The obvious answer of course is “empty buildings,” but I found the background of this shot interesting.
These days, buying statuses in the IAS and “Ideal Org Program” has become the new “thing” – status in scientology used to be measured by OT level gained and before that by auditor training level. There has always been a heavy emphasis on attaining perceived superiority since the first days of Dianetics. These days status in scientology is attained through money, not training and auditing.
The goofiness of stuff that passes for status in scientology is sometimes hard to fathom — the gaudy IAS bowling trophies and zany dress ups and euphemisms for money (“we got 500 miles closer to touchdown”) of the Ideal Org boondoggle.
Above shows a chart for Chicago. They have a few dozen “Windy City Warriors” who have coughed up $1000.
It seems like less than 10 (a single row) “Third Coast Crusaders” for $5k
Same number of “Second City Saviors” at $10K
and “Lake Shore Leaders” for $25K
Then a drop off for the $35K “Benefactor” level and even less “Premier Benefactors” at $50K
Then nobody on the Guarantor or Humanitarian list (though I guess they could be off screen — it’s a weird way of doing a board)
But what is really strange about this photo is that this guy is so proud of getting a commendation for handing over some cash for an “ideal org” that has already been BUILT and is sitting empty awaiting to be anointed by Dear Leader. They just never stop trying to squeeze money out of the gullible.
It’s the scientology way that has been distilled down to its essence. Money buys status.
Remember this is all a delay tactic for the release of OT-9 and OT-10. (At least from what I’ve learned from Mike and the various SPTV YouTube channels.).
Can you imagine at the next Freewinds OT-8 presentation (I forgot what they’re called) the audience storms the stage and dismember DM. So far only in my dreams.
It is mind boggling! The pressure for money never ends! Ugh. 😑
It’s obvious that KSW is no longer considered important, which is about time since the practices never DID deliver what they were advertised to do, it was always going to be delivered on the NEXT level, or you did something wrong to invalidate the process or some OTHER excuse, showing that scn never worked to “keep” it doing.
It’s sad that the clams accept buying status instead of WORKING for their status within the organization. I guess they’ve figured out that the lower levels “clear” and the OT levels are useless. They NEVER deliver what was advertized
Over half the money raised just goes ‘uplines,’ according to some accounts – padded expenses, and probably typically overpriced things the orgs have to buy from Sea Org facilities and shops that produce them with virtual slave labor.
And in the case of Toronto it was reported that at one point all the money the locals had raised was ‘regged’ for some international ’emergency’ – they were apparently expected to just start over.
I’ve also seen speculation that money raised ends up getting used up on expenses for the buildings bought but ending up sitting abandoned for a decade or more, such as property taxes (many have been denied exemptions because they’re not in use as ‘churches’), and may even be being tapped to cover the bills of orgs no longer doing enough business to cover expenses of the properties they’re using in the meanting. It seems plausible that the costumed events are in at least some cases being used as an underhanded way to raise money to keep the lights on, which some orgs are known to have had to try to pass the hat for in the past.
PeaceMaker, IIRC, ALL the money goes “uplines”; some MAY come back down to pay Org expenses, utilities, and perhaps even some staff pay — the lowest priority since staff don’t actually need to eat or sleep. HEY! they were the first breatharians! But I guess Dwarfenführer® would call that “mixing practices” and squirrel.
Jere, I’ve read that the money raised for “ideal” orgs is supposed to be set aside until work begins – but I would not count on CofS accounting practices, of course. The funds might even only be maintained on paper, sort of like the infamous money on account for services put down in advance that is not actually held in reserve.
For starters, I wonder if ongoing expenses for properties bought are paid for out of the fund – and in a case like Philadelphia where the long empty building has a 6-figure tax bill and the org seems to be small and not very active, more could come out than goes in many years. And then when (and if) it does come time to get to work, it seems the orgs are charged high prices for things that come through management such as items produced in sea org sweatshops, plus I bet they are assessed overhead like exorbitant project management fees.
“What Do Your Ideal Org Donations Buy?”
Many barrels of expensive scotch and new hair transplants for Demento. Oh yes, and cash for the building full of lawyers.
I wish I could just upvote your spot-on remark:
““What Do Your Ideal Org Donations Buy?”
“Many barrels of expensive scotch and new hair transplants for Demento.”
These days, buying statuses in the IAS and “Ideal Org Program” has become the new “thing” – unlsess, of cousrses, you can help create new cult schoolses that will help the kids learn how to spell in the real world type spelling.
Of cousrses, crazy spelling has always been a good way to identify an OSA Bot or a cult critic.
Words escape me & let me down. I find they’re just not adequate to express the buffoonery that passes for the “Key Stone Cops” mentality from the idiots of Scientology.
There seems to be some sort of weird mental disease, affliction, whatever, within the bubble of Scientology where willingly throwing away your money, your family, friends, and future life puts a smile on your face. Unfriggen believable!!!
The lights have been on pretty regularly at the Chi Ideal Org over the past couple of weeks. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did the grand opening this summer.
I think that I’m going to start leaving love letters for Davey on the door. 🙂 Anyone want me to relay any messages?
(Hi, Dave. 💖 You’re lovely and better than your trauma. #withinthatinch)
Status is still worthless.
Don’t you get a $4.99 framed, printed piece of paper? It’s got be worth at least 50c for the frame 2nd hand!
The frame is extra.
And that frame, being separate, is priced as if it were showing off an exquisite art work, easily $1,000 or more. That’s how davey rolls.
They have had so much experience framing innocent people that I would think they could sell frames for a much lower price.
Let us all rejoice that most of our society knows they frame people and we know enough to just reject getting behind any of their “frame ups”.