Just what is it that the church is SO worried about? Why are they so paranoid about information “leaking” onto the internet?
Funny, David Miscavige seems to enjoy crowing about how they got “19 million hits” (I know its a lie as this blog gets MORE visitors than Scn.org and I average around 8,000 per day and even at 2.5 pages per visitor that only totals 7.3 million a year) and have numerous “state-of-the-art” websites and are on the “cutting edge.” But they are terrified it seems about things showing up on the internet that they are not controling.
And for an organization that constantly proclaims how “open” they are (“we are NOT secretive”) it’s amusing to see them trying to keep everything secret.
After all, we are not talking about the formula for Coca Cola here, or even operational plans of “management” — this is communication to the PUBLIC. Communication to PUBLIC SCIENTOLOGISTS now qualifies as some sort of state secret to be guarded at all costs?
Clearly, Miscavige HATES it when reports of his activities appear on the internet. They launched a MASSIVE investigation to find any possible source of information about his Friday night pufferfish episodes. Now nobody is allowed to talk about it at all…. Sort of self-defeating isn’t it?
And it must REALLY piss him off when the Tampa Bay Times knows all about his event planning because he HAS to coordinate it with the city. Now it’s canceled. But you can expect that he will change his strategy and here is why. He cannot get 10,000 people for his ribbon cutting ceremony anyway, so that would be a major embarrassment. He has his tent set up now (at least until some hurricane flattens it). He has hundreds of staff from outer orgs sitting around unable to do anything and most cannot afford to eat. They cannot stay at Flag doing Estates work in exchange for food indefinitely.
So, don’t be surprised if Miscavige goes “stealth” with that too. Limit the reach and focus ONLY on internal public who are right there and let them then hype it up. He could just cut the ribbon to the bridge across Ft Harrison Ave from the hotel to the SP Building and the public straggle across and voila “The Golden Age of Super Power” is launched. AND he can blame the city and the media for making it “impossible” to hold an event on the street so “we turned it into a victory and held it in the lobby.”
Not as far fetched as it might first seem.
Of course, he will be rightly called out on the fact that this was primarily to avoid the embarrassment of not being able to muster anywhere close to 10,000 people for this the biggest thing in Scientology history. And he can just do his “tent events” on whatever days he wants with no approvals from anyone and no notice. The tent will hold about 3500 people and with a thousand outer org staff, and about 1200 SO members that’s no problem.
Here is this morning’s “finger in the dyke” email.
From: OT Comm Off Int <[email protected]>
To:Dear OTC I/C
This should be forwarded only to the person on your OTC who handles the comm for the OT Committee list and to not forward this email to anyone else. If there is someone you want to ensure receives this email, send me their email address and I will send the message to them. Thanks.
We are about to launch into the most exciting times in Scientology ever – and with such expansion on the horizon, we also want to increase all standards to reach further into our field and more effectively.One of the most used tools on the OT Committee lines is the email system. Because of its broad – nearly instant – reach, it can be an effective tool for promotion and dissemination. However we need to have a sensible use of this tool to also guarantee that this broadened reach is both secure and effective.
“In any comm system the planning must be adequate to the volume and needs of the comm terminals without under- or overusing the lines. Therefore, as the demand for comm grows, the system grows and the planning must be adjusted to new needs.” – LRH, HCO PL 2 March 1959, II, HCO THEORY OF COMMUNICATION
I will send in the near future a more extensive briefing on what is the best way to improve our image and our reach at the same time, but for now I just want to get your cooperation in making sure that:
1. Emails are not getting sent to old mailing lists that could contain the names of people who have since been deadfiled or declared SP. To get this resolved, I would like you to run your bulk email list through the terminal listed below as he will go through it and make sure your email address book is cleaned up of any possible (and recent) bad addresses. http://files.addresso.scientology.net/
2. Accept official emails ONLY from proper and authorized Church email accounts. Org staff and other church executive emails are NEVER sent from gmail.com, hotmail.com, earthlink.net, yahoo.com, aol.com or any other non-Church email service providers.
With these points, we can immediately streamline already a lot of unneeded traffic and paved the way for a smooth launch of our biggest expansion plan into the future.
I’ve got a lot going on, but I’m never too busy to read your blog. I appreciate the posts.
Thank you Jane, I agree wholeheartedly and will keep sharing my experiences in the hopes that other public will read them and think a little more about their own. Keep that TA moving.
Blogs like this have helped me so much. Not only reading the articles but the responses of others. I found I am not alone, I’m not “insane” and I’m not evil. Thank God!
Wow, Pepper, your reaction to the posts and the comments on it mirrors my own. I had the same or similar thought after reading a bunch, like you of, “I’m not alone! And I”m not insane!” And I”m definitely not evil! The church makes you think that if you date ask questions, that you are being nattery, critical, and it’s all your own evilness and overts. Well guess what? LRH said that “the overt doth speak loudly in accusation…”
I was recently watching an episode of the Dog Whisperer, where one dog couldn’t stop chasing and biting its own tail. Funny.. I thought of David Miscavige when I saw that. He’s chasing his own overts. He acts – he fucks it up – he tries to fix it – he fucks it up even more – then he tries to fix that & fails — then he blames others. Seems workable and he’s so good at it.
Keep those predictions coming Mike, they make more sense than anything coming out of the CoS!
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I learned that lesson the hard way too.
I was closed with the “We are going to handle the Psych’s, terminatedly” bs. It was fed to me so convincingly that I actually believed there was something to it.
When I went to the IAS event where this was going to be “announced”, I saw the Tom Cruise Video Event. I kept thinking that the whole Psych thing would have been the huge announcement but then how could it be when Tom Cruise the Big Being has dominated the event?
I distinctly remember sitting in my seat and the realization of how I was duped. I told myself that I was the most Stupid Person in the World!
Now I laugh at it but at the same time I know there’s someone else out there who is falling prey to the IAS reges at this very moment. What a racket.
+ 1 I hear you loud and clear Pepper. That’s why I think communication and more communication amongt the cult members with each other and with the Indies outside the church is so important and why these blogs are so important. If Luis Garcia hadn’t talked to another big white whale in the church and heard that he was fed the same BS about “you are the only one buying the very important and needed cross for the building…” then that lawsuit would never have occurred. And maybe by my telling this Kool Aid drinker at the time, “that’s the same Big Being close the IAS used on me…” maybe that made him think twice about giving the next time, or at the very least, maybe he gave less money the next time. Exposing the truth is moving the tone arm. Keep doing it Mike and all the wonderful posters on this blog. We must travel the road all the way out… keep on exposing the evil with the light of truth.
I’m still processing out my furious embarrassment at being conned for IAS donations and Ideal Org donations. Periodically, I get flashes of anger about these within myself.
I handle being angry by reminding myself of why I actually flowed these donations, which was because of my liking and respect for my Class V org staff.
I liked these people, respected and trusted them. I still like and respect them as people, though, today, knowing what I know, I cannot and do not, trust them, connected as they are, for whatever reasons, knowingly or unknowingly, to David Miscavige the SP.
But I don’t hate them because its obvious to me that that these Class V org staff were, and are, honest, sincere, well meaning people. They are not con artists. They are operating on false data and missing data. They were, and are, extremely PTS. Yet I know them; they are very good people
I saw how hard they worked, how dedicated they were. I knew that a number of them had moonlighting jobs and were doing everything they could possibly do, at considerable sacrifice to their 1st and 2nd dynamics in order to be on staff and on post. These staff granted me beingness, they flowed affinity to me always. they applied ethics to me correctly as per LRH, and because of this I had no fear of Ethics and was always helped by it. They audited me and sup’d my courses quite well.. I was grateful to these staff, because my auditing and training gave me life changing gains. I liked these people, admired them.
Anyone who crush regged me by trying to intimidate me or scare me about my eternity or the future of Scientology , another imminent Dark Age , etc. got absolutely no-where with me and my wallet. I was impervious to them. They could only put me into varying stages of annoyance and resentment and dislike, but they could not control me, could not make me give them money this way.
No, it was ARC, it was granting of beingness, it was kindness to me, patience with me, it was caring of me, it was acknowledgement of me as a well intentioned, self-determined being, that melted me, that made me want to give what I could. That’s the only reason I gave to the IAS and to Ideal Orgs. I did it for the staff.
When I get periodically (pun intended) pissed about being a jerk, I remind myself of this. It also really helps to write it out and share it with y’all.
In closing this very long post, for which I thank you for reading, it occurs to me that you may be wondering why I left, or, more accurately, why I “withdrew my support” as I had had such good, overall experiences with my auditing and training and relationships with my Class V org staff. Well, in a nutshell, the answer in detail cannot be told now, but for now I’ll say, cryptically, that I was curious about something and asked someone and received a reply that made no sense. It was a little thing, not too important to me at the time, but it sort of stuck in my mind, not bothering me particularly butand when I had a chance, I pulled that thread, and, per that LRH reference which name escapes me now,I kept pulling and pulling and eventually got the Sherman Tank.
Now, if I hadn’t LOATHED Int Events, and if I hadn’t inwardly resented like hell the indefatiguable Ideal Org fundraising both of which, at that time, I BELIEVED were LHR policy, I probably would not have been curious enough to even pull this little thread. But, being, as I was then in a state of authentic ARC for the tech and the staff and, at the same time continual PRETENSE of ARC with the rest, It was a “push-pull mechanism” going on within me back then, a vacuum an indecision going on. I was answer hungry, I guess, so I pulled that thread and,eventually, along with a great many other things which dissolved my “maybe”s, I found out that crush IAS regging and Ideal Org fundraising were NOT LRH policy at all!
So I left, mentally. I withdrew my support. And here I am, to testify to the fact that a little truth is a dangerous thing, so OSA, you know, just keep doing your job to suppress the truth, just keep cutting comm lines, keep suppressing and perverting comm, just keep lying, keep doing everything and anything no matter how transparent and outrageous, to prevent the truth from coming out, because the truth IS your cult’s enemy, its only real enemy, and you are right to be terrified of it. Keep suppressing the truth, OSA. Its all you can do, after all.
I like you Aquamarine.
Brilliant post Aquamarine. I hope to one day know you personally and shake your hand.
Well put Aquamarine. I too had a great deal of affinity for Cl IV & V staff, primarily because I had been one for many years. I knew why I was there, what kept me going. And you’re right they are PTS. They don’t see what’s right there in front of them, growing ever larger. Keep sharing :o)
Since “fear” is the topic of this posting, I wanted to point out that fear also plays very well for the cult and IS THE SOLE PURPOSE FOR DISCONNECTION. I included a quote from the United Nations Declarations of Human Rights below. I submit that the Church of Scientology uses disconnection as a (totally) arbitrary interference in ones right to family, privacy and home. I also submit that through the use of published “SP” declarations the Church of Scientology makes blatant attacks on the character and reputation on individuals who make their own “self-determined” decisions to leave or stop supporting Scientology.
Scientology talking out of both sides of it’s mouth while committing crimes against individuals and families daily.
Quote from the UN declaration:
Article 12 – No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
George Washington used messages with invisible ink.
Hardcore Miscavigites can have a Enigma Code machine.
But you have to purchase an official IAS trench coat.
It must be driving them nuts, wondering how these emails are getting out online.. I’ve noticed previously that every email begins with a statement like “do not share this with anyone” but obviously that isn’t working. Now they must use this excuse to dig through personal address books to (I assume) try to uncover the source, at the same time as cutting off communication lines.
Probably with the fringe benefit of drawing the remaining group closer together, through enforced compliance.
The church would be better off passing out notes to be memorized before the reader has to chew them up and swallow them. Then it would really seem like a spy thriller. 🙂
The Church of Scientology has always been secretive – it’s telling that when I want to find out more about Scientology as a belief system, and Scientologists as people, than I have to seek out exes and indies – the official church is no help there. But this goes far beyond secretive. It’s flat-out paranoid.
This is a copy of the usual business creed you find in many staff areas of a business. Yes, it is ANCIENT.
This is the philosophy most business’ have towards their customers. Compare the David Miscavige Inc. and see the difference.
Business Policies
The customer is the single most important person in this or any business venture.
The customer is not even slightly dependent on us. We are totally dependent on them.
The customer is not an interruption of your work. He/She is the ONLY purpose of it!
The customer is a person who comes to us with needs, and / or wants. it is our job to fill them.
The customer does us a favour when they choose us. We are not doing them a favour by waiting on them. We are very lucky they are giving us a chance.
The customer is part of our business, not an outsider. He/She has a choice of who they wish to do business with. It is our job to make them happy that they chose us.
The customer is not just money. He/She is a human being with thoughts and feelings just as we have. we will treat them in the same manner that we wish to be treated.
The customer deserves the most courteous attention that we can give to them. He/She is the life blood of this and every business. Without the customer, there is no business.
Whether a customer returns to us is due to the quality of service that we provide to them. If they are happy with us, they may come back. If they are unhappy, they will not come back.
It may take days, weeks, months or even years to find a loyal customer, it takes only seconds to lose one.
The day that we forget any of this is the day that we will have no more business.
“…Friday nite pufferfish episodes…”
I just looked up “pufferfish” on Wikkipedia. Its a highly poisonous fish, and it puffs itself up when its threatened by predators. Miscavige at his Friday graduations – LOLOLOL.
You turn a very clever phrase, Mike.
Mike, this is great and here’s why: It must be an incredible pressure on His tiny brain to try to isolate the various sources of these leaks. In order to do so he needs to put the majority of his and his staff’s attention on cutting communicating, not communicating. This is a good as it will speed the cult’s implosion.
” Expect a puffer fish incident.”
Could someone please explain to us never-ins what the ‘puffer fish’ reference is all about? I did my best with Google to no avail.
Thank you!
This is a little off topic, but I went to my library site to order a copy of Jenna Miscaviage Hills book and there were 13 people ahead of me. I guess some people are interested in scientology.
Speaking of uber control… did you see this: Scientologists buy chunk of Clearwater’s ‘super block’ dream
“The Church of Scientology has bought a big chunk of downtown
Clearwater’s so-called “super block,” a highly visible stretch near the
waterfront that was long touted by city leaders and various developers
as key to revitalizing downtown.” http://www.tampabay.com/news/growth/scientologists-buy-chunk-of-clearwaters-super-block-dream/2143942
The dwarf midget is an idiot. He never even finished high school. His “church” is one of the smallest congregations on earth. Perhaps they are trying to be like Dave, SMALL.
I’m sorry Anna, your launch is not going to be smooth. Expect a puffer fish incident.
“. Accept official emails ONLY from proper and authorized Church email accounts. Org staff and other church executive emails are NEVER sent from gmail.com, hotmail.com, earthlink.net, yahoo.com, aol.com or any other non-Church email service providers.”
That is such rubbish. My OTC hat, only a short year or more ago, was the Comm officer as well as other HCO posts. I can’t tell you how many emails I would get to pass on from Int level, FSO level, the Freewinds, EUS CLO on and on that WERE those email domains! Heck even the ED of the org was/is a yahoo.com account.
And to the person above who asked who Anna was, I don’t recall those last names at all being hers.
What do they fear? FREE AND OPEN COMMUNICATION. Which is what repressive religions on Earth have ALWAYS feared. Which is why Tyndale was burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English in the 1500s (so it could be read by the common folk in England). Which is why heresy was also a capital offense for many years throughout the planet, and still is in some places.
The Church of Scientology has had the same attitude towards free communication since the mid 60s. It is why so many of the 40 plus crimes and high crimes delineated at that time have to do with communication (communicating about seniors, communicating to courts, publicly leaving the CoS, etc etc etc). It is why the 1983 policy was written that says that people who COMMUNICATE to a declared SP are themselves being suppressive. IT IS ALL TO CONTROL PEOPLE’S COMM LINES. If you can control people’s comm lines, you can control THEM and dominate them and even ultimately what they think. It is why folks since the 60s have been encouraged to inform on friends and family’s “incorrect” thoughts and comments. This has been the Church of Scientology’s aim since the mid 60s. Now it includes facebook, email, etc. Of course it does.
BUT …. as Jeff Hawkins so well put it in his first book, there is a certain type of person who got interested in Scientology in the 60s to 80s. This type of person IS NOT INTERESTED IN HAVING THEIR COMM DOMINATED BY A REPRESSIVE CHURCH.
And so folks are NO LONGER interested in finding out about Scientology or getting involved in it. It is why Katie Holmes probably left Cruise; so that one day her daughter would not go “religion crazy” and refuse to communicate to her.
STOP COMMUNICATION. The Church of Scientology has made it a crime to communicate since the 1960s and now it is dominating their every effort to control the tiny, miniscule amount of people in their little church.
Thank you, Joe. Very well said.
Brilliant analysis.
they just want to control everybody…looks like they dont want more open their eyes and see the real truth about the Church of Scientology.
I think this is realistic. I don’t think that Miscavige, himself, has the ability to do this, since he personally embodies the 12 characteristics of an anti-social personality. He just couldn’t issue an amnesty to anyone for anything. It would be a wonderful thing if it happened, however, I think that an amnesty would have to come from others after he blows who hopefully would be doing their best to clean up the awful mess he has left Scientologists to deal with.
The following will be something of a rant, but includes my thoughts and realities over many years of both staff and mission work.
Years ago, I realized that the entire ethics system was a fraud and bound to not only fail, but to destroy the fabric of the organization. Hubbard once wrote that ethics was self imposed and other-imposed was morals, tantamount to having someone *else* thrust a spear into your guts. And then he created the ethics system which directly contradicted what he’d written.
The organization has no legitimate right to declare or undeclare anyone. It was never their “right”. You cannot “fix” unwilling people. Worse, it was placed in the hands of people who knew nothing of justice, compassion or integrity, had their own emotional hangups and who could not be trusted to use their “power” intelligently or sanely. There were very few exceptions I ever saw. (Hana Eltringham was one of those very few and functioned brilliantly in that area.) And we know LRH was one of those people himself, proven repeatedly on Flag and elsewhere. He gave us some wonderful stuff, then screwed it up with his own misuse of power.
I was thrilled with the good he gave us, then appalled at what he gave us to destroy the good.
I recall seeing a communication near the end of ’69 which stated that LRH could no longer be chitted. My thought that day was, “There begins the end of it.” Soon, MSH could not be chitted, then Jane Kember, then anyone in the GO, etc.
“Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” -Lord Acton
“Power over others is weakness disguised as strength. True power is within, and it is available to you now.” Eckhart Tolle
DM is the natural extension of such idiocy. If it hadn’t been him, it would have been someone else.
I believe that IF…and that’s a big IF…anything can be salvaged, it will have to be rebuilt via the Indies, much like the old Mission system where if you screwed up, you failed publicly, went broke and went out of business. In the Mission I was in, we functioned on only one policy: “We always deliver what we promise.” That covered everything. Never had a refund request. Never had a complaint lodged anywhere. Didn’t have ethics problems. We just followed Senior Policy, something which could work for any sized organization. Better yet, every tech delivering individual on staff had pay based on production and usually earned much more than the Mission Holder. That’s the way she wanted it. Worked.
Anyway, Mike I truly appreciate you and all that you’ve done. In my mind, you long ago made up any damage you may have caused and joined the side of the angels. Please keep up the superb work.
The COB is in a compulsive games condition with just about everyone. The insanity point is reached when one is reduced to a single game position, and even that one becomes untenable.
Miscavige, like the Cof$ itself, started out on a ‘must be known’, enforcing his reality on others. Reacting to opposition from those who didn’t want to know, he turned to the obsessive secrecy or inhibited reality of ‘must not be known’. Then came the third game position of ‘must know’: keeping files on everyone, sec checking solely for information gathering, hiring private investigators and building a spy network.
Now he’s in the last and lowest-toned leg of that game: ‘must not know’. So he cuts even his own comm lines and no longer perceives reality.
Geez…. haven’t these screwballs ever heard of S/MIME or PGP???
You make my day. Not only because of this post, but also because of using a picture of me.
You are a true example of “Know your Basics”. (LOL)
Does anyone have a comm line to be able to get a copy of the current SP/dead file list? That should be a hoot. I wonder how many people are on it who don’t know they are.
My name is Doug Parent and I want to know if I have been declared an SP. You guys still have my email and cell #.
For decades, Scientology management, and by contagion, corporate scientologists as a whole, have craved approval from the larger society. There are always spectacles being planned to show how big and influential Scientology is.
I remember when the LRH life exhibit was opened on Hollywood Blvd in the late ’80s, ASI got the street closed and a massive call-in took place to get as many “prop-bodies” to mill about the area, “to impress the Media”. They even rented big searchlights. (And then denied entrance to all but “VIPs”)
I remember in the early ’80s, RPF members on a “special project” to go around to buy copies of Battlefield Earth to jack up sales and get it onto the best-seller list.
“Please, PLEASE, like us, and admire us, and think that we are amazing and better than most!”
And now, this tired old technique is being trotted out to try to get 10,000 attendees to flag for the big opening, and they are having trouble getting 1,000. But really, TEN THOUSAND? What kind of hermetically-sealed bubble world are they in?!
Ha ha! You’re getting to them, Mike. The subtext of this is ‘how the hell has that sec fac’y SP Rinder been getting our emails?! We need to root the bastard out!’ I’m sure you’ll jet us know how the de-Rindering goes. 🙂
What is “deadfiled”?
GREAT post again Mike!
I love these leaks – they are so revealing of the state of affairs! Truly the Scientological Ship is sinking fast and COB thinks that by inhibiting communication further will help keep the secrets inside the iron curtain of Scientology.
What I don’t get is how any member still involved can read an e-mail like this and not think something is up with the Church. Really? What do they think? Oh, that is right – they don’t! So sad!!
It would really suck to be in Scientology today. There is nothing good or ethical about it anymore – just one debacle after another and the trap gets smaller and smaller with more people leaving and no one new coming in.
No one talks, no one trusts, no one loves, no one cares! All humanity has been audited out of this strange and bizarre group that does nothing but destroy in the name of help!
The cycle of a Dictator is an interesting subject…but at this stage – Miscavige will fight for his preservation only. He will destroy everyone and everything to be right. He has no clue how bad this Organization looks to the Wog World. It is the most laughed at religion in the World….just bat shit crazy!!
Dead filed is basically when someone writes something ‘entheta’ to the org.
From the Administrative Dictionary, 1) dead file does not mean they stopped communicating with us. It means we stopped communicating with them. (HCO PL 7 Jun 65 Entheta Letters and the Dead File, Handling of – definitions) 3) (from the same reference) Ethics files shall include a dead file. This file includes all persons who write nasty or choppy letters to an org or its personnel. Rather than go to the trouble of issuing a suppresssive person order or even investigating, we assign writers of choppy letters to the dead file. When their area is enturbulated and we want to locate a suppressive, we can always consult our dead file for possible candidates and then investigate and issue an order.
ok – thanks for that definition – in other words, anyone in Scientology that tries to write up “outpoints” aka choppy letters that are enturbulating and not waxing enthusiasm about all the squirrel tech and fund raising fraud – get thrown in an “ignore folder” – only to be used if the Co$ wants to pick a target to blame for the Co$ disasters of destroying their own organization!! How convenient is that?
I had a friend in Scientology that wrote uplines on tech lines that her case was not getting handled. She was deadfiled and then regged for all the Basic Books/Lectures. Apparently her cash was still welcome.
L Ron Hubbard lists the slow demise of a manager in “An Essay on Management”. Right before revolution etc, the final step in the demise of a management body or person is listed as being
“The next major point on the decline is that point where management is management for the sake of managing for its own good, not according to the demised goal finder’s codes of goals, but preserving only some tawdry shadow of these such as “patriotism,” “your king,” “the American way,” “every peasant his own landlord,” etc.,etc., etc.” _ L Ron Hubbard
Yes “An Essay on Management” (red volume 1) is prophecy of DM’s time. Hubbard was brilliant on this essay. He speaks about the “authoritarian personnality”. If anyone reads this, there is all the situation explained. And he says that such management should be exiled.
Right on!
The Old Man no doubt had someone in mind, when writing that part of the essay. If it wasn’t an image of The Little Leader, then it was close enough. Good point
“1. Emails are not getting sent to old mailing lists that could contain the names of people who have since been deadfiled or declared SP. ”
I consider it a huge outpoint that in 2013, with so many years of tech being available to handle PTS’ness and the entire bridge being “available” that a much much much higher ratio of long time church members are now “declared SP’s” or are off lines completely than ever before. This should not EVEN BE A CONCERN or a SITUATION had matters been handled correctly. Decades have passed where effective implementation of the “tech” and thousands and thousands of “OT’s” being out in society could have, should have made some impact by now. The problem isn’t that there are more powerful SP’s out there in society who are making an impact on Scientologys growth, the problem is contained within Scientology itself. Miscavige needs to step aside. A general Amnesty needs to be declared for ANY and ALL former/ex/declared Scientologists who care to return. SWEEPING reforms need to take place. Reparations need to be made and THE DAMAGE NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED. ABOLISH the Sea Org, Investigate and turn over to authorities those who have committed or aided in actual crimes including fraud. ABOLISH DISCONNECTION. L Ron Hubbard cancelled it in 1968. I don’t give a rats ass if he did it for “PR purposes”. Kill it. USE Scientology to FIX Scientology. The Church of Scientology is widely regarded by the general society as an immoral criminal and sinister cult. Those are the results of many surveys. To allow this to transpire to the reputation of the tech is unconscionable. STOP waiting for someone else to fix this mess. Get together with your friends, grow some balls and CONFRONT the situation and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Doug, didn’t you forget something? How about abolish FAIR GAME? Allow the tech to stand on its own merits without having to resort to immoral, unethical and criminal acts to silence those hurt by scientology or those concerned about its criminal abuses? Fair game not only harms other human beings but degrades those who perpetrate it.
No need to nit-pick Doug on that fantastic rant, Noni. He blew a hole in the side of DM’s house of smoke and mirrors big enough to drive a semi truck through. Hell, I think he knocked down a whole dang wall.
Cheers Ronnie.
Re: Fair Game. Absolutely has to go and stay gone. I think in a perfect world by the time you get done reforming Scientology it would be a different place. But I want to cling to my illusions that it might happen some day. Too many miracles to throw it out with the bath water,
Doug —
It’s not an illusion, just a strong, well-considered postulate to have the Tech’s appreciation rise to a level commensurate with its ability to change people’s lives. It’s a damn good idea.
The Tech, in many respects, has become the victim of DM’s mad ravings and his OT ability to fuck up the simplest of tasks. Its image and usefulness is trapped inside the madhouse called The Church of Scientology.
I believe the RCS’s slide into oblivion is inevitable and it likely will take the Tech’s reputation down even further before it bottoms out. What we do in the Indie field can go a long way in keeping that slide under control and returning the Tech to its former position.
It seems to me that our role out here is to do whatever we can to focus on improving people’s lives – starting with our own. The more we do to bring about positive change, the harder it will be for “people” to downplay the Tech’s potential.
This famous quote was said by Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, in 1943. “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” Sometimes people just don’t get it right at first.
Excellent commentary. Couldn’t have put it better.
Thanks :o)
These guys are really incompetent. It is extremely easy to fake the sender address in an email.
Everybody, this is a purge! Heretics, raise your hands or you will be shot!
Um… Ok, which of us should pull the trigger?
You know, there are groups of non-cult members that pool their money to send someone to take a Comm Course at the nearest Idle Morgue. This person takes the course while checking everything out including the number of members present.
Hey BM, dang, I mean, DM, you never know who’s a plant in any of your Morgues!
Mike, This is sooo sweet!
The incompetence on display here is mind-blowing.
The internet fringe is going viral.
I think we’re seeing case gain happen right before our eyes, kids. The Cof$ admitting to devotees that it has a terrible reputation and can’t get new recruits. I never thought I’d see that.
Here is 1984:
“Accept official emails ONLY” – support our Human Rights campaign for Free Speech by immediately deleting and reporting any unauthorized communications.
“With these points, we can immediately streamline already a lot of unneeded traffic and paved the way for a smooth launch of our biggest expansion plan into the future.”
“unneeded traffic” – someone else’s communication (not from Official channels). It is dangerous and should be curtailed by any means necessary.
“our biggest expansion plan into the future” – is to only communicate to people we already know and trust. Communication to anyone else is extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all cost. Please help this effort by submitting your own list to the Office of the Censor who will make sure your dissemination efforts are safe and you won’t reach any unsafe or uncertified publics.
Remember: We are expanding like never before! Despite this, we are in grave danger, so please donate all you can now, and show up for the photoshoot showing your org’s expansion, even if you never go to the org otherwise – by showing your support at the photoshoot the whole world will see that YOUR org is booming!
They’ve just cut the expensive Akamai mirror hosting for most of their sites. That’s a top-of-the-line high capacity service, and way more than they’ve ever needed for their real traffic.
That should free up a lot of $$$ for the David Miscavige Pre-Memorial Scotch Fund.
“With these points, we can immediately streamline already a lot of unneeded traffic and paved the way for a smooth launch of our biggest expansion plan into the future.”
Say what…?
I remember typing sentences like that when I was in the cult… It was on account of no sleep.
“When somebody is demanding less reach, that person is an SP.”
HCO PL 7 Aug. 65 I Suppressive Persons, Main Characteristics Of
Mike, thanks for Miscavige’s sekrit emails to OTCs. But when are you going to publish some pix from the secret camcorder you’ve hidden in COB’s Clearwater office?
Why get so complicated? Miscavige already has cameras everywhere. Who’s watching the security watchers slip the video files onto an MP3 player and walk out the door?
Now you’ve done it, he’s going to tear that place apart, costing more millions in renos.
Just Me — now you’ve done it … COBs CW office is going to be taken apart down to the studs. Where is he going to work from?
Oh — safe bet. Starbucks. It’s been sanitized.
It looks like it is getting REAL SERIOUS over in kool aide land.
The answer to the SP’s telling others about what we are doing is….we will shrink our comm lines. That will show them!!
🙂 good one!
What do “they” fear Mike? – Take your pick!–Marty, Monique, you, Steve,Tony O, Luis, Ray Jeffrey, The IRS, FBI, the Independents, Freezone, Boogymen, plants, hidden cameras and other recording devices, Aliens, SP’s, Newsrooms, Internet, etc. Oh this is just an unending list of suspicious items, ANY of which could suddenly appear without warning to deliver the coup de gras. Un -friggn’-believable as it may seem, this may be a pretty accurate peek into the “mind” of “they,” collectively controlled and orchestrated by one Miss Cabbage, as a result of a lifetime of his perpetrating the most heinous act of mind-control, cruelty, greed and destruction, EVER committed under the banner of a “recognized church / religion.”
They fear being found out. Officially, by their own public.
Yup, “they” used “fear” , now they experience it at first hand. Public sure are a fearsome entity when taking back their own power & self determinism hey?
Like entering a lion’s den with no new raw meat to show for…
Wrong, I’m afraid. Can’t hide.
Just like cockroaches: Must hide / Can’t hide.
They are living people, remember that.
They cannot even freely communicate amongst themselves, let along reach out to the public. Its a mental prison, interiorized and neurotic. Tic-Toc.
Wonder if Anna the OT Committee Chairman Int, Anna Stillo (now McFadden)? The one who tried to intimidate Monique at her front door a few years ago?
Not only submit your address books for examination and “cleansing” but they contact parishioners under some false pretense to examine phone records to see if you or someone else using your lines are contacting undesirables by looking for their phone numbers.
My daughter Hayley is engaged in this very thing I am unhappy to report.
Paranoid spying. The group that is “saving the planet” is terrified of those that have left speaking to the dwindling few that remain.
They would be better served in studying the tech and relieving themselves of the case and suppression driving these insane actions.
I know for a fact that a few OTs (40-year veterans and highly classed) when called in for a rollback and investigation by Freewinds missions have been intimidated into handing over their personal laptops for inspection. Obviously to inspect their email address books and the content of their emails to and from friends and to look for other heretical stuff.
They tend to lose many friends immediately after that breach of personal trust is found out about and will never be trusted again. Fact.
Life is too short for friends like that.
“You mean you colluded with the Nazis against your good friends and neighbors?”
Same theory.
Yes I can confirm what Forever Lurker says. It is true that they are making people bring in their laptops and they go through email and address books and all sorts of stuff. This is 1984 and Nazi times all over again.
Thought Police – check: Speech Police – check: Internet Police – check. Well, there’s still snail mail.
Sorry about Hayley Tim-S. She’ll come around as things decline. Stay hopeful.
Dwarf Meanest is avoiding viruses!
So… they’re demanding that all the names on all mailing lists are handed over to Central Command to check that they don’t “contain the names of people who have since been deadfiled or declared SP”? That sounds really control-freakish. All the leaks must be having a major impact on the Evil Dwarf.
It’s great to have such a view into what’s happening on the inside — and it’s absolutely hilarious that the secret, never-to-be-forwarded email about trying to control the leaks… gets leaked.
Thanks, Mike — and, to whoever’s providing all this wonderful info — if you’re reading this, thank you so much too!
I just dropped by to see what condition my condition was in, to quote an old song. It is so ironic and funny that the email about don’t leak stuff gets itself leaked right onto Mike’d blog. They should save themselves the trouble and just cc Mike on all comm. lol
Dear OTC I/C.
This should be forwarded only to someone you totally trust. In fact, never mind- print this off and hand carry it to whoever needs to see it.
I have been given a quick break from licking bathroom toilets clean to send you this important message about the use of email by OTC members.
We are about to launch into the most exciting times in Scientology ever – in fact these times are so exciting that several recently appointed RTC reps had heart attacks and had to be replaced with even younger and less experienced staff.
As you have probably guessed, COB is apoplectic about the way all communication ends up on Mike Rinder’s blog.
We estimate that around 50% of all your current members either work for Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun or Tony Ortega and that 23% are working for all of the above.
One of the most used tools on the OT Committee lines is the email system. Because of its broad – nearly instant – reach, it can be an horrific tool for to make public the increasingly inane and desperate emails that we are sending into the field.
I will send in the near future a 439 page hat write up on how to maintain security on email, but for now I just want to get your cooperation in making sure that:
1. Every day hundreds more Scientologists become disaffected or get SP declared. As such we need to constantly update your mailing list. However, to avoid embarrassment we keep the names of all these new disaffected defrocked SP declared people top secret. As a result you could be married to a newly SP declared person and not even know it. To help you navigate this increasingly complex minefield filled with bitter defrocked disaffected SPs, we need to update your email lists to remove huge portions of the list who are leaking information. Please forward your email to the international addresso officer every day so he can remove the new daily slew of disaffected defrocked apostates from your list.
2. Accept official emails ONLY from proper and authorized Church email accounts. You will recognize these immediately as they will contain either over-the-top demands for more money or confused/incoherent emails about when we hope to hold our next event.
Shortly we will move to the secure email system where all emails will be sent in 128 bit encryption and you will have to apply to your local ethics office for the decryption key. This should handle the problem as the ethics officers will be doing a 473 question interview before releasing any decyrption keys.
But in the meantime we can save DM a heap of indigestion by following these simple instructions – STFU!
Hope we are all clear on this. Looking forward to joining you in a whole new era of expanding horizons. Yes! I have been just informed my next posting is to be in the Gobi desert, where the horizon stretches out to infinity! No more bathrooms!!!!
ROFL! Brilliant. You are a gifted translator.
Very funny, or sad, no wait…….. funny. BOOHOOHAHA. I feel so sad for those still in trying to do something positive……..it looks pretty dismal and getting worse by the day. Soul destroying.
LMFAO. That translation is 100% accurate.
I wonder how many public OTs there are each day for lunch in the Sandcastle dining room? I recall back in the day when it was packed you would see the IAS vultures swoop through the place followed by the vultures in training who would have their pick of the new arrivals to hammer for any sort of dono.
I can only imagine that there are many empty seats around these days. Anyone have any direct observations? There may be more security personnel around that paying public before long!
I was there in 2011. I was the only pc on my auditor’s lineup. And there were very few pc’s. In the waiting area, many times only a few pcs waiting. In the Sandcastle dining room, very few. What little public there were mostly ate at the canteen cuz it was cheaper. Or lived and ate off campus. And I well remember the days of packed dining room and IAS reges swooping through during meal breaks. I got to talking to a guy who had just been regged by the IAS and they came by to deliver his status pin to him. I said how did they get you to contribute? He explained the “Big Being Close” as in “you are one of the only few Big Beings who can confront and handle the evil…” I said, “that is the same exact close they did on me.” Fool me once, but never again. I learned from my mistakes.
1. 8000 hits per day average – wow Mike – that’s a lot of disaffected’s and exes and SPs.
2. I note there is to be a strategy to improve their image. Good that they acknowledge their image is not good. Now to work out why that is……. read this blog……and play nice too would help.
3. The reach must be secure? The RCS won’t reach the world if they are scared to reach the world………
3. Oops – another leak. Must be the disaffecteds on the inside. Ho hum – they are everywhere.
How funny !
So all the staffs have to get rid of their Gmail and Hotmail accounts. Wow ! They have to fire missions all over the world (as they did in 1982) to get all com. lines of staffs and public under control. New questions for the sec-checks and endless Ethics-Handlings on those subjects.
This E-Mail alone is the 100% proof of that that there is no purpose there of freeing people, but only enslaving them.
I made some raw extrapolations from the traffic stats of the different blogs (Marty, Mike, Karen, Tony, Exscn, facebook and dozen of others), and my estimation is that about 300-500 000 individuals are reading the Blogs and about 90% of them were once Member of the COS. If one starts to calculate the amount of comm-lines those people have, you get into a head spin and you’ll come to the conclusion that they’ll never be able to control it, and can’t purge their Cfs. The only solution would be to burn the Cf and start by Zero and make any new and old public an ideal public (slave) that is 100% under their control.
This dwindling spiral is exponentially growing to the ultimate destruction. It’s no more a matter of years.
While tony was blogging from the courtroom he got about 3000 comments a day and probably about 30 000 individuals reading it Next time when he blogs from the courtroom those numbers will explode straight up and vertical !
Hallo, Davey 🙂 Whatcha havin’ for dinner today?
SO funny that the first line is about not forwarding it to an unauthorized person so that it gets into the wrong hands, and here it is!!! Gotta love that! 🙂
Yes, when top secret OT briefings are inscribed on shit house doors minutes after they are given, it’s a problem.
Carrier pigeons are the solution to the internet scandal that D.M. is trying to overcome but failing. Carrier Pigeons were instrumental in winning WW2 for the Allies. Pigeon poop can be used for fuel to heat Ideal orgs and cook meals for Sea Org Staff. They lay eggs
( not as big as Dear Leaders) that can make a tasty snack. If a Carrier Pigeon is late delivering vital message to David Miscavige instead of throwing the bird into the “HOLE” you cook the bird and eat him, lots of protein, more than beans and rice, AKA Slop.
What is the lag time now between the time these emails go out and then appear here and therefore across the world? Is it safe to say thirty minutes to an hour?
It must just be devastating to Anna and others in the church to see this published so quickly. There may be an actual audible gasp in the room when OSA, Anna and others sign on and see this email published here.
Might as well just CC Mike on all the internal communications and get it over with.
MIscavige must look longingly toward the NSA, wishing he had the ability to monitor the entire internet worldwide looking for “terrorists”.
His MO IS like the NSA and the whole of the 1984, global elite government. I believe he is getting his instructions from someone of that ilk.
Funny. Super-sekret email appears on Mike’s blog same day. Oops! Anna you might have to dust off that back boiler suit…
What I believe though is that even the thirstiest Kool Aiders will be asking themselves, if not each other, some very pertinent questions at this point. Marty is calling this time the “aftermath of Scientology” – I hope he’s right.
Of course we all know DM is a Master of Communication, why doesn’t he let the rest of the world know? Where’s his personal blog? His Twitter account? Sure, he’s a busy guy clearing the planet and all, but even so, many many other busy guys (e.g. CEOs, OLs, Celebs, hell, even Presidents ) find time to maintain a comm line with their fanbase.
Why be the effect of negative PR in the Media, when you can speak directly to the broad public and show them how smart, effective, creative, compassionate and all-around-super-duper guy you really are? I mean, clearing the planet, that’s gotta be fascinating work. Hell, you might even get a reality TV show out of it. Of course they would have to bleep out the mutherf*ckers and c*cks*cking, but it would be worth it. Finally the entire world could see just what Scn can do, through the sterling example that is COB.
I believe this is as close as it gets to a personal blog 🙂
Thanks again, Mike — and thanks as well to all the “special correspondents” out there who are providing such valuable and revealing data.
What you brave correspondents are doing must require courage and determination. I admire you for it. And what a difference it makes! — to have these many windows through which to witness the daily insanities, abuses, and paroxysms of self-destruction going on inside the COS, as it continues its slide into oblivion.
I hope for their sake that the people who are leaking this are mentally prepared for being found out. I’m not saying that they’re doing anything that they should not be doing in an ideal world (as Mike notes, we’re not seeing a rational need for secrecy), but the inside of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology is not ideal.
Not trying to spread “Fear Uncertainty and Doubt,” but even a blind hen occasionally finds a grain and while OSA is busy being keystone Internet cops, they can be nasty when they find something (or think they do), I fear.
What Do They Fear?
Well for David Miscavige it should be the man he sees in the mirror.
They fear David Miscavige. That is what he re stimulates whenever he walks into a room.
Seems like SO Management (DM) has lots of difficulties with control, communication, problems, change… etc. Did he ever go up the Bridge or get to Qual? It’s like he’s continually juggling wasp nests or chain saws while running on the ice, destined to create one flap after another.
Interesting visual!
Mike — dm should take a page or lots of pages from the “reformation” happening in the Catholic Church.
With the advent of this new progressive and kind Pope Francis who not only Catholics seem to adore but the general public … the horrific tarnished image of the Catholic Church the horrid abuser of youth as well as the rigid fundamental church is changing.
SO — dm should retire … like Francis’ predecessor did (a bold and unprecedented
move) …
He should leave in his place an interim group of long time sea org members … granted they will be shell-shocked shadows of their once capable selves but without daily hammering they’ll chill.
From this group — someone will step forward and begin a New Church of Reformed Scientology.
Afterall the buildings are all there. The Catholic Church in order to pay it’s extensive law suits did sell off some properties and assets BUT the majority of Churches still stand.
dm COULD fashion this brilliantly and make it look like it was his plan all along … to REFORM the church.
Afterall — even I am willing to concede that there is a great deal that shouldn’t be thrown out with the bathwater.
As for the Indies that are to my way of thinking still WAY too fundamentalist (KSW crowd) — that’s fine. I’ve been told that there are Catholic Diocese that are still pretty hardcore … while others are much more open and accepting. Like the Church near Dartmouth NH
In any case … since he reads your blog I’m hoping he thinks this is a swell idea and before he completely drives himself mad due to overwork, excessive stress … he put together a great exit strategy which will include a gigantic general amnesty.
With no strings.
I’ll never would accept any amnesty for anything. Why should I ?
We could talk about giving some of his follower perhaps an amnesty !
A general amnesty of the nature that I’m thinking — which I said with NO STRINGS — would mean he would UNdeclare everyone. You wouldn’t have to do a THING. You’d just be UNDECLARED. Meaning those who might have disconnected from you, would no longer be disconnected.
It would take some working with as kool-aid drinkers are an odd lot but if YOU or others are willing to NOT be rigid in your perspectives — and say — something like — well, you are wrong for having disconnected from me therefore I’m STILL not going to talk to you …
Then families could be reunited.
It wouldn’t be easy BECAUSE there are always going to be those who are never happy regardless of what is done.
But it *could* be a beginning.
It is after all ultimately up to each person to find his/her way forward.
I never have participated in any amnesty BECAUSE you have to tell all of your crimes. Good thing their 8-C wasn’t as good as mine.
This would require DM to have at least a modicum of self criticism…. not going to happen. Sorry.
I disagree about the self-criticism.
It would require that he have a larger sense of SELF PRESERVATION than he does his egoic desire to be admired/liked/fawned over by his sheeple.
And I believe his own hide is more important to him that his own image.
Just my take of course.
Beautiful recommendation, Christine, but too sane for an SP.
It does beg the question: What will happen to Cap’n Davey? Scientology is not an apocalyptic cult, so there’s no basis for a mass suicide, luckily. Or he might recommend his followers meet him on Target 2 with LRH!
I can’t imagine Cap’n Davey ever stepping down voluntary. Maybe one day, criminal charges will force him to go into hiding in a non-extradition country, with millions of dollars of parishioner donations. And his mistress. And private chef. Where Scientology God Tom Cruise can visit. Due to “religious persecution” of course. That’s what Warren Jeffs said about why he was charged with raping children, just “religious persecution”.
You’re dealing with an individual who is not mentally stable, who has built himself into someone who may NOT be criticized in any way, who has done what i believe is irreparable harm the the organization, has used funds for his own personal aggrandizement, has imprisoned and tortured fellow members of the group, has altered the tech quite beyond belief, has failed in every instance to KSW…and you want to pardon him for all that? Sorry, no vote here for that one!
I don’t believe I said PARDON anywhere in my comment. What I said was — he could step down or whatever he put together — and turn over the properties etc to a small interim group …
What we are going to see at some point is that he will leave and there are going to be MANY who are unwilling to just get on with their lives … or scientology … in a new form.
They will want to keep this game of BAD EVIL MISCAVIGE versus all of us …
For what purpose? ONCE he is gone by whatever way … isn’t that what has supposedly created all the problems?
Once the enemy is gone — are you saying you want to KEEP SCREAMING — there is the enemy.
Seems like a lot of wasted breath.
At what point will you Peter feel vindicated?
I didn’t see your long comment posted later — about the Mission Network — and the early days when you were in …
So — from that comment I can see that you don’t think dm is the TOTAL problem and I quite agree.
I’m guessing you were the Mission Holder in the south eastern part of the US — in any case, it’s going to take quite a brilliant team of intelligent and technically and administratively astute people to put ANYTHING back …
But my point is simply it COULD be done. And would become something like the New Reformed Church of Scientology.
That could invite all various leaders of churches to have several rooms in the super power building to not just educated people about their faith but to truly become a church that allowed people to remain in their faith.
In other words — turn the whole “exclusive” thing — my path is the only path on it’s head.
USE the workability of the tech/admin … throw away everything that ended up being so horrific …
And just let it grow.
IF the Catholic Church RIFE with abuse through the ages and more recently can start to clean up it’s act …
Seems to me that a church with only 50 years of history could do so in basically a heart beat.
With his abuses, human rights violations, dark disconnection doings, extortions and Orwellian suppression of communication … David Miscavige doesn’t have the rank to give an amnesty – not at all.
“Accept official emails ONLY from proper and authorized Church email accounts.”
What constitutes a “proper” or “authorized” email account I wonder? Amazing that any kid 12 years old can set up an email account and use it but if you are a Scientologist the accounts must be “proper” or “authorized”? What are they doing setting policy for Yahoo and Google?
“I would like you to run your bulk email list through the terminal listed below as he will go through it and make sure your email address book is cleaned up of any possible (and recent) bad addresses.”
“Surrender your email address’ to us for inspection”? Hey, that is too creepy! The Church has subpoenaed everyone’s email accounts! What kind of SOLUTION is that to what PROBLEM? They think the problem of David Miscavige is going to go away if they seize everyone’s address books?
And, it seems their “proper” and “authorized” email addy to surrender your address book to is a SECURITY RISK:
The site’s security certificate is not trusted!
You attempted to reach files.addresso.scientology.net, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer’s operating system. This may mean that the server has generated its own security credentials, which Chrome cannot rely on for identity information, or an attacker may be trying to intercept your communications.
You should not proceed, especially if you have never seen this warning before for this site.
This is the message that pops up if you click on the link provided in the email:
My computer doesn’t even trust it!!!!!!!!!!!!
“There is a problem with this website’s security certificate.”
Your right…..how ironic! Even the Intel Pentium chips know something is not right and won’t allow you to enter.
Now that is what I call consumer protection!
They’ve set themselves up as a root certificate authority. Yeah, the rest of the Internet is going to acknowledge that Real Soon.
They issue certificates and cancel then on whim. Half of the Scientologists running around right now don’t know if they are clear, OT, auditors, P.C.’s, OT8’s, or what to call themselves! David cancelled the certs of every auditor on the PLANET with the release of his “Golden Age” of tech!
Now they are on such a motivator flow, live computers will not validate their certificates!
Just more outrageous censorship and micro-managing of people’s comm lines. You’d think Himself would get bored with it at some point.
I know, right! These guys are such control freaks it is beyond imagination. I think someone needs to clue Dwarf Midget in on the fact that he…is…NOT…in…control…of…everything! I think he truly believes that he is the Master of the Universe and how dare anyone else have an independent thought. It’s AMAZING watching this guy operate.