Frankly, the closed orgs have dried up a lot of the material for Thursday Funnies — endless streams of “Get your Pandemic workbook here” and “We command you to do an Extension Course” are just not very funny. We may not see much in the way of Thursday Funnies for a little while…
So, I thought some clowncar material from another corner of the scientology bubble might be entertaining.
This is Ryan Prescott’s Facebook live post from a week or so ago. I had only ever seen his comical Tweets and some bits from his Loony-Tunes books. I had never had the misfortune of seeing him in person.
Now I have, and you can too if you are completely bored and have nothing else to do… I don’t normally devote any braincells, time or effort to these sort of people, but in the interests of entertainment and a bit of lighthearted fun in these dog days of Spring I sacrificed myself to go where only 4 people had gone before me.
This was an eye opener. I had expected something a little more… I don’t know… mature or sophisticated or something. I don’t know why. It just surprised me how childishly amateur this was.
Obviously, he is, at best, simply a deluded kid who has gotten caught up in his own bs. He seems to think he has a “following” who hang on his every word. From the video there were 4 people who joined his live feed.
He is sadly self-absorbed and stops to laugh and giggle at himself often — apparently this is his idea of being “uptone.” And it seems he has actually deluded himself into believing he is “inspiring” people.
He calls this one “The Future.” If you can bear it, it’s worth watching for some insight into the mind of a scientologist kid.
Sprinkled throughout his rambling are tons of scientology platitudes: “Kick butt,” “Take names,” “Push through this, it won’t last long.”
At one point, he announces: “Make this thing happen.” What thing he is talking about is anybody’s guess.
There is some really bizarre conspiracy theory nut stuff in here that is in keeping with the mindset of a lot of scientologists.
“Things are being pushed through right now that you don’t know” (he apparently has some inside scoop that nobody else knows).
“The Merchants of Chaos will not tell you. A hidden enemy pushing this, the timing…” (“this” being the pandemic?).
He exhorts everyone: “Don’t stop your production, get the economy soaring again.” (Unreal much?)
“I love Salvation Army. And Red Cross are doing something right now, even though I don’t like Red Cross much.” Huh?
This is the guy who has been writing “books” that “dead agent” the abuses exposed on The Aftermath, claiming even more bizarre conspiracy theories that Leah and I were paid by “Big Pharma” to tell lies about scientology, etc. etc.
As I said, he is charitably a deluded kid. Not so charitably, he is a wackjob.
Remember when he announced he was coming to Clearwater to lead the charge in ensuring Mark Bunker did not get elected. Here is one of his social media blurts about “voting ideal”. I can’t even find his video where he announces “Hey guys, I am coming to Clearwater to help ensure Mark Bunker is not elected.”
I wonder what “Vote Ideal” meant? Super Seekrit code for “vote for NOT Mark Bunker”?
It seems he either didn’t manage to make it all to Clearwater or he came and left without anyone noticing. In either event, another failure, as we all know, Mark Bunker WAS elected.
Just for fun, here are a couple of his other tweets.
So, if you ever had concern that Ryan Prescott has any impact on anything, put your concerns to rest.
If anyone buys into this guy’s bs, they are as wack as he is.
I probably would normally not have bothered, but being confined to home finds me doing things I would not normally do. And this struck me as pretty amusing.
I’m suppose I must be quite fortunate in that I do have better things to do than acquaint myself with this fellow. I appreciate your sacrifice though.
Charlie Wakley’s patronizing and arrogant presentations are about all I can tolerate. And he has at least 20 followers!
Covid 19 is capitalists best friend. Dead have no need of money. Calm breathing leads to the money. money and money. Panic leads to the death.
Mike, is it true Prescott snr. got in a lot of trouble with some dodgy deals with Narconon & sorta disappeared ?
No idea
Noticed Ryan’s post was shared by a certain Sherry Van Hootegem… is she by any chance anything to do with Nadine, Tommy Davis’ first wife?
After going from 4 views to a few dozen it’s not that this encourages Ryan to make others…
This gives you some insight as to the spin that has been generated, possibly at the top, in regards how to make this into a reg worthy pandemic. I haven’t heard the score because I’m not on those lines anymore, but I’m sure that there has been regging using a false conspiracy, and he has only heard some tidbits.
Further, it must be something OSA is letting happen, see Charlie Wakley. Two golden boys, golden marionettes actually. I bet more will be coming. We may be viewing the birth of a new strategy.
“What happened to Ryan Prescott?” I’m assuming not enough oxygen at birth. Jeez Louise, I’ve never heard such babbling in my entire life. The only thing I ever run into that’s close is Tony Ortega’s “Source Code” quotes. The first time I read one of those, I remember thinking “what kind of drivel is this?” I scrolled to the end and saw that it was an Lron quote. I’ve never read another one. This kind of crap is an offense to every thinking person on the planet.
I think that hundreds, if not thousands, of his body thetans were mushroom, pot, LSD (or whatever alien paranoia inducing and sanity reducing substances they were using) addicts in their past lives and they’re infecting him with their naughtiness. That and the possibility that he’s a nutcase because somewhere in his past his mother stood next to a raving Miscavige…oops, looney, while pregnant. Oohh, those evil engrams.
This guy escaped from his babysitter years ago, and has yet to find his way back home. Seems that no one came looking for him…
Ron DeSantis quietly signed second executive order targeting local coronavirus restrictions
The order says the statewide stay-at-home order ‘shall supersede any conflicting official action or order issued by local officials.’
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Locally, it means Hillsborough County cannot mandate churches close their doors, a rule that drew national attention and the ire of the local Republican Party after Tampa megachurch The River of Tampa Bay held two Sunday services, leading to the arrest of pastor Rodney Howard Browne.
In a significant deviation from what experts advise, attending church services is considered an “essential activity.” DeSantis would also permit many outdoor activities, including golfing, if practiced with social-distancing.
Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren said it’s now unclear whether churches and synagogues can hold large services with “500 people packed shoulder to shoulder.” Howard-Browne, the Tampa pastor, said he would halt Sunday services, but that was before word had spread of DeSantis’ second order.
“This has created a lot of confusion,” he said. “For reasons I can’t fathom, the governor is using his power to remove safe guards that Hillsborough County and other counties have put in place to save lives.”
Many local officials were already scrambling to understand the the governor’s statewide guidelines before they take effect at midnight. Pinellas County officials passed an order Thursday to close thousands of businesses for 30 days that are not deemed essential in the coronavirus pandemic, though the seven commissioners and other county leaders acknowledged it wasn’t clear what was “essential.”
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
There you go. Guns and God. This is what get because of Evangelicals’ influence in the Republican Party. Guns and ammunition shops are essential businesses. Gun owners will not tolerate any infringement however temporary for health reasons on their 2nd Amendment rights! Church services are essential businesses and local jurisdictions be damned if they’re going to forbid Christians from worshipping together! I’m telling you these people have a death wish and their Republican governor is merely pandering to it. Trump will be pleased. For Easter, churches – in Florida, at least – will be packed. Because its such a “beautiful time”, don’t you know. Very sad, really, the way they’re in denial.
He’s in Oregon? A blot on our fair state! He has this expression on his face that I have seen on so many Scientologists faces – I’d call it “arrogant self-satisfaction.” He thinks he has all the answers and is condescendingly sharing them with the unwashed masses – the “lesser beings.” Yet all he does is recite a never-ending stream of platitudes, on and on and on. His “advice” is vague and hackneyed. No one needs his “inspiration.” He adds nothing to the conversation.
Right Jeff. Good to hear from you buddy.
Platitudes is right … For a brief moment, I thought he was gonna start singing What the World Needs Now …
I agree fully with what you say Jeff. But the worst (to use a scientologese term) is the commlag he delivers before starting his blabling.
Deadly even for a dedicated orthodox extremist-taliban scientologist.
He has this expression on his face that I have seen on so many Scientologists faces – I’d call it “arrogant self-satisfaction.”
How Scientology is coping with COVID-19 as chairman David Miscavige declares crisis ‘hysteria’ and ‘planetary bullbait’ but vows to create a safe environment – despite crowded conditions at bases around the world
[Linking to Tony Ortega, and quoting Karen de la Carierre and Karen Pressley.]
Scientology appears to be caught in a ‘perfect storm’, whistleblowers tell as they believe the virus could have a devastating impact
Leader David Miscavige branded the COVID-19 crisis as ‘hysteria’ while vowing to create a safe environment for business to go on as usual
But former highranking member Karen de la Carierre, describes the situation as a ‘disaster waiting to happen’ for rank and file members
The religion believes illness is a sign of someone being a Potential Trouble Source, meaning infected followers will likely choose to hide their symptoms
Sources who spent years at Scientology’s base in Clearwater, Florida, say the 2,000 staff – many of whom are elderly – live in cramped ‘death trap’ conditions
Members of the church’s Sea Org religious order are not making efforts to keep six feet apart from each other, seen here getting off a packed bus in’s exclusive video breaks down the Scientology HQs threatened by the virus and what role its VIPs are playing in the crisis – plus, where all its celebs are holed up
Wow. Who knew that a pandemic virus would start the ball rolling in getting Sea Org members’ living conditions investigated. Who could even imagine this?
Great report isnoinews. World knows what DM pushes. Plus a hubbard reference (I forgot which one) says that being on this planet is enough to label all Potential Trouble Sources.
Moments like this I am very grateful I grew up before the Internet became a thing; there are enough howlers from my early Usenet forays. How old is Mr Prescott?
At least the Governor of Alabama is more knowledgeable about the coronsvirus than the Church of Scientology.
Fact check: Georgia governor says we only just learned people without symptoms could spread coronavirus. Experts have been saying that for months
/ he new and improved Tommy D?? Epic fail! 🤣
The sad part is that the Internet never forgets.
Sometime in the future he will probably wake up (like 99% of people that have gotten involved with Scientology) yet his legacy will still be there for any future employer that searches for his name.
“Agents of chaos”… Does Ryan NOT understand that with that post, he’s JOINED their ranks? At least the chaos part.
Stop that laughing!!! I need to get my rest!
I THOUGHT Ryan Prescott sounded familiar. Must because he’s one of scientology’s brightest of “shining lights”, that is: a “dud” easily forgotten in the real world. Travolta’s in the same class. I wouldn’t have LOOKED at his later work if he hadn’t been a “famous” scientologist. I only watched Battlefield Earth for a few minutes before giving up in disgust, mystified why anyone would want to make a fuss over that putz. He dragged down anything he was in because he never worked on his CRAFT, never tried to learn how to make the audience WANT him to fool them into thinking he WAS that character.
Ryan is an Orange County Kid, Don of Lori Prescott. Who was back in the day a WISE consultant. His dad was a veterinarian.
Son of Lori
“how childishly amateur this was…” That, in 5 words, is all of scientology. It always amazed and horrified me that they could think that they could do a little “hatting” course and SUDDENLY be experts in some subject. The only place where that SEEMED to work was the GO’s invasion of the government that MSH went to jail for to protect Tubby from the consequences of his actions (okay, “ORDERS”, which Mary Sue faithfully carried out.)
Dang, I can’t remember the name: “Project White Rabbit”? maybe?)
Snow White, wasn’t it?
There was more value in the Howdy Doody show.
Oh! Way, way more! No contest!
The Howdy Doody show was exactly what it purported to be, unlike pretty much anything connected to scientology or scientologists out to make a buck.
But the same amount of puppetry.
You three should know that your responses give away your ages… Just saying.
I love it! When I read the title of the post I thought it was related to someone else who disappeared in Scientology.
In fact, something that has disappeared is there: the sanity of this guy. And it’s not even consequential.
Hey golden era or SMP did you need a living promo of a Scientologist to present to the world? Here it is! But on the promo don’t write “here’s what Scientology can do for you”. Write “here’s what Scientology DOES to you”
“Write “here’s what Scientology DOES to you”
Maybe. He could have been mostly that way before going down the scn rabbit hole.
Reminds me of a joke in some scifi book years ago: A character claimed that he was “clear”. Protagonist wondered how he would have been BEFORE “clearing” if he was still that f–ed up. That’s SO true. In my observation, no one is significantly ‘improved’ after attesting to “clear”. The higher they feel at the time, the further they’re going to crash soon after. Part of what set Lisa McPerson off &on the road to type III was her attesting to ‘clear’ according to DM’s squirrel “c/s”. Oh Boy, did she CRASH after that.
Jere. Right. My idea is that this is a field where there are few spotlights but too much shadows and these few lights aren’t enough to have a real understanding.
Having listened to many “adult” Scientology wack jobs for years it’s no surprise that Prescott is so f—ked up. He gets it from his seniors. Sick culture. Dying culture. Fortunately not all second or third generation scientologists stay in very long.
BKmole, the “bubble effect” gets all scns; makes them feel as if EVERYONE is thinking the same thing when it’s only everyone AROUND them feeding each other the same company lines. It’s only universal amongst the “true believers” convincing each other of that “alternate truth”.
True, true. And I forgot his peer group is probably has even more power over how he thinks.
Yes the Bubble is all powerful.
I presume that OSA has to at least be tacitly permitting this because it fits their agenda, if not actually guiding or controlling it – along with the rest of Prescott’s efforts. What does it say about the sad state of their attempts to bolster the faith of their membership or even try to reach out to the “wog” world, that this is the best that they have other than high production value efforts like the Super Bowl commercials – which apparently rely on outside professionals?
p.s. Mike, thanks for “taking one for the team” as we say, watching this, and reporting on it, so others don’t have to.
I tried, I really did…could not get through more than 9 minutes. 😳
I barfed several times. Oh, wait! Here comes another one!!!
I’ll bring ya the bucket..hang on! I’m on my way…
To late! Barf is everywhere! Lord have mercy…what a mess! And don’t get me started on the smell!
Well if I had any Lysol wipes or any wipes at all I would bring you those! Damn hoarders!! 😩
you’re stronger than I was.
Kim. Me too. What really took most of my energy was the beginning of it. He doesn’t speaks for a while
The walking around, waiting for someone, anyone, to join his sun blazing video drained me too. This poor kid. I fear he may be a lifer…
Kim. I got what you say but this makes me sad now… But he looks very certain of his choices.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the Salvation Army and the Red Cross were behind this whole thing. I always had my suspicions about those WOG organizations.
Hey! You could be on to something, George.
In California some years ago some firefighters were found to be setting fires so that they would be paidf for overtime.
Just thing how much overtime doctors and nurses could collect if they started a global pandemic?
Excellent points Dead Men! Firefighters, yes I’ve had my eye on them for a while now. Something just not quite right.
And what about exchange? Salvation Army and Red Cross giving out free food for the hungry, care for the elderly, succor for the unfortunates in our society…..why it’s just plain disgusting! So out tech!
And by the way don’t get me started on that Mother Teresa!
LRH said if you reward downstats, you will get more down stats. So, if you want their stats to be up, you should just let them die.
Wow, that explains why the cult left me to die without medical care; They did it to get the stats up!
Except that the stats were already up when I was on post and reportedly crashed when I “died”.
Bill, the Doctors & nurses I’ve known were all “exempt” employees pulling down salaries and not eligible for overtime per se. At most, in a couple places I worked for, they/we *could* get extra time off for working extra hours. It wasn’t universal, and not always granted; political, of course.
I think LRH did a lot of fire settings himself, and yes, he was paid to put them out, but silenced in time, his time will never run out.