however, they do have a section specifically devoted to Human Trafficking and you will see from this definition that Sea Org members in particular may well fall within the parameters of Human Trafficking laws. They list a phone number and then also a Hotline.
Human Trafficking hotline:
Twitter: @TheJusticeDept
Members of Congress
This is a website that lists all members of Congress and how to contact them: How to Contact Elected Officials
Change often comes slowly.
That means you keep trying for as long as it takes and don’t give up “because nothing has happened”. Persistence is powerful.
So I have deployed to Iraq twice, I served 18 years in the military, wanted to know if you needed help with Surveillance 🙂
I have night vision, thermal scopes, and other surveillance equipment. I want to be apart of helping people.
Not to mention L.Ron Hubbard has falsified his military career, and is a stolen Valor case.
Facts!!! I an an honorably discharged Veteran, six years. His false representation alone is a federal crime. Also people impersonating Navy Officers does not sit right with me.
What can we do to stop this!!
I can’t believe they are getting away with this!!
If I could run for president, the first thing I’d do is put a stop to Scientology! Lol
I want to know what can we do to stop this!!
I’m serious!! What can be done!??
You couldn’t have said it better! I’m with Jennifer! What can we do to help? I’ve been known to pester elected officials.
Seriously!! I’m beginning to think the Trump administration are all scientologists. Not to mention the wellsfargo fiasco. I think they’re also Scientologist. It all sounds just like they are. Check out the Netflix documentary dirty money, season 1 last episode. The confident man. And season 2
I don’t k ow how we could really stop Scientology but we should all start protesting or something. Their all really bad for our country.
We want to help stop Scientology. We are also willing to offer a place to stay for escaping Scientologists. We are approx 1.5 hors from Clearwater, Fl
Mark: Please go to and click on the button at the top of the page “Volunteers” and add yourself to the list of people who have offered help. That way we will know how to reach out to you as we maintain a data base by area…
Keep up the great work! Everyone is doing a great job! Keep fighting!
I’ve been in recovery from alcohol and opiates for 6 years. For the last 2.5 years I’ve been fully clean from both, but I do require the use of Methadone to manage my opiate addiction. There was no way without the medication I would be anywhere close to functioning in today’s society. So it touches a nerve that they openly lie and fraudulently claim insanely high recovery rates that I fear for anyone who has to go through one of their Narcanon facilities.
This is a dangerous cult, that with child-like tactics has completely subjugated the police departments and courts to work for them without paying a dime in taxes to do so! What the hell is going on here? I am so deeply distressed by what I’ve heard and read about Scientology. It’s absolutely a threat to society and run by a sociopath who seems hell bent on ruining people lives and injuring them physically. Famous people like Tom Cruise and Jon Travolta need to be called out way harder in public by reporters for helping the cause of this cult and studios need to stop hiring them. Playing ignorance isn’t an excuse for government officials, who’s job it is to audit or oversee their exemption status, who’s salary we all pay NOT the cult of scientology.
If I can be any help in time and effort, I am all in. Love the show and podcast, it’s sad that they have gotten away doing what they have for so many years, but I know from personal experience, you just have to start from somewhere. Please contact me Mike, I’ll join the fight!
Congrats Thomas T – that’s a great accomplishment! I so agree with you regarding how dangerous and dishonest Narconon is – esp giving themselves a name that many conflate with Narcotics Anonymous!
A good place to start as far as help, support and/or volunteer is here:
This was started in response to the tremendous outpouring of people like yourself who saw the Aftermath show and wanted a way to tangibly help. There are some stories here on Mike’s blog, as well as Tony Ortega’s (Underground Bunker) blog about some of the recipients of help who were comfortable in sharing their stories. Otherwise a majority of those helped are done so privately due to feared backlash by the cult.
I’m so happy for you! Keep up the good work!
I recently did a paper on Narconon for one of my criminology classes. It was infuriating that they had the gall to promote their facilities as “evidence based.” Profiting off of the vulnerable is unquestionably immoral, especially when the promised help has never been tested and proven. Their idea of treatment is sheer lunacy from an academic perspective. To promote a treatment program that does not effectively treat someone with a serious affliction is a moral violation, regardless of how spiffy or “religious” the facilities present themselves.
L(IAR) Ron Hubbards false claims of being a wartime superhero with incredible healing powers , stole the honor and glory from the many True Heroes who looked and felt insignificant compared to Hubbards fraudulent claims . Now they are stealing the glory from the many good quality rehab clinics with false claims that the Narconon Quackery has a success rate of 85% . No religion should be allowed to do this , no true religion would want to do this , only a fraudster . The effect on society is extremely negative , but very profitable for the brainwashing goons .
Mr. Xenu said:”L(IAR) Ron Hubbards….”
Yeah, it DOES seem his first name was “Liar”, doesn’t it?
Every one of his claims about “Clear” were false, every “fact” about the mind(s) and how it/they worked; I could go on for pages, but it’d be LOTS faster to list anything which was NOT false…. IF I could find something. Well, He WAS “in” the Navy during WW II, sorta, as a reservist who was never deemed good enough to serve as an ACTUAL officer; “Not suitable for independent duty” “should be assigned to a vessel where he can be [closely] supervised.” Not fit for duty, but NOT, as he claimed, due to service injuries — unless you include the “servicing” he did of ladies who were NOT his wife or wives, more properly.
As a Christian, I support Scientology because they have a right to practice what they belief, right? If they think that they can resurrect a chid after death, as is the allegation for John Travola, then why are we against this? Isn’t this their right to choose in what they believe? Or are we double taking when we say rights for all? I mean, who are they hurting, right? We have people who think it’s okay to kill a baby once it’s born, right? It’s their choice? Why then are we so critial of Scientologists for believing what they believe? Who is right? Yes, I beliee Jesus is Lord. That He alone is God, but does that mean I have to hate Scientologists for their belief? No. So long as they don’t DEMAND I accept their belief over my own. That said, I say Scientologist are being unfairly targeted for their beliefs over others who have much more pernicious belifs, such as teaching young children in public schools, with our tax dollars, that the anti-religious beliefs of others are supreme. At some point, we have to come to an agreement what is wrong and right, right?
Seriously they promote abortion and try to even intimidate people to have abortions or havent you watch all the ex scientoligist speak out about running away out of fear because of this. Some of the most heinous crimes have been committed in the name of Religion. I believe in choice and I am a Christian but I dont belong to a church because of the fact that so many “Good” people in churches are the biggest tirants and are evil and 90% of these church leaders are psychopaths with the ability to influence ….kind of like serial killers that groom their victoms. Sounds familiar …. pedophile priests grooming their child victoms. Sorry but believe yes I do but in Christ and not in man and his Church definitely not.
You obviously havent watched the series not have you really read your bible ….pay attention unless your a scientology under cover trying to be subversive
That’s exactly what I was thinking. He’s an uncover Scientologist
A Christian, you say….As a Christian, you should know that Jesus never beat or abused people who opposed him or his beliefs. In fact, he returned their hate or doubt with love and reassurance. Nor did he ostracize his followers from their families, or anyone who disagreed with him or his teachings. Quite the opposite. Rather – He, and He alone, hung and died on a cross. He didn’t ask for anyone else to join him on a cross…He did it as a selfless and aching testiment to his BELIEF IN THOSE WHE BELIEVED IN HIM. As a Christian, you would know that…when followers of the Lord were forced into a “Hole” when they opposed, or questioned the so-called “leader” of the Christian faith (think Daniel). God rescued him. When his most faithful person, Peter, renounced Jesus…he Forgave him. He didnt beat him and yell him to lie to the onlookers. The “church” of scientology” IS, Promotes, and Perpetuates The opposite of what Christianity embodies. Christianity encourages giving to those in need. Not charging for books (Bibles are given for free), and workshops and activities to earn your way up a “Bridge” of learning. Working your way up the monetary and abusive ladder to the top is NOT what Christianity is about. Jesus despised the tax collectors. He did not take advantage of the weak…he protected the weak. I do not believe you know enough about Christians to call yourself one. Maybe You need to look into Scientology. Respectfully submitted. I just think you need to do some more research.
What a well reasoned response. Love, not hate, shall prevail.
Sweetie. They stalk people. Does you local church do that when someone doesnt show up on Sunday?
As a Christian, you should be disgusted by Scientology as they do push abortion. There is freedom of religion, yes. But people who abuse their members, children included, don’t get a seat at that table.
In answer to all of your questions… Yes, all people have a right to practice what they believe (unless they’re breaking laws). I don’t believe anyone in the series ever said that they were against resurrecting a child. Yes, it is everyone’s right to choose what they believe; this is not an argument of the series. I don’t understand your point here: “Or are we double taking when we say rights for all?” so, I can’t help you there. “I mean, who are they hurting, right?”; did you watch the series? People, dear, they’re hurting people; physically, financially, psychologically, emotionally, etc. “We have people who think it’s okay to kill a baby once it’s born, right? It’s their choice? Why then are we so critial of Scientologists for believing what they believe?” I’m not sure what you’re talking about when you say it’s OK to kill a baby, so I’ll let that one lie. The series is only critical of the beliefs of scientologists because some of their beliefs are so bat shit crazy; also… freedom of thought, freedom of speech. I personally believe all religion is crazy; my question to you is, why do you care what I think? The series doesn’t suggest that you hate scientologists for their beliefs; if anything, they’re sharing the information so you have sympathy for them, maybe even pity. I’d love to get your source for this comment: “teaching young children in public schools … that the anti-religious beliefs of others are supreme.” And as far as “At some point, we have to come to an agreement what is wrong and right, right?” The answer is no.
Because this is a cult and business with goal to defraud. This is not a religion. Watch leah remini scientology aftermath. And they divide families.
Mike rinder and leah remini and all the people on hulu show are not hating scientology. It’s the fair game. Disconnect. And how they fraud people in giving money disguised as helping people. Lying about helping people. I wish they have this in many languages and show it in many countries. As well as ex scientlogist from other countries. Maybe Germany or the Pope or a Hugh something will help. I m sad watching this.
You clearly haven’t seen the series.
Are you supporting a organization that use the faith of innocents like kids, to abuse them, to slave them to work 14h a day, to give them 0 freedom of speech, or any kind of freedom over their own lives? Are you supporting an organization that terrorized their own followers just to get the their money? This is not a religion, if goes agains their believes just to get more followers. If you think like this, I would recommend to get more knowledge about it. Support humanity.
To those in scientology, “Right” means only: doing what their superiors order. Anything less is Treason. THEIR “Golden Rule” is: “He who controls the gold makes the rules.”
It seems like your(logical says) a plant for Scientology. What GOOD has Scientology done for communities? … Im waiting
Lmao, this is an obvious scientologist. They try so hard to blend in but they’re are so god awful at it. They are brainwashed, desperate, and downright delusional. By the way, where’s Shelly?
I’m sorry your religion is a joke. 😉
Amen. I know I’m late to this particular party but it’s ridiculously obvious that this guy or gal is a fraud. No Bible-believing Christian supports Scientology or any other cult. True religion costs nothing – you don’t even have to ever pay for a Bible in your life if you don’t want to; there’s tons of websites and iPhone/Android apps that provide the King James and other translations of the Bible for 110%. As an independent fundamentalist Baptist I’d happily give anyone who wanted a Bible one for free no matter how much it costs me out of my own bank account, and virtually every Baptist church on earth would give a person a free Bible if they wanted one but could not afford one.
Hubbard’s Satanic deception costs the foolish and gullible thousands upon thousands of dollars for crap written by the single worst published author of science fiction known to mankind. Every day I flush something better than anything Hubbard ever wrote. He was such a terrible writer that he makes the women that wrote Twilight and Fifty Shades look like Shakespeare and Mark Twain by comparison.
Scientology is one of the most evil cults ever invented. While it doesn’t have the death counts of certain other cults it’s every bit as evil as they are.
L. Ron Hubbard is in hell, trembling in fear for the day when he must stand before a holy Judge at the Great White Throne Judgment of Christ, at which time he will be thrown into the Lake of Fire where the Lord God Himself will pour out His wraith upon Hubbard and people like him for eternity without end. There will never be even a second of rest for Hubbard, who will no longer have so much as his own name. His torment will last forever and ever, and while I do not ever want to see anyone join him there I can say, in my sinful humanity, that Hubbard deserves his punishment for all of the evil that he wrought and for all of the souls that have and will join him because they fell for his lies.
Nonsense like Scientology exists because there will always be fools who fool themselves into believing that they know the real, secret truth that the rest of us aren’t privy to. It’s nothing more than modern-day Gnosticism.
I pray for you trapped in your delusion, and I beg you to come out of your gnostic cult and discover the true Lord God before it is too late – time is running out for all mortals, and once you find yourself standing before Him it is too late to beg for His mercy, a gift that He would gladly give you today, a gift that causes all of the loyal angels in Heaven to shout, praise God, and cry tears of joy when it is accepted by we creatures who do not and can not ever deserve it.
Dear Moron
in case you’ve missed the boat, Hubbard was a failed student, yet he claims to have invented how to study technology; he had 3 failed marriages and was an abusive father, yet he claimed he could teach ho to create a successfull one; he was a chronic liar, yet claimed that truth will set you free; asserted there was no Christ! and later he claimed Jesus was a pedofile; was addicted to alcohol and medicines, yet he claimed they were not to be used in scientology; he was crazy yet claimed to cure others from mental disturbances; has invented states of being promising abilities that nobody has ever achieved. What more do you want?
We came to an agreement of what is wrong and right in the US approximately 230 years ago. All religions in the US are not above the Constitution and/or natural law. If any human is denied their basic rights, signed off or not, that “religion” does not belong here. Especially, when children are involved. They are supposed to be protected by their parents. All religions are welcome, but that is a conditional statement on US soil. You can’t run a church on US soil like you established it in a third world country.
Are you not understanding anything they hide behind all of this to make money, ABUSE CHILDREN, abuse adults, cause serious irreparable damage and all the while using the “religion ” to gain tax free status it’s a business no real religion makes you pay in advance thousands and thousands of dollars to learn their subject matter
I live in Arizona & contacted governor Doug Ducey to ask what was being done here to bring down Scientology. It was after the 3rd episode of this season aired. Surprise, I never got a response! But hey, leave it to a conservative, Christian politician to not care about church related abuse.
Scientology is not a true church. Conservative Christians should care. I do.
I should have emphasized the word ‘politician,’ maybe in all caps. I know there are many Christians who hate what Scientology has done.
cv, it’s not even a decent FAKE church. The earliest words from the “founder” state specifically that it wasn’t a religion, that all religions were con jobs or worse.
scientology’s recent and long historical ACTIONS are certainly not spiritual or intended to actually HELP mankind, they’re to jack up the “donations” lining DM’s enormous vaults, to keep him over-supplied in rotgut he wastes against the nearest wall every time he has a temper tantrum (often).
“Religion is always different than truth. It has to be because the only way you can control a people is to lie to them.” LRH from his lecture “Overt Acts, Motivators and DEDs” of 25 June 1952
One wonders if Ron wasn’t practicing what character Gus Fring in “Breaking Bad” television series refers to as “hiding in plain sight.”
Don’t give up Marie. Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the oil! That is what Scientologists do after all – give it back and make the government and law enforcement hear your concerns. Praying for all your efforts from Canada.
Thanks, for the record I never practiced Scientology. Just trying to do my part. Many people don’t know this but Scientology was created & started in Phoenix.
Years ago people went blank in the question of $cientology. Information to people is reaching out, Critics are more powerful than scienos,
rogerlarsson2012 offered:
“… Critics are more powerful than scienos ”
TRUTH brought into the light is more powerful than the scn’s lies.
Im going to bug them so bad there going to look in to it just to shut me the fuck up ! ? Complaning is my special power . ?
I am doing to do the same thing until i am left alone.:))
More power to you unicornsparkledeath. I’ll support you as I can.
I love you guys so much …. Keep up the amazing work ! Fight em , give them hell ! The silver fox and bad ass bitch a lethal combination ! ? Funny thing is co$ made it’s own worst enemy !! ??? Mis cabbage should be scared we’re coming for em.
I didn’t see anyone comment on the picture of Mike and Leah at the top of this entry and I would just like to say it is a wonderful picture.
IMO, it conveys an image of Mike and Leah who are as serious as any two people could ever be and fully determined to ride this turkey all the way to the end of this war.
Those of us who agree we are proud to be known as Enemies of this scam and we are determined to stick with it until this scam is defeated and out of business are likewise proud to show the world we are willing to endure all the ridiculous blowback to stick with this fight and do everything we can to see the end of The Scam and a world free of Scientology.
After all, there are some things that the Co$ have got right. One of the most important is that there’s a war going on between the forces of good and evil and this world will never be whole again until This Scam is wiped from the face of the Earth. It needs to go down to defeat and all of its leaders need to go down to defeat as well. So, let us all take some of the determination shown by Leah and Mike and stick with this fight until the end of this world and a time when there is no more Scam that is taking all the money it can get from our families and friends and neighbors. Let us never make any mistake about this. This is the war we are fighting!
Wholeheartedly agree. The portrait of Leah and Mike in this post is truthful and terrific, and spot-on.
Hi Mike!
I love your show. I too left a cult-religious sect of which my then husband’s family was the leadership and I had to leave him to get my children out.
I thank you all for bringing what we’ve collectively gone (and still go) through to light.
I’m writing because I recently listened to the “Smid” episode of the “Unerased” podcast” and the leader remarks that protesters yelling “We love you” is finally what snapped him out of his delusions…
SO..I wanted to suggest a campaign of sort of love-bombing the Sea-Org in Clearwater and Gold Base (Not in the abusive way) to show them the “real world” isn’t all bad. It seems like there are a lot of people who are interested these days?
Also.. I don’t see much about protests against Scientology these days? Anyone know why?
This might sound only sarcastic, but I wonder if people providing free care packages (toilet paper, toothpaste, etc) to Sea Org members in FL and CA could be effective. No anti-Sci literature necessary…just a smile and a kind word, “I hope this helps”, might break a few delusions..?
In the War against Scientology nothing can be to far-fetched. After all, it was they and not we that began using these most ridicuoous attempts to gain the upper hand. All they have ever gained is the reputation for being out of their ever-loving minds.
Scientology? OMG! A truly stupid way for anyone to live their life! How is it stupid? Well, when you live and breathe with the notion that everything you do and everything you achieve in this lifetime is to be given to the head of this phony church, that pretty well marks you as a complete idiot. I don’t know about you all. But that is not the way I want to be known in this world.
GardenStateSignals, I am giving a shout-out to your idea here of reverse “love-bombing” or “killing them with kindness” as a means of dissolving barriers.
This is excellent #FoodForThought: Expecting antagonism, but instead receiving the unexpected: There is love in this world and honest help.
Do you have Canadian Organizations available?
Also, one thing I found gravely concerning regarding the last show was your friend! It is very scary that the complaints she had were not taken seriously, yet the nosy neighbour were. It seems suspect they have this much hold over Clearwater.
Sad to compare, but on the show Riverdale, they have Hiram Lodge criminally taking over the city, It seems a little close to your real story of Clearwater, Now, that is scary. That a teen Netflix show is portraying real life.
Those who are fighting against Scientology should feel very proud. They are doing the right thing,
Plus Mike, your wedding looked awesome!!!
Here is the internet address to download a form in order to file a complaint with the Private Investigator Disciplinary Review Committees (DRC) in California:
A little piece of advice regarding these PIs who seem to be flirting with harassment/stalking of their “targets”. If someone can manage to identify the PI they can file a formal complaint with the agency that provides their license. That is typically a State level office of Professional Licensing.
Do make that PI complaint in California!
A cop I used to work with was just named to the PI governing body which handles these complaints, the California Private Investigator Disciplinary Review Committee, by Governor Brown. Be your best witness: use your smart phone to record interactions; install cameras around your home, download and keep anything suspicious; ride with a buddy or have a roommate who can act as a witness. If you think a crime has been committed by the PI such as simple assault, assault and battery, physical damage to your property, document it, date and time, and call your local law enforcement agency. It’s against the law for anyone not to ID themselves to a police officer when asked. Demand that report!
We have to jump through a million hoops today to manage our own healthcare. It is becoming the same situation in managing our law enforcement needs.
My sincere thanks to Leah and Mike for providing the marvelous show, the guests and Mike for this forum. I never would’ve thought that I’d be able to contribute in this way to people I don’t know. If I can help anyone…
The Private Investigator Disciplinary Review Committees (DRC) was established for the purpose of considering appeals from private investigator applicants and licensees of the Bureau’s denials, suspensions and revocations as well as the assessment of administrative fines for PI’s in CA.
The DRC consists of five members appointed by the Governor with three members actively engaged in the business of a licensed private investigator and two members from the general public.
The complaint form for the DRC may be found at:
Surprisingly, I served as a cop with a newly appointed PI member of the DRC.
Mr Rinder,
I have been watching your show since its debut. Mrs Remini and you have my deepest respect for standing up for what you believe is right.
As a 19 year Law Enforcement officer I find myself constantly asking myself where Law Enforcement is in all of this? Not only the FBI but local authorities. I’ve heard stories as varied as child abuse/endangerment, assaults, unlawful imprisonments, “Church Prisons” and people being held in compounds against their will and being pursued/harassed and stalked. How have there not been local/State charges filed? Is it because (at the time) the victims are still so “brainwashed” that they don’t go to the Police?
I find myself hoping for an episode of your show that explores the actions/inaction’s of law enforcement in relation to the victims stories form your show.
Best regards,
Tom G
The IRS really cannot do anything unless they get instructed by the IRS Commissioner to look at it. So contact the Commissioner. One thing that would work would be if it could be shown that the church was using exempt funds to influence any political issue. That would be a direct violation of the exempt status. I have a background in tax administration.
I think it would be worth repeating on “Scientology and the Aftermath” how Scientology was able to overwhelm and strong arm the IRS in order to get religious recognition, tax exemption and 1 billion in back taxes to be dropped.
Thank you for the episode on Jehovah’s Witnesses. I was raised a JDub – started at the age of 5 and continued into my mid 20’s. What surprised me was how much I had in common with the men in the group – how their stories echoed mine. In the Kingdom Hall, we called each other brother and sister – something I said but never felt. But I feel like a brother to every guy guest you had on the show. And I think that sensation of lost life – lost time – lost opportunities is common to everyone who leaves a cult. However anyone leaves, it takes courage to flip the switch and start anew. Really enjoy the show – watch every week. Good luck to you and yours.
Mike Rinder & Leah Remini.. Thank you & your families for giving up so much both physically & emotionally for people you don’t even know & exposing this cult. Your sacrifices are not going unnoticed. Keep giving out that hope to those who need it! I am so very sorry for your pain & the pain of all those affected. May the true God continue to give you strength & peace to follow this path. Bless you both!
Mike & Leah: Positively STUNNING ‘Aftermath’ episode tonight.
The good citizens of Clearwater cannot rely on the protection and services of their police department. Protection that is paid for by their taxes. Dereliction of this duty has nothing to do with religion, or religious protection. It has everything to do with the undue influence of the CoS and their agenda.
Were I a citizen of Clearwater, I would add to my list of officials to contact.
Bernie McCabe, State Attorney, 6th Judicial District
First & foremost, I wd like to sayTHANK YOU for your excellent series of exposing Scientology for what they truly are! Last year, my husband & I were down @ our condo in Clearwater & we decided to see the outdoor blues festival that is right across from one the Scientology buildings. After the concert ended, I mentioned to my husband that as soon as we get by our car, we will be surrounded by Scientologists. Low & behold, they came out of their building en masse. A woman came up to us & wanted to give us a brochure about Scientology I declined & told her I was Greek Orthodox & was not interested. She had such a look of FEAR on her face & said to me, “please take the brochure, their looking at me” She then told me please take all of them, so I don’t have to do this the rest of the night! This woman was truly scared!! I took the brochures & she said thank you & left. She still haunts me to this day, all I kept thinking was what would they do to her if she did not give out all her brochures. Please keep up your work on exposing Scientology so people like her can leave & finally find peace….
To Betty P. Raethz: Thank you for your post. How disconcerting (the woman in fear enforcing brochures on you), however that sounds about right. So much of what staff are ordered to do is, ironically, what L. Ron Hubbard states in policy is wrong and should be avoided: stat push. This is a wrongness in your work where you are not actually progressing toward achieving a true and desirable result or “product,” you are just slammin’ and scammin’ to get your numbers up.
Does anyone here know when Leah Remini, Scientology & The Aftermath season 3 will air in Australia?
I believe it starts on 24 April but I may be wrong
I hope so. There is a good number of people i know talking about it and are very keen to watch the show.
I live in Australia and have resorted to watching it “other” ways.
Posted a little while ago inquiring about the IRS form, but I found where Tony posted how to fill it out with Jeff Augustine. If anyone wants to read that, it’s here:
Scientology is disgusting on so many levels. It’s beyond belief the things that have happened and continue to happen to this day. It’s also beyond belief why the authorities and IRS haven’t done something with all the information ex members have reported. Members of the public have done more to help people than police etc. It wouldn’t be acceptable if a non scientologist treated people this way. Using Religion as an excuse is just wrong. I am hopeful it won’t last forever and David Misgavige spends the rest of his life in prison and maybe then he’ll understand how hundreds of people felt when he did it to them..and how he still continues to hold several high ranking officials in disgusting conditions in his dwindling organisation.
Keep doing what you’re doing Mike & Leah!
Knowledge Reports can also be sent to the “COB” online via this link:
tell him your thoughts!
This is invaluable information, and shod periodically be re-posted and shared.
Great job Mike!
Mike (and others), I looked at the IRS Form 13909. It might help others fill it out if there’s some sort of “guide”. I think there is one that someone filled out (perhaps Jeff Augustine?) but I can’t find it through internet search (I may be wrong). I’ve done the following so far for the sections to email to them, but if anyone could please check this if any information is inaccurate, it would be greatly appreciated before I email this form to them:
Section 1.
Name of Referred Organization: Church of Scientology International
Street Address: 6331 HOLLYWOOD BLVD
State: CA
Zip Code: 90028
Date of referral: (Date submitted)
Section 2.
Organizations Employer Identification Number (EIN): 592153393
Section 3.
Nature of violation (check the following boxes):
– Directors/Officers/Persons are using income/assets for personal gain
– Organization is engaged in commercial, for-profit business activities
– Income/Assets are being used to support illegal or terrorist activities
– Organization engaged in deceptive or improper fundraising practices
Other (optional):
This organization violates the terms of the 1993 Closing Agreement with the IRS on a consistent, if not daily, basis. Further investigation is warranted.
Section 4.
Details of violation
Name(s) of person(s) involved: David Miscavige and others
Organizational title(s): Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center
Date(s): 1987 to present
Dollar amount(s) (if known): Millions
Description of activities:
David Miscavige continues to rule this organization with an iron fist and uses funds to live a luxurious life while those working under him work extremely long hours for little to no pay in direct violation of the inurement doctrine. They defraud their members by making claims that are either misleading or false, and use these funds to hide their money in real estate to avoid paying taxes. They also use these funds to harass and intimidate their critics in an attempt to silence the victims of their abuse.
Section 5.
Submitter Information
(fill in Name/Address/Phone or simply type “Anonymous” in the Name section if you’d rather. You may also check the box that says “I am concerned that I might face retaliation or retribution if my identity is disclosed” if you prefer).
Thanks Mick
Mike and Leah – We absolutely LOVE your show on A&E – Scientology and the Aftermath. We are waiting with baited breath for tonights show about Cultwater, Uh – I mean, Clearwater, Florida.
We think you should dedicate an entire story to Lisa McPherson.
She deserves the World to know what David Miscavige did to her (allegedly – snicker snort).
Joan Wood deserves for her tragic story to be told.
Another tragic story to present ot the World – Maria Pia Gardini. She helped us get out.
First, I hope to see the episode on Danny “Donkey punch” Masterson. I expect it will be as fair and balanced (No HE&R) as what we’ve already experienced. I’m afraid Lisa’s story has too much pathos imbedded in it. IIRC, there was a picture posted somewhere showing her actual condition towards the end: Too gruesome for primetime. As I recall, it was proof-positive that she was dangerously, criminally underweight. Another pic (before) showed a much healthier young woman That alone would be proof enough for me that the organization lied through its teeth about the ‘care’ she received. At a minimum, she should have been fed better, if not given IV nutrition, perhaps even a gastric tube to force-feed her, all actual medical treatments which she obviously required.
Another couple of stories which need to be investigated by other than the demonstrably safe-pointed CW PD, et al: Davey-Boy’s mother-in-law, supposedly a suicide, but — With a RIFLE to the head? After more than one “somewhat superficial” wound to the chest? (which had to REALLY HURT!) And then there’s Kristie Bouck, who I’ve seen very little info on, but all I’ve heard brings up tough questions to be answered. IIRC, She was recently engaged, recently Clear, and had just driven across the US to Cultwater with her fiancée for their first OT levels. Reportedly GORGEOUS and well-liked; Should have been on top of the WORLD, but supposedly suicided shortly after moving into the apartment with her fiancée. Most folks I’ve known in that situation were most likely to stay VERY close to the bed,having no time to play with firearms or get depressed. Odd, Odd story from the get-go.
I would like to see the stories you have mentioned as well. I also have a family member, Susan Meister, who was murdered aboard the Apollo in 1971.. They claimed suicide, however, she had a bullet to her head and was found laying on her back with her arms crossed on her chest. When her father flew to Morroco to find the truth and her body, he was harrassed, robbed, and so much more. Nothing was ever done, no investigation, NOTHING!!! It just sickens me that this CULT continues to get away with so much and have caused so many families so much pain!
I am so thankful to Leah, Mike, A&E, and all others who have contributed to trying to stop and bringing attention to the abuses of The CULT of Scientology!!
EIN Numbers for Scientology
Church of Scientology International – EIN 59-2153393
6331 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 1100
Hollywood, CA 90028
Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization EIN 59-2143308
210 S. Fort Harrison Avenue
Clearwater, Florida 33756-5109
Church of Scientology Flag Ship Service Organization EIN 59-2143308
118 North Fort Harrison
Clearwater, Florida 34615
US IAS Members Trust EIN 52-1840679
1311 New Hampshire Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90027
Church Of Scientology Religious Trust EIN 91-6254980
6331 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 1011
Hollywood, CA 90028
Religious Technology Center EIN 93-0801236
1710 Ivar Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Mike and Leah,
I have never been associated with Scientology so I do not have a personal issue with them. I am a Christian and it really hurts my heart to see the information after reading an article in the newspaper years ago.
However after looking up a building address when visiting Clearwater a few years ago, I was astounded by the news article that came up saying that it was owned by Scientology and there was numerous reported abuse from the address but police were not allowed in the building. That often comes to mind.. anytime Clearwater is mentioned for sure. When I saw the commercial for your show, my husband and I decided to watch. I am ASTOUNDED that law enforcement, IRS, etc etc, has not take then this more seriously. Any thoughts on starting a nationwide petition to have, at a minimum, IRS review their tax exempt status? Law Enforcement able to talk with residents in these RFP’s? Something has to be done. Unbelievable that this can continue in the United States! thanks for all you are doing and I pray for God to provide the resources, whatever that may be, for you to continue to help others and bring this down.
K Sim – Google: Educate yourself on the Religious Cloak and how Churches and Religions use it to rise above the laws of the land and get away with murder and other sordid crimes.
GOOGLE: Lawrence Brennan’s – read and listen to his affidavit regarding how Scientology set up the Religious Cloak and how they use the book “What Is Scientology” for religious cloaking purposes. Sounds like a perfect religion when you read What Is Scientology. Behind the curtains – it is evil beyond belief.
Do your research. There is a lot of information found on the internet regarding religious cults that abuse and harm their members like Scientology and hide behind the Religious Cloak.
K, I appreciate your concern.
I think that Christians need to organize to oppose Scientology’s abuses, and to call out what really is behavior that falls under the classic definition of evil, if not even being satanic (the Church of Scientology, as an offshoot of the Thelema of L. Ron Hubbard’s claimed “very good friend” Aleister Crowley, is literally a sibling of Anton La Vey’s Church of Satan). And they need to convince their leaders, and congresspeople, that it’s time to do some housecleaning and to deal with truly abusive or even evildoing “religious” groups, and not to fear a supposed “slippery slope” that somehow government action will lead to trouble for legitimate organizations.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”
From a Catholic perspective, Scientology very much qualifies as Satanic.
Of course, it is not overtly presented to its members as that sort of thing, and I would never think to accuse anybody practicing or believing in Scientology of being closet Satanists. But the underlying principle of “unleashing your godlike thetan abilities” and being more than human through personal will is a concept shared with New Age and occult philosophies. That idea has been something that has existed in deliberate opposition/contrast to Christianity for almost all of Christianity’s existence. And of course, there is LRH’s participation in very serious black magic rituals, his declarations of being the Anti-Christ, the belief that all religions are evil “implants” intended to control mankind, etc. All of that, too, comes before even considering the behavior members and the organization exhibit.
However, Christians (and I include myself in this number) do not have the legal or moral authority to demand that the American government exterminate Scientology on this basis alone. You are perfectly free to believe and practice whatever you’d like; even overt Satanism is protected by the First Amendment.
Honestly, I would not want to see our government going down the road of deciding what beliefs may and may not be practiced. That is such a fundamental element of American culture that the destruction of religious institutions would not stop with the CoS. Essentially, you would destroy the First Amendment by creating a legal precedent wherein a religion may be suppressed by force of law. And (again, from a Catholic perspective), that would be a massive victory for evil. It is a slippery slope that leads nowhere good for anybody. I don’t know if people from other countries really appreciate just how intense America is about religious freedom; it’s part of our national DNA.
From a practical standpoint too, the Supreme Court would probably not allow such action to go forward, and then all the efforts put into attacking Scientology on that front would be a massive waste of time.
I agree that we have a duty to be honest about what’s going on, and call it what it is. However, far more important (from a legal standpoint) are CoS’s many human rights abuses. They are engaged in textbook human trafficking, at the very least. They got Capone on tax evasion, not murder. I suspect Scientology will likewise be brought down not on the tenants of its beliefs, but other, more minor crimes it has committed.
Cynthia, I agree that it’s the abuses – and crimes – that need to be addressed in the legal and legislative systems, not to mention the court of public opinion.
However, I think it’s important for people of faith and ethical traditions, to understand that Scientology is fundamentally based on a ends-justifies-the-means, might-makes right, egoistic and hedonistic philosophy, that fits the classic definition of evil. Particularly since Scientology deviously seeks to infiltrate and “safepoint” ecumenical groups and faith leaders, they need to know that while it is very practiced at being deceptive, it is incorrigible and unreformable.
Here are some quotes and links to further reading on this subject:
‘Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, Jr., Hubbard’s eldest son, had been an active participant in the early days of Scientology. In 1959, he left Scientology and later took the name Ronald DeWolf.
In the mid-1980s, DeWolf gave a series of sworn statements and interviews detailing his father’s history. DeWolf explained his father had been “deeply involved in the occult and black-magic.” According to DeWolf, Aleister Crowley’s death in 1947 was a pivotal event that led Hubbard to “take over the mantle of the Beast”. DeWolf claimed that “Black magic is the inner core of Scientology”, arguing that “my father did not worship Satan. He thought he was Satan.”‘
Much of this is reflected in Hubbard’s (Sr.) own words, in his “Affirmations” of the late 1940s, such as:
“Material things are yours for the asking. Men are your slaves.”
Here’s a bit more explanation of his occult point of view, quoted in a good essay for Christians written by Margery Wakefield:
“No doubt you are familiar with the Revelations (sic) section of the Bible where various events are predicted. Also mentioned is a brief period of time in which an arch-enemy of Christ, referred to as the anti-Christ, will reign and his opinions will have sway … this anti-Christ represents the forces of Lucifer (literally, the “light-bearer” or “light-bringer”), Lucifer being a mythical representation of the forces of enlightenment…. My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise represented by this brief anti-Christ period.” – L. Ron Hubbard, Student Briefing, OT VIII, Series 1, quoted in:
What Christians Need to Know about Scientology
To Peacemaker: Gulp (!)
Remarkable resources and information you present.
Great info. Thanks. I was at flag when it was United Churches or whatever. I was so happy when all the s.o. members got to call their families and say where they were finally.
Mike – your show is absolutely the best. Now you are exposing Scientology’s Shenanigan’s with the Clearwater takeover.
Plesae – will you and Leah dedicate an entire episode to exposing the REAL life of L Ron Hubbard and all of his wives and children that he destroyed.
Expose L Ron Hubbard’s involvement with Jack Parson’s, OTO and Thelema. The Rosy Cross and it’s similarity to the Scientology Cross. How Scientologists don’t even know what a Scientology cross really looks like because Hubbard says “symbols are low toned” – ask a Scientologist to draw an image of the Scientology (Rosy) Cross. I have – they can’t remember what it looks like.
Expose the real military records of L Ron Hubbard.
Sarah Northrup and his daughter Alexis
Quentin Hubbard
Ron DeWolf (Hubbard) and his entire family.
Jamie Dewolf – our hero.
So much to expose but the World needs to know and lurkers need to face the truth about the founder of Scientology
Totally agree Stat!
This episode already exists. The life and lies of L.Ron Hubbard
I had completely forgotten about that episode. I’ll have to watch it again. Thanks QL.
I don’t understand how Scientology can legally prevent people from leaving. Why isn’t that considered “kidnapping”? O.J. Simpson was charged with kidnapping when he told people in the hotel room they couldn’t leave. I don’t see any difference with Scientology.
DJ, people CAN leave. Thy just have to demand it. If anyone says that they will call the cops, that are GONE.
It’s not that easy by a long shot
Yes Cindi, it is. Get one the staff to tell security that they WILL file criminal charges, and mean it, and they will be let go
Did you write the comment from DJ yourself, Wynski, and then reply to it, pretending to be a different person? LMAO!!
This includes people at the INT base? Spikes pointing inward and all that?
At the last episode Marc Headley told about the blow drill, and that there were (IIRC) 50 people who had to go to various places to stop people blowing from INT.
Maybe it’s easy at some low level org, but I don’t think people can leave as easy as you seem to think it is from all COS buildings.
Not to mention the thing about the prison of belief. That one is really hard to break.
Wynski, what about those people Scientology keeps in such highly controlled environments that they don’t even have access to a phone to call the police? They probably woul not even conceive of making such a demand, because they would have no means of acting on it. Your general point about most staff might be valid, but the paradox of whether people are really operating under their own free will and can make normal choices in such a high control environment, is highlighted by the extreme cases.
And I think there are at least a few key people who wouldn’t be allowed to leave even if they reached a point of determination where they might do something like threatening to call the police. I’d expect they’d be brought under control with something such as a sedating dose of Vistaril (I’ve seen accounts of them keeping the sedative chloral hydrate on hand, which was supposedly endorsed by Hubbard, and used on Lisa McPherson), and then audited into submission when they started to come out of it. Or do you think Miscavige would really let Shelly or Heber go without resorting to everything short of (and maybe including) deadly force?
Plus, it occurs to me, Scientology may now have the advantage of being able to claim that they need to keep their (supposedly) agitated elderly in secure living arrangements, restrained and medicated when necessary, as is done in senior care facilities. The “Hole” may end up being a virtual nursing home.
PeaceMaker, the “blow drill” relies on the person blowing still wanting to be in scientology and NOT wanting to go to the police. I was trained on the blow drill
DJ – you need to watch “Going Clear” and study up on mind control and cults. It is a prison of belief. There are no bars (except in the HOLE).
People are free to walk away but the ideas and concepts that were implanted into their minds is what keeps them there.
Anyone who blows or leaves has overts and withholds – they are out ethics.
YOU are responsible for saving the planet.
and other Hubbardisms sprinkled into his “tech” to keep the bars on the mind.
OJ was holding them at gunpoint. The people in scientology are being held by mind control. A much much harder case to prove and a much harder bond to break.
Persistence is powerful might work on members of congress. An investigation into the granting and continuation of $cientology’s tax exemption is very much in order. I really doubt that any Federal agency will look into any thing without a recent defector with relevant information.
If you know an R-1 visa “religious worker” wants to leave $cientology, but can’t because his/her passport is being illegally held by $cientology, contact the Embassy or Consulate for that persons country. They can initiate actions to get the passport returned to the individual, and an investigation into how $cientology is being given a pass by our government on illegally holding passports and refusing to return them to the individuals they belong to.
They seemingly hold our OWN citizens hostage behind 6 to 8 foot tall fencing topped with RAZOR WIRE…just HOW is THAT allowed.
I know of one consideration (there are probably more than one but I can only think of one at the moment) that might enable them to get away with that.
It concerns the fact that these miserable criminals sometimes
1) pretend to be a religion
2) pretend to be a church
It depends on the circumstances whether they pretend on one of these or the other.
Of course, that is absurd because as everyone knows, religions do not allow their priests or pastors to beat on their members regardless whether the members give consent or not.
So the ammendments to the US Constitution that deal with religions can help them to get away with all kinds or crimes by pretending to be a religion.
When they pretend to be a church, there are several laws that deal with “sanctuary”. I’m guessing most people are familiar with that term and the concept of churches giving people “sanctuary” from the police. These people would otherwise be arrested and put into prison. But churches can give them sanctuary which protects them from being arrested.
There are also several other kinds of laws that apply to churches and religions that enable the Scum of Scamatology to evade all kinds of criminal penalties.
It is very unfortunate. But laws that were designed to protect people from incredible evil now protect the evil doers and enable them to beat and torture people while pretending to be holy people. IMHO, it’s just sickening.
The Catholic Church KNEW for decades that their Priests were sexually molesting young boys & young Seminarians yet they turned a blind eye to it for DECADES. Until very recently sexual abuse of children by Priests has been on the forefront. It’s been their custom for more decades than I can count, to simply “transfer the abusing Priest” to another Parish where he can simply garner more victims to add to his collection.
I remember recently reading something in the local newspaper about these “claims” being decades past the Statue of Limitations & that “a lot of the Priests are already dead”…HUH? How’s that? As in the Priest is already dead so he can’t be punished…so as is their usual answer…THEY PAY OFF THEIR VICTIMS IN CASH. Some of the victims got their COLLEGE EDUCATION PAID FOR….at a Catholic University in order to silence the victim.
There are ALL kinds of abuse…not all of it is physical…EMOTIONAL abuse hurts just as much as being BEAT…as in “I’ve been so kind to you, how about giving “Father” a kiss on the lips”…..or “If you want do it for me, I have another little boy who will”….
Wow. Valuable information! This is vital to those who are UTR or have family in and knowledge of abuses. Thanks for this.
What is the organization name, address etc. and in the case of the tax exempt complaint EIN number?
You can use the IRS ‘Select Check’ web page to get EIN numbers.
Just use the “Search By” pull down to change the search from EIN number to “Organization Name”. Just entering ‘Scientology’ or ‘narCONon’ in the name field gets a bunch of their stuff.
…if Fast Eddy and Alonzo had to use the hashtag #IRSRevokeScientologyTaxExemptStatus to get our attention…
Thank you Mike for providing all this information.
A few other links may help the authorities for background information.
This is the big list of exes speaking out:
This is a list of people affected by the disconnection policy:
Here is a list of suicides connected to Scientology
And here is the story of the big list
Mike – wow, thank you.
We have been watching your show with Leah and have been blown away. We were lurking on the fringes of Scientology for many years. So many people are talking about your show that we decided to LOOK for ourselves and we would like to announce we are now OUT of Scientology and will do everything we can to get our friends and family out of this thing.
You answered my prayer, postulate – whatever you want to call it – and it is a miracle.
I was just thinking about putting together a list of what people can do to expose the abuses, fraud, manipulation, deceit and con of Scientology.
I am distributing this information far and why.
Perhaps we could put together a brochure with this information on it. Then we could mail it out to every citizen that lives in a City that has a org, mission or faux front group of Scientology. We could mail it out to Chiropractors, Veternarians, Dentists and anyone else WISE targets.
The wheels are turning – the possibilities are endless.
Mike Rinder and Leah Remini – you are living proof that one can survive Scientology and actually become a valuable asset to society.
Mike and Leah – THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU – a billion times. You saved our lives. Nothing else penetrated that thick bubble of delusion we obtained by being Scientologists and doing Scientology
until we saw the shows on A&E – Scientology: the Aftermath.
The show works so get your loved ones to watch it.
We love you both very much.
Tito and Cupcake – you first posted your intent to leave the cult on Dec 2 – I Congratulated you Then and I Congratulate you Now on having the Wisdom and Courage to do it! My Very Best wishes.
(P.S- your suggestions, i.e., information brochure, etc., are Excellent – Good Luck!)
Tito and cupcake! What Belynda said! That’s wonderful. ☺?
Tito and Cupcake, I am choking bach tears from reading your post – tears of joy.
T&C, I take it you were more or less UTRs. Who are the “So many people” talking about the show, just outsiders you know socially or work with, or former members and other UTRs?
I agree with you that it would be great to have a brochure, something short and impactful, put together by someone with PR and maybe even government relations experience. I’ve been thinking it would really help to also have similar pieces for various audiences, such as a sheet to give to law enforcement officers at events and protests to explain Scientology tactics (like falsely claiming threats, and creating “facts on the ground” by cordoning off sidewalks and streets they’re not actually permitted for).
It also occurs to me, it could be very interesting for UTRs to organize something like a chain letter (real postal mail) writing campaign, in which they anonymously sent a form letter to every member they knew in Scientology, basically just saying that it comes from someone disaffected (possibly with space to briefly mention things like their one biggest outpoint, main reason for not speaking out publicly, whether or not they’ve watched Aftermath, and best outside resource they found) in the local org who wants to break the veil of non-communication and secrecy and let others know that they’re out there, and, of course, to forward the letter to everyone the recipient has addresses for. If something like that really caught fire, and even loyal members got dozens of such letters from people who were disaffected but afraid to speak out, I think it would have the sort of effect of the Debbie Cook e-mail, and maybe even do more than that to kick the legs out from underneath the Miscavige regime.
And, best wishes to you in your new life “out.”
p.s. Here’s a hasty, brief outline of my idea for a chain letter:
Dear Fellow Scientologist:
Ron said “men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.” I want to break the veil of silence about what is going on with ourselves, and Scientology.
I/we am/are: disaffected / UTR / independent Scientologist / other:
Afraid to speak out because of: ethics / family disconnection / work-business / other:
Main outpoint: regging / ethics / tech / other:
Best online resource found: Mike Rinder / ESMB / Tony Ortega / Google searching / other:
Best outside media resource found: Barefaced Messiah / Messiah or Madman / Piece of Blue Ski / Inside Scientology / Going Clear / Ruthless / Troublemaker / other:
Watch Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath: Yes / No / other:
Local org is: Booming / struggling / virtually empty
If you want to communicate about these things, and bring about a change in the condition, please forward this letter to every Scientologist you know.
A Friend
(add a link for finding an online template for the letter?)
“Persistence is powerful” is so true Mike.
Thanks to your many years of persistence, countless souls searching for the “answers to the Universe” will NOT be trapped in Scientology’s dead end street of servitude and outright lies.
Speaking of persistence, 7 years ago this week Miscavige was advised by his high priced lawyers NOT to sue Debbie Cook for her infamous New Years letter. Miscavige sued anyway (using Kendrick Moxon and Gary Soter) which ultimately resulted in the most devastating PR and legal loss for Scientology and eventually ended Scientology’s ability to sue people. Woopee!
Our freedom today to speak-up and blow the whistle on these criminals, is due in great part to brave souls like Debbie, but it has been your persistence for 7 years as the stable gathering point that drove home the wooden stake into the heart of this beast. It’s not dead, but its been mortally wounded.
Many famous names in Scientology have come and gone, but you have persisted and have not been bought off. Thanks for being there Mike. We all owe you a debt of gratitude that can be repaid by making our voices known to the US government agencies you mention.
Robert Amblad – We want you to know that your testimony was so powerful.
We want to send you a big hug and let you know we appreciate so much what you have to say.
You too are a very valuable asset to society and thank you for your contribution to
Doing Something About IT!
All of you who have spoken out are the true Humanitarians and we thank you with every fiber of our being for taking action.
You all have made such a huge difference in our lives and the lives of many. We wish we could come out but we are afraid – afraid to lose our family and be subject to fair game so we pretend to be in but really – we are very much out.
Hear, hear! Seconding what Tito and Cupcake says. To Robert Almblad, Karen de la Carriere, Ron Miscavige Sr., Leah, Mike, all the people with exquisite personal conviction and extraordinary courage who appear on the “Aftermath” show (doing so well on Netlifx now, reaching many more) – We owe you a debt of gratitude and will continue to support and engage.
Mike, I am So happy to see that Gabe Cazares is finally going to be recognized for his efforts in trying to keep those criminals out of Clearwater. He was one of the first to recognize and fight their evil intentions as well as to suffer the resulting wrath. Thank You.
I know this isn’t the purpose of the Aftermath Foundation, but is there any organization that is currently working, in a coordinated way to get politicians and government officials to question their tax exempt status?
If not, there should be. This is not a religion, it’s a money-making scheme that will go to any lengths to protect itself and keep the cash streaming from its victims. It’s no better than scammers that call old people and grift them out of their life savings.
Could we draft a form letter for everyone to send to all their elected officials, or some talking points we could use to call our representatives’ offices to complain?
It’s such a shame that the IRS let them have exempt status anyway, just to stop their harassment campaign. But I have to think that today, with the internet and the public’s awareness of Fair Game and Scientology’s abuses, that they wouldn’t be able to get away with it today.
If you suspect Scientology having committed a federal crime other than human traficking you might also consider filing a so-called “citizen complaint” with your local US Attorney office:
My Congressman sent an e-mail defining Nation of Islam as a “hate group” and requested feedback. Vern Buchanan,16th Florida District, has not replied to my comments in over one month. His phone is now answered by a machine. My next move will be to visit his office in Bradenton. It takes persistence with these people.
Thank you Mike. This is real information that people can act with!