This really requires no comment.
But I increasingly think many Corporate Scientologists do now believe that Miscavige is the reincarnation of LRH.
What He says has the same force of command as anything from Hubbard.
John P Capitalist sent this to me and also noted that the constant highlighting of the failure to complete Santa Barbara, Mountain View and San Diego (let alone Valley) has got to be a negative message. Surely it is striking people as just a little strange that in this period of massive international expansion, and 10 years into the “Ideal Org Program” that there are still 4 orgs in the bastion of Scientology that are not “Ideal.”
I don’t understand how they can ‘clear’ a whole place when clearly, there would be people saying ‘hell no!’!, screw you! (and the sort). How then can these Sci people ‘clear’ a place? What am I missing? A metaphor or something?
They are threatening all of us ok? They set people up on “Fair Game” now called targeting. They set you up on ground strike with ultra-sound. You don’t die with them and scream loud enough, they also operate govt drones through private clubs. That is their double fuck you club. They kill you, us all, one way or another. After all, once they pass OT VIII and accept the Wall of Fire, they agree to play the anti-christ. Does that help? I am not lying. They do this behind everyone’s back and use small satellites to illegally spy on us all. They got the E METER FMRI RADIO taken from them in the ’70’s. I am sorry they won in court. This country has fought them just like others. They are out of control and committing illegal acts. They are terrorists.
Fuck off, COB.
Thanks for posting thetapotata. Yes I agree. Our 1stA rights were and are being taken away in Scientology. And it’s not OK. And there is no reason to be quiet about that.
Thanks man. I’m figuring out that the disease that Miscavige has is a problem that permeates many other areas especially government. The psychotic is heavily motivated to achieve positions of power. That’s how you get someone ordering a drone strike on a wedding in Pakistan. There are psychotics just like Miscavige who can appear to have good intentions and the truth is they are friggin nuts and are out creating destruction.
It would be impossible for him to be the reincarnation of old Hornhead given they were both alive at the same time.
These ongoing sad attempts to clear the planet country, state county or even city are pitiable given they cant even match a birthrate which even then would only keep a deficit from growing.
One has to realize that while there are alot of duped people in fold, there are also some genuinely mentally ill ones that are also being preyed upon.
For the zealots it didnt have to be Co$.
It could have just as easily have been a different belief system, collecting guns or beanie babies, or any other pasttime one can get caught up in to a detrimental degree.
Ultimately if some schmuck wants to hand over their lives, loot and legacies to a tiny looney, they have the freedom to.
Bottom line here is alot of noise can be made to make them aware in the hopes they wake up, but like in the Matrix…some just want to stay sleep…..
dammit Co$ you made me quote the Matrix, gads I hate you guys.
“So what do say we make it happen?”
This sounds an awful lot like a certain Scientology Celebrity, no? He of the Freedom Medal of Valorous Freedom for Valor speech? “Whatya say, can we clean this place up?” That guy…..
So Dave wants to make an “Ideal LA”.
Fact is that many of us think LA is already ideal (access to a variety of eco-systems, ocean, mountains, desert and almost perfect weather. So what if we get the occasional earthquake or wild fire. Many of us look at it as the cost of living in Paradise, Utopia, Shangri La or whatever ) and we don’t need some pint sized twerp telling us to perfect perfection.
Thank you!
Funny that the lil’ munchkin is asking anyone in LA County to care what happens in the rest of California.
This is hysterical if you know how self centered Angelenos are.
I think the old Thomas Guides used to have “there be monster here” where Ventura, Orange and San Bernardino County would be.
But anyhoo…
Yeah it’s easy to see that Miscavige is trying to making himself into “Source” yet despite Sherman’s help he still comes off sounding like a moron who did a crash course in eloquence and failed.
You can say what you want about the Ol’man but at least he could write and speak distinctively with a unique style of his own which is why it is so easy to spot pretentious pretenders like Miscavige’s alterations to Tech or Policy even though he claims to be “on source”, “doing what LRH says” or infers he’s somehow channeling the Ol’man.
The guys a schmuck trying to pass off his cheap Timex personality as a Rolex busily working on turning Scientology into a cheap substitute of itself yet asking more money for it.
Tragic yet comical at the same time.
Especially when you get something like the above piece of promo in your mailbox that was obviously written by an idiot with such low R and even lower IQ.
Will LA county Churchies buy into this abuse of the English language generated by this moron. Maybe some will. Yet even when I was still “in” his stupid “What is Scientology” speech that was recorded at one of those pompous pretentious CCI “Galas” didn’t have many takers when they sold it in the Bookstore even though it was promoted as the “perfect dissemination tool”. Seems not many wanted to listen to Dave meander on for hours to a bunch of fat cats who could afford the Grand it cost to go to the “Gala”.
Though I don’t have the exact numbers but I figure anything published by Ruth, Reg and his nemesis Mary Sue probably out sold his little effort probably by a factor of 10 before they were taking out of the bookstore for being “off source” (though it’s funny that an exception was made for that DVD which served as a great coaster by Slappy and his squirrel buddy Botwo are still allowed…
Go figure.
Must be another example of Double Standard Tech…
Since I touched briefly on the subject of Mary Sue. I’d say Davy you should beware the Ides of March. There’s still a few of the GO who are still harboring a little ill will toward you for what you did to her. Maybe they’ve added the art of patience to their trade craft.
Did you know it took the Soviets took over two decades to place Kim Philby where they wanted him?
Oh my there I go going off topic again!
Where was I???)
Oh I’m sure that there will those in the Church will buy into anything said by that grammatically and metaphorically challenged moron as if it was some sermon from the mount but I suspect not too many and the usual response will be the visceral reaction of nausea I’d have whenever a piece of promo published with his childish gibberish on it would come my way and the feeling that I was holding on to something that was toxic or radioactive when I picked it up.
Vivian Kubrick – (Stanley Kubrick’s daughter) – Jump forward to the 13 minute mark. You’d swear she was talking about Miscavige. The insanity that has gripped him is certainly becoming more easy to spot by Non-Scientologists as well. Too bad those in the bubble have lost the ability to think for themselves.
I just read Tony’s blog about Vivian being a Scientologist and had disconnected from her family. I about fell out of my chair. I guess she hasn’t spotted the Elephant in the Scientology room. Miscavige is exactly the insane power hungry control freak that she’s discussing in the interview. I guess it’s kinda like faithful Scientologists talking about how spiritually free they are when in fact they’re some of most mind-controlled un-free beings on the planet.
RTC Rep to staff member: “Get an original idea.”
Staff member: Okay. How about “Let’s deliver what we promise.”
RTC Rep: Flunk!! I didn’t say “COB says, ‘Get an original idea’.” Report to Ethics!!!
This is basically what I said would happen when Mike first posted on his blog Cat.
No surprise….
I usually take a sharpie to any postage paid cult return mailers and write a hopeful message and Chuck Beatty’s 866-XSEAORG number on it before sending it back.
Yesterday I changed up the message by writing “David Miscavige is a squirrel! Pure LRH Tech only exists outside the Co$”. In addition to the usual message.
I figured it was a good time to up my game. Fliers like this make me wonder if it is the right approach…..
I don’t think those still in, think Miscavage IS LRH reincarnated.
Scns have been conditioned to adhere to a strong authority figure (LRH) way before DM showed up. Scngists CRAVE this because they are not thinking for themselves. They are convinced that they are too abberated to achieve enlightenment, and must continue to follow closely and to not question.
Miscavige is undeniably, a man of great personal power, and his ruthlessness got him to the position of COB. And COB is here now. LRH has been gone almost 28 years.
Scngist who have not learned to own their own enlightenments are still in a state of “will achieve someday”, and are dependent on the Authority Figure to define the road ahead for them.
That Authority Figure is currently COB. He even says, the only power he has is that people will listen to him.
But because of his sociopathic destruction of Scn, his days as its leader are numbered.
He has killed the host.
And now, the helecopter to Columbia is on standby, the offshore accounts are set u, ready to leave at the first hint of a subpoena coming his way.
(If anyone wonders the real reason Miscavige is hanging out in CW, I suspect it has to do with it being a quicker flight to South America)
I am not a Scientologist, nor have I ever been. I am simply fascinated by the cult and have read every book I can get my hands on. Clearly it is dying. Misgavige is a shithead and it’s all about money . . . OK, I get that. But I respectfully ask; why do so many ex-members continue to defend LRH? Again, I have never been a Scientologist so I have no personal experience. But from the many books I’ve read and all the information I’ve gathered, he was not a good man. He was a science-fiction writer who created a “religion” out of thin air. He lied throughout his life about his credentials and manipulated people at every turn . . . threw his wife under the bus, died with psych drugs in his blood, etc. Was he not a hypocrite? It may be low-hanging fruit, but the whole OTIII level and “you could could cause great harm to yourself or even death” if you read this material out of sequence is a key indication that this was all part of a greater scam from the beginning. I could go into more detail but I think I’ve expressed my question clearly.
Peter, def. with you on that, as an outside observer for over sixteen years now, I’ve come to a conclusion about those who defend LRH. I believe that they aren’t ready to admit that Scientology itself was set up to be a money-making scam. I think they still hold dear to the “tech” because it’s devastating to admit they’ve been in a cult. There’s also the age factor. I’ll bet a lot of the current “it’s all COB’s fault” haven’t been in long enough to experience the LRH effect for themselves. He’s been gone for nearly thirty years.
“I respectfully ask; why do so many ex-members continue to defend LRH?”
It’s a process. It’s not a switch you turn off. Professor Touretzky has said that Scientology is the cult that takes the longest time to recover from.
Many – even most – former adherents, upon escaping, cling to the “tech” while allowing themselves to (rightfully) vilify DM. It’s often only after months or even years of experiencing freedom, of finally being allowed to read any book, visit any website, talk to anyone they wish to, that it finally dawns on them that this was a scam from its inception, that, if LRH had any genius at all, it was in setting up that rare con job that outlived the con artist, and by decades.
“I’d like to start a religion, that’s where the money is”.
I believe that Scientology will survive in some far more benign form, but I also believe that, without the constant pressure and outright brainwashing, again initiated by Hubbard, most escapees will leave it behind after a time.
Just look at Marty Rathbun’s recent pronouncements. His personal journey has been fascinating to watch, literally, and publicly, throwing off his chains.
Give people time….
This answer is to Peter’s post, above yours.
Peter, I don’t disagree with your post at all. Other than the fact of all the exes defending LRH. Much of *that* has been changing, judging by many of the posts right here on Mike’s blog. A great deal of information has been released just in the past few years and many of the exes have simply not been involved enough to even learn about it. Most who go out just dropped it from their awareness.
Was it a money making scam right from the beginning? Possibly. However, the only way it’s lasted as long as it has is that there is a LOT of workable technology available which gets ACTUAL results. A great many of the exes, I being one of them, can – and do – attest to those results. They were real and long lasting. They changed a lot of lives for the better. And the indies, using the older tech (which has been often posted here) have also been getting impressive results.
Next question: Did LRH provide all the tech? That’s dubious. He was known to take the work of others – useable work – and then take credit for it by changing the name or the wording. Certainly not ethical. Frankly, I no longer care. He was the “source” of getting it to where I could use it successfully. And when I found that I could no longer move forward at the speed I was used ot, I walked. Quietly, firmly and steadfastedly.
So scientology, IMHO, is a very mixed bag. What was isn’t what it is. And, as many of the oldies would tell you, it was a hell of a lot of fun, a great ride and a lot of people were helped and changed for the better, according to THEM.
Perhaps had Hubbard lived longer, the same thing would have acured. I could only guess at that. Surely his excesses would have become more public. And his abandonment of his wife would have truly stuck out like a sore thumb. The excesses of “ethics” would have also become much more obvious than when he was alive. And, through the burgeoning of the internet, much of the same information would have come out as has happened. However, I don’t believe for an instant that he would have adopted the high living style which Misconceived has done. He was always pretty smart that way, lived a fairly low profile life as far as the public was concerned. The monies which were squirreled away offshore would likely have stayed there.
In truth, I believe his years from Operation Snow White onward were excruciating for him. He was terrified – literally – of being arrested, went pretty much totally into hiding (very low on the tone scale, btw, as is Davey Dickwad). Add to that his poor health and obvious physical deterioration, it must have been excruciating. So he experienced some of the hell he had visited upon others, primarily SO members.
I can only hope that the foregoing gives you a better idea of why many hung on for a long time. I truly feel for the SO members, both the exes and the still ins, for what they’ve experienced. But each of us, I believe, chooses our paths and must take responsibility for them. Who else, if not ourselves.
For the Whales, STATUS is all. For the staffs, FEAR is all.
Is it possible COB smokes CRACK?
A shoop of “COB Ford” would be scary.
I wonder what is happening in the org. Like at AOLA – is all auditing at a standstill until the re-whatevers?
I would hate to be the captain, chief off, tech sec at this time.
Does any have the balls to cross order CBO?
When I was the dissem sec for a few months – I was sent right to the RPF when I told my regs to continue to sell preps (It changed back and forth from ASHO to AO several times.) I had an LRH telex that said to.
If I correctly duplicated the group agreement it is that He:
Was personally chosen by LRH.
Is OT 25 or something like that.
Is totally, completely, utterly and absolutely “On Source”.
Is above question in any way shape or form.
Is infallible.
Chris, I understand your point as to how the Kool Aid drinkers think, but I think the challenge to their very existence would be more than they could handle if they thought it out. In their minds, LRH was infallible, and so is Miscavige. Clearly that is logically unacceptable. If LRH is infallible, how could his writings and lectures be so screwed up that Miscavige had to fix them with GAT I. If Miscavige is infallible, why did he have to fix his own GAT I with GAT II? I think the answer is that Miscavige has turned the Church of Scientology into a faith based institution that worships Miscavige. Logic plays almost no role in that worship. If Miscavige told the members “some other guy” transcribed LRH speeches incorrectly, and an “unknown SP” screwed up GAT I, they would believe it (he probably already has told them this).
The upside of all of this is Miscavige has driven so many people out of the church he is running out of people to blame. In addition, the hysterical, over the top worship of Miscavige is, apparently, gradually disgusting the remaining thinkers. That disgust will only grow, especially when the more fanatical members start rolling on the floor screaming Miscavige’s name.
Trying to export his YSCOHB strategy to locations like that place unsuitable for a dive bar, tucked away from all foot traffic behind the Van Nuys Airport called “Valley”. ‘Straight up an Vertical’ has NO momentum.
pssssst, allmighty holy sacred saintly COB is saying something.
NEW Universe of GAG II be quite and obey …. or else.
An ABC news report this morning says that German government considers Scientology less of a threat because their membership is shrinking.
COB is decreasing the size of Co$ by not attracting new members and by making enemies of existing members.
People inside the bubble have to really, really try hard not to see this.
They will spin it and say “Look, we’ve defeated the puny German government!” or “Religious recognition in Germany is but a heartbeat away, donate today!”
No doubt! Probably be featured at the IAS event this Friday!!!
Let’s see if he has the gall to make a V-for-Victory or some other WWII reference.
The only WWII reference that applies is: SNAFU: (SITUATION NORMAL, ALL F__CKED UP!)
The OPC probably made the same Threat Assessment the US IC made back in ’93 which was that Scientology is no longer a threat to National Security because it is now under the complete control of the megalomaniac ,narcissistic, psychotic, sociopathic, lunatic with delusions of godhood which will probably follow the OTO, the Aetherius Society, the Process Church, the Rosicrucian and other such cults into obscurity.
Highly unlikely, but is possible that it may try to emulate the Peoples Temple, Solar Temple or Heavens Gate. In which case agencies involved should sanitize any possible association and burn all related documents of said association.
End of Memo…etc.
A cobnition. Good one Cat Daddy. I think that’s when you are confused by all the flashing graphics, bizzare statistics and Shermanspeak® and start to nod off, but then are awoken when everyone stands up and claps so you do too, reactively. The feeling you have at that precise moment is a Cobnition.
Mike is right. Corporate Scientologists must view DM as the second coming of LRH. That certainly explains why they respect DM even though his actions are clearly off-source. He’s LRH and he just changed his mind on a few things this time around, like having to have opulent buildings before delivering the tech, like running objectives on all OTs again etc etc etc. But I think the cognitive dissonance is going to start to break down with all the expensive retraining and re-buying of meters occurring now. My bet is that big COMMAND poster is going to get a lot of salutes of the middle finger variety now.
Once again, COB shows he does more than required of an ecclesiastical office (a ridiculous claim to begin with, as this is not a Christian church).
He is not even worth to comment, his ’empire’ is shrinking by the minute and is as smaller as he’s stature…
I truly do have compassion for those lost souls who have been implanted by the cult of miscavology. May all wake from their bad dreams to see the peaceful, morning sun.
He want’s you to have a COBnition.
Hmmmm no, it seems OBnitions hurt…..
“What do you say we make LA Ideal?”
How about –no! Why bother if once you get inside these magnificent super structures there is no auditing or training to be had at a reasonable rate. Your building registration centers so I would rather stay out here in the Independent field where I am getting my auditing at a reasonable cost with not interference from the IAS.
Pasadena has failed as an Ideal Org. Adding more beautiful real-estate to DM’s portfolio of looted treasure will not Clear anyone.
Who cares what COB says — I want to know “What does the fox say?”
247 million people care what the fox say — about 2,000 people MAX give a damn about COB
FOX? COB? —– no comparison
OT XXIII: Ability Gained-Full restoration of the ability to Fox-Talk. Priceless.
WH – that was just too funny. You made my day. Thanks for the link. I came up-tone without any GAT – just ringdingringdingring.
Brilliant windhorse…thanks for that!
There is an official Church photo of LRH directing a training movie with D.M.
standing on an apple box operating the camera beside him. That’s a reach for reincarnation
but what is real LRH being erased from scientology completely . in so many subtle and
no so subtle ways (overt). There is no Office for LRH in the Super Power building ?
correct me if I am wrong. LRH tapes being deleted from courses etc.
There is an LRH Office in the SP Building. On the ground floor.
Of course, there is a MUCH bigger “COB Office” (not called that — always called “Dept 21” OR “RTC Office” or some other euphemism) on the 7th floor.
Dear Mike,
I stand corrected.
D.M. has the 7 th floor Huh ? .
wet bar ? well wow, wow wow.
Thank you.
Jose — not all of the 7th floor (there are Cornerstone Lounges for the whales too — the Regges call them “the barrels” because its like shooting fish in a barrel…) and other things I don’t recall.
“the Regges call them “the barrels” because its like shooting fish in a barrel…)” Funny Mike! But at the same time, sad. What a predatory church our church has become. Didn’t LRH say that one of the biggest overts is making people want mest?
Technically it must me the 6.66th floor rounded to 7th. 🙂
What does COB say about California? Well we certainly know what he says about Hollywood Blvd…
Quite a communication! All the usual hyperbole, awkward prepositions and obfuscation of Shermanspeak.
But certainly it is no pipe dream that all of the three people left in California are also the only three people left, and indeed, through no will of their own but through my own, sole masterful biggestest-beingness, will be whipped into a mad frenzy, thereby digging deep to access any untapped credit card debt, and do it for me, Cap’n Davey, because impressing Tom Cruise with big empty buildings is the ultimate monster goal of a cleared planet. And thus, that is what the Great Founder, who’s name this planet will never forget but is no longer uttered under penalty of being Hole’d, always wanted. And eradicating evil podiatry. What do you say?
I wish you and a few others would use more periods and break up your sentences.