For a while, the main attack vector used by scientology against me was my daughter, Taryn. She was used as a mouthpiece a fronted a website called “Justice4mom” which ought to cash in on the general “Me Too” movement. Her mother, Cathy was often seen by her side as a good “photo op” because it was her, poor “mom,” this campaign was supposedly all about. Of course, that was just the excuse, the effort was really ONLY about trying to create negative publicity about me.
Things has been silent on the Justice4mom site for about a year now.
She put up one of her last posts on Mother’s Day 2023 which said the following:
What happened to her steely resolve and commitment to fight for the rights of abused women? As an aside, I challenge her to provide any evidence of “Constant lies, bullying, trolling and victim shaming” I have directed at her. These are catch-words that attract attention. Nobody is going to challenge these statements or ask her to provide evidence — that would be politically incorrect. And even if they did, they would not show up on her OSA-cured website.
So, why did her oft proclaimed conviction fall apart like a paper suit in a thunderstorm?
The answer is simple and obvious. Danny Masterson being found guilty.
As a good Sea Org member she could not come out and condemn his actions, there has not been a single statement from any scientologist anywhere, official or otherwise, about his conviction,
You may recall when Taryn and Cathy, their handlers and a Gold camera crew showed up at “Denim Day” event in Los Angeles in 2019. They were not expecting to be confronted by Masterson victims with their own camera…
Tony Ortega reported on this on his blog Danny Masterson accusers face down Scientology ploy at Denim Day rally
It is classic bumbling scientology PR as Taryn is confronted and twists and turns and desperately tries to avoid committing with “I don’t have any information about that” for anything inconvenient. Taryn finally has to sort of agree that if Danny Masterson is guilty of rape she would condemn him.
She now cannot make any public appearances or statements as the first question she will be asked is “do you condemn Danny Masterson for his violent rape of women”? She will be the lightning rod for everyone trying to get some sort of comment from scientology.
No word from her, not even a tweet, since August last year.
I guess noble and principled stand about speaking up against abuse of women took a back seat to protecting the reputation of scientology. How unexpected?
Well, my hope would be this might have sparked even just a beginning of Taryn secretly questioning her loyalty to this organization.
It’s honestly so sad that this happened. Scientology getting your daughter to spread lies about you to discredit you and paint you as a bad person. Meanwhile anyone who takes the time to look into you as a person can see that you are the opposite of what they say. You want your children who remain in Scientology out. You regret ehst you did in the past and you have apologized that many people can confirm. It’s sad that Scientology has this grip on people. But you are proof that the grip can leave. Therefore someone can leave. But anyway the thought that stopped this campaign against you after/around the Masterson situation last year shows alot about them the lie about others then when they have evidence of a convicted criminal in their celebrity circle the ignore it or deny it. It is vile that Scientology does this and gets away with it
There is no organized church or religion that destroys families wholesale like the cult of Scientology. In their stupidity they give themselves the WHY is that their target is “SP”. Even per their own doctrines, the correct WHY reverts the situation.
How does labeling “He is SP, She is SP” work out ?
It is abhorrent to use the child of the target against the parent but in the viciousness of Miscavige
there are no limitations in programs to attack.
Scientology is the most despised and spat on cult of all time.
I will offer another point of view. Taryn believes she is attacking an SP, with the help of Miscavige directly, or OSA, thereby helping with planetary clearance. I feel Compassion towards her, since she is caught in a web of lies. Compassion should also be directed towards Mike, clearly. Kind regards Kim
I find it heart breaking that Tary has made these videos. But knowing what Scientology does I see why she did it. Scientology is telling her and others what to say about you. They try to paint you as a bad person but once someone gets in trouble in Scientologyamd there is proof of it and its for what they claim you for doing where there is no evidence they completely ignore it and go silent. The videos that Taryn made always where repetitive yet details of the stories changed. She says you weren’t the best dad . The thing is no scientologist can be a good parent they put Scientology over everything. You stated that on many occasions. You have a wife (Happy Anniversary by the way) and children who love you as well as friends and supporters who know you. I hope that one day your family who remains in gets out and reconnects will you.
I never have seen the videos of your daughter I am fairly new to Scientology and it’s abuses and lies. And what they do. I find it incredibly sad that she made these videos. It’s also shows the intentions of Scientology lying about anyone who has left and spoken out. Then hiding when Masterson was found guilty.They will do anything to hide away from what their members will do in alot of cases celebrities.
L. Ron Hubbard is the ultimate “founder” of the Scientology cult followers’ regulations that betray all of them.
Hubbard’s thinking infects all Scientologists.
Hubbard’s cult needs to collapse, and the more wings of the cult bureaucracy that collapse, the better.
Scientology is pseudo-therapy supposedly to benefit each of us by their pseudo-therapy removing our debilitating soul memories. And then upper secret Scientology includes soul-freeing/exorcism, to supposedly remove invisible souls which Xenu “implanted” and dumped onto earth which supposedly infest all humans on earth today, and these invisible souls can only be removed using the L. Ron Hubbard secret OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps.
Scientology/Hubbard is not a worthy group to waste one second of one’s life on.
The secret word to use when a Scientologist contacts you, trying to disseminate Scientology, just say XENU (pronounced ZEE NEW) to them.
Say XENU to Scientology, period. XENU is like garlic to a vampire.
The site seems to have vanished, looked it up with .org and .com, just a dead link message for both. May be geographic. Don’t know. In any case, I’ve never met you directly, but have read much about the scam, so trust your words.
Always enjoy Thursday funnies, imagine trying to charge $75 to view a fireworks display?!
Just a joke, but from my reading, they have taken over that town, Clearwater, Florida.
My best wishes re. your health.
I must say, this Reddit comment sums up exactly how I feel about the whole Taryn/Cathy situation.
“If she was abused, I recommend she go to actual therapy and seek healing. Clearly this Scientology stuff isn’t helping her recover. Lol
My goodness, imagine the hell of being forced by your church to shit talk your own dad/ex-husband all because he left the church. Imagine that being your whole life, the only life you have… imagine that being your job, going before cameras week after week to spell out alleged abuse (and of course never actually going to the authorities about it)… Your whole life spent doing nothing but trashing one guy and never being able to even move on… Damn.
You should be able to fix that shoulder with some Auditing by now. Get to it.”
That, in a nutshell points out the total absurdity of what they are (or hopefully were) trying to do. It doesn’t paint Mike as an abuser, it paints them both as controlled by forces forcing them to lie. I didn’t believe people knew I was lying when I was in, but they did. The outside world can see through these transparent lies.
OSA bot assigned to this site, please let your senior know we know they are lying. Thanks.
It is no kind of church, everyone should know that it was just a legal and tax dodge.
As someone who remembers how it feels to have my mind co-opted by Scientology, I am sorry they did this to your daughter by using her as their mouthpiece.
I hope her time away from being forced to attack you has given her a respite in her mind. Whether or not it was an act, she did look confused when asked about Masterson. I hope she and your son understand that you know it is Scientology brainwashing causing them to act how they do. You were there, and I hope some day the switch flips for them too.
Scientology screams so loudly about the crimes it claims others are committing in order to hide the fact that those crimes are condoned in Scientology.
So once someone in Scientology is a convicted abuser/criminal. They don’t say anything about them. And don’t address it. Yet they say that they stand against abuse? I am not surprised at this point.
This explains alot about why she/ or whoever is running her account hasn’t posted Scientology doesn’t want to answer any questions or deal with anything that has to deal with Masterson. So they dont post their lies that they used to because they know that they will be asked question about the crimes that Masterson commented and they will mostlikely be criticized for standing with him for as long as they did and saying that they are against abuse.
She is an emblematic example of how scn abuses people and then uses them to abuse others. Personally, having been in the SO for 15 years – although not at the highest levels – I know how crapy it is in there. I would never completely blame her. Her entire life is in someone else’s hands.
If she were free to be herself and could talk to her father, this would free and save her soul. It would take just some hour, sure about that.
I hope this can happen one day.
I saw your daughters videos and post constantly I am guessing that it is because I follow the news that goes around about scientology and since they are related in ways I saw them.Of course all of the videos were a smear campaign against you. It was always hard to see. Knowing how you have tried time and time again to contact her and your son directly through the letter to your family that you posted years back but also your book adressed to them. But indirectly sharing any information that could possibly reach them.I didn’t really notice that whoever is/running the account had stopped because of the Mastersoncase takingover
. I am not sure that it is her that is running the account. All I know is I stopped seeing her account and posts from her account around the Masterson case. You pretty much explained why this most likely happened. I really hope that your daughter and son will leave and get out of Scientology soon and have an actual relationship with you and your new family. I have seen people say that the grip that Scientology has on people is strong and members won’t leave. But you Christie and so many others are proof that people can break out of the grip of Scientology that they were practically born in and build a life where they are truly happy and content.
Oh Taryn, you silly girl. You seem to forget that you mom was at Int for years and your dad was the one who picked you up, spent family time with you, picked you and your brother up at night, got up with you in the middle of the night when you were sick, had your drawings up in his office.
But crack on with whatever you’ve been told.
Thank you Sara. You’re the best. They never let facts get in the way of a good smear!
Sara, thank you for humanizing Mike in this situation. Parenting is a rough job under any circumstances, there’s no instruction book that works to make it flawless because no child is alike.
But, being in the Sea Org and parenting is an almost impossible job. These are tales Mike has not put forth about his parenting in the Sea Org, staying mostly silent on the fact that he was the present parent, his spouse the absent one.
How does she reconcile the abuse here? When did he even have the time to do it? Scientology brainwashing is simply astounding.
I remember when I used to see her and the STAND league videos all the time. I am guessing it is because i follow you and other ex scientologists on twitter and attempt to keep up with the scientology news (its hard to find right now because of the ASL and SPTV drama as well as all the insane amount of Scientology spam accounts there are.). I still the STAND league but none of her videos. It makes sense why the Justice 4 Mom videos have stopped. After the Mastersin Trial. But I also thought Masterson was shunned/expelled from COS after he was found guilty. It would make since that they could speak on him since he is nolonge with COS. But I guess they are still afraid of people reminding them about what Masterson did. As well as being proven wrong with what they accuse you and others of doing. I hope eventually that your children and even your ex wife leave and see Scientology for what it is.
Well, I’d question who’s really the author of that post put up a year ago. She and her mother are sadly being exploited by an organization, that also abuses them in various ways – maybe even physically, under the reign of the infamous “punching pontiff”.
My guess would be she was coached, and it was then further edited to fit the CofS propaganda line. And as the last year of silence shows, she was not actually committed to the cause of domestic violence, but just to using (or allowing herself to be used for) one particular accusation to advance a different agenda.
Her name and likeness are used. Her website, tweets etc are written by OSA…
Didn’t the cult expel Masterson? If so, can SO and other members criticize him?
Scientology has aggressively targeted former member and critic Mike Rinder through a smear campaign orchestrated by his daughter, Taryn Teutsch. The church has used Taryn to propagate a false narrative, claiming that Rinder assaulted his former wife, Cathy Bernardini, resulting in serious injury. Despite these allegations, which are part of a broader strategy to discredit Rinder, there has been little to no traction or credibility gained outside the confines of the Scientology community. This campaign is seen as one of the church’s most blatant attempts to silence Rinder, who has been instrumental in exposing its controversial practices and inner workings.
Justice4Mom Website is not only inactive, it doesn’t even display any longer:
Yet, the domain was updated on April 26, 2024, for another two years:
I guess the church forgot about the Medium account (Taryn hasn’t written any stories yet):
The last post @TarynTeutsch X account was on August 30, 2023.
Last post on Facebook was on February 21, 2023
Last YouTube video was on November 3, 2022
Bot Analysis of the followers on Taryn Teutsch’s Anti-Mike Rinder Instagram account (interesting):
Reddit users have the story:
Private investigator, Jeffrey Augustine, debunked the entire story:
And another observation in this whole affair … does it strike anyone as odd why the “victim,” Cathy Bernardini, doesn’t have an X account, a YouTube account, an Instagram account or her own website? Oh yeah, she has an “injured” arm.
And just by way of reminder, Scientology hasn’t really changed since they attempted to destroy the life of Paulette Cooper. The same MO has been in play with their assault against Mike Rinder:
Why does this happen? Simple…
L. Ron Hubbard: A person who is “suppressive” is considered an “enemy” and “may be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed” (HCO Policy Letter of 18 October, 1967).
Ah, but Mike, as you (and Chris, and Tony, and Leah, and A-Aaron) have taught us; ethical means anything that helps Scientology. It has nothing to do with what the rest of the universe calls ‘truth’ or ‘ethics’. I’m afraid there’s no hope for your ex-wife and daughter. I keep praying for your son.
I wondered what happened. I used to see her Justice 4 Mim video everywhere on Twitter. This pretty much confirms my thoughts. It is pretty much obvious in many ways after the Danny Masterson trial. Why Scientology and scientologists haven’t said anything about the people that they lie about specifically in cases where violence is involved.